План города для урока английского языка

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

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Тема : The city and the country! (Город и село!)

Класс: 4Б

совершенствование навыков чтения и выполнения вопросно-

ответной работы по тексту; повторение грамматического

Планируемые результаты

Личностные результаты:

формирование уважительного отношения к языку и культуре других народов; развитие мотивов учебной деятельности и формирование личностного смысла учения;

Предметные результаты:

Метапредметные результаты:

овладение способностью принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, поиска средств ее осуществления; овладения навыками активного использования речевых средств для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач; овладения навыками смыслового чтения текстов в соответствии с целями и задачами.

Образовательные ресурсы:

1. Организационный момент.

- Good morning , boys and girls ! How are you… ?

- What day is it today?

- - What date is it today?

- What season is it now?

- Do you like autumn?

- Name autumn months, please.

- What’s the weather like today?

Раздать ученикам листы самоконтроля.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

Let’s train our tongues, repeat some sounds and read words. Look at the screen.

car down some big

large brown up live

farm how London bridge

garden now butter hill

farmer town city

3. Речевая зарядка .

3.1 Agree or disagree. ( слайд № 2 )

It is not summer.

It is November now.

It is October now.

You can swim in summer.

3.2 Find the odd word. ( слайд №3)

Spring, autumn, cold, winter

Hot, frog, foggy, frosty

Interesting, walking, cycling, swimming

4. Проверка домашнего задания .

Let’s check up your homework.

Ex .8 p .35. (перевести слова и составить словосочетания).

( Ребята оцените выполнение домашней работы и поставьте себе баллы: если нет ошибок ставьте 2 балла, а если есть 1-2 ошибки – то 1 б.)

5 . Определение темы урока :

T-Children, look at the screen and tell me please, what do you see?

Какую цель вы поставите перед собой?

T.- We are going to talk about living in the country and in the city.

Сегодня на уроке мы ознакомимся с новой лексикой по данной теме, повторим грамматический материал « Множественное число существительных «

-Today we will learn the new words on the topic “ The country and the city”/

- First of all ,open your books on page 33. ex. 1, look at the picture and repeat the new words after me. And try to translate them.

а field a road a bridge

а cow a hill a farm

а garden a river an apple tree

Ребята справились ли вы с заданием? Оцените себя и поставьте баллы в листы самоконтроля.

1) Правило образования множественного числа существительных.-

( отвечают ученики ) . (слайд № 6,7,8 )

2) Слова – исключения. (слайд № 9)

3) Парная работа ( карточки – подчеркнуть существительные во множественном числе.)

Underline plural nouns

street, men, house, cars, chairs, children, road, sofa, feet, coats, duck, frogs, pet,

bags , lesson , mice .

4) Проверка парной работы по слайду.

5) Оцените себя. ( слайд № 10)

8.Физкультминутка. (слайд11,12)

T. – I think, you are tired. Letˈs have a rest.

9. Совершенствование навыков чтения и выполнения вопросно-

ответной работы.

T.- It is time to read Sveta’s letter. Read the text from ex. 3 on page 34 and say

what can you see in the city and in the country.

T.- First of all, let's read and translate the new words on the text. Look at the screen.

Country, in the country, capital, city, town, people,tall houses

Answer the questions on the text. ( слайд 14)

Where is Sveta from?

What’s the capital of Russia?

Is Moscow a city or a town?

Are the streets wide and long in Moscow?

What can you see in the country?

Are there a lot of cows, horses and sheep on the farm?

Are the houses nice and small in the country ?

10. Работа в группах .

– Some people live in the country and some people live in the city.

- Who wants to live in the country and who wants to live in the city?

- Let ’ s divide into 2 groups .

(двум группам раздаются слова, первая группа выбирает слова по теме город, а вторая группа- по теме село, и прикрепляют их на доску)

a field, a capital, people, a park,

small houses, a horse, a bridge,

an apple tree, a Zoo, a river,

a cinema, sheep, a supermarket, a farm,

a car,a cow, tall houses,a hill.

Каждая группа оцените свою работу.

11. А теперь ребята, давайте обобщим наши знания , полученные на этом уроке и выполним самостоятельную работу.

T.- Do the task on the cards. (Работа на карточках)

Write plural forms

variant I variant II

T.- Exchange your cards and check up, looking at the screen.

12. Рефлексия.

T .- Давайте подведем итоги и посчитаем баллы, которые вы набрали и

переведем их в отметки. Посмотрите на шкалу оценивания.

Шкала оценивания

Т . - Уо u worked very well.

- Did you like the lesson?

-Was the lesson interesting for you?

-What did you learn at the lesson today ?

( Что нового вы узнали на уроке?

Что вам понравилось больше всего на уроке? И т.д.

13. Домашнее задание .

Ex. 6 page 35 to read and learn by heart ( слайд 18)

14. Подведение итогов урока .

T. - That brings us to the end.

You were very active. Thank you for your work.

-Your marks are ………..

-The lesson is over. Good bye. ( слайд № 19)

Выбранный для просмотра документ 2. лист самоконтроля.doc

Лист самоконтроля

Этапы урока

Моя оценка

Проверка домашнего задания

Работа с текстом

Работа в группах

Итого баллов

Лист самоконтроля

Этапы урока

Моя оценка

Проверка домашнего задания

Работа с текстом

Работа в группах

Итого баллов

Лист самоконтроля

Этапы урока

Моя оценка

Проверка домашнего задания

Работа с текстом

Работа в группах

Итого баллов

Лист самоконтроля

Этапы урока

Моя оценка

Проверка домашнего задания

Работа с текстом

Работа в группах

Итого баллов

Выбранный для просмотра документ 3. слова карточки для работы в парах.doc

Underline plural nouns

street, men, house, cars, chairs, children, road, sofa, feet, coats, duck, frogs, pet, bags, lesson, mice.

Underline plural nouns

street, men, house, cars, chairs, children, road, sofa, feet, coats, duck, frogs, pet, bags, lesson, mice.

Выбранный для просмотра документ 4. карточки для сам работы 1-2 вар..docx


Выбранный для просмотра документ Самоанализ урока.doc

Воспитательные задачи : воспитание учебной активности и умение работать в коллективе, формирование личностных качеств, воспитывать потребность оценивать свою деятельность.

На данном уроке формировались следующие учебно- унивепрсальные действия

Тип урока – урок изучения нового материала

Планируемые результаты

Личностные результаты:

формирование уважительного отношения к языку и культуре других народов; развитие мотивов учебной деятельности и формирование личностного смысла учения;

Предметные УУД

Метапредметные результаты:

овладение способностью принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, поиска средств ее осуществления; овладения навыками активного использования речевых средств для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач; овладения навыками смыслового чтения текстов в соответствии с целями и задачами.

Урок проводился в 4 классе. У учащихся данной группы высокая мотивация на изучение иностранного языка. На уроке были учтены

возрастные и психологические ососбенности учащихся. В соответствии с требованиями ФГОС учащиеся сами формулировали цели урока.

На уроке использовались методы обучения: словесные, наглядные, аудиовизуальные и практические, что способствовало достижению образовательных целей урока и развитию познавательного интереса учащихся. На уроке использовались следующие формы работ: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая, На каждом этапе урока проводился самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль. Учащиеся на уроке были активны, внимательны, работоспособны.

На данном уроке поставленные задачи были решены. Я считаю, что урок достиг посталенной цели..

T. – Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you?

P. – Fine, thank you. I’m all right, thanks. Not bad. Tip-top. So-so…

T. – I am glad that you are in high spirits and let’s start our lesson with a well-known song “Moscow Suburb Nights”.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Учащиеся исполняют 2 куплета песни на английском языке “Подмосковные вечера”


Not a rustling leaf not bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow Suburb nights (twice)
The caress of the waking sun.


The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go (twice)
On this wonderful summer night.

T. – As for me I adore this song and what about you?

P1 – I find it wonderful!

P3 – I think, it’s marvelous!

P4 – I enjoy sinning this song.

T. – Why do you like this song?

P1 – To my mind, it has a good melody.

III. Речевая зарядка (стук в дверь).

T. – Oh! Who is that?

– May I come in? (входит ученик с куклой)

T. – You are welcome.

Mr. Brown. – Morning, children. How do you do.

T. – Children. Let us ask him some questions.

P1 – What is your name?

Mr. Brown. – I’m Tom Brown.

P2 – Where are you from?

Mr.Brown – I’m a tourist from London. It’s very interesting for me to be in Bryansk, in Russia. I’m very glad to meet you. What is the topic of your lesson?

T. – Oh! It is coded! Let us solve the crossword and you’ll see title of the topic.

№ 1 – It’s a building. We see new films there.
№ 2 – It’s a place not far from the city. We can see there many airplanes, planes and helicopters.
№ 3 – It is one of the means of transport.
№ 4 – It’s a place near house. The children like to play in it.

T. – Now. You can see, that the little of our topic is “City”.

– It is interesting for you. Mr. Brown?

Mr. Brown. – Oh! It’s very interesting.

T. – Are there a lot of big cities and small towns in the world?

– Will you tell me the names of the cities you know? (Учащиеся называют города)

– We can see beautiful squares, streets, and avenues with modern skyscrapers in these cities, can’t we?

– There are many places of interest in the cities. What are they famous for?

P1 – Moscow is famous for its Red Square, the Kremlin, The Bolshoi Theatre, The Treryakov Gallery.

P2 – London – is famous for its Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, the British Museum, charming parks and theatres.

P3 – New York is famous for its skyscrapers.

P4 – St. Petersburg is famous for the Hermitage.

P5 – Washington is famous for the White house.

T. – I hope you know capitals of many countries. Match the capitals and the countries. (на доске карточки с названиями столиц и государств).

T. – Are they super cities?

– We can speak much about these cities. But it’s not the main task of our lesson.

– What is the main task of our lesson?

P. – The main task of our lesson is the presentation of our projects.

T. – Yes! You have prepared the projects about your cities. We have got four groups. Mr. Brown, you have got a good opportunity today to visit four cities. Where are you from?

Group1 – We are from Magic City

Group2 – We are from Bryansk

Group3 – We are from Dream City.

T. – Now we shall learn some interesting facts about your cities. (на доске…)

– What kind of city is it?

– What is it famous for?

– What places of interest are there in your city?

– Your puzzles, riddles, surprises…

T. – Who will start? I think our brave boys will be the first.

IV. Защита проектов.

Group 4 – Dream City

Представляет макет своего города.

P1 – This is a model of our Dream City. It is a super city. It is famous for its skyscrapers and wide avenues. This is the main avenue of the city. On each side of the road you can see a pavement and many modern buildings. It is a business part of our city. There are many offices, banks, supermarkets, barber’s and hairdresser’s, clinicks, hotels, a job centre, cafes in it.

P2 – We can meet all means of transport in our city: buses, trolley-buses, trams, cars, taxis, trains, motorcycles, scooters, jeeps, vans, escalators, fire-engines, ambulances, police cars, truck and subway. It is a city for the future. There is a modern on-street transport system the Metrolink in our city.
It is clean, quick and quiet. At the end of the street there is a car park and a landing field for planes and helicopters. Here it is. We can get from one place of the city to another by plane or helicopter.
The traffic in our city is heavy, especially in a rush hour. We must know the traffic rules and the traffic sings.

P3 – Traffic lesson.

Be very, very carefull
When you cross the street
Use your eyes and your ears,
And then use your feet.
The trams and cars in our town
Run up and down, up and down
When all the cars have stopped
It’s time for you to go
Walk between the lines,
That’s the safest way I know.

Cross the street only on zebras. It is better to wait 5 minutes on the pavement than a month in a hospital.

P4 – This is a city that we built.
This is a man, that lives in the city that we built. This is the car, that man has got that lives in the city that we built.
This is the car park, where stands the car that man has got, that lives in the city that we built. This is the end of the street at which we can see the car park, where stands the car that man has got, that lives in the city that he built. This is a bridge not far from the street at which we can see the car park where stands the car that man has god that lives in the city that we built.

Задания классу.

P2 – Here is the garage. What is there in it? Guess, please. (Учащиеся угадывают. It is a truck. )

– We can see many sings in our city. What do they mean? (Показывают различные знаки, учащиеся угадывают, что они обозначают).

– To my mind, it’s bank.

– I think, it’s a café.

Mr. Brown. – What are the main kinds of buses in London? (the red single-decker, the red double-decker).

Group 2. Greentown.

Представляют свой город в форме экскурсии по городу.

P1 – Hello! Nice to see you, ladies and gentlemen. I welcome you to Greentown. My name is Natasha. I’m a guide and let us go on a signseeing tour of our town. Take your places in our tour bus, please. Are you ready? (Занимают места в автобусе).

– Oh! Yes. (Поют хором).

We go, go, go by tour, tour bus
We want to go sightseeing
With our friendly class.

P1 – Our town is not very large. It is a quiet, clean, and beautiful town. The ecological situation is rather good in Greentown, because the factories and plants are far from the town. It is a town of green trees, grass and flowers. It is famous for its charming parks. Look to the left.

P2(показывает рисунок с изображением парка).
You can see our famous Centre Park. There are many kinds of trees and plants in this park. We can meet oaks, birches, poplars, lime trees, fir-trees, and pine-trees. They are tall and beautiful. There is a rose garden in it. Near the garden there is a boating lake. We can watch and feed the ducks, swans and pelicans there. Not far from it there is an open – air theatre where we listen to the band playing music. It is an amazing place of our city.

P1 – look to the right.

P3 – (показывает рисунок с зоопарком). It’s a gateway to our famous Zoo. You can see thousands of animals, birds, reptiles, insect, and water life in our Zoo. Our Zoo has got rare and exotic animals; pandas, polar bears, camels, cobras. They are from Africa, Australia, America and Asia.

P1 – Now we are coming to our museums.

P2 – It’s our Museum of Fine Arts. It has large collections of paintings of the great landscape painters.
Not far from this museum you can see the Natural History Museum. There are large collections as zoology and botany in it. You can see there the stuffed animals and stuffed birds, the skeletons and bones of the ancient animals and the herbariums.

P1 – And now in front of you you can a monument to a dog. It is in one the beautiful square of our town. We know that dogs are our friends. There is a wonderful fountain behind the monument. Have you got any questions for me?

Mr. Brown. – What is the symbol of your town?

P1 –(показывает ребус). Try to guess it. It’s a dandelion. It is a symbol of our town.

– Have you got any churches?

P1 – Our tour has finished. Thank you and good bye. I’m very pleased to see you.

Mr. Brown – Oh, it’s very interesting. In England we have got Greentown too, it’s not far from London. It looks like your town.

Представляют карту своего города.

P1 –You are welcome to our Magic City. I am the chief architect. This is the map of our city. Magic City is a city for entertainment. It’s a centre for music, fashion, and style. This is main square of our city. It is Theatrical square. It is a meeting point of 6 streets. We can see the Opera House in it. We have got many theatres, art galleries, museums in the city.
I can recommend the Fashion House. There are a lot of very elegant, fashionable clothes, coats, furcoats, suits, dresses, for men and women. You are welcome to the fashion show. Let me introduce this young woman. (Показывает изображение на доске). Her name is Liza. She is twenty-five. She is a top model of our Fashion House. She is very beautiful woman. She is tall and slim. She has large bright-blue eyes. Her nose is straight. Her lips are red. Her face is oval, Liza’s hair is fair and long. Her smile is charming. She is wearing a fine red suit. It is made of wool. It is the last word in fashion. The blazer has two pockets. The skirt is rather short. She has red gloves on made of silk. She is wearing black shoes. They are made of leather. She has a fine scarf on round her neck. It is made os silk. She is holding a hand-bag and a magazine in her hands.
Liza looks smart. She is a woman of taste. She follows the fashion. She knows that good clothes open the doors.

P2 – Everything must be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, sprint and mind. We know that a room without soul. But I think that a city without a library is a body without soul too.
In our city we have got a very large city library. It is a moralous building. There are a lot of books in it. My favorite book is “Adventures of Sherlock Homes”. I am found of reading books. We like to see interesting film and we often go to the cinema. The cinema “Stars” is in Queen Street. My favourite film is “Titanik”. My favourite actor is L. de Caprio.
This wonderful building is our circus. It is very interesting for me to be at the circus. I like clowns, juggles, acrobats, cyclists.

P3 – We have got many playgrounds and they are fantastic. There are a lot of attractions there – swings, merry-go-rounds, ferries wheels, sand-boxes, jungle gym and many others. The children enjoy playing hopscotch. They like to play ball and jump-rope.

P1 – Let’s play ball. Finish the sentences.

– I live not far from

– The supermarket is…

– I am going to be…

– This wonderful building is…

P2 – This is the view from my windows. (показывает рисунок). Can you help me to describe the view from my window? Fill in the missed words, please.

From my bedroom window I can see a small (garden) with flowers (behind) the garden there is a street. I can see a charming (cafe) on the corner of the street. (Near) the café there is a (pet) shop. I buy food for my (dog) there. On the left there is (supermarket) behind the supermarket we can see a (church).

Представляют свой коллаж о Брянске.

Хором. This is our native city.

P1 – We are fond of our city. We are eager to describe it Bryansk is the ancient Russian town, It has a long and interesting history. It is more than 1000 years old. It stands on the banks of the Desna river. It’s population is 450000 people.

P2 – Bryansk is a big industrial centre. There are many factories and plants in Bryansk. They produce machines, refrigerator-cars, irrigation machines and so on, Bryansk is a large scientific and educational centre. There are universities and institutes and more than 65 schools.

P1 – Bryansk is a cultural centre. There are 3 theatres, a philharmonic society, a circus, ten cinemas, more than 200 libraries, 6 parks in Bryansk. A park – museum named for uniqe collection of wooden sculptures made of dead tree trunks.

P3 – Bryansk is a beautiful and clean city. At the end of Lenin Avenue you can see a 16 – storeyed Hotel “Bryansk”. It was built in 1985. In the square of People’s Friendship there is a cinema-concert hall. In front of it you can see a wonderful fountain.

P4 – Bryansk is a town of partisan fame. It has a lot of monuments and memorials. There is the monument of Eternal Glory to the partisans in Partisan Square. Behind the monument we can see the Regional Historic museum. I think my city is famous for its ancient churches. So my native city is a nice place to live in. I like it very much.

  1. This is a building. It is in Pushkin Street. There is a bus stop near it. We can see a monument to Volodarskiy in front of it. What is it? (It is a cinema “Salut”).
  2. It is in front of the bus stop “Gogol Street”. It stands between the post – office and the hairdressen’s. The people go there to eat and to dance.
  3. It is not far from the vailway station in Dimitrov Street. We go there to buy clothes, vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and many other thing. (It’s a market)

V. Работа в группах

1. Задание.

T. – Now we shall do some group work. Make up the short conversations. The topic of the conversations is asking the way.

Group 1 – How can we get to the Opera House from the cinema “Stars”?

Group 2 – Will you tell us the way from our school to the new planetarium?

Group 3 – How can we get to the car park?

Group 4 – Which is the shortest way to Centre Park from your Muzeum of Fine Arts?

(Через 2 минуты представляются диалоги).

2. Задание.

You’ll get a card with some words. Make up a short story using these words. But first read these words.

Group1 – I am fond of, sport, swimming, swimming-pool, a stadium, football, basketball, volleyball. I’m going to be, like, a sportsman.

Group 2 – Zoo, not far, wild animals, insects, water life, tiger, lion, chimpanzee, snake, alligator, pet, favourite, to look after, like.

Group 3 – centre, many-storied building, hotel, bank, avenue, beautiful, café, hairdresser’s, barber’s, heavy traffic, bus stop.

Group 4 – market, supermarket, pet shop, bookshop, we can buy, fruit, vegetables, clothes, shop assistant, want, to do shopping, help.

T. – I’d like to say a few words in contusion. I’m so pleased with your projects. They were very interesting and lovely. Well done!

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Учебная: введение и активизация новой лексики, совершенствование навыков аудирования и говорения.

Личностные УУД: формировать положительное отношение к процессу познания, развивать навыки сотрудничества в разных ситуациях.

Регулятивные УУД: планировать свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей.

Познавательные УУД: успешно осуществлять актуализацию новых лексических единиц, основываясь на учебную ситуацию и личный опыт; выстраивать логическую цепочку рассуждений для дальнейшего выполнения соответствующих действий.

Коммуникативные УУД: слушать аудиозапись, учителя и друг друга для восприятия и воспроизведения необходимой информации, адекватного участия в дискуссии по заданной ситуации;

Тип урока: урок формирования лексических навыков

Уровень изучения дисциплины: базовый.

Время урока: 40 минут.

Методы обучения: словесный, практический, наглядный.

Форма обучения: групповая, фронтальная.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, материалы для аудирования (mp3-формат), презентация к уроку, видеоролик, раздаточный материал.

1.Организационный этап (подготовка учащихся к работе на уроке; мотивация на успех учебной деятельности, создание благоприятной атмосферы на занятии)

2. Постановка цели урока (определение совместно с учащимися что, для чего и каким образом они будут делать на уроке)

3. Введение и отработка новой лексики. Просмотр видеоролика

4. Активизация навыков аудирования

6. Проектная работа

7. Рефлексия (подведение итогов урока, определение соответствия полученного результата поставленным в начале занятия целям)

8. Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению


Деятельность учащихся

Организационный этап (подготовка учащихся к работе на уроке; мотивация на успех учебной деятельности, создание благоприятной атмосферы на занятии)

Good afternoon, dear children!

I’m glad to see you!

What daу is it today?

What date is it today?

What is the weather like today?

What do you like to do in such weather?

Today we have an unusual lesson. There are a lot of guests at our lesson. I want you to work hard and be very attentive. Let’s begin our work.

Good afternoon,
We are glad to see you too.

We are fine, thank you

Называют число и день

Говорят о погоде,

Постановка цели урока (определение совместно с учащимися что, для чего и каким образом они будут делать на уроке)

Look at the screen. What can you see there?( слайд 2)

What houses can you see?

Where are these houses situated?

How can you guess?

What are we going to speak about?

You are absolutely right. The theme of our lesson is “English cities and houses”

( слайд 3) 99слайд

Let’s build a Tree of Expectations. Take your cards and write down what you want to know today?

A large house. A small house. A new house. An old house. An unusual house.

They are situated in England

I can see Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace.

We are going to speak about English cities and houses.

На доске изображение яблони. Учащиеся на яблоках пишут свои ожидания

To learn new words, to know the types of English houses, to speak about English cities

Введение и отработка новой лексики.

Let’s watch a video film and get some information about English houses.

We’ll start with the words that we are going to use at our lesson.

1. Look at the screen and learn how to pronounce the new words. Say after me. ( слайд 4)

Work in groups. Do Task2

Match houses with their description and with an appropriate picture.

Look at the screen and check if you were correct.( слайд 6)

3.Translate the words into Russian.

a detached house – отдельно стоящий дом; особняк, самый дорогой вид домов в Англии;

a terraced house (AmE – row house) – одинаковые 2-х или 3-х этажные дома, имеющие общую стену, соединенные в один длинный ряд;

a semi - detached house (AmE – duplex) – два дома, расположенные под одной крышей;

a block of flats (AmE – apartment) – многоэтажные дома.

a cottage – один из самых распространенных видов загородных домов в Англии;

a boathouse-дом- лодка

a palace- дворец

Приложение. Task 1

A detached house. A semi-detached house. A terraced house. A block of flats. A cottage. A houseboat. A palace.

1a detached house

2a semi-detached house

3 a terraced house

4 a block of flats

a) a country house

b)two houses which share one wall

c) several houses joined together

d) an independently standing house

e) a large building that is divided into flats

f) large house that is the official home of a king, queen, or other person of high social rank.

g) a boat that people use as their home, often kept in one place on a river or canal

Keys:1-d 2-b 3-c 4-e 5-ab 6-g 7-f


Let’s listen to the dialogue and find out where the man lives. SB ex. 44 p. 136( books closed( слайд 7)

Before listening, let’s learn the new words

neighbourhood ['neibəhud] – соседство

residential area [ˏrezi'denʃəl 'eəriə] – район частных домов

a restaurant ['restrƆ:ŋ] – ресторан

at the back – сзади

at the front – спереди

After-listening: What part of London does Mr Philpott live? Is his house far from Regent’s park?

T: Look at the pictures. ( слайд 8)

Guess, which of the houses Mr Philpott lives in?

Why do you think so?

T: Listen to the text and compare your description with what Mr Philpott says about his house.

Answer my questions:

1. Does Mr.Philpott live in a big house?

2. How many rooms has he got?

3. Has his family got a garden?

4. What kind of neighbourhood is it&

He lives not far from the centre of London. He lives in the area called Bloomsbury. He lives near Regent’s Park

Работа с таблицей. Task 4

Let’s have a rest, children! Stand up!

Обучение чтению с извлечение информации

Some days ago I got a letter from my pen –friend. She lives in London and in her letter she writes about English houses. I am sure you want to get some more information about houses in England. Let’s read a short extract from her letter

Answer the questions:

Do English people live in flats or in their own houses?

How many floors are there in the traditional English house?

What rooms are there on the ground floor?

What rooms are there on the first floor?

Where do they often spend evenings?

What makes the room comfortable?

What proverbs about homes do you know?

Many English people live in flats but some people live in their own houses. There are two floors in the traditional English house the ground floor and the first floor. The bedrooms and a bathroom or bathrooms are upstairs on the first floor. The sitting room, the dining room, the kitchen and the hall are downstairs on the ground floor.

The sitting room is the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. English people usually have a fire in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. They read books, watch television, listen to music or sit around and speak. People in England like their homes and say, "There is no place like home" and "East or west home is best".

Проектная работа

Тренировка навыков письма

In her letter my friend asks me to describe houses in Russia. I want to send some posters to her. Will you help me to make them?

Now you work in groups.

Look at the posters and say what kind of houses your classmates live in.

It’s time to compare houses in England and in Russia

Учащиеся изготавливают постеры, используя фотографии своих домов.

Many students live in the…

Some students live in the…

Few students live in the…

Most people in ….live in ….

Some people in… live in…

Рефлексия (подведение итогов урока, определение соответствия полученного результата поставленным в начале занятия целям)

Our lesson is coming to the end. Do you like our lesson? Let’s return to our Tree of Expectation.

What did we do at the lesson?

You have got a lot of new information about houses in our country and in Great Britain Thank you for your work and discussion during the lesson. You were active and worked quickly and hard. Your marks are…

Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению

Draw a house of your dream and describe it.

Литература и средства обучения

1 Учебник (Student’s Book): Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English учебник английского языка для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / М.З. Биболетова, Н. В. Добрынина, Н,Н, Трубанева. – Обнинск: Титул, 2014

2 Рабочая тетрадь (Activity Book): Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English . Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для 6 класса общеобразовательных школ / М.З. Биболетова, Н. В. Добрынина, Н.Н. Трубанева. – Обнинск: Титул. 2009.

1ВерещагинаИ.Н,.А.фанасьева О.В..Учебник английского языка для 4 класса с углубленным изучением языка..М: Просвещение,2000

images. yandex. ru› фото английских домо

A detached house

A semi-detached house

A terraced house

A block of flats

1 Match houses with their description and with an appropriate picture

1 a detached house 2 a semi-detached house 3 a terraced house 4 a block of flats 5 a cottage

6 a houseboat 7 a palace

a) a country house

b) two houses which share one wall

c) several houses joined together

d) an independently standing house

e) a large building that is divided into flats

f) a large house that is the official home of a king, queen, or other person of high social rank.

g) a boat that people use as their home, often kept in one place on a river or canal.

A)Let’s listen to the dialogue and find out where the man lives.

Before listening, let’s learn the new words

neighbourhood ['neibəhud] – соседство

residential area [ˏrezi'denʃəl 'eəriə] – район частных домов

a restaurant ['restrƆ:ŋ] – ресторан

at the back – сзади

at the front – спереди

What part of London does Mr Philpott live?

Task 4 Guess, which of the houses Mr Philpott lives in? Why do you think so?

Mr Philpott lives in the… house because ….

It is a very nice house.

there are many rooms in it

He has a garden.

It is not far from the centre of London. This house is very pretty.

It’s a big house. 2 families live in this house

Mr.Philpott has a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom.

Listen to the text and compare your description with what Mr Philpott says about his house

Answer my questions:

1. Does Mr.Philpott live in a big house?

2. How many rooms has he got?

3. Has his family got a garden?

Read the text and answer the questions

Many English people live in flats but some people live in their own houses. There are two floors in the traditional English house the ground floor and the first floor. The bedrooms and a bathroom or bathrooms are upstairs on the first floor. The sitting room, the dining room, the kitchen and the hall are downstairs on the ground floor.

The sitting room is the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. English people usually have a fire in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. They read books, watch television, listen to music or sit around and speak. People in England like their homes and say, "There is no place like home" and "East or west home is best".

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

6. Задачи урока:

2) Развивающие: Развивать интеллектуальную, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны личности, учащихся в процессе обучения лексике английского языка, расширить филологический кругозор, развивать познавательные и творческие навыки учащихся, умение работать в коллективе.

3) Воспитывающие: Формировать навыки и умения интеллектуального труда, повысить познавательный интерес и активность учащихся к учебному процессу, в частности к английскому языку, способствовать максимальному проявлению творческих способностей учащихся, привить любовь к предмету и будущей профессии.

7. Форма обучения: урок усвоения новых знаний.

8. Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический, проблемный, поисковый.

9. Средства обучения: учебно-лабораторное оборудование: учебно-наглядные пособия.

10. Межпредметные связи: Практический курс английского языка: грамматика, фонетика.

12. Технологическая карта урока




Методы и формы обучения

Приветствие, настрой на работу

- организует внимание студентов.

- настраиваются на активную работу.

Создаёт проблемную ситуацию, которая подтолкнёт учащихся к формулированию цели урока. Демонстрирует карточки со словами и фразами: Native town, homeland, Mamayev Hill, Volzhsky

Называют лексические единицы и фразы, написанные на карточках на английском и русском языках.

Формулируют тему и цель урока. Взаимодействуют с учителем во время беседы, осуществляемой во фронтальном режиме

- анализирует ответы учащихся;

- читает стихотворение на доске;

- контролирует чтение студентов;

- обращает внимание на ошибки, при необходимости исправляет их.

- отвечают на вопросы преподавателя;

- дополняют и исправляют ответы друг друга;

- слушают и повторяют за преподавателем стихотворение хором, а затем индивидуально.

Проблемно-поисковый, наглядный и практический методы

Первичное усвоение новых знаний

- предлагает студентам познакомиться с новыми тематическими словосочетаниями.

- задает вопросы по теме

Слушают грамматические правила.

Отвечают на вопросы.

Контроль изученного лексико-грамматического материала

- предлагает студентам ответить на вопросы, выполнить задание на карточке: заполнить пропуски;

Составить предложения из слов.

Поставить предложения во множественное число.

- отвечают на вопросы;

- выполняют задание на карточке: заполняют пропуски;

- составляют вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с конструкцией to have.

- составляют предложения из слов.

- ставят предложения во множественное число.

Организует работу с текстом, проверяет выполнение и понимание по вопросам, переводам.

- Читают текст, переводят, отвечают на вопросы.

Практический и наглядный методы

Постановка домашнего задания

- определяет объем и содержание домашнего задания.

- уясняют сущность домашнего задания.

Рефлексия. Подведение итога занятия

- анализирует и даёт оценку успешности достижения цели в ходе занятия

- осознание студентами значимости полученных результатов

13. Ход урока

I. Начало урока

II. Основная часть

III. Заключительный этап урока

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие класса.

Teacher (T): Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

- What date is it today?

Student (S)1 : It is the 10 th of October.

- What day is it today?

S2: It is Wednesday.

2. Объявление темы, постановка целей и задач урока.

T: Look at the blackboard, please. Вы видите карточки с новыми словами и фразами. Давайте прочитаем эти словосочетания и переведем их, опираясь на изображения. Как вы думаете, какова тема сегодняшнего урока?

(Учащиеся называют тему урока)

3. Фонетическая зарядка. Совершенствование произносительных навыков.

T: How should we pronounce letter a?

S: We can pronounce it as [ æ ].

T: Let’s practice the sound [ æ ]. Repeat all together [ æ ]. Look at the blackboard, please, and repeat our rhyme after me:

The fat black cat ran after the black rat,

But the fat black rat ran away from the fat black cat.

Let’s do it all together without me and individually (2-3 students).

4. Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

Let’s read and translate the word combinations.

a building – здание

downtown – деловой центр города

town outskirts – окраина города

a pedestrian – пешеход

a school - школа

a kindergarten – детский сад

a university - университет

an institute – институт

an embassy - посольство

a hospital - больница

a shop/a store/a shopping centre/a supermarket – магазин, супермаркет

There is a cat in the box. В коробке (есть) кот.

There’s something that makes me feel worried. – Меня что-то тревожит.

There are two cats on the couch. – На диване (есть) 2 кота.

5. Контроль изученного лексико-грамматического материала

1 Заполните пропуски

1. There _____________ many animals in the zoo.

2. There _____________ a snake in the window.

3. There _____________ a zebra in the grass.

4. There _____________ lions in the zoo, too.

5. There _____________ many baby lions near their parents.

2 Напишите каждое предложение в отрицательной и вопросительной форме.

There are many pupils in the classroom.

There is some meat on the plate.

There are four parks in the city.

3 Составьте предложения из слов.

five, there, in the park, children, are

on the, there, a cat, is sofa

little, balls, there, three, are, floor, on , the

big, dog, in the, there, hall, is

a cake, in the, there, picture, is.

4 Поставьте во множественное число.

There is a bicycle near the tree.

There is a book on the table.

There is a sweet in the box.

There is a bird in the cage.

There is a pear on the dish.

Let’s read and translate the text.

1. There are many Hero-Cities in our country. 2. Volgograd is one of them. 3. It's a legendary city, because here in 1943 the Soviet Army won the great and glorious victory over the fascists. 4. The fascist army wanted to capture Stalingrad, it was very important for them. 5. Our soldiers defended theined, but it didnt give in. 7. The German army lost more than a million soldiers and officers during the Stalingrad battle. 8. Now Volgograd is a beautiful city again. 9. ft stands on the banks of the great Russian river Volga. 10. Every year thousands of tounsts come to Volgograd. 11. They want to visit the famous historical places ot our city to honour the memory of those soldiers, who died here for the freedom of our coun-

Answer the following questions.

Where do you live?What is there in the hometown?What interesting things and pleses are there in your town?What can you do there?What are your favourite plases in your town?Why?What are the people like?What makes your hometown special?

7. Постановка домашнего задания.

9. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

T: So, what text were we reading today? What was it about? What knew words have you learned? What grammar material have you learned?

I’m pleased with your work today. Our lesson is over. Thank you. See you later.

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