План урока sport in our life

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you. How are you? Today is a nice day, isn’t it?

I’d like to read you a poem. Listen to it and then answer my question.

Sport is fun for girls and boys,
It’s much better than toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, and basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.

What is the poem about? The topic of our lesson is sport.

When we speak about sport, what things do we discuss?

  1. Different kinds of sport.
  2. Equipment. Rules.
  3. My favourite sport.
  4. The most popular sport.
  5. My favourite sportsman.
  6. Sport in our life.

II. Warming-up activity.

1. Firstly, we’ll work at our pronunciation. Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker.

Sports: athletics, basketball, diving, football, skiing, swimming, tennis.

(Обучающиеся прослушивают в записи слова и повторяют за диктором, слова на слайде №3)

2. Now answer my questions.

  1. What kinds of sports do you know?
  2. What games do you like to play?
  3. What are the most popular sports in Great Britain?
  4. What are the most popular sports in Russia?
  5. What are the most teenagers’ sports?
  6. Can you swim\ run\ jump?
  7. Where do you go to play tennis\ football\ to swim?
  8. Do you go to the swimming pool? To the skating rink?
  9. People go in for different sports. When we speak about sports what verbs do we use – do, play, go or ride?

(Обучающиеся выбирают глаголы, затем проверяют ответы на слайде)

  1. How do we call people who play football, tennis, cricket, rugby; do judo, weight lifting; go swimming, jumping, running, windsurfing; ride a bike.
    (Обучающиеся называютfootball player, tennis player, cricket player, rugby player, judoist, weight lifter, swimmer, jumper, runner, windsurfer, bicyclist)
  2. How good are you at sport? Make up sentences, using words: brilliantly, very well, not very well, hopeless.

(Обучающиеся составляют предложения, используя вопросы и слова на слайде)

1. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about sport. Ask each other about your favourite sport, what can you do, how good you are at it.

(Работа в парах, составление диалога)

2. When we speak about sport we speak about equipment and rules of the game.

Which of the following equipment do you need to play badminton, ice hockey, football, tennis?

(На слайде – спортивный инвентарь, обучающиеся называют предметы, которые необходимы для игры в бадминтон, хоккей, футбол, теннис)

I’ll give you a paper with set of rules. Read, write the number of the sport or game in the correct line.

(Обучающиеся получают листы с текстом, определяют вид спорта, затем проверяют свои ответы на слайде)

Match the sport or game to the appropriate set of rules.

Write the number of the sport or game in the correct box.

Each team may have up to eleven players, only seven of whom are allowed to play at the same time. One team should wear blue caps, the other white. Players must not splash water into an opponent’s face.

The two contestants must bow to each other at the start of the contest. They should wear white clothing. Contestants must only attack the arms and legs of their opponent. They should not get overexcited.

The game can be played by two or four players. The players must change positions after each game. The ball must touch the table on both sides of the net each time it is hit.

Competitors should wear a helmet. They must not stop another competitor from overtaking. Competitors are not allowed to help each other.

Each team may have up to ten players, only five of whom may play at the same time. Players are not allowed to leave the court without permission. The ball may be thrown but it must not be carried or kicked. A team must try for a goal within 30 seconds of getting possession of the ball.

Each team must have eleven players. The two teams should wear different colours. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to play the ball with his hands or arms.

Each team must have six players. The server may hit the ball with his hand or any part of the arm. He must release the ball from his other hand before hitting it. Players must not touch the net.

Each team may have up to seven-teen players, only six of whom are allowed to play at the same time. Players must wear skates and numbered shirts.

Contestants are weighed before the contest. The contestants’ assistants must leave the ring before the fight begins. Contestants must wear gloves and must not hit an opponent behind the neck.

  1. Table tennis
  2. Water polo
  3. Basketball
  4. Volleyball
  5. Cycle racing
  6. Judo
  7. Ice hockey
  8. Boxing
  9. Football

IV. Speaking

1. Let’s speak about your favourite sport

(Используя план на слайде №10 обучающиеся составляют рассказ о любим виде спорта)

2. The most popular sport.

  1. What is the most popular sport in the world?
  2. Do you like football?
  3. Can you play football?
  4. Do you watch football matches?
  5. Is it a team game?
  6. How many players are there in each team?
  7. What is the object of the game?
  8. What Russian football clubs do you know?
  9. Which is your favourite?
  10. Name Russian footballers.
  11. Who is your favourite football player?
  12. Now I invite you to a football match. Imagine, we are fans of… What are the most famous English clubs?

V. Listening, singing.

We are going to the match. Are you ready? But what do the fans do during the match? They chant. Do you know any football chant?

Look at the board. Listen to the football chant and sing.

(Текст песен на слайде №11, песня – в записи)

Arsenal, Manchester United, Chelsea are famous English football clubs. All clubs want to win the Football Association Cup for the best team. Teams play matches against each other. The two best teams play in the final at Wembley Stadium in London. This match is very exciting.

( На слайде игроки команд Манчестер Юнайтед и Арсенал)

Now listen to the text, then answer the questions.

(Обучающиеся прослушивают текст в записи – диалог Марка и Роба на футбольном матче между командами Манчестр Юнайтид и Арсенал)

Where are the boys?

What are they doing?

Which team do Mark and Rob like?

Which words tell you that?

VI. Favourite sportsman.

We sometimes like sport because of sportsmen who do this sport. Do you agree? Some of them are our favourites, some are sport heroes for all people.

Have you got your favourite sportsmen?

(Обучающиеся рассказывают о своем любимом спортсмене, это было задано в качестве домашнего задания)

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

План-конспект открытого урока в 11 классе по теме “ Sport in our life ”

1. Закреплять и развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования и чтения, развивать умение излагать свои мысли и применять знания, умения и навыки в пределах изученного материала.

2. Развивать познавательную деятельность учащихся: внимание и память, мыслительную активность, творческое воображение.

3. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к спорту, стремление к здоровому образу жизни, понимание важности занятий спортом для укрепления здоровья, прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка; в оспитывать коллективизм, умение работать с партнером и в группе, умение слушать других, уважать их точку зрения, помогать друг другу.

Ход урока :

- Today’s lesson will be devoted to sport. Today we’ll review what you have already learnt at the previous lessons and have some new information. But first of all what associations do you have when you hear the word “sport”?

- Look at the screen and read the poem. What is the main idea of it?

Sports for everybody

I go out cycling every day,
I get strong and hard that way,
And I play football at weekends,
With all my other healthy friends.
We like to run and swim and walk
Let’s move around, no time to talk!
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We love to do sport every day.

We can go fishing all the day.
We can jog around the park,
It’s very good for the heart.
Yes, we like to swim and run and walk,
Let’s move around, no time to talk!
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We love to do sport every day.

- What proverbs about sport do you know?

1. A sound mind in a sound body.
В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
2. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
После обеда посиди , после ужина милю пройди .
3. In sports and journeys men are known.
Люди познаются в спорте и в путешествиях .
4. It's not whether you win or lose that matters, it's how you play the game.
Неважно, выигрываешь ты или проигрываешь, важно, как ты играешь.
5. Stumbling is not falling.
Споткнуться - не упасть .

- And now let’s review our vocabulary on the topic

a) Give me the synonyms:

1. stadium – sports ground

2. spectator – a fan

3. competition – contest

4.a defeated team – a losing team

b) Name the word according to the definition:

1. a group of people acting together in a game or sports - team

2. an enthusiastic supporter – fan

3. a man or a woman who trains people for games and sports - coach

4. an area used for sports training and competition – sports ground

c) How do we call people who:

play football (footballer), cricket(batsman), tennis(tennis player),go swimming(swimmer), jumping(jumper), running(runner), windsurfing(surfer), ride a bike(cyclist)

d) Take a card and name kinds of sport or a game according to the definition:

1. This sport is played on a large open field where players can only use their feet to kick a ball into a goal (football)

2. This sport is played on the ice and the players use sticks to hit a puck into a goal. (hockey)

3. This sport can be played on the beach where players hit a ball over a net. (volleyball)

4. This sport is played by throwing a ball down an alley. If you hit down all ten pins you get a strike. (bowling)

5. A form of football in which the players use their hands for carrying the ball. (rugby)

6. A game played in a field of grass for two sides of eleven players each with a ball, bat( бита ) and eleven wickets ( воротца ). It is very popular in England. (cricket)

7. A game for two or four persons played by striking a tennis ball with rackets over a net stretched across a walled court. (tennis)

8. A game for 2 teams that you play with a ball and a basket. (basketball)

9. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping and others. (athletics)

10. The art of fighting with fists, usually with thick gloves in a special ring.(boxing)

11. A game like tennis played indoors or outdoors. Instead of balls shuttlecocks are used. ( badminton)

2. outdoor games

4. winter kinds of sport

5. summer kinds of sport

f) What equipment do you need to play:

tennis, football, ice hockey, boxing, surfing, swimming?

g) What place are the following sports done:

tennis, football, ice hockey, boxing, surfing, swimming?

- Now it’s time to divide into two groups.

Task1. You know a lot of kinds of sport and games. Look at the screen and put the names of sport according to your preference. In a few minutes you’ll exchange your opinions.

-And now watch a film about 10 top sports in the world and be ready to name three most popular ones. (film “Top 10 Most Popular and Interesting Sports in the World)

- What sports are popular in our country? Let’s watch a film and then you’ll name all kinds of sports mentioned in the film and name outstanding sportsmen of our country in every kind of sport.

Boxing – Serik Sapiyev Zhanserik Amirzhanov

Biathlon – Yelena Khrustalyova

Mountaineering – Artyom Devyaterikov

Cycling – Alexandre Vinokurov

Wrestling – Nurbakhyt Tenizbayev

Athletics – Olga Shishigina

Weightlifting – Ilya Ilin

- We can say that much attention is paid to sport in our country. Now let’s talk about your attitude to sport. A small project has been done by … They interviewed all students of your class about sport and we are eager to know the results of this survey. The following questions were given to the students:

1. Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?

2. Is sport a part of our everyday life?

3. Is sport important to you?

4. What is your favorite kind of sport?

5. Who is the best sportsman in your class?

(Two students tell about the results of the interview)

- We have summarized the interview and want to share our results with you. Let’s start.

The results of the interview show us that you are interested in sport because 14 students prefer going in for sports and 6 students prefer watching it on TV. So 14 classmates have positive answers on the second question and 6 have negative ones. Sport is important to everybody in our class and it’s wonderful! As for favourite kinds of sport the following kinds were mentioned: swimming, football, tennis, gymnastics, skating, rowing, figure skating, .basketball, volleyball, soccer and kickboxing. On the first place is football (5), on the second place is tennis (4), on the third place is volleyball (swimming) (2). It’s a pity but almost all the classmates haven’t written the name of the best sportsman in our class, but Anna Pankratova (1), Nurbek (2) and “Me” (2) were mentioned. We can make the conclusion that everybody in our class likes sport very much and it is very important to us. As we are very busy at school we don’t have enough time to go in for sport but we do some sport at school.

- Some students in our group have prepared a short report about what sport is for you. (Pupils …)

- Different sports and games are popular with my classmates because if you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another. As we are so busy most of us do morning exercises and run in the morning. In summer we go swimming. In winter we like to ski and go to the skating-rink to skate.

We have fine teams at our school and different kinds of competitions take place there. The boys of my class are crazy about football and the girls are football fans.

And now a few words about our physical training lessons. We have three lessons a week and they are very useful for us because we having 6-7 lessons without physical activity is harmful for our health. So we need our PT lessons. In winter our physical training lessons are held out-of-doors and we go skiing . When it is cold outside P.T. lessons are held indoors in our school gymnasium. We play different team-games such as basket-ball or volley-ball.

Before the PT lessons we put on our sports uniform. After we have changed our clothes, we go to the gymnasium and line up. At the beginning of the lesson we usually do gymnastic exercises. Then we pull up, jump, climb the rope.

On the sports ground we run. Sometimes we throw balls. We often play sports games at the PT lesson. All the boys in our form like to play football. But our girls prefer to play volleyball or basketball.

My school has a sports day once a year in early autumn. On this day we have no lessons.

All the competitors change into their sports clothes and all the events take place at the same time. This day is a great success every year.

- Many people like sport. But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you good or against sport? The 1 st group will think and tell us about good sides of sport, another one – about bad sides of sport.

Sport is good because
Sport is useful for health.

Sport can help people in everyday life.

Sport helps people to stay in good shape, helps to support health and prevents from illness.
It makes me strong and fast
It helps me to keep fit
It builds character
It teachers me to win and to lose
It’s very good for my heart

Sport allows you to make friends with a number of people.
Sport increases fitness.
Sport decreases your weight.
Sport gives you an increased sense of individuality.
It gives you a real pleasure.
Sport gives you a chance to acquire self-confidence.
Sport is bad because
Some sports cost a lot of money.

Sport can be dangerous.

It’s not very useful.
It takes a lot of energy and time.
We have no time to walk with friends
It needs to work very hard.

Some sportsmen are addicted to drugs.

Sport can be unfair.

We can break legs and arms. Etc

- What conclusion can we make? (Students’ answers) I hope that now you are able to give your opinion about sport and its importance. Try to complete and give your opinion.

Урок рассчитан на учащизся 11 классов и ставит своей целью обобщение знаний по теме "Sport in our life" Конспект урока содержит разнообразные задания по теме и способствует повышению мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Содержимое разработки

План-конспект открытого урока в 11 классе по теме “Sport in our life”

1. Закреплять и развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования и чтения, развивать умение излагать свои мысли и применять знания, умения и навыки в пределах изученного материала.

2. Развивать познавательную деятельность учащихся: внимание и память, мыслительную активность, творческое воображение.

3. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к спорту, стремление к здоровому образу жизни, понимание важности занятий спортом для укрепления здоровья, прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка; воспитывать коллективизм, умение работать с партнером и в группе, умение слушать других, уважать их точку зрения, помогать друг другу.

Ход урока:

- Today’s lesson will be devoted to sport. Today we’ll review what you have already learnt at the previous lessons and have some new information. But first of all what associations do you have when you hear the word “sport”?

- Look at the screen and read the poem. What is the main idea of it?

Sports for everybody

I go out cycling every day,
I get strong and hard that way,
And I play football at weekends,
With all my other healthy friends.
We like to run and swim and walk
Let’s move around, no time to talk!
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We love to do sport every day.

We can go fishing all the day.
We can jog around the park,
It’s very good for the heart.
Yes, we like to swim and run and walk,
Let’s move around, no time to talk!
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We love to do sport every day.

- What proverbs about sport do you know?

1. A sound mind in a sound body.
В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
2. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
После обеда посиди, после ужина милю пройди.
3. In sports and journeys men are known.
Люди познаются в спорте и в путешествиях.
4. It's not whether you win or lose that matters, it's how you play the game.
Неважно, выигрываешь ты или проигрываешь, важно, как ты играешь.
5. Stumbling is not falling.
Споткнуться - не упасть.

- And now let’s review our vocabulary on the topic

a) Give me the synonyms:

1. stadium – sports ground

2. spectator – a fan

3. competition – contest

4.a defeated team – a losing team

b) Name the word according to the definition:

1. a group of people acting together in a game or sports - team

2. an enthusiastic supporter – fan

3. a man or a woman who trains people for games and sports - coach

4. an area used for sports training and competition – sports ground

c) How do we call people who:

play football (footballer), cricket(batsman), tennis(tennis player),go swimming(swimmer), jumping(jumper), running(runner), windsurfing(surfer), ride a bike(cyclist)

d) Take a card and name kinds of sport or a game according to the definition:

1. This sport is played on a large open field where players can only use their feet to kick a ball into a goal (football)

2. This sport is played on the ice and the players use sticks to hit a puck into a goal. (hockey)

3. This sport can be played on the beach where players hit a ball over a net. (volleyball)

4. This sport is played by throwing a ball down an alley. If you hit down all ten pins you get a strike. (bowling)

5. A form of football in which the players use their hands for carrying the ball. (rugby)

6. A game played in a field of grass for two sides of eleven players each with a ball, bat(бита) and eleven wickets (воротца). It is very popular in England. (cricket)

7. A game for two or four persons played by striking a tennis ball with rackets over a net stretched across a walled court. (tennis)

8. A game for 2 teams that you play with a ball and a basket. (basketball)

9. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping and others. (athletics)

10. The art of fighting with fists, usually with thick gloves in a special ring.(boxing)

11. A game like tennis played indoors or outdoors. Instead of balls shuttlecocks are used. ( badminton)

2. outdoor games

4. winter kinds of sport

5. summer kinds of sport

- Now it’s time to divide into two groups.

Task1. You know a lot of kinds of sport and games. Look at the screen and put the names of sport according to your preference. In a few minutes you’ll exchange your opinions.

- What sports are popular in our country? Let’s watch a film and then you’ll name all kinds of sports mentioned in the film and name outstanding sportsmen of our country in every kind of sport.

Boxing – Serik Sapiyev Zhanserik Amirzhanov

Biathlon – Yelena Khrustalyova

Mountaineering – Artyom Devyaterikov

Cycling – Alexandre Vinokurov

Wrestling – Nurbakhyt Tenizbayev

Athletics – Olga Shishigina

Weightlifting – Ilya Ilin

- We can say that much attention is paid to sport in our country. Now let’s talk about your attitude to sport.

An interesting task was given to some students of our group. They asked students of your class about sport and we are eager to know the results of this survey.

1. Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?

2. Is sport a part of our everyday life?

3. Is sport important to you?

4. What is your favorite kind of sport?

5. Who is the best sportsman in your class?

-We have summarized the interview and want to share our results with you. Let’s start.

-The results of the interview show us that you are interested in sport and think that it is very important to go in for it but now most of you are only watch it on TV. Some students in our group have prepared a short report about what sport is for you.

- Many people like sport. But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you good or against sport? Let’s divide into two groups. The 1 st group will think and tell us about good sides of sport, another one – about bad sides of sport.

Sport is good because
Sport is useful for health.

Sport can help people in everyday life.

Sport helps people to stay in good shape, helps to support health and prevents from illness.
It makes me strong and fast
It helps me to keep fit
It builds character
It teachers me to win and to lose
It’s very good for my heart

Sport allows you to make friends with a number of people.
Sport increases fitness.
Sport decreases your weight.
Sport gives you an increased sense of individuality.
It gives you a real pleasure.
Sport gives you a chance to acquire self-confidence.
Sport is bad because
Some sports cost a lot of money.

Sport can be dangerous.

It’s not very useful.
It takes a lot of energy and time.
We have no time to walk with friends
It needs to work very hard.

Some sportsmen are addicted to drugs.

Sport can be unfair.

We can break legs and arms. Etc

- What conclusion can we make? (Students’ answers) I hope that now you are able to give your opinion about sport and its importance. Try to complete and give your opinion.

As for me I think…

Sport is very useful but…

On the one hand it…

On the other hand.

- Well, finally, you marks for today’s class are the following…

- You know there are many different sports and games in the world. But nowadays many young people try new sports. Some of them are extreme. I want you to look at the screen again and try to remember the names of sports.


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Цели урока: формирование ключевых языковых компетенций на уроке английского языка.

Задачи урока:

Практическая:использовать навыки УУД в развитии умений решения коммуникативной задачи с различной степенью сложности.

Образовательная: – активизировать и совершенствовать актуальный словарный запас обучающихся; развивать навыки чтения; выполнять лексико-грамматические упражнения.

Воспитательные: активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность.

Развивающие: развивать способность к рефлексии как важнейшей составляющей умения учиться.

Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний с использованием электронно-образовательных ресурсов.

– формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся;

– развитие мысленного воспроизведения ситуации.


– владение навыками самоанализа и самооценки своей деятельности.


– продуктивное взаимодействие обучающихся в решении поставленной задачи;


– импровизация, высказывание предположений,

– самостоятельное создание способов решение проблем поискового характера.

Форма урока: урок решения практических задач; фронтальная, индивидуальная формы работы.

Средства обучения:компьютер, мультимедийный проектор и экран, мультимедийная презентация, карточки с заданиями.

Этапы урока:

I.Организационный момент:

-Good morning, dear children. I am glad to see you. How are you?

- Good morning, dear teacher. We are glad to see you too.

-Sit down, please.


-Please, have a look at the blackboard and read:

1. [ai] – ride, bike, kite

2.[ i] – swim, win, stick

3.[ei] – play, skate, game

4.[e] – tennis, net, pencil

5.[ɔ] – golf, hockey, box

6.[ɔ:l] – ball, football, wall

7.[ʌ] – run, jump, funny

8.[ŋ] – ping - pong, swimming, running

III. Постановкацелейурока:

- Look at the screen, please, do a crossword and find out the theme of our lesson today. Wewillspeakaboutsport.


Погоризонтали:1.Бегать. 2.Плавать. 3.Игрок. 4.Танцевать. 5.Теннис. 6.Хоккей.

Повертикали:1.Прыгать. 2.Кататься на коньках. 3.Спортивный зал. 4.Ездить верхом. 5.Ходить на лыжах.6.Велосипед.

IV.Актуализация знаний:

– Let us speak about sport. Please, open your books on page 20,ex.2. Answer the questions.

– Look at the screen and name kinds of sport.


- Please, listen to the dialogues and name the dialogue about sport. Choose the correct variants:


1.Granny is sick.

2.Granny is tired.


1.Den plays ping-pong well.

2.Den plays football well.


1.Mary Smith is a dancer.

2.Mary Smith is a singer.


- Please, read the texts and choose the text about sport, name it:

1. Our town is small. It is very old. It has a tall old tower and small low houses. The streets are short and narrow. We have three schools in our town. They are new and big. We have a gym and a nice green park. We go to the park on Sundays with our families.

2. I like this sport. I do this sport in the park and in the street. I ride with my father. He is a good rider. He can ride very well. It is very funny. It is nice to ride in the morning and in the evening.

3. I am a schoolgirl. I am fifteen years old. I go to school in the morning. At school I have many friends. We read, write and count at school. We read English books at school too. Dan likes to sing songs too. He is a good singer. And I like English and I like my school.

4. We have two dogs. They are black and white. They are not old, they are young. They live in a doghouse. My grandmother feeds the dogs in the morning and in the evening. The dogs like to run and jump in the park. They can swim in the lake. I like my dogs very much.


-Repeat after me:

Рифмовки для физкультминуток (английский язык)

(поднимают и опускают руки)

Hands on hips! Sit down!

(руки на пояс, садятся)

(руки наверх, в стороны)

One, two, three. Hop!

One, two, three. Stop!

VIII.Выполнение грамматических упражнений:

- Choose the correct variant:

1.The Browns (am/is/are) very happy.

2.Their son Nick (am/is/are) ten today.

3.It (am/is/are) his birthday.

4.They(have/has) birthday cake with ten candles.

5. (Its/his/her) candles are on the table.

6. Nick (have/has) a good present.

7. (Do/Does) you like his new bike?

8. Nick is a schoolboy. On Saturday they(play/plays) ping - pong in the park.

9. Nick (don't/doesn't) play ping -pong very well.

10. He(like/likes) to do it.

IX. Работавгруппах:

-Please, work in groups. Draw pictures of sport and describe them.

- Now, I will take out letters, you will name sports with these letters:


XII.Конец урока:

-Our lesson comes to the end. We will meet soon. Good-bye, boys and girls.

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