Mobile phone план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Цель урока: развитие лексических и грамматических навыков говорения по теме "Мобильные телефоны" на основе системно-деятельностного подхода.

Задачи урока:

  • развитие лексических и грамматических навыков говорения (монолог, полилог);
  • совершенствование языковых, интеллектуальных и коммуникативных способностей обучающихся;
  • расширение лингвистического и общего кругозора обучающихся.

Учебное обрудование: презентация к уроку, мультимедийная установка, аудиозапись текста, индивидуальные памятки для выполнения заданий в группе, тексты для чтения и аудирования.

Ход урока

Начало урока. Организационный момент

Приветствие учащихся.
Т: - Good morning, everyone! How are you? How are things? What’s new with you? How are you doing? How is it going? How is life?

Фонетическая зарядка

attach, click, delete, signal strength,battery, vibrating alert, out of order, fix, dial.

Речевая разминка. Актуализация

Ученики определяют слово по его описанию:
Т: - What’s this – something that you hear when someone calls you. (the ring tone)
Т: - What’s this - place where you store your friends number. (phonebook)
Т: - What’s this - situation when you can’t make or receive call. (the signal strength is low)

Учащиеся работают у доски переводя предложения с русского на английский. (тренировка грамматических навыков употребления настоящего совершенного и present perfect continuous)

Я загружаю файл с двух часов (I’ve been downloading email since 2)
Я посылаю письмо в течение 5 минут (I’ve been sending email for 5 min)
Кто-то украл информацию с моего компьютера (Someone has stolen information from my computer)

Как давно ты используешь телефон (How long have you been using your phone)

Мобильные телефоны

Мобильные телефоны

Целеполагание: How can we connect a cell phone and an Internet. What can we do with the help of internet.

Учащиеся предполагают как связан между собой телефон и интернет: What’s is the most common way to surf the net. It’s when you use your phone.
Проверка выполнения домашнего задания. Your home task was to read the text p.46 about portable phones.

Совершенствование лексических навыков - работа по карточкам:

Чинить - fix
Набирать номер - dial the number
Добавить громкость - turn down

Садиться о батарее - goes off
Падать о цене - come down
Сломан телефон - out of order

Работа с текстом

What is text A about -
Ученики пересказывают кратко содержание каждой части в парах и находят английские эквиваленты в тексте. (для понимания основного содержания)
Вы когда-нибудь звонили другу – Have you ever called up your friend?

Вы когда-нибудь находили телефон сломанным - Have you ever found your phone out of order?
С тех пор как Белл запатентовал телефон мы живем в эпоху связи - Ever since Bell patented the telephone in 1876-we live in the age of communication.

К сожалению телефону нужно было столько энергии чтобы он смог сделать только два звонка, прежде чем разрядиться - The phone needed so much power that you could only make 2 calls before the battery went dead.
When was the first telephone appeared?

Работа с текстом B - Who made the first phone call? Where?
Работа с текстом С - What is the lightest and the smallest phone?
Вы можете уменьшиnь громкость в случае если телефон садится - You can also turn down the volume in case the phone goes off.

Цена снизится - The price will come down.
Работа с текстом D - What are the predictions for the future?
Я думаю люди забудут как писать потому что общение будет устным - I think people will forget how to write because all communications will be oral.

Телефонные звонки будут бесплатными - Phone calls will be free.
Совершенствование навыков аудирования –Учащиеся слушают текст и выполняют задание стр.47 упр. 4 – multiple choice.

Работа в группах
Учащиеся делятся на 4 группы и обсуждают вопросы стр. 47 упр. 6.

Домашнее задание

Выполнить упр. 5, вставить слова по смыслу.

Подведение итогов урока. Заключительная рефлексия

T: - Clever of you! Will you, please, estimate the lesson and my work?
Учащиеся оценивают урок и работу учителя, употребляя положительные или отрицательные прилагательные.
T: - Thank you for your involvement and devotion. See you tomorrow!

Цель : совершенствование речевых навыков по теме, развитие умений аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.

- социокультурный аспект - знакомство с различными взглядами британцев на роль мобильных телефонов в их жизни; развитие умений передавать реалии родной культуры средствами английского языка и представлять собственную культуру;

- развивающий аспект – развитие способностей к антиципации, соотнесению, сравнению, обобщению и систематизации, оценке и аргументации, к формулированию выводов, к оценке чужого мнения и выражению собственного мнения;

- воспитательный аспект – формирование потребности и способности к критическому мышлению, пониманию чужой точки зрения на проблемы, связанные с ролью мобильных телефонов в жизни человека;

- учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых навыков;

сопутствующая задача: развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации и с полным пониманием, умения говорить на основе прочитанного, умения делать запись высказывания по заданной теме;

Оснащение урока : компьютер, мультимедийная установка, карточки с заданиями.

I. Организационный момент

Teacher. Good morning pupils and our guests!

T. Look at the text on the screen. (Слайд №1) Some words are missing in it. Try to guess these words.

So what are the missing words?

Учащиеся читают текст высказывания на экране и делают свои догадки.

T. You’re absolutely right. Now you know the theme of our lesson. It is mobile phones.

And what are we going to discuss today?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос, предполагая цели урока.

III. Речевая зарядка

T. Look at the words on the screen again. (Слайд №2)

Read them aloud. Tell me if you agree or disagree with them. What do you personally feel about your mobile phones? What role do they play in your life?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос и высказывают свои мнения относительно роли мобильных телефонов в их жизни.

T. I see that most of your classmates are really fond of their mobile phones. For some of you mobile phone is your most favourite thing. But there are different opinions.

T. Let’s listen to the dialogue between Richard and Patrick. They will speak about their phones.

At first we’ll do a vocabulary task. Take your Worksheets A. Match the words and phrases in the table to their definitions. You’ll have about a minute to do this exercise.

Учащиеся выполняют задание перед прослушиванием.

T. Now it’s high-time to listen to the dialogue. Before listening I’m going to give you 30 seconds to look through the questions in Task 2 and to prepare to listen.

Now we are ready to start.

Учащиеся слушают диалог.

T. Now you have 30 seconds to complete the task.

Now you’ll hear the recording again.

Учащиеся повторно слушают диалог.

Now you have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Учащиеся вслух проверяют свои ответы.

V. Говорение (монолог)

T. So there are two main opinions about mobile phones. Some people are extremely devoted to them while others like Richard and Patrick don’t really care about their phones.

Now let’s discuss the reasons you use your mobile phones for. Take your Worksheets B.

Look at the table below and tick three most important reasons for you. You have 30 seconds.

Учащиеся отмечают основные причины, по которым они пользуются своими мобильными телефонами.

T. Exchange your Worksheets with your classmates and speak about the reasons they use their mobile phones mostly for. Suggest if you classmate a mobile addict or not. You have 30 seconds to prepare to speak.

Учащиеся обмениваются карточками и кратко высказываются о своих одноклассниках.

T. Now look at the share chart on the screen. People all over the world took part in this opinion poll. They were asked to name three reasons they use their phones for. Look at this chart and suggest what their answers were. (Слайд №3)

Учащиеся изучают диаграмму и делают свои догадки.

VI. Говорение (диалог)

T. Let’s have a look at the share chart again. As you remember the most popular reason for using mobile phones is making calls.

How often do you call your friends? What do you usually call them for?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.

T. Now I need four pupils to work at the blackboard. I’ll give you two different situations for making your telephone conversations. You have to put the cards on the blackboard in the right order to complete your dialogues. You’ll have about two minutes.

Учащиеся выходят к доске, читают задание на своих карточках и расставляют фразы диалога в правильном порядке.

T. While these pupils are working at the blackboard, let’s watch a funny TV commercial about mobile phones.

Остальные учащиеся смотрят рекламный ролик.

T. Did you like it? Is it really time to save us from our mobile phones?

And now let’s listen to the dialogues.

Do you often call your classmates to learn about your homework?

Would you like to invite … to go to cinema with you on Friday evening?

VII. Динамическая пауза

T. I see that you’re a little bit tired. Now sit comfortably, close your eyes and listen to music. It’s time to relax.

Учащиеся слушают музыку.

What are associations connected with this music. What were you thinking about? What is coming to us?

T. Look at our share chart again. The second most popular reason is texting messages. It’s interesting to know that some teachers are really worried that texting will make young people poor of spelling and grammar. Take your Worksheets C. Now you are going to read the text about possible negative effects of texting messages. You have 2 minutes.

Учащиеся читают текст.

T. Read the text again and circle the correct option.

Учащиеся выполняют послетекстовые задания.

T. Do you know anything about special code words British people use in their text messages? (Слайд №4)

Some code words are easy to understand when you say them aloud.

What does this abbreviation stand for?

Учащиеся смотрят на экран и догадываются о значении текстовой аббревиатуры.

T. This is a part of an essay written by a Scottish 13-year-old girl. Read the texting and ‘translate’ it into English

T. Lately people all over the world have go used to go online using Mobile Internet. I know that young people are fond of making photos, exchanging them with their friends and writing comments.

Imagine that recently your friend has sent you this picture. (Слайд №6).

Do you know these people? I’m sure you’ll be eager to make your comments. Will you?

Now let’s divide into big 2 group.

Учащиеся делятся на две равные группы.

You’ll have three minutes to prepare and write down your comments about this photo. You may use some special words and abbreviations. Choose the speaker who’ll read the story to everybody.

Take these sheets of paper and start to work.

Учащиеся записывают свои краткие рассказы, выбирают ответчика и выступают со своими историями у доски.

X. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

T. So we have worked hard today. Coming to conclusion let’s remember the main points of our discussions.

I’ll give you the beginning of the statements and you should finish them. (Слайд №7)

Учащиеся заканчивают высказывания учителя, подводя итоги урока.

T. For this lesson I give youг the following marks…

T. Your homework for the next lesson is to write an essay about advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Развивающий аспект - развитие способности к догадке по контексту, по словообразовательным элементам; развитие внимания, памяти; развитие умения переключаться с одного вида речевой деятельности на другой;

Воспитательный аспект – формирование положительного отношения к фактам чужой культуры; развитие умения работать самостоятельно и в группе;

учебный аспект – формирование лексических навыков; развитие умения читать и слушать с целью полного понимания и извлечения конкретной информацию

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент, вступительное слово учителя, речевая и фонетическая зарядка.

Good morning, dear boys and girls. You know, that this week at our lyceum is devoted to Science and new technologies. Look at the slide (слайд1), read the name of our lesson today. Who can do it? “WAN 2 TLK? SO WOT R U W8ING 4?”. Can you guess what we are going to talk about?

Yes. You’re right, about the unusual language, the language of SMS. But not only about it, about mobile phones too. I think mobile phones play a great role in our lives. We can’t imagine our lives without them now. Everybody: children, teenagers, adults use them every day. Why are they so popular?

Do you know who invented the first telephone and when? Look at the slide (слайд2) and remember the name of this inventor and at the picture you can also see how the first telephone looked like. It was not mobile at all, but today you’ll learn a lot about mobile phones, how they have changed.

Look at this slide (слайд3); you can see different kinds of phones from the first ones to modern cells. Also today we’ll see how well you know SMS language. Let’s start with the vocabulary: the words and word phrases which we’ll need today. Look at the next slide (слайд4) and read after me.

(учащиеся повторяют за учителем слова и выражения, которые написаны на слайде с переводом на русский язык)

Vital – жизненно важный, необходимый; lax – слабый, вялый, неточный; rival – соперник, противник; to emerge – появляться внезапно; available – доступный; mast – мачта.

Match the words with their descriptions.

  1. synonymous a.consciously mixing ideas from different periods or disciplines
  2. postmodern b.someone you compete with
  3. lax c. basic
  4. vital d. to appear as if from a hidden place
  5. primitive e. meaning the same
  6. decade f. ten years
  7. rival g. without care and attention to the rules
  8. emerge h. really important, without this it won’t work

Key: 1 – e, 2 – a, 3 – g, 4 – h, 5 – c, 6 – f, 7 – b, 8 – d

B. Reading and listening to the article about mobile phones.

Mobile phones

by Craig Duncan

When Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, it was a revolution in communication. For the first time, people could talk to each other over great distances almost as clearly as if they were in the same room. Nowadays, though, we increasingly use Bell’s invention for emails, faxes and the internet rather than talking. Over the last two decades a new means of spoken communication has emerged: the mobile phone.

The modern mobile phone is a more complex version of the two-way radio. Traditional two-way radio was a very limited means of communication. As soon as the users moved out of range of each other’s broadcast area, the signal was lost. In the 1940s, researchers began experimenting with the idea of using a number of radio masts located around the countryside to pick up signals from two-way radios. A caller would always be within range of one of the masts; when he moved too far away from one mast, the next mast would pick up the signal. (Scientists referred to each mast’s reception area as being a separate “cell”; this is why in many countries mobile phones are called “cell phones”.)

However, 1940s technology was still quite primitive, and the “telephones” were enormous boxes which had to be transported by car.

The first real mobile telephone call was made in 1973 by Dr Martin Cooper, the scientist who invented the modern mobile handset. As soon as his invention was complete, he tested it by calling a rival scientist to announce his success. Within a decade, mobile phones became available to the public. The streets of modern cities began to feature sharp-suited characters shouting into giant plastic bricks. In Britain the mobile phone quickly became synonymous with the “yuppie”, the new breed of young urban professionals who carried the expensive handsets as status symbols. Around this time many of us swore that we would never, ever own a mobile phone.

But in the mid-90s, something happened. Cheaper handsets and cheaper calling rates meant that, almost overnight, it seemed that everyone had a mobile phone. And the giant plastic bricks of the 80s had evolved into smooth little objects that fitted nicely into pockets and bags. In every pub and restaurant you could hear the bleep and buzz of mobiles ringing and registering messages, occasionally breaking out into primitive versions of the latest pop songs. Cities suddenly had a new, postmodern birdsong.

Moreover, people’s timekeeping changed. Younger readers will be amazed to know that, not long ago, people made spoken arrangements to meet at a certain place at a certain time. Once a time and place had been agreed, people met as agreed. Somewhere around the new millennium, this practice started to die out. Meeting times became approximate, subject to change at any moment under the new order of communication: the Short Message Service (SMS) or text message. Going to be late? Send a text message! It takes much less effort than arriving on time, and it’s much less awkward than explaining your lateness face-to-face. It’s the perfect communication method for the busy modern lifestyle. Like email before it, the text message has altered the way we write in English, bringing more abbreviations and a more lax approach to language construction. The160-character limit on text messages has led to a new, abbreviated version of English for fast and instantaneous communication. Traditional rules of grammar and spelling are much less important when you’re sitting on the bus, hurriedly typing “Will B 15min late - C U @ the bar. Sorry! :-)”.

Mobile phones, once the preserve of the high-powered businessperson and the “yuppie”, are now a vital part of daily life for an enormous amount of people. From schoolchildren to pensioners, every section of society has found that it’s easier to stay in touch when you’ve got a mobile. Over the last few years mobiles have become more and more advanced, with built-in cameras, global positioning devices and internet access. And in the next couple of years, we can expect to see the arrival of the “third generation” of mobile phones: powerful micro-computers with broadband internet access, which will allow us to watch TV, download internet files at high speed and send instant video clips to friends.

Alexander Graham Bell would be amazed if he could see how far the science of telephony has progressed in less than 150 years. If he were around today, he might say: “That’s gr8! But I’m v busy rite now. Will call U 2nite.”

C. Doing the task. Choose the right variant to complete the sentences.

  1. Modern mobile phone technology is based on … (a. two-way radio; b. global positioning device; c. yuppies)
  2. More people bought mobile phones in the 1990s because… (a. traditional phone didn’t work anymore; b. they were bad at timekeeping; c. they became a lot cheaper)
  3. The first mobile phone call took place between … (a. two scientists; b. two Scotsmen; c. two yuppies)
  4. Mobile phones are sometimes called cell phones because of … (a. technical term for telephone masts; b. technical term for mobile handset; c. the number of mobile telephones in prison )
  5. The first commercially available mobile phones looked like … (a. small pocket-sized objects; b. telephone masts; c. giant plastic bricks)
  6. A text message saying “Gr8! Will call U 2nite” means … (a. Great! I’ll call you tonight; b. good grief! Please call William tonight; c. I’ll be 15 minutes late)
  7. Знакомство с языком СМС, выполнение заданий в группах.
  1. Match the text symbols with their meanings:(слайд6)
  1. B4 a. Love
  2. C b. Please call me
  3. L8 c. Anyone
  4. LUV d. Can’t wait
  5. NE1 e. Before
  6. PCM f. Bye-bye for now
  7. CW g. See
  8. BBFN h. Today
  9. 2DAY i.thanks
  10. THX j. late

B.Turn this text conversation into spoken language:

  • Wan 2go 2da cinema l8er 2nite? (слайд10)
  • Cant go 2nite. Hav a d8! Is w/end ok 4u?
  • Yes, Sat ok. Wot do u wan 2c? (слайд11)
  • Not a cartoon. I h8 cartoons! Hav u cn SpyGame?
  • No but iwan 2c! I luvbradpitt! cu@7? (слайд12)
  • Ok CW 2CU! Bbfn!
  • Want to go to the cinema later tonight?
  • Can’t go tonight. Have a date! Is weekend ok for you?Yes, Saturday OK. What do you want to see?
  • Not a cartoon. I hate cartoons! Have you seen Spy Game?
  • No but I want to see! I love Brad Pitt! See you at 7?
  • OK. Can’t wait to see you! Bye-bye for now!

Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Date :

Theme : “ Mobile Phone ”

Aims / Цели:

Социокультурный аспект - знакомство с историей появления телефона и сотового телефона; с языком СМС, его особенностями;

Развивающий аспект - развитие способности к догадке по контексту, по словообразовательным элементам; развитие внимания, памяти; развитие умения переключаться с одного вида речевой деятельности на другой;

Воспитательный аспект – формирование положительного отношения к фактам чужой культуры; развитие умения работать самостоятельно и в группе;

учебный аспект – формирование лексических навыков; развитие умения читать и слушать с целью полного понимания и извлечения конкретной информацию

Type of the lesson: combined

Visual aids: slides, cards, a table – card, new words.

Teaching methods: interactive methods, question- answer, individual work

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment: Good morning? Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it today? Who is absent today? What problem has he (she)? Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start!

II. Warm – up:

Look at the pictures , read the name of our lesson today. Who can do it? “WAN 2 TLK? SO WOT R U W8ING 4?”. Can you guess what we are going to talk about?

Yes. You’re right, about the unusual language, the language of SMS. But not only about it, about mobile phones too. I think mobile phones play a great role in our lives. We can’t imagine our lives without them now. Everybody: children, teenagers, adults use them every day. Why are they so popular?

III. Home task: Text p.66 Ex.28.3 p.67

IV. Demonstration of the new

Mobile phones , or cellular phones - Мобильные телефоны или сотовые телефоны

coverage area- зоной покрытия .

base stations- базовые станции ,

out of range- из диапазон

Reading and listening to the article about mobile phones.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones: definition and technology. Mobile phones, or cellular phones, are devices that enable

Communication to all types of telephones while moving over a wide area called the coverage area.

The term ‘cellular’ comes from the fact the phone calls are made through base stations, communication towers or antennas, which divide the coverage area into cells. As you move from cell to cell, the calls are transferred to different base stations belonging to the same or a different telephone company. This capability of mobile phones is called roaming. The phone is said to be out of range when it cannot communicate with a base station.

A brief history

-1G, First Generation phones started in the 1980s when Motorola introduced the first hand-held phones. They used analogue technology and the main drawback was the small number of channels that could be used at a time.

-In the 1990s, 2G mobiles introduced digital transmission methods that converted voice into binary information, increasing the number of channels, the speed of transmission between the phone and the base station enabling a reduction in size. The most common standard, GSM, Global System for Mobile communications, started to be used at this stage. One of the features of this technology is the of SIM cards, a type of smart card that contains the user’s information, the connection data and the phonebook. It also enables the user to change service provider without changing the handset.

-3G phones offer a high-speed data transfer capability. Some of these phones are called smart phones and combine PDA capabilities with the usual functions of a digital phone. The new communication standard, UMTS, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, enables the multimedia transmissions that are becoming common nowadays.

-New standards are being developed that will open the way to new 4G phones with an emphasis on multimedia, real-time television and radio.

Features and functions

Mobiles have become an essential part of our lives and there are many uses for them.

I’ve bought a new mobile with My mobile has programmable

Bluetooth a wireless technology, to ring tones so l can personalize my

connect my phone to other devices phone’s melodies or sounds, and

at home or in my office. It also has changeable faceplates, which make

WAP, Wireless Application Protocol the front look different. I used to

which enables access to the wireless just send SMS (short message

Web, and an integrated PDA, a service) short text messages. Now I

digital assistant, where I keep my can also take and send pictures with

appointments and sales records. the built-in digital camera.

I’m very concerned about safety

I’m mad about music so love in the car. That’s why l bought a

having a mobile which integrates hands-free kit, so l can drive and

radio and MP3, the most usual talk on the phone without taking

music file format on the Web, I can risks.

download music from the Net and

listen to it on my mobile.

-Do you know who invented the first telephone and when?

Mobile phones

by Craig Duncan

When Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, it was a revolution in communication. For the first time, people could talk to each other over great distances almost as clearly as if they were in the same room. Nowadays, though, we increasingly use Bell’s invention for emails, faxes and the internet rather than talking. Over the last two decades a new means of spoken communication has emerged: the mobile phone.

The modern mobile phone is a more complex version of the two-way radio. Traditional two-way radio was a very limited means of communication. As soon as the users moved out of range of each other’s broadcast area, the signal was lost. In the 1940s, researchers began experimenting with the idea of using a number of radio masts located around the countryside to pick up signals from two-way radios. A caller would always be within range of one of the masts; when he moved too far away from one mast, the next mast would pick up the signal. (Scientists referred to each mast’s reception area as being a separate “cell”; this is why in many countries mobile phones are called “cell phones”.)

However, 1940s technology was still quite primitive, and the “telephones” were enormous boxes which had to be transported by car.

The first real mobile telephone call was made in 1973 by Dr Martin Cooper, the scientist who invented the modern mobile handset. As soon as his invention was complete, he tested it by calling a rival scientist to announce his success. Within a decade, mobile phones became available to the public. The streets of modern cities began to feature sharp-suited characters shouting into giant plastic bricks. In Britain the mobile phone quickly became synonymous with the “yuppie”, the new breed of young urban professionals who carried the expensive handsets as status symbols. Around this time many of us swore that we would never, ever own a mobile phone.

But in the mid-90s, something happened. Cheaper handsets and cheaper calling rates meant that, almost overnight, it seemed that everyone had a mobile phone. And the giant plastic bricks of the 80s had evolved into smooth little objects that fitted nicely into pockets and bags. In every pub and restaurant you could hear the bleep and buzz of mobiles ringing and registering messages, occasionally breaking out into primitive versions of the latest pop songs. Cities suddenly had a new, postmodern birdsong.

Moreover, people’s timekeeping changed. Younger readers will be amazed to know that, not long ago, people made spoken arrangements to meet at a certain place at a certain time. Once a time and place had been agreed, people met as agreed. Somewhere around the new millennium, this practice started to die out. Meeting times became approximate, subject to change at any moment under the new order of communication: the Short Message Service (SMS) or text message. Going to be late? Send a text message! It takes much less effort than arriving on time, and it’s much less awkward than explaining your lateness face-to-face. It’s the perfect communication method for the busy modern lifestyle. Like email before it, the text message has altered the way we write in English, bringing more abbreviations and a more lax approach to language construction. The160-character limit on text messages has led to a new, abbreviated version of English for fast and instantaneous communication. Traditional rules of grammar and spelling are much less important when you’re sitting on the bus, hurriedly typing “Will B 15min late - C U @ the bar. Sorry! :-)”.

Mobile phones, once the preserve of the high-powered businessperson and the “yuppie”, are now a vital part of daily life for an enormous amount of people. From schoolchildren to pensioners, every section of society has found that it’s easier to stay in touch when you’ve got a mobile. Over the last few years mobiles have become more and more advanced, with built-in cameras, global positioning devices and internet access. And in the next couple of years, we can expect to see the arrival of the “third generation” of mobile phones: powerful micro-computers with broadband internet access, which will allow us to watch TV, download internet files at high speed and send instant video clips to friends.

Alexander Graham Bell would be amazed if he could see how far the science of telephony has progressed in less than 150 years. If he were around today, he might say: “That’s gr8! But I’m v busy rite now. Will call U 2nite.”

VI. Practice

Task 1. Choose the right variant to complete the sentences.

1. Modern mobile phone technology is based on … (a. two-way radio; b. global positioning device; c. yuppies)

2. More people bought mobile phones in the 1990s because… (a. traditional phone didn’t work anymore; b. they were bad at timekeeping; c. they became a lot cheaper)

3. The first mobile phone call took place between … (a. two scientists; b. two Scotsmen; c. two yuppies)

4. Mobile phones are sometimes called cell phones because of … (a. technical term for telephone masts; b. technical term for mobile handset; c. the number of mobile telephones in prison )

5. The first commercially available mobile phones looked like … (a. small pocket-sized objects; b. telephone masts; c. giant plastic bricks)

6. A text message saying “Gr8! Will call U 2nite” means … (a. Great! I’ll call you tonight; b. good grief! Please call William tonight; c. I’ll be 15 minutes late)

Знакомство с языком СМС, выполнение заданий в группах.

Task 2. Match the text symbols with their meanings:

Teacher: Look at the picture. What is the topic of our lesson today?
Учитель: Посмотрите на фото. Какова тема нашего урока сегодня?
I. Pronunciation drill. Listen and say after the teacher (announcer). Фонетическая зарядка. Прослушайте и произнесите слова.

mobile, phone, photos, mostly, social, over, grow
thanks, imagine, advantages, disadvantages
survey, world, worldwide, prefer, research
subscription, industry, pretty

device, reply, reliable
II. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud. Подготовьтесь к чтению текста вслух. У вас есть 1,5 минуты на подготовку и 2 минуты на чтение текста вслух. Обращайте внимание на интонацию.

The mobile phone has become an important part of our everyday life. We can’t imagine our lives without it now. Thanks to the mobile phone we can keep in contact with our relatives and friends at any time. We use them to text and to send emails, to share photos and videos. We can use the Internet and listen to music and do lots of other things. However, according to surveys, mobile phone users mostly spend their time on games and social networking. Around 80 percent of the world’s population has a mobile phone. The mobile phone industry is the fastest growing industry in the world. From 1983 to 2016, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew to over 7 billion.
III. Read the text. Transform the words in CAPITAL letters into the right grammar form. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

By today’s standards, my mobile phone is pretty basic. It’s a Nokia. It’s a small device that receives telephone calls and sends text messages. Other than that, my phone _________NOT/DO_________ much. Most of my friends wish they _________HAVE_________ smartphones because they are cool and trendy. They say the _________GOOD_________ thing about a smartphone is that you ‘can do everything with it!’ That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones _________USE_________ mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games. Grown-ups as well as ________CHILD__________ like playing games. Anyway, I prefer my good old Nokia. It’s my ________ONE__________ mobile phone. When I bought it, it didn’t cost _________I_________ very much. And I am not afraid anyone will ever steal it. It’s also very reliable. Yesterday I dropped it. It _________FLY_________ down the staircase and hit the wall. I thought that _________BE_________ the end of it and I would have to buy a new one. But nothing of the kind – it still works properly!
IV. Read the text. Transform the words in CAPITAL letters into the right grammar and lexical form. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

1. How old are you?
2. When did you get your first mobile phone?
3. What do you usually use your mobile phone for?
4. How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?
5. Do you think it’s right that mobile phones are not allowed at some schools?
6. In what places would you recommend people switch off or turn down their phones. Why?

VII. You will give a talk about mobile phones. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Составьте монологическое высказывание об использовании мобильных телефонов. У вас есть 1,5 минуты на подготовку и не более 2 минут на высказывание (10-12 предложений).
Remember to say: Раскройте следующие аспекты:

• whether you use a mobile phone
• what the advantages of using mobile phones are
• what the disadvantages of using mobile phones are
You have to talk continuously. Don’t forget to make an introduction and a conclusion. Вы должны говорить непрерывно. Не забудьте сделать вступление и заключение.

Home assignment. Домашнее задание.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Emma. Вы получили письмо от своей англо-говорящей подруги Эммы.
…My mum still can’t download new music into her mobile phone. She says when she was young, there were no mobile phones at all. I just can’t imagine that!…
. What do you use your mobile phone for? Can you do without your mobile phone and why? What other gadgets do you find the most important for you.

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.
Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Напишите ей письмо, ответив на 3 вопроса. (100-120 слов).

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