План урока going to britain

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Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

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Time: 16 .11

Subject: English Class: 7 “A”

Going to Britain

Learning about Great Britain and The UK . Learning about its countries and capitals, national flowers. Reading and discussing about it by maps, cards and emblems.

Book , CD , slides

Main resource:

Explanation , using , practising and fastening

Ability to talk about Britain and discuss in groups.

The stages of the lesson:

Teacher’s deed

Pupil’s deed

The organization moment

Checking homework:

Checking homework

Dividing into groups:

You should get cards with flags on it and sit at the table where your flag is.

T : And now let’s read your white sheets with text on them.

It is a flag of Scotland . It’s colour is blue and white . There are two white crosses on the blue . It’ s called “ St.Andrew’s Cross ”which dates from the 16 th century .

It’s a flag of Northern Ireland . There are two red crosses on white too , but it’s look like the letter X . It’s called “St Patrick’s cross ” . It’s origin is unknown.

Pupils get cards and are divided into four groups according to four flags.

Red crosses on white . It’s called ‘St George’s cross ’ from the 16 th century . It’s a flag of England .

It’s a flag of Wales . There are two stripes : green and white .And there is a red dragon on the stripes . Because it’s a national emblem of this country .

To interest:

double – decker bus – екі қабатты автобус

Northen Ireland – Солтүстік Ирландия

I Knowledge



What do you see in this picture?

What comes to your mind ?

Very well , pupils . So today’ s our new lesson is called “Goin to Britain”. Look at the map. (Teacher tells about The Uk of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

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Урок- повторение, направленный на систематизацию и расширение языковых знаний по темам: множественное число существительных, исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные; транспорт, части тела, страны, их языки и денежные еденицы. На уроке используется различный дидактически материал (карточки с заданиями, кроссворд, тексты для чтения, картинки). Вид урока: путешествие. Учащиеся проходя от станции к станции, выполняя практические задания.

Урок английского языка в 7 классе

Учебник: (English, 7 класс, Т. Аяпова, З. Абильдаева )

Тема: “Going to Britain”

Цель урока: систематизация и расширение языковых знаний, повышения коммуникативных возможностей и творческого потенциала учащихся по теме урока.
• Образовательная:
• практиковать в устной речи учащихся
• развивать навыки аудирования, письма;
• практиковать в чтении текста;
• обобщить изученный материал.
• Развивающая:
• формировать коммуникативные и интеллектуальные способности;
• развивать способность к сравнению, сопоставлению, догадке, распределению внимания;
• развивать память, логическое мышление, расширять кругозор учащихся, формировать глубокий и устойчивый интерес к предмету.
• Воспитательная:
• воспитывать культуру общения, умение выслушивать собеседника, формировать потребность в коллективной работе, готовность участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации.

Тип урока: повторно-обобщающий

Вид урока: урок-путешествие-соревнование

Оборудование к уроку:
• раздаточный (дидактический) материал для учащихся, изображения по теме (части тела, транспорт), схема путешествия, кубик.
Ход урока

1. Организационный момент
(пояснение цели и структуры занятия, формы его проведения)

Good morning, dear pupils! Today we are having an unusual lesson-competition. Today we are going to travel. Look at the black-board, please! There is a plan of our travelling. It is called “Back to the Past”. We shall go from “Start” to “Finish” doing different tasks. Every team will be given the same tasks and which team does them better will get a jeton. So let’s play. (класс делится на две команды, выбирают капитана)

2. Фонетическая зарядка

(учащимся загадываются загадки, отгадав которые каждая команда узнает свое название)

a) Из каких двух букв можно построить большой город?

With the help of what English letters can we build a city? (CT)

3. Competition (учащиеся начинают свое путешествие, в зависимости от названия станции, выполняют соответствующее ему задания)

- The first station of our travelling is “Home task”

Your home task was Ex.1 p.136, Ex.4 p.137, learn names of countries, their languages and currency. There is a crossword at this station.

Урок поможет научиться работать с картой страны изучаемого языка, рассказывать о Великобритании, почерпнув информацию от учителя.

Описание разработки

Aim: to know more about the country

of the learnt language

Tasks: learn to collect country study information

improve speaking and grammar skills

let pupils interest in language

Lesson Plan

Beginning of the lesson

Greetings of the pupils

Present lesson theme

Reading and speaking sector

Phonetic drills and vocabulary skills

Procedure of the lesson

Dear boys and girls. Today we are going to travel about English - speaking country. We are going to travel about Great Britain. You know that this country is the main country the language of which we study at school. And you know that nowadays English is the most popular language in the world. Our task today is to learn and to know it very well in order to be the most successful people.

ENGLAND is in the South

SCOTLAND is in the North

WALES is in the South - West

NORTHERN IRLAND is in the North - West side

As you see at the map Great Britain is washed by 2 oceans: ATLANTIC and PACIFIC. Now we shall talk about the capitals of these countries. Children, please, tell me:


And now we shall learn what the names of other capitals are. May be somebody knows them? Don’t you?

Урок английского языка Going to Britain


Children, do you know any English - speaking countries? Can you name them?

(children give names of the countries they remember: the USA, New Zealand, Africa, Australia, India, Canada). Please, children, answer the question:

What is the capital of the USA? (Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, Africa)

Children, you know that there are a lot of nations in the world. And now we shall study the slide 1 THE COUNTRY/ THE NATIONALITY where you should find the right variant of the country and nationality.

Now we shall speak about things with the help of which the country is famous for…

Look at the next slide 2 WHAT THEY ARE FAMOUS FOR… and make up sentences with the expressions.

Весь материал – смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

Demonstrative Lesson

Theme: Going to Britain

For 7 grade students

Aim: to know more about the country

of the learnt language

Tasks: learn to collect country study information

improve speaking and grammar skills

let pupils interest in language

Lesson Plan

Beginning of the lesson

Greetings of the pupils

Present lesson theme

Reading and speaking sector

Phonetic drills and vocabulary skills

Procedure of the lesson

Dear boys and girls. Today we are going to travel about English- speaking country. We are going to travel about Great Britain. You know that this country is the main country the language of which we study at school. And you know that nowadays English is the most popular language in the world. Our task today is to learn and to know it very well in order to be the most successful people.

ENGLAND is in the South

SCOTLAND is in the North

WALES is in the South-West

NORTHERN IRLAND is in the North-West side

As you see at the map Great Britain is washed by 2 oceans: ATLANTIC and PACIFIC. Now we shall talk about the capitals of these countries. Children, please, tell me:


And now we shall learn what the names of other capitals are. May be somebody knows them? Don’t you?


Children, do you know any English-speaking countries? Can you name them?

(children give names of the countries they remember: the USA, New Zealand, Africa, Australia, India, Canada).Please, children, answer the question:

What is the capital of the USA? (Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, Africa)

Children, you know that there are a lot of nations in the world. And now we shall study the slide 1 THE COUNTRY/ THE NATIONALITY where you should find the right variant of the country and nationality.

Now we shall speak about things with the help of which the country is famous for…

Look at the next slide 2 WHAT THEY ARE FAMOUS FOR… and make up sentences with the expressions.

OK, children. Thank you for your sentences. Now you know which nationality is famous for. Can you add some information, some more examples on the topic? ( children give their examples). And now, children, look at the next slide. You can see in it the next task for you.

Slide 3 NATIONAL CURRENCY. You know that every country has its own money they use. Your task is to put the suitable currency to the correct country (children do the task).

Now, children, you should remember the story I have told you about Great Britain and the countries that are the part of it. So, look at the next slide.

Slide 4. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. Your task is to look at them and finish them.

Slide 5 CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Look at the answers of the sentences and check up your own answers to the task. Are they correct? If they are not, then correct them.

OK, children. We have come to the TEXT which is worth to read in order to learn more information about Great Britain (children read the text and translate it – work with the book).

So, children, we have read the text, understood it and now we should look at the next slide.

Slide 6 DETAILS ABOUT THE TEXT. Your task is to read the sentences from the slide and finish them or put the correct word from the text. Please, children, do this task in your exercise-books. OK. Did you do the task? Then let’s check up your answers in the next slide.

Slide 7 FIND THE CORRECT ANSWER . Look at the answers in your exercise-books and compare them with the answers in the slide. Now we shall check up your knowledge of the text content, children.

Slide 8 ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Your next task is to look at the following slide and show your skills in speaking by giving the right answers to the questions about the text. If you do the task correctly it will mean that the text is understood. Thank you for your job on the task.

And now we have come to the GRAMMAR STATION. Today we are going to study Modal Verbs- MUST должен

HAVE TO обязан, придется

(проводится объяснение грамматического материала, употребление модальных глаголов в предложениях, их функция в предложении и роль).

Now look at the next slide and read the sentences. Then you should translate them using the grammar rules and your vocabulary.

Slide 9 GRAMMAR IN USE (children do the task in their exercise-books or if they wish they can do it orally. They should put the Modal verbs in brackets). The following slide will help pupils to do the task correctly.

Slide 10 PUT VERBS INTO SENTENCES This slide will teach you to put the correct Modal verbs into the correct sentences. Your task is to guess the right verb and put it in the right sentence. The following slide will show the children which verb and where to put correctly.


OK, the grammar station has been done by you correctly. Now I want you to be attentive and correct because the following slide is going to teach you to read words and to show us your skills in reading.

Slide 12 READ THE WORDS CORRECTLY The task of the slide is: the children should read the words from the slide with the SOUNDS: SH, CH

Well, children. Are you ready to read the words? Are you ready to divide them into 2 groups? Do you know the translation of these words? Who will translate the words? (children give the translation of the words).

OK, children. I think our lesson was very interesting and you have worked very hard. You have got a great pleasure of the lesson, haven’t you? So, our lesson is over. Thank you very much for your answers and your work. All of you have got excellent marks.

Your home task is: learn grammar, make up 5 sentences on Modal verbs.


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1. Повторить спряжение глагола to be в настоящем простом времени; 2. Развивать произносительные навыки употребления структуры be going to; 3. Сформировать грамматический навык употребления структуры be going to в различных типах предложений; 4. Совершенствовать умение аудирования с целью полного понимания текста.

Задачи урока:

1. Повторить спряжение глагола to be в настоящем простом времени;
2. Развивать произносительные навыки употребления структуры be going to;
3. Сформировать грамматический навык употребления структуры be going to в различных типах предложений;
4. Совершенствовать умение аудирования с целью полного понимания текста.

Методы обучения: рассказ, эпическая беседа, пример, педагогическое требование, поощрение, соревнование, наглядности, стимулирования и мотивации учения

Оборудование урока: наглядные пособия (раздаточный материал), презентация, записи на доске

Литература для учителя: лекции по методике, журнал "Иностранные языки в школе", учебник

Ход урока:
1.Good morning, friends! Glad to see you! Today we are going to learn how to speak about our plans. I hope you will work well and everybody will get an excellent mark. But before we start I want you to revise the forms of the verb ‘to be’. Look at the blackboard. Here we have a short poem. Let’s read and repeat altogether! (2 минуты)

I am a pupil
He is a pupil
She is a pupil too.
I am a pupil
You are a teacher
We love you.

Is he a pupil?
Is she a pupil?
Are you a pupil too?
I am not a pupil
I am a teacher
And I love you.

I am at the window
He is at the door
She is at the blackboard
We are on the floor.

2.актуализация знаний и фиксирование индивидуального затруднения в пробном учебном действии. Учащиеся читают стихотворение, повторяют за учителем. Затем учитель просит найти отрицательные предложения и вопросительные. Let’s find negative sentences and questions. Thank you very much! Well-done! (2 минуты)

3. Постановка учебной задачи. Выявление места и причины затруднения.
Ребята! У меня есть для вас сюрприз. Я получила письмо от английских учеников. Они тоже учатся в 5 классе и хотят вас пригласить в Великобританию. Давайте прочитаем его.

Hello! We are British students! We live in a beautiful country and we would like to show it to you. Our country isn’t big but there are many places of interest in Britain. There is a queen in our country. We can tell you a lot of interesting things about Britain. We have some questions for you. When are you going to visit us? What places are you going to see? Are you going to learn English? Now we have to stop. Looking forward to seeing you. Your friends.

В письме мы встретили глагол to be, он имеет 3 формы. Но как понять какие вопросы нам задали? Можем ли мы их перевести? С какой проблемой мы столкнулись? Мы не знаем структуру to be going to. Как вы думаете, какая тема сегодняшнего урока? (5 минут)

Активизация навыков чтения. Учащиеся получают карточки с предложениями о России и Великобритании. Учащиеся выходят к доске, читают предложения и прикрепляют карточки к соответствующему флагу. Come to the blackboard, read your sentence and put your card to the right flag.

This country is the largest in the world.

This country is situated on the islands.
This country has a queen.
There is the Kremlin in this country.

English is the language of this country.

Russian is the language of this country.

People of this country are called the British.

People of this country are called the Russians.

Well-done, you know some facts about Britain and you can tell your English friends about Russia. Now we can plan our trip. (6 минут)

5. Первичное закрепление и проговаривание во внешней речи. Развитие грамматических навыков употребления структуры to be going to в утвердительном предложении. 5 минут
Фронтальная работа, выполняются задания. Учащиеся составляют предложения по подстановочной таблице. Look at the screen, you can see your task. Make up sentences. Учащиеся выполняют упражнение 8 Unit 2, раздел practice, обучающая компьютерная программа Enjoy English 5-6. Правильность проверяется по эталону. (5 минут)

6. Включение нового знания в систему знаний и повторение. Формирование навыков аудирования. Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись о том, что они собираются увидеть в Британии, и выбирают картинки соответствующие рассказу. В данном упражнении новое задание используется вместе с ранее изученным материалом.

Now you will listen to the text about our plans. Be careful, choose the pictures that are described in the text.

In some days we are going to visit our friends in Britain.

We are going to see London.

We are going to see our English friends.

We are going to visit one of the British schools.

We are going to see Big Ben.

We are going to learn English.

We are going to visit some museums.

We are going to take a London bus. (4 минут)

6. Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону. Мотивационная готовность ребенка решать учебные задачи высокого уровня сложности, через выполнение задания дифференцированного по степени сложности. Развитие грамматических навыков употребления структуры to be going to в отрицательных предложениях.

Формирование навыков письма.

Учащиеся выбирают карточки с низкой или высокой степенью сложности на которых они должны положительное предложение сделать отрицательным. You have white cards they are easy and blue cards they are difficult, please, choose any you like. Make this sentence negative.

После выполнения задания учащиеся сверяют свой ответ с эталоном. (4 минуты)

7. Развитие грамматических навыков употребления структуры to be going to в вопросительных предложениях. составление диалога «Что ты собираешься делать. Учащиеся делятся на группы малого состава(4-5 человек).учащиеся составляют диалог. What are you going to do on Monday? – I am going to thank for the invitation. (7 минут)

Физкультминутка. (1 мин)
Stand up, please! I see you are a bit tired. Let’s do some exercise.

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