The second pearl план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний и совершенствования умений и навыков, ИКТ и здоровьесберегающих методов.

Урок создан на основе принципа компаративности, имеющего в виду

предъявление и использование краеведческого материала наряду с материалом страны изучаемого языка.

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок с использованием информационных технологий

The Best Places to See in Altai

8 класс общеобразовательной школы

Учитель английского языка


с элементами краеведения

Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний и совершенствования умений и навыков, ИКТ и здоровьесберегающих методов.

Урок создан на основе принципа компаративности, имеющего в виду

предъявление и использование краеведческого материала наряду с материалом страны изучаемого языка.

В рамках все возрастающего значения регионального компонента именно

краеведческий материал о культуре. природе и географии малой родины

существенно дополняет содержательную сторону речи, создаёт условия для

усиления мотивации и повышения эффективности обучения ИЯ, воспитывает чувство гордости за родной край.

Использование мультимедийных средств помогает сделать урок зрелищным

и интересным, а большое количество наглядного материала – более

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, расширение кругозора

-ознакомить учащихся с туристическими достопримечательностями родного края.

Воспитательная - создать условия для воспитания чувства

гордости за малую Родину;

- способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в группах

Развивающая - создать условия для формирования умений составлять монологические высказывания в объеме 8 – 10 предложений

У чащиеся научатся:

-применять усвоенный материал, свои творческие способности в составлении монологов

Waterfall, raft, pearl, rider, praise, swift, bowl, masterpiece expose, picturesque , pure , stone-carved , bird’s view eye , environs, cable car, foothill, resort, spring, reserve

Компьютер, проектор, экран, карточки с заданиями

1 Оргмомент. Введение в сюжет урока.

2 Речевая зарядка.

3 Организация целеполагания.

4 Прослушивание текста с просмотром

5 Активизация лексики.

6 Групповая работа: составление вопросов к

данным ответам с последующим обменом

7 Составление синквейнов.

8 Объяснение домашнего задания и

подведение итогов урока.

I’m glad to see you, kids. I hope you are very well.

At the previous lesson we learnt much about places which are the best for visiting in GB. We read and discussed adventure holidays and got the information people need before planning traveling there. But are there any interesting places to spend holidays in the Altai Krai?

Will you name some of them?

Now I want you to have a look at some pictures and to say if you recognize them, (слайд №2)

Have ever been to Kolyvan, (Belokurikha,

Why do you think people choose these places for holidays?

Can you say you know much about the places of interest in your small Motherland?

Imagine you are planning to have a good time in the place where you haven’t been before. You phone the travel agent. What kind of information will you need?

At home you read the text about the most popular tourist places in the Altai Krai.

I hope you liked it and today we are going to

work on this text. You will do some exercises which will help you to memorize the words and word combinations and to describe the beauty of our native place.

-You will do exercises with words and word combinations, ask each other questions on the text, compose cinquains.

- I am sure all these will help you at home to make up a topic about one of the tourist destinations of Altai on behalf of the travel agent.

We hope, you are

Yes, there are lots

PP: Gorny Altai, the Salted lakes.

слайд и называют

I think they like

People can swim in the river, climb the mountains.

I’m afraid I can’t

-Where is the place

-What activities can

tourists enjoy there?

-I will ask to show

me the pictures with the sights.

Рефлексия этапа урока

Repeat the word combinations after me: (слайд №3)

The pearl of Siberia;

blue waterfalls of mountain Altai;

to fascinate, fascinates tourists;

unforgettable environs of Kolyvan;

to watch from the bird’s eye view;

stone-carved vases and bowls;

Will you listen to the text. While

listening you can watch the sights of Altai.

Учитель читает текст. (Приложение №1)

Now we ‘ll see how you understood the text and how well you know the words.

Are you going to travel round the Word Land?

If you know the words you will come to the right place.


I see you know the words well and now you are ready to work in groups.

The task is: Put up questions to the following answers. You have 5

minutes. After that you’ll ask the other groups to answer your questions.

Taskl for group 1

1) At the foothill of Mount Sinyukha

2) They are proud of picturesque landscapes and the stone-carved vases.

3) The “Queen of vases”

Task 2 for group2

1) .In a picturesque comer of

2) The can do it with the help of

3) The hot medicinal springs and

Task 3 for group 3

1) Mountain Altai.

2) Thanks to the myths and legends connected with it.

3) Because it’s better to look at it

with your own eyes.

Let’s make up a cinquain using the

words of the text. Look at some examples:

Hiking, riding, rafting.

Exciting thanks to legends and myths.

Attracts, feeds, delights.

It’s great to live here!

The Pearl of Siberia.

Attracts, treats, fascinates.

It’s widely-known even abroad.

Altai’s best health resort.

Составить рассказ об одном из

Учащиеся повторяют словосочетания за учителем.

текст и смотрят презентацию.

Учащиеся выполняют задание: Match the words and their definitions.

Учащиеся делятся на

на основе текста

вопросы друг другу и

отвечают на них.

Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.

The Best Places To See In Altai

How numerous are the words of praise that Altai nature is

addressed with! The most common of them are “The Pearl of Siberia”,

“Siberian Switzerland”. As if the very word Altai which means “golden”

is not enough! Sometimes it is difficult to describe the beauty of Altai in

words, - it’s better to look at it with your own eyes.

That is why every summer crowds of tourists look forward to visiting Mountain Altai. This place fascinates both hikers, riders, rafters and climbers in any season. You can’t but admire the white peaks of mountains, waterfalls, the numerous blue lakes such as the Aya, the Teletskoye, mysterious and exiting thanks to the legends and myths connected with them. Thousands of people spend their holidays by the swift and powerful river Katun swimming or rafting.

And who doesn’t know the health resort Belokurikha which is situated in a picturesque comer of Altai foothills! The hot medicinal springs, unforgettable environs, pure taiga air made the resort widely- known even abroad. Visitors can enjoy watching the magnificent panorama of mountains from the bird’s eye view using the cable car.

Another remarkable place which Altai is famous for is Kolyvan. But not only picturesque landscapes at the foothills of Mount Sinyukha appeal to the hearts of nature-loving people, but also those stone-carved vases and bowls make them be proud. Kolyvan’s masterpieces have found their way to different parts of the world. They can be found in the Moscow Kremlin, in the Pushkin Museum palaces. The ‘Queen of Vases”, the largest vase in the world made of the monolithic stone, is exposed in Hermitage. It’s a great joy to watch how the Altai masters are breathing life into stone!

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Основные цели урока:

2. Развивающая: Развивать речевые и грамматические умения.

3. Воспитательная: Воспитывать культуру речи.

Оборудование: учебник 5 класса Л.М. Лапицкая, схема, наглядности, доска.

Тип урока: комбинированый урок.

В. Речевая разминка

How are you today? And what about weather today? Is it cloudy or sunny? What do you prefer doing in such weather?

Г. Фонетическая разминка

I will read you a rhyme, repeat after me on the line. Pay attention on sounds: …Monday for health

Tuesday for wealth

Wednesday the best day for all

Thursday for crosses

Friday for losses

Saturday not luck at all

Д . Проверка домашнего задания

Is time to check your homework.

2. Основной этап

Pay attention to the desk! Billy's 5th grade pupil. The teacher asked him to say what he will do in the future. But Billy doesn’t know how to do it! Let's help him. Look at the picture and say the proposal. Who want to start?

Б . Повторение лексики

On the board you may see familiar words to you. Read them. Imagine that tomorrow you will go to the country in which you want and answer my question: Where will you be tomorrow?

I see you are tired.

Stand up and look around

Shake your head and turn around

Stamp your feet upon the ground

Clap your hands and than sit down

Once again please!

Well done. Sit down.

Г. Упражнения на карточках

I’ll give you cards with some exercises.1) In the first exercise, you need to ask questions in the future tense your partner using the following words. Do you remember how to ask questions in the future tense?

2) Your next task is to put in the correct order the words in sentences. You have a minute.

Карточки с заданием

Д. Упражнение в рабочей тетради

Open your workbook at page 121 ex.3. Read the task please.

Е. Работа с книгой

Now open your books at page 67 ex. 1a. So proceed to exercise 1b.

Ж . Выполнение теста

It’s time to perform the test. You have a few minute and then we will check it.

3. Заключительный этап

А. Домашнее задание

Б. Рефлексия и подведение итогов

It’s time to appreciate your work on the lesson. It’s mountain of knowledge. If you were active on the lesson stick a man here, and if you were passive stick this man here.

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Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Вашкевич Люцина Станиславовна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт

Если Вы считаете, что материал нарушает авторские права либо по каким-то другим причинам должен быть удален с сайта, Вы можете оставить жалобу на материал.

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Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

5.L6 Deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.C9 –use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R6 - recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand general information while listening;

Respond the questions;

Most learners will be able to:

answer the questions;

uses appropriate layout;

improve communication skills;

Some learners will be able to:

Understand specific information while listening;

Make their own sentences, learners speak out their opinions about the topic covered; gives constructive feedback;

Assessment criteria

Recognize basic general question without support.

Analyze given feedback and give constructive answers to feedback.

Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

Value links

Common history, culture and languages

Cross curricular links

Previous learning

Lord of the Greenwood

Smart board for showing a presentation

Health and Safety

Breaks and physical activities used.

Planned timings

Planned activities

Warm up: psychological activity “Compliments”

Stand in a circle. One by one we tell compliments to each other.

Aims of the lesson.

Teacher brainstorm students.

Do you know what the pearl of Kazakhstan is?

Look at two pictures. What do you see?

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Dividing into two groups. “Puzzles”

Every student has a piece of puzzle on the table.

There are two pictures: Okzhetpes and Zhumbaktas.

Listening task 1. Who are two men on the pictures?

Descriptor A learner

Listens to the text and identifies main characters.

Answering questions

Descriptor A learner

Listens to the text again and answers questions.

Why were the Kazakh people sad? __________________________________________________

Why did Aldar-Kosse decide to help Kazakh People?_______________________________________

What did Aldar-Kosse ask the Creator to give the Kazakh People?____________________________

Where did the Creator keep all treasures? _______________________________________________

How did Aldar-Kosse get the treasures out?______________________________________________


Students assess their answers using table

If you have 5 correct answers well done!

If you have 3-4 correct answers good job!

If you have 1-2 correct answers you can do better!

Physical activity.

Are you tired? Stand up.

Graphic organiser

Descriptor A learner

Makes a poster with the pictures of characters and places and the adjectives the writer uses in the story.


The Kazakh people

Sad, miserable, good, happy

Huge, beautiful, empty


One delegate from each group comes to the board and presents their poster.

Peer assessment

Two students from different groups assess students’ answer.

Synonyms matching

Students match the word from the text to their synonyms


Very big



Very clever


Checking on the smart board

Students come to the board one by one and find synonyms.

Pieces of puzzles

A3, pictures, adjectives

Learners have to stick one smile which shows their mood at the end of the lesson

My feelings after the lesson

Homework: p. 81 ex.6b- complete the summary, retell the text

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Differentiation can be achieved through the selection of activities, identification or learning outcomes for a certain student, provision of individual support to learners, selection of learning materials and resources based on the individual abilities of leaners (Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner).

Use this section to record the techniques that you will use to assess what the learners have learned during the lesson.

Health saving technologies.

Using physical exercises and active activities.

Rules from the Safety Rules book which can be applied in this lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Смотреть по ссылке .

Хоть я и занимаюсь по понедельникам в компьютерном классе, Интернет в нём дело тонкое, поэтому мы с ребятами будем учиться говорить по картинке.


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