Medicine in kazakhstan план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Aims: to revise vocabulary on topic "Old or modern. Medicine as a new technology", practice speaking skill in asking for and giving advice, develop writing skills, develop listening skills, develop the skills of material systematization.

Sub-Aims: to provide further practice and consolidation of the TL; to revise and practice vocabulary, speaking, reading, listening and writing.

Personal aims: to reduce TTT.

Materials: whiteboard, marker, Enjoy English’ book, cards with words

Assumptions: Students know most of the vocabulary and grammar

Anticipated problems and solutions:

  • The learners may forget about the learning strategies of listening for detail: focus the Ss’ attention on these strategies at the end of the textbook.
  • The learners may forget how to express their opinion: remind the Ss about the necessity of giving arguments and counter arguments, make sure Ss understand it.

1. Skills Lessons


2. Language-based lessons (form, concept, phonology, appropriacy)

What is the language form?

Patient, a pharmacist, medicine, illness, ache, sore throat, bad cough, chest, joints, drugs, blood, healthcare, ribosome, nanoscale, body tissue, flagella, zinc oxide, nanoparticles, nanotechnology.

What seems to be wrong? What do you think I should do…? Why don’t you…? I’d recommend…Have you tried…? If I were you, I…

See a doctor, stay in bad, take some medicine, do exercise, go out a lot, eat healthier food, use some anesthetic, take your temperature, use a bandage, take injections.

The use of phrases of asking for and giving advice, phrases of giving and supporting arguments; topic vocabulary

Any important phonological features to point out to students?

Special attention to the pronunciation of the letter combination "ss", "ch", "ou" in word exeptions.

What problems will learners have form, meaning / concept and phonology? Mention your solutions.

The learners may mix learning strategies of listening for detail and listening for main gist - focus the Ss’ attention on it.

The learners may forget to give arguments, giving personal opinion on the topic – remind the Ss about it.

Is the issue of appropriacy relevant? Why / why not?

The issue of appropriacy is relevant because the vocabulary learnt at the previous lessons is being practised together with grammatical structures in controlled practice.






To plunge Ss into the atmosphere of the lesson.

I ask Ss to look at the board, read a medical joke to each other and say what makes it funny.



To recycle the TL,

"Listen to the conversation at p.107 ex.94 and decide whether these statements are true, false or not stated".


To use the TL in the speech.

"Now let’s role play the situations from ex. 95. Work in pairs. Some of you is a patient, another partner is a pharmacist. You may use the expressions from ex. 96".


To check Ss’ knowledge on the topic.

I ask Ss to look at the board and try to unscramble the definition of the word "Nanotechnology".


To read for main gist.

I ask Ss to read the text “What will the future of Healthcare look like?” and match the titles to the paragraphs. I ask Ss the right answers.


To develop communication and writing skills and practice TL.

I ask Ss to answer the questions:

"How can be nanotechnologies be helpful in the future? What are some of the dangers of this scientific invention?"

"Work in pairs. Find some sentences and phrases in the text that prove your opinion. Make a list of ideas".


the H/W,

pre-speaking and writing

To develop communication and writing skills.

"Choose one of the three approaches: home remedies, conventional medicine and modern technologies. In pairs you are to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of one of the approach. In your student’s book at p.109 ex. 100 you’ll find the response plan and needed vocabulary. Be ready with your arguments for the next lesson".

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Текст по теме "Медицина в Казахстане". К тексту прилагаются задания на понимание текста.

1.True / False (Верно.Неверно)

2.Answer the questions (ответить на вопросы)

3. Translate the words(первести слова)

Даны ключи и перевод.Текст можно использовать также всем изучающим английский язык самостоятельно.

It is almost impossible to imagine the modern world without medicine.

The word medicine is derived from Latin and means ‘the art of healing’. Being an ancient science, medicine has always helped to cure people from dangerous diseases. The main aim of medicine is not only to treat the illness, but also to diagnose and try to prevent it.

Contemporary medicine is so advanced that doctors can foresee the health problems of a baby yet in the womb. It became possible thanks to modern technology. The development of medicine started at ancient times, when animal parts, minerals and plants were used to cure people. It was the time of ‘herbal medicine’. Some people still follow this type of treatment and find it effective.

Middle Ages have introduced small hospitals attached to cathedrals or monasteries.

Modern medicine has brought various vaccines and antibiotics. There are also many branches and highly-qualified health professionals in modern medicine. If someone is allergic to some products or plants, he or she can see an allergist. If someone suffers from poor eyesight, he or she can address the ophthalmologist. If the problem is connected with teeth, people go to the dentist.

Nowadays, our country offers two kinds of medical service. There are state institutions which treat the local residents free of charge, and private clinics, where all services are paid and quite expensive.

Speaking of my family, we usually try to go to a state clinic if someone gets ill but it’s not always easy. You need to schedule an appointment in advance and be a resident of a region where you want to be treated.

to imagine- представить

to be derived- происходит

dangerous diseases-опасные болезни

contemporary medicine –современная медецина

suffers from- страдать от..

poor eyesight-плохое зрение

It is almost impossible to imagine the modern world with medicine (F)

The word medicine is derived from Latin and means ‘the art of healing (T)

Being an ancient science, medicine hasn’t always helped to cure people from dangerous diseases. (F)

The main aim of medicine is only to treat the illness. )(F)

Contemporary medicine is so advanced that doctors can foresee the health problems of a baby yet in the womb. ( T)

The development of medicine started at ancient times, when animal parts, minerals and plants were used to cure people. T)

Middle Ages have introduced big hospitals attached to cathedrals or monasteries. (F)

There are not so many branches and highly-qualified health professionals in modern medicine.( F)

Nowadays, our country offers one kind of medical service. (F)

You need to schedule an appointment in advance and be a resident of a region where you want to be treated. (T)

1.From what language the word medicine is derived from?

2.What is the main aim of medicine?

3. Can contemporary medicine foresee the health problems ?

4. How did middle ages introduce hospitals?

5. What will you do if you are allergic to some products or plants?

1. The word medicine is derived from Latin and means ‘the art of healing’.

2.The main aim of medicine is not only to treat the illness, but also to diagnose and try to prevent it.

3. Contemporary medicine is so advanced that doctors can foresee the health problems of a baby yet in the womb

4.Yhey were attached to cathedrals or monasteries.

5. You can see an allergist

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Subject: English

The theme of the lesson: The health system in Kazakhstan and in Great Britain

The aim of the lesson: By the end of the lesson, students should know about the health system in Kazakhstan

Educational aim: to introduce the new theme, new words and word combinations connecting with theme.

Up – bringing aim: to bring-up the interest and love to speak in English.

Developing aim: develop students’ skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing.

2. to develop memory, understanding, oral and written skills. develop student’s thinking, ability to express their opinions.

Communicative aim: talking about health

The type of lesson: presentation of the new theme, consolidation lesson

The form of lesson: traditional

Methods of teaching: demonstrative, exercises, instructions

Methods of checking: answer-question, work in groups and pairs.

Technology: using informative technology

Inter-subject connection: geography , phonetics.

The equipment of the lesson:

Visual AIDS: presentation, video

Distributing material: text

Technical means: computer, active board.

I. Introduction

Aims of the lesson.

II. Presentation

Work with vocabulary

Reading new topic

Answer for the questions according to the text

Doing some exercises to the text

III. Concluding Part

Procedure of the lesson:


Good morning , my dear students . I am very glad and happy to see all of you today .

We know that our health is very important thing in our life, we should care about it, today we will learn about the health system of Kazakhstan and GB.

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Who is absent today?

What is the weather like today?

Checking homework

What about your homework?

Ok, who is ready? Let’s start to read!

Aims of the lesson

Look at the active board. You see presentation. With what topic they related. What today we will talk at the lesson?

Yes, you are right, we are going to talk about health, about health system of our country. We will read, write, and speak English at our lesson.


Work with vocabulary

You have got the sheets with new words and expressions, which we need this lesson for our work. Please, look at them and repeat the words after me.

Health care- денсаулық сақтау

public sector-мемлекеттік сектор

Look at the presentation.

Reading new topic

Life expectancy at birth in Kazakhstan is 148 th in the world, below most developed nations and some developing nations. Its below the average life expectancy for the European Union.

The World Health Organization in 2000, ranked Kazakhstan health care system as the 64 th in overall performance, and 135 th by overall level of health.

Health care in Kazakhstan is provided by a network of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by the public sector represented by the Ministry of Health. Health insurance is now primarily provided by the government in the public sector.

Health care providers in Kazakhstan encompass individual health care personnel, health care facilities and medical products.

Enacted in 2010, new Code of Health proposed several changes in existing procedures in healthcare quality assurance.

Answer for the questions according to the text

Doing some exercises

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Which paragraph does each sentence summarize? Write the number.

Used to get, didn’t use to be, used to be, didn’t use to go, used to be, didn’t use to live, used to marry

More people used to get married in the UK than at present.

In England and Wales there___________more marriages than there are now.

People ______ together before getting married.

In general, women________to university.

People _______earlier in life.

The average age for divorce_______lower.

So my dear students, what do you understand about health care system? What is that?


In conclusion, I would like to say that its very important to know grammar if you want to speak English fluently and today we added new one to our grammar bags. Now I am sure you know more about grammar. Review English grammar like verb to be, learn how to you use it. Did you like our lesson?

Giving homework

Now, please write down your homework: read and translate the text

Marking students

Your marks for the lesson are the following. Do you have any questions? Thank you for your attention. The lesson is over. You may be free. Goodbye!

Student: Zhyngylbaeva N.Zh

Methodologist : Omarov M.K

College’s teacher: Torybaeva G.N

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Write the number.

Used to get, didn’t use to be, used to be, didn’t use to go, used to be, didn’t use to live, used to marry

More people used to get married in the UK than at present.

In England and Wales there___________more marriages than there are now.

People ______ together before getting married.

In general, women________to university.

Divorse_________so common.

People _______earlier in life.

The average age for divorce_______lower.

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Write the number.

Used to get, didn’t use to be, used to be, didn’t use to go, used to be, didn’t use to live, used to marry

More people used to get married in the UK than at present.

In England and Wales there___________more marriages than there are now.

People ______ together before getting married.

In general, women________to university.

Divorse_________so common.

People _______earlier in life.

The average age for divorce_______lower.

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Write the number.

Used to get, didn’t use to be, used to be, didn’t use to go, used to be, didn’t use to live, used to marry

More people used to get married in the UK than at present.

In England and Wales there___________more marriages than there are now.

People ______ together before getting married.

In general, women________to university.

Divorse_________so common.

People _______earlier in life.

The average age for divorce_______lower.

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Write the number.

Used to get, didn’t use to be, used to be, didn’t use to go, used to be, didn’t use to live, used to marry

More people used to get married in the UK than at present.

In England and Wales there___________more marriages than there are now.

People ______ together before getting married.

In general, women________to university.

Divorse_________so common.

People _______earlier in life.

The average age for divorce_______lower.

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Write the number.

Used to get, didn’t use to be, used to be, didn’t use to go, used to be, didn’t use to live, used to marry

More people used to get married in the UK than at present.

In England and Wales there___________more marriages than there are now.

People ______ together before getting married.

In general, women________to university.

Divorse_________so common.

People _______earlier in life.

The average age for divorce_______lower.

Health care in Kazakhstan

Life expectancy at birth in Kazakhstan is 148 th in the world, below most developed nations and some developing nations. Its below the average life expectancy for the European Union.

The World Health Organization in 2000, ranked Kazakhstan health care system as the 64 th in overall performance, and 135 th by overall level of health.

Health care in Kazakhstan is provided by a network of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by the public sector represented by the Ministry of Health. Health insurance is now primarily provided by the government in the public sector.

Health care providers in Kazakhstan encompass individual health care personnel, health care facilities and medical products.

Enacted in 2010, new Code of Health proposed several changes in existing procedures in healthcare quality assurance.

Health care in Kazakhstan

Life expectancy at birth in Kazakhstan is 148 th in the world, below most developed nations and some developing nations. Its below the average life expectancy for the European Union.

The World Health Organization in 2000, ranked Kazakhstan health care system as the 64 th in overall performance, and 135 th by overall level of health.

Health care in Kazakhstan is provided by a network of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by the public sector represented by the Ministry of Health. Health insurance is now primarily provided by the government in the public sector.

Health care providers in Kazakhstan encompass individual health care personnel, health care facilities and medical products.

Enacted in 2010, new Code of Health proposed several changes in existing procedures in healthcare quality assurance.

Health care in Kazakhstan

Life expectancy at birth in Kazakhstan is 148 th in the world, below most developed nations and some developing nations. Its below the average life expectancy for the European Union.

The World Health Organization in 2000, ranked Kazakhstan health care system as the 64 th in overall performance, and 135 th by overall level of health.

Health care in Kazakhstan is provided by a network of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by the public sector represented by the Ministry of Health. Health insurance is now primarily provided by the government in the public sector.

Health care providers in Kazakhstan encompass individual health care personnel, health care facilities and medical products.

Enacted in 2010, new Code of Health proposed several changes in existing procedures in healthcare quality assurance.

Health care in Kazakhstan

Life expectancy at birth in Kazakhstan is 148 th in the world, below most developed nations and some developing nations. Its below the average life expectancy for the European Union.

The World Health Organization in 2000, ranked Kazakhstan health care system as the 64 th in overall performance, and 135 th by overall level of health.

Health care in Kazakhstan is provided by a network of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by the public sector represented by the Ministry of Health. Health insurance is now primarily provided by the government in the public sector.

Health care providers in Kazakhstan encompass individual health care personnel, health care facilities and medical products.

Enacted in 2010, new Code of Health proposed several changes in existing procedures in healthcare quality assurance.

Health care in Kazakhstan

Life expectancy at birth in Kazakhstan is 148 th in the world, below most developed nations and some developing nations. Its below the average life expectancy for the European Union.

The World Health Organization in 2000, ranked Kazakhstan health care system as the 64 th in overall performance, and 135 th by overall level of health.

Health care in Kazakhstan is provided by a network of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by the public sector represented by the Ministry of Health. Health insurance is now primarily provided by the government in the public sector.

Health care providers in Kazakhstan encompass individual health care personnel, health care facilities and medical products.

Enacted in 2010, new Code of Health proposed several changes in existing procedures in healthcare quality assurance.

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Technology touches every aspect of the modern world. In all spheres of our life technological advances can change the way things work. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time.

Modern Technology in Medicine.

Білімділік Дидактическая To know and use the terms that are useful for analyzing language: role of techniques in Modern life;

Дамытушылық Развивающая recognize layers of meaning in the text, assemble ideas;

ТәрбиелікВоспитывающая educate cognitive interest of students to analyze grammatical features of construction of the statements in the English and Russian languages.

Сабақтын типі (тұрпаты)

Combined lesson. Practical method.

Сабақтын барысы Ход урока

1. Бағдарлану – мотивациялық блок Мотивационно – ориентировочный блок

Сабақтың тақырыбын шығу, жазу

Выход на тему, запись темы урока

Good morning, class. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? How are you? What date is it today?And what day of the week is it today ?

Оқу мақсатын қою

Постановка цели, задач урок

to fasten lexical and a reading and dialogical skills on the topic.

Сабақтың барысымен танысу Знакомство с ходом урока

Білім жаңғыртуы Актуализация знаний

sample control work

2. Жана материалды мазмұндау (баяндау)Изложение нового материала

Technology touches every aspect of the modern world. In all spheres of our life technological advances can change the way things work. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time.

Modern technology has changed the way the health care is organized. The discovery of modern computers helps a lot: patients files are kept on computers and these files are often kept on a central database so they can be accessed from anywhere in a hospital. This remarkably saves time, especially for such tasks as sending a patient’s file and X-rays. A process that used to take up to a week can be completed within an hour. In recent years major advancements have been made in medical equipment. These technological breakthroughs cover a wide array of medical field and treatment including cardiology, neurology, gynaecology and reproductive health.

As technology has advanced more ways have been discovered to find out what’s wrong with a patient without having to cut him open. X-ray technology and radioactive dyes often allow doctors to see inside a patient without making a single incision. Tissue biopsy and other methods can also be used to get small samples with minimal pain and suffering. Less invasive surgeries are also possible with the use of cameras and smaller incisions in the patient’s body.

The science of surgical care has advanced further in the last 50 years than in all preceding years combined. Complicated procedures such as natural and artificial organ transplants, xenotransplantants (organs transplanted from animals), neurosurgery (brain surgery), coronary artery bypass surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery were rare, if not completely unknown, 50 years ago but these procedures are becoming more commonplace today. What is more, surgical operations generally have become far less invasive, thus, requiring in many cases little if any hospital stay. As a result, the overall cost of these procedures has decreased dramatically in terms of both the financial costs to patients (and their insurance companies) as well as recovery costs to patients in terms of lost wages and physical and emotional strain. In short, advances in surgery and medical technology have allowed many more people to live healthier and longer lives than at any preceding time in history.

Unfortunately, while technology has produced an enormous number of benefits for mankind, it has also led to a number of new problems and woes in the modern world. Symptoms of everyday aches and pains are now considered to be symptoms of disease because technology has made medical knowledge more widespread. In addition, technology is more of a crutch for modern health care, convincing people to solve their woes through pharmacology rather than through more traditional or natural methods. For every disease that is cured, additional diseases are discovered through or sometimes caused by technological advances.

Рефлексия бақылау блогы Рефлексивно – оценочный блок

Білімдерін бекіту Закрепление знаний

Answer the questions:

1. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time, don’t they?

2. How can computer discovery help in organization of doctor-patient cooperation?

3. What fields of medicine do technological breakthroughs cover?

4. What diagnostic method is used to get small sample of tissue with minimal pain?

5. What are xenotransplantants?

6. Brain surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery are becoming more commonplace today, aren’t they?

7. Have surgical operations become more or less invasive?

8. Have modern medical technologies led to any problems in the modern world?

9. What is a negative influence of new medical technologies on people?

Нәтижелерді жинақтап, қортындылау

Обобщение результатов, подведение итогов Conclusion of the lesson.

Тип урока: комбинированный

  • Практическая: формирование коммуникативной компетенции и приобщение к миру медицины;
  • Образовательная: подвести итог знаниям и умениям учащихся в рамках изученной темы;
  • Развивающая: развитие логического мышления, внимания, умения сопоставлять;
  • Воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся чувство сострадания и милосердия к ближнему, заставить учащихся осознать, как важно заботиться о своём здоровье.

Задачи: совершенствовать у учащихся навыки аудирования и чтения на английском языке с использованием медицинских терминов в рамках подготовки к ЕГЭ и поступления в медицинские вузы.

Оборудование к уроку: ноутбук, проектор, экран, CD-проигрыватель, раздаточный материал (ответные листы).

Этап урока Приёмы и методы Время(мин)
1 Reading Чтение текстов и заполнение пропусков 3 мин
2 Fill in the prepositions Вставить предлоги по смыслу 3 мин
3 Complete the sentences Дополнить предложения словами по смыслу 3 мин
4 Match the parts of the sentences Подобрать предложению его недостающую часть 3 мин
5 Match the words with their definitions Найти значение слова 3 мин
6 Listening Аудирование с опорой на текст 4 мин
7 Paraphrase Переделать предложения, сохранив их смысл 8 мин
8 Word formation Словообразование. Образовать подходящие слова от предложенных. 3 мин
9 Choose the right variant Чтение текста и выбор правильных вариантов из предложенных 3 мин
10 Guess the word Угадай слово, начинающееся с определённой буквы 6 мин
11 Подведение итогов 1 мин

Пояснительная записка

Ход урока

Вступительное слово учителя.

The topic of our lesson today is health and medicine. Our lesson will be held in a form of a competition between two teams. Let’s look at the plan of our lesson.

Students look at the plan and see what stages it consists of.

The teacher: Read the text and complete the words from the beginning letter. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

Students are given sheets of paper to do the reading.

The teacher: While our jury is checking the points let’s see the answers.

The jury counts the points and gives the number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to fill in the prepositions into the sentences. Your time is limited up to three minutes.

Students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is counting your points let’s see the answers and read them.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is checking your points let’s look at the answers and read them aloud.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to match the first part with the second part of these sentences. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is checking your points let’s look at the answers and read them aloud.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to match the words with their definitions. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is checking your points let’s look at the answers and read them.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is listening. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in your sheets. You will hear the conversation twice.

The students listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information.

The teacher: While the jury is checking your points let’s look at the answers.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to change the sentences using phrasal verbs so that they could remain similar in meaning. Do not change the given word. You will be given two points for every right answer. Your time will be limited to eight minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is counting your points let’s look at the answers and read them aloud.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is word building. Use the words in the boxes to form one word that fits in the same numbered space in the text. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. Let’s look at the answers and read them aloud while the jury is counting your points.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to read the text and choose the correct word for each space. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. Let’s look at the answers and read them aloud while the jury is checking your points.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your last task is to complete the words beginning with the definite letter. They are all parts of a human body. Your time will be limited up to six minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is checking your answers and counting your points let’s read the answers aloud.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Now let’s ask the jury about your total score and see which team has won today.

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