My friend план урока 5 класс

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

5 Form Lesson 14 Date:

Checking up h/w:

The main part:

This is my friend.

1) Научить в ходе урока уч-ся представлять своих друзей .

2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.

3) Развивать навыки говорения и чтения.

Dad, mum, this, he, she.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Hello, children! Sit down!

T: What is your name?

S1: My name is _______.

T: Where are you from? S2: I am from Kazakhstan.

T: How are you? S3: I am ……

T: Which class are you in? S4: I am in class 5.

T: How old are you? S5: I am …

Ex. 11 p. 33 Show me your photos and name the members of your family.

Today we will learn how to introduce your friends or relatives in English. Open your books on page 33 and listen to the dialogue.

Now open your vocabularies and write down the new words.

Repeat after me in chorus!

Ex. 1 p. 34 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 2 p. 34 Act out exercise 1 with your friend.

Ex. 3 p. 34 Talk to your friend. Introduce your friends.

Ex. 4 p. 34 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 5 p. 34 Talk to your friend.

Ex. 6 p. 34 Talk to your friends about their fathers’, mothers’ names.

Ex. 7 p. 34 Look at the family tree of Step 2 and have a talk with your friend.

Данный урок разработан с целью систематизировать знания учащихся по теме "My friend".

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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока английского языка

Практическая задача: Тренировать учащихся в употреблении знакомых лексических единиц и грамматических структур, а также разговорных выражений в монологической и диалогической речи.

Общеобразовательная задача : создать ситуацию на уроке для целенаправленного развития логического и абстрактного мышления учащихся

Воспитательная задача: способствовать воспитанию умения работать в коллективе (классе, группе), терпеливо относиться к своим и чужим ошибкам. Воспитывать чувство любви и уважения к самым близким и дорогим людям.

Развивающая задача: способствовать формированию умения адекватного использования лексических единиц в устной речи. Способствовать развитию умения корректировать работу одноклассников и свою собственную, оценивать уровень своей работы.

Оснащение : презентация, компьютер, проектор.

I. Организационный момент.

-Good morning, children! My name is…

-I am glad to see you. How are you?

II. Фонетическая зарядка .

-Let’s revise our words.

Cruel Clever Polite Kind Naughty Shy Rude Serious Curious Brave Friendly Sociable Creative Independent Impolite Responsible Lucky Happy Loving Intelligent Athletic

Ученики читают слова хором за учителем и индивидуально.

III. Речевая разминка.

What is missing?

Ученики должны назвать слово, которое исчезло.

IV. Активизация лексических навыков.

-What words can help you to describe people? Look at the pictures and say: What qualities do these people have?

VI. Активизация грамматических навыков .

-Как образуется The Present Continuous Tense?

Ученики вспоминают и называют схему.

-Какие наречия используются в этом времени?

Ученики называют(now, at the moment)

-You know people are very curious. They want to know what other people do. Look at the pictures! Will you answer the questions?

  1. What is the grandfather doing? – He is reading a newspaper,
  2. What is Johnny doing? – He is playing with his toys.
  3. What is Nick doing? – He is doing his homework.
  4. What is Mary reading? – She is reading a book.
  5. What are the parents doing? – They are playing with the child.

VII Тренировка навыков монологической и диалогической речи

1)- Good. And now let’s imagine that you have an interview. We have a reporter and he’d like to take an interview about your friends. Could you answer his questions, please? Are you ready?

1.Do you have friends?

2.Do you have many friends?

3.Do you have the best friend? What’s his/her name?

4.Do you share your problems with your friend? Does your friend help you with your problems?

5.What does your friend like doing?

6.Are you a good friend?

2) Describe your ideal friend

I think that an ideal friend must be supportive and worry about each other.

I think that an ideal friend must give me a helping hand.

An ideal friend is a person who is fun to be with.

Friends must care about each other.

Friends must worry about each other.

3) And now let’s work in groups. Discuss what an ideal friend can be. Draw a picture of your ideal friend.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Date: 20.11.17

Learning objectives: S3: pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

S7: use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about

a limited range of general topics

L1: understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

UE3: use a growing variety of adjectives on a limited range of familiar

general and curricular topics

I. Organization moment

II. Phonetic exercises based on dialogue №1

b) Let ﹸ s read the dialogue in pairs.

c) Change your pairs.

a) Listen to my sentences about your friend and when you hear the new words, raise your signal cards.

My friend always keeps my secrets.

I like to drink milk.

My friend never lets people down.

My friend doesn’t like to boast.

My sister can swim well.

My friend is very kind, responsible and modest.

My brother can jump well.

My friend is honest, frank and not greedy.

b) So, pupils, translate the words from Russian into English

c) Ask each other using your cards with words (work in pairs)

Stand up in a circle. Remember your number. When your number comes to you, raise your hands. Your task is to read the sentence and translate it.

e) So, give me your cards and answer my questions. (in chorus)

Oh, my dear pupils! I am proud of you! You work very hard! You are very responsible!

VI. So, pupils and what did you do with your friend yesterday?

In order to answer this question, let ﹸ s revise 3 forms of the verbs.

a) translate the verbs from Russian into English.

VII. Results

VIII. Home task : dialogue №1-to learn

3 forms of the verb (1-10)- quiz

Приложение : Dialogue №1

- Have you got a friend?

Oh, yes. His (her) name is Nick (Ann)

When did you become friends?

We became friends in the first form.

Where is he (she) from?

He (she) is from Kazakhstan.

Where does he (she) live?

He (she) lives in Ust-Talovka.

What street does he (she) live in?

He (she) lives in Komsomolskaya street.

Do you study at the same school?

Yes, we study at the same school.

1. real

2. trust

3. keep

4. secrets

5. responsible


6. boast

7. modest

8. honest

9. frank


10. kind

11. greedy

13. interesting

Письмо другу

Hello! My name is Nick.

I am from Great Britain.

I live in London.

I have got a friend.

His name is Tamerlan.

He is from Kazakhstan.

He is eleven too.

My friend is a real friend.

He can keep all my secrets.

My friend doesn’t like to boast.

He is modest, honest, frank and kind.

My friend is not greedy.

He never lets people down.

I like my friend. What about your friend?

Good bye. Write me next Monday..

1 . Nick is from Astana.

2. Temerlan is from Kazakhstan

4. Tamerlan is a real friend.

5. Tamerlan likes to boasr.

6. Tamerlan is greedy.

7. Tamerlan never lets people down.

Match the answers to the questions:

1.Is your friend a real friend? a) He doesn’t like to boast

2. Is your friend responsible? b) He is not greedy

3. Is your friend modest? c) He can play the guitar very well

4. Is your friend kind? d) He always keeps my secrets

5. Is your friend talented? e) He never lets people down

Fill in the missing letters:

1. b – rn b – rnt b – rnt

2. b – y b – ught b – ght

4. c – tch co – ght co – ght

5. cho – se ch – se ch - sen

3 forms of the verbs

Краткое описание документа:

Learning objectives:

S3: pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

S7: use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about

a limited range of general topics

L1: understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

UE3: use a growing variety of adjectives on a limited range of familiar

general and curricular topics

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Данный урок способствует развитию монологической речи учащихся.

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5 классе

Учитель: Древоленко Вадим Юрьевич

Актуализировать, дополнить и совершенствовать произносительные, лексические и грамматические знания по разговорной теме “My friend”; совершенствовать лексико-грамматичеcкие навыки монологической речи.

Способствовать развитию монологической речи до уровня микромонолога посредством составления рассказа о друге.

Общеобразовательная задача: создать ситуацию на уроке для целенаправленного развития логического и абстрактного мышления учащихся методами сравнения, обобщения, абстрагирования и конкретизации.

Воспитательная задача: способствовать воспитанию умения работать в коллективе (классе, группе), терпеливо относиться к своим и чужим ошибкам.

Развивающая задача: способствовать формированию умения адекватного использования лексических единиц в устной речи. Способствовать развитию умения корректировать работу одноклассников и свою собственную, оценивать уровень своей работы. Способствовать развитию умения использования собственных жизненных наблюдений на уроке английского языка.

Оснащение: презентация, компьютер, проектор.

I Речевая подготовка (6 мин)

1. Орг.момент (1 мин)

Hello, children. How are you? Take your seats. My name is Svetlana Sergeevna. I am going to be your teacher for this lesson. What date is it today? What day is it today? Today we’ll speak about friends, classmates and friendship, about qualities of friends. At the end of the lesson we’ll discuss what friend can be called an ideal friend.

2. Фонетическая зарядка (3 мин)

To begin with look here. What sound is this? Repeat after me. (как произносится) [η]

Read the words with this sound: Playing, doing, reading, going, skating, skiing, watching, dancing.

Read after me, please.

So, Kostya, read all the words please P2, P3.

Now let’s read the sentence with this sound. Р1, read please

My friend likes studying English very much.

Read after me. P1-3

3.Речевая зарядка (2 мин)

And now tell me if you have friends.

Does your friend like skating, skiing, playing chess, drawing, reading, sleeping.

What does your friend like doing?

II Работа над монологическим высказыванием (21 мин)

1. What words can help you to describe people? Look at the pictures and say what kind of people they are. What qualities do these people have? (презентация)

Weak, strong, kind, funny, tall, short, angry____________ (3 мин)

2. Good. And now let’s imagine that you have an interview. I am reporter and I’d like to take an interview about your friends. Could you answer my questions, please? Are you ready? (4 мин)

Do you have friends?

Do you have many friends?

Do you have the best friend? What’s his/her name?

Do you share your problems with your friend? Does your friend help you with your problems?

What qualities are the most important for you in your friend?

What does your friend like doing?

Are you a good friend?

Let’s have some rest. Stand up, please. Repeat and do like I do. (1 мин)

Up’n down! Up’n down!

Which is the way to London town?

Where? Where?

Up in the air?

Close your eyes

And you are there!

and now let’s work in groups. Discuss what an ideal friend can be, what qualities must he have. Must an ideal friend be kind, strong, reliable? Draw a picture of your ideal friend. Name him, say what he likes doing, what he is like. To discuss you have 6 minutes. (6 мин)

Your time is up. Tell us about your ideal friend. And all the rest listen and say if you agree with the speakers or not and why. (7 мин)

did you like the description of the speaker?

III Заключительный этап (3 мин)

Guys, whose project was the best? You get excellent marks. And I hope other pupils will work harder and get good marks the next lesson.

Your hometask is to make a project about a true friend. What must he be like.

Оборудование урока: распечатки для обучающихся с загадками, текстом для чтения и заданиями к нему, заготовки для синквейна, заготовки для групповых объявлений “Friends Wanted”, наборы слов для составления пословиц о друзьях (“Friends don’t have secrets”, “Make new friends but keep the old”, “Those who have friends are rich”), русские эквиваленты пословиц на английском языке (“Я не шкаф и не музей хранить секреты от друзей”, “Старый друг лучше новых двух”, “Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей”), русско-английские словари, ИКТ-презентация фрагментов из м/ф, изображающих друзей.

Цель урока: пополнение лексического запаса и знания грамматических структур.

Планируемый результат

Урок выполнен в технологии критического мышления.

I стадия – вызов

Учитель: Good morning, students. Sit down,please. At the beginning of the lesson let’s guess the riddle.

(Обучающиеся читают по очереди и переводят загадку.)

YOU fill my life with happiness when I am sad,
YOU fill my life with love when I feel deserted,
YOU fill my life with colors when it is black and white,
YOU fill my life with music when it is boring,
YOU fill my life with care and affection when it hurts the most,
YOU light up my life when it is dark,
YOU fill my life with “me” and make me discover myself,
YOU fill my life with “Life” and teach me the true meaning of life.

Учитель: Who areYOU?

(Если дети не догадываются, им дается еще одна подсказка: ИКТ-презентация фрагментов из м/ф, изображающих друзей. Обучающиеся должны назвать обобщающее слово для всех сюжетов. Oтвет: FRIENDS)

Учитель: So, the topic of today’s lesson is “Friends”. Give your associations with the word “Friends”.(Обучающиесяпредлагаютсвоиварианты).

II стадия – осмысление

Учитель: Do you have friends? Describe your friend.

(Обучающиеся дают ответы).


Listen to the riddle and guess.
We have friends,
They cannot walk and cannot see
But they are very good to you and me.
With these friends
We sail on ships and ride on trains,
And even fly on airplanes.
These friends show us
Towns, seas and lands.
Can you guess
Who are these friends? (Ответ: BOOKS)

Учитель: Can books be friends? Who also can be friends?

(Обучающиеся дают ответы).

Учитель: We are going to read the text “Frisk and Tom”. The question for you is “Are Frisk and Tom friends?”

Frisk and Tom

Frisk is a little dog. He is black and white. He has no dog-house, he has no bed. He has only one friend. His friend is little Tom. He is a schoolboy. He goes to school every day.
Every morning Frisk sees Tom. Frisk is happy when he sees Tom. He says, “Bow, wow, bow, wow.” And Tom says, “Good morning, Frisk.”
One morning Tom’s book drops out of his bag. Frisk sees the book and runs to take it. He takes the book and gives it to Tom. Tom is happy. He says, “Oh, Frisk, you are a very good dog. Come with me, I have a good dog-house for you.”
Frisk is very, very happy. He jumps and jumps near Tom, and says, “Bow, wow, bow, wow!”

(Обучающиеся отвечают на вопрос к тексту.)

  • Frisk is a puppy. (True)
  • Frisk is rich. (False)
  • The puppy has only Mum. (False)
  • The little dog has two friends. (False)
  • Tom is the puppy’s friend. (True)
  • The kitten is Tom’s friend. (False)
  • The boy and the puppy are happy. (True)

Учитель: Now work in groups, take Russian-English dictionaries and find the words denoting the most important characteristics for true friends and write the advertisement “Friends Wanted”.

III стадия – рефлексия

Учитель: I advise you to fill in the sequin. (Обучающимся раздаются формы для синквейна. Дети заполняют их. Затем происходит выборочное прочтение синквейнов).

Учитель: There are many sayings about friends. Join in groups and I’ll give each group a number of words. You should make a proverb of the words, translate it and give a Russian equivalent to the English proverb if you can. If not, you may choose one of the given variants on the teacher’s table.

(Обучающиеся читают свои пословицы с переводом).

Учитель: Your homework: write a story about your friend. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

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