Prepositions of place план урока 5 класс

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Teacher : Tartanova L.V.

Date: 1 4 .11.2017

The theme of the lesson: Prepositions of place.

The aim of the lesson: By the end of the lesson, students should know about prepositions, and should know how to use them in practice.

Educational aim: to introduce the new grammar materials and structures, new words and word combinations connecting with theme.

Up – bringing aim: to bring-up the interest and love to speak in English.

Developing aim: develop students’ skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing.

2. to develop memory, understanding, oral and written skills. develop student’s thinking, ability to express their opinions.

Communicative aim: talking about grammar and use them in practice

The type of lesson: presentation of the new theme, practical lesson

The form of lesson: traditional

Methods of teaching: exercises, instructions

Methods of checking: answer-question, work with cards, blackboard

Technology: using informative technology

Inter-subject connection: phonetics, stylistic.

The equipment of the lesson:

Visual AIDS: pictures,cards

Procedure of the lesson.

I. Introduction

Aims of the lesson.

II. Presentation

Work with vocabulary

Doing some grammar exercises

III. Concluding Part


b. Checking homework

What about your homework?

Make up sentences, work with words

Aims of the lesson

Look at the board. Today we’ll discuss new grammatical material prepositions of place

We’ll work in groups and pairs. And do different exercises on blackboard and cards.

Phonetic training

Let `s do some phonetic exercises. Repeat after me:

Who likes coffee

and who likes tea.

You like coffee

And you like tea.


Work with vocabulary

You have got the sheets with new words and expressions, which we need, this lesson for our work. Please, look at them and repeat the words after me.

New grammar theme. (cards)



Doing some grammar exercises

Let’s do some exercises on this theme and check our knowledge.

1. Поставьте подходящий предлог: in , at или on .

My husband was born … Germany. (Мой муж родился в Германии.)

The dog is sleeping … the grass … our garden. (Собака спит на траве в нашем саду.)

There are two funny posters … the wall … my bedroom. (На стене в моей спальне висят два забавных постера.)

Let’s meet … the bus station. (Давай встретимся на автовокзале.)

My room was … the third floor. (Моя комната была на третьем этаже.)

He left his bicycle … the pavement. (Он оставил велосипед на тротуаре.)

There is a big hole … my pocket. (В моем кармане большая дыра.)

Have you heard some noise … the street? (Ты слышал какой-то шум на улице?)

My favorite restaurant is … King street. (Мой любимый ресторан находится на Кинг стрит.)

I think I know this girl … the picture. (Кажется, я знаю эту девушку на фоторграфии.)

A huge fly was creeping … the picture. (Огромная муха ползала по фотографии.)

I prefer to spend my weekends … home. (Я предпочитаю проводить выходные дома.)

Look at those black clouds … the sky. (Посмотри на те черные тучи в небе.)

You should turn left … the traffic lights. (Тебе нужно повернуть налево у светофора.)

Sophie is … the dentist’s now. (Софи у стоматолога сейчас.)

Tom usually has breakfast … school. (Том обычно завтракает в школе.)

above (Часы висят на стене, над столом.)

on (Он играл Гамлета на сцене много раз.)

between (Банк находится между почтой и салоном красоты.)

under (Мяч укатился под кровать.)

in front of (Боб и Джейн сидели в кафе друг перед другом.)

next to (Спортзал находится рядом с моим колледжем.)

on (Памятник находится справа.)

at (Адрес офиса – в верхней части страницы.)

at (Он проводит всю свою жизнь на работе.)

in (Чайник кипит на кухне.)


In conclusion, I would like to say that it’s very interesting to learn grammar. Now I am sure you know more about prepositions. Review English grammar . Did you like our lesson?

Giving homework

2. Выберите подходящий предлог и переведите предложения.

The clock hangs on the wall, … the table. (above/under/on)

He has played Hamlet … the stage many times. (on/in/next to)

The bank is … the post-office and the beauty salon. (behind/at/between)

The ball has rolled … the bed. (on/under/above)

Bob and Jane were sitting in the café … each other. (between/behind/in front of)

The gym is … my college. (next to/on/between)

The monument is … the right. (in/at/on)

The office address is … the top of the page. (in/at/above)

He spends all his life … work. (in/at/on)

The kettle is boiling … the kitchen. (in/at/on)

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Данная методическая разработка предназначена для активизации и системаизации ЗУН в рамках темы:"There is/There are-prepositions of place". Подходит для преподавателей, работающих в 5-х классах, а также для обучающихся 5-х классах. В конспект включены наглядные материалы и приложения, которые направлены на отработку лексико-грамматического материала по теме.

konspekt_uroka_po_teme_there_is-there_are.doc 731 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Разработка урока по английскому языку

Разработала: Потапова Д.И.

Учитель английского языка

План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе

(изучение языка со 2-го класса).

Продолжительность урока: 45 минут.

Тема урока: There is /are – Prepositions – Description of the room

Тип урока: обобщающий урок по теме There is/are и Furniture.

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? OK. Good.

‘There is/ there are. I prepared a lot of interesting things foe you? Are you ready? Let’s start!

Дети приветствуют учителя и отвечают на вопросы.

1. At first, let’s revise the names of the rooms in the house. Please, name the rooms and I’ll write them on the blackboard ( kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom ).

(Mind mapping – см. приложение 1).

2. Well done! And now think and name two or three things we have in the rooms

a television, a bed, a lamp – см. Приложение 1).

(Учитель использует фронтальный опрос).

3. Now look at the photograph of a living room on page 34 in your books (cм. Приложение 2) What else, except an armchair and a sofa, can you find there in the living room? ( a table,

a chair, a window, a picture,

a telephone, a fireplace, a plant, a mirror, a stereo).

Now I see that all of you know the vocabulary on our topic very well. Let’s continue.

Ученики по очереди называют сначала комнаты в доме ( kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom ), потом предметы мебели для каждой комнаты ( a chair,

Ученики смотрят на картинку и называют предметы мебели ( a table,

a chair, a window, a picture,

a plant, a mirror, a stereo).

Весь этап 10 минут

Отработка грамматической конструкции there is/are

1. Look at the same picture on page 34 and describe the room, using there is/are.

For example, there’s a sofa;

There are two lamps;

There’s a television…

Is everything clear? OK! Let’s start doing this exercise in turn. (Фронтальный опрос).

Ученики по очереди называют по предложению, описывая картинку, используя конструкцию there is/are.

1. Now let’s revise how to ask questions with there is/are . Listen to the questions and answers, and repeat them. ( см. приложение 3 – содержание).

Are you ready? Let’s start.

2. And now, in pairs, ask and answer questions about the objects you see on page 34

( см. приложение 4)

Дети слушают плёнку и повторяют за диктором.

Дети в парах задают вопросы и отвечают на них:

Is there a clock? – No, there isn’t

Is there a television? – Yes, there is…и т.д.

Знакомство с предлогами места

(Presentation of the prepositions).

And now to make our description complete, I’ll explain you the usage of the next prepositions: near, on, next to, in front of, behind. I’ll show you the picture. Look at this picture attentively. (cм. приложение 5 – учитель показывает на картинку и называет предлог):

- There is a dog on the chair in the picture A. There in a dog on the bed in the picture E.

Where is a cat on the chair? (B). Right.

- There is a cat behind the television in the picture C.

Where is a dog behind the wardrobe? (D)

- There is a dog near the cupboard in the picture J.

Where is a dog near the stereo? (L) OK

- There is a dog in front of the picture in the picture F.

- And there is a dog next to the cupboard in the picture J. There is a dog next to the television in the picture H.

It’s very important that next to is used mostly with two objects. And near – mostly with three subjects.

Is everything clear? Good!

Ученики смотрят на картинку и расположение предметов на ней. И отвечают на вопросы учителя.

Отработка предлогов в речи

( Practice of the usage of the prepositions)

1. Now look at the photograph of a living room (cм. приложение 1) again and do the exercise 5 on page 35. ( cм. приложение 6-а). Put a preposition from the box into each gap.

2. And now let’s do the exercise 1 on page 35 (cм. приложение 6-б). Complete the sentences about the living room in the photograph.

Ученики выполняют упражнения, используя предлоги near, on, next to, in front of,behind.

формирование умения применения предлогов места в речи обучающихся.

Планируемые образовательные результаты

Предметные: знание предлогов места в пределах учебной программы; умение применять изученные предлоги в английской речи; научиться говорить о месте нахождения предмета, активно употребляя новую лексику в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей.

Метапредметные: развивать навыки общения, умение логически мыслить, умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации, обобщать, делать выводы и заключения; умение (работать в парах, помогать друг другу), умение высказать свои мысли на английском языке.

Личностные: воспитать культуру общения, научится высказываться о месте нахождения предметов; самоорганизация, ценностное отношение к совместной познавательной деятельности, самооценка.

Трудовые действия учителя

1. Планирование и реализация образовательной работы в соответствии с федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами и основными образовательными программами.

2. Создание позитивного психологического климата в коллективе, создание условий для доброжелательных отношений между детьми.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение (средства, оборудование)

Для учителя

Для обучающихся

Этап (ход) урока, включая демонстрируемые трудовые действия учителя

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

Орг. момент (Трудовые действия учителя:

1. Планирование и реализация образовательной работы в соответствии с федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами и основными образовательными программами.

2. Создание позитивного психологического климата в коллективе, создание условий для доброжелательных отношений между детьми.)

-Good morning, boys and girls!

I’m glad to see you.

Sit down, please.

- How are you, pupils?

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today ?

- Today we’re having a very interesting lesson. We’ll work with cards, play a game and do a lot of different exercises.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

открытый урок для учащихся 5 классов. На тему Моя сумка (Предлоги места).

Mrs Evans: Yes, Carol.

Carol: Where’re my books?

Mrs Evans: They’ re in your bag?

Carol: And where ‘s my bag.

Mrs Evans: It’s on the chair.

Carol: Oh , that’s not mine, it’s Colin’s.

Mrs Evans: Then it’s under the chair.

Carol: Thank you, Mum, bye.

Mrs Evans: Yes, Carol.

Carol: Where’re my books?

Mrs Evans: They’ re in your bag?

Carol: And where ‘s my bag.

Mrs Evans: It’s on the chair.

Carol: Oh , that’s not mine, it’s Colin’s.

Mrs Evans: Then it’s under the chair.

Carol: Thank you, Mum, bye.

Where is the mouse? The mouse is in the house.

Where us the cat? The cat is in the hat.

Where is the fish? The fish is in the dish.

Where are you? I am in the classroom

Where is the bear? The bear is on the chair.

Where is the snake? The snake is on the cake.

Where is the guitar? The guitar is on the car.

Where are you? I am on the chair too.

Where is the fox? The fox is under the box.

Where is the train? The train is under the airplane.

Where is the rose? The rose is under the nose.

Where are you? We are under the moon.

Where is the C? The C is behind the D.

above, in front of

Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

There is a carpet _________the floor.

There is a lamp __________ the armchair.

There is a table ___________the sofa.

There is a picture _________the wall.

There is a TV ____________ the table.

There is a chair _________ the sofa.

There is a TV ________the small table.

There is fair ______ the fireplace.

Answer the questions:

1.Is there a sofa in the room?

2. Is there a table in front of the sofa?

3. Is there an armchair next to the fireplace?

4. Is there a painting on the wall?

5. Is there a bookcase in the room?

6. Is there a lamp next to the sofa?

7. Is there a carpet on the floor?

8. Are there books on the table?

Rex is behind Colin. Rex is between Carol and Colin.

Rex is in front of Omar. Rex is near Colin and Omar.

Rex is among children.

Rex is behind Colin. Rex is between Carol and Colin.

Rex is in front of Omar. Rex is near Colin and Omar.

Rex is among children.

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5 классе.

Тема: Где моя сумка?( Предлоги места)

The theme of the lesson: Where is my bag?( Prepositions of place)

The aims: To enrich student’s knowledge about prepositions of place.

To develop student’s reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.

To develop student’s memory, attention and imagination.

To develop student’s interest to English subject.

Equipment: Cards with tasks, slides, video, multimedia, pictures

Org. moment: Greeting

Teacher: Good afternoon. Children!

Student: Good morning, Ainura Tilekteshovna.

T: Glad to see you!

S:Glad to see you too!

T: Sit down, please! What date is it today? What is the day today?

S: Today is the 9 th of December. It’s cold today, it’s winter now.

T: Today we have an unusual lesson of English. We have many guests today.

We want to welcome them to our lesson and we are glad to see them.

At the lesson we’ll see some slides, you ‘ll listen to interesting facts that you don’t know, you’ll answer the questions and speak in English.

Let’s divide into 2 groups. Take some stickers red and green.

Warm up: What’s your name?

How old are you?

Where are you from?

Can you play chess?

Let’s repeat our vocabulary.

Is this a book? Is this a computer or calculator?

Where is my bag? Where is your pen?

What do we speak about?

Т.:Ребята о чем мы сейчас говорим? Да о предлогах. Зачем нам нужны предлоги?

S: Они нам нужны затем, чтобы говорить где находятся предметы или человек.

T: Now look at the video about prepositions of plays.

T:Repeat after me: Prepositions.

T:Where my pen?

S1: It’s on the book. Etc.

If you are ready, let’s look at the screen and check up . Is it true or false.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

My plane stopped at Dubai and Hanoi and arrived in Bangkok two hours late.

When will you arrive at the office?

Do you work in an office?

I have a meeting in New York.

Do you live in Japan?

Jupiter is in the Solar System.

The author's name is on the cover of the book.

There are no prices on this menu.

You are standing on my foot.

There was a "no smoking" sign on the wall.

I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London.

Notice the use of the prepositions of place at, in and on in these standard expressions:

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