Доклад про группу квин на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Группа выпустила 15 студийных альбомов, 5 концертных и множество сборников, и до 1991 года с невероятным успехом гастролировала по миру. Однако 24 ноября 1991 года произошло событие, повергнувшее весь мир в шок — Фредди Меркьюри умер от СПИДа. После смерти Фредди группа выпустила еще один, последний студийный альбом, в который вошли несколько не вышедших в свет ранее песен и сессионных записей группы. В разное время после смерти Меркьюри с Queen выступали Джордж Майкл, Робби Уильямс, Элтон Джон, Пол Роджерс, Адам Ламберт и другие.

Шоу продолжается

Empty spaces — what are we living for?
Опустевшие небеса — ради чего мы живем?
Abandoned places — I guess we know the score
Покинутые места — думаю, мы знаем счет
On and on
Снова и снова
Does anybody know what we are looking for?
Знает ли кто-нибудь, что мы ищем?

Группа Queen и ее творчество на английском, изображение 1

Первый рывок

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Это реальность или иллюзия?
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.
Я попался, теперь не сбежать от реальности.
Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see,
Открой глаза, посмотри в небо и ты увидишь,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy.
Я простой парень, мне не нужно сочувствие.

Под знаменитый ритм

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Приятель, ты мальчик, но шума от тебя много,
Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
Когда ты играешь на улице. Однажды ты станешь мужчиной.
You got mud on yo' face
На лице у тебя грязь.
You big disgrace
Тебе должно быть стыдно
Kickin' your can all over the place
Пинать повсюду эту консервную банку

We will we will rock you
Мы вас раскачаем!
We will we will rock you
Мы вас раскачаем!

Группа Queen навсегда вошла в историю рок-музыки, а голос ее вокалиста по сей день звучит на радиостанциях и с экранов телевизоров всего мира. Говорят, что человек только тогда по-настоящему умирает, когда забывается его имя, в таком случае Фредди Меркьюри жив до сих пор и будет жить еще очень долго. И сейчас Queen периодически дают концерты в разных странах мира и с разными солистами, и собирают настоящие аншлаги. Их песни не только приятно, но и невероятно полезно слушать, ведь они помогают развить навыки восприятия английской речи на слух. Вслушивайтесь в слова легендарных композиций и учите английский с удовольствием, а наша школа английского по скайп вам в этом поможет.

Queen, слайд №1
Queen, слайд №2
Queen, слайд №3
Queen, слайд №4
Queen, слайд №5
Queen, слайд №6
Queen, слайд №7
Queen, слайд №8
Queen, слайд №9
Queen, слайд №10
Queen, слайд №11

 Queen as a benchmark of rock fashion Voroshilov Egor 10a

Слайд 1

 Preface: This group is described by a single phrase.

Слайд 2

Preface: This group is described by a single phrase. "This is one of those cases when two very talented people met two geniuses." This phrase perfectly characterizes the British rock band Queen. The Queen group is rightly considered one of the standards of rock. By their influence on music and society they are comparable to the Beatles and Rolling Stones.

 History of Group Creation: Students Brian Mae and Tim Staffel create a music group Soon he comes to the drummer, the 3rd member of the band-Roger Taylor A few years later the group renames itself in Smile In the early 1970s, Stoffel left the band, but he was replaced by Farukh. Soon the band changes its name to Queen, and Farukh changes its name to the nickname, Freddie Mercury. Later guitarist John Dickon joined the band.

Слайд 3

History of Group Creation: Students Brian Mae and Tim Staffel create a music group Soon he comes to the drummer, the 3rd member of the band-Roger Taylor A few years later the group renames itself in Smile In the early 1970s, Stoffel left the band, but he was replaced by Farukh. Soon the band changes its name to Queen, and Farukh changes its name to the nickname, Freddie Mercury. Later guitarist John Dickon joined the band.

 Interesting fact: The group

Слайд 4

Interesting fact: The group's logo, created by Freddie, contained the zodiac signs of all the band members: Dickon and Taylor are lions, Mei – Cancer, And Freddy is a virgin. Phoenix is the beginning of new life.

 The first success of the group: In 1973, their 1st album with the prosaic title

Слайд 5

The first success of the group: In 1973, their 1st album with the prosaic title "Queen" appears. 1974, they recorded two albums at once, which soared to the top of the UK charts. That's what their first album looked like:

 In 1984, Queen released a scandalous video for the song I want to Break free, where all the band members presented in women

Слайд 7

In 1984, Queen released a scandalous video for the song I want to Break free, where all the band members presented in women's clothing. In 1984, Queen released a scandalous video for the song I want to Break free, where all the band members presented in women's clothing.

 Queen: Freddie

Слайд 8

Queen: Freddie's disease and the breakup of the group After 1987, rumors of Freddie Mercury's illness began to spread in the press. And on November 24, 1991, when Freddie Mercury died of AIDS, these rumors were confirmed. His death caused a real boom in the fight against this terrible disease.

 The last work of that Queen: The band

Слайд 9

The last work of that Queen: The band's work was the album "Innuendo" with the hit "The Show Must Go on".

 The sunset of the Genius Group: After the death of Freddie, Mae, Dickon and Taylor tried to revive the band, but without Freddie, it was impossible.

Слайд 10

The sunset of the Genius Group: After the death of Freddie, Mae, Dickon and Taylor tried to revive the band, but without Freddie, it was impossible.

 The result of Queen

Слайд 11

The result of Queen's creativity: The Queen group was destined to become the most successful British rock band of the last third of the 20th century. This is said to be sold around the world over 300 million copies of albums and even more of those who still gladly listens to their songs, enjoying a unique style and manners of execution.

Фредди Меркьюри также известный как Фаррух Булсара был талантливым певцом, вокалистом легендарной группы “ Queen ”, музыкантом, композитором и поэтом. Его песни до сих пор поют люди всех возрастов во всем мире: “Show must go on”, “I want to break free”, “Under pressure”, “Bohemian rhapsody” и др.

Freddie Mercury

Музыкант родился 5 сентября 1946 года в Занзибаре. Его родители были Парсами. Парень заинтересовался музыкой в школе. В 1958 году Фредди вместе с друзьями основал группу "The Hectics", которая играла на школьных вечеринках.

Фредди был молод, красив и популярен. В каждом городе можно было найти множество его поклонников - творчество Фредди принесло ему огромный успех. К сожалению, певец умер молодым, как и многие другие знаменитости того времени. Причиной смерти был СПИД. Его песни не умерли с ним, а хранятся в сердцах старых и молодых людей.

Freddie Mercury also known as Farrukh Bulsara was a talented singer, vocalist of the legendary band “Queen”, musician, composer and poet. His songs still have been sung by people of all ages all over the world: “Show must go on”, “I want to break free”, “Under pressure”, “Bohemian rhapsody”, etc.

The musician was born on 5 September 1946 in Zanzibar. His parents were Parsis. He became interested in music in a High school. In 1958, Freddie with friends had founded a band "The Hectics", which played at school parties.

In 60-s his family migrated to England, where he became famous person. The first Queen’s hit "Killer Queen" had taken place in 1874. Immediately the most successful song "Bohemian Rhapsody" was born and could be found at the top of the charts for 9 weeks. It also had the first video clip. The second hit "We Are The Champions" became the unofficial anthem of sports competitions and Olympiads’ champions.

He was young, handsome and popular. In every city it was possible to find a lot of his fans – Freddie’s creativity helped him to get a huge success. Unfortunately, the singer died young like many other celebrities of that time. The cause of death was AIDS. His songs didn’t die with him, but it is still saved in the hearts of old and young people.

Презентация на тему Презентация по английскому языку Queen – a British rock band, предмет презентации: Английский язык. Этот материал в формате pptx (PowerPoint) содержит 13 слайдов, для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем. Презентацию на заданную тему можно скачать внизу страницы, поделившись ссылкой в социальных сетях! Презентации взяты из открытого доступа или загружены их авторами, администрация сайта не отвечает за достоверность информации в них, все права принадлежат авторам презентаций и могут быть удалены по их требованию.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

“Queen” – a British rock band

“Queen” – a British rock band

Queen - the popular British rock band that has achieved the wide popularity in the mid-70s of

Queen - the popular British rock band that has achieved the wide popularity in the mid-70s of the XX century, is one of the most successful teams in the history of rock music, the world general circulation of albums is 500 million . “Queen” was formed in London in 1971

Queen membersBrian May guitar, vocalsRoger Taylor drums, vocalsFreddie Mercury lead vocals, pianoJohn Deacon bass guitar

Brian May
guitar, vocals

Roger Taylor
drums, vocals

Freddie Mercury
lead vocals, piano

John Deacon
bass guitar

In 1973 Queen released their eponymous debut album, which was called “Queen”. The work

Queen released their eponymous debut album, which was called “Queen”. The work was influenced by the heavy metal and progressive rock of that day. The album was received well by critics and some of them called it an "above average debut". But it drew little mainstream attention and

the lead single

“Keep Yourself Alive”,

a Brian May composition, sold poorly.

Breakthrough Era1974- 1976Queen enjoyed success in the UK during the early 1970s, but it

Queen enjoyed success in the UK during the early 1970s, but it was the release of
Sheer Heart Attack in 1974

A Night at the Opera in 1975

and that gained the band international success.

Continued successIn 1976 Queen played one of their most famous gigs, a free concert in Hyde

In 1976 Queen played one of their most famous gigs,

a free concert in Hyde Park, London

It set an attendance record, with 150,000 people confirmed in the audience. In 1981, Queen embarked on The Game Tour, and became the first major rock band to play in Latin American stadiums. where they sometimes played to an audience of 300,000 people. Queen also played behind the Iron Curtain when they performed to a crowd of 80,000 in Budapest, in what was one of the biggest rock concerts ever held in Eastern Europe. During their career Queen visited a lot of different countries, worked on various solo projects .One of them was

Mercury's collaboration with Montserrat Caballe

Queen composed music that drew inspiration from many different genres of music, often with a tongue-in-cheek attitude.

Queen composed music that drew inspiration from many different genres of music, often with a tongue-in-cheek attitude. The genres they have been associated with include progressive rock, glam rock, hard rock, heavy metal, pop rock, psychedelic rock, blues rock . Queen also wrote songs that were inspired by genres that are not typically associated with rock, such as ragtime, opera, gospel, vaudeville, and folk.

In 1990, Mercury made his final public appearance when he joined the rest of Queen to collect

In 1990, Mercury made his final public appearance when he joined the rest of Queen to collect the BRIT Award for Outstanding Contribution to British Music.

Innuendo was released which included one of three charting singles

“The Show Must Go On”

In November of 1991 Mercury died of bronchopneumonia .

The statue of Freddie
Mercury in Montreux

Absolute GreatestThe band has released 18 number one albums18 number one singles 10 number one DVDs

The band has released

18 number one albums

18 number one singles

10 number one DVDs

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