План урока the green world

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Цель урока: развитие навыков разговорной речи при обсуждении экологических проблем окружающего мира.

1.Употребление лексико-грамматических единиц по заданной теме.
2.Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи учащихся.
3.Экологическое и нравственное воспитание учащихся.

3.Плакаты с изображением планеты Земля
5.Раздаточный материал

Продолжительность урока: 1 час.

Ход урока:

Good morning students, sit down. How are you?

1.The topic for our discussion today is really interesting to everyone, no matter where they live, what nationally, age or religions they are. It is not politically colored, but it can cause a lot fo argument and can be one of the biggest issues in the election campaign.

Nowadays it is the top topic throughout the world. Even if you are not enthusiastic about it you will have to face it.

2. So, can you guess what I am speaking about?

3. What is the environment?

(The air. Water and the land where people, animals and plants live and the way all these things depend on each other so that life can continue).

Today people are very much concerned about environmental problems that are discussed in meeting, newspapers, on television, etc.

It is the burning point of our everyday life.

And here is some green news from all around the world that you’ve found

Black Sea faces oil 'catastrophe'

Soldiers and emergency workers are battling to clean up an oil spill that has reportedly killed some 30,000 birds in the Kerch Strait, by the Black Sea.

Alexander Tkachev, governor of Russia's Krasnodar region, said the incident was an "ecological catastrophe".

Some 2,000 tons of fuel oil leaked into the straits between the Black Sea and the Azov Sea after a fierce storm broke a tanker apart on Sunday.

About 10 ships sank or ran aground in the region and 20 sailors are missing.

So far, 35 crew members from the stricken vessels have been plucked to safety by rescue teams.

The bodies of three sailors were found on Monday morning.

At least two other ships were carrying potentially hazardous cargo when they sank, including nearly 6,000 tons of sulphur.

The Russian tanker Volganeft-139, with more than 4,000 tons of fuel aboard, came apart after it was smashed by 108km/h (67 mph) winds and 5m (16ft) waves in the narrow Kerch Strait between Russia and Ukraine.

Stormy weather is hampering the clean-up operation

Officials estimate that nearly half the tanker load has already leaked out in the water.

"Some 30,000 birds have died and it's not possible to count how many fish," Mr Tkachev was quoted as saying by Russia's Interfax news agency.

"The damage is so great that it's hard to assess. It can be equated with an ecological catastrophe," the governor said.

Oil-soaked birds have been seen struggling in the polluted water, and a number of them have been found dead on the sandy shores.

Others have been seen hopping weakly along the beaches, weighed down by a thick coating of fuel oil.

Hundreds of Russian soldiers have deployed to clean up the spill, but the operation is being hampered by stormy weather.

Soil-excavating vehicles have been sent to clear affected beaches around the Russian port of Kavkaz.

Helicopter and ships equipped with tackling the oil spill at sea have been hampered by more stormy weather.

The prime ministers of Russia and Ukraine are due to visit the region later on Tuesday to discuss the emergency aid plan.

Russian environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak told the AFP news agency the tanker accident was a "very serious environmental disaster".

The heavy oil was sinking to the seabed and could take years to clean up, he said.

Russian prosecutors say they are investigating whether the ships' captains ignored warnings of the approaching storm.

  • the greenhouse effect
  • global warming
  • holes in the ozone layer
  • acid rain
  • the destruction of habitats
  • cars
  • different forms of pollution
  • how do these forms of pollution affect the environment

You know that, people are not indifferent to the environment, they are becoming more aware of “green” issues.

Now we are going to work in 2 groups:

The first group is going to discuss the pros of building a new road.

And the second group is going to talk about cons of the construction.

So,you have about 3 minutes.

You can take notes on the main ideas your groups come up with and report back on them at the end.Also you can add your own ideas to those mentioned by the other group.

What action is Green watch taking?

-organizing a number of meetings to express opinion
-writing to local people informing them about the situation
-organizing demonstrations

  1. What environmental problems does your local area face?
  2. What solutions can you think of?
  • air pollution, water pollution, smog
  • destruction of forests
  • extinction species
  • rubbish
  • building new reservoir, new watch facilih
  • droughts floods
  • make factories install filters using unleaded petrol public transport
  • stop cutting down forest
  • make nature reserves
  • recycling rubbish
  • using what we already have more sufficiently and wisely

To entertain you I would like to give you this questionnaire to find out how environmentally friendly you are.

Work in pairs to see how green you are.

1.Do you recycle all your used bottels,packets,boxes and paper?

2.Do you just throw your rubbish in the bin (or on the floor!) and not worry about it?

3.Do you buy environmentally friendly products, even if they’re a bit more expensive?

4.Do you frequently buy disposable razors,cameras,etc?

5.Do you care about the rainforests being cut down?

6.Do you think that an urban environment is always better than a rural?

7.Do you think that cars pollute the atmosphere with their exhaust fumes?

8.Do you think that the car is the best envention ever?

disposable-something that is disposable is designed to be thrown away after you have used it once or a few times.

razor-a small tool or a piece of electrical equipment used for shaving.

If you focus on the topic for our discussion you will notice a question.

The Green? World Around Us.Green is used about places in which the environment is protected.

A green area-has a lot of grass, trees.

Green-used about people who care about the environment.

Is the world really green?

In your life you will have to make a lot of decisions. Let’s come to some conclusion today. So, in odder to save the environment and the future you should: recycle, reuse, reduce, make nature reservoirs, protest, save water,etc.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Учить совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме урока; актуализация лексических навык.

Развивать навыки чтения с извлечением основной информации; познавательную активность учащихся; умение делать презентацию.

Воспитывать бережное отношение к растительному миру

Учебные материалы: картинки с изображением цветов, карточки, презентация в Power Point

I.Орг. момент. Good morning my dear pupils! I am very glad to see you again!

We are glad to see you too!

I want you to look at the first slide and say what we are going to discuss at the lesson. So, what is the topic of our lesson today?

Учащиеся просматривают первый слайд презентации.

The Green World!

II. Warm-up. Brainstorming.

Цель: пробуждение имеющихся знаний, интереса к получению новой информации, определение направления в изучении темы. Работа с диаграммой.

Проверка домашнего задания

Put modal verbs.

My friend . speak five languages

Mary s… take exercises every day.

We …. stay here overnight.

I … repair your car.

You … visit a dentist.

You . come so early.

. You … buy the tickets.

What are your associations with the word “Green World”.

Учащиеся озвучивают свои ответы по теме урока. Примерное высказывание учащихся: flowers, trees, plants, tulips, roses.

Учитель демонстрирует слайды с многообразием флоры нашей планеты. Введение новой лексики урока.

Work with the new words

Flower /n/ - [ flauә ] -цветок

care about /v/- [ keə ] [ əˈbaʊt ] забота о

protect /v/ - [ prəˈtekt ] защищать, охранять, беречь

Environment /n/ - окружающая среда

To smell- /v/ - [ smel ] -запах

To grow /v/ - [ grou ] -расти

Field /n/ - [ fi:ld ] - поле

Roadside - [roudsaid] - обочины

To pollute /v/- [ pəˈluːt ] – загрезнять

Cactus /n/- [ ˈkæk.təs ]- кактус

litter- /n/- [ ˈlɪt.ər ] – мусор

To throu /v/ - [ θroʊ ] – бросать

Dumb /n/-[ dʌm ]- глупый

Учащиеся записывают новые слова в словарную тетрадь. Затем отрабатывают произношение каждого слова повторяя несколько раз одно и тоже слово. Фонетическая отработка новых лексических единиц, первичное закрепление в ответах на вопросы учителя.

III. Работа с учебником.Please, open your books at p.59, ex.1.Match the words to the pictures. Do you know the Russian names of the flowers in the pictures?

Учащиеся работают по картинкам в учебнике. Составляют собственное высказывание по теме задания в учебнике.

Работа с учебником. P.57.ex.8. Создание презентации и защита. После защиты презентации учащимися, учитель демонстрирует слайды с изображением кактуса Сакуаро.

Учащиеся читают текст, затем обсуждают его в группах. Приходят к общему мнению о данном растении, используя информацию из текста. Затем учащиеся создают не большую презентацию о кактусе.

Дополнительная информация учителя о еще одном гиганте нашей планеты – красном дереве. Учащимся демонстрируется слайды с изображением Красного дерева.

Учащимися изучается памятка в учебнике на стр.58, упр. 10.

IV.Рефлексия. Суммирование и систематизация новой информации по теме урока.

Не подготовленные микро-высказывания по изученному материалу. Речевая деятельность учащихся на базе новой лексики по теме урока.

На слайдах показаны критерий оценивания.

Урок сформулирует знания о видах растений, цветов, познакомит с видами кактуса и розы, расскажет о берёзе.

Описание разработки

Главные цели урока:

Сформулировать знания о видах растений, цветов. Познакомить с видами кактуса, розы. Рассказать о берёзе.

Сформировать навыки правильного чтения, навыки аудирования. Продолжить работу по развитию практической речи. Пополнение словарного запаса учащихся.

реализация экологического воспитания на уроке

Практическая: научить использовать изученный лексический материал на практике.

Ключевая идея урока: роль окружающей среды в изучении английского языка.

Ожидаемый результат: у учащихся сформированы навыки работы в группе, навыки аудирования.

Ресурсы: ИКТ, уебники англ яз 7 кл, оценочные листы.

Метод: Таксономия Блума.

Форма работы: устная, письменная.

Включёны элементы следующих модулей:

Новые подходы в обучении и преподавании.

Использование ИКТ в обучении.

Обучение одарённых и талантливых учащихся.

Лидерство и управление.

Обучение критическому мышлению.

Оценивание обучения и оценивание для обучения.

Учёт возрастных особенностей при обучении и преподавании.

Ход урока.

Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку The Green World

T: You are right. The title of our lesson is “The Green World”. How are you think what the aims of the lesson?

T: And now let’s wish each other best wishes.

Ex 4, 10 p 50, 53

Make your album about elephants and birds

2 group: elephants

T: Well, and now look at the words are connected with our theme.

-trees, flowers, garden, green world, plant. Please choose one of them, and make up sentences,

T: Very good. Thank you. Today we’ll talk about plants. Look at the slides and listen to me carefully.

Saquaro cactus: the saquaro is the giant of the cactus family. Its height is often 50 feet (16m). it grows very slowly. It grows about one inch per year. The first branch of the cactus does not appear until the plant has grown to height of 16 feet (5 meters. The first flowers appear when the plant is 50-75 years old). The largest saquaros are about 200 years old and weigh more than 908 kg! there is the Saquaro National Monument in the state of Arizona in the USA.

A birch – one of the beautiful trees. It grows in many countries. Its color is white and the size of its leaves is small.

Saquaro cactus.

T: Read the texts. Each group work and read the texts their own and do posters.

The living world.

The green world.

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися лексики по данной теме.

2) Содействовать формированию бережного отношения к окружающему миру.

3) Развивать навыки чтения и говорения.

Special, to pollute, dumb, to hug, spine, inch, foot.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

What day is it today? What’s the weather like today?

Do you like plants and trees? What plants do you know? Do you have any plants at home?

Retell the text to the class!

Today we are going to talk about plants and trees. Open your vocabularies and write down the new words. Repeat after me in chorus!

Ex. 1 p. 55 Look at the picture and say what you think of it.

Ex. 2 p. 55 Read the text and mark the new information.

Ex. 3 p. 56 Answer the questions.

Ex. 4 p. 56 Discuss the picture.

Ex. 5 p. 56 Read the poem.

Ex. 6, 7 p. 57 Answer the questions and discuss the picture.

Ex. 8 p. 57 Read the text and complete the semantic map.

Ex. 12 p. 58 Complete the diagram about a tree and present it to the class.

Учебный материал: Учебник English 7 Аяпова Т.; Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1, Express Publishing.

Good morning boys and girls!

I’m glad to see you!

How are you today?

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

What season is it now?

What was your home task for today?

Повторение Active/Passive Voice

TenseSubjectVerbObjectSimple PresentActive: Ritawritesa letter.

Passive: A letteris written by Rita.

Simple PastActive: Ritawrotea letter.

Passive: A letterwas writtenby Rita.

Present PerfectActive: Ritahas writtena letter.

Passive: A letterhas been writtenby Rita.

Future Simple Active: Ritawill writea letter.

Passive: A letterwill be writtenby Rita.

Modal verbs Active: Ritacan writea letter.

Passive: A lettercan be writtenby Rita.

Проверка Домашнего задания. (speaking) Ex.10 p.60(Do you know that…перевод, 7 предложений из Active в Passive). Проговорить каждое предложение, обсудить решение.

Новая лексика. (writing) Записать в словари: (на доске-картинки с этими словами)

smoke from factory дым от заводаrecycling centre центр переработкиbottle bank контейнер для пустых бутылокworldwide по всем мируparticipate участвоватьpollution загрязнениеdeforestation уничтожение лесовozone holes озоновые дырыacid rain кислотный дождьglobal warming глобальное потеплениеnuclear power station атомная электростанция

(На доске висит картинка «Загрязнение окружающей среды)(Speaking) Ответить на вопросы:Влияют ли заводы на окружающую среду? Каким образом? Как мы можем помочь природе? Распространено ли это во всем мире? Что еще влияет на загрязнение окружающей среды?

(Reading) Чтение и перевод текста.

The pollution of the land, air and water is the problem of civilization. It is one of the greatest dangers on the Earth. Ecological problems are deforestation, ozone holes, acid rains and the global warming. The seas are in danger. They are filled with industrial wastes. Every 10 minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for ever. Air pollution is a very serious problem. In Cairo breathing the air is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. One of the greatest problems is nuclear power stations. We all know Chernobyl tragedy. People began to realize the environmental problems. They joined international organizations and green parties. All states ought to save the Earth from an ecological catastrophe.

Домашнее задание: Дописать транскрипцию к словам сегодняшнего урока, выучить их + выучить слова со стр.60 и 57. Словарный диктант.

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