My clothes and things план урока 2 класс

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Краткосрочный план урока разработан для 2 класса. Тема "Мои одежды и вещи".Учащиеся знакомятся с новыми словами на тему "одежда". Включены разные задания: работа в парах, аудирование,писание, говорение .работа с картинками.Оценивание после каждого задания.

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Unit 1: All about me

Teacher name:

Grade : 2


Lesson title

My clothes andthings

Learning objectives

2.S1 Make basic personal statement about people,objects and classroom.

2.L1 Recognize short basic instructions for limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly distilictly.

2.UE3 Use basic adjectives to describe people and things.

Lesson criterias

* Learners can able to make up sentences.

*Learners describe their clothes using adjectives.

*Recognize classroom instructions with support.

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

What is this?/What are these?

What colour is this clothes?

What are your favourite clothes?


Common history, culture and language

Cross-curricular links

Previous learning

Planned timings

Planned activities

Organizational moment

The teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

The classis divided into 4 groups using pictures of clothes.

Review: names of clothes and Present Continuous

The volunteer goes to the blackboard and turns to the class. Other students answer questions: What is this pupil wearing? What colour are his clothes? Then the teacher says to the class that the volunteer is going to dress as much as possible different types of clothes. The teacher shows some clothes ( for example , a T-shirt) and asks “What is this?” Students answer the questions using Present Continuous Tense and repeat their answer 3 times chorus, then 3 pupils individually. Then the teacher continues to showclothes.

The teacher asks some questions and students answer the questions:

What are you wearing today? What colour is your…?

Students watch the video and match the words to the pictures and name the clothes answering the questions according to information in the video: What is this? What are these? What colour is …?

Differentiation by outcome . Low-achieving students have to match the words to the pictures and name the clothes answering the questions. Mid-achieving students have to make up word combinations. High-achieving students make sentences with these words.

The teacher shows a picture, asking questions and students answer Yes/No.

For example: Is it a suit? - Yes.

- Are these trousers?

- Are these shorts?

Energizer “Clothes salad”. The teacher asks the class to form a circle. The teacher stands in the middle of the circle, then hands out pictures with clothes to students. The teacher explains the instructions to the students: if the clothes are called, for example, a dress, those students exchange places. If the student doesn’t have free place, he becomes in the middle of the circle and the game begins again. If the leader says “CLOTHES SALAD” all students exchange places.

Task 2 .

Formative assessment for whole class. The teacher hands out worksheets with the tasks and students do these tasks according the teacher’s instructions.

Learning objective: 2.L1 Understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions.

Level of thinking skills : Application

Assessment criteria : Recognize classroom instructions with support.

Task. Follow the teacher’s instructions .

1. Show a dress, show a skirt, show a suit.

2. Write 5 on the skirt. Colour it pink.

3. Say what colour your suit. Please, colour the suit blue in this picture.

Assessment criteria


recognize classroom instructions with support

-identify the clothes;

- talk about his/ her clothes.

Differentiation by support. While students work in pairs (peer-assessment), a teacher observes and provides necessary help to low-achieving students.

Task 3 . Work in pairs . Students look at the pictures, answer the question: What is this?, then find these words in “clothes wordsearch”.

Peer-assessment: Students exchange the handouts and check each others looking at the blackboard .

“ Traffic light”. The teacher gives instructions to raise the green card if the lesson was easy, raise the yellow card if they liked the lesson but have some difficulties, to raise the red card if the lesson was difficult.

The lesson was difficult.

I liked the lesson but I have some

The lesson was easy.

Students follow the teacher’s instructions. Then the teacher asks students who raised:

the green cards: -What was clear?

the yellow cards: - What was unclear?

the red cards: - What was difficult?

Differentiation by hometask . The teacher gives different level tasks.

Low-achieving students draw a picture with kind of clothes they will go to school tomorrow, mid-achieving students makeword combinations using adjectives. High-achieving students make sentences.

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Learning objective: 2.L1 Understand a range of short basic supported

Level of thinking skills : Application

Assessment criteria : Recognize classroom instructions with support.

Task . Follow the teacher’s instructions.

1. Show a dress, show a skirt, show a suit.

2. Write 5 on the skirt. Colour it pink.

3. Say what colour your suit. Please, colour the suit blue in this picture.

Assessment criteria


recognize classroom instructions with support

- identify the clothes;

- talk about his/ her clothes.

Worksheet 3


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Автор программы понятие "Этикет" рассматривает в самом широком смысле, ставит очень актуальные задач. Подробнее.

Особенно ценно, что именно учитель, совместно с психологом, является автором программы адаптации реб. Подробнее.

Соглашусь с мыслью учителя о необыкновенной важности духовно-нравственного воспитания у детей в млад. Подробнее.

Замечательно, что воспитатель ставит задачу развивать коммуникативные навыки у учащихся младших клас. Подробнее.

Прекрасное раскрытие темы, очень полезные приемы и стратегии, которые используются на уроках. Думает. Подробнее.

Пройдите курс дополнительного образования по теме: Оказание первой помощи в образовательных учреждениях

Оказание первой помощи в образовательных учреждениях Пройти обучение

Благодарность руководству образовательного учреждения за поддержку и развитие профессионального потенциала педагогического работника

Диплом за отличное владение и эффективное применение современных педагогических методик в условиях реализации ФГОС

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  • Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № 4276 от 19.11.2020 года. Серия 78 ЛО № 0000171 Выдана Комитетом по образованию Правительства Санкт-Петербурга
  • В соответствии с Федеральной целевой программой развития системы образования на 2011–2015 гг. и проектом концепции федеральной целевой программы развития образования на 2016–2020 гг.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Long-term plan unit: Unit 1: All about me

Teacher name: Boranbay A. E.

Number present:

Theme of the lesson:

My clothes and things (These ….are)

Learning objectives(s)

2.UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and thing s

2.W5 copy letters and familiar high frequency words

Lesson objectives

learn to describe clothes by using their colors.

to learn to ask for and give descriptions of things using adjectives of color

What are you wearing today?

I’m wearing a yellow T-shirt.

Planned timings

Planned activities

1. Warm up.Greeting

— Good morning, children!

— I’m fine, thank you!

Sit down, please.

What colour is it?

Listening and Speaking: Let’s start our lesson.

Teacher will repeat the structure What are you wearing today?

Learner will continue to practice and repeat

Vocabulary bank: learners look at the vocabulary bank and try to remember the clothes spelling:

choose only 5 words: dress, skirt, blouse, cardigan, sweater

Writing : Learner will be given clothes handouts to practice writing clothes spelling according to vocabulary bank

Learners give feedback to each other. This might be done in oral form.

Learners reflect on their learning:

What has been learned

What remained unclear

What is necessary to work on

h/t to learn new words by heart: dress, skirt, blouse, cardigan, sweater

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Support for weaker students: working in pairs, phrases

Challenges for moreable students: Encouraged to do more writing; assist weaker students.

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Checking the task

Feedback on the work

Health and safety check
ICT links

Differentiation can be by task, by outcome, by individual support, by selection of teaching materials and resources taking into account individual abilities of learners (Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner).

Differentiation can be used at any stage of the lesson keeping time management in mind

Use this section to record the methods you will use to assess what students have learned during the lesson

Health promoting techniques

Breaks and physical activities used.

Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

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The teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Game "Team Racing". The class is divided into 2 teams. Line up the 2 teams at one end of the classroom with the old clothes on the table at the other end. The teacher will shout out an instruction (e.g. "Put on some socks!") and one player from each team will race against the other to the pile of clothes, put on the clothing item and run back to their team. The student who gets back first wins a point for his/her team. At the end, the team with the most points is the winner.

Review: names of clothes and Present Continuous

The volunteer goes to the blackboard and turns to the class. Other students answer questions: What is this pupil wearing? What colour are his clothes? Then the teacher says to the class that the volunteer is going to dress as much as possible different types of clothes. The teacher shows some clothes (for example, a T-shirt) and asks “What is this?” Students answer the questions using Present Continuous Tense and repeat their answer 3 times chorus, then 3 pupils individually. Then the teacher continues to show clothes.

The teacher asks some questions and students answer the questions:

What are you wearing today? What colour is your …?

Students watch the video and match the words to the pictures and name the clothes answering the questions according to information in the video: What is this? What are these? What colour is …?

Differentiation by outcome. Low-achieving students have to match the words to the pictures and name the clothes answering the questions. Mid-achieving students have to make up word combinations. High-achieving students make sentences with these words.

The teacher shows a picture, asking questions and students answer Yes/No.

For example: Is it a suit? - Yes.

- Are these trousers?

- Are these shorts?

Energizer “Clothes salad”. The teacher asks the class to form a circle. The teacher stands in the middle of the circle, then hands out pictures with clothes to students. The teacher explains the instructions to the students: if the clothes are called, for example, a dress, those students exchange places. If the student doesn’t have free place, he becomes in the middle of the circle and the game begins again. If the leader says “CLOTHES SALAD” all students exchange places.

Formative assessment for whole class. The teacher hands out worksheets with the tasks and students do these tasks according the teacher’s instructions.

Learning objective: 2.L1 Understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions.

Level of thinking skills: Application

Assessment criteria: Recognize classroom instructions with support.

Task. Follow the teacher’s instructions.

1. Show a dress, show a skirt, show a suit.

2. Write 5 on the skirt. Colour it pink.

3. Say what colour your suit. Please, colour the suit blue in this picture.

Assessment criteria


recognize classroom instructions with support

- identify the clothes;

- talk about his/ her clothes.

Differentiation by support. While students work in pairs (peer-assessment), a teacher observes and provides necessary help to low-achieving students.

Task 3. Work in pairs. Students look at the pictures, answer the question: What is this?, then find these words in “clothes wordsearch”.

The teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Game "Team Racing". The class is divided into 2 teams. Line up the 2 teams at one end of the classroom with the old clothes on the table at the other end. The teacher will shout out an instruction (e.g. "Put on some socks!") and one player from each team will race against the other to the pile of clothes, put on the clothing item and run back to their team. The student who gets back first wins a point for his/her team. At the end, the team with the most points is the winner.

Review: names of clothes and Present Continuous

The volunteer goes to the blackboard and turns to the class. Other students answer questions: What is this pupil wearing? What colour are his clothes? Then the teacher says to the class that the volunteer is going to dress as much as possible different types of clothes. The teacher shows some clothes ( for example , a T-shirt) and asks “What is this?” Students answer the questions using Present Continuous Tense and repeat their answer 3 times chorus, then 3 pupils individually. Then the teacher continues to show clothes.

The teacher asks some questions and students answer the questions:

What are you wearing today? What colour is your …?

Students watch the video and match the words to the pictures and name the clothes answering the questions according to information in the video: What is this? What are these? What colour is …?

Differentiation by outcome . Low-achieving students have to match the words to the pictures and name the clothes answering the questions. Mid-achieving students have to make up word combinations. High-achieving students make sentences with these words.

The teacher shows a picture, asking questions and students answer Yes/No.

For example: Is it a suit? - Yes.

- Are these trousers?

- Are these shorts?

Energizer “Clothes salad”. The teacher asks the class to form a circle. The teacher stands in the middle of the circle, then hands out pictures with clothes to students. The teacher explains the instructions to the students: if the clothes are called, for example, a dress, those students exchange places. If the student doesn’t have free place, he becomes in the middle of the circle and the game begins again. If the leader says “CLOTHES SALAD” all students exchange places.

Task 2 .

Formative assessment for whole class. The teacher hands out worksheets with the tasks and students do these tasks according the teacher’s instructions.

Learning objective: 2.L1 Understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions.

Level of thinking skills : Application

Assessment criteria : Recognize classroom instructions with support.

Task. Follow the teacher’s instructions .

1. Show a dress, show a skirt, show a suit.

2. Write 5 on the skirt. Colour it pink.

3. Say what colour your suit. Please, colour the suit blue in this picture.

Assessment criteria


recognize classroom instructions with support

- identify the clothes;

- talk about his/ her clothes.

Differentiation by support. While students work in pairs (peer-assessment), a teacher observes and provides necessary help to low-achieving students.

Task 3 . Work in pairs . Students look at the pictures, answer the question: What is this?, then find these words in “clothes wordsearch”.

Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? The theme of our lesson is ….. Let’s try to guess.

The aim of our lesson is to know more about clothes.

2. Фонетическая зарядка .

And now, put the words into the columns according to the pronunciation. But, at first repeat after me.

[t] – trousers, jacket, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, coat, boots, trainers, tights, hat, sweatshirt

[s] – scarf, boots, shorts, dress, jeans, socks, skirt, sweater, tights, sweatshirt

[∫] - shirt, T-shirt, shorts, shoes, shoes, sweatshirt

[z] – blouse, gloves, trousers, trainers

Let’s talk about weather and clothes. + ( здоровьесберегающий аспект )

- What are your favourite clothes?

- What do you usually wear at school?

- What do you wear when it's cold (warm, hot)?

- Do you like to wear jeans?

- Do you like to wear a scarf in summer?

- Do you wear a coat and an umbrella when it's rainy?

+ (здоровьесберегающий аспект): беседа о том как нужно одеваться в разную погоду!

Do you like parties? What do you wear when you have a party?

5. Физкультминутка

And now let’s have a rest. Listen and do

I am a little snowman, look at me.

These are my buttons, 1 2 3.

These are my eyes and this my nose.

I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr …. It is cold !

6. Чтение и говорение.

- Now read the text about children and there favorite clothes.

Tell me about you favorite clothes.

7. Развитие навыков письма :

8. Объяснение домашнего задания :

Draw you favourite clothes and write about them. (Ex. 3b, p. 45).

9. Подведение итогов урока .

Thank you for your excellent work. Listen to your marks.
-Show me your mood?
-Good- bye! The lesson is over. Thank you for your work at the lesson.

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