Springtime in kazakhstan план урока 1 класс

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

recognise a spring scene image according to teacher instructions.

make a short interaction

Sing a song and make up words with letters.

Recognize the sounds of phonemes.

Assessment criteria

Learners have met this learning objective L3, if they can understand and recognize 6-7 words

Value links

Cooperation Respect: when students work in groups, they will learn to be polite and respectful to each other.

Cross curricular links

Performance arts: use gestures and movements.Science.

Previous learning

Springtime (lesson 1)

Lesson plan

Planned timings

Teacher's actions

Children`s actions


Teacher greets the pupils and checks their attendance.

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Take your seats!

Teacher asks students “How are you?” to find out their mood at the beginning of the lesson;

Teacher shows a greeting video “Hello song”

Teacher asks the pupils to revise the topics.

What is your name?

How old are you?

What day is it today?

What is the weather like today?

Teacher shows the song video “Springtime”. Teacher repeats the video if needed. What are we going to revise? What topic?

Teacher introduces the lesson objectives. So, today we are going to revise some words according to the topic of springtime. We will try to make spring words from cards with letters. And of course we will draw pictures related to our topic.

Sts respond to greeting and take their places.

Sts choose one of the smiley faces they see on the slide, saying “I am happy/sad….etc.”

Sts sing a greeting song.

Sts answer the questions.

Sts watch a video “Springtime” and name the topic of the lesson.

Sts get familiarized with the lesson objectives.

PPT Slide 1


Hello Song for Kids

Cards with numbers

PPT Slide 2

Teacher revises spring words: birds, flowers, bees, rabbits, leaves, tree; spring, winter, autumn, summer.

1.S3 The teacher gives each learner flashcards with the words of the previous lesson. Teacher asks learners to show cards according to the teacher’s instructions:

Show me a flower,

show me a bee,

show me a tree,

show me leaves,

Show me the bird,

Show me the rabbit.

Show me card with Spring

Show me card with Winter

Show me card with Autumn

Show me card with Summer

Listen and guess. What is it? So, I have three riddles for you, guess what it is.

For the 1 st group It is green with leaves in summer. (tree) Other groups check. Is it right?

For the 2 nd group It is singing a song on the trees. (bird)

For the 3 rd group It is yellow and black. (bee)

Thank you. Good job.

1.L5 The teacher spread on the board letters and on the teacher’s desk pictures related to the springtime. Then ask the pupils to come to the desk and pull out one picture. Ask the pupils to name it and make a word on the board from the letters.

Physical training:

Then the teacher shows a video “Spring is here” and asks the pupils to do the physical training.

1. L.1 Teacher asks students to get their colour pencils and copybooks. And asks them to draw some pictures according to the instructions.

Whole class work. Five pictures for each pupil.

Draw and colour the bees black and yellow.

Draw and colour the rabbit brown.

Draw and colour the flowers pink.

Draw and colour birds blue.

Draw and colour the trees green.

Draw and colour leaves green, orange and yellow.

The pupils revise the words of the previous lesson.

The pupils flash with cards.

The pupils listen and guess the words.

The pupils make a word on the board.

Sts do the physical training.

Sts draw pictures according to the teacher’s instructions.

One star if the picture is nice, two stars if the colours are right.

PPT Slide 3

Flashcards with words

Cards with letters and pictures


Evaluation of the lesson by means of oral feedback from students – thumbs up or down.

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Урок для 1 класса. Легко можно выучить новые слова о весне.

Long-term plan : Springtime in Kazakhstan.

School: After L. Klyshev

Date: 20.02.17

Teacher’s name: Mukhambetzhanova S.O

Number present:

Theme of the lesson: Springtime in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

L.1 recognize short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.L 3recognize with support simple greetings

recognize the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words

1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Sing a song and make up words with letters.

Most learners will be able to:

Recognize all the words

Some learners will be able to:

Recognize the sounds of phonemes.

Success criteria

Learners have met this learning objective L3, if they can understand and recognize 6-7 words

Value links

Cooperation Respect : when students work in groups, they will learn to be polite and respectful to each other.

Cross curricular links

Performance arts: use gestures and movements

Previous learning

vocabulary from previous units, words for colours, simple objects and animals


Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Hello, boys and girls! How are you?

Can you clap your hands?

Can you clap your hands

Can you show your eyes

Today is the Gulnaz’s birthday! Let’s congratulate her.

1. Let’s take an active part.

2. One for all, All for one.

3. I wish you good luck.

Teacher introduces the theme of the lesson: The theme of the lesson is “Springtime in Kazakhstan”

Phonetic drill.

Springtime is singing time,
Singing time, singing time,
Children sing a happy song,
Springtime is here!

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

LESSON: Spring time in Kazakhstan

School: №36

Teacher name:

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

L3 recognise with support simple greetings recognize the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words

L1 recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

pronounce basic words

finish the pictures and name them

Most learners will be able to:

Name the actions and act out

Match the pictures and mime

Some learners will be able to:

Listen and put the stickers

Previous learning

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Hello children! How are you?

Hello teacher! Ok!

Teacher asks children to make a circle.

Double, double, this, this,

Double, double, that, that,

Double this, double that,

Double, double, this, that.

To revise: How old are?

Pair work. Children ask each other How old are you?

Listen to the music and look at the screen.

What’s this? What can you see in this picture?

Elicit and pre-teach spring words the sky, the sun, tree, flower, spring, butterfly, nauryzkozhe.

Match. Pupils match the words with pictures: the sky, the sun, trees, flowers

Look at the pictures and say.

I can see flowers.I can see the sun. I can see the sky. I can see family. I can see trees. I can see girls and boys.

Look at the pictures and listen.

Look at the flowers! Look at the sun! I love spring!

Nauryz is in spring. I love Nauryz.

Let’s eat! Look, it’snauryzkozhe. I love it.

Let’s dance! Let’s sing!

Teacher says the actions and show them, pupils repeat and do after teacher.

Let’s dance. Let’s sing. Let’s eat. Look.

Teacher says the actions and pupils show them, teacher do the actions and pupils say.

Listen to the teacher and put the stickers.

CD, Vocabulary cards

Activity book. Ex 1 p 12.

Children choose flower or butterfly according their skills. Do you like flower or butterfly?

Children who choose flowers can …

Speak about spring

Do and say actions

Put the stickers

Children who choose butterfly can …

Do and say actions

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

more support can be given during elicitation, instruction and questioning phases of the lesson by nominating learners to answer items relating to more high frequency vocabulary to build confidence through participation.

through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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план конспект составлен по обновленному содержанию образования. для первых классов.

Lesson theme: Spring time in Kazakhstan

School: by name Khamraev

Date: 24.02.2016

Teachers name: Ashirova N.K.

Class: 1Ә

Number present: absent:

Learning objectives:

1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

1.L3 recognize with support simple greetings recognize the spoken

form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words

1.L1 recognize short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken

slowly and distinctly

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to:

follow teachers instructions

Most learners will be able to:

recognize and name new words with little support

Some learners will be able to:

Previous learning

Happy birthday. Colours. Everyday classroom routines

(W) Learners listen sing and do activities according the song “Wake up!”

Wake Up! Daily Routines Song for Kids

(W) Teacher elicit and pre – teach spring words: bird, flower, leaf, bee, tree, sun.

(I) (W) teacher gives each learner flashcards with new words. Teacher asks learners to show cards according teacher’s instruction:

Show me a bird, show me a flower, show me a bee, show me a tree, show me a leaf, show me the sun…

(G) Teacher divide class into two groups. Learners should take flashcard from the box and say what is it and make a simple sentence. Ex: it’s a blue bird, it’s a red flower…

(I)(f) learners given worksheet of spring pictures. Learners listen and colour a spring scene image according to teacher instructions: colour a bee black and yellow; colour the flower red; colour a bird blue; colour the trees green, colour the sun yellow

Success criteria: Learners have met this learning objective if they can:

Students should say what they learned at this lesson.

V. Reflection / рефлексия

What moments were successful?

What moments were unsuccessful?

Не сәтті болмады?

What can be improved?

Нені жақсартуға болады?

What kind of skills could I develop? Мен өз дағдыларымда нені дамыта алдым?

What can be changed? Нені өзгертуге болады?

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