Unit revision 3 класс план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson

The aims of the lesson: 1) Educational: to revise the previous materials letters, sounds,some questions , to check up pupils’ memory, to teach them to make up a dialogue between each other.

2) Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking, writing, reading skills, to improve their pronunciation, memory.

3) Up bringing: to raise pupils’ interest to the subject, to develop their communicative skills.

Good morning, good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning our teacher

We are glad to see you!

Your homework was to revise all the previous material .

3.New theme and new words

Puzzles Загадки Жұмбақтар

Translate into russian and english.

1 .Ақ сандығым ашылды,

Ішінен жібек шашылды.

2.Асты тақта,

Арасы сары мақта.

3 .Қара сиырым қарап тұр,

Қызыл сиырым жалап тұр.

4. Көк көйлекті жеңешем,

Көлбең-көлбең етеді.

Көйлегінің етегі,

Елбең-елбең етеді.

Жер түбіне жетеді.

5.Қасқыр емес ,сұр ,

Қоян емес құлақты.

Жылқы емес,тұяқты.

6. Ақ күмісті қақ бөлдім,

Сары алынға тап болдым.

7.Жағасы жасыл ,суы қызыл ,балығы қара .

8. Көк көрпенің ішінде жарты нан.

1.Trace the words.

Teacher shows the picture .

2.Find six more differences from picture.

Your homework is to learn by heart all new words.

7.Ending of the lesson

Good bye,Pupils!

Good bye,Teacher!

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  • Для учеников 1-11 классов

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воспитательная/bringing-up: to support an interest to the English lesson; to bring-us sense of love to pupils` family.

1. Greeting

Good morning, boys and girls! Welcome! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please. Здравствуйте, ребята. Улыбнитесь друг другу. Начинаем наш урок с хорошим настроением. Let’s start!

2. Phonetic drill

3. Warm-up

Let`s listen and sing a song about numerals. (video). Nice!

4. Revision

Let`s play a game. На время вы станете англичанами, которые еще не знакомы друг с другом. ваша задача, не показывать соседу свою карточку и говорить только на английском и задавая вопросы what is your name, how old are you. Познакомиться и записать возраст в клеточку рядом с именем.

Ученики возвращаются на свои места. Учитель спрашивает, указывая на доску, "How old is (Tom)?" Ученики отвечают "He is (six)", и учитель записывает возраст на доске рядом с именами.

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме: Revision. Progress test

6. Fixing of knowledge

Let`s continue! Продолжаем.

Чему учат в семье? В школе? (вежливости)

Вспомните, какие слова мы говорим при встрече, прощании, если просим или благодарим. (frontal work).

7. Summary

- What have you learned today? Что вы сегодня узнали? Что повторяли? Какие трудности возникли? Справились ли вы с ними? Что было интересным?

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Бұл сабақ жоспарының мақсаты оқушылырға музыкалық аспаптар жайында білім беру.

Lesson plan

Unit 5: Art and Music

Teacher name:

Number present:

Theme of the lesson:

Art and music. Unit revision

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to distinguish between phonemically distinct words; respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; write short phrases to identify people, places and objects; link with support words or phrases using basic coordinating connectors

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand the meaning of most new adjectives

Use them in sentences to describe different music orally / in written form (with peer/teacher support)

Most learners will be able to:

Understand the meaning of almost all new adjectives

Use them in sentences to describe different music orally / in written form (with slight peer/teacher support

Some learners will be able to:

Understand the meaning of all new adjectives

Use them in sentences to describe different music orally / in written form and help partners to do the name

Assessment criteria

– use 3-5 new adjectives to describe different Kazakh songs

– write at least 16 sentences (with 1 minor allowed per sentence) describing world songs

Value links

Life-long learning, appreciation of the arts

Cross curricular links

Lesson is connected with Art and Music

Usage of presentation of classroom rules;

Previous learning

Planned timings

Planned activities

Listen to the song. Do you like the song? Why or why not?

Write the following on the side of the board:

I can use new adjectives to describe music and songs

I can write sentences about world music

The teacher can then ask if the students understand the lesson objectives. Tell students that you hope they can do all the lesson objectives by the end of the lesson

New Vocabulary Review

Go through PPT slides 3-10 as a class – show the picture first, and see if leaners remember the word/can pronounce it correctly

Ask the leaners to give an example of a song they know that is an example of the adjective (ex. Happy is a catchy song.)

Practice. Listening

Pre – listening

Inform leaners they are going to listen to some part of a song and try to describe it using new adjectives

World Music Station Listening + Writing

Tell leaners they are going to listen to different songs from around the world representing different parts of the world

Inform leaners that this is music special to the country, traditional music, it is not new, pop music, but music people have listened to in the country for a long, long time. Ask for examples of traditional songs from KZ. Leaners should take turns answering and asking the questions about the song on slide 11

After – listening

1. Do you like this song?

2. Why/why not? (Is it fast /slow/ catchy/ boring/ modern/ not modern/ loud/ soft?)

3. Can you dance to it or not?

4. What instruments has the song got?

Differentiation by grouping: Leaners should be paired in mixed ability groups so that they finish at similar times and can support one another. Leaners needing extra support may take their vocabulary words around the room with them.

Extension: If a class finishes early, play a segment of each world song and have students discuss their answers about the song with a different partner

Feedback: Teacher encourages and increases fluency, checks the process error correction

practice topic-related vocabulary with visual support.

read and listen to the short story ;

Most learners will be able to:

use most of the active vocabulary in the speech;

do the tasks with minimum support using visuals

Some learners will be able to:

use most of the active vocabulary in the speech with no support

complete most of tasks correctly with no support using visuals

follow the criteria in papers

participate actively in discussion; talk about art and music using given vocabulary

Previous learning

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Game “Missing word”

Teacher writes the musical instruments from the previous lesson on the active board and allows the students some time to look at them. Then she asks students to close their eyes. Teacher erases one of the words and asks the students to open their eyes and tell which musical instrument is missing.

Leaners try to guess the topic of the lesson

The topic and LOs are presented.



Leaners with teacher revise musical instruments

Game “Guess the instrument”

Students listen to the melody and guess the musical instruments

Ex9. Look and say

Descriptor A learner • correctly pronouns; • correctly complete the sentences.

Time to dance

Pupils watch the video and dance.

Topic Musical instruments

Learning objectives (3.L8) Understand short narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics (3.S8) Recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the content of short narratives on general and some curricular topics • Retell basic story and events on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension Task. Listen to a story and answer the questions. 1. What did Nick tell his mother one day? 2. Which instrument did Nick want to play? 3. What did Nick see in the music shop? 4. Who helped Nick choose the instrument he liked?

Now retell the story. Teacher reads:

One day a boy named Nick told his mother that he wanted to learn to play a musical instrument. His mother asked which instrument Nick wanted to play, but the boy did not know. So, they went to a music shop to find what Nick liked. Nick saw many instruments in the shop. They were of different sizes, shapes and colors. He spent a lot of time, but could not choose. The shop man decided to help. He let Nick listen and observe him playing every instrument. The boy was very excited. He said his favourite instrument was the electronic guitar.

Descriptor: A learner • answers the questions according to the talk; • retells the story using questions as support.

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