Weather план урока 5 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

  1. Приучать учащихся к самостоятельной работе;
  2. Формировать у учащихся положительное отношение к английскому языку;

Let`s look at the screen! Read the words aloud, one by one.

Take, cake, wave, lake, name, game, mane, famous, age, Dave, brave, pet, let, clever, smell, bell, shop, ship, sheep, shelf, narrow, sparrow, low, slow.

Выполнение действия по алгоритму

Now, I`m going to check your homework. Open your copy books, I want to check it.

Let`s remember. How many parts are there in the UK?

Great. Now try to guess what is the theme of our lesson. The hint on the blackboard will help you. (Weather)

Remember the words!

Okey, you have worksheets on your desk. Ex. 1 Listen and put down the number.

Осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания.

Формирование умения осуществлять сравнение и выделять общее и различное.

Планирование своего действия в соответствии с задачей.

Please, stand up. Look at the screen and repeat after me. The song and video.

Work in pairs. You have a piece of a map on your desk. Make a forecast for today, using the model. Then present it to your classmates.

Формирование умения осуществлять сравнение и выделять общее и различное

Tell me, what`ve you learnt today? If you like the lesson, then label the pictures of your emotions. Great! Your homework is to make a forecast for tomorrow in area where you live. Thank you for the lesson, you may be free. See you.

Контроль и оценка процесса и результатов деятельности.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 3 классе

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 3 классе "В" ГБОУ СОШ №1368Тема урока "Мой дом"Грамматическая тема "Оборот There is/there ara"Учитель Гвоздецкая Р. М.

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 5б классе. Урок проведен 21.02.2008 г. по учебнику Климентьва Т., Монк Б., “Happy English” - 5-6 кл. UNIT 9. Учитель - Багдасарян Сусанна Гео.

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6б классе. Урок проведен 5.10.2012 г. по УМК Биболетовой М.З. и др., “Enjoy English” - 5-6 кл. UNIT 5, Section 2. Учитель - Багдасарян Сусанна.

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 8а классе. Урок проведен 4.10.2010 г. по УМК Биболетовой М.З. и др., “Enjoy English” - 8 кл. UNIT 1, Section 5. Учитель - Багдасарян Сусанна Г.

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по СПОТЛАЙТ в 4а классе Тема урока :"Чаепитие"

Открытый урок в 4А классе английского языка по теме: " Чаепитие"ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ по учебнику :Спотлайт 4 класс.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.


урока английского языка в 5 классе


воспитательные :

- воспитывать у обучающихся познавательный интерес к окружающему миру, любовь к природе;

- повышение интереса к изучению иностранного языка;


-развивать навыки говорения, чтения, аудирования;

-развивать интеллектуальные и творческие способности обучающихся.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, магнитофон, аудиозапись к уроку

1. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности . Приветствие .

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please!

- What date is it today?

-Who is absent today?

-Thank you. Sit down , please !

T: We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting our lesson today. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson.

Today we are going to speak about the seasons and the weather. We’ll practice our skills in reading, listening and speaking. We’ll sing a very beautiful song about the weather. I wish you to be quiet and work well. Let’s begin.

3. Активизация ранее изученного лексико - грамматического материала .

T: At first I want you to revise some words and expressions. You know, that each season has its weather and it can be very different.

T: Look at the pictures and say what the weather is?

(sunny, rainy, windy, hot, snowy)

T: What are you going to do if the weather is (sunny, rainy, cold, windy, hot and snowy)?

P: If the weather is sunny, I’m going to…

T: What can you tell me about the weather today? What season is it? Do you like spring? Is it warm?

Is the weather good or bad today?

Is the sun shining?

Are there any clouds in the sky?

What colour is the sky?

Is the wind blowing or not?

Is it raining / snowing?

T: Thank you. And now let’s remember what you know about the seasons. Answer my questions. Be very attentive.

1. How many seasons are there in a year?

2. What are they?

3. What season is after spring?

4. What season is before winter?

5. What season is between autumn and spring?

6. What season is after winter?

7. What season is the coldest?

8. What season is the hottest?

9. What season brings the first flowers?

4. Физкультминутка

T: We have spoken with you about 4 seasons and the weather. Let’s have a rest and sing a beautiful song about the weather.

5. Развитие навыков чтения .

T: You know there are 4 seasons and everyone has a favourite time of year. Let’s read a text where a boy named Sam tells you about his favourite season. Read the text say what Sam’s favourite season is?

My name is Sam. My favourite season is autumn. It is a very beautiful time of the year. The trees are brown, yellow and red.

When it is warm and sunny, my parents, my brothers and I can have a picnic in the park.

When it is rainy, my brothers Tom and Tim don’t go for a walk. We listen to music, play computer games, read books or watch TV. I like to draw pictures. My brothers like my pictures very much. Tom can write poems. He likes poems about autumn.

In autumn school starts and I can see my school friends again. When I am on holidays I don’t see them. I miss my school a lot.

I think autumn is a wonderful season.

So, what’s Sam’s favourite season? Why does he like autumn? Thank you.

6. Развитие навыков аудирования

T: And now you are going to listen to some stories where the children talk about their favourite times of the year. Listen to the stories and fill in the gaps.

I like (summer) It is my favourite (season) I don’t go (to school) The weather is (fine) I can (lie in the sun) The sun(shines) It never (rains) or (snows) The woods are (green)

I like (winter) My birthday is in (winter) We celebrate (New Year) in winter. Father Christmas (brings) me nice presents. The weather is not (very good). It is (cold) It (rains) A cold (wind) blows. The woods are (black) I sit (at home) and (watch TV).

I like (autumn) It is not very (hot) and not very (cold) It (rains) but it doesn’t (snow) School starts in (September) and I meet my (friends) The sun (shines) but it is not very (hot) The wind(blows) But it is not very (cold) The woods are (magic) They are yellow) and (red) I go to the (woods) and look at the (trees).

7. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

T: And what about you, children? What is your favourite season? Tell us.

Tell me please what seasons do you like most of all.

My favorite season is ….. because …..
I like when the weather is…
I like to …

The season I dislike most is … because …
I hate when the weather is…
I don’t like to …

8. Подведение итогов урока . Рефлексия

And at the end of our lesson I would like to say

Whether the weather be fine
Or whether the weather be not?
Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be hot?
We’ll whether the weather

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Тип урока: комбинированный

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, презентация Power Point , текст для чтения, тематические иллюстрации, карточки с заданиями, рисунки учащихся.

I . Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.

1. Организационный момент:

a ) Приветствие. T - Cl

T: Good morning ! I am glad to see you, my friends. Sit down, please. Let’s start our today’s lesson. Are you ready for the lesson? Tell me, please

- How are you today?

Ps: I am well! I am fine! I am OK! I am all right! Not so bad! And how are you?

T. I’m fine too, thank you. Today we have an unusual lesson. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to see you in our English lesson.

б ) Беседа с дежурными.

T: And now as usual we start on the conversation with the pupil on duty.

T: Well, who is on duty today?

P: I am on duty today.

T: Who is absent?

P: _______ are absent. All are present.

T: Why are they absent?

T: It’s a pity. I hope they will be recover soon. And tell me, please What date is it today?

P: Today is Friday, the nineteenth of February.

T: What’s the weather like today?

P: It’s sunny/ snowy/ cloudy/ cold/ warm today.

T: Thank you. Sit down, please.

Объявление темы и цели урока

T: Now, look at the screen. How do think what is the topic of today’s lesson? Today we are going to speak about different seasons and weather. We’ll practice our skills in speaking and reading, listening and writing, making up the dialogues, reciting poems. I wish you to be calm and to work well.

T: By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to talk about seasons, weather, you’ll read the letter and do some tasks, repeat the Present Simple Tense (using the 3 rd person singular and plural) , words on the topic and do many other interesting things.

Look at the blackboard and read the motto of our lesson:

We should be thankful together

Whatever the weather

Введение в иноязычную атмосферу

a) Фонетическая зарядка

T: As a rule, we’ll begin our lesson with phonetic drills. Now, let’s improve our pronunciation. Pay attention on the sounds [w] ,[ ] : Listen to me and repeat

[ ] the, mother, together

[w] white, wall, well, weather

Тренировать артикуляцию звуков [ w ] с помощью стихотворения.

Т: Now pupils, we repeat the poem “Weather” by Stevenson. You must say it correctly using our sounds. T-Cl-P 1 -P 2

When the weather is wet

We must not fret

When the weather is cold

We must not scold

When the weather is warm

We must not storm

But be thankful together

Whatever the weather

wet – мокрый , дождливый ; t о fret – волноваться ; t о scold – ругаться ; t о storm – кричать , бушевать ; thankful - благодарный ; whatever – какой-либо, любой

б) Речевая зарядка

T: Let's remember the names of the seasons and months!

Listen and repeat. ( page 86)

Answer the questions

How many seasons are there in a year?

How many months are there in a season?

How many months are there in a year?

What season is it now?

What month is it now?

Match the sentences to the pictures.

It’s not very cold. It isn’t raining at the moment but sometimes it rains.

It’s very cold and it’s snowing.

It’s very hot and the sun is shining.

It’s warm and the sun is shining.

II. Основна я часть урока.

Проверка домашнего задания

T: Let’s check your home task. What was your home task ?

P: Make up sentences about seasons. (3).

For today you prepared different exercises: some of you – found the poems about the seasons; another pupils found the riddles. During our lesson I listen you.

Активизация и отработка лексического материала.

Vocabulary Practice.

T: You know, pupils, that each season has its weather and it can be very different. Look at the screen try to guess the meanings of the words.

a). Find the weather words.

The weather can be __________

b). Match seasons and the words meaning the weather.

1. winter sunny warm snowy rainy windy

2. spring stormy, foggy, hot, cold, cool, frosty

c). Find the odd words

1. Frosty, cold, snowy, warm

2. Rainy, stormy, foggy, sunny

3. Spring, autumn, winter, sky

4. wind, hot , snow, rain

5. season , warm, cool, cold

d) . Make up sentences.

The weather is winter

Разв итие навыков аудирования с целью получения информации.

Т . And now we are going to play the Game "True or False"

1. There are a lot of flowers in summer+

2. Winter comes after spring.-

3. School begins in autumn.+

4. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in winter,-

5. February is the shortest month in a year.+

6. It often snows in summer.-

7. It is rainy in autumn.+

8. Birds come back in summer.-

9. It is hot in summer.+

10. Leaves are yellow in spring.-

4. Ф и зкультминутка (аудиозапись)

T: And now let`s have a rest! Stand up, please. Let`s do some exercises.


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes,

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes,

Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes.

5. Развитие навыков чтения.

T: We continue to speak with you about the weather. We’ve got a letter from an English schoolgirl. She writes about the weather in her place. She is fond of drawings and she draws pictures in it. So, please, read the letter and put in the words instead pictures. We’ll read one after another and translate.

Hello boys and girls,

My name is Ann. It is day – off today. It is very in the morning. And my friends and I go to play in the yard. It is warm. But soon many dark appear in the sky. It is and . We run home quickly. But after dinner the weather changes again. There are no in the sky. It isn’t . It is again. We are very happy and enjoy the weather.

T: We’ve read the text and now be ready to do the following task. Find the right variant.

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4. Обучение чтению с пониманием основного содержания текста.

2) Фонетика: отработка звука [w] на основе скороговорки.

3) Грамматика: закрепление употребления безличных предложений.

Общеобразовательный компонент целей обучения: научиться осуществлять сравнение систем 2-х языков:

• В области фонетики – звуки

• В области грамматики – сравнение безличных предложений в русском и английском языках

Воспитательный компонент целей обучения: воспитывать желание общения на английском языке, развивать интерес к стране изучаемого языка, воспитывать любовь к родине, родной природе.

Развивающий компонент целей обучения: развивать догадку и внимание на основе упражнений к прослушанному тексту, развивать память, мышление и при?мы умственного труда (сравнение пословиц).

Оснащение урока: учебник по английскому языку “Нappy English” (5 класс), авторы: К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман; аудиозапись, запись скороговорки, пословиц и новой лексики на доске, раздаточный материал-упражнение для аудирования, плакаты с изображением времен года.

2) Количество видов учебной деятельности – 4 (говорение, чтение, письмо, аудирование)

3) Наличие на уроке моментов оздоровления (дыхательная гимнастика Стрельниковой, гимнастика для глаз, физкультминутка)

4) Эмоциональные разрядки на уроке (поговорки, музыкальная минутка)

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:

- Good morning children! I’m glad to see you in our class. Let’s start our lesson with the breathing exercises, repeat after me! Well done! Sit down please, let’s start our work. Объявление цели и задачи урока: (тема на доске)

- The theme of our lesson is “The Seasons and the Weather”. Do you understand? Translate, please!

Today we’ll talking about seasons and weather. People always talk about weather. If it is cold – they talk about weather, if it is hot – they talk about weather. Well, please, look out of the window!

2. Речевая зарядка:

- What is the weather like today?

- What colour is the sky?

- Is it cold / snowy / sunny / …?

- Describe today’s weather!

- What season is it now?

- What are spring months?

- Do you like spring?

Please, look around, you can see four posters in the classroom. How do you think, what season is it? Please describe the season in spring(summer, winter…) Very well!

3. Фонетическая зарядка:

And now let’s train our pronunciation. Look at the blackboard. This is tongue twister. Repeat after me!

Whenever the weather is cold

Whenever the weather is hot

We'll whether the weather

whatever the weather

whether we like it or not.

Very good! And who can translate this tongue twister?

Где бы не была погода холодной

Где бы не была погода жаркой

Мы будем там где погода

Нравится ли это нам или нет

1. So, let’s continue our lesson. Now I’ll give you cards with the text.Your task is to listen to the stories and fill in the gaps. Be attentive please! (Раздаточный материал)

I like… . It’s my favourite… . I don’t go to… . The weather is… I can… The sun… It never…or… The woods are…

I like…. My birthday is in… We celebrate…in winter. Father Christmas….. me nice presents. The … is not…. It is…. It…… A cold ….blows. The woods are…. I sit….and…..

I like…. It is not very…. And not very… . It…. but it doesn’t….. School starts in…. and I meet my …. . The sun…. but it is not very…. The wind… . But it is not very…. The woods are…. They are…..and…. . I go to the……and look at the… .

Let’s check it up.

2. Do you know any English proverbs connected with the weather? Now look at the blackboard. There are 5 Еnglish proverbs about the weather:

After rain comes fair weather. После ненастья наступает хорошая погода. Ср. Не всё ненастье, будет и красное солнышко.

Rain at seven, fine at eleven. В 7 часов дождь, а в 11-ясно. (Семь пятниц на неделе)

There’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes- Плохой погоды нет, есть плохая одежда.

Into every life a little rain must fall.-В каждой жизни должно быть хоть немного дождя.

(В каждой бочке меда есть ложка дёгтя)

Everything is good in it’s season-Всему своё время.

Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down! Hands up! Hands to the sides! Bend left! Bend right! One, two, three… Hop! One, two, three… Stop! Stand still! Thank you, girls! Sit down! Thank you, boys! Sit down!

4. It’s high time to work with the text. It’s name is «Four Seasons”. Look at the blackboard, here you can see some words from this text. Repeat after me: (Снятие трудности перед чтением)

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. March, April and May are spring months. In spring the weather is warm The trees begin are green. Sometimes it rains, but the sun shines brightly. The grass is green. The birds sing their songs.

The summer months are June, July and August. The weather is hot in summer. The days are long and the nights are short. There is a lot of fruit and vegetables at that time.

After summer autumn comes. The autumn months are September, October and November. Autumn is really beautiful with its yellow, red and brown trees and golden leaves. The weather is not so good as in spring and in summer. It often rains.

The winter months are December, January and February. The winter days are short and dark. It often snows. Winter is a very beautiful season too. Some people like it very much.

5. Зарядка для глаз

Look left, right

Look up, look down

Look at your nose

Look at that rose

Close your eyes

Open, wink and smile.

6. And now let’s sing our song about the weather. Are you ready! Let’s start then! (Исполняется песня "What's the weather like today?")

Spring, Summer, Autumn and WinterWhat's weather like today? Is it sunny?

What's the weather like today? Is it rainy?

What's the weather like today?

It's quite funny How it's changing.

What's the weather like today? Is it snowing?

What's the weather like today? Is it clearing?

What's the weather like today?

Is it going to be Really very nice indeed?

Shining sun, And sparkling sea,

Warm and dry, with just a breeze

Among the trees. Breeze.

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter .

Yesterday the wind was blowing,

Is today going to be fine?

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

That’s all for today. Your home task will be the next: the text “Four Seasons” –to translate.

And ex. p. in workbook- in written form

You’ve worked quite well today. You get the following marks. … gets an excellent mark, … a good mark, etc.

The lesson is over. You may be free.

Основные цели урока:

2. Обучение аудированию.

3. Обучение письму

4. Обучение чтению с пониманием основного содержания текста.

2) Фонетика: отработка звука [w] на основе скороговорки.

3) Грамматика: закрепление употребления безличных предложений.

Общеобразовательный компонент целей обучения: научиться осуществлять сравнение систем 2-х языков:

• В области фонетики – звуки

• В области грамматики – сравнение безличных предложений в русском и английском языках

Воспитательный компонент целей обучения: воспитывать желание общения на английском языке, развивать интерес к стране изучаемого языка, воспитывать любовь к родине, родной природе.

Развивающий компонент целей обучения: развивать догадку и внимание на основе упражнений к прослушанному тексту, развивать память, мышление и приѐмы умственного труда (сравнение пословиц).

Оснащение урока: учебник по английскому языку “Нappy English” (5 класс), авторы: К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман; аудиозапись, запись скороговорки, пословиц и новой лексики на доске, раздаточный материал-упражнение для аудирования, плакаты с изображением времен года.

2) Количество видов учебной деятельности – 4 (говорение, чтение, письмо, аудирование)

3) Наличие на уроке моментов оздоровления (дыхательная гимнастика Стрельниковой, гимнастика для глаз, физкультминутка)

4) Эмоциональные разрядки на уроке (поговорки, музыкальная минутка)

1. Организационный момент:

- Good morning children! I’m glad to see you in our class. Let’s start our lesson with the breathing exercises, repeat after me! Well done! Sit down please, let’s start our work. Объявление цели и задачи урока: (тема на доске)

- The theme of our lesson is “The Seasons and the Weather”. Do you understand? Translate, please!

Today we’ll talking about seasons and weather. People always talk about weather. If it is cold – they talk about weather, if it is hot – they talk about weather. Well, please, look out of the window!

- What is the weather like today?

- What colour is the sky?

- Is it cold / snowy / sunny / …?

- Describe today’s weather!

- What season is it now?

- What are spring months?

- Do you like spring?

Please, look around, you can see four posters in the classroom. How do you think, what season is it? Please describe the season in spring(summer, winter…) Very well!

And now let’s train our pronunciation. Look at the blackboard. This is tongue twister. Repeat after me!

Whenever the weather is cold

Whenever the weather is hot

We'll whether the weather

whatever the weather

whether we like it or not.

Very good! And who can translate this tongue twister?

Где бы не была погода холодной

Где бы не была погода жаркой

Мы будем там где погода

Нравится ли это нам или нет

1. So, let’s continue our lesson. Now I’ll give you cards with the text.Your task is to listen to the stories and fill in the gaps. Be attentive please! (Раздаточный материал)

I like… . It’s my favourite… . I don’t go to… . The weather is… I can… The sun… It never…or… The woods are…

I like…. My birthday is in… We celebrate…in winter. Father Christmas….. me nice presents. The … is not…. It is…. It…… A cold ….blows. The woods are…. I sit….and…..

I like…. It is not very…. And not very… . It…. but it doesn’t….. School starts in…. and I meet my …. . The sun…. but it is not very…. The wind… . But it is not very…. The woods are…. They are…..and…. . I go to the……and look at the… .

Let’s check it up.

2. Do you know any English proverbs connected with the weather? Now look at the blackboard. There are 5 Еnglish proverbs about the weather:

After rain comes fair weather. После ненастья наступает хорошая погода. Ср. Не всё ненастье, будет и красное солнышко.

Rain at seven, fine at eleven. В 7 часов дождь, а в 11-ясно. (Семь пятниц на неделе)

There’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes- Плохой погоды нет, есть плохая одежда.

Into every life a little rain must fall.-В каждой жизни должно быть хоть немного дождя.

(В каждой бочке меда есть ложка дёгтя)

Everything is good in it’s season-Всему своё время.

Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down! Hands up! Hands to the sides! Bend left! Bend right! One, two, three… Hop! One, two, three… Stop! Stand still! Thank you, girls! Sit down! Thank you, boys! Sit down!

4. It’s high time to work with the text. It’s name is «Four Seasons”. Look at the blackboard, here you can see some words from this text. Repeat after me: (Снятие трудности перед чтением)

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. March, April and May are spring months. In spring the weather is warm The trees begin are green. Sometimes it rains, but the sun shines brightly. The grass is green. The birds sing their songs.

The summer months are June, July and August. The weather is hot in summer. The days are long and the nights are short. There is a lot of fruit and vegetables at that time.

After summer autumn comes. The autumn months are September, October and November. Autumn is really beautiful with its yellow, red and brown trees and golden leaves. The weather is not so good as in spring and in summer. It often rains.

The winter months are December, January and February. The winter days are short and dark. It often snows. Winter is a very beautiful season too. Some people like it very much.

Look left, right

Look up, look down

Look at your nose

Look at that rose

Close your eyes

Open, wink and smile.

6. And now let’s sing our song about the weather. Are you ready! Let’s start then! (Исполняется песня "What's the weather like today?")

Spring, Summer, Autumn and WinterWhat's weather like today? Is it sunny?

What's the weather like today? Is it rainy?

What's the weather like today?

It's quite funny How it's changing.

What's the weather like today? Is it snowing?

What's the weather like today? Is it clearing?

What's the weather like today?

Is it going to be Really very nice indeed?

Shining sun, And sparkling sea,

Warm and dry, with just a breeze

Among the trees. Breeze.

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter .

Yesterday the wind was blowing,

Is today going to be fine?

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

That’s all for today. Your home task will be the next: the text “Four Seasons” –to translate.

And ex. p. in workbook- in written form

You’ve worked quite well today. You get the following marks. … gets an excellent mark, … a good mark, etc.

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