Secondary education план урока 8 класс

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Презентация. Слайд 1. Good morning, dear students! Today we are going to talk about secondary education in Britain.

Слайд 2. England has a very interesting system of education. Education is class divided in England. There are state and public (private) schools. About 93% of children go to the state schools and other go to the public (private) schools. All state schools in Britain are free. Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive, considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities. Parents pay for these schools. There are 3 stages of education.

Слайд 3. Primary education consists of infant schools and junior schools. Primary education lasts for 6 years. At first they attend the infant school from 5 to 7, and then junior school until they are 11. In infant school children don’t have real classes. They study to write and read; they mostly play and learn throw playing. They know some numbers. When children are 7, real studying begins. They have classes and don’t play as much as it was in infant school. Then begins the secondary education.

Слайд 4. Warming-up

1. When did you start school?
2. What kind of school was it?
3. What subjects did you learn at the primary school?
4. What is your favourite school subject? Why?

Слайд 5. Listening

Listen to the text “Secondary Education in Britain” (N 9) and say which of the two is right.

1b 4a
2a 5b
3a 6b

Слайд 6. Reading

Read the text “Secondary Education in Britain” and match its paragraphs with the titles below. One title is not needed.

7a, 8b, 3c, 1d, -e, 5f, 2g, 4h, 6i

Слайды 7-10. Have a break!

The school year in English school has three terms: autumn term (September – Christmas), spring term (January – Easter) and summer term (Easter – June). There are holidays after each term. Autumn and spring holidays are about 6 weeks.

School uniform. Each school has its colour of uniform. One of the most element of the uniform is a school tie.

English marks. There such marks: A (star) – excellent, A – very good, B – good, C – satisfactory, D – poor, E – very poor, F – awful.

About 7% of children go to the private schools. Parents pay for these schools. The most famous schools are called public schools and they have a long history and traditions. Children of wealthy or aristocratic families often go to the same public schools as their parents and grandparents. The teachers of the private schools pay personal attention to each pupil. Boys and girls don’t study at these schools. An example of a private school is Eton. It is the most famous public school. A year at Eton costs &17000. it is very old and a lot of important people used to be students there.

Слайд 11. Speaking

Find the answers to these questions in the text.

1) When do British children start schooling? (At the age of five)
2) At what age do children usually finish infant and junior schools? (Infant schools – at the age of seven, junior schools – at the age of 11)
3) What is the main type of secondary schools in Britain nowadays? (Comprehensive schools)

Слайд 12. Writing

Complete these sentences, use the text if necessary.

1) … takes place in infant schools and junior schools. (Primary education)
2) Nowadays most British children go to … which take pupils of all abilities. (Comprehensive schools)
3) At the end of the fifth form pupils take their first public exam … (for the General Certificate of Secondary Education)

Слайд 13. Grammar

  1. … I would have fixed the shelf yesterday. (If I had had time)
  2. If you had been the first to reach the top of the mountain, … (you would have won)
  3. If only … last winter! (I had been here)
  4. If only … when I was younger. (we had had computers)

Слайд 14. Hometask

Make a short story about the system of secondary education in Britain.

Слайд 15. Заключительный этап урока

You were very active today. Your marks are …
The lesson is over! Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Theme: Secondary education

The aims: 1) to develop pupils speaking and reading;

2) to speak about education;

3) to teach to work with text

Type of lesson: combined

I. Organization moment.

a. Greetings

b. A talk about on duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

c. A talk about the weather?

-What season is it now?

- What month is it now?

-What day is it today?

-What date is it today?

Checking up the home task

Let’s check the home task. Who is ready to answer?

II. L isten & learn the new words:

School yard – мектеп ауласы

Portrait - портрет, сурет

Classroom – сынып іші

Discussion – талқылау, пікірсайыс

Ex2. Look up the following words in your dictionary:

Ground [‘graund] жер, топырақ, жергілікті

worldwide – кең орналасқан, кең тараған

III.Listen and read the text Ex 5 .p 72. Divide d into 3 groups

1 Group. Our school is large. It’s located not far from the center of the city. If you come to our school you will see a wide school-yard around it and a sports ground behind the school. We usually have Physical Training lessons there when the weather is fine.

Our school has got three floors. There are several classrooms for the pupils of the primary school on the ground floor. There is a cloak-room, a dining room and a library there too.

2 Group. In the library you can find many interesting books. Our pupils often go there when they want to find something interesting for their home assignment or out-class activity. If you look around the library hall you will see many portraits of famous English, Kazakh and Russian writers on the walls.

When you enter and go to the right along the corridor you will see the dining room, where teachers and pupils have their dinner. Near the dining room you will see the Gymnasium. The pupils like to go there because many of them like PT lessons.

3 Group. The classrooms for secondary forms and computer rooms for all pupils are on the first and second floors. There we have two other class-rooms. Every pupil of our school learns one of the foreign languages: English, German or French. We learn English because at the present time it is the most widespread language in the world. At the English lessons we learn new words, grammar, poems, read texts, ask and answer questions. Most of all we like to speak English During the English lessons we also do many exercises, with video and smart board.

I don’t go out so much (я не буду так много гулять, то

she stops smoking, she (она прекратит курить, то)

we don’t hurry up, we (мы не поторопимся, то)

you’re late, I (ты опоздаешь, то я)

do more work (буду больше работать).

save some money ( сэкономит деньги ).

be late ( мы опоздаем ).

wait for you ( подожду тебя .

Ағылшын тілінде шартты райлы сөйлемнің төрт түрі болады:

1. Zero Conditional 2. First Conditional 3. Second Conditional 4. Third Conditional
1. Zero Conditional – қашанда шындықты білдіретін жағдайды білдіреді . Басыңқы , бағыныңқы сөйлем де осы шақта тұрады . Мұндай сөйлемдердің шақ формуласы мынандай :
If + бағыныңқы сөйлем ( Present Indefinite ), басыңқы сөйлем ( Present Indefinite ). If you heat ice, it melts. If people work hard, they usually go to bed early. Бұл жерде ережені білу керек : бағыныңқы сөйлем басыңқы сөйлемнен кейін тұрса , арасына үтірқойылмайды .
2. First Conditional – болуы мүмкін шартты және оның келер шақтағы нәтижесін білдіреді . Басыңқы сөйлем келер шақ , бағыныңқы сөйлем осы шақ формаларында болады . Мұндай сөйлемдердің шақ формуласы мынандай :
If + бағыныңқы сөйлем ( Present Indefinite ), басыңқы сөйлем ( Future Indefinite ).
If it rains, I shall stay at home.

VI. Reflexion. What have you learned from the lesson? Was the lesson interesting or boring?

VII. Giving the home task . Write down the homework in your record book. Write an essay “My Ideal School”

VIII. Marking . I’ ll give you your marks.

IX. Conclusion of the lesson. Dear pupils, our lesson has come to the end. Let’s make a conclusion of our work. We have done many kinds of work at our lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye, children !

Воспитательная – воспитание понимания актуальности изучения иностранного языка, осознания необходимости самообразования.

Организационный момент.

Слайд 1. Good morning, dear students!

Опрос отсутствующих учеников, число.

Now I want that you are guess our new theme for today. Загадка ;

It has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry lets go in

For soon the lessons will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I start to write and read

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to …. ., don’t you?

Ответ слайд 3 The school

Слайд 4 Тема - Secondary education

Опрос домашнего задания

Cлайд 5 Cмайлики настроения

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Secondary Education

Название новой темы.

Today we are going to talk about secondary education in Britain. We’ll discuss many different things concerning education. We’ll compare schooling in Britain with schooling in Kazakhstan.

England has a very interesting system of education. Education is class divided in England. There are state and public (private) schools. About 93% of children go to the state schools and other go to the public (private) schools. All state schools in Britain are free. Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive, considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities. Parents pay for these schools. There are 3 stages of education.

Primary education consists of infant schools and junior schools. Primary education lasts for 6 years. At first they attend the infant school from 5 to 7, and then junior school until they are 11. In infant school children don’t have real classes. They study to write and read; they mostly play and learn throw playing. They know some numbers. When children are 7, real studying begins. They have classes and don’t play as much as it was in infant school. Then begins the secondary education.

Слайд 9 new words p. 109

School yard- школьный двор

Ground- земля, местность, почва

Assignment- поручение, назначение

Locate- располагать в определенном месте

During- в течений

Widespread- широко распространенный

Слайд 10 Warming-up

1. When did you start school?

2. What kind of school was it?

3. What subjects did you learn at the primary school?

4. What is your favourite school subject? Why?

Слайд 11 Reading

Чтение текста ; “ Our school ” ex. 5 p. 111

Слайд 12. Speaking

Раздаются карточки двух цветов. Один цвет вопрос, второй ответ.

Слайд 13 Writing ex. 6 p. 111

Complete these sentences, use the text

Слайд 14 Hometask

Make a short story about the system of secondary education in Britain.

Слайд 15. Заключительный этап урока

Смайлики настроение в конце урока

You were very active today. Your marks are …

The lesson is over! Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!Полную информацию смотрите в файле.

stay at our primar y scho ol for 4 ye ars and then the y go to a secondar y sc hool without any exams.

taught in English. In 198 7 the number of our school became 1232. So it is a school with time -tested

our School Council whic h consists of te achers, p upils and their p arents. T he Council discusses th e

are h eld inside our nativ e walls: a Theatre festival, Sports competitions, a Poetr y and Song festival,

information about current events in our school, discuss all problems y ou are int erested in an d share

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