Доклад про чарли чаплина на английском языке

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

The most successful comedian of all time went by the name of Charlie Chaplin. It was said by many that Charlie Chaplin was the creator of comedy, while others considered him a genius. Charlie Chaplin could make people laugh even with no sound. And even though his films were black and white he put a lot of color into everyone’s life. Charlie Chaplin was a man with many talents and despite his rough childhood he strived to become the legend he is today

The creator of comedy was born in London in April of 1889. His parents, Charles Chaplin and Hanna Hill were music hall entertainers but separated shortly after Charlie was born, leaving Hanna to provide for her children. Unfortunately his father died of alcoholism in 1901 and his mother became ill, constantly going in and out of mental institutions. Chaplin lived his childhood in and out of run-down furnished rooms, state poorhouses, and an orphanage. His childhood was marked by poverty, cruelty, hunger, and loneliness- subjects which became major themes in his silent comedies.

Charlie Chaplin was taught to sing before he could talk and danced just as soon as he could walk. At a very young age Chaplin was told that he would become the most famous person in the world. A sign of this was when he was five years old and sang for his mother on stage after she became ill and taken for crazy. The audience apparently loved him and hurled their money onto the stage. By the age of ten, Charles was a skilled singer, acrobat, juggler, pantomime, and comic improvisor. From the ages of twelve to fourteen, Charlie’s places of employment included a barbershop, stationary store, doctor’s office, glass factory and printing plant. Many average boys his age didn’t even have a job. Charlie’s big escape from poverty was through theatre, whereby the age of sixteen he was playing the featured role in the production of Sherlock Holmes. At the age of twenty, Charlie came to the United States and begun his career as a top comedian. Although most of us recognize him as only a comedian, Charlie was much more. He was the first, and to date the last, person to control every aspect of the filmaking process- founding his own studio, United Artists and producing, casting directing, writing, scoring, and editing the movies he stared in.

Charlie Chaplin revolutionized the entertainment industry by transforming it into a form of art by introducing characterization, mime, and comedy throughout silence. Thanks to Chaplin, comedy began to be centered on the performer as opposed to the events, which befell him. People couldn’t wait to get home from the stress and hardship of reality to sit and watch his shows.

In conclusion, Charlie Chaplin was a person who lived in poverty and had to struggle during his early life. His childhood was rough and unstable. Yet, Charlie’s outstanding talents and ingenious led him to become the unforgetable legend he will always be remembered as. he had effect on many people’s lives and he put smiles on their faces, laughter in their daily lives.

Привет , напишите пожалуйста текст про чарли чаплина годы жизни, карьера , и т.

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Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889 in London.

His family was very poor.

His mother was a singer.

He had one brother.

Charlie Chaplin was a famous film star.

He made a lot of films.

Charlie chaplin was married four times.

He had five sons and five daughter.

He died on 25 December 1977 in Switzerland.

(Чарли Чаплин родился в 1889 году в Лондоне.

Его семья была очень бедной.

Его мать была певицей.

У негобыл один брат.

Чарли Чаплин был известным актером.

Он сделал много фильмов.

Чарли Чаплин был женат четыре раза.

У него пятеро сыновей и пять дочерей.

Он умер 25 декабря 1977 года в Швейцарии.

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Привет люди пожалуйста помогите написать текст про проблему Аральского море только на английском языке с переводом на русский.

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Мне нужна краткая биография Чарли Чаплина для презентации.

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Когда Чарли Чаплин переехал в США.

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Нужен не большой текст на английском где описано про все времена года с переводом пожалуйста.

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Помогите написать презентацию о Чарли Чаплин 5 предложения.

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Напишите пожалуйста текст на английском " книги в моей жизни" если можно то с переводом .

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Перевод с русского на англиискии откройте ваши тетради, пожалуйста.

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Написать 10 предложений на Английском о Чарли Чаплине.

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10 вопросов о чарли чаплине.

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Напишите пожалуйста 3 фразы о Чарле Чаплине.

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Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889-1977) A pioneer of 20th century movie-making, C.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889-1977) A pioneer of 20th century movie-making, C.

Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889-1977) A pioneer of 20th century movie-making, Charlie Chaplin became part of the world's comic folklore in a film career that spanned 52 years. He was the industry's first superstar—thanks to the endearing charm and spirit of the Tramp—as well as one of the great comic geniuses of the century.

Charlie’s Mother: Hannah Chaplin Charlie Chaplin, at the age of five, got his.

Charlie’s Mother: Hannah Chaplin Charlie Chaplin, at the age of five, got his first taste of performing - he went on as an impromptu replacement. Hannah was a singer in the British music halls with the stage name of Lily Harley.

Charles Chaplin Sr. He was well known as a comic singer, and had a number of.

Charles Chaplin Sr. He was well known as a comic singer, and had a number of songs made famous by him

Beginning of his career He got his first chance to act in a legitimate stage.

Beginning of his career He got his first chance to act in a legitimate stage show, and appeared as "Billy" the page boy, in "Sherlock Holmes", Charlie started a career as a comedian in vaudeville. "A Night in an English Music Hall” "The Floorwalker”

 The United Artists Corporation The Kid (1921)

The United Artists Corporation The Kid (1921)

The Gold Rush (1925)

The Gold Rush (1925)

Making Living

The Circus

The Great Dictator (1940) He decided to pit his celebrity and humour against.

The Great Dictator (1940) He decided to pit his celebrity and humour against the dictator’s own celebrity and evil.

A King in New York Limelight (1952)

A King in New York Limelight (1952)

In 1966 he produced his last picture for Universal Pictures, his only film i.

In 1966 he produced his last picture for Universal Pictures, his only film in colour, starring Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando. “A Countess from Hong Kong”

10 April 1972 - Charlie Chaplin receives an Honorary Oscar at the 44th Acade.

10 April 1972 - Charlie Chaplin receives an Honorary Oscar at the 44th Academy Awards. At 82 years old, he was given a 12 minute standing ovation - the longest in the history of the Academy Awards

Chaplin as a musician

Chaplin as a musician

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Charles Spenser Chaplin

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Charles Spenser Chaplin

He was born on the 16th of April in London, England. His parents worked in Music

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He was born on the 16th of April in London, England. His parents worked in Music Hall.

His parents separated soon after his birth. After that Charles lived with his mo

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His parents separated soon after his birth. After that Charles lived with his mother.

Charlie first performed in Music Hall in 1894 at the age 5.As a child, he was of

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Charlie first performed in Music Hall in 1894 at the age 5.As a child, he was often seriously ill.

In 1900, aged 11, his brother helped get him the role of a comic cat in the pant

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In 1900, aged 11, his brother helped get him the role of a comic cat in the pantomime Cinderella at the London Hippodrome.

He became a clown in Fred Karno

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He became a clown in Fred Karno's Fun Factory comedy company in 1907.

He became a clown in Fred Karno

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He became a clown in Fred Karno's Fun Factory comedy company in 1907.

He became world famous very quickly. His brother, Sydney, was his business manag

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He became world famous very quickly. His brother, Sydney, was his business manager.

He also formed his own independent production company in 1918, the Charles Chapl

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He also formed his own independent production company in 1918, the Charles Chaplin Film Corporation, which made him a very wealthy man.

These are comedy shorts (such as A Dog

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These are comedy shorts (such as A Dog's Life (1918) and Pay Day (1922and his great silent feature length films: The Kid (1921),

His silent films with his own music and sound effects:City Lights (1931) and Mod

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His silent films with his own music and sound effects:City Lights (1931) and Modern Times (1936),

Chaplin won Oscar twice the first Oscar on May 16, 1929, the second award came 4

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Chaplin won Oscar twice the first Oscar on May 16, 1929, the second award came 44 years later in 1972.

On March 4, 1975 he was knighted as a Knight of the British Empire by Queen Eliz

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On March 4, 1975 he was knighted as a Knight of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. Эрик Кэмпбелл, Чарли Чаплин и Эдна Перваэнс в фильме "За экраном.

Chaplin died on Christmas Day, 1977 in Vevey, Switzerland, aged 88.

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