The wildest dream план урока

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Предварительный просмотр:

  • five means of transport
  • six geographical features
  • five means of transport
  • six geographical features

Предварительный просмотр:

Учитель : Мусаилова Роза Григорьевна

Предмет : английский язык

Класс : 8 А ( группа 12 человек)

Форма урока : заочная экскурсия ( с применением ИКТ.)

Средства обучения: проектор, компьютер, раздаточные материалы, диск с аудиозаписью.

развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи в форме дискуссии по изучаемой теме

развитие навыка предсказывать содержание по представленным иллюстрациям, заглавию и мелодиям.

Цели урока: развитие общеучебных и специальных знаний и умений в рамках темы делать высказывание, аргументировать свое высказывание.

воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу, работая в группе.

Teacher: Good morning. Take your seats. Let`s begin our lesson.

2.Ввести тему урока, цель урока.

T: Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. Tell me please: “Do you like travelling?”

Pupils: Yes, we do.

T: Look at this picture. (Показать первый слайд презентации на проекторе.) Сan you guess what is the topic of our lesson today?

P: It`s “Travelling”

T: You are quite right. And we`ll talk about some unusual ways of travelling. Now comment on this saying , please.( Слайд 1 ) ” The world is a book, and those who don`t travel – read only one page.”

P: When we travel we see different places and find out something new.

3. Предсказание содержания нашего путешествия по прослушиванию мелодий, принадлежащих разным странам. Включить отрывки мелодий ( 1 , 2 , 3 ), учащиеся слушают и высказывают предположения о том, какие страны мы посетим.

T: What are your associations, which part of the world are we going to visit?

P: We are going to visit Siberia in Russia, Morocco, and the Wild West in America.

4. Ввести новую лексику урока. Раздать карточки с новой лексикой и текстами из презентации ( Word List , Приложение I ) .

T: Well, let`s have a look at some new words. Listen and repeat after me all together.

Учащиеся слушают слово и проговаривают его вслед за учителем.

5 . Начало виртуальной экскурсии. Просмотр презентации. ( Слайд 2 , 3 )

T: Let`s start our travelling. Who wants to be a guide?

Один из желающих учеников читает первый текст об отдыхе в Якутии. Переводим, опираясь на список новых слов.

T: Ok, thank you. Now answer some of my questions.

Показывая слайды 4 , 5 , 6 задать вопросы: How can you travel in Siberia? What else can you do there?

P: We can sled in Siberia, meet native yakutian people, eat home cooked meal, etc

T: Now , let`s turn in Morocco. Who wants to be a guide here?

Один из желающих учеников читает второй текст об отдыхе в Марокко ( слайд 7 ). Переводим, опираясь на список новых слов.

T: Ok, thank you. Now answer some of my questions.

Показывая слайды 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 задать вопросы: How can you travel in Morocco? What else can you do there? What can you see in the picture?

P: We can have a camel riding, see famous Berber villages, enjoy historic sites and relax on beautiful beaches.

T: And now let`s go on a trip to the Wild West of America. . Who wants to be a guide here?

Один из желающих учеников читает третий текст об отдыхе на Диком Запада Америки. ( cлайд 12 ). Переводим, опираясь на список новых слов.

T: Ok, thank you. Now answer some of my questions.

Показывая слайды 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 задать вопросы: How can you spend your holiday in the Wild West, in Wyoming? What can you see in the picture?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по картинкам презентации, используя новую лексику урока.

6. Практика употребления изученной лексики. Работа по группам. Соревнование.

Разделить учащихся на три группы. Раздать задания.

T: Well, you have found out a lot of new things and now I want you to do these tasks in teams. The team who does the task first will be the winner. Ok, start please.

Учащиеся работают в группах, выполняя следующие задания: ответы на вопросы по содержанию презентации, составление словосочетаний, заполнение предложений данными словосочетаниями. ( Приложение II )

7. Работа по парам. Раздать кроссворды, в которых ребятам предлагается найти пять транспортных средств и шесть географических объектов. ( Приложение III )

T: Now, pupils, you have to find 5 means of transport and 6 geographical features in this crossword. The first three pupils who does the task correctly will get excellent marks.

T: So, boys and girls, tell me please what holiday would you like to go on? Why?

P: I`d like to travel to …… because ………….. .

Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение о презентации , и о том, где им больше понравилось.

9. Подведение итогов . Выставление оценок.

10. Домашнее задание .

T: Your homework for the next lesson is to write an essay about your dream holiday.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Module 1 Lesson 2

Legend or Truth

The Wildest Dream

Date: 03 09 2019

Teacher name: M. Iglikova

Number present: 15

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

10.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics

10.4.1- understand main points in extended texts on a wide range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics

10.4.3- skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting closer reading on a range of general and curricular topics

10.4.2- understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics

10.3.3- explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of general and curricular topics

10.1.6- organize and present information clearly to others

10.5.1- plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a range of general and curricular topics

10.5.2- use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

use some target structures accurately in more controlled and freer production tasks with some support

Most learners will be able to:

use most target structures accurately in more controlled and freer production tasks with some support

Some learners will be able to:

use most target structures accurately in more controlled and freer production tasks with little support

Previous learning

Introduction lesson

Planned timings

Planned activities


Beginning the lesson

There is a circle with the word “Stories” on the board, and teacher explains students that they should choose the right pictures among all and stick them around the word given(W)

Learners say what their favourite kind of stories is e.g. fairy, ghost, adventure, horror, science fiction and so on and say why.(I)

Differentiation: Less-abled learners are given sentences with gaps

I like _____ stories because they have ______ (endings)

I enjoy ______ stories because I can _______.

I love _______ stories because I want to ____.

Teacher writes legend on board and give an example of a legend from Kazakh literature then explains what a legend is.

Learners say names of any legends either Kazakh or foreign ones discuss in pairs (P)

3/Aim: То introduce the topic of a text.

Read out the questions and elicit Ss' guesses in answer to them.

Aim: To introduce key vocabulary from a text.

Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books and give them time to look up the meanings of the words given in the list.

Give Ss time to complete the sentences and then check answers around the class.

Refer Ss to the Check these words box and

explain/elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss to use their dictionaries and look them up.

Suggested Answer Key

mountaineer (n): sb who climbs mountains

set out (phr v): to start on a journey

camp (n): an outdoor area with tents for people to

stay in

mountain range (n): a group of connected mountains goal (n): a target

summit (n):the top (of a mountain) wild (adj): untamed numb (adj): having no feeling spot (v): to see from a distance thick (adj): dense

surround (v): to cover sth from all sides vital (adj): having great importance conquer (v): to defeat feat (n): an achievement clue (n): a hint

expedition (n): an organised journey for a purpose e.g. exploration

frozen (adj): being covered in ice equipment (n): the things used for a particular


fail (v): to not succeed

log book (n): a journal that documents a journey make it (phr): to succeed

Aim: To read for specific information (T/F statements)

Read out the sentences in Ex. 2.

Play the recording.

Give Ss time to listen to and read through the text and find out which sentences are false

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План урока для 9-ого класса. В плане предоставлены цели и задачи уроки. А так же приветствие и задания с книги.

Lesson plan


Grade: 9 th

The theme of the lesson: Dream vacation

The educational aim of the lesson:

To teach children to talk about their dream vacation

To reach using the of gerund

The developing aim of the lesson:

To develop children’s reading, speaking, writing skills. To rise their out look.

The bringing up aim of the lesson:

Bring up children to love motherland and respect others.

The type of the lesson: Lesson journey

Procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment:

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

P: Good morning, dear teacher!

T: How are you, today? Are you ready for lesson?

T: Well, pupils, at first, let’s check the class atmosphere.

Who is on duty today?

Is anybody absent today?

What is the date today?

What is the day today?

What season is it now?

Do you like winter?

What month is it now?

What is the weather like today?

Warm-up: Let’s learn the poem “The School”. Listen and repeat after me

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, let’s go in.

For soon the lessons will begin.

Books and pencils I will need,

When I start to write and read,

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don’t you?

Checking up the home task:

Well, pupils let’s begin our lesson. Open your textbooks and copybooks. What was your home task for today? Let’s check up your home task. Your home task was essay about your day at school and the poem “The school”.

Do you understand me? Well, let’s begin!

Nice of you! Thank you! Sit down please!

New words pf the lesson:

Dream – aрман, қиял

Unusual – әдеттен тыс, таңқаларлық [ ʌnˈjuːʒuəl ]

Vacation – демалыс [ vəˈkeɪʃn ]
Statue of Liberty - бостандық ескерткіш
Tower - мұнара
Special - арнаулы
Important - маңызды

Rest – демалыс [ rest ]

Exercise I. In the first exercise pupils will try to speak about their dream vacation, using simple structures as: In my dream I will visit… because… The aim of the exercise is to relate the theme of the step to the pupils’ own cultural experiences and to discuss what they already know about a topic that is of importance in the text to be studied.

Omar: I will visit Venice, it is in Italy. I will take my brother because I love her and know that her dream is to see this unusual city.

Asel: I think I will visit St.Peterburg. I wish to see its famous museum Hermitage. Who shall I take with me? I can take Marina. She is a good friend and we like spending our free time together.

Exercise II. Read.

Kuralai’s dream vacation

When I go on my dream vacation I am going to fly all over the world. I will mainly see large cities. Maybe I will begin my trip in New York. There I hope to see the Statue of Liberty.

Then I am going to fly to Paris. Probably I will see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral. I am also going to eat croissants.

Next I will fly to Rio-de-Janeiro and Cairo. In Rio I will definitely learn to dance samba. When I get to Cairo I will see the Nile River. Maybe I will see the Pyramids at Giza.

Then I am going to fly – to Melbourne, but probably I will stay only a few days in the city. I want to travel in the country and see the special animals like kangaroos and Koala bears. Then I am going to fly to Tokio. I hope to see traditional city of Kyoto. Maybe I will try on a kimono there.

My last country will be Kazakhstan because this is where I live. I will be happy to be home again, because “East or West. Home is best!”

Exercise III. True or false.

Kuralai is going to visit the most important cities of the world. (True)

In Cairo Kuralai is going to dance samba. (False)

She wants to stay in Malbourne for a long time. (False)

She dreams to see the animals that she doesn’t usually see in her country. (True)

Her last country will be Kazakhstan because she will be tired. (False)

Exercise IV. What is Kuralai going to see or to do in these cities?

New York – Statue of Liberty.

Paris – The Eiffel Tower

Rio-de-Janeiro – learn to dance samba

Cairo – the Nile River, Pyramids at Giza

Kyoto – try on a Kimono

Make sentences.

Example: a. In New York she is going to see the Statue of Liberty.

b. In Paris she is going to see the Eiffel Tower

c. In Cairo she is going to see the Nile River

d. In Rio she is going to learn to dance samba

Grammar: Gerunds

Герундий - өздігінен баяндауыштың қызметін атқара алатын мағынасы мен қызметі жағынан зат есім мен етістікке ұқсас жақсыз етістіктің бір түрі. Оның етістік сияқты шағы, етіс категориясы бар. Сыртқы түрі жағынан Participle I ұқсас, негізгі етістікке –ing жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалынады. Герундий үстеумен анықталады.

Сөйлемде бастауыш, есім сөзді баяндауыш, толықтауыш, анықтауыш, пысықтауыш қызметің атқарады.

Герундий 2 шақта беріледі: Indefinite Active voice (reading), Passive voice (being read) жәнеPerfect Active voice (having read), Passive Voice (having been read).

Герундий төмендегі етістіктермен қолданылады: to finish, to go on, to remember, to stop, to suggest, to mind, to give up, to be proud of, to object to, to get used to, to insist on, to think of, to succeed in, be fond of.

Tұйық етістік – инфинитив етістік пен зат есімнің қызметін атқаратын етістіктің жақсыз формасы. Әдетте инфинитив to демеулігімен қолданылады.

Tұйық етістік сөйлемде бастауыш, баяндауыш, толықтауыш, анықтауыш, пысықтауыштың қызметін атқарады.

Тұйық етістікке тән шақ және етіс категориясы бар.

Tұйық етістік 4 шақта беріледі: Indefinite Active voice (to ask), Passive voice (to be asked), Continuous Active voice (to be asking) және Perfect Active voice (to have asked), Passive Voice (to have been asked), Perfect Continuous Active voice (to have been asking).

Exercise IX. Compete the sentences with suitable gerund:

I went shopping yesterday but I don’t buy anything

When we were in Switzerland we went skiing every weekends

He bought a yacht and went sailing in the Mediterranean

We had a wonderful rest on the beach. We went swimming every day

He went running every morning. It is useful for health

Exercise XI. Now write more sentences. This time write about your own feelings and opinions.

I am very interested in _______ (skiing, collecting stamps, taking photos

I am thinking of ________(going to France, learning Italian, visiting you next week)

Thank you for __________(bringing me a book, inviting me to the party, borrowing me your bicycle)

I am looking forward ______(having summer holidays, meeting my friend)

I am keen on______(taking care of animals, reading books, watching video)

I hate __________(going to the dentist, being ill, waiting for a bus)

Teacher: Your home task is Ex 7 p 116. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Поштариков Андрей Анатольевич

Цель: Развитие языковой компетенции учащихся через закрепление знаний по теме “ Wild and domestic a nimals”.

Задачи урока:


- научить учащихся обсуждать проблемы животных, используя пройденный лексико-грамматический материал и высказываться на английском языке.

- развитие навыков поискового чтения; развитие навыков монологической речи.

- Активизировать и закрепить речевые образцы, грамматические структуры и лексические единицы.


- развивать умения и навыки диалогической и монологической речи.

- развитие у учащихся языковой догадки, памяти, внимания; развитие мышления, умения высказать своё мнение на английском языке.


-прививать детям чувство доброты и любви к животным и окружающему миру.

- воспитывать познавательную активность учащихся, работая в группах.

- формировать навыки и умения интеллектуального труда: поиск и исследование необходимой информации для создания мини-проектов и их решения.

- экологическое воспитание (бережное отношение к животным).

Методы: метод исследовательских заданий; метод монологического изложения;

Тип урока: комбинированный;

Формы работы : индивидуальная; фронтальная; групповая;

Оснащение урока: компьютерная презентация; аудиозапись; доска; карточки.

Ход урока


T-Good day, my friends! I’m very glad to see you today at our lesson.

T-I hope you are well. So, let’s start.

T-Today we have a lot of work to do. We’ll read, talk, listen to and write. Of course, we do it every our lesson. But this lesson will be just a bit unusual.

T- And now I want you to say the topic of our lesson. Please, look at the board. Do you see the words? Can you read them? ( слайд №1). Make up the sentence and it’ll be the topic of our lesson.

( Дети читают слова с доски ): animals, life, our, in=>Animals in our life. ( слайд №2)

II. Фонетическая зарядка . ( слайд №3)

T- First of all, I’d like you to revise some sounds and how we pronounce them. Be attentive, repeat after me.

[æ] cat, habit, panda, catch, camel, animal

[ai] rhino, kind, wild, right, fight

[ з :] bird, world, word, work

[ei] cage, endangered, save, brave

[o] watchdog, join, protect, frog

T- Well done. Thank you .

III . Речевая зарядка.

I love all kinds of animals

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

I love all kinds of animals,

Despite their little habits.

If I had tons of money,

D’you know what I would do?

I would buy lots of animals

And have my own zoo.

But they wouldn’t be in cages,

They would be free to run around.

And there’s one thing they would feel

And that is safe and sound.

T:- What is this poem about?

- Do you like this poem?

-What would you do if you had tons of money?

-Do you like animals?

-Do you have any pet at home?


1. T- Today we are going to speak a lot about animals. First of all, let’s remember what types of animals there are.

1. Animals can live not far from the people. We call them “Domestic animals” ( слайд №4)

2. Animals can live in the forest, in the Zoo. We call them “Wild animals” ( слайд №5)

T- Now, let’s remember where animals can live.

(Учащиеся выбирают картинки с животными и соотносят с заданием.)

2. T- Well done. It’s high time to remember the adjectives and to describe the animals. ( прилагательные отображаются на экране слайд №6)

List of the adjectives: cunning; clever; domestic; funny; kind; brave; big; full of fun; friendly; cruel; stupid; strong; independent; hard-working; angry; wild ( описание по картинкам )

(На доске появляются картинки животных, учащиеся должны описать этих животных с помощью прилагательных).

Example: A bear is strong, big and brave. The bear is a wild animal. It lives in the forest.

3.T- We like to compare the people with the animals. It is very interesting. If the man is brave we say “ храбр как лев ” The English people say “as brave as a lion”. If the man is very busy the Russian people say “ вертится как белка в колесе ” and the English people say "as busy as a bee" ( трудолюбивый как пчела ).

Who is brave in your group? (as brave as a lion) Are you brave? Who is busy? As busy as a bee?

4. T -Now, boys and girls. Let’s do the breaking storm exercise. I have the riddles for you. Try to guess.

This animal is very big. It is grey and sometimes white. It likes to eat leaves and grass. It has a very long nose. In lives in India and Africa. (an elephant)

This animal can run, but can’t fly. It is very clever and friendly. It lives at home or in the street. It’s a man’s friend. (a dog)

This animal isn’t big. It lives in the river or near the water. It can jump and swim, but it can’t run. It is green. (a frog)

Gena is not a boy. It is big, long and green. It is very clever. It can swim. It has a friend Cheburashka. (a crocodile)

It can run, jump and walk. It is grey. It lives in the house. It is very small. It likes bread and cheese. (a mouse)

This animal can be black, grey, white and red. In lives in the house. It can catch a grey mouse. It likes fish, meat and milk. It can run, jump. (a cat).

He is brave and strong. He lives in the jungle with animals. He is the good friend of animals. They love him very much. (Mowgli)

T- Now, I want you to make up your own riddles, I’ll give you two minutes.

T- Your time is over. Let’s listen to you. Thank you very much, well done.

II. Активизация навыков чтения .

Animals in our life

Imagine a world without animals. It’s difficult, but each day takes us closer to such a world. There are plenty of endangered animals all over the world. Nowadays, due to national wildlife parks, zoos and aquariums people have managed to save some endangered animals.

But there are many things a person can do every day to help save the lives of endangered and rare animals. One of the most important thing we can do is to protect their natural habitats. Cutting down trees is very harmful for wildlife. So plant trees and flowers and put bird houses and feeders all around your home. This will attract native birds, animals, and insects.

Another really important way to help is to join an organization which tries to save endangered animals. There you can see learn new ways to help animals.

1. Find the English equivalents to the Russian phrases:

2) редкие животные

3) естественная среда обитания

5) спасать животных, которые находятся под угрозой вымирания

6) важный способ

7) пытаться спасти

2. Find the Russian equivalents to the English phrases:

1) to be friendly with…

2) to feel responsible for…

3) to be friends for…

5) very harmful for wildlife …..

6) to join an organization …..

7) new way to help …..

3. T- Your time is up. Be ready to answer some of my questions.

1) Are there plenty of endangered animals all over the world?

2) What do people do to help save the lives of endangered and rare animals?

3) Where can we see animals?

4) Should people take care of animals?

5) What are people trying to do for animals?

6) How can we help them?

T:-Thank you for your answers. The next task for you.

2. Физкультминутка (или просмотр клипа о животных на усмотрение учителя).

T:- You are great! I think you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Please, stand up!

Hands up! Clap, clap, clap!

Hands on the hips! Step, step, step!

Bend your right,

Turn yourself around.

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands at the sides and sit down!

Please think over and find what we SHOULD DO and SHOULDN’T DO.

Some word will help you, please look at the screen.

Words on the screen: to be friendly with animals; to feel responsible for animals; to be friends for animals; to kill animals; to hurt animals; to harm animals; to fight for endangered animals; to save animals from the death; feed animals and birds; help animals; frighten animals; save animals; love animals; take care of animals


T- Well done, my friends! I wonder, what you have known today. Are you ready to help animals? Do you like our lesson? If you do, raise green cards. If you have some questions, raise yellow cards. If you don’t understand, raise red card. Thank you.

T- Now, write down your home task: you should write an article about animals.

T- Today you have worked very well! Well done! The lesson is over! Good bye!

Карточка с заданием

Animals in our life

Imagine a world without animals. It’s difficult, but each day takes us closer to such a world. There are plenty of endangered animals all over the world. Nowadays, due to national wildlife parks, zoos and aquariums people have managed to save some endangered animals.

But there are many things a person can do every day to help save the lives of endangered and rare animals. One of the most important thing we can do is to protect their natural habitats. Cutting down trees is very harmful for wildlife. So plant trees and flowers and put bird houses and feeders all around your home. This will attract native birds, animals, and insects.

Another really important way to help is to join an organization which tries to save endangered animals. There you can see learn new ways to help animals.

1. Find the English equivalents to the Russian phrases:

2) редкие животные

3) естественная среда обитания

5) спасать животных, которые находятся под угрозой вымирания

6) важный способ

7) пытаться спасти

2. Find the Russian equivalents to the English phrases:

1) to be friendly with…

2) to feel responsible for…

3) to be friends for…

5) very harmful for wildlife …..

6) to join an organization …..

7) new way to help …..

3. T- Your time is up. Be ready to answer some of my questions.

1) Are there plenty of endangered animals all over the world?

2) What do people do to help save the lives of endangered and rare animals?

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