New york план урока

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Большинство изучающих английский мечтают увидеть Лондон, который is the capital of Great Britain и Нью-Йорк, который never sleeps. Мини-экскурсию по последнему можно сделать, если провести интересный урок.

Lesson Plan

New York, New York

Age: Teens, Adults

Aims: Learn new vocabulary, find out about New York City

Warm Up

Interaction: whole class

Materials: sentences about New York City.

Main Part

Video Watching

Before watching: Ask Ss what they know about NYC, any facts, places of interest and what they would like to see if they come there.

While watching: Ss watch video and fill the gaps in the task .

After watching: Check the task, discuss the video and do vocabulary exercises .

Sightseeing Guessing Game

Materials: cards with NYC sights, their descriptions and names

After finishing the game, ask students which of this places they would like to see.

Song New York, New York by Frank Sinatra

Materials: Worksheet for the song , recording

Follow Up

Home Task

Write a postcard describing your visit to NYC.

Больше 2-х лет мы развиваем журнал своими силами, и сейчас нам очень нужна ваша поддержка!

Это сервис, с помощью которого каждый учитель может получить оценку эффективности своих уроков, онлайн-консультацию опытного методиста и понятный план профессионального развития!

Урок направлен на повышение интереса к изучению английского языка и США. В ходе учебного занятия учащиеся узнают много интересных фактов о городе Нью-Йорк. Материалы урока также можно использовать во время изучения темы "США" с любым учебным комплектом. Цель урока: развитие навыков различных видов речевой деятельности с использованием мультимедийной презентации.

nyu_york.doc 69 КБ
prezentaciya_1.ppt 2.01 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

(одночасовой урок)
9 класс

  1. Расширение страноведческих и лингвистических знаний учащихся.
  2. Совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по теме.
  3. Повторение лексического материала.
  4. Развитие монологической речи.
  5. Подготовка к проекту.
  1. укрепление интереса к предмету, воспитание уважительного отношения к зарубежной культуре.
  2. развитие интереса к изучению английского языка
  1. Развивать мышление;
  2. Развивать логику;
  3. Развивать умения осуществлять рефлексивную деятельность.
  4. Развивать креативную деятельность
  1. Физическая карта США.
  2. Компьютер.
  3. Магнитофон.
  4. Раздаточный материал.
  5. мультимедийный проектор и экран;
  6. презентация в Power Point;

I. Организация класса и речевая подготовка.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about the English speaking country – the USA, because as a result of our lesson you’ll write a guide-book about the USA, New York.(слайд 1)

T: Let’s check what you remember about the USA.

America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.

American money is dollars and cents.

  1. How many states consists the country of?(слайд 4)

The country consists of 50 states.

The capital of the USA is New York.

Today Manhatten is the center of business and commercial life of the country.

  1. What is the tallest skyscraper in New York? (слайд 7)

The Empire State Building is the tallest skyscraper in New York.

II. Основной этап

T: So, today, boys and girls, we are going to revise your knowledge about the USA, New York

Развитие навыков чтения и работы с текстом.

Учащиеся получают раздаточный материал: текст о США. Хором отрабатывается произношение географических названий. Учащиеся читают текст про себя, затем отвечают на вопросы учителя.


The USA is one of the largest countries in the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The area of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. Its oceans are the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic.

The population of the United States is nearly 250 million people.

The official language of the country is English. The capital of the country is Washington. It was named in honour of the first President, George Washington. As the USA is a large country, the climate is different in different region s.

There are many mountains in the USA. For example, the highest peak in the Cordilliers in the USA is 4,418 metres.

The country’s main river is the Mississippi but there are many other great rivers in the USA: the Colorado in the south and the Columbia in the north-west. There are five Great Lakes between the USA and Canada.

There are many big cities in the country. They are Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Philadelphia.

The USA is a federal republic, consisting of fifty states. Each of these states has its own government.

The president is the head of the state and the government.

  1. Where is the USA situated?
  2. What do you know about its area?
  3. What is the population of the country?
  4. What is the official language?
  5. Name main cities of the country.
  6. What is the political structure?
  7. Who is the head of the country?

Повторение лексического материала

T: Although New York is not the capital of the USA, it is the biggest and most important city of the country. That is why today we`ll speak about it.

Now look at the screen. There are some words. (слайд 9)

  1. Manhattan
  2. Brooklyn
  3. Queens
  4. Staten Island
  5. The Bronx
  6. The Hudson
  7. Central Park
  8. The Empire State Building
  9. The Rockefeller Center
  10. The Guggenheim Museum
  11. The Statue of Liberty
  12. The Twin Towers
  13. Broadway

Учащиеся распределяют слова на 3 колонки (слайд 10)

The names of boroughs in New York

The names of New York’s main attractions

The name of the river in New York

Развитие навыков монологической речи

At home you had to prepare some information about the main attractions of New York. So you`ll be the guide.

  1. New York (слайд 11)
  2. The Empire State Building (слайд 12)
  3. The Statue of Liberty (слайд 13)
  4. The Guggenheim Museum (слайд 14)
  5. Central Park (слайд 15)
  6. The Rockefeller Centre (слайд 16)
  7. Times Square (the part of Broadway) (слайд 17)
  8. Five boroughs of New York (слайд 18)
  9. The Twin Towers (слайд 19)

Now boys and girls let’s divide into two groups, two travel agencies.

You must prepare the guide-book according to the plan: (слайд 20)

  1. General information
  2. New York
  3. Places to visit: 1. 2. И т.д.

Подведение итогов о прослушанном

Now please explain why do you choose such order when you talked about the places to visit

T. Thank you children for your good presentation. Now let’s check your knowledge

(выполняют задание на листочках и сдают или проверяют на уроке)

New York is on … River. Another name of New York is … . It consists of 5 boroughs: … The heart of New York is … It has a lot of … . One of them is … State Building. It is the tallest … in New York. One of New York’s most famous museum is … . One of the famous symbols of America is … of Liberty. … is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan.

Your homework is to make the guide-book about the USA, New York in the written form according to the plan: general information, New York, places to visit

III. Завершающий этап

T: Our lesson is over. And now I want you to show your attitude to our lesson. What did you learn? What did you like best of all about the USA? What can You do now?

Thank you for your good work today. The result of this lesson will be your guide-books. Goodbye

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

THE USA Welcome to New York For the 9 th form

America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. .

American money is dollars and cents.

The capital of the USA is Washington

Today Manhatten is the center of business and commercial life of the country

The Empire State Building is the tallest skyscraper in New York

Manhatten Brooklyn Queens Staten Island The Bronx The Hudson Се ntral Park A skyscraper The Empire State Building The Rockefeller Center Broadway The Twin Towers The Statue of Liberty

The names of boroughs in New York The names of New York’s main attractions The name of the river in New York

New York is one of the largest cities in the country, but it is not the capital. New York is in the state of New York. New York is America`s Big Apple.

The Empire State Building is the tallest skyscraper in New York .

The Statue of Liberty is the most famous symbols of America. The millions of immigrants who had to come to America by sea were welcomed by a very tall woman

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the world most extravagant museums. This is an architectural masterpiece, which has not lost it’s ability to excite and surprise.

Central Park Type Urban park Location Manhattan in New York City, New York Coordinates Area 843 acres (341 ha) Created 1857 Operated by Central Park Conservancy Visitors about 37.5 million annually Status Open all year Architect: Frederick Law Olmsted, Calvert Vaux

Its Christmas Trees are the largest and most beautiful in New York.

Broadway is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan. It is also famous for the small area near Time Square. This part of Broadway is also known as ″the great White Way″ and it’s always full of tourists.

Manhattan Brooklyn Queens The Bronx Staten Island

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be higher until September 11.2001. It was destroyed by terrorists.

Guide-book: General information about the USA New York Places to visit

New York is on … River. Another name of New York is … . It consists of 5 boroughs: … The heart of New York is … It has a lot of … . One of them is … State Building. It is the tallest … in New York. One of New York’s most famous museum is … . One of the famous symbols of America is … of Liberty. … is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan.

New York is on the Hudson River. Another name of New York is America’s Big Apple. It consists of 5 boroughs: Manhatten, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx . The heart of New York is Manhattan . It has a lot of sights . One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest skyscraper in New York. One of New York’s most famous museum is the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum . One of the famous symbols of America is the Statue of Liberty. Broadway is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

План-конспект открытого урока по теме: "Закрепление лексических навыков по теме: "Рождество и "Новый год".

План открытого урока в з-ем классе по теме: "Закрепление лексических навыков по теме "Рождество и Новый год".


план-конспект открытого урока в 2-ом классе.

План-конспект Открытый урок по теме \'\'Путешествие\'\'\' 9 класс

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку. Тема урока: "Путешествие". .

дополнение к конспекту урока.

дополнение к конспекту урока.

Технологическая карта, план-конспект открытого урока на тему: "Метаморфозы" человеческого тела". Презентация к уроку.

Открытый урок на тему:"Метаморфозы" человеческого тела". К уроку прилагается визитная карточка, технологическая карта, план-конспект урока, дидактический материал, практические разработ.

Описание разработки


Задачи урока:

- познакомить с основными достопримечательностями Нью-Йорка в аудировании,

активизировать употребление определенного артикля с географическими

- тренировать тематическую лексику в чтении;

- совершенствовать учебно-информационные, учебно- коммуникативные умения;

- воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка;

- повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

План урока.

I. Организационный момент.

Hello, boys and girls! This year Misha and his friends Rob, Mark and Emily are going to spend some time in America. Together with them you’ll learn a lot of about this country. Before we start, let’s see how much you already know about America.

II. Речевая зарядка:

Please, answer the questions (фронтально):

What is the official name of America?

Is New York the capital of the USA?

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по теме Нью-Йорк

Who discovered America?

Were Celts the native Americans?

What is the official language in America?

III. Основная часть:

Look at the Starboard. (Приложение 1, фронтально)

2. Look at the Starboard. I’ll give you 5 min to do the task, and then we’ll check it together. (Приложение 2, самостоятельная работа)

3. Now children, check your neighbour’s works. (На доске дается правильный вариант. Взаимоконтроль).

4. Look at the starboard. Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker.

(Приложение 3. Ребята смотрят на изображение достопримечательностей Нью-Йорка и повторяют слова за диктором)

5. Read and translate the sentences from English into Russian. (Приложение 4, учитель проверяет каждое самостоятельно выполненное предложение).

6. Our friends Misha, Rob, Mark and Emily are planning their first day in New York. Listen to the conversation and say what places they are planning to visit. Discuss your answers in pairs. (Аудирование, затем работа в парах).

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Формирование личности учащегося, обладающего необходимыми знаниями и

изучению страны изучаемого языка.

Задачи урока:


- познакомить с основными достопримечательностями Нью-Йорка в аудировании,


активизировать употребление определенного артикля с географическими

- тренировать тематическую лексику в чтении;


- развивать навыки в аудировании, чтении и устной речи по теме

- совершенствовать учебно-информационные, учебно- коммуникативные умения;


- воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка;

- повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

Оснащение урока: магнитофон, интерактивная доска, дидактический раздаточный материал,

I. Организационный момент. Hello, boys and girls! This year Misha and his friends Rob, Mark and Emily are going to spend some time in America. Together with them you’ll learn a lot of about this country. Before we start, let’s see how much you already know about America.

II. Речевая зарядка:

Please, answer the questions (фронтально):

What is the official name of America?

Is New York the capital of the USA?

Who discovered America?

Were Celts the native Americans?

What is the official language in America?

Ш. Основная часть:

Look at the Starboard. (Приложение 1, фронтально)

2. Look at the Starboard. I’ll give you 5 min to do the task, and then we’ll check

it together . (Приложение 2, самостоятельная работа)

3. Now children, check your neighbour’s works. (На доске дается

правильный вариант. Взаимоконтроль).

4. Look at the starboard. Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker.

(Приложение 3. Ребята смотрят на изображение достопримечательностей Нью-Йорка и повторяют слова за диктором)

5.Read and translate the sentences from English into Russian. (Приложение 4, учитель проверяет каждое самостоятельно выполненное предложение).

6. Our friends Misha, Rob, Mark and Emily are planning their first day in New York. Listen to the conversation and say what places they are planning to visit. Discuss your answers in pairs. (Аудирование, затем работа в парах).

Emily: What would you like to do today, guys?

Misha: I’d like to see New York’s most famous sights: the Empire State Building, the Chrysler and the Pan American buildings.

Rob: I agree with you. Skyscrapers are really interesting. Let’s go for a walk and do some sightseeing.

Mark: And I’d like to see Central Park and the Statue of Liberty.

Emily: Well, we don’t have too much time. Let’s do the main part of Manhattan today. It has a lot of attractions and you’ll be able to get a good first impression. If we don’t have enough time for Central Park, we’ll do it tomorrow.

Misha: What’s Manhattan?

Mark: Come on, Misha. Don’t you know? New York is on the Hudson river and consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. I’ve read about them.

Emily: You’re right. We should see them all, but Manhattan is the heart of our city, so let’s start with it.

(Заслушиваются ответы ребят).

Read the text and say if the following information is true, false or not mentioned.

(Приложение 5. Ученики работают с раздаточным материалом, заполняя таблицу)

IV. Подведение итогов урока.

Приложение 1.

Употребление артикля с географическими названиями и названиями городских объектов.

На картах названия, как правило, даются без артикля, а в речи нам придётся придерживаться строгих правил употребления.

streets/ roads/ avenues islands

parks/ squares continents

subway stations countries

airlines cities/ towns

churches/ cathedrals villages

Приложение 2.

Put the article if necessary.

1. … USA is washed by 2 oceans: … Pacific and … Atlantic.

2. … Hilton Hotel is one of the most expensive hotels in the city.

3. Yesterday I visited …British Museum.

4. Have you ever been to …London?

5. I would like to see… Hyde Park.

6. I live near … St. Paul’s Cathedral.

7. Have you ever been to … Australia?

8. … London is on … river … Thames.

9. The food is always good and fresh in …Big Boy Restaurant.

10. Look through…Bolshoi Theater flier.

1. The USA is washed by 2 oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic.

2. The Hilton Hotel is one of the most expensive hotels in the city.

3. Yesterday I visited the British Museum.

4. Have you ever been to London?

5. I would like to see Hyde Park.

6. I live near St. Paul’s Cathedral.

7. Have you ever been to Australia?

8. London is on the river Thames.

9. The food is always good and fresh in the Big Boy Restaurant.

10. Look through the Bolshoi Theater flier.

Приложение 3

4. Staten Island

8. the Empire State Building

9. the Rockefeller Center

10.the Guggenheim Museum

11.the Statue of Liberty

Приложение 4

Read and translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. I’d like to see Central Park and the Statue of Liberty.

2. Let’s do the main part of Manhattan today.

3. New York is on the Hudson river.

4. The Empire State Building is the highest in New York.

5. You can see a collection of modern art in the Guggenheim Museum.

6. Another symbol of New York is the Rockefeller Center.

7. New York consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten

Island and the Bronx.

Приложение 5

Read the text and say if the following information is true, false or not mentioned.

New York is on the Hudson River. Another name for New York is Big Apple.

It consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. The heart of New York is Manhattan. It has a lot of places of interest.

The Empire State Building is one of them. It became the tallest skyscraper in New York on September 11, 2001. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be higher, but were destroyed by terrorists. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is a real architectural masterpiece, was named in honor of it’s founder. It has a great collection of modern art. The Guggenheim Museum is famous for its extravagant building, which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The millions of immigrants who had come to America by sea were welcomed by the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most famous symbols of America. Broadway isn’t just one of the longest avenues in Manhattan. It is also famous for the small area, near Times Square were Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue. This is the home of many Broadway theatres. This part of Broadway is also known as “the Great White Way” and is always full of tourists. Another symbol of New York is the Rockefeller Center. In winter time, you can see the Rockefeller Center Christmas trees, which are the largest and the most beautiful in New York. The fastest way to see New York is by metro. You need to buy a MetroCard, and it will take you all over the city.

1. The Empire State Building is the tallest in the world.

2. The Empire State Building is a hundred feet lower than the World Trade Center.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Выберите документ из архива для просмотра:

Jay Z ft Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind (New York) HD.mp4

Выбранный для просмотра документ NYC.pptx


Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:




Listening Comprehension “New York” choose the right answer. 1. New York is o.

Listening Comprehension “New York” choose the right answer. 1. New York is one of the largest cities in the USA and of … . а) Europe b) Latin America c) Asia d) the World 2.People say New York is the … capital of the world. а) cultural b) business c) historical d) important 3. Broadway is a … . а) borough b) city c) theatre d) street 4. New York is situated in the … of the USA. а) northwest b) northeast c) southeast d) east 5. New York consists of … islands. а) 5 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1 6. The most famous place in New York is … . а) Manhattan b) Staten Island c) Long Island d) Brooklyn 7. Manhattan is more than … km long and more than … km wide. а) 3.5 , 21 b) 21, 3.5 c) 21, 4.5 d) 21, 3 8. New York is a city of … buildings. а) tall b) beautiful c) old d) modern 9. New York has … km of streets. а) 1000 b) 100000 c) 10 d) 10000 10. … million people live in New York. а) 8 b) 9 c) 18 d) 10 11. People in New York speak …. languages. а) 80 b) 800 c) 8 d) 8000 12. New York is known as the city that never … . а) cries b) hurries c) sleeps d) smiles

Marks: 0 – 1 mistake – 5 2 – 3 mistakes – 4 4 – 6 mistakes - 3

Marks: 0 – 1 mistake – 5 2 – 3 mistakes – 4 4 – 6 mistakes - 3



1. What is another name of New York? a) The capital; b) The big city; c) The.

1. What is another name of New York? a) The capital; b) The big city; c) The big apple. 2. Where is New York situated? a) On the Potomac River; b) On the Hudson; c) On the Thames.

3. What are the 3 islands? a) The Isle of Wight; b) Manhattan; c) Long Island.

3. What are the 3 islands? a) The Isle of Wight; b) Manhattan; c) Long Island; d) The Isle of Sheppey; e) Staten Island.

4. Find 5 boroughs of New York: a) Kansas; b) Minnesota; c) Manhattan; d) The.

4. Find 5 boroughs of New York: a) Kansas; b) Minnesota; c) Manhattan; d) The Bronx; e) Maryland; f) Queens; g) Brooklyn; h) Texas; i) Staten Island.

5. What is the most famous symbol of New York? a) Broadway; b) The Statue of.

5. What is the most famous symbol of New York? a) Broadway; b) The Statue of Liberty; c) The Empire State Building. 6. What is the heart of New York? a) Queens; b) Staten Island; c) Manhattan; d) Brooklyn.

7. What is a New York baseball stadium? a) Fenway Park b) The Astrodom c) Yan.

7. What is a New York baseball stadium? a) Fenway Park b) The Astrodom c) Yankee Staduim d) Millenium Staduim 8. Where is a Zoo in New York? a) In Times Square b) In Central Park. c) In the Metropolitan Museum. d) In Chinatown

9. How many floors are there in the Empire State Building? a) 100; b) 105; c.

9. How many floors are there in the Empire State Building? a) 100; b) 105; c) 120; d) 102. 10. What is Broadway famous for? a) theatres; b) Wall Street; c) Central Park

11. What sights are situated in New York? a) Capitol Hill; b) The White House.

11. What sights are situated in New York? a) Capitol Hill; b) The White House; c) The Statue of Liberty; d) The Washington Monument; e) The Empire State Building; f) The Chrysler building; g) The Robert А Kennedy bridge; h) The Metropolitan Museum of Arts.


1. … is the largest city in the USA. 2. It is on the . River. 3. Another n.

1. … is the largest city in the USA. 2. It is on the . River. 3. Another name for New York is . . 4. It consists of five boroughs: 5. The heart of New York is . 6. Most of the streets have … 7. All taxis in New York are …. 8. There are a lot of. in New York. One of them is the Empire State Building. 9. One of New York's most famous museums is . 10.Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on . . 11. … is a green area in the centre of New York. 12. … connects Manhattan with Brooklyn. 13. The most famous place in New York is …… It is the largest statue in the world. 14. Fifth Avenue is famous for its … . But the largest shopping center in the world is … New York Hudson the Big Apple Manhattan, Queens, The Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island Manhattan numbers yellow skyscrapers the Metropolitan Broadway Central Park Brooklyn Bridge The Statue of Liberty shops Macy’s

Выбранный для просмотра документ Задание для аудирование..docx

Listening Comprehension “New York” choose the right answer.

1. New York is one of the largest cities in the USA and of … .

a) Europe b) Latin America c) Asia d) the World

2. People say New York is the … capital of the world.

a) cultural b) business c) historical d) important

3. Broadway is a … .

a) borough b) city c) theatre d) street

4. New York is situated in the … of the USA.

a) northwest b) northeast c) southeast d) east

5. New York consists of … islands.

a) 5 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1

6. The most famous place in New York is … .

a) Manhattan b) Staten Island c) Long Island d) Brooklyn

7. Manhattan is more than … km long and more than … km wide.

a) 3.5 , 21 b) 21, 3.5 c) 21, 4.5 d) 21, 3

8. New York is a city of … buildings.

tall b) beautiful c) old d) modern

9. New York has … km of streets.

1000 b) 100000 c) 10 d) 10000

10. … million people live in New York.

8 b) 9 c) 18 d) 10

11. People in New York speak …. languages.

a) 80 b) 800 c) 8 d) 8000

12. New York is known as the city that never … .

a) cries b) hurries c) sleeps d) smiles

Listening Comprehension “New York” choose the right answer.

1. New York is one of the largest cities in the USA and of … .

a) Europe b) Latin America c) Asia d) the World

2. People say New York is the … capital of the world.

a) cultural b) business c) historical d) important

3. Broadway is a … .

a) borough b) city c) theatre d) street

4. New York is situated in the … of the USA.

a) northwest b) northeast c) southeast d) east

5. New York consists of … islands.

a) 5 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1

6. The most famous place in New York is … .

a) Manhattan b) Staten Island c) Long Island d) Brooklyn

7. Manhattan is more than … km long and more than … km wide.

a) 3.5 , 21 b) 21, 3.5 c) 21, 4.5 d) 21, 3

8. New York is a city of … buildings.

tall b) beautiful c) old d) modern

9. New York has … km of streets.

1000 b) 100000 c) 10 d) 10000

10. … million people live in New York.

8 b) 9 c) 18 d) 10

11. People in New York speak …. languages.

a) 80 b) 800 c) 8 d) 8000

12. New York is known as the city that never … .

a) cries b) hurries c) sleeps d) smiles

Listening Comprehension “New York” choose the right answer.

1. New York is one of the largest cities in the USA and of … .

a) Europe b) Latin America c) Asia d) the World

2. People say New York is the … capital of the world.

a) cultural b) business c) historical d) important

3. Broadway is a … .

a) borough b) city c) theatre d) street

4. New York is situated in the … of the USA.

a) northwest b) northeast c) southeast d) east

5. New York consists of … islands.

a) 5 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1

6. The most famous place in New York is … .

a) Manhattan b) Staten Island c) Long Island d) Brooklyn

7. Manhattan is more than … km long and more than … km wide.

a) 3.5 , 21 b) 21, 3.5 c) 21, 4.5 d) 21, 3

8. New York is a city of … buildings.

tall b) beautiful c) old d) modern

9. New York has … km of streets.

1000 b) 100000 c) 10 d) 10000

10. … million people live in New York.

8 b) 9 c) 18 d) 10

11. People in New York speak …. languages.

a) 80 b) 800 c) 8 d) 8000

12. New York is known as the city that never … .

a) cries b) hurries c) sleeps d) smiles

Listening Comprehension “New York” choose the right answer.

1. New York is one of the largest cities in the USA and of … .

a) Europe b) Latin America c) Asia d) the World

2. People say New York is the … capital of the world.

a) cultural b) business c) historical d) important

3. Broadway is a … .

a) borough b) city c) theatre d) street

4. New York is situated in the … of the USA.

a) northwest b) northeast c) southeast d) east

5. New York consists of … islands.

a) 5 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1

6. The most famous place in New York is … .

a) Manhattan b) Staten Island c) Long Island d) Brooklyn

7. Manhattan is more than … km long and more than … km wide.

a) 3.5 , 21 b) 21, 3.5 c) 21, 4.5 d) 21, 3

8. New York is a city of … buildings.

tall b) beautiful c) old d) modern

9. New York has … km of streets.

1000 b) 100000 c) 10 d) 10000

10. … million people live in New York.

8 b) 9 c) 18 d) 10

11. People in New York speak …. languages.

a) 80 b) 800 c) 8 d) 8000

12. New York is known as the city that never … .

a) cries b) hurries c) sleeps d) smiles

Выбранный для просмотра документ Карта СА.docx



Выбранный для просмотра документ Карточки с предложениями New York .docx

1. … is the largest city in the USA.
2. It is on the . River.
3. Another name for New York is . .
4. It consists of five boroughs:
5. The heart of New York is .
6. Most of the streets have …
7. All taxis in New York are ….
8. There are a lot of . in New York. One of them is the Empire State Building.
9. One of New York's most famous museums is .
10.Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on . .
11. … is a green area in the centre of New York.
12. … connects Manhattan with Brooklyn.
13. The most famous place in New York is …… It is the largest statue in the world.
14. Fifth Avenue is famous for its … . But the largest shopping center in the world is …

1. … is the largest city in the USA.
2. It is on the . River.
3. Another name for New York is . .
4. It consists of five boroughs:
5. The heart of New York is .
6. Most of the streets have …
7. All taxis in New York are ….
8. There are a lot of . in New York. One of them is the Empire State Building.
9. One of New York's most famous museums is .
10.Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on . .
11. … is a green area in the centre of New York.
12. … connects Manhattan with Brooklyn.
13. The most famous place in New York is …… It is the largest statue in the world.
14. Fifth Avenue is famous for its … . But the largest shopping center in the world is …

1. … is the largest city in the USA.
2. It is on the . River.
3. Another name for New York is . .
4. It consists of five boroughs:
5. The heart of New York is .
6. Most of the streets have …
7. All taxis in New York are ….
8. There are a lot of . in New York. One of them is the Empire State Building.
9. One of New York's most famous museums is .
10.Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on . .
11. … is a green area in the centre of New York.
12. … connects Manhattan with Brooklyn.
13. The most famous place in New York is …… It is the largest statue in the world.
14. Fifth Avenue is famous for its … . But the largest shopping center in the world is …

1. … is the largest city in the USA.
2. It is on the . River.
3. Another name for New York is . .
4. It consists of five boroughs:
5. The heart of New York is .
6. Most of the streets have …
7. All taxis in New York are ….
8. There are a lot of . in New York. One of them is the Empire State Building.
9. One of New York's most famous museums is .
10.Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on . .
11. … is a green area in the centre of New York.
12. … connects Manhattan with Brooklyn.
13. The most famous place in New York is …… It is the largest statue in the world.
14. Fifth Avenue is famous for its … . But the largest shopping center in the world is …

1. … is the largest city in the USA.
2. It is on the . River.
3. Another name for New York is . .
4. It consists of five boroughs:
5. The heart of New York is .
6. Most of the streets have …
7. All taxis in New York are ….
8. There are a lot of . in New York. One of them is the Empire State Building.
9. One of New York's most famous museums is .
10.Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on . .
11. … is a green area in the centre of New York.
12. … connects Manhattan with Brooklyn.
13. The most famous place in New York is …… It is the largest statue in the world.
14. Fifth Avenue is famous for its … . But the largest shopping center in the world is …

1. … is the largest city in the USA.
2. It is on the . River.
3. Another name for New York is . .
4. It consists of five boroughs:
5. The heart of New York is .
6. Most of the streets have …
7. All taxis in New York are ….
8. There are a lot of . in New York. One of them is the Empire State Building.
9. One of New York's most famous museums is .
10.Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on . .
11. … is a green area in the centre of New York.
12. … connects Manhattan with Brooklyn.
13. The most famous place in New York is …… It is the largest statue in the world.
14. Fifth Avenue is famous for its … . But the largest shopping center in the world is …

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Цель урока: развитие собственно речевых умений учащихся.


  • способствовать расширению общего кругозора школьников в области истории и культуры страны, изучаемого языка.
  • ознакомить их со страноведческим материалом (на уровне восприятия, наблюдения, анализа, сравнения и обобщения);
  • стимулировать деятельность учащихся путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации, включая ресурсы Интернета.

Учебный аспект: учить школьников:

  • выражать своё мнение об увиденном и прочитанном;
  • задавать вопросы и отвечать на них;
  • использовать изученное грамматическое правило как в устной, так и в письменной речи
  • выполнять творческую работу (презентации);
  • развивать у школьников речевые способности к наблюдению, анализу, сравнению и обобщению;
  • развивать у них психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие;
  • развивать положительные эмоции и чувства школьников;
  • формировать у них потребность и способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
  • развитию у школьников настойчивости в достижении поставленных целей;
  • формированию позитивного отношения к культуре англоязычных стран;
  • формированию у них потребности в самовыражении.
  • To go sightseeing, to do something instead of something, to stand of something, a masterpiece, an impression, a skyscraper, a borough, a ferry, a flier, to give somebody a treat, an approach, a sense of direction, a substantial breakfast, memory, to get an impression, to devote, to fit smth into smth, to exhaust, irritating.


  1. мультимедийный проектор;
  2. компьютер;
  3. магнитофон;
  4. аудиозапись;
  5. презентация на CD в Power Point;
  6. интерактивная доска;
  7. Ход урока

Организация класса и речевая подготовка.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about the English speaking country – the USA

T: So, today, boys and girls, we are going to speak about the USA, its language, its capital and the largest city - New York.

Практика монологической речи. Обучающиеся составляют короткие высказывания.

  • .: Buildins and gardens make up Rockefeller Center “a city within a city”. It is the largest private project in modern times. There is the largest and the most beautiful Christmas tree in New York there.

Речевая зарядка.

  1. Where is New York situated?
  2. How many boroughs does the city have?
  3. What is the city famous?
  4. What do you know about its population?
  5. What famous museums are situated there?
  6. What do you know about Broadway?
  7. Have you seen any musicals?
  8. What can you say about Brooklyn Bridge?

Активизация лексического материала по теме США.

Read the sentences and find the right answer.

2.The American flag is often called…

a) Union Jack c) The Stars and Stripes

b) The Red Dragon d) The White Eagle

3.There are… stripes on the American flag.

4.The capital of the USA is…

a) Washington, D.C. c) New York

b) London d) Los Angeles

Teacher: Now it’s time for you to write down your home task for the next lesson. You must do exercises 8 and 9, page 16 in written form.

Teacher: The lesson has come to an end. It’s time to put some marks and have a break. Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!

Краснодарский край ,Выселковский район, посёлок Бейсуг

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя

общеобразовательная школа № 8 посёлка Бейсуг

имени Близнюкова Александра Николаевича

муниципального образования Выселковский район

урока английского языка

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №8 п. Бейсуг

Цель урока: развитие собственно речевых умений учащихся.

Познавательный аспект:

способствовать расширению общего кругозора школьников в области истории и культуры страны, изучаемого языка.

ознакомить их со страноведческим материалом (на уровне восприятия, наблюдения, анализа, сравнения и обобщения);

стимулировать деятельность учащихся путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации, включая ресурсы Интернета.

Учебный аспект: учить школьников:

выражать своё мнение об увиденном и прочитанном;

задавать вопросы и отвечать на них;

использовать изученное грамматическое правило как в устной, так и в письменной речи

выполнять творческую работу (презентации);

Социокультурный аспект:

знакомство с историческими местами

Развивающий аспект:

развивать у школьников речевые способности к наблюдению, анализу, сравнению и обобщению;

развивать у них психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие;

развивать положительные эмоции и чувства школьников;

формировать у них потребность и способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.

Воспитательный аспект:

развитию у школьников настойчивости в достижении поставленных целей;

формированию позитивного отношения к культуре англоязычных стран;

формированию у них потребности в самовыражении.

To go sightseeing, to do something instead of something, to stand of something, a masterpiece, an impression, a skyscraper, a borough, a ferry, a flier, to give somebody a treat, an approach, a sense of direction, a substantial breakfast, memory, to get an impression, to devote, to fit smth into smth, to exhaust, irritating.

презентация на CD в Power Point;

Организация класса и речевая подготовка.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about the English speaking country – the USA

Основной этап .

T: So, today, boys and girls, we are going to speak about the USA, its language, its capital and the largest city - New York.

Практика монологической речи. Обучающиеся составляют короткие высказывания.

1pupil .: Buildins and gardens make up Rockefeller Center “a city within a city”. It is the largest private project in modern times. There is the largest and the most beautiful Christmas tree in New York there.

3pupil .: The most famous sights in New York are the Empire State Building, the Chrysler building and the Pan American building. They are really interesting. The largest park in New York is Central Park. There are a lot of attractions, gardens, lakes there. There is a large zoo in the park.

4pupil .: The Empire State Building is the mega star of New York, which becomes the tallest skyscraper in 2001. It has got 103 floors. It’s total height 443.2 meters to top of the lightening rod. It is an office. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in New York.

5pupil .: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the world’s extravagant museums. It was designed by a famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. It was open in 1959. It is one of the most famous architectural masterpieces in the world.

Речевая зарядка.

Where is New York situated?

How many boroughs does the city have?

What is the city famous?

What do you know about its population?

What famous museums are situated there?

What do you know about Broadway?

Have you seen any musicals?

What can you say about Brooklyn Bridge?

Активизация лексического материала по теме США.

Read the sentences and find the right answer.

2.The American flag is often called…

a) Union Jack c) The Stars and Stripes

b) The Red Dragon d) The White Eagle

3.There are… stripes on the American flag.

4.The capital of the USA is…

a) Washington, D.C. c) New York

b) London d) Los Angeles

Teacher: Now it’s time for you to write down your home task for the next lesson. You must do exercises 8 and 9, page 16 in written form.

Подведение итогов урока выставление оценок.

Teacher: The lesson has come to an end. It’s time to put some marks and have a break. Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!

Ефреева Л.Г. Поурочные планы по английскому языку. 9 класс. М.: планета,2011.

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