My favorite hobby план урока 9 класс

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

активизировать познавательную активность и любознательность; расширять кругозор учащихся; формировать эстетическое и интеллектуальное развитие личности на уроках английского языка.

Цели урока: развивать навыки монологической и диалогической устной речи по данной теме; продолжить работу по развитию навыков аудирования с целью относительно полного понимания прослушанного; развивать языковую догадку.

Развивающая цель: развивать абстрактное мышление, умение логически мыслить.

Воспитательные цели: воспитание интереса к увлечениям людей во всем мире, уважения к традициям других народов, воспитание вежливого отношения с людьми.

Коммуникативные функции: обменяться мнениями, сообщить о . выразить свое отношение и чувства, запросить информацию.

Good morning, boys and girls! We’ve spoken a lot about hobbies and your favourite occupations this month. Today is our final lesson on this topic. It is an unusual lesson because we have two teachers at the lesson and we hope we will enjoy the way you can speak about things you like doing.

In fact, it will be very interesting to speak about hobbies in our life. I think they help us to make our life more interesting and happier. I know that N.V. is fond of travelling. She visited many European countries as Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Sweden and others. During our lesson, we’ll speak about it. Now let us begin our work. As usual phonetic exercises.

II. Введение в тему урока

I. Фонетическая разминка Complete the words. (Слайд № 1. Презентация)

[ s ] su _ _ e _ s

[ n ] da _ c _ _ g

[ u ] fo _ t b _ _ l

II. Речевая разминка. Повторение активного лексического материала по теме “Hobbies”.

Учитель: I’d like you to continue our work by the drill of the words and word-combinations you will need while discussing the theme “Hobbies”. These are the words you will need.

Ученики называют слова по теме:

gardening a collection music
shopping a coin watching TV
to be fond of reading football
proud history swimming
to be proud of dancing sports
to collect singing photography
computing travelling playing tennis
  • What is hobby?
  • What hobbies can people have?
  • What hobbies are popular in your family?

Different people like doing different things. Listen to some short stories and say what hobby it is.

  • Some people like to dance. Sometimes they go to special clubs and dance at home. They like to go to discos. (Dancing) Слайд № 2
  • They can play football or hockey, swim or run very well. People like to go to the stadium or to the sports ground. (Sports) Слайд № 3
  • People like to sing songs. Sometimes they go to the music school. They like to listen to songs and sing them. (Singing) Слайд № 4
  • It’s easy and interesting. They can have a thematic collection. (Collecting) Слайд № 5
  • I know some people who like to watch different kinds of programmes or films on TV. (Watching TV) Слайд № 6

IV. Here are some other hobbies connected with sports. (В презентации даны слова: sailing, camping, climbing, diving, surfing, horseracing, rollerskates. Прочесть хором.)

Which of them are connected with water, with mountains, with animals?

What can you say about them?

Учащиеся: exotic, dangerous, extreme.

Well, let’s name the other hobbies: gardening, cinema, music- singing, taking pictures (photographing), travelling, shopping, playing computer games.

(Уащиеся прикрепляют к доске названия увлечений человека).Мини монологические высказывание об увлечениях людей.

  1. Садоводство. Самым распространенным увлечением англичан является садоводство. У британцев живущих в домах есть сады. Они выращивают разные цветы в своих садах.
  2. Кино. Многие люди в мире любят ходить в кино. Кино очень популярно в наше время. Самый известный кинотеатр в Лондоне “Одеон”. Там вы можете посмотреть комедии, мюзиклы, исторические фильмы и мультфильмы.
  3. Фотографирование. Многие люди увлекаются фотографированием. Когда мой дедушка был молодой он увлекался этим хобби. У нас в доме есть много фотографий и вечерами мы любим рассматривать их всей семьей.
  4. Путешествие. Сегодня путешествие является одним из самых популярных увлечений людей. Многие люди путешествуют по миру, посещают разные страны. Путешествие помогает нам узнать много нового о традициях, обычаях и праздниках разных народов.
  5. Покупки. Мне очень нравится ходить в магазин с мамой и покупать новые вещи. Я знаю, что и многие люди любят заниматься шопингом. В Лондоне, на Оксфорд стрит есть много магазинов и многие люди со всего мира приезжают сюда сделать покупки.
  6. Компьютерные игры. Популярным увлечением многих мальчиков и девочек являются компьютерные игры. У нас у всех есть дома компьютеры и часто мы спешим домой после уроков поиграть в эти игры. Они очень интересные. Но я знаю, что сначала я должен выполнить домашнее задание, а потом могу играть на компьютере.

V. Now let’s listen to the dialogue. Exercise 15 page 85. Запись № 70.

What was the hobby in the dialogue?

Can you say that you like reading too?

Do you often go to the library or you have home library?

VI. Закрепление употребления лексики по теме.

  1. thematic
  2. stamps, coins, badges
  3. to be proud
  4. coins
  5. theme
  6. collector

Well. I see you know our active words very well. And now let’s listen to the text and do some tasks.

VII. Прослушай текст и скажи, какие из этих высказываний правильные и неправильные.

Hello. My friends. My name is Susan White. I am 13 years old. I live in Oxford, Great Britain. My family is not large. I have got a mother, a father and a sister. My mother is an artist. My father is a computer programmer. We live in a big house with a small garden. When I have free time I go for a walk, read books or watch TV. I enjoy reading different books: historical, detective and fairy- tales.

My favorite book is Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. This book is about American Boy, his aunt and his friends. Tom is kind and funny. This book teaches us to be kind and friendly. I enjoy reading such books and you? My best friend Kate plays the piano and the guitar in a group with her friends. By the way, she keeps two pets: a kitten and a puppy. Please write me a letter about your hobbies.

Best wishes. Susan.

Now look at the task, read the statements and using your flash cards show me “True” or “False”

1. Susan has got a big family. (false)
2. There are four people in her family. (true)
3. Susan’s family lives in a big house. (true)
4. She is fond of reading fairy-tales. (true)
5. Susan’s favourite writer is Dickens. (false)
6. Tom Sawyer is a kind and funny boy. (true)
7. Susan enjoys gardening. (false)
8. Her friend Kate likes sports. (false)
9. Susan’s hobby is reading. (true)

I see you are well done. A pleasant minute – we’ll have a rest.

VIII. Hokey – pokey

1. You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
You put your right foot in
And shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself about
That’s what it’s all about

2. You put your left foot in
You put your left foot out
You put your left foot in
And shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself about
That’s what it’s all about

3. You put your right hand in
You put your right hand out
You put your right hand in
And shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself about
That’s what it’s all about

4. You put your left hand in
You put your left hand out
You put your left hand in
And shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself about
That’s what it’s all about

5. You put your head in
You put your head out
You put your head in
And shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself about
That’s what it’s all about

6. You put your whole self in
You put your whole self out
You put your whole self in
And shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself about
That’s what it’s all about

IX. Read the text. And our next step is reading the text.

  1. What’s the girl’s name?
  2. What does she like very much?
  3. Does she know the dialogues from different performances?
  4. Can she make up her own stories?
  5. Are her stories interesting?

Express the main idea of the text.

How clever of you children.

X. Монологическая и диалогическая речь по теме “Collecting”

- V.A. I know you have a good collection of coins.

Yes, you are right. ……(Collecting)

Let’s show and listen to your stories about your collections.

XI. Монологическая и диалогическая речь по теме “Travelling”, “Sightseeing”

As I said, N.V. is fond of travelling. In addition, she visited a lot of countries.

In fact I was there and saw a lot of sightseeings. As we are learning English language it will be interesting a motherland of it.

Видеовикторина по картинкам. Видеосюжет о Лондоне.

III. Завершение темы урока

- Do you agree with me that all hobbies are useful? Prove it.

Фронтальная работа. Каждый учащийся должен привести какой-то довод и сказать 1-2 предложения.

IV. Итоги урока и завершение урока

Thank you everybody. You’ve been very active. You've shown very good knowledge of our topic.

Решение кроссворда по теме “Hobbies”, подведение итогов урока, оценки.

Задача этого этапа – помочь учиться наслаждаться своей работой, дать возможность детям выразить своё мнение, оценить свою работу и работу своих друзей.

Учитель: And now a crossword. The subject is “Hobbies”. You’ll complete it with the help of “a living show”.

Methods and forms of work: individual (to make up monologue), group (work in groups, discussing, brain-storming, work with video) and frontal (solving problem situations).

Equipment of the lesson: computer, projector, English book for 9 grade by Ayapova T., Uakpayev D., Abildayeva Z., “Build your vocabulary” by John Flower; Intermediate Communication games by Jill Hadfield, cards, visual aids, handouts, Power Point Presentation.

Type of the lesson: systematization learned material according the theme “Hobby”

Aims of the lesson:

· to enable students to use present participle and constructions;

· to develop pupil’s speaking skills on the theme “Hobby”.

· to develop pupils’ abilities in speaking, writing, reading skills;

· to express their own opinions;

· to improve their pronunciation, memory, to enrich students’ outlook.

· to motivate the students in learning the foreign language;

· to create an English speaking atmosphere and work in groups.

Forms of work: individual, group, work in pairs

Equipment: desk, cards, computer, projector, presentation Power Point, schemes, etc.

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Данная разработка это план - конспект урока английкого языка в 9классе по теме "MY HOBBY". Предложенный план поможет сделать урок интересным, насыщенным и информативным.

- формирование культуры коммуникативного общения;

- воспитание гуманизма, толерантности в общении;

- расширение кругозора учащихся;

- развитие навыков устной и письменной речи.

- развитие умений добывания информации;

- развитие навыков говорения, аудирования и письма в процессе общения друг с другом и учителем на основе изучаемой темы;

- развитие навыков индивидуальной и групповой деятельности учащихся, изобретательности и творческого отношения к учебному процессу.

Форма урока: презентация и защита проектов.

Тип урока: обобщающий урок.

- плакаты, подготовленные учащимися, посвященные своему любимому занятию;

- магнитная доска, магниты;

- компьютер, презентации учащихся по теме;

- магнитофон, музыкальное сопровождение;

1. Организационный момент.

Задача: Сконцентрировать внимание учеников. Настроить учащихся на рабочий лад, подготовить к восприятию информации.

Форма работы: Приветствие.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Задача: Помочь учащимся быстрее адаптироваться в иноязычной среде.

Форма работы: Прочтение стихотворения хором.

3. Актуализация опорных знаний.

Задача: Введение темы. Развитие монологической речи.

Форма работы: Выступление учащихся по теме.

4. Мониторинг качества усвоения материала.

Задача: Развитие диалогической речи.

5. Итоги урока. Подготовка к выполнению домашней работы.

Задача: Подведение итогов урока. Разъяснение формы представления результатов домашней работы.

Форма работы: Самостоятельная работа с учебником и словарем.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

Учитель: Dear friends! Good morning! I’m glad to see you very much.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, dear children,
I’m glad to see you.
Nice to see you, nice to see you,
We are happy just to hear it.
Pleased to meet you, pleased to meet you,
We are happy just to beat you.

3. Актуализация опорных знаний.

Учитель: Today we are going to have an interesting lesson about different hobbies. We have four projects in the blackboard: Autosport, Shopping, Flowers and Theatre. Listen to the pupils who made these projects, make your questions about their jobs and tell us your opinions, please.

Проект 1: I’m Igor. I’v got a friend. His name is Paul. We like Auto sport very much. We decided to make our project about Auto sport and racers. We began our job two weeks ago. Paul read many magazines, I got information from Internet. We made this placate and computer presentation.

Игорь: The first car appeared in France in 1771. Max speed of that car was only 6 km/h. And the first race of the world was June, 22 in France in 1894. Max speed of those cars was 100km/h. Now there are more thane 10 varieties of races: Formula 1, Blue Flame, Big Foot, Camel Trophy and other. Now the fastest cars are Blue Flame, Rocket and Maverick (max speed is about 1014 km/h and more). The most dangerous races are Street Racing, Rally and Races for Survive. Races often have hard fractures after passing a route. I think the most interesting race is Camel Trophy, the lack of good roads race. Swamps forests are places where on Second World War a tank couldn't go. All races reach finish, but somebody have to use a winch. Big Foot it is the “biggest race”. Height of wheel is about one floor. Auto rodeo is interesting too. It isn't a race it is an appearance with car. Very interesting look how one driver drive car on two right (left) wheels, and another stand on it in addition, but doesn’t drive. SUPER! Racers from Russia repeatedly win in many races like other racers from Germany, Japan, USA and another.

Павел: Roman Rusinov is the first Russian pilot, who won poul-position in Formula 3000. On the second of May on the route Nurburgring started first stage of championship Euro 3000. In champion’s news thrice were hear words “big surprise from Russia”. Roman Rusinov won in two sessions of free routes and in qualifications, what was in one strained day. Roman Rusinov champion’s debutant justified a very bold holds of company GAZPROM and of his fans, and he didn’t come out on this route earlier. Thanks to care training and big work, he left behind the fasters opponents, who came out in Euro 3000 the second year and won poul-position for first race championship, what started on Sunday on the forth of May in 14:30. Roman Rusinov: “I didn’t waiting that I win in sessions this day and win poul. It wasn’t easily, but we did a good work with my command. Now I must weaken and prepare to Sunday’s race. In race I must prepare for good start and I mustn’t do any mistake for 31 circles”

Игорь: The World’s Cup of Off - roads rally-raids. Pilots of command Mitsubishi Motors Person Stefan Petransel (navigator is Van-Paul Cotre) and Huan Roma (navigator is Anri Mane) finished on the first two - kilometers route Off-road UAE Desert Challenge on first and second places. Now they are at the head of column of 61 motor cycles 9 quadro-cycles 31 jeeps and 3 Lorries (there are command KAMAZ-Master of hat 3 Lorries). Petransel and Cotre won this rally in 2002&2003 years and they have all chances to subdue it (Desert Challenge) in third time.

4. Мониторинг качества усвоения материала.

Учитель: Thank you for your interesting information. Have you got any questions to Igor and Paul?

Примерные вопросы учащихся: Have you been on the real races? Have you been on the night races in Moscow? Do you want to be a racer? What is your favourite car? Why do you like this dangerous sport?

Учитель: Thank you for your questions? Do you like this project? Tell us your opinion about Igor and Paul’s job.

Примерные высказывания учащихся: I like this project. Igor and Paul gave us very interesting information. I like their computer presentation. Placate about auto sport is very brightly and interesting. It has much information about sports cars. I think Igor and Paul have got very interesting hobby.

Проект 2: I’m Olga. Let me introduce my friend Yana. Best of all we like shopping. But we decided to make our project about London’s shops. We began our job two weeks ago. We got information together. We read magazines, watched TV and gathered photos. We made this placate and computer presentation.

Яна: The Body Shop sells perfumes, soap, shampoo and skin-care products for men and women. The shops sell good cheap products in beautiful packing. Dillons first opened in 1936 as the bookshop to the University of London. Dillons is now a complex of 49 high-quality modern bookshops. They are often to be found in large buildings of traditional architecture, with modern hi-tech interiors. Dillons’ image one of academic excellence and they want to be associated with the older university. Foyle’s is one of London’s largest bookshops. The shop is well known for its wide number of books. Many of its assistants are foreign students who can’t speak English. Harrods is the most famous London’s department store. Harrods has about 230 departments, among them 16 food halls and 34 for fashion. The store has a library, a bank it, arranges funerals, sightseeing tours, has a kennel for customers’ dogs and its own water supply and electricity generators. 40% of Harrods’ business is to foreign customers and there is a total of 50,000 customers a day. Marks and Spenser is a number of department stores which sell men’s and women’s clothing, home furniture, plants and food. Today there are 280 Marks and Spencer stores in Britain, and a total of 600 company-owned stores world-wide. Marks and Spencer sells 5% of Britain’s food and 16% of is clothing. Its clothing is traditional in design and good value for money. Its food is expensive, of high quality and great choice.

Ольга: Next is a chain of popular fashion clothes shops for men and women. It became famous for the suits which were worn by businessmen and businesswomen at the beginning of the 1980s. Next provided a cheap education in style and fashion. Sainsbury’s supermarkets are one of leaders in food and drink selling in Britain. It has about 12% of the market and suggests good food and wine. Most of the 246 supermarkets and 46 home base stores, which sell do-it-yourself goods, are in the richest part of England. There are no Sainsbury’s stores in Scotland and Wales. W.H.Smith is a national chain of shops which sells newspapers and magazines. Smith’s also sell books, videos, pens and office equipment. Tesco was founded by J. Cohen who used to say, “I pile it high, sell it cheap” to explain the great success of his supermarkets. Today the cut-price image has remained and the name “Tesco” is often used to mean anything cheap. There are 396 stores with about 80,000 employees. Today Tesco has an expensive advertising campaign in an effort to upgrade its image. Woolworth’s is an American chain store. The stores used to sell a wide range of goods including food, furniture, CDs, toys, sweets, clothes and paint. Woolworth’s now sells a small range of goods, such as children’s clothes, sweets, videos and make-up. It has clever advertising campaign which concentrates on videos and CDs and always uses the same simple formula. This attracts people into Woolworth’s, to buy other things.

Проект 3: I’m Sveta. I made my project alone. I like flowers very much. I began my job two weeks ago. I advise with my mother and we got information together. We went to the library, read magazines and books. I made this placate myself.

Света: Snowdrops are small plants. Their flowers look like white bell. They are really lovely. They have weak pleasant smell. They are as white as snow. Snowdrops are native plant in England. It appears in January when the ground is covered with snow. It is loved by every one. Water lilies are wonderful plant. They grow in water of quiet lakes and rivers. You can’t say their flowers are beautiful, but their small yellow heads look fantastic among big round plate-like leaves. Frogs like to use them as chairs. You can see them in blossom in summer month. Primrose is a rather small flower. Its flowers look like stars. The wild primroses are yellow. But red, pink, purple and orange primroses are grown in English gardens. It used to grow in many parts of England. Some primroses can be seen in February, March, April and May. Its name means “first rose” in Latin. People have loved it for thousands of years as one of the first sweet spring flowers. In England they celebrate Primrose Day on the 19 th of April. Daffodil has long leaves and beautiful flowers. They can be white or yellow. Daffodils have got strong sweet smell. In England daffodils grow in the wild. You can see fields of daffodils in the countryside. They appear in February and blossom during the whole spring. Daffodil is poisonous and it is not eaten by animals. Daisies are common flowers in England. Everybody knows what they look like. They have yellow center and few rows of petals. They are usually white, but petals can be reddish or purplish below. They have very weak smell. Daisies grow practically everywhere all year round except January. Poppy is a lovely, delicate plant. Its flower looks like a cup. They can be red or yellow. Garden poppies can have many petals. Poppies grow in the countryside. Sometimes they appear in great crowds in fields or in mountains. They blossom during the whole summer. Their smell can make you feel sleepy like it happened to Dorothy from “Wizard of Oz”. Their seeds are often used in cooking.

Проект 4: I’m Dasha. Let me introduce my friends. Best of all we like theatre. We began our job two weeks ago. We decided to make a show as a project. We got information together. We read many plays then we chose a tale “Snow-white”. Look at our project, please!

Представлен фрагмент спектакля

Once upon there was a King and a Queen.
The King was kind and silly.
And the Queen was beautiful.
She loved the King very much.
Now the Queen is waiting a child.
But the King is boring.

Король: I'm boring.

Королева: Dear! Would you like to eat?

Королева: Darling! Would you like to drink?

Королева: Oh, honey! Would you like …?

No. No. No. I want to hunt!
Yes. Yes. Yes. I want to hunt!
Hunter! Go with me! Goodbye, dear!

Oh, darling! Goodbye!
I love you, my dear! Be careful!
Don't drink cold water!
Don't eat raw food!
Oh, my dear! Goodbye!

A little time later the Queen bore a child.
It was a little girl. She was very beautiful.
And she was named Snow White.

Королева: Oh, my dear! Would you like to eat?

Белоснежка: Thank you, mummy!

Королева: Oh, my darling! Would you like to drink?

Белоснежка: Thank you very much, mummy!

Королева: Oh, honey! I see your father, baby!

Oh, my father!
Oh, my father!
How do you do?

Who is she, darling?

I'm Snow White!
I'm your daughter, father!

My daughter?
Is she my daughter?

Королева: Yes, my dear! She is your daughter!

Король: Nonsense! Terrible! Horrible! Rubbish!

Королева: Oh, honey! Aren't you glad?

No, I wanted a son! My son will be strong and brave,
beautiful and clever as me!
And daughter is terrible! Nonsense!
Oh, my God! I'm so unhappy!

Белоснежка: Oh, my God! I'm so unhappy!

Королева: Oh, my God! I'm so unhappy! I'm dying!

Oh, my mummy! Oh, my dear! She's died!
Father, you killed your wife!
You killed my mother!
You killed the Queen!
You are the beast!
It's terribly! It's awfully!

Snow White has been crying for many years.
And the King was sad the whole year…
But times are changing…
Once the New Queen has appeared.
(Выходит Новая Королева. Ее замечает король)

Король: How do you do?

Новая королева: Hello, guy!

Король: How are you? Mrs.…

Новая королева: Miss! I'm fine, thanks. And you?

Новая королева: Could I help you, baby?

Oh, my fairy! I want to be with you!
I want to make you happy!

Новая королева: O'K, I agree. Come with me!

Белоснежка: Daddy! Where are you? Daddy!

Новая королева: Who is it?

Король: It's my daughter, Snow White.

Daughter? Princess? Obstacle?
You must marry her! Now!

Now? O'K, my dear!
Snow White, you must marry now!

5. Итоги урока. Домашняя работа.

Учитель: Dear children. I am glad to see that you have made a good job. You have learnt how to get information. I think you will be active at the English lesson and you will like working at English to be successful in future. I’m going to give you 5. Good bye. See you at the lessons.

Домашнее задание: познакомиться с новой лексикой следующего урока, работать со словарем, составить предложения с новыми словами.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Рахманько Татьяна Леонидовна

Учитель английского языка

Категория первая, педагогический стаж 7 лет

Урок английского языка в 9 классе

Тема урока: Как избежать скуки?

Второе занятие по теме

Тип урока : комбинированный

Формы и методы определены, исходя из целей и задач урока, в соответствии с уровнем подготовки учащихся и имеют коммуникативную направленность

- формирование коммуникативных компетенций по теме “How do you spend your free time? Hobbies”;

-развитие познавательных интересов учащихся, умения социального общения в совместной деятельности;

-формирование творческого мышления учащихся, умения обосновывать свою точку зрения.

Задачи урока:

- учебная : формировать навыки и умения в понимании и восприятии иноязычной речи на слух, чтении, устной речи по теме “How do you spend your free time?” с использованием введенного ранее лексического материала;

- познавательная : продолжить ознакомление учащихся с различными видами увлечений;

-развивающая : развивать интерес к учебно-познавательной деятельности на иностранном языке, развивать логику, внимание, память, целостность высказывания;

-воспитательная : воспитание познавательного интереса, положительной мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование : компьютер, на доске фото и картины с изображением различных видов хобби.

Февраль 2012

Организационная часть.

T: Good morning , students. Glad to see you. Sit down, please.

II. Речевая разминка .

T: Let’s start. We have an interesting topic for discussion, but first I’d like you to tell me what lesson you would like to have? Give characteristics using just adjectives. For example: interesting, funny, etc.

P2: Unusual, etc. (Учащиеся говорят, какой урок они хотели бы иметь, используя прилагательные, учитель записывает их на доске в столбик.)

T: I’ll do my best to make the lesson useful, interesting, unusual, etc.

I hope you remember that yesterday we started learning the new topic "Leisure”. Today we’ll continue our work on it.

Now I d like you to listen to a small poem and be ready to describe the author of this poem (his character, I mean) and his main life problem.


There's nothing for me in this town.

Everywhere I go people put me down

There's nowhere to go and nothing to see,

There's nobody here to think about me

Nothing to do. No, no. Nothing to do

My parents say, "Why don't you go somewhere?

Why don't you find a job? Why don't you cut your hair ?

My parents talk, but they don't understand

There isn't anything for me in this land.

Everyone everywhere every time says "No."

Life here is boring , life here is slow,

Nothing to do . No, no. Nothing to do.

So, what do you think about this person? Is he a pessimist? Is he a stay-at-home or a sloth? Is he full of beans ? (ученики описывают характер человека, написавшего данный стих)

Could you give him some advice? Remember when we give advice we usually use the modal verb should .

P1: I think he should find what to do in his spare time.

P2: To my mind he should take

T: Yes I also think that he should take up some hobby. Because the best way to avoid boredom is to do something in your free time.

III. Контроль лексического материала предыдущих уроков.

T: Can you give me all possible synonyms to "free time"

P1: leisure, spare time,

P2: recreational activity, favorite occupation or hobby.

T: How do you understand the notion "leisure time". Give me the definition please.

P1: It is free time we spend on our recreational activities

P2: It is time apart from our work and studies

Now let's remember the names of different hobbies.

Name hobbies connected with physical activity

P1: swimming, boating, pedal boating, yoga, dancing

Connected with entertainment

P2: cinema, theatre, reading, music, watching movies, TV

Connected with creating of something

P3: Knitting, crocheting, embroidery, making models, candles, photography, design

Connected with learning something

P4: Reading, watching TV, learning languages

T: Well-done, thank you.

IV . Просмотр видео фрагмента (с извлечением необходимой информации)

We've revised the words. Now let's listen to a short video. Take some pieces of paper and try to put down the names of all hobbies mentioned

Play video games

T: Yes, you are right, I'd like you to divide all this words into 2 groups: the group past time and the group hobby .

Can you explain the difference between past time and hobby?

T: Then please watch one more video and be ready to explain what pastime and hobby mean. And put down new phrasal words. Be ready to explain their meaning too.

You don't do too much work. You don't need to learn a skill. It helps you to relax

Something you do and you need a skill for it.

Get into smth Овладеть чем-либо

To brush up Восстановить знания, освежить

V Говорение

T: So we' ve discussed different types of hobbies and the words connected with them. Now let's discuss the main functions of hobbies. What for do we need them?


P1 : to entertain us

P2: to make our life more interesting,

P3: to enjoy ourselves

P4: to find new friends ………

VI . Чтение с извлечением необходимой информации

T: Now let's read the information from ex. 1 p. 181. Let's add some more functions:

Ps: to keep the mind active, keeps the body energetic, emotions under control, to bring joy and relaxation, to make life exiting.

T: So can you advice everyone to take up hobby. Why?

Ps (express their own opinions using the information on the blackboard)

T: Let’s work with the task on page 182 (the 1 st six paragraphs). You'll have one minute to think it over. Give proper advice for every person using the information on page 183 under the letters,

Match the words with their translation

VII. Монологическое высказывание по теме

T: Now you are to work in pairs and describe the hobby trying to use as many active words as possible.

Watching TV or movies

Listening to music

VIII. Рефлексия

So we've done a lot today. Your marks are…..Thanks for your work. Now I'll give you magnets. Fix them to the blackboard opposite the words describing our lesson.

I Х . Постановка домашнего задания .

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности use infinitive forms after a growing number of adjectives and verbs; use gerund forms after a growing variety of verbs and prepositions; use an increased variety of prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about an increased range of general and curricular topics use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics; recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some target language to express views and comment on some views of others with support

Most learners will be able to:

identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a range of target language to express views and comment on some views of others with support

Some learners will be able to:

identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a range of target language to express views and comment on views of others with little support

Previous learning

character and plot vocabulary from previous section

Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning the Lesson

Read the title of the module Hobbies & Qualities and ask Ss to suggest what they think it means. Go through the topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss' interest in the module.

Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed.

Ask questions to check Ss' understanding.

- To present vocabulary for hobbies

Go through the list of words and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words.

Then ask Ss to read the phrases a-e and look at the pictures and complete the task.

Ask Ss to talk in pairs about which of the activities in Ex. 1 they like/don't like doing and why, using the phrases provided.

Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some Ss to share their answers with the class. About hobbies

Explain the task and read out the adjectives and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words.

Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs following the example.

Then ask some pairs to share their answers with the class.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

prompt less able learners to engage in whole class checking and plenary activity with supportive questioning

check pronunciation of new words and reinforce with drilling where necessary

cross curricular links: languages [world literature]

challenge more able learners to come up with a strategy for effectively recording different types of vocabulary presented in this lesson

MODULE 1 Grade 9

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

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