Protecting nature план урока

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Наглядность: картины с видами природы, работы учащихся, фотографии.

I. Начало урока. Вступительное слово учителя.

Students, look at these landscapes. The world we live in is really wonderful: blue oceans, seas and rivers, mountains, hills, fields and valleys. We live surrounded by this beauty. But the situation isn’t the same in different parts of our planet. At this picture you can see Elba. One of the most beautiful rivers in Europe is dying. That is the result of people’s action. There are a lot of places like that in the world. The nature faces a great threat. That’s why people who take care of our planet have established the 22 of April as a special day around the world-Earth Day. It’s the day for people to learn what they can do to protect the planet.
So, at our lesson we are going to discuss one of the main probli of the time- the ecological probli. Tell me please, what does the word “ecology“ mean?

P. The word “ecology” came from Greek word which means “home”. This idea of home includes the whole planet of ours.

T. You are right. And now our “home”- our planet is in danger. We should answer two main questions during our lesson:

1. Is the situation really so dangerous?
2. What can we do to protect the nature and to save our planet?

II. Основная часть

P1. I want to tell you about water pollution. The situation is really gloomy and sometimes even hopeless. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans cover more than 70% of our planet. Scientists say “man will die if oceans die”. Over 5 million tons of oil products pollute the ocean each year. About 2 million tons of these products come from cars. First the oil products go into atmosphere. From the atmosphere they go into oceans. A ship wrecked tankers spill a lot of oil into the ocean. In addition big rivers carry into the ocean a lot of waste from industry and agriculture. Pollution means death to oceans. It kills fish, plants, birds .Experts believe life in oceans will be destroyed within 25 years.

P2. The industry effects the nature greatly. For example more than 30 years ago a pulp-and-paper factory was built on the shore of lake Baikal. As a result, because of the water pollution, more than 50% of the world’s purest water has been ruined. The whole ecological systi of lake has changed greatly. Some organisms that can be found only in lake Baikal are disappearing, trees are dying from the dust and gas blow-outs of the factory.

P3. Well, we see that water which is necessary for our life is polluted awfully. As for me, I want to focus to another probli the probli of air pollution. Nobody and nothing on the Earth could live without air. People pollute the air all over the world. A great number of trees growing on the planet produce oxygen and clean the air. But vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upset the oxygen balance.
Besides, the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects the Earth from the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. It’s like a kind of a roof. But now, because of the air pollution, the ozone layer is destroyed. The dangerous rays get through the atmosphere, causing different diseases.
In addition awful harm is caused to our home by nuclear tests of atom bombs, accidents on the atomic power stations, for example, Chernobyl tragedy in 1986. About 18% of the territory of Belorus was polluted with radioactive substances.

P4. We must keep in mind that not only the industry pollutes the nature. Every year each family create one ton of rubbish. A great number of dumps are all over the country. Just only some facts: it takes more than 2 years to decompose paper. Cans and tins destroy more than 90 years. Plastic packets decompose more than 200years, glass- more than 1000 years.

P5. People in cities suffer greatly from the pollution. But as for animals, the situation is really dramatic. Almost all animals, insects, and birds living on our planet need help. They could disappear forever. During 300 years 280 species were destroyed on our planet. Nowadays the destruction of animals is going on. Indian tigers are among thi.
Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are skilful hunters and people are afraid of thi. So they kill thi to safe their lives. But some people hunt tigers for their beautiful skins and for fun. They sell the skins and get a lot of money. The result is sad. There are few Indian tigers on the Earth.

P6. I want to tell you about elephants. They are wonderful, they can help men. Elephants need a lot of water. They drink as much as 50 gallons a day. They spray their bodies with water. They need a lot of food. Elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating. Today many elephants in Africa are dying because thy do not have enough food to eat and space to live in. Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year for meat and for their tusks. Only two million elephants live on the planet today. As for the other animals the situation is the same:

1) 8 big cats are killed to make one fur coat;
2) only several hundred of rhinos are left in Asia;
3) about 3 millions kangaroos are hunted every year;
4) only 30 Californian condors were left in the world;
5) millions buffalos were destroyed by now;
6) over 40000 monkeys are caught every year;
7) about 300 dolphins and 30 sea turtles are poisoned by water pollution every day.

T. Well, the contradiction between man and nature are really very dramatic. But is there anybody who does something to make the life of animals better?

2. Красная книга

P7. In 1949 scientists examined the living conditions of animals, birds, and insects. They made the list of rare and disappearing living things and named in Red Data Book. The colour red is a danger signal understandable to all people in the world. The red colour means no passage, stop! The colour red is one of blood and life. The first volumes of Red Data Book were published in 1966. In our country the book appeared in 1974.
This is unusual book. Its pages are of different colours. Animals which need immediate help are placed n the red pages. Those which number is reducing are on the yellow pages. Green pages are for animals which are already saved.

3. Международные экологические организации

T. Environmental protection is an universal concern. That’s why a serious measure should be taken to create a systi of ecological security. Do you know any international organizations trying to solve this probli?

P1. I know Greenpeace. This international organization fights with all kinds of nature protection all over the world.

P2. There is Green party in Europe.

P3. UN miber States have set environmental protection agencies.

T. There is one more international organization which protects the nature. Listen to the record. You should answer the following questions:

– What is the name of organization?
– What is its aim?
– Where does it get money from?

Учащиеся прослушивают текст два раза и отвечают на вопросы. Текст из учебника В. П. Кузовлева “Happy English”-2

4. Ролевая игра

T. Not only the international organizations are trying to stop the destroying the nature. Many common people organize ecological groups and do their best to help the nature in their native places. Today we have some guests from Great Britain. They are representatives of different ecological groups. Nice to meet you, dear friends. Introduce yourself, please.

Гости представляются и отвечают на вопросы учащихся.

– Hello, I’m Jane Smith. I’m from “Liverpool Ecology Group”.
– My name is Kate Servins. I live in Scotland. I’m a miber of the group “Friends of the Earth.”
– Glad to meet you. I’m Helen Brown “London Wildlife Trust”.

P1. How many ecological groups are there in Great Britain?

H.B. There are 300 nature centres in British cities and more than 30 in London. Children go there with their teachers to study and enjoy the nature.

P2. Do you celebrate the Earth Day? What activities do you suggest your mibers?

J.S. We celebrate the Earth Day every year. Twice a month we meet and discuss how to help the nature. We build bird-tables and bird-houses, plant and water trees and flowers. Besides we pick up litter in the forest.

K.S. We have special environmental education in our country. We teach pupils how to reduce energy and water. We collect old newspapers, cans and tins to recycle. Besides we reuse plastic containers and bottles.

P3. How do you help animals?

H.B. We feed animals in our community park and we treat thi if it is necessary. We also advice pupils to buy only recyclable goods.

5. Просмотр видеосюжета о больнице для животных

T. Students, our guests have brought video cassette about Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital. Let’s watch it and say:

– Where is this Hospital situated?
– How do the specialists help the nature?
– What are the aims of the organization?

Учащиеся просматривают видеоролик и отвечают на вопросы. Ответы учащихся:

– Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital is situated in the UK.
– The specialists take care of the animals which hurt and have some health problis.
– People want to take animals back to their natural home-nature. They teach thi to survive in the wild.

Т. Let’s pass to the problis closer to us- problis devoted to the ecology of Muravlenko. Our town is situated in the Extrie North of the Western Siberia. This region is famous of the oil-production. Oil- mining objects influence badly on water ecosystis, on the plant cover and permafrost soils. I’m sure that oil- companies must solve the ecological problis more effectively.
Now I’d like to draw your attention to another probli. Our town lies in a beautiful place. It is surrounded by deep forest called taiga. There are a lot of lakes and small rivers around the town. People like to spend their free time fishing, gathering mushrooms and berries, having picnics and lighting barbecues. So, they leave much litter in the forest. Students, look at these photos and say what can you see on thi?

Демонстрируются фотографии окрестностей города.

– The water is polluted.
– Birds are frightened.
– Dogs are not under control.
– The baby-trees are cut.
– Fires are burnt.
– Litter is left.
– Bottles, cans and tins are left everywhere.
– Papers and plastic packets are thrown out.
– Trees are cut and painted.

T. And what about you, students? Do you behave yourselves in the countryside the same way? What do you do at home to save the nature?

Примерные ответы учащихся:

– We never break trees when we go to the forest.
– We always take litter home after a picnic.
– We never throw rubbish into the lake.
– I never catch small animals and birds.
– I never paint the trees.
– I never cut wild flowers.
– We always leave the place clean when we hike.
– We save energy and water at home.
– We reuse plastic containers.

III. Заключительный этап урока. Составление экологических правил.

T. Now, pupils, let’s make the Code of Ecological Rules for all people of our town. I think these rules should be placed all over the forest.

Учащиеся выходят к доске и записывают правила.

Code of Ecological Rules.

– Don’t break trees.
– Don’t leave litter.
– Keep the country tidy.
– Respect the life and work of the countryside.
– Keep dogs under control.
– Put litter away.
– Grow trees and flowers.
– Don’t frighten birds and animals.
– Don’t cut wild flowers.
– Don’t burn fires.

T. Our lesson is coming to an end. In conclusion I’d like to tell you that the protection of nature is everybody’s business.
An outstanding English writer John Galsworthy said: ”If you don’t think about the future you will not have it.” Let’s think about the future. Let’s keep our planet tidy and make it better place to live in. Let’s save the Earth for ourselves and for the next generations.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Learners have met learning objective if they can build correct sentences using conditional 1.

Learners have met learning objective if they can understand missing information and complete the dialogue

Value links

Respect (In work with their peers learners should respect different ideas and opinions to find compromise)

Cross curricular links link

Projector or Smart board for demonstration the power point presentation

Previous learning

Some vocabulary about Nature

Planned timings

Planned activities

(W) Org moment: Greeting students:

T: Good morning dear children! I am extremely glad to see you here with me, and hope to spend great time all together. Happy to find you smiling and optimistic (children speak on the theme of their mood).

Motivation for the lesson theme.

My dear students, yesterday I received an invitation from the Ministry of the Environment of Kazakhstan to participate in the scientific congress in Astana next month. We must be prepared for it, but they seem to forget to inform us about the theme of the congress. They have just sent me a letter with some photos, perhaps, studying it we will be able to realize what the topic is. So let’s do it now together!

Work in groups and try to define the main idea of the letter, using these possible prompts (возможные названия темы конгресса у учащихся на партах)

Travelling around our wonderful world

Global problems of the Earth

Protecting nature

(Students choose the right variant and stick it in the middle of the blackboard.)

Teacher – What feeling do you have after watching the photos? (sympathy, anger, sadness, horror, sorrow). Do you really believe our planet is in danger now? Do you expect a lot of fun from our lesson?

Now I hope we will prepare for the congress, won’t we?

Setting the aim of the lesson:

The aims of the lesson are given in PPT:

develop vocabulary on countryside nature

using vocabulary to speak about countryside

PPP slides 1 (smiles)

(G) Pre-reading: Vocabulary work

1. Learners are grouped in two teams A and B. “A” team learners will get definitions or descriptions of new words, Group B learners get flashcards with new words matching certain definitions of team A. “A” team learners read their definitions for B team to match their flashcards.

2. Match the word from the left column to those from the right one

3. (Learners in groups discuss the following question: Why do we have to protect nature?)

Teacher - Great job, and now let’s refresh the main ideas on this topic. Look at the words and the pictures in our envelope once again and answer the first question: Why do we have to protect nature?

- Because it is beautiful.

- Because I want to live on a clean planet.

- Because the air, the trees and the flowers should not be destroyed, etc)

FA; teachers observes their discussion.

1. p.41 the text “Protecting nature”

Physical minute: a song “Mother Earth”

2. Learners work in groups, they should have a pile of stickers. They read a text where there are gaps. They have to complete the text with their own words which they write on their stickers. After that they put their stickers on the board.

FA: teacher checks learners’ answers as a whole group. For each correct/ appropriate answer a group gets a point.

Differentiation: Teacher may form the groups in the way to support less able learners.

(G) Post reading:

1. T. Ok, nowadays much attention is paid to the environmental problems. I am going to show you some international ecological signs. They are international because they are known all over the world. You will describe these signs using the new expressions from the book and some modal verbs. What modal verbs do you remember?

Ученики называют модальные глаголы should, must и объясняют вкратце их употребление.

Учитель показывает экологические знаки

- We must not destroy wildlife.

- We must not throw away litter into seas and rivers.

- We should recycle paper, metal and glass.

- We must reduce pollution, etc.

2. T: Can you make an international ecological sign yourself? Please, invent it now! And then comment on your work.

T: (W). My dear students, thank you for your work, now I feel we are prepared for the conference, and the last task for you: let us sing the wonderful song of the Saving earth promise.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

План – конспект урока английского языка

Тема урока:’ Nature protection ’

Think globally, act locally!

Социокультурный аспект – повторение и закрепление экологических правил поведения в городе и загородной зоне, повторение понятий и реалий.

Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к сравнению, умозаключению, развитие оперативной памяти и способности к функционально-адекватному восприятию грамматических структур.

Воспитательный аспект – формирование уважительного и ответственного отношения к природе, воспитание бережливости и осознавания роли человека во взаимодействии с природой; формирование способностей осознавать экологические проблемы и желания помочь природе.

Цели урока:

Пробуждение интереса к новой актуальной теме, введение новой лексики и ее активизация в устной речи.

Формирование навыков аудирования, закрепление использования ранее изученных модальных глаголов.

Развитие умения анализировать, делать выводы, используя проектное обучение.

Оборудование и наглядные пособия:

Учебник В.П. Кузовлева English.

Фломастеры, карандаши, альбомные листы.

Карточки с изображением экологических знаков

План урока . Орг . момент

Ход урока :

Учитель : Today’s topic is Nature Protection and you can see the topic on the blackboard. What does it mean?

Ученики переводят тему урока .

Основная часть.

Учитель : Nowadays nature protection is a big problem in the world. There are three questions on the blackboard. We are going to answer these questions during our lesson. Let’s read them.

Ученики читают вопросы с доски:

Why do we have to protect nature?

How can we protect nature?

What ecological organizations help protect nature?

Учитель : So the first question. To answer it we shall listen to a very famous song by Louis Armstrong. Let’s watch a short video.

Показ презентации 1

You can see some expressions from the song. Read them, please.

Ученики читают выражения из песни

- Clouds of white

Ученики слушают текст песни :

I see trees of green, red roses too
I watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more, than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of the people going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, "I love you"

Учитель : Look at the words and the pictures once again and answer the first question: Why do we have to protect nature?

Примерные ответы :

- Because it is beautiful.

- Because I want to live on a clean planet.

- Because the air, the trees and the flowers should not be destroyed, etc

Учитель : I like your ideas. Thank you. Now the second question.. How can we protect nature? To answer this question, have a look at page 74 of your books. There, in exercise 2, you can find some new words and expressions connected with our topic. They are also on the blackboard. Find the expressions which are new to you and read them out.

Ученики читают и переводят новые для них выражения:

Protect nature, reduce pollution, destroy wildlife, damage nature, pollute nature, disturb wild animals, throw away litter, spoil the environment, recycle, etc

Учитель : I am going to show you some international ecological signs. They are international because they are known all over the world. You will describe these signs using the new expressions from the book and some modal verbs. What modal verbs do you remember?

Ученики называют модальные глаголы should, must, can, have to и объясняют вкратце их употребление .

Учитель показывает экологические знаки

- We must not destroy wildlife .

- We must not throw away litter into seas and rivers.

- We should recycle paper, metal and glass.

- We can reduce pollution, etc.

Учитель : Can you make an international ecological sign yourself? Please, invent it now! And then comment on your work.

Творческая работа в группах(во время проведения звучит песня Д. Ленона “ Imagine ”)

Ученики работают в группах по 3-4 человека. Используя карандаши, фломастеры, и листы бумаги, они рисуют собственные экологические знаки, дают им определение и один из группы раскрывает значение знака у доски.

Примерные ответы :

- We should not hurt wild animals.

- We must keep off the grass.

- We should not throw litter on the ground.

- We should have picnics in special places.

- We mustn’t leave a fire in the forest.

Учитель отмечает наиболее активную группу и наиболее интересный знак.

Учитель : Now the final question… What ecological organizations help protect nature? This was your home task, as far as I remember! А t the end of our last lesson I asked you to find some information about the international ecological organizations.

Показ презентация, приготовленная учащимися.

Ученики, нашедшие краткую информацию об этих организациях, зачитывают ее классу.

Примерные ответы :

- Green Peace-an international environmental organization founded in 1969 in Canada. Members of this organization are always active and brave. There are offices in many countries including Russia.

- RSPCA-Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals-a charity organization in Britain, founded in 1824, which protects animals.

- WWF-World Wide Fund-an international organization founded in 1961 to raise money for the conservation of some endangered species of animals. Its symbol is a big panda.

- RSPB-Royal Society of Preserving Birds-a volunteer organization in Britain which was founded in 1889 with the aim of protection of wild birds. The society has over 1 million members.

Учитель : Thank you for being active! Now, let’s have a quick look at the three questions on the blackboard which we have already answered.

Ученики подводят итог урока, обобщая ответы на три поставленных в начале урока вопроса.

Примерный ответ :

Our nature is in danger. We should protect it because we want to save our beautiful planet. We can recycle paper, metal and glass. We must not pollute the atmosphere or water. We must not disturb wild animals. There are some ecological organizations which protect nature in different parts of the world including our country.

Учитель : Your home task for the next lesson will be exercise 3 on page 41 of your Reader books. Match the signs, the definitions of the signs and their explanations.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Teacher: -The theme of today’s lesson is “Environmental Protection”. The problem of our lesson is the global situation in ecology and what we can do with it. We’ll try to discuss some environmental problem in Kazakhstan.

  1. Повторение лексики: (учитель читает с доски, ученики повторяют)

Livingthings- живые существа

Teacher: - Do the task.The task is to read the meaning and guess the word:

  1. The scientific study of the natural relations of plants, animals, people. (ecology)
  2. The act of making air, water, land dangerously impure. (pollution)
  3. Too many people in one place. (overcrowding)
  4. The act of destroying, putting an end to the existence of something. (destruction)
  5. The act of throwing things away untidily. (littering)
  6. Plants, animal, things. (living things)
  7. The natural home of a plant or animal. (habitat)
  8. Surroundings, circumstances and influences. (environment)
  9. Something which can help in doing something, that can be turned to for support and help. (resources)
  10. To use something up completely. (exhaust)
  11. No longer in existence; having diet out. (extinct)
  12. That which produces an effect or event. (cause)
  1. Активизацияновойлексики: -Teacher: - Repeat after me. Write down the new words.
  1. Protect- защищать
    • -дом
  2. - беречь, сохранять

Point out- указать

  1. Teacher: -Read the sentences and write the missing words.

The Earth is our. We must take care of it.The importance of this task isby the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and their. each of us must do everything possible to the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures tothe environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.

(protect, home, keep, pointed out, environment)

Teacher: -There is a nice saying on the blackboard today. Will you read and translate?

Pupil: “we do not own the Earth, we have borrowed it from the future generation”

Teacher: -what does it mean?

Надоскенаписаныопорныесловосочетания: “take care of…”,“think only about today”, “keep…for your children”

1. Speaking.Аудирование:
Тeacher:- Our planet is nice and beautiful. But there are some ecological problems. What are they?
P1. The water is polluted.
P2. The air is polluted.
P3. Birds and animals are frightened.
P4. Trees are cut down.
P5. Litter is left.
P5. Fires are started.
- You are right. All this problems are serious and important. I gave you some ecological problems for discussing. You should prepare a short report. You can use pictures. Now its high time to tell us about the given topics problems. One by one. Please, start.

1. Air pollution.

2. Water pollution.

3. Animals are in danger.

4. Plants are in danger.

Water pollution

Water pollution is one of the famous and one of the largest problems in our world. People in Africa cannot drink clean water; their children die because a big part of our water has been polluted. Polluted water killed animals and plants too. There is no ocean or sea, which is not used as a dump. Many seas are used for dumping industrial and nuclear waste. This poisons and kills fish and sea animals. "Nuclear-poisoned" fish can be eaten by people. Factories produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. So they poison water.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is one of the serious problems of today. Millions of people all over the world live in areas in which the air is not safe to breathe. One of the main sources of this type of pollution is industry. Numerous factories and plants release into the atmosphere sulfates. When the sulfates mix with the clouds acid rains falls.

One more dramatic thing is an increasing number of cars and other means of transport as their fumes penetrate into the atmosphere and destroy the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun.

Animals in danger

During Earth’s long history, evolution has produced many new kinds of animals. Some of the largest and most impressive animals, such as the tiger, black rhino and giant panda, are now so rare that are indangered; animals are in danger fo many reasons, and most of these are to do with humans. People collect animals as pets, and hunt them for food and for fun.

Plants in danger

Many plants in the world are known to be in danger or threatened with extinction. Paper and cardboard are made from wood. Every year over 100000 sq. km. of forests are cleared for different uses.

N. A. Nazarbaev supports greatly a tree planting project around Astana. A lot of trees have been already planted. As the result of this Astana has become a green city.

2. Просмотр видео.

Have you ever heard to the Aral Sea? --- Yes, I have
Where is it located? ---- It’s located in Kazakhstan
What’s the problem of the Aral region? ---- a dying sea
Watch a video “The Aral Sea catastrophe and energy security”

Описание разработки

Цели урока:

Образовательная цель: расширение знаний учащихся об экологических проблемах.

Воспитательная цель: формирование уважительного отношения к природе и ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам, воспитание бережного отношения к природным богатствам, чувства любви к родной природе.

Развивающая цель: развитие информационных умений учащихся, умение обобщать информацию, развитие самостоятельности и ответственности, умение использовать новые информационные технологии.

Задачи урока:

Совершенствование навыков и умений речевой деятельности на английском языке.

Обучать учащихся выражать и аргументировать свое отношение к проблеме.

Создание комфортной психологической и образовательной среды.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Расширение словарного запаса.

Свободное употребление новых лексических единиц по экологической тематике и грамматических структур в речи.

Выработка у учащихся личностного эмоционального отношения к экологическим проблемам современного мира.

Оснащение урока: технические средства обучения (компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, материалы на электронных носителях, пособия)

Ход урока.

1. Рассказ учителя о плане урока. (1 слайд).

Good morning! I am glad to see you! We live in the world where there are a lot of ecological problems. Nowadays the global situation in ecology is very serious. Many people all over the world are worried about it and discuss it in Russian, English, French and other languages. We are here to discuss several questions connected with pollution and other environmental problems and how to solve some problems.

2. Речевая зарядка.

The environment is your surroundings, your house, your garden, your town, your shops, the hills and rivers, the ocean, the air and so on.

Environment is our surroundings and what around us. Its where we live. Some environments are cleaner than others and that's a healthy environment, sadly some places are not. This is caused by pollution and littering.

The environment can be as broad as their surroundings. For animals, this can included their habitat, other animals, and other things that may not be part of their natural habitat like a power plant or other unnatural addition. For people, the environment not only includes the building or city in which they reside, but also every person with whom they have contact and every part of nature to which they are exposed. Environment can include any living or nonliving element to which a subject is exposed.

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