Доклад на английском про историческое событие

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

There were many outstanding events in the history of Great Britain.

England was added to the Roman Empire in 43 A. D. Roman invasion played a very important role in the history of the country. The Romans built the first roads in the country, dug the first wells. The Romans, who were great architects, constructed the first towns in Britain.

After the withdrawal of Roman legions in 410, different tribes tried to control the territory of Britain. But the Normans influenced the British civilization most of all. They came in 1066 under the leadership of William the Conqueror. As the invaders spoke French, their speech influenced the English language. That is why English comprises a lot of French words and word combinations.

In the 18th century technological and commercial innovation led to the Industrial Revolution. The thirteen North American Colonies were lost, but replaced by colonies in Canada and India.

Once more the British had to face the French in 1805 at the battle of Trafalgar. Then Admiral Nelson won a great victory over the French fleet. In order to commemorate this event the main square in London is named after this battle. And the monument to Admiral Nelson was erected on this square.

Many historical events and personalities led the country to the position of the powerful and highly-developed state.

Выдающиеся события в истории Великобритании

Много выдающихся событий было в истории Великобритании.

Англия была присоединина к Римской империи в 43 н.э. Вторжение римлян сыграло очень важную роль в истории страны. Римляне построили первые дороги в стране, вырыли первые колодцы. Римляне, которые были великими архитекторами, построили первые города в Великобритании.

После вывода римских легионов в 410 году разные племена пытались контролировать территорию Великобритании. Но норманны повлияли на британскую цивилизацию больше всего. Они пришли в 1066 году под руководством Вильгельма Завоевателя. Поскольку оккупанты говорили на французском, он сильно повлиял на английский язык. Вот почему английский включает в себя много французских слов и словосочетаний.

В 18 веке технологические и коммерческие инновации привели к промышленной революции. Были потеряны тринадцать североамериканских колоний, но они были заменены колониями в Канаде и Индии.

Еще раз британцам пришлось столкнуться с французами в 1805 в битве при Трафальгаре. Тогда адмирал Нельсон одержал великую победу над испано-французским флотом. В целях увековечнения этого события, главная площадь в Лондоне названа в честь этой битвы. И памятник адмиралу Нельсону был построен на этой площади.

Много исторических событий и личностей привели страну к положению мощного и высокоразвитого государства.

The history of Russia begins from the year 862. The first Russian state had the towns of Kiev, Novgorod, Vladimir. In the X century one of the Russian princes, Svyatoslav, began the process of assimilation of Russian lands. His son, Vladimir, introduced Christianity as the state religion. It happened in 988.
With the development of feudalism the country became separated into several parts. And Tatar-Mongols easily conquered the country. It happened in 1240. The occupation lasted for three hundred years.
The first tzar of Russia was Ivan the Fourth, or Ivan the Terrible. He was a talented military-man and a tyrant After his death there had been the Time of Troubles in 1598—1613. It ended with the election of Mikhail Romanov as a tzar.
Peter the Great, one of the tzars from the Romanov dynasty, introduced the European culture in Russia. He reformed Russian education and Russian army. He organized the Academy of Sciences and a lot of other institutions. He enlarged the borders of the Russian state. In 1721 he assumed the title of the Emperor. Since that time Russia was called the Russian Empire.
Many of his reforms were continued by the Empresses Elizabeth and Katherine. By the end of the XVIII century Russia had become a European state.
In the XIX century Russia had a great victory over the Napoleonic Army in 1812. And it had become one of the leading countries in Europe.
Tzar Alexander the II ended the institute of serfdom in 1861. And the country began developing the capitalist relations. Russia took part in many wars — the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, the Balkan Wars and many others. The prestige of the Russian state grew.
But the World War I was a terrible event for the nation. Our country lost more than a million men at the war.
In February 1917 the Romanov dynasty was overthrown. And in October the Great October Revolution took place.
Russia withdrew out of the World War I, fought its enemies in the Civil War and at last the Soviet Union was formed.
In the 1930s the country underwent rapid industrialization and collectivization. A lot of factories and plants were built. The authority of our country in the world was hard to overestimate. The Soviet Union played the main part in the defeat of the fascist Germany. In the years 1960—1980 the influence of the Soviet Union was worldwide.
In the year 1985 Gorbachev started the restructuring process.
In the year 1991 the Soviet Union stopped its existence.

Из истории России

1. When did the history of Russia start?
2. Who gathered Russian lands in the X century?
3. Who made Christianity the state religion of Russia?
4. Who conquered Russia in 1240?
5. How long did the occupation last?
6. Who was the first tzar in the history of the country?
7. What was Ivan IV famous for?
8. Who was elected as a tzar in 1613?
9. What reforms did Peter the Great conduct?
10. Who continued them?
11. When did Russia become the leading European country?
12. In what wars did Russia take part in the XIX century?
13. Who stopped the institute of serfdom in 1861?
14. Why was the World War I a terrible event for the nation?
15. What event stopped the participation of Russia in the war?
16. What processes happened in the Soviet Union in 1930s?
17. Did the country play the main role in the Second World War?
18. How did the influence of the Soviet Union spread in the years 1960—1980?
19. What process began in 1985?
20. When did the Soviet Union stop its existence?

state religion государственная религия
separated into several parts разделено на несколько частей
Time of Troubles Смутное время
enlarged the borders расширил границы
assumed the tide принял титул
the leading countries ведущие страны
institute of serfdom крепостное право
was overthrown была свергнута
underwent rapid industrialization претерпела быструю индустриализацию
was hard to overestimate было трудно переоценить
the restructuring process процесс перестройки

Outstanding Events in the History of Great Britain

There were many outstanding events in the history of Great Britain. Many different tribes tried to control the territory of Britain. England was added to the Roman Empire in 43 A.D. Roman invasion played a very important role in the history of the country. The Roman built the first roads in the country, dug the first walls. The Romans, who were great architects, constructed the first towns in Britain.
But the Normans influenced the British civilization most of all. They came in 1066 under the leadership of William the Conqueror. As the invaders spoke French, their speech influenced the English language.
Once the British had to face the French in 1805 at the battle of Trafalgar. Then Admiral Nelson won a great victory over the French fleet. In order to commemorate this event the monument to Admiral Nelson was erected on this square.
In the 18th century technological and commercial innovation led to the Industrial Revolution. The 13 North American Colonies were last, but replaced oy colonies in Canada an India.

Выдающиеся события в жизни Великобритании

В истории Великобритании было много выдающихся событий. Различные племена пытались управлять территорией Великобритании. В 43 г. н. э. Англия была присоединена к Римской империи. Завоевание Римом сыграло важную роль в истории страны. Римляне построили первые дороги в стране, выкопали первые колодцы. Римляне, которые были великими архитекторами, построили первые города в Британии.
Но норманны повлияли на британскую цивилизацию больше всего. Они пришли в 1066 году под предводительством Вильгельма Завоевателя. Так как завоеватели говорили по-французски, их речь оказала влияние на английский язык.
Однажды Британия противостояла французам в 1805 г. в битве при Трафальгаре. Тогда адмирал Нельсон одержал победу над французским флотом. В честь этого события на площади был воздвигнут памятник адмиралу Нельсону.
В XVIII ст. технологические и коммерческие нововведения привели к промышленной революции. Тринадцать североамериканских колоний были потеряны, но их заменили колонии в Канаде и Индии.


1. What tribes influenced the British civilization most of all?
2. What happened in 43 A.D.?
3. Whose invasion played an important role in the history of Britain?
4. What led to the Industrial Revolution?
5. What were the 13 North American colonies replaced by?


tribe — племя
outstanding — выдающийся
empire — империя
battle — битва

Напишите пожалуйста маленький доклад, на страницу А4 про любое историческое событие на английском языке.

In the end of November a greatest annual event started in Manama, the capital of Bahrain.

The Bahrain Boatshow International which is provided under the patronizing of the King of Bahrain every year is receiving thousands richest people of the world.

Opened on November, 24th, the Show lasted three days and had a great reflection not only among the Arabian countries but all over the world.

The Bahrain Boatshow International is not only a market event but also a big international cultural fest.

Annually the most famous artists, singers and sportsmen take part there and it has already become a special style of the Show.

This year there was a very unusual special guest who brightened the Boatshow - - a sand artist Kseniya Simonova from Ukraine.

She created a special sand story about the diverse and dramatically eventful history of Bahrain, about its multicultural and creative atmosphere.

The Bahrain Boatshow International opening ceremony started in the midday, and in the evening after the sunset, there came a magic time of a sand animation.

From all the screens which were situated everywhere, Kseniya Simonova greeted in English the hosts and the guests of the event (about 15 thousand people were guests of the Show).

She told them how she was charmed and inspired with the sights and history of Bahrain, which became the canvas of her sand story.

Then Kseniya wished the spectators : "Enjoy watching!

" and the sandy world of fantasy came over the evening.

One of the most fascinating moments of Simonova's sand performance was the slow appearing of the King's portrait in front of the sight of night Manama.

This movement was met with long ovations.

The sand film was also presented to His Majesty the King and the Highest guest of the Bahrain Boatshow International.

According to the Organization Committee of the Show, Kseniya's sand performance became one of the most discussed events of the Boatshow.

Kseniya Simonova and her art appeared to be virtually familiar to the Bahrain's audience.

Many of the citizens and guest of the country have not only watched her famous sand story about World War II (which she performed at the "Ukraine's Got Talent") on YouTube but have loaded it into their mobile phones.

The sand story about Bahrain was broadcasted on the "Bahrain TV" and on all the screens of the Bahrain Boatshow International.

В конце ноября в столице Бахрейна, Манаме, состоялось событие, ежегодно собирающее самых богатых людей планеты - - Bahrain Boatshow International, под эгидой Короля Бахрейна.

Открывшись 24 ноября, шоу продолжалось три дня и имело колоссальный резонанс не только среди арабских стран, но и во всём мире.

Специальным гостем шоу стала украинская художница Ксения Симонова.

Она создала историю из песка, повествующую о многоликой и мультикультурной истории Бахрейна.

По словам Ксении, такие выступления требуют колоссальной подготовки - - от изучения истории каждой из стран до полного погружения в мир каждой культуры.

Начало боут - шоу состоялось днём, а вечером, после захода солнца, наступило время песочной анимации.

Со всех экранов Ксения Симонова обратилась к хозяевам и гостям шоу (гостями события стало около 15 тыс.

Человек) со словами приветствия на английском языке.

Она сказала, что культура этого маленького государства с невероятной историей вдохновила её на создание песочной анимации.

Она пожелала всем приятного просмотра, и началось волшебство песочной анимации.

Одним из кульминационных моментов было медленное появление портрета Короля Аль Халифа на фоне ночного вида Манамы.

Этот момент был встречен бурными овациями.

Фильм также был показан в присутствие самого Короля и других высочайших особ арабского мира, прибывших на шоу.

По словам организаторов Bahrain Boatshow International, выступление Ксении было одним из самых обсуждаемых событий мероприятия.

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