Unforgettable journey план урока 7 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

стране изучаемого языка и уважени е к культуре, традициям и истории другого народа.

1. Практиковать речевую деятельность: монологическую, диалогическую, аудирование.

б) инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой де ятельности,

4. Воспитывать уважение к культуре английского народа.

Тип урока: сюжетно - ролевая игра, виртуальная экскурсия по столице страны изучаемого

Teacher: Good- morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready for the lesson. So let’s begin our lesson.

And first, look at the pictures on the blac kboard. What do you think about the theme of our

- The theme of our lesson is “Round Lon don. Sightseeing Tour ”. Сегодня мы продолжим

изучение Лондона, обобщим всё что мы знаем о Лондоне и лондонцах . Я приглашаю вас

на виртуальную экскурсию по столице изучаемого языка. Я попросила бы вас быть

внимательными. В конце урока мы будем выполнять тест, но вы сможете его выполнить

только в том случае, если будете внимательны на уроке.

So welcome to London! Let’s remember the words on the topic “ London” ( учащиеся

-Read the words yourself in the alphabetical order and read them as quickly as you can.

- How do you understand the words “reserved”, “well - mannered” and “conservative”?

- And what about Russian people? What can you tell about them?

- Great! And now let us see if you know British cities. Match the beginnings and the endings

1. What is the difference between the UK and Great Britain?

4. How do we call a person who d oesn’t show his feelings? (reserved)

5. How do we call a person who doesn’t like cha nge? (conservative)

- I see you know a lot about Britain. So let’s have an imaginary excursion to London.

- But at first, answer my question: “What would you expect to see in London? (From books

and television I know that London is a beautiful city. There is smog hanging in London. The

weather is changeable. I had expected the Londoners are re served, serious and very

- So imagine that you’re a group of Russian school children going to London. And you,

Rostislav, imagine that you have already visited London several times. Will you, Marina ,

Marina: I say, Rostislav , I’m going to London in a few days.

Marina: Let’s hope for the best. I’d like you to tell me something about London.

Rostislav: With great pleasure. I visited London severa l times. There are many places of interest

Rostislav: The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham

Palace are a must. You should watch the Changing of the Guard which takes place every day.

Marina: Thank you for the information. I’ll follow your advice.

Teacher: Thank you, Rostislav and Marina. I like your dialogue. And now imagine that Nina is

the owner of the hotel in London in which we are staying. We are going on an excursion round

London and the owner of the hotel wants to tell us a few words about London traffic. So let ’ s

listen to Mrs. Barker (Nina ). Нина сообщит нам дополнительные сведения о Лондоне,

Mrs. Barker: First of all, traffic in London differs from that of the Continent. In England we

keep to the left side of the road a nd not to the right. You can see many buses, cars and taxis in

the streets. There have been no trams in London since 1952. There are two main kinds of buses

in London: the red double-decker and the red single-decker. Some double-deckers have

automatic doors and you pay the driver when you go in. In single-deckers you buy your ticket

from a machine in the bus. But most London buses have a conductor who will come round and

collect fares. Double-deckers have seats for 65 people. Only five people are allowed to stand

when the seats are full. So the conductor may stop you getting on the bus if there are a lready five

Teacher: Thank you, Mrs. Barker. I think that you understood wha t Mrs. Barker said. Let ’ s find

В Лондоне два вида автобусов: это красные двухэтажные и красные одноэтажные.

В большинстве лондонских автобусов есть кондукторы, которые ходят и собирают плату

Кондуктор может вас не пустить, если 5 человек уже едут стоя.

Mrs. Barker: And now let me introduce your guides to you. Their names are Veronica, Denis

Veronica: Welcome to the British capital! Welcome to our round London sightseeing tour.

Denis: The London Underground is the oldest one in the world. The first line was opened in

1870. It was like a tube, that’s why it was called the Tube. English people call the old lines the

Veronica: A Famous clock-tower Big Ben was built in 1859. It was called after Sir Benjamin

Hall, the chief commissioner of works who was a very tall man.

Munira: The first red double-deckers appeared in London streets in 1956

Munira: This is the map of London. London lies on the river Thames. The population of the

city is over seven million people. London consists of three main parts: the City, the West End

and the East End. The City is the most important commercial a nd financial centre of the country;

there are banks and offices of companie s from all ove r the world. The West End is a district

where most of the theatres, bars, restaurants and hotels are situated. I n the East End there are

Veronica: Now we are in Trafalgar Square. It was so named in memory of the victory in the

battle of Trafalgar. The Victory was won at the cost of Nelson’s life. In the middle you can see

Nelson’s monument – a tall column with the figure of Nelsons on its top. The column is guarde d

by 4 bronze lions. There is a building of the National Gallery of Art and behind it is the National

Portrait Gallery. The Square is a location for public meetings.

Denis: This is the Queen of England, Elizabeth the Second

Teacher: Our last stop is the Tower of London. Meet our guide here. Munira, will you tell us

Munira: ( о Лондонской крепости ) The famous Tower of London was built in the 11

It stands on the bank of the river Thames. In the past it was a for tress, a royal palace and then a

Teacher: Our excursion is coming to the end. We haven’t talk about Londoners. What can you

tell abou t them? What are they like? (Предположения учащихся)

Let’s remember some English proverbs. Look at the screen a nd pronounce them.

How do you understand the proverbs? Do you know the same Russian proverbe?

And now let’s do a short quiz: “Britain and the British” (выполнение теста)

5. In Britain, cars are driven on the ____________side of the road.

7. Manchester United is a popular _____________ team.

Teacher: I hope you’ve had wonderful time. Did you like our trip to London? What mark ca n

you give yourself for the lesson? Your home task is

I Read the words yourself in the alphabetical order and read them as quickly as you can.

II Match the beginnings and the endings of the words.

III Traffic in London differs from that of the Continent. I n England we keep to the left side of

the road and not to the right. You can see many buses, cars and taxis in the streets. There ha ve

been no trams in London since 1952. There are two main kinds of buses in London: the red

double-decker and the red single-decker. Some double-deckers have automatic doors and you

pay the driver when you go in. In single-deckers you buy your ticket from a machine in the bus.

But most London buses have a conductor who will come round and collect fares. Double-deckers

have seats for 65 people. Only five people are allowed to stand whe n the seats are full. So the

conductor may stop you getting on the bus if there are already five passengers standing.

В Лондоне два вида автобусов: это красные двухэтажные и красные одноэтажные.

В большинстве лондонских автобусов есть кондукторы, которые ходят и собирают плату

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Краткосрочное планирование по английскому языку в 7 классе на тему: Unforgettable experience

Кисленко Анастасия Александровна

Учитель английского языка organize and present information clearly to others; the opinion of the speakers in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics; understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics; use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and present perfect simple forms on a range of familiar general and curricular topics.

All learners will be able to:

Recognize the main points and specific information in an extended text , present their travel experience orally and in written form accurately using Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses on the topic Travelling with a great support

Most learners will be able to:

Recognize the main points and specific information in an extended text , present their travel experience orally and in written form accurately using Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses on the topic Travelling with a limited support

Some learners will be able to:

Recognize the main points and specific information in an extended text , present their travel experience orally and in written form accurately using Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses on the topic Travelling without a support

Identify specific information in an extended text

Present their own travel experience orally and in written form in no less than 3 sentences

Present ideas accurately

Use Present Perfect in speech

Values of the national idea “Mangilik Yel”:

Mangilik El – is the National Unity, peace and harmony.

Present Perfect; travel and sport activities

(How do I achieve learning objectives?

Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

Do we have all of these places in Kazakhstan?

What countries have these sightseeings? (China, France, the USA, etc.)

What theme are we going to talk about? (travelling)

Do you like travelling abroad?

PPT Wonders of the World

Pre – reading. Presentation of vocabulary

Look at the board and repeat words after me. (Ss drill the pronunciation). Activity Think – Pair – Share

Task. Work in pairs and match the words with the right meaning. Check their ideas as a whole class.

The time of my life – возможность

Nothing compares to – культура

Mouth of the river – чувствовать себя живым

Make our way – закат

Nightfall – проложить маршрут

Feel alive – ничто не сравнится с

Culture – устье реки

Opportunity – за всю жизнь

Activity 2 Snowball

Work in groups of 4 and make sentences using new words.

Then 1 S from group read the sentences, another S from other group repeats the sentences and reads their own. So way in turn.

Reading for gist

Look at the title of the text and the picture, answer a question What do you think Kate is writing about?

Look through the text in pairs and check your predictions.

Text An Unforgettable Experience

Hi guys! Greetings from Brazil1 I’ve been here for two weeks now and I’m having the time of my life. Right now, I’m sitting in a café in Manaus, the city where two rivers join to become the Amazon river. I’m extremely tired, but thrilled. Want to know why? I’ve just got back from my Amazon safari!

I’ve visited some gorgeous places, but nothing compares to this one. The safari was by boat – the only way to get through the huge rainforest easily. We started a week ago near the mouth of the river and slowly made our way up the winding Amazon through mile after mile of dense rainforest. We stopped every night to camp on the riverbank. I’ve never seen so much wildlife. Fish, birds, monkeys and even a jaguar once, just before nightfall. I’ve never felt so alive! It was a unique experience.

What about you guys? Have you ever had a memorable experience like that? Kate

Hi Kate! I’ve never been to the Amazon, but after your description, I’ve put it on my list of places to visit. I won a competition last year and the prize was a holiday in Bali. It was my first time abroad. I got to know a lot of people and learned about a completely different culture and way of life. Traveling abroad has changed me – I recommend it to anyone who gets the opportunity. Nurlan_98

ex 1 p 30 SB Excel for 7 grade, ieBook Excel for 7 grade

Reading for details

Task 1. Work in pairs. Look through the uncompleted sentences. Read the text and complete the sentences.

Kate is tired because she…

She went through the Amazon Rainforest by …

Every night they stopped and camped on …

His trip taught him a lot about…

Nurlan feels that everyone should…

Task 2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

Why did she travel by boat during safari?

What animals did Kate see during the safari?

Why did Nurlan put the Amazon on his list of places to visit?

Why does Nurlan recommend travelling abroad?

ex 2-3 p 30 SB Excel for 7 grade

Express your opinion: What makes each person’s experience unforgettable? (Teacher monitor Ss work)

Focus on grammar

Look at your desks. You have words that help us to form Present Perfect. Let’s revise this Tense. (Students give form of Present Perfect in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences)

Task. Work in groups, look through the text and find the sentences in Present Perfect. Complete the table.

Freer controlled practice

Task. Make a short talk in Present Perfect about experiences with given pictures

ex 4 p 31 SB Excel for 7 grade

You are going to speak about the most memorable travel experience in your life.

Formative Assessment. Unit Holidays and Travel use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Task 1. Work individually. Complete the table and present your experience to the class. (Teacher monitors Ss’ work )

What it was _______________________

When it was _______________________

Where you were ____________________

Who was with you _____________________

What happened ________________________

How you felt ___________________________

Descriptors a learner

Complete all the parts of the table

Use grammatically correct sentences in Present Perfect tense and appropriate subject-specific vocabulary accurately

Worksheet “My memorable experience”

h/w to post a comment to Kate’s blog about your memorable experience (60-80 words)

Цель урока: организация иноязычного общения.
образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся;
Развивающая: развитие внимания, памяти, мыслительных способностей учащихся, языковой догадки и фонематического слуха;
Воспитательная: воспитание у учащихся культуры взимоотношений;
Практическая: активизация употребления лексики в речи, совершенствование навыков диалогической речи, обучение аудированию, чтению, говорению и письму, как средству обучения.

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Предварительный просмотр:

1) Организационный момент.

Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you, sit down, please! Today is the 9th of December, Tuesday, and we have met here to speak about travelling. During the lesson we will recollect the words, listen to the words, listen to the dialogs, make up our own dialogs and do different lexical exercises. We begin our lesson with the rhyme.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

а ). Listen to the rhyme and repeat after me.

We go by car
And we go by train.
We go by boat
And we go by plane.
We go by land.
And sea and air.
We go, go, go…
From here to there.

Well, do you understand the rhyme? What does it mean: to go or travel by car, by plain, by boat, by train?

b) Teacher: We know that lots of people are fond of travelling. Why do people like to travel?

Pupil 1: Travelling is one of the ways to learn about different countries, people’s culture, and interesting places.

Teacher: How can people travel?

Pupil 2: They can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by bus, on foot.

Teacher : Why do people prefer to make journey in a car?

Pupil3: They can stop when and where they want and enjoy nature.

Teacher : Why do some people like to travel by sea?

Pupil 4: I think there is nothing like travelling by sea. You can listen to the radio, swim in the swimming pool, and enjoy the wind and the sea.

Teacher: Why do people like to travel by plane?

Pupil 5: It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable.

Teacher: Why do some people like to travel by train?

Pupil 6: Some people think that travelling by train is the most convenient and not very expensive.

c) Well, it is time to pack your suitcases. What will you take?

Choose any things you need.

I need ….by all means.

I will also need….

…..are (is) not necessary

b) A good traveler must know everything about countries and people.

Form as many names of the towns and cities of Great Britain as you know using the following word-parts:

Look at the words below and try to do the matching between words and definitions.

a. a long trip, especially in a ship

b. to move from one place to another

c. the bags carried by the people who are traveling

d. a good or useful quality that something has

e. a trip from one place to another

Key: 1b, 2e, 3a, 4c, 5d

I think that everybody have ever traveled by train. Can you describe your impressions using different adjectives (both positive and negative.) The words in the box can help you.

Awful, funny, exciting, boring, cool, beautiful, expensive ,frightening, amazing, dazzling, difficult, crazy.

Share your opinion using the pattern and the given adjectives.

E.g. I prefer to travel by train because it’s…

I hate travelling by train because it’s….

3) Чтение. And now we are going to read. The headline for today’s article is “The Flying Train”. What do you think?

Can the train fly?

Can the train go without wheels?

4) Read the article and check if your answers were correct.

The Flying Train.

One of the most exciting new types of trains is the Maglev train. The Maglev train is very different from normal trains. It doesn’t have any wheels. It uses magnetic levitation to float on the rail. It can travel very fast- over 500 km an hour. It is very quiet and it is very clean. It doesn’t have any wheels or any parts that move.

How does it work?

The secret is that it uses magnets in a new type of motor. Have you ever tried to push two magnets together? If you hold them one way, they attract each other. If you hold them the other way, they repel each other.

The Maglev train uses magnets in the same way. The motor is a very big electromagnet. An electromagnet is a magnet that only works when there is electricity. The electricity changes direction all the time and the magnet changes from North to South, South to North. There are more electromagnets on the rail and this pushes the train forward.

Why don’t we see the Maglev train now?

The train is fast, quiet and clean. Why don’t we see it everywhere now? Part of the answer is that the train can only take people. It cannot carry very heavy things. Also, because it goes so fast, the rail must be very straight. This makes it difficult to use it in places where there are a lot of hills. But the real answer is because it is very expensive to build. A long rail of electromagnets costs a lot of money. It also uses a lot of electricity. We need to find a cheaper, cleaner way to make electricity if we want to see “Flying Train” in our towns and cities.

- Levitation – (полет в воздухе) floating in the air as if by magic.

- Repel (отталкиваться друг от друга) – to push one another away with a magnetic force.

5. A. Post Reading Activity.

Is the information in these sentences true (T), false (F).

1. The Maglev train cannot take things. ()

2. The Maglev train can only go on straight rails. ()

3. The train makes o lot of noise. ()

4. The biggest problem for the Maglev train is that it is too expensive. ()

5. It is possible to use the Maglev train everywhere. ()

Key: 1T, 2 T, 3F, 4T, 5F,

5. B Post Reading Activity. Further Understanding.

The following sentences are a summary of today’s article. Read the article again and match the sentence halves.

1. There are some electromagnets on the rail and… a…. costs a lot of money.

2. The train is fast, b…. very heavy things.

3. A long rail of electromagnets… c…this pushes the train forward.

4. It cannot carry… d…. quiet and clean.

Key: 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b.

6) Физминутка. And now let`s have a rest. (Включить музыку морских волн) Please, make yourself more comfortable. So imagine that you are in a big ship. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls. You can see a beautiful sea- scape. The weather is fine. The sun is shining brightly. The water is clean and it is easy to swim in the sea. But t ime passes quickly, I believe that you relax a bit and we start working.

7) Аудирование. I `d like you to listen to the dialog for the first time and guess what kind of travelling it is about.

Прослушайте диалог и угадайте, о каком способе путешествий идет речь.

Listen to the dialog again and fill in the gaps. Прослушайте диалог ещё раз и заполните пропуски.

-Good afternoon. Can I see your …1). please?

-Is this all your….2).

-Yes, I have this…3)… and only a small bag like this. Can I take this with me as ….4)… luggage?

-Yes, of course. Now, would you like smoking or non-smoking?

-Where would you like to…6).

-Next to the window, if it is possible.

-Yes, it is. This is your…..7)…. with the ….8). It will be…9)..eight.

-Thank you very much.

7) boarding card

8) What questions would you ask about travelling by train, plain, ship? ( повторение вопросов )

9) Составление диалогов. Now, it is time to make up your own dialogs. Use all the words and expressions. Don`t forget about the names of places of interest in London. You may write your dialogs down. I think 7 minutes will be enough for you. You should work in pairs.

10) Now let`s listen to your dialogs.

11) Письмо: At the end of our lesson we’ll send postcards to our parents in Russia. Take the postcards and fill in the missing words. They are the names of places of interest in London and your names. ( Учащиеся получают готовые открытки с пропущенными словами – названиями достопримечательностей ).

  1. Dear Mum and Dad! I’m in _____________ now.
  2. I have already been to _______________________, ____________________________________________.
  3. And ____________________. I’m OK.
  4. Bye.
  5. ________

12) Итоги урока. Our lesson has come to an end. I think it was useful for you, because you understand that usually people travel to relax and to learn something new. Besides, travelling broadens our mind, gives us life experience, leaves unforgettable impressions, helps us explore the world, and allows us to understand other people better.

Unit of a long term plan.

smk. edu.kz поурочные планы 5-7 класс биология. Поурочное планирование, календарное планирование, среднесрочное, краткосрочное . среднесрочные

Урок по английскому языку на тему "Unforgettable tour" (9 класс). Мой урок разработан для учеников старшего звена,ученикам необходимо составить свою презентацию о

на англ яз издательство ехпресс паблишн.

The site owner hides the web page description.

Домой Ағылшын тілі Обновленка Английский язык 7 класс КСП Краткосрочный план Short Term Plan на.

Мой урок разработан для учеников старшего звена,ученикам необходимо составить свою презентацию о достопримечательностях родного города на основе показанного учителем на интерактивной доске.

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