Доклад об экономисте на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

There are many interesting and useful professions and it is really not an easy task to choose the right one.

I began to think about my future profession at the age of 15. My favourite subjects at school were mathematics and English. My teachers were well-educated people with broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my desire to become an economist. Now I know well what I'm going to do after leaving school. I didn't make a blind choice. It was not a sudden flash either. I opted for a career in business economics. I came to this decision little by little. It was my father who aroused my interest in that field. You see, he is a chief economist at a large plant and I often saw him work at home and discuss business matters with his colleagues. Later I got interested in the matter.

Economics is the science of making choices, which is based upon the facts of our everyday life. Economists study our everyday life and the system, which affects it. They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we live and to explain how the system works. The science of economics is concerned with all our material needs and wants.

To become a good specialist in economic matters and business one must know many sciences, such as business economics, finance and credits, statistics, history of economic theory and philosophy, mathematics, as well as economic management, trade business and, of course, marketing, which is a modern philosophy of business.

It is very important for a specialist in business matters to be a skilful user of computers and to speak at least one foreign language. It should better be English as it is the most popular language of international business communication. You'll be able to follow business developments in the world by listening to radio and TV news, by reading newspapers or magazines, or by getting in contact with your business partners abroad.

If I pass my entrance exams successfully and enter the University I'll try to study to the best of my abilities to achieve my life's ambition and to justify the hopes of my parents. I also hope that I'll never regret my choice and get a well-paid and interesting job afterwards.

Maybe I should consider a job in a world of banking. There's a surprisingly wide range to choose from, in the financial world. For example, I could work for a big international company, run my own company, write about economics as a financial journalist, run my own International Business Research Agency, raise money for charities or just sell famous paintings.

Моя будущая профессия: экономика

Существует много интересных и полезных профессий, и это — действительно не простая задача выбрать ту, что нужно.

Я начал думать о моей будущей профессии в возрасте 15 лет. Моими любимыми предметами в школе были математика и английский язык. Мои преподаватели были образованные люди с широким кругозором и глубоким знанием предметов. Они поощряли меня в моем желании стать экономистом. Теперь я хорошо знаю, что буду делать после окончания школы. Я не делал выбор вслепую. Это также не было внезапным порывом. Я выбрал карьеру в деловой экономике. Я пришел к этому решению постепенно. Именно мой отец пробудил у меня интерес в этой области. Понимаете, он — главный экономист на большом предприятии, и я часто видел как он работал дома и обсуждал деловые вопросы со своими коллегами. Позже я заинтересовывался этим.

Экономика — это наука сделать выбор, который основан на фактах нашей ежедневной жизни. Экономисты изучают нашу ежедневную жизнь и систему, которая воздействует на нее. Они пробуют описать события экономики, в которой мы живем, и объяснять, как работает система. Наука экономика связана со всеми нашими материальными нуждами и потребностями.

Чтобы стать хорошим специалистом в экономических вопросах и бизнесе, нужно знать много наук, такие как бизнес-экономика, финансы и кредит, статистика, история экономической теории и философии, математика, а также экономический менеджмент, торговый бизнес и, конечно, маркетинг, который является современной философией бизнеса.

Если я сдам мои вступительные экзамены успешно и поступлю в университет, я буду стараться учиться наилучшим образом, чтобы достичь целей моей жизни и оправдать надежды моих родителей. Я также надеюсь, что я никогда не буду сожалеть о своем выборе и впоследствии получу хорошо оплачиваемую и интересную работу.

Возможно, мне следует подумать о работе в банковском деле. В финансовом мире существует удивительно широкий диапазон, из которого можно выбирать. Например, я мог бы работать в большой международной компании, управлять своей собственной компанией, писать об экономике как финансовый журналист, управлять своим собственным Международным агентством бизнес исследований, собирать деньги на благотворительность или просто продавать известные картины.

1. When did you start to think about your future profession?
2. What professions do you like best of all?
3. Who helped you to make your choice?
4. What do you know about your future profession?
5. What are your parents 'professions ?
6. What do you know about them?
7. Have you got any traditional professions in your family?
8. Is your future profession interesting and modern?

broad outlook — широкая перспектива
to encourage me in my desire — поощрять меня в моем желании
a blind choice — слепой выбор
a sudden flash — внезапная вспышка
to opt — выбирать(решить)
to arise — возникать
to get interested in — заинтересовываться
to affect — затрагивать
to be concerned — быть заинтересованным
to justify the hopes of my parents — оправдывать надежды моих родителей
wide range — широкий диапазон, круг, область, сфера
to run — управлять
to raise money for charities — собирать деньги на благотворительность

My future profession is an economist / Моя будущая профессия - экономист

I want to become an economist. I like to study mathematics and make calculations, so I think this profession suits me.

Economists research various economic issues. They calculate the cost of products and services, make forecasts and production plans, suggest improvements to maximize profitability.

The responsibilities of an economist may differ depending on the specifics of the organization he works for. Economists work in both commercial companies and public institutions. They can also conduct scientific research in the field of economics.

Of course, this is difficult and responsible job. An economist is to be very attentive. He should be able to collect and process information from different sources and create mathematical models.

Economists often use such software as Excel. I am studying this program with interest. It is a great tool to make calculations and illustrate them with graphs and charts.

I hope I will become a good specialist.

Я хочу стать экономистом. Мне нравится изучать математику и делать расчеты, поэтому я думаю, что эта профессия мне подходит.

Экономисты исследуют различные экономические проблемы. Они рассчитывают себестоимость продукции и услуг, составляют прогнозы и производственные планы, предлагают усовершенствования для максимизации рентабельности.

Обязанности экономиста могут отличаться в зависимости от специфики организации, в которой он работает. Экономисты работают как в коммерческих, так и в государственных учреждениях. Еще они могут заниматься научно-исследовательской деятельностью в области экономики.

Конечно, это непростая и ответственная работа. Экономист должен быть очень внимательным. Нужно уметь собирать и обрабатывать информацию из разных источников и строить математические модели.

Экономисты часто работают в программе Excel. Я с интересом изучаю эту программу. В ней удобно делать расчеты, строить наглядные графики и диаграммы.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам


Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:



ADAM SMITHAdam Smith was the first economist and founder of all economic scie.

Adam Smith was the first economist and founder of all economic science. In his book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Smith proposed the concept of "economic man," driven by selfishness and the pursuit of profit. This work is considered the cornerstone of capitalism. By pure coincidence, it was published in the same year 1776 as the birth of the world's main capital power, the United States. Smith is famous for the "invisible hand of the market. With this "invisible hand," Smith explained a strange paradox: by acting in our own self-interest, each of us not only gets richer, but also increases the wealth of society.

DAVID RICARDOThe English economist, a classicist of political economy, a foll.

The English economist, a classicist of political economy, a follower and at the same time an opponent of Adam Smith, revealed the natural tendency of the profit rate to decrease in conditions of free competition, developed a complete theory about the forms of land rents. Ricardo proved that if each country specializes in one thing, in one commodity, everybody wins. Moreover, a country will be richer if it chooses to produce one type of good and import the rest, even if it produces all the goods more efficiently than its trading partners.

KARL MARXMarx believed that the value of any commodity is determined by the l.

Marx believed that the value of any commodity is determined by the labor expended on it. The capitalist can make a profit only if the price of the commodity exceeds the cost of production, which is achieved solely by the exploitation of the workers. And this, sooner or later, must lead to the total impoverishment of the proletariat. In the second half of the twentieth century, it finally became clear that Marx was wrong. In capitalist countries, workers achieved unprecedented living standards, while in socialist countries built according to Marxist principles, the population, instead of the promised prosperity, laid its teeth on the shelf. It is true that, after the crisis of the early twenty-first century, Marx's ideas may once again gain traction.

JOHN MAYNARD KEYNESEnglish economist, founder of the Keynesian trend in econo.

English economist, founder of the Keynesian trend in economic science.
J. M. Keynes is a central figure among economists of the 20th century because it was he who created the foundations of modern macroeconomic theory capable of serving as a basis for budgetary and monetary policy.
The Great Depression demonstrated that Smith's "invisible hand" could not always manage the economy and needed the heavy hand of the state. In hard times of crisis, the state should spend more and thereby maintain employment levels.
In addition, Keynes helped create the postwar monetary regime, which was first pegged to the gold standard and is now based entirely on the U.S. dollar.

JOSEPH SCHUMPETERAustrian and American economist, political scientist, sociol.

Austrian and American economist, political scientist, sociologist and historian of economic thought. He popularized the terms "creative destruction" in economic theory and "elitist democracy" in political science.
Schumpeter made history with his theory of "creative destruction," according to which capitalism is a progressive movement in which everything old is constantly destroyed and new is created in its place.
The International Joseph Schumpeter Society was founded in 1986 to honor the scholar and to study his work; the Schumpeter Institute was founded in Berlin in 2001. Part of Schumpeter's personal library is kept at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo (Schumpeter Library).

FRIDRICH HAYEKAustro-British economist and political philosopher of positivis.

Austro-British economist and political philosopher of positivist direction, representative of new Austrian school, proponent of economic liberalism and free market. Winner of the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics (1974).
F.A. von Hayek became the driving force behind organization of the Mon Pelerin Society in 1947, which united economists, philosophers, journalists and businessmen supporting classical liberalism. He was elected President of the Society and served from 1947 to 1961.
Hayek was one of the leading critics of collectivism in the twentieth century. He believed that all forms of collectivism (even theoretically based on voluntary cooperation) could exist only with state support. The methodological basis of his works was the theory of incomplete information, inevitable when describing a complex system. Later Hayek extended this theory with anthropological, cultural, and information-theoretic aspects.

JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITHAmerican economist, representative of the old (Veblenia.

American economist, representative of the old (Veblenian) institutional and Keynesian currents, one of the prominent theoretical economists of the 20th century.
In his academic writings (which read no less easily than his dispatches from India) he criticized big companies for having excessive market power, shaping consumer tastes and playing a major role in politics. On the economy, however, as on everything else, Galbraith was skeptical. In particular, he once said that the only benefit of economic forecasts was that they made alchemy a respected science.

MILTON FRIDMANAmerican economist, winner of the 1976 Alfred Nobel Memorial Pr.

American economist, winner of the 1976 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his research on consumption, monetary history and theory, and the complexities of stabilization policy.
There is no need for government regulation or intervention in the economy, Friedman argued. Free markets regulate themselves, just as any healthy organism regulates itself. And in order to avoid economic crises and inflation, it is necessary to control the money supply, i.e., to make sure that the economy does not have too much or too little money, just as a healthy organism should be fed healthy, wholesome food, not overfeeding, but also not keeping it on a hungry ration.

JOSEPH STIGHLITZStiglitz is one of the leading representatives of post-Keynes.

Stiglitz is one of the leading representatives of post-Keynesian economics, which combines the teachings of Keynes with elements of Marxian theory. Stiglitz was an economic adviser to President Clinton and chief economist at the World Bank, a position in which he criticized the actions of international economic organizations. He criticized the International Monetary Fund and his own World Bank. Stiglitz argued that excessive worship of the free market is the cause of persistent poverty in developing countries.
In 2001 Stiglitz won the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Committee noted his research showing that information is unevenly distributed in the market and, therefore, that the "invisible hand" of the free market is far from as effective as Adam Smith's followers claim.

PAUL KRUGMANPaul Krugman is an American economist, economic geographer and pu.

Paul Krugman is an American economist, economic geographer and publicist, winner of the 2008 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics.
He is the author of many books and articles on international economics, taxation, income distribution, macroeconomics and economic geography.
Paul Krugman defines his economic views as Keynesian and his political views as "liberal" in American terminology (indicating that in European terminology they would be called "more or less social-democratic"). Formulated the epistemological principles of his work.
Consistently denies the concept of bitcoin and the idea of a currency without administration, for which he has been repeatedly criticized by the bitcoin community.


Полезные слова для эссе

Чтобы написать рассказ о будущей профессии, нужно знать её название на английском. Желательно ознакомиться со списком слов, связанных с разными специальностями. Затем нужно запомнить и повторить их, чтобы не забыть при написании текста.

Названия специальностей:


  • a baker — пекарь;
  • an astronaut — космонавт;
  • a doctor — врач;
  • an actor — актёр;
  • an engineer — инженер;
  • a dancer — танцор;
  • a musician — музыкант;
  • a waiter — официант.

Говоря о выборе профессии, можно употреблять такие фразы, как: I want to pursue the career of a musician. — Я хочу достичь карьеры в музыке (прямой перевод: я хочу следовать за карьерой музыканта).

Being an engineer sounds promising! — Быть инженером звучит многообещающе.

My life goal is to be a famous actor. — Моя жизненная цель — быть хорошим актёром.

Писать сочинение

В английском языке есть и феминитивы многих профессий — an actress, a waitress. Кроме того, для профессий, содержащих корень man, существуют варианты с woman и person. Последний считается самым вежливым, когда речь идёт о группе лиц обоих полов. Например: chairperson, spokesperson.

Говоря о профессии своей мечты, можно употреблять либо нейтральную, либо форму для своего пола. Это важно помнить, так как в русском языке нередко употребляются слова мужского рода в нейтральных ситуациях.

Чтобы написать хорошее сочинение на английском языке, желательно не копировать готовое, а лишь взять определённые идеи. Затем можно использовать новые фразы и слова и составить собственный текст.

My future profession is

There are many professions in the world. It’s hard to choose the one that you want to pursue. When I was a child, I wanted to be an astronaut, then I dreamed of opening a business. I always knew that my mom was an economist, but or some reason that sounded boring to me.


Now I’m in 8 grade. I’ve learned that it’s economy that rules the world, and my plans changed. I’m interested in the way markets run, and I like to read stories about successful businessmen and businesswomen. And so, I decided that I want to be an economist, just like my mother. There is a lot of competition in that field, because an economist’s career is very promising. ut with hard work and patience you can achieve anything!

Your profession is what shows your way of thinking and your point of view. I want to have a profession that defines my motivation to work. Understanding economy makes it easier to understand people, society and my own desires.

I need to study and work a lot to become an economist, but I know that I can do it. My dream is to study at a top university, so I can have a successful career and a happy life. Becoming a well-known and respected economist is my life goal, and I will do my best to achieve that.

Перевод сочинения

В мире много профессий. Сложно выбрать ту, в направлении которой хочешь двигаться. Когда я была ребёнком, я хотела стать астронавтом, потом мечтала открыть бизнес. Я всегда знала, что моя мама работает экономистом, но почему-то для меня это звучало очень скучно.

Профессия экономист

Сейчас я в восьмом классе. Теперь я узнала, что экономика управляет миром, и мои карьерные планы изменились. Мне интересно, как работает рынок, и мне нравится читать истории об успешных бизнесменах и бизнесвумен. Я решила, что хочу стать экономистом, как моя мать. В этой сфере много конкуренции, потому что карьера экономиста — очень многообещающая. Но всего можно достичь, если упорно трудиться и сохранять терпение.

Твоя профессия — это то, что показывает твой способ мышления и точку зрения. Я хочу профессию, которая отражает мою мотивацию к работе. Когда понимаешь экономику, проще понять людей, общество и свои желания.

Мне нужно много учиться и работать, чтобы стать экономистом, но я знаю, что могу это сделать.

Моя мечта — выучиться в топовом вузе, чтобы иметь успешную карьеру и счастливую жизнь. Стать уважаемым и хорошо известным экономистом — это моя жизненная цель, и я сделаю всё возможное, чтобы достичь её.

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