План урока school subjects

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе

по теме: “ School subjects ”.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

· обобщить и систематизировать изученный материал по теме.

· активизировать лексику по теме "Школьные предметы" в различных видах деятельности.

· совершенствовать устную речь учащихся

2. Воспитательные:

· воспитывать интерес к школе и изучению школьных предметов,

· формировать умение работать в группе и в парах,

· воспитывать культуру общения и уважительное отношение к собеседнику.

3. Развивающие:

· развивать умение понимать речь на слух,

· развивать способность к обобщению, память, внимание, мышление и языковую догадку при помощи средств родного и английского языков;


· компьютер, презентация к уроку, иллюстрации, раздаточный материал (карточки)

I. Приветствие .

T: Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down and let’s start our lesson.

Please, answer my questions:

1. How are you today?

2. What date is it today?

3. What day is it today?

4. Who is absent today?

5. What is the weather like today?

II . Определение целей и задач урока.

T: Let’s watch the video to guess the topic of our lesson. (This video contains four short extracts from different lessons).

You’re right. The topic of our lesson is “School subjects ”. We are going to revise words and collocations in order to develop your vocabulary and listening skills and talk about your school subjects.

III . Фонетическая зарядка. Актуализация ранее изученного материала.

T: Let’s practise your English sounds to speak English well. Look at the screen and repeat after me.

· [ I : ] teacher, teach, read

· [ I ] strict, uniform, think

· [ p ] pupil, problem, copybook

· [ e ] pen, pencil, ready

· [ w ] workbook, week, well

· [ s ] subject, test, school

T: Now let’s sing the song, but first we are going to read it. Look at the screen and repeat after me.

School Subjects Song

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

I like Maths and Science,

I like Art and Music,

I like Drama and English,

I like History and Social Science,

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

I like Geography and PE,

I like Mechanics and Computers,

I like Philosophy and Religions,

I like Cooking and Creative Writing.

IV . Активизация в речи ЛЕ и РО.

T: I would like you to remember what exactly you do at each lesson. Your task is to match these activities to subjects.

1) speak in pairs

2) use a computer

4) work with numbers

7) draw or paint

8) work with maps

9) do experiments

10) talk about society

11) write stories

T: Now we are going to work in pairs. Please, try not to look at your tables. Student A describes a subject from the previous exercise. For example: At this lesson you draw or paint. Student B should guess the name of the subject.

V. Физкультминутка .

T: I think it’s time to discuss the subjects you like and dislike. On the blackboard you can see some phrases to help you develop your answers. I’ll give you two paper faces – a happy face and an unhappy face. In your group you should decide what subject or subjects you like and what subject or subjects you don’t like and why. Then one student of your group goes to the blackboard, pins faces and explains your choice.

We like … because (it is/they are interesting, easy; we like to…(read, run and jump, speak English, sing, count, draw, make things, learn about nature)

We don’t like … because (it is/they are difficult, boring; we don’t like to…(read, run and jump, speak English, sing, count, draw, make things, learn about nature)

VII . Работа в парах. Диалог о школьном расписании.

Т : I would like you to talk about your timetable. In pairs, ask and answer the questions, please.

1. What lessons have you got on Monday?

2. Who is your Art teacher?

3. What days are your English lessons?

4. Are you good at Maths?

5. Have you got PE today?

6. What is your favourite lesson?

T: Some students will act out their dialogs in front of the class.

VIII. Timetable quiz.

T: I’ve prepared a short quiz about your timetable. Listen to me attentively and raise your hands if you know the answer.

1. You’ve got this subject on Monday at 10 a.m.

2. You’ve got this subject on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

3. You haven’t got this subject on Wednesday or Thursday.

4. You’ve got this subject in classroom 19 on Thursday.

5. You’ve got this subject on Tuesday with Mrs. Leonova.

6. You’ve got this subject only once a week.

7. You’ve got this subject five times a week.

IX. Рефлексия .

T: Please, complete your self - assessment sheets and hand them in.

Open your diaries and write down your hometask. At home try to make up a short quiz about your timetable as we did at the lesson.

X. Подведение итогов урока .

T: So our lesson has come to an end. We have discussed your school subjects and you have done all exercises very well. Thank you! Our lesson is over. Goodbye.

Познакомься со словами из урока:

School subject – школьный предмет

English – английский язык

Art – изобразительное искусство

Year - год (обучения)

Познакомься с правилом из урока:

Глагол to be

They are = They’re

Task 1 Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы

- Hello, Kate! How are you?

- Hello, Sue. I am fine, thank you. What about you?

- I am fine, too, thank you. You have got a nice school bag!

- Yes, I like it, too. Your school bag is very nice and big. What have you got in your school bag?

- I have got lots of things! I have got a pink pencil case with 3 blue pens, 2 pencils, a rubber and a ruler. I have got 5 books. Look! I like this book most of all!

- English! Oh! I like English, too. It is my favourite subject!

- English is my favourite subject, too!

1 – How many things has Kate got in her school bag? - _________________________________

2 – What is Kate’s favourite subject? - ______________________________________________

Task 2 Переведи слова на русский язык

Поставь пропущенные буквы.

Найди цифры 11 – 20 (слова расположены по вертикали и горизонтали)

Task 5 Какие предметы вы уже изучаете? Какие нет?

I have English, ____________________________________.

I don’t have __________________________________.

Task 6 Реши примеры. Ответы каждого примера выдели зеленым цветом. Воспользуйся шифром и узнай, какой предмет больше всего любит Сэм.

1 – seventeen minus nine =

2 – twenty minus eleven =

3 – twelve plus five =

4 – ten plus ten =

5 – eight plus seven =

6 – seven plus nine plus two =

7 – twenty plus five =

Sam likes _______________________

Task 7 Переведите на русский язык

1 – I (am, is, are) at school today.

2 – You (am, is, are) happy.

3 – He (am, is, are) in his bedroom.

4 – We (am, is, are) friends.

5 – She (am, is, are) in Year 3 at school.

Task 9 Найди правильные ответы на вопросы

  1. How are you?
  2. How old is he?
  3. What do you do at PE lessons?
  4. What Year is she in at school?
  5. What’s this?
  6. What’s your favourite food?
  7. What’s your favourite subject?
  8. What’s your name?
  1. Chocolate, yummy.
  2. English
  3. Fine, thanks. And you?
  4. He’s 7.
  5. I am Megan.
  6. She’s in Year 4.
  7. This is my school bag.
  8. We run and play football.

Task 10 Догадайся, что должно быть следующим

1 – run, jump, play football and v_________

2 – English, Russian, History, G__________

3 – I’m, he’s, she’s, w____, t______

4 – pencil, pencil case, rubber, r________

5 – five, nine, thirteen, s______________

Task 11 Заполни пропуски в тексте словами из списка. Ответь на вопросы

football, Jim, PE, Russian, school, subject

I am happy to read your letter.

I am now in Year 3 at_________. I like Maths, ________and Reading, but my favourite subject is________. We usually run, play ________and volleyball during our PE lessons.

What’s your favourite__________?

1 – Who writes the letter? - _______________________________________________________

2 – What Year is Meg in at school? - _______________________________________________

3 – What subjects does she like? - __________________________________________________

4 – What’s her favourite subject? - _________________________________________________

Task 12 Разгадай кроссворд

10. русский язык

Task 13 Зачеркни лишнее слово

1 – Maths, Geography, school, History

2 – book, table, pencil, school bag

3 – subject, Art, Music, PE

4 – fifteen, seventeen, eight, nineteen

5 – see, she, pet, he

Task 14 Выбери верный ответ

1 – I (‘m, ‘s, ‘re) Megan.

2 – They (‘m, ‘s, ‘re) at school.

3 – It (‘m, ‘s, ‘re) my favourite book.

4 – We (‘m, ‘s, ‘re) in Year 3 at school.

5 - She (‘m, ‘s, ‘re) 8.

Task 15 Запиши слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения

1 – I – Science – like - and History.

2 – in – We – Year - at - are – school - 3.

3 – His – Art – subject – is - favourite.

4 – I – English – have – and Geography – got - today.

5 – Maths – They – have - don’t - today.

Task 16 Вычеркни лишнее слово

1 – She has got a History today.

2 – They have got a lot of a pens and books.

3 – I have can got a nice pencil case.

4 – It’s is a pen.

5 – He is likes English.

Task 17 Прочитай письмо. Пользуясь подсказками, напиши свое письмо Питеру

I am happy to read your letter. I’m in Year 4 now. Every day I have got 5 lessons. I like English, Russian, Reading, Maths and Music. But my favourite subjects are History and Art. I like drawing, so I have a lot of pencils in my pencil case. I also have got a blue ruler and yellow rubber.

I am happy to read your letter. I’m in___________. Every day I have got __________. I like__________________________

__________________________. But my favourite_________

________________. I like__________. I have got_________

Task 18 Найди ошибку в предложении. Зачеркни ее. Исправь.

Образец – I have can a pen. – I have got a pen.

  1. He’s likes Science.
  2. Her favourite subject is the English.
  3. It are my favourite book.
  4. They’s in Year 3 at school.
  5. I don’t like pe.

Task 19 Переведи на английский язык

1 –Я в третьем классе в школе.

2 – Мои любимые предметы это русский, математика и английский.

3 – Я люблю физкультуру, ИЗО и музыку.

4 –У меня сегодня нет географии.


Реши примеры. Ответы каждого примера выдели зеленым цветом. Воспользуйся шифром и узнай, какой предмет больше всего любит Сэм.

1 – seventeen minus nine = 8 - h

2 – twenty minus eleven = 9 - i

3 – twelve plus five = 19 - s

4 – ten plus ten = 20 - t

5 – eight plus seven = 15 - o

6 – seven plus nine plus two = 18 - r

7 – twenty plus five = 25 - y

Sam likes History.


Для начала вспоминаем правило:

They are = They’re

1 – I (am, is, are) at school today. - am

2 – You (am, is, are) happy. - are

3 – He (am, is, are) in his bedroom. - is

4 – We (am, is, are) friends. - are

5 – She (am, is, are) in Year 3 at school. - is


Найди правильные ответы на вопросы

  1. How are you?
  2. How old is he?
  3. What do you do at PE lessons?
  4. What Year is she in at school?
  5. What’s this?
  6. What’s your favourite food?
  7. What’s your favourite subject?
  1. What’s your name?
  1. Chocolate, yummy.
  2. English
  3. Fine, thanks. And you?
  4. He’s 7.
  5. I am Megan.
  6. She’s in Year 4.
  7. This is my school bag.
  8. We run and play football.


Догадайся, что должно быть следующим

1 – run, jump, play football and volleyball (деятельность на уроках физкультуры)

2 – English, Russian, History, Geography (школьные предметы)

4 – pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler (школьные принадлежности)

5 – five, nine, thirteen, seventeen (прибаляем по 3)


Заполни пропуски в тексте словами из списка. Ответь на вопросы

football, Jim, PE, Russian, school, subject

Dear Jim, (обращение к адресату)

I am happy to read your letter.

I am now in Year 3 at school (в 3 классе в школе). I like Maths, Russian (школьный предмет) and Reading, but my favourite subject is PE (далее идет пояснение, чем ученики занимаются на данном предмете – бегаем, играем в волейбол). We usually run, play football (играть в футбол) and volleyball during our PE lessons.

What’s your favourite subject (твой любимый предмет)?

1 – Who writes the letter? - Meg

2 – What Year is Meg in at school? – Year 3

3 – What subjects does she like? – Maths, Russian, Reading

4 – What’s her favourite subject? - PE


Зачеркни лишнее слово

1 – Maths, Geography, school, History – это не школьный предмет

2 – book, table, pencil, school bag – это не школьная принадлежность

3 – subject, Art, Music, PE - это не школьный предмет

4 – fifteen, seventeen, eight, nineteen – это четное число, все остальные - нечетные

5 – see, she, pet, he – это закрытый слог, все остальные слова с открытым слогом


Составь предложения

При выполнении таких упражнений необходимо следовать следующему алгоритму:

  • внимательно прочитать каждый набор слов
  • выявить подлежащее, сказуемое, второстепенные члены предложения
  • не забыть, что первое слово в предложении всегда пишется с заглавной буквы
  • вспомнить фразы и структуры, которые встречались в уроке
  • написать предложение
  • прочитать его полностью, чтобы убедиться, что оно имеет смысл.

1 – I – Science – like - and History. -> I like Science and History.

2 – in – We – Year - at - are – school - 3. -> We are in Year 3 at school.

3 – His – Art – subject – is - favourite. -> His favourite subject is Art.

4 – I – English – have – and Geography – got - today. -> I have got English and Geography today.

5 – Maths – They – have - don’t - today. -> They don’t have Maths today.


Вычеркни лишнее слово


Найди ошибку в предложении. Зачеркни ее. Исправь.

Образец – I have can a pen. – I have got a pen.


В данном типе упражнений в первую очередь нужно обращать внимание на:

Переведи на английский язык

1 –Я в третьем классе в школе. – I am in Year 3 at school.

2 – Мои любимые предметы это русский, математика и английский. - My favourite subjects are Russian, Maths, English.

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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "School subjects".


· образовательная: совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения, формировать коммуникативные умения учащихся, умение выражать свое собственное мнение;

· развивающая: развивать умение понимать речь на слух, развивать способность к обобщению, память, внимание, мышление и языковую догадку при помощи средств родного и английского языков;

· воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к школе и изучению школьных предметов, формировать умение работать в группе и в парах, воспитывать культуру общения и уважительное отношение к собеседнику.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, проектор,презентация к уроку, иллюстрации.

образовательная: совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения, формировать коммуникативные умения учащихся, умение выражать свое собственное мнение;

развивающая: развивать умение понимать речь на слух, развивать способность к обобщению, память, внимание, мышление и языковую догадку при помощи средств родного и английского языков;

воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к школе и изучению школьных предметов, формировать умение работать в группе и в парах, воспитывать культуру общения и уважительное отношение к собеседнику.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, проектор, презентация к уроку, иллюстрации.

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? So today is Friday and I am very busy on this day because I have got 5 lessons on my timetable. And you? How many lessons have you got on Friday? How many lessons have you got on the timetable every day? When do your lessons begin? When is your day off? So I see that you are very busy too because you have got a lot of lessons at school. Of course they are very interesting and I suggest talking about them. So boys and girls, guess, what is the theme of our lesson today.

II. Введение в тему, мотивация.

T: Yes, our theme is “My school subjects” and at our lesson, we are going to revise words and wordcombinations in order to improve your vocabulary skills and talk about your school subjects.

Look , it is a mountain SUCCESS. There is our current goal on the top of it. What are we going to do for it?

T : thank you, for your suggestions.

Фонетическая зарядка. Актуализация ранее изученного материала.
T: - Now look at the screen. Let’s repeat English sounds. You will repeat after me.
(Посмотрите на экран. Давайте повторим английские звуки. Повторяйте за мной)
[i:] – we, she, read, speak, teacher, meet, please
[ I ] – think, dictionary, Britain, nickname, hurry, silly
[e] – tell, desk, felt-tip pen, letter, welcome, very
[a:] – ask, answer, by heart, sharpener, Barbara
[ju:]- super, computer, new, news
[υ] – good, book, full, look
[ei] – break, nickname, today, it’s great

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7.
T: - Good for you.

III. Активизация в речи названий предметов

T: So you study a lot of useful subjects at school. Now let’s remember what exactly you do at each lesson. We are going to work in pairs and do the exercise on the sheet of paper. Your task is to match the words with the name of a subject. Then you should make up sentences as in the example. (Учащиеся получают карточку с заданием. Используя слова и словосочетания на карточке, учащиеся составляют предложения о том, что они делают на каждом уроке.)

Match the words with the name of a subject. Make up sentences as in the example.

(Соедините слова с названием предмета, составьте устно предложения по образцу)

Example: We read stories and poems at our Reading lessons.

1) read stories and poems
2) make different things
3) draw pictures
4) speak English
5) run, jump and ski
6) learn things about nature
7) sing songs
8) learn Russian and write exercises
9) study numbers, count

T: Well, boys and girls, you are really busy at your lessons because you do a lot of interesting things there. But not only you, Russian pupils, are very busy but English pupils also have interesting lessons. I know that you have read the text about primary schools in England and you know that English pupils study some of these subjects too. Look at the screen. These are Tom and Kate. They are pupils at an English primary school. They follow a regular timetable and like to sing about the school subjects which they like. The song is called “I like Science”. Let’s listen to this song and then try to name subjects which you will hear in the song. (Учащиеся слушают песню и заполняют пропуски, услышанными названиями предметов.)

I like Science
I like Science.
I like …
I like …
I like …
I like …
I like …
I like …
I like them all.

I like Science
I like Science.
I like History.
I like Music.
I like Maths.
I like P.E.
I like English.
I like Art.
I like them all.

T: What subjects did you hear? Now listen to the song again and try to put the subjects into the correct order. Can you complete the song? Name the subjects in the order they are mentioned in the song.

Tom and Kate like these subjects And what about you? What subjects do you like? What is your favourite subject?

VI. Физпауза.

VII. Групповая работа. Беседа о любимых и нелюбимых предметах.

T: So, boys and girls, I see that you like most of your subjects but they all are very different. Now I’d like to know your opinion about them. We are going to work in groups. I’ll give you two faces – a happy face and an unhappy face. In your group you should decide what subject or subjects you like and what subject or subjects you don’t like and why. Then one of your group goes to the blackboard, pins faces and explain your choice. (Учащиеся в группе решают, какие предметы или предмет они любят и не любят и почему, затем один учащийся от группы подходит к доске, прикрепляет соответствующую картинку смайлика напротив названия предмета и объясняет выбор группы.)

Decide what subjects you like and what subjects you don’t like and why.

(Решите какие предметы вам нравятся, а какие нет и почему.)

We like … because (it is/they are interesting, easy; we like to…(read, run and jump, speak English, sing, count, draw, make things, learn about nature)

We don’t like … because (it is/they are difficult, we don’t like to…(read, run and jump, speak English, sing, count, draw, make things, learn about nature)

VIII. Парная работа. Работа с диалогом о школьных предметах.

T: So we have talked about subjects that you like and don’t like. Now I suggest talking a little about your timetable. Remember your timetable and answer some questions. How many times a week have you got Maths? How many times a week have you got Russian? What lessons have you got once a week? When have you got English lessons? When have you got P.E.?

T: I see you know your timetable well. Now we are going to work with the dialogue. Kate is speaking with Tom about his new school and his timetable. We are going to work in pairs again. You task is to complete the dialogue. You should choose the correct phrase from the list to fill in the dialogue below.

Can you help me?

on your timetable

Do you like your school?

What is your favourite subject?

Kate: Hello, Tom! 1) …

Tom: Oh, yes, I do. It’s very interesting to go to my school.

Kate: How many subjects are there 2) … ?

Kate: What about English lessons?

Tom: I’ve got English five times a week

Tom: My favourite subject is Maths because I am good at it.

Kate: But I have some problems with Maths. 4) …

Tom: Of course, I can. See you later.

IX. Драматизация диалога.

T: Read the phrases you have chosen. Read the whole dialogue.

Kate: Hello, Tom! Do you like your new school?

Tom: Oh, yes, I do. It’s very interesting to go to my school.

Kate: How many subjects are there on your timetable?

Kate: What about English lessons?

Tom: I’ve got English five times a week.

Kate: What is your favourite subject?

Tom: My favourite subject is Maths because I am good at it.

Kate: But I have some problems with Maths. Can you help me?

Tom: Of course, I can. See you later.

Kate: Bye and thanks a lot.

X. Составление диалогов по образцу.

T: Now in pairs make up similar dialogues using your own ideas instead of the words in bold. Think of your own timetable and your favourite subjects. (Учащиеся изменяют выделенные жирным шрифтом слова на информацию о себе.)

T: Well done, your dialogues are good and informative. So your home task is to learn the dialogue by heart.

(Домашнее задание – выучить диалог наизусть с изменениями или без изменений, по желанию.)

XI. Подведение итогов урока.

T: So our lesson is coming to an end. We have discussed your school subjects and you have done all exercises very well.

XII. Рефлексия

сегодня я узнал…
было интересно…
было трудно…
я выполнял задания…
я понял, что…
теперь я могу…
я почувствовал, что…
я приобрел…
я научился…
у меня получилось …
я смог…
я попробую…
меня удивило…
урок дал мне для жизни…
мне захотелось…

воспитание любви к школе;

пробуждать творческие начала личности

Ход урока

I.Introduction (слайд 1)

T. Good morning, children!
P. Good morning!
T. I’m glad to see you.
P. We’re glad to see you, too.
T. What date is it today?
P. Today is the twenty fifth of April
T. What day is it today?
P. It’s Friday.
T. Who is on duty today?
P. I’m.
T. Who is absent today?
P. … is (are) absent today.

II. Речевая зарядка.

T. And now let’s begin our lesson. We will speak about subjects of our school. Today we have 6 lessons: Art, PE, English, Music, Natural study.

-How many lessons have you got on Monday (Tuesday. )? - We have got 5 lessons on Monday (Tuesday. ).

-Which subjects have you got on Monday (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)? - We have got Maths, Russian.

-What is your favorite school subject?

T: The motto of our lesson is connected with school: “Knowledge is power” (Слайд 2 )

T: Translate please this motto.
-Where do you get knowledge from?
-Many of your classmates have good knowledge of school subjects. Why?
-How many girls and boys are there in your class?

Основная часть урока.

III. Lexical work

T: There are some words on the blackboard. Let's play “What is it?” game.

(Слайд 3 )

T: Now you can see some letters, guess what it is and name correct this subjects.

Nature( tuNare) Russia (ssRuia) Maths ( aMsth) Art (rtA) English (lignEsh) Music (cisMu) History (toHsiry) Literature (tureLirate)

T: Ok, your next task will be: read and guess what subject it is. (Слайд 4 )

You read stories, novels, learn poems by heart. (Literature)

We count at this lesson . (Maths)

You study events that happened long ago. (History)
We study nature at this lesson .(Nature)

We run and jump at this lesson. (PE)

You can draw pictures (Art)
You can sing different songs. (Music)

We do different things. (Handicraft )

T: Ok, now open please your books on the page 101 ex.10. Read this dialogue and translate it.

T: So, we read text and now answer my questions.

1) Does Fred like his school?

2) How many times a week has Fred got English (He has got English 4 times a week)

3) How many times a week has Fred got Maths (He has got Maths 5 times a week)

4) How many times a week has Fred got Music and Art (He has got Music and Art once a week)

T: Let’s begin our first lesson. It’s Art. (Слайд 5 )

T: Our pupils draw pictures and want to tell about summer holidays. Vlada, Ruslan and Marjana go please to the blackboard.

Physical education

T: The next our lesson is PE. Imagine that you are at the Physical Training lesson and do some exercises. (Слайд 6-7 )

The song “Head and shoulders”

T: Now children we are at the lesson English. In our class come two tourists from G.B and they want to tell about school in G.B. Alina, Tanya please. (Слайд 8 )

T: Pupils, have you got any questions to our tourists?

-Does in G.B school begin in the age of 5 or 6? (in the age of 5)

-Are their classes formal? (not formal)

-Do English pupils often play outdoor? (yes)

-How many classes have English pupils a week? (5 days a week)

-Have English schools names or numbers? (only names)

-When do children go to the junior school? (at the age of 7)

T: The children from our school want to tell about their school. Dasha, Olya, please (Слайд 9-10 )

T: The next our lesson is Music. Children, do you like to sing? Let to listen the song “Little Snowflakes” (Слайд 11-12 )

Nature Study

T: The last our lesson is Nature study. At this lesson you usually study nature and speak more about our earth. Answer please my questions. (Слайд 13 )

-Where do people live? (The people live on the earth)

-Is the Earth big or small? (The earth is very big)

-How many oceans are there on the Earth? (There are 4 oceans on the Earth)

-The Earth is beautiful, isn’t it? Why? (Yes, because the Earth is full of wonder)

-Are there a lot of countries in the world? (Yes, there are a lot of countries)

-What languages do people in different countries speak? ( People speak many languages: Moldavian, Ukrainian, English, French, Scottish, German, Italian.

-What country do you live in? ( I live in Transnistria)

-What is the largest country in the world? (The largest country in the world is Russia)

VI. Speaking (questions)

T: Today we spoke about our school and our school subjects. And now tell me please what is your favorite subjects and why?

P1: My favorite school subject is physical training, because I like to play handball. I like to run, to jump and to do some exercises.

P2: My favorite subject is literature because I like to read books and fairy tales. My favorite book is “Harry Potter”

P3: My favorite subject is Nature Study because I like to learn about different countries, animals and plants.

P4: My favorite subject is English, because I like to speak English to read texts and I want to visit Great Britain.

VII. Grammar and Vocabulary

T: Now, children, look at the cards. You should complete the sentence. But first write your name and surname.

At the age (of, in, at) 6 or 7 all boys and girls (go/goes) to school. I (go/goes) to school too. My school (is/are) number 17, it is large and light. There (is/are) three floors in our school.

There (is/are) a schoolyard around it. There (is/are) a lot of trees in front of our school. You can see a sports ground behind the school. Sometimes we (have/has) physical lessons there. We have got a lot of classrooms (in, at, on) our school. Our classroom (is/are) very comfortable.

I like my school and I go to school five days (in, on,-) a week, but I (don’t/doesn’t) go to school (on, in, at) Sunday.

T: Pass me your cards

VIII. The conclusion of the lesson

T: Open your diaries and write down your homework. Написать сочинение на тему “My favorite subject”


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