People and places план урока 4 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Цели деятельности учителя: формирование лексического - грамматического навыка.

Отработать звук [αυ] ; изучать новую лексику; закрепить время Present Perfekt ; тренировать учащихся в употребление речевой структуры.

Способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению языка; совершенствовать память; формировать устойчивого положительного отношения к предмету.

Оборудование: учебник С. Тер - Минасова «English Favourite 4 кл, презентация.

Методы и приемы

I Организационный момент

Словесный: слово учителя, беседа.

Stand up, please. Good afternoon, children. My name is Ekaterina Vladimirovna . I will be your teacher today. I’m glad to see you. (I’m glad to see you too). Sit down, please.

Проверять готовность к уроку.
Садиться на места.

Р: обеспечение учащимся организации их учебной деятельности.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Практический: проведение фонзарядки

Let’s begin our lesson with the phonetic drill. Look at the screen. Today we repeat the sound [αυ]. Look at me and repeat after me all together [еı ] [еı ] [еı ]

Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day,

Little Johnny wants to play,

Rain, rain, go away.

Who wants to translate? P1, please. Good for you.

Let’s read the words with the sound after me.

Let’s read after me all together line by line. Now you read line by line, one by one. P1, start, please. All right.

Let’s read the whole poem all together.

Who wants to read the whole poem?

Читать и переводить рифмовку, повторять за учителем

П: выполнение действия по алгоритму

III. Постановка учебной задачи

Словесный: слово учителя

Look at the screen.

What can you see?

(jungle, lake, sea, mountain, climb, field)

Что мы сегодня будем с вами изучать? (new words)

В какую тему могут быть объединены все эти слова? (различные места нашей планеты)

Какие цели мы поставим на сегодняшний урок?

Так же мы с вами повторим время present Perfect.

Отвечать на вопрос

Формировать тему урока

Р: обеспечение учащимся организации их учебной деятельности.

IV. Ведение и первичное закрепление новой лексики

Словесный: слово учителя

Практический: физические упражнения

Open your books at page 57 exercise 1.

Reed the task (there are pictures of fantastic animals from different books on Johnny’s website. Hetty asks him what they are like. Act out their conversation.. )

1.Read the dialogue.

2. Now work in pars.

Choose animals and make up your the dialogue. Use the model below.

Reed your dialogue (2-3 пары)

Look at the screen. Here are some new words. Listen to me.

jungle [ˈdʒʌŋɡ(ə)l ] джунгли

lake [ leɪk ] озеро

mountain [ˈmaʊntɪn ] гора

climb [ klaɪm ] восхождение

field [ fiːld ] поле

Repeat the words after me all together. Now you read one by one.

Now you will listen to the text for the first time. Look at ex.2 p. 59. Then you will guess the meaning of the new words.

Translate the new words.

Now you read one by one.

Translate from Russian into English.

(джунгли, поле, море, озеро, гора, восхождение)

Reed the this song and translate.

Составлять диалог в парах

Читать и переводить текст

Выполнять физические упражненья

К: формулировать мысли с достаточной полнотой и точностью.

Р: принимают и сохраняют учебную задачу.

VI. Актуализация грамматики

VII. Домашнее задание

VIII. Вторичное закрепление

Практический: упражнение, аудирование

Open your books at page 59 exercise 4.

Listen to the song.

В каком времени эти предложения? ( Present Perfect)

Как образуется это время?

Какие новые неправильные глаголы, вы увидели в этой песни? (done, gone)

От какого глагола образован глагол done?(do)

От какого глагола образован глагол gone? (go)

(на доске три формы глагола)

Translate the verbs.

Now open your mark books and write down your home task.

Open your books at page 59 exercise 4 b.

Reed the sentences and translate.

Open your books at page 60.

Complete the sentences and you will read a story about our friends. Write down the sentences in your notebooks.

Our friends (to be) have already been to different countries. They (to go) have gone to Wales today. They (to do) have already done a lot of exciting things there. But they (not to see) haven’t seen the strange animal yet.

(Already стоит между вспомогательными и смысловыми глаголами)

Reed your sentences.

Open your books at page 60 exercise 5 a.

Действовать с учетом выделенных учителем ориентиров

Читать и переводить глаголы

Записать домашнее задание

Читать и переводить предложения

Выполнять упражнение в рабочей тетради

Проверять выполненное задание

Р : принимают и сохраняют учебную задачу.

К:формулировать мысли с достаточной полнотой и точностью.

Р: принимают и сохраняют учебную задачу.

Р: принимают и сохраняют учебную задачу.

К:формулировать мысли с достаточной полнотой и точностью.

VIII. Итог урока. Рефлексия деятельности

Что мы сегодня на уроке изучили?

Какая была цель нашего урока?

Достигли ли мы поставленную цель?

Подводить итог урока. Проводить рефлексию.

П : контроль и оценка процесса и результатов деятельности

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Prepositions of the place" 3 класс

Цели деятельности учителя: формирование произносительного навыка; формирование умения применения предлогов местав речи учащихся: behind, on, in, under.Планируемые результаты:Предметные:- уметь произно.

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "What are you wearing?" 3 класс, УМК "Английский язык. Brilliant"

Цели деятельности учителя:формирование произносительного навыка;повторение и закрепление слов clothes, pyjamas, jacket, trousers, jumper, jeans, coat, skirt;развитие и закрепление конструкции «I.

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Prepositions of place" 3 класс, УМК "Английский язык. Brilliant"

Цели деятельности учителя: формирование произносительного навыка; введение и первичное закрепление новой лексики; формирование навыка чтения вслух.Планируемые результатыПредметные:уметь произносить зв.

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "We are having a great time!" 3 класс, УМК "Английский в фокусе"

Цели деятельности учителя: формирование произносительного навыка; введение и первичное закрепление лексики playing a game, driving a car, watching TV, etc.; формирование навыка чтения вслух.Планируемы.

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Free time!" 3 класс, УМК "Английский в фокусе"

Цели деятельности учителя: формирование произносительного навыка; закрепление лексики MODULE 7; формирование навыка чтения.Планируемые результаты:Предметные:уметь произносить звук [i:];уметь использов.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Цель урока: развитие языковой компетентности учащихся, умение работать в парах и в группе.

Тип урока: продолжение изучения нового материала.

Задачи урока:

обучающие: научить составлять предложения с использованием to be going to do something;

развивающие: развивать умения во всех видах деятельности (аудировании, чтении, говорении, письме);

воспитательные: воспитывать уважение друг к другу.

Формируемые УУД:

формирование ответственного отношения к обучению;

освоение грамматического материала, поискового чтения;

умение задавать вопросы и коротко на них отвечать;

осуществление самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной и грамматической деятельности.

Оснащение урока:

учебник (Student’s book);

карточки с заданиями.

Структура урока:

Фонетическая и речевая зарядка;

Постановка темы и цели урока;

Проверка домашнего задания;

Работа с учебником. Применение знаний на практике

Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания

Организационный момент:

- Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you!

- Give a smile to each other. Sit down!

- I think you are ready to work hard. Let’s start our lesson.

Фонетическая и речевая зарядка зарядка:

- How are you today?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- What is the weather like today? (sunny, windy, cloudy, raining)

- I agree with you, it's not a very nice day.

- How many lessons do you have today?

- How many lessons did you have yesterday?

Постановка темы и цели урока:

- Where are you from?

- Look at the blackboard. Tell me, please, what is it?

- How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?

- The theme of our lesson is the countries.

Проверка домашнего задания:

- Have you learnt the new words of the last lesson? I want you to remind them. Repeat all together. (интерактивная доска)

- Let’s check your homework. Open your workbooks at page 62, ex. 2

- Write down the date in your notebooks. Запись правила в тетрадь.

- Ok. I want you to practice this rule. There are sheets of paper on your desks. We are starting with the first exercise. You have 2 minutes to do the task.

- We should check this exercise. Danil, come to the whiteboard.

- Ok. Go on. The second exercise. Make up the affirmative sentences.

- Let’s check these exercises.


- I think you are a bit tired. Let’s have a rest. Stand up please. Danil, you will be a leading and you will show dance moves. Ok?

- Thank you a lot. Take your seats.

Работа с учебником.

- Now open your student’s books at page 123.

- Look! The children are going to go on holiday. Who can you see there?

- Watch and say where the children are going to go on holiday.

- Now listen and read each phrases with the correct intonation.

- I want you to read the dialogue completely.

- And now try to act out this episode. Who wants to do it?

- It was funny, boys and girls! Thank you. Take your seats.

Применение знаний на практике.

- And what about you? What are you going to do on holiday? Let’s play the game.

- You have to divide into 2 teams: the first team is the first variant, the second team is the second variant.

- Are you ready? Now the second team tries to remember the answers of the first one.

- The first team. It is your turn. Try to remember the answers of the second team.

- I think you tried very hard, so you should get a sweet prize. But you may eat it later. Take it. Don’t be shy.

Домашнее задание

- Our lesson is coming to the end. I want to know how you feel.

- If you are happy and you understand everything, take the yellow sand.

- If you still have any questions and you have been inactive, take the blue sand.

- If you made a few mistakes, but you are happy, take the orange sand.

- Now stand up for each other.

- Let’s fill the bowl (vessel)

-Look at this bowl. It is filled with colored sand and represents your knowledge.

- It is amazing, isn’t it?

Организационный момент

- Stand up please. Give a little smile to each other. Our lesson is over. Good bye!

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ГИА для школьников, находящихся за рубежом, может стать дистанционным

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Новые курсы: преподавание блогинга и архитектуры, подготовка аспирантов и другие

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В Госдуме предложили ввести сертификаты на отдых детей от 8 до 17 лет

Время чтения: 1 минута

Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a growing range of general and some curricular topics to describe things, use simple one-syllable and some two- syllable adjectives [comparative and superlative] to make comparisons

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: read and translate the statements

Most learners will be able to: read and translate the statements. Make own sentences using comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives

Some learners will be able to: read and translate the statements. Make own sentences using comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Make comparisons of the places.

Assessment criteria

To talk about places

Language focus

Structures: possessive adjectives; to- infinitive; ing-form

Language in use: I want to go to the market to buy some fresh fruit. I like eating fruit. Can you go to the market to buy some fruit, please?

Target vocabulary

People and places: library, theatre, swimming pool, funfair, shopping centre, café, museum

Cross - curricular

Using videos& pictures, working with URLs (Internet)

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Smiles Resources


(An activity t revise the language of the previous lesson.)

Ask pairs of pupils to come to the front of the classroom and act out the dialogue from the previous lesson (Ex. 14). Repeat with as many pairs as you feel necessary.

Interactive Whiteboard Software


(Activities to present and activate the new language.)

People and Places

17 Listen, point and repeat. Then match.

Pupils’ books closed. Put the flashcards up on the board. Point to them, one at time, and name them. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Repeat the procedure with the remaining flashcards. Then point to the flashcards in random order. Ask individual pupils to name them.

Extension activity (Optional)

Mime an action associated with one of the places, e/g/ reading a book. Ask the pupil the name the place, e.g. library.

Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the words and repeat. If you wish, play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Then allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check their answers.

2 d 3 b 4 f 5 a 6 g 7 c

18. Where are they? Read and Write.

Explain the activity and read the example aloud. Explain that the sentences are clues to find the correct answer. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check their answers.

2 At the liberty

3 At the shopping Centre

4 At the funfair.

6 At the theatre

(Activities to present and practice –ing form and to - infinitive)

19 Read and choose

Pupil’s books closed. Say and write on the board: I want to go to the library. I enjoy going to the library. Underline the words in bold. Explain to the pupils, in L1 if necessary, that after certain verbs (e.g. want, hope, etc.) we use the infinitive, while after other verbs we use the –ing form. We usually use the – ing form after verbs that show feelings (e.g. enjoy, like, hate, etc.) Then write on the board: I hope… to the library. Underline the word in bold. Ask the pupils to complete the sentence by putting the verb to go in the correct form (infinitive or -ing). Substitute the verb hope with other verbs (e.g. like, start, love, hate, etc.) and repeat.

Then, write on the board: I want to go to the library to borrow a book. Underline the words in bold. Ask the pupils: Why do I want to go to the library? To borrow a book. Explain to the pupils, in Ll if necessary, that we use the infinitive to show purpose.

Pupils' books open. Go through the Study spot section briefly. Ask the pupils: What do you want to do? What do you like doing? Elicit answers. (I want to go to funfair. I like going to the swimming pool. etc) Suggest to the pupils to use activities from Ex. 17.

Read the instructions and the example and explain the activity. Go through the sentences and elicit/explain any unknown words. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check their answers.

2 listening 4 to feel 6 to read

3 to visit 5 juggling

20 Complete the sentences in a way that it true about yourself.

Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to complete it. Check their answers.

Suggested answer key

1. play video games.

2. learn how to play rugby.

3. go to the funfair on Sunday.

4. reading stories.

5. playing leap frog.

6. doing jigsaw puzzles.

21 Match to make Grandma’s questions

Draw the pupils’ attention to the pictures and elicit the names of the places (1-market,2-supermarket,3- library,4-theatre,5-post office). Read the instructions and explain the activity. Ask the pupils: Where can you go to buy some fruit? Elicit: At the market. Ask the pupils to match picture 1 with the correct phrase. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check their answers by asking questions (Where can you go to…).

1 buy some fruit 2 get some milk

3 take back some books 4 buy three tickets

5 post some letters

Refer the pupils to the question and read it aloud. If necessary, provide the pupils with another example. Ask the pupils to make questions as in the example.

Can you go to the supermarket to get some milk?

Can you go to the library to take back some books?

Can you go to the theatre to buy three tickets?

Can you go to the post office to post some letters?

(An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson.)

Ask a pupil to come to the front of the classroom. Ask him/her to choose a place from Ex. 17 & 21 without letting the rest of the class know which one. The pupil decides whether he/she likes/doesn’t like going to the place and mimes the action accordingly. The rest of the class tries to guess where he/she likes/doesn’t like going

e.g. Pupil 1: (mimes watching something in a

Pupil 2: You like going to the theatre.

Pupil 1: That’s right! ect


If you wish, you can assign some or all of the corresponding activities from the Activity Book for homework. If this is the case, make sure you explain them first in class.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links

Values links

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson

As students are entering the classroom, ask daily questions/ practice speaking so that you get ready for the class:

-What day is it today?

-What is the date today?

-What is the topic of the lesson?

-Ask some questions so to remember the material from the previous day.

Learning and lesson objectives are introduced.

Asking home task.

Task 1.

(w) Picture search. (Exercise 1)

T. – What do Iza and Boris do in their free time? Who does what? Find clues in the pictures. Write notes.

Task 2. (I)

Comprehension. (Exercise 3)

(D)Teacher introduces the new gramma structure – Present simple

Task 3.

(w) Grammar practice (Exercise 6)

Task 4.

(D) Pronunciation. (Exercise 5)

Giving the home task.(Exercise 8)

Learners make their oral feedback. Learners make comments about the lesson orally.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

More support will be given to the weaker learners in Task 1.

Task 2. Support will be given to the weaker learners to identify the answer correctly and talented students will retell the text after listening to the recorder.

As oral students’ formative assessment in groups, pair and individual works teacher evaluates them by asking questions.

TASK 1. Learners are evaluated by giving colourful stickers.

TASK 2. Learners are evaluated by peer assessment.

TASK 3. Learners are evaluated by using tick and cross.

Health saving technologies.

Using physical exercises and active activities.

Rules from the Safety Rules book which can be applied in this lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

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