План урока 4 класс olympic games

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

План открытого урока по английскому языку в 4 классе 'The Olympic Games'. Включает в себя физ.минуту с элементами казахского языка.

Содержимое разработки

Secondary school №7, Kostanay.

English teacher: Kopylova Elizaveta Vitalyevna.

Plan of the English lesson.

Theme: The Olympic Games.

Form :4А

The number of those present: 15

The number of those absent:

Learning aims :

Understand short supported classroom instructions in a increasing range of classroom routines through theme "The Olympic Games".

Objectives: Use basic Past Simple forms (positive, negative) to give basic personal information.

Expected learning outcomes:

Identify, remember and sound out letter patterns оо. Use verbs in Past Simple in affirmative, negative forms. Use reading forms with letter combination оо. Make basic statements, identify a limited range of words in simple sentences.

Stages of the lesson

The activities of the teacher

Activities of students


Resources, equipment. Class situation

I Organization moment

Good afternoon! Sit down, please. What date is it today? What day is it today?

- Last time we talked that if we want to be healthy we need to do sports. Today we will talk about the Olympic games. Have you heard about them? Have you ever watched them?

Please, open your copy- books and write down the date and the theme.

Answer the questions

II Warming-up

1. Didactical game " Sport Alphabet ".

The game procedure : Напишите на доске английский алфавит, задача учащихся состоит в том, чтобы подобрать любые слова, относящиеся к спорту или ассоциирующиеся со спортом, начинающиеся с каждой буквы, написанной на доске.

III Middle

1. Work with book.

Open your book p. 48 ex.1 track 33. Listen and repeat: oo - long[u :] , short [u]. Explanation the letter patterns oo, and then children listen to the audio CD and repeat .

2. Read . This task is to practise reading skills. Teacher give one-two min.for reading, and then children read the text loudly one by one. 3.Book p.49 ex.4 Look at the pictures. Do you remember the names of these sports?

- Repeat all kinds of sport activity. ( to train the pronunciation)

4. Book p . 50 ex .5 track 34 Listen and read .

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Then listen and read .

Ответить на вопросы перед текстом. На предтекстовом этапе учащиеся должны выполнить данное задание на прогнозировнаие содержания текста, которое им предстоит прослушать и прочитать. Учащиеся прослушивают запись два раза. Затем чтение текста по цепочке.

*5. p . 51 ex .6 Answer the questions . Упражнение на проверку понимания прочитанного. Учащиеся должны ответить на вопросы. Поощрять учащихся к тому, чтобы они искали ответы в тексте.

Do the exercise

Swimming, football, cycling, basketball, golf, gymnastics, tennis, volleyball, skiing, skating, snowboarding, hockey.

-The Winter Olympic games 2014 in Sochi. The Summer Olympic games in Rio 2016.

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Good afternoon? Glad to see you.

How are you? What is the day today? What is the weather like today?

[W, D] Teacher demonstrates the picture of Olympic Games

-What will we speak today about? Yes, you’re right. About Olympic games.

Start up activity:

[W,P] The teacher gives the students cards with new words. Children glue the cards in a notebook, repeat them for the teacher. Then they read new words for their partner.

Cards with new words for each learner

[W] The teacher gives the text. Students read the text and underline new words. Strong students read the text for the class. Then they help the weak students.

Olympic Games

Lots of people in the world do sport, because it’s not only healthy, but also exciting. Every 4 year people start Olympic Games. There are two types of Olympic Games: Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. These are Olympic medals. There are three Olympic medals. They are gold, silver and bronze.

The official emblem of the Olympic Games is a colourful flag with five interlinked rings. The colours of the rings are blue, red, yellow, green and black.

(W) Energizer:

One, one, one (показываем указательный палец)

I can jump too! ( прыгаем на месте)

Three, three, three (показываем 3 пальца)

Look at me ! (ребенок замирает в смешной позе)

[P,I] The teacher asks the students to draw a table in the notebook. In the first column, students write out nouns (5) from the text, in the second-adjectives (4), in the third-verbs (3).

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Pupil’s book closed. Put the Olympic Games poster up on the board. Point to the pictures, one at a time, and say the corresponding words/phrases. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each sport in random order. Ask individual pupils to name it.

Pupil’s book open. Play the CD. The pupils listen and repeat. Then the pupils match the words to the pictures. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check their answers.

2 A 3 B 4 E 5 G 6 J 7 I 8 D 9 C 10 F

What sport do they play well? Listen and write.

Explain the activity. The pupils listen and complete the activity. Ask pupils to tell you what sport each person play well. Ask the rest of the class for verification.

2 cycling 3 rugby 4 gymnastics


A: Kelly, what sport do you do well?

Kelly: I play water polo really well.

A: What about you, Sam?

Sam: Well, I like cycling and cycle really well!

A: I cycle well, too!

A: Jenny, what sport do you do well? I know your brother plays handball well. Do you play handball well, too?

Jenny: No, I don’t, but I play rugby well.

A: That’s a nice sport, too!

A: Bob? What about you?

Bob: Well, I like a lot of sports, but I do gymnastics well.

A: Gymnastics? Wow! That’s a difficult sport!

The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each sport in random order.

План урока английского языка

2. совершенствовать знания, умения, навыки учащихся в устной речи, чтении и аудировании по данной теме.

3. Формировать умения составлять устно-речевые высказывания по изучаемой теме.

4. Приобщить к самостоятельному умению сравнивать, сопоставлять, работать в режиме поиска необходимой информации в тексте.

5. Развивать речь обучающихся, умение высказывать свое мнение, доказывать его, делать

6. Способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;

I Начало урока (3 мин.)

Good morning, boys and girls!

Sit down, please. I am glad to see you and hope you are ready for our lesson and you are in good mood. Let’s begin.

I shall read some sentences and you try to guess the theme of our lesson.

  • -These games have an interesting and long history.
  • It is a holiday which is held every four years.
  • -These games may be winter and summer.
  • It is the most important international sport event.
  • What is it?

The Olympic Games

That’s right. The theme of our lesson is The Olympic Games. Today we are going to speak about them, ask and answer the questions, show the presentations, try to play a game, act the dialogue

II Разминка . (12 мин .)

Answer me questions.

What do you know about the Olympic Games? How often are they held?

What are the Olympic sports/

Do you watch the Olympic Games? Where?

How many times has our country hosted the Olympic Games? When?

Do you go in for sports?

What is your favourite kind of sport?

What are the most popular sports?

What sporting games did you play when you were a child?

Put there words under the three headings: Individual sports, sports for two, team sports.

Running, volleyball, jumping, wrestling, draughts, throwing, rugby, synchronous swimming, hockey, chess, gymnastics, gymnastics, basketball, water polo, tennis, football, ice dancing, baseball, badminton, weightlifting, spead skating.

III Работа с текстом. (30 мин)

The Olympic games have a very long history. They begin in 776 B/C. and took place every four years for nearly 1/200 years in Olympia in Greece.

Many athletes of Greese wanted to test strength at the Olympic Games and the best of them were sent to the city of Olympia to compete in the Olympic Games. These games were regarded as the festival of peace and therefore all the wars in Greece were stipped for the period of the Olympic Games.

In 394 A/D the games were banned and temple of Olympia was destroyed. Only in the and of the 19th century different sports organizations and clubs began to appear. New international sports bodies were set up. In 1884 Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French sportsman and a public figure (1863 – 1937) called upon all the existing sports organizations in the world to revive the idea of the Olympic Games.

In 1896 the international Olympic Committee was set up. All nations which took part in the Olympic Games were represented in that Committee, the committee decided where the next Olympic Games would take place. They asked a city (not a country) to be the host – one city for the Winter Olympic and one for the Summer Olympic Games.

Nearly 150 countries are responded in the International Olympic Committees now. Thanks to the Olympic Games people become keen on sports. Sport unites people of every nationality. The most popular outdoor winter sports are hockey, skating, skiing and ski-jumping. Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interest: this game is playing in all the countries of the world. Other popular games in different countries are golf, tennis, volleyball and basketball.

All year round many people go in for boxing, wrestling, athletics and gymnastics. Among indoor games the most popular are table tennis, draughts and chess, of course. Many of these sports and games are included in the Winter and Summer Olympics.

In 1952 the Soviet Union sent its athletes to theOlympic Games for the first time. Then, four years latter, the Olympic Games were held in Australia, and the Soviet sportsmen won thirty seven gold medals and twenty nine silver medals. Since that time out sportsmen have been active participants of the Olympic movement.

Among the winter and summer Olympic Games champions we have Larisa Latynina, Valery Brumel, Yelena Petushkova, Lev Yashin, Vladimir Salnikov, Irina Rodnina, our national football and hockey terms and many others.

Answer the questions.

1. When did the Olympic Games begin?

2. Why were all the wars stopped in Greece for the period of the Olympic Games?

3. When did different sports organizations and clubs begin to appear?

4. Who revived the idea of the Olympic Games and when?

5. What are the most popular outdoor winter sports/

6. What outdoor games do you know?

7. When did the Soviet athletes take part in the Olympic Games for the first time?

8. What football team do you support?

9. What games take the first place in public interest?

Use the correct tense-form.

1. Summer ……….. excellent opportunities for swimming and running. (to offord)

2. What kind of sport ………. you ……… for? (to go in)

3. “………. the opportunity of taking part in this contest,” he said. (not to miss)

4. Who usually ………. tobogganing? (to like)

5. Peter ………. swimming and he always …… better after it. (to enjoy, to feel)

6. ……… you ever ………. ski jumping? (to try)

7. He ………… keen on boating since childhood. (to be)

8. What outdoor winter sports ………. you ……. (to know)

How many names of games can you find in these letters? The words may appear in any direction.

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