The earth day план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

План-конспект урока по теме "Earth Day", содержащий информацию о наиболее важных мероприятиях, проводимых в этот день и дающий общую информацию учащимся о Дне Земли. Урок нацелен на совершенствование навыков восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.

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Тема: Природа.

Коммуникативная задача: День Земли.

Образовательная цель: совершенствование навыков аудирования.

Воспитательная цель: воспитание бережного отношения к природе.

Развивающая цель: развитие слуховой памяти, внимания, логического мышления, воображения.

I. Началоурока .

Good morning, dear pupils. I am glad to see you. Who is absent today? How are you doing today?

At home you were to draw your own “Green world”. Now, please, present it to your groupmates and be ready to answer the questions.

3) Постановка коммуникативной задачи.

Have you ever heard about “Earth day”? If “yes”, tell your classmates about this holiday. If “no”, try to guess/predict what for the holiday it is.

II . Основная часть.

1) Совершенствование навыков аудирования (введение ЛЕ и активизация их в речи, совершенствование навыков МР и ДР).

Today at the lesson we are going to learn with you and discuss the information about “Earth Day”. Now you are going to watch the video “Earth Day” and to formulate the message of the video and discuss the message in pairs, then, share your points of view with other classmates. Before watching it I’d like you learn some words you are going to hear.

Vocabulary for the video (pronouncing, translating and giving the meaning of the words): intelligent, to care, ignorance, neglect, profound, impact, reverse, lend, a helping hand, repair, damage, reclaim).

1) Совершенствование навыков аудирования (введение ЛЕ и активизация их в речи, совершенствование навыков МР и ДР).

Vocabulary for the video (pronouncing, translating and giving the meaning of the words): awareness, issue, literacy, depletion, ozone layer, carbon dioxide, surface, access, benefit, increase, combat, maintain, prevent, extinction).

Handouts: Look through some facts about the Earth Day. Are they familiar to you? Now you are going to watch the video “20 facts about Earth Day”. Your task will be to find the same facts that will be mentioned in the video and the facts that you have read in the handouts.

What facts do you find interesting/boring? Discuss it with your partner, then, share your points of view with other classmates. What other activities can you suggest to celebrate this holiday?

III . Конец урока.

а) Подведение итогов (рефлексия).

To sum up our today’s lesson I want everybody to think and say how green you personally are.

You home task for the next time will be to get ready to discuss some issues given in ex. III. on page 124.

Учитель: Яковлева Галина Владимировна, учитель высшей категории.

Обобщение, систематизация и активизация знаний учащихся по теме урока.

Расширение кругозора. Воспитание ответственного отношения к вопросам, связанным с экологией Земли.

Дальнейшее развитие языковых навыков по теме урока на уровне монологических логических высказываний, развитие навыков аудирования, публичного выступления, общеучебных умений.

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
  2. Представление темы.
  3. Исполнение песни.
  4. Выполнение задания.
  5. Чтение стихотворений.
  6. Выступления детей. Выполнение задания по прослушанному.
  7. Аудирование с заданиями.
  8. Заполнение пропусков.
  9. Исполнение песни.
  10. Домашнее задание.
  11. Заключение.

Доска. Проектор и компьютер.

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, pupils and guests. We are glad to see you here. We are holding a conference which covers ecological items.

2. Представление темы.

The theme of our conference is “Earth day is Every day” because people celebrate Earth Day on the 22 nd of April. The symbol of the conference is Jelly Jam, a make-believe animal, a people preserver, which helps us study ecology. We wish everybody to help people and nature and today YOU are welcome to our conference!

3. Исполнение песни.

Now let’s start our conference with the HYMN - “It’s up to me and you”. (Слова на листах) (Приложение 1)

Match the word and picture by drawing a line between the pairs.

The song is now ready. Let’s sing.

4. Выполнение задания.

Bravo! Our conference is open. There are lots of ways to help the environment. Match the sentences to the pictures and write down all the things you do to help. (Приложение 2)

5. Чтение стихотворений.

Thank you very much for everything you do to help the Earth.

You have prepared for the conference and made your own posters and Earth day badges. Now let’s listen to the poems about the Earth and Earth Day. I believe you are Earth day helpers and you take care of mother Earth. (Приложение 1)

6. Выступления детей. Выполнение задания по прослушанному.

Earth Day is on April 22 nd every year. What do people do on this day? Is it the only day when we can help the Earth? Now let's listen to our girls’ reports and answer their questions. (Приложение 3)

7. Аудирование с заданиями.

Now look and listen. Welcome to Planet Earth Museum, a museum where you can learn some interesting facts about the world we live in. Match the word and picture by drawing a line between the pairs.

What goes where? Can you match the pictures to the places?

8. Заполнение пропусков.

Well done! Don’t ever think that you are not important to our Earth. YOU ARE.

Fill in the blanks to find out how you can help protect the environment. (Приложение 5)

9. Исполнение песни.

You must do these things every day, not just on Earth Day. We are the Earth and people everywhere can save the Earth. And our conference is at an end. I’d like Nastya, our rising star, to sing a famous song by Michael Jackson – “Earth song”. And we can sing along with Nastya. (Слова на листах) (Приложение 6)

10. Домашнее задание

Thanks a lot. Now I’m sure that you can save the Earth. For hometask you get a crossword and you should make up a story about our make-believe animal, Jelly Jam, using the given words and adding your own ones. (Приложение 7)

You are the best, the real helpers. You get Earth Day, Every Day Award. I can say that everything depends on us. You have done a very difficult and interesting work and you get a good reward. Be happy and good luck. Thank you very much for your attention. Good-bye. (Приложение 8)

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Государственное учреждение образования


Подготовила: Гапеева Н. А.,

учитель английского языка

Новополоцк, 2018

Практическая ц е ль урока:

способствовать совершенствованию навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух и говорения;

создать условия для закрепления изученной лексики и повторения грамматических структур ( The Present Perfect , Conditional I ) ;

Личностно-ориентированные цели:

развивающая – способствовать совершенствованию языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей,

- способствовать развитию внимания и аналитического мышления.

воспитательная – создать условия для понимания и осознания учащимися экологических проблем;

- способствовать формированию уважительного и ответственного отношения к окружающей среде;

- способствовать осознанию важности своей роли в защите окружающей среды каждым учащимся;

- способствовать повышению интереса к изучению английского языка;

Оборудование : компьютер, колонки, презентация, ролик.

Введение в языковую среду . Look at the screen. Read the poem and guess the topic of our lesson.

This land is your land

This land is my land,

Let`s work together

To make it better

From tall green forests

To clear blue waters.

This land depends

Do you know what day is April 22?

Why do you think it is important to celebrate the Earth Day?

Why is our environment in danger? What are some of the problems?

What do you think people can do to protect the environment?

Постановка целей урока . Today we are going to watch short films about teenagers who decided to improve the places where they live. Then we'll discuss what ecological problems our planet faces nowadays, how we can celebrate the Earth Day in our town and what we can do to make our local environment better.

Чтение . Let`s read about April 22.

The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970, a date that many consider to be the birth of the modern environmental movement. The purpose of Earth Day is to bring national attention to issues impacting the Earth and ways to help protect the environment so that future generations may also enjoy it.

The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970, a date that many consider to be the birth of the modern environmental movement. The purpose of Earth Day is to bring national attention to issues impacting the Earth and ways to help protect the environment so that future generations may also enjoy it.

In 1990 the holiday became international.

Говорение . Do you know the rule of three Rs?

What must we reduce?

What can we reuse?

What can we recycle?

What can we do to save the planet? Make sentences.

attention to ecological more problems pay

our Planet air-and sea pollution from to protect try

out the litter clean

the Earth take of care

keep our Planet for living suitable

newspapers cans aluminum cloth metal recycle

endangered kill animals

the garbage throw in the forests away woods parks and

plants down trees cut and

rivers industrial wastes with pollute

Здоровьесберегающая пауза.

Восприятие и понимание речи на слух.

Pre-watching tasks. Read and translate the words .

Watch the film. Answer the questions.

1. Who started the campaign?

A group of (middle school) students

2. What is the name of their campaign?

3. What do they want to do with the ball fields?

They want to plant trees and flowers (to turn the fields into a park)

Говорение. Grammar and Vocabulary .

Use Present Perfect to say what the group has done and what it hasn't done yet.

e.g. Find volunteers. - They have found volunteers.

1. Write a petition

They have written a petition.

2. Collect signatures for the campaign

They have collected signatures for the campaign.

3. Present the petition to the local community board

They have presented the petition to the local community board.

4. Plant trees and flowers

They haven't planted trees and flowers yet.

5. Write an article to the local newspaper

They have written an article to the local newspaper.

6. Collect and study samples of soil

They have collected and studied samples of soil.

7. Research health and environmental conditions in their community

They have researched health and environmental conditions in their community.

8. Meet with the local officials

They have met with the local officials.

9. Paint benches

They haven't painted benches yet.

10. Do a mural on the outside of a bathroom building

They haven't done a mural yet.

What will you need if you want to start a campaign? Make sentences.

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Данный конспект может быть использован при изучении темы "Защита окружающей среды". Предназначен для учащихся 9-11 классов, либо студентов 1-2 курса СПО/НПО.

Министерство образования Московской области

Государственное профессиональное Бюджетное Образовательное Учреждение

МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА открытого урока английского языка по теме Earth Day День Земли

Составитель: Островская Д.Г.

Пояснительная записка.

Предлагаемый вашему вниманию урок английского языка по теме “День Земли” реализует следующие цели:

1) обучающие:
– способствовать повторению ранее изученных лексических единиц во всех видах речевой деятельности;
– уточнить новые лексические единицы по теме “Защита окружающей среды”;

2) развивающие:
– развить навыки изучающего чтения, аудирования и устной речи по теме “ Защита окружающей среды”;
– развить умения систематизировать новые знания;

3) воспитывающие:
– воспитать культуру общения, приобщить к новому социальному опыту через изучение материала на английском языке;

– привлечь внимание учащихся к проблемам загрязнения окружающей среды;
– привить уважительное отношение к природе и окружающему миру.

Основная задача урока – развить у учащихся коммуникативную компетенцию, а также сформировать у учащихся навыки билингвистического общения. Реализация поставленных целей и задач позволяет повысить уровень знаний, умений и навыков учащихся, способствует повышению уровня учебной мотивации.

Процесс обучения в течение всего урока предусматривает использование различных приемов обучения, современных ТСО, наглядности, презентации “Power Point”.

На уроке развиваются следующие УУД:

Познавательные УУД на уроке:
– уметь выделять общие и существенные признаки, делать обобщающие выводы;
– уметь анализировать, устанавливать причинно – следственные связи, строить логическое рассуждение.

Коммуникативные УУД, которые формируются на уроке:
– уметь организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками;
– уметь адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения коммуникативных задач, владеть как монологической, так и диалогической формой коммуникации, используя средства и инструменты ИКТ.

Организационный этап


Teacher: Good morning, class. I’m glad to see you.

Class: Good morning.

Teacher: Sit down please.

Речевая подготовка.

Good afternoon! Welcome to our holiday which is dedicated to World Earth’s Day that people all over the world celebrate today, on the 22 nd of April.

Основная часть

На интерактивной доске появляется слайд с названием урока “Earth Day”

Teacher: Do you know this holiday?

Let’s listen to some historical facts about this day, read the text about it and after that do some exercises.

Look at the screen, please.

На слайдах дублируется вся информация, озвучиваемая выступающими.

У остальных студентов на партах лежит текст о Дне Земли.

Earth Day is an annual event created to celebrate the planet's environment and raise public awareness about pollution. The day, marked on April 22, is observed worldwide with rallies, conferences, outdoor activities and service projects.

The idea for Earth Day was proposed by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson, who died in 2005.

The first Earth Day was in 1970. Nelson, after seeing the damage done by a 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, was inspired to organize a national "teach-in" that focused on educating the public about the environment.

Nelson recruited Denis Hayes, a politically active recent graduate of Stanford University. He helped him to find people who were ready to support the idea of environmental protection.

With a staff of 85, they were able to rally 20 million people across the United States on April 20, 1970. Universities held protests, and people gathered in public areas to talk about the environment and find ways to defend the planet.

Groups of people had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss of wilderness.

Earth Day continued to grow over the years. In 1990, it went global, and 200 million people in 141 countries participated in the event, according to the Earth Day Network.

In 2015, for the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, 225,000 people gathered at the National Mall for a climate rally.

There are two simple ways to celebrate Earth Day to make the world a little better. The first is to promote understanding of important environmental issues so that more people are aware of the critical actions we need to take to protect our environment. The second is to commit yourself to service on or around Earth Day — plant some trees, don’t let water run while rinsing your hands, use rechargeable batteries, etc.

Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.

The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

Посмотрите еще раз на этe точкe. Вот здесь. Это наш дом. Это мы. На этой планете все, кого вы любите, все, кого вы знаете, все о ком вы когда-либо слышали. Здесь каждый человек, который когда-либо существовал, жил своей жизнью.

Земля является единственным уголком во вселенной,по крайней мере нам известным, где есть жизнь. Нигде нет места, по крайней мере, в ближайшем будущем, куда наш вид может мигрировать. Посетить - да. Обосноваться и жить - пока нет. Нравится нам это или нет, Земля – наша единственная пристань, где мы можем остановиться.

Earth Day short plan 6 grade

Students will enrich their knowledge about the problems of nature; they will practise working in groups and will understand the importance of the environment; they will express their opinion on the theme.

2. Catch the question

4 . “ 2 stars and a wish ” evaluation

5. Reflexion “Ship”

Resources and aids

1. PowerPoint presentation

The stages of work

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

Organization moment

- Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please. Glad to see you . How are you? You are going to have an unusual extracurricular lesson. Now let’s make a circle and greet each other. Say your best wishes.

- Teacher offers to pupils to choose one picture and divides them into 2 groups.

1 – “Earth” 2 – “Water”

Pupils greet each other

I wish you success! I wish you luck! I wish you health!

I wish you happiness! Be pretty! Be boldness!

Be modest! Be powerful. Be clever!

Be honesty! Be beautiful! Be handsome!

Pupils choose pictures and according to it they are divided into 2 groups.

Presentation of new theme Catch the question

And let’s talk about this film. What does it tell you about?

Teacher throws a ball and ask the questions.

1. We live on a beautiful planet. What is its name?

2. What colour is our earth?

4. What are there on the planet?

5. How many continents do you know?’

- Very good! So today our theme is The Earth Day. (slide 2)

The student who catches a ball and answer the question

- It tells us about Nature.

- It tells us about wild animals.

- We see our planet.

- It is beautiful. It is green.

- The wild animals are beautiful.

- We see oceans and seas.

- The oceans are beautiful.

- Its name is Earth.

- Our planet is blue because there is a lot of water.

- There are continents and oceans, mountains and rivers.

They guess the theme of the lesson

Vocabulary work

Vocabulary work (slides 3-13)

rubbish bin, environment, litter, human being, throw into, pollute, prohibit, recycle, reuse, waste water/energy, protect, throwaway

Pupils are introduced with new words, repeat after the teacher and practice the pronunciation

Working with text

Reading the text (slide 14-17)

On the 22 nd of April we celebrate The Earth Day. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. Now this holiday is popular in many countries of the world.

Earth Day is a very special day. On this day, people think about air, water to drink, food, animals and plants. Earth Day is also the time to remember that we share the Earth, our home, with millions of other plants and animals. Some people’s activities do a lot of harm to the forests. People cut down trees to build farms, homes and roads. Many animals and plants lose their homes.

Pupils read the text, translate it and answer the questions

Teacher gives to the groups the worksheets “Save the world” (slide 18)

People should / shouldn’t

Pupils do the tasks in group and then change their works with another group for checking each other

Match the signs with their definitions (slide 19)

“Traffic lights”

Teacher asks groups to evaluate each other

They evaluate each other by this method

Playing the game “Build a letter or number”

Teacher says any letter or number.

Pupils should quickly form it while teacher counts till 10.

Gabage disposal

- Over 160 million tons of garbage is pro­duced every year. Ten percent is recycled, ten percent is burned, and the rest is put in landfills. A city that has solved this problem in an unusual way is, Machida, in Tokyo, Japan. They have developed totally a new approach to garbage disposal. Families must divide their garbage into categories.

1. garbage that can be easily burned (that is, combustible gar­bage), such as kitchen and garden trash;

2. noncombustible garbage, such as small electrical appliances, plastic tools, and plastic toys;

3. products that are poisonous or that cause pollution, such as batteries;

4. bottles and glass containers that can be recycled;

5. metal containers that can be recycled. (slides 20-24)

- We have some containers. Please throw litter and say why you do it.

Each group divides the litter into litter bins

- I throw bottles in this containers, this litter will be recycled, etc.

Conclusion of the lesson

Gives them ships to paint them

They paint the sails of ship

Green - if they like and manage to do all the task;

Yellow – if they had a little difficulties with tasks;

Red – if they had some difficulties and needed the teacher’s help.

Работа с текстом. Практика учащихся в умении находить в тексте нужную информацию, а также ребятам была предложена групповая работа с использованием грамматики и нового лексического материала should / shouldn ’ t .

Я считаю, что урок продуман мной. Но думаю, что урок можно еще провести по-другому. Условия для внедрения модулей Программы созданы. Используемые формы работы, методы и приёмы способствовали достижению образовательных целей урока, стимулировали познавательные интересы учащихся. Вопросы и задания урока разработаны с учётом возрастных особенностей учеников. Ученики достигли поставленных целей.

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