Looking at qualities in people план урока 9 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

социокультурный аспект — знакомство с советами, которые обычно получают британские подростки, когда они сталкиваются с проблемой поиска работы, с фактами культуры (City Hall, workingcard, the mall), с отрывком из рассказа The Red-Headed League by A. Conan Doyle;

метапредметные результаты (развивающий аспект):

познавательные — умения пользоваться логическими действиями сравнения, анализа, классификации по различным признакам, устанавливать аналоги, работать с прочитанным текстом: выделять нужную информацию, строить логическое заключение и делать выводы;

коммуникативные — владение монологической формой речи в соответствии с грамматическими и синтаксическими нормами АЯ;

предметные результаты (учебный аспект): формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения;

сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения; развитие умений читать с целью понимания основного содержания, понимать внутреннюю связь частей текстапосредством местоимений.

продуктивный: лексический — новый: to apply, to fill in, to find out, to get on, to go into, to look out for, to look through, to put in, to think over, to turn up + материал, усвоенный на двухпредыдущих уроках; для повторения: to come up with, to get on with, to get up, to look for, to make up, to put on, to read through, to think of, to turn on/off, to turn out (to be), to work out;

грамматический — новый: phrasal verbs;

рецептивный: лексический — application.

1. В упражнении происходит презентация и первичная автоматизация новых ЛЕ. После того как учащиеся узнают значения новых ЛЕ и разделят советы на две группы, необходимо обратиться к грамматическому справочнику и объяснить им, на какие три группы делятся фразовые глаголы. В “Word Box” новые ЛЕ представлены в этих трёх группах.

После знакомства с пояснениями в грамматическом справочнике рекомендуется сделать упражнение 1 из рабочей тетради, при выполнении которого происходит сравнение глагольных идиом с похожими глаголами с предлогами, а также первичная автоматизация употребления глагольных идиом, состоящих из двух частей: глагола и наречия/предлога с последующим дополнением, особенно когда дополнение выражено местоимением.

Ключи к упражнению 1.1) из рабочей тетради: 1 а положил . в, b подал; 2 а нашёл . на улице, b обнаружил (раскрыл); 3 а вдаваться, b пойти; 4 а посмотрел через, b проверил; 5 а думает, bпридумать; 6 а надел, b положил . на. Предложения, в которых употреблены фразовые глаголы: 0a, 1b, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6a.

Ключи к упражнению 1.2) из рабочей тетради: 1) He looked through them. 2) He had to go into them. 3) He put them in. 4) He’s been looking out for it for six months. 5) He put them on. 6) He thought it over. 7) He thought of it. 8) He made it up. 9) He found it out on the website.

2. Следует обратить внимание учащихся на то, что послелоги из второй колонки таблицы могут быть использованы несколько раз. Также следует обратить внимание учащихся на интонационное оформление советов: глаголы с послелогами представляют собой единое целое, и паузу следует делать между послелогом и предлогом (в ключах показано при помощи //).

Ключи: If you want to get work experience, start to look out for a suitable job well in advance.

Never say anything that isn’t true or make up information about yourself.

It is important to find out the name and the position of the person who will read your application.

Try to put your applications in // at a lot of places.

Any applications should be filled in // as accurately as possible.

Before the interview look through your application form and CV.

Experience and qualifications will help to get on // in your career.

The interview may turn out to be longer than you think.

Leave home early not to turn up late for the interview.

2. 2) Рекомендуется сделать упражнение 2 из рабочей тетради.

Ключи к упражнению 2 из рабочей тетради: (1) looking for; (2) think of; (3) Find out; (4) Look through; (5) think over; (6) go into; (7) make up; (8) fill in; (9) Read through/Look through; (10) come up with; (11) get up; (12) Put on.

3. Ключи: It was July 16, 2011 and I was at City Hall to do something that would change my life forever. I went to Room 302 and got my working card. I was ready to get a job.

First, I filled in applications. I put in over 100 applications at restaurants, clothing stores and hotels. I kept looking for a job, and I decided to go to one restaurant because my good school friend worked there, and he told me they needed people. I thought it might turn out to be successful.

One day, when I came home and turned on the answering machine, there was a message on it. It was a job! A lady from a supermarket called me for an interview on Tuesday. I was very excited. This was my first interview. On Sunday, I got up early, my mom and I went shopping for a dress. I put on this dress on Tuesday. The lady asked me a lot of questions, but I thought over the answers the day before.

I didn’t get the job, but I found out that you can’t get a job easily. It’s very hard work.

Дополнительное упражнение: Можно предложить учащимся заменить существительные местоимениями. Какие изменения произойдут в структурах с фразовыми глаголами?

4. Домашнее задание: рабочая тетрадь, упр. 3, 4; книга для чтения, упр. 3.

Ключи к упражнению 3 из рабочей тетради: 1 — F — j преуспеть на экзамене; 2 — H — f ладить с одноклассниками; 3 — J — e искать преступника; 4 — A — i подыскивать квартиру; 5/6 — C — d загримировать под старика; 6/5 — B — b выдумывать интересную историю; 7 — G — g надевать нарядную одежду; 8 — K — c выключать свет, когда уходишь; 9 — I — a включать компьютер и проверять почту; 10 — E — h оказаться успешным; 11 — D — k приходить рано.

Ключи к упражнению 4 из рабочей тетради: (1) put; (2) look; (3) fill; (4) turn; (5) Think; (6) filling; (7) turns.

Цель: Содействовать учащимся в выборе будущей профессии. Формировать психологическую готовность подростка к профессиональной карьере.


-развивать у учащихся умение общаться на английском языке;

-продолжать знакомство с деловым английским;

-продолжать формирование базы для развития устной и письменной речи;


-развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся;

-формировать умения выделять главное, умение сравнивать и анализировать;


-Развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления;

-Содействовать профориентации учащихся;

Дидактический материал:

Учебник “New Millennium” 9 класс, рабочая тетрадь, карточки с заданиями, резюме учащихся.

Оснащение: ТСО (магнитофон, проектор), кроссворд.

I. Организационный момент

T-Hello everybody! I hope that you will be interested in object of our discussion which is “Applying for a job. Some tips for the Applicants”

T- Now I’d like to begin our lesson with the funny businessman’ quotation. Look at our board.

“Business in Russia is an exiting and gripping adventure with unpredictable consequences”

-Will you translate this quotation?

II. Основной момент

1. T- Look at the board, please. You see some words, which will be necessary during our lesson. Let’s read them together.

a profession – профессия

an interview – собеседование

a resume – автобиография в табличной форме

a delivery – доставка, поставка

a customer – заказчик

an experience – опыт

to influence – влиять

an employer – работодатель

2. Т- Would you like to do the crossword.

-Yes, why not. Now, answer my questions.

1. Where do you study? (school)

2. After finishing the university? What would you like to get? (a job)

3. Where would you like to work? ( a firm)

4. To be hire on a job? What must you fill in? (a resume)

5. Where must you discuss your resume with more detail? (an interview)

6. What would be your advantage? (an experience)

7. What language is as language of international communication must you know? (English)

8. Who must you discuss many questions with? (a customer)

9. What questions must you discuss? ( a delivery)

10. What is your future profession?

T- Thank you for your answers. Let’s find out, what job we’ve got in the middle of our crossword?

3. T- There are lots of adverts we can see in magazines, newspapers, TV and so on about professions.

-Let’s read some of then and answer the questions.

TF Consultancy is a business consulting company. Typing speed is at least 50 wpm, the ability to take shorthand dictation and knowledge procedures are essential requirements. The basic for the salary for the position is $ 14, 000 pa.

Enquires to T. Burger 525-5897

Wpm=words per minute – слов в минуту

1. What typing speed is required?

2. What other skills is required?

3. How can obtain more information?

Word Processor Operator

Application are invited for full-time operator to work in an office associated with the building industry.

Only experienced operators need apply.

Apply in writing to: The Personal Officer.

38 Greenhill Rd.

Full-time – на полную ставку

Personal – отдел кадров

1. Is this full-time or part time position?

2. Is it necessary to have experience for this job?

3. How should one apply?

T- Well done. Thanks a lot. We are going on our lesson.

4. T- When you apply for the job you need to provide a resume which gives the employer to get an important information about you.

-What kind of information do you think an employer might need to know about you?

- Let’s read Emily Lewis’ resume, and then answer the questions.

1997-98: Cashier, TAFE College

1997: certificate of Secondary, West Hill High School, New York

1999: Diploma of Secretarian Studies, Hamilton Secretarian College, New York

Typing (50 wpm) Bookkeeping

Gardening and tennis

1. Where does Emily live?

2. Where did she go to school?

3. What does she do at present?

4. How fast can she type?

5. What does she like to do in her spare time?

T- OK, I hope we’ve found out what general information is required to provide a resume. And we’ve also learnt how to fill only the important facts.

5. T- Now, I’d like you to tell me what personal qualities do you think are necessary to get a job?

Accurate- внимательный intelligent- умный

Ambitious- честолюбивый neat – аккуратный

Competent- знающий punctual- пунктуальный

Energetic- энергичный reliable- надежный

Experienced – опытный strong- сильный

Т- Don’t forget these qualities even at school. Learn by heart at home.

6. T-Let’s try to have a look on getting a job from the point of view of an employer who wants to hire a good specialist. Let’s read and translate some tips.

If your employer likes your resume you will get an interview. An interview is a final step when your employer meets you in personal asks you questions and some tests your abilities. But there are situations when you don’t even realize you are being tested.

A very successful South West Airlines, one of American’s most attractive employers says: “We are not interested in qualifications or experience. We can train that kind of stuff. We look for people with a nice personality and sense of humor.”

Another successful employer once told that for him the best indicator of potential management ability is an application driving style. The best interview usually takes place in a car and the applicant has to answer questions while driving through city traffic.

T- If you were an employer, what way would you choose to hire a good specialist?

-Thank you very much! I believe you’ll be very good employers.

III. Заключительный момент

T- You are great! I hope you’ve got a lot of important information for your future job.

Презентация по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса на тему

Презентация по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса на тему "Hobbies and Qualities. Looking at qualities in people.

G9. 1 Unit Hobbies and Qualities

G9. 1 Unit Hobbies and Qualities

G9. 1 Unit
Hobbies and Qualities

Match the verbs below with the multi-part verbs in italics in the sentences

Match the verbs below with the multi-part verbs in italics in the sentences

Match the verbs below with the multi-part verbs in italics in the sentences

Geoff never lets things get him down.
Alice doesn’t give up easily and always gets on with her work in class.
My mum gets on with most people and she loves get together with her friends.
Tom is good at art would like to take up photography.
Charlie is always getting at me.
Mary puts up with lot of critics.

stop trying, depress, have a good relationship with,
continue doing something, criticize, tolerate, meet, start doing (a hobby or a sport)

Being a personality is not the same as having a personality”

Being a personality is not the same as having a personality”

“Being a personality is not the same as having a personality”

Theme: Looking at qualities in people

Learning and lesson objectives 9

Learning and lesson objectives 9

Learning and lesson objectives use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics understand most specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about an increased range of general and curricular topics plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little or no support on a range of general and curricular topics write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

Vocabulary work. Students are organized to work in pairs

Vocabulary work. Students are organized to work in pairs

Vocabulary work. Students are organized to work in pairs

Choose the key words that describe each person in Ex.1
Key Words: Personality Adjectives
bad-tempered, cheerful, confident, creative, critical, disorganized, dynamic, generous, hard-working, honest, helpful, insensitive, moody, outgoing, persistent, patient, positive, shy, sociable, selfish, stubborn, sympathetic, tolerant

Choose one of the chocolates.

Choose one of the chocolates.

Choose one of the chocolates.

Listening 1 Then listen to the radio programme

Listening 1 Then listen to the radio programme

Then listen to the radio programme.
Do you agree with the description of your personality?

Listen to the descriptions of a girl and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)

Listen to the descriptions of a girl and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)

Listen to the descriptions of a girl and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)

Lucy sometimes changes the colour of her hair. T
She is good-looking as a model. T
One of her favourite hobbies is walking F
She is a person that her friends can rely on. T
She could work harder at school if she wanted. F
The best time of the day for her is the morning. F
She is very organized and tidy. F
She is a friendly, outgoing person T

Listen to the description again and complete the

Listen to the description again and complete the

Listen to the description again and complete the Function File

1. Appearance:
What does she 1 look like? She’s usually got 2 blond hair. And she sometimes 3 wear in a pony tail. Everyone says she 4 looks like a model!
2. Interests:
What does she like? She likes 5 listening to music, rock music-
she’s always 6 got her Walkman on!
3. Personality: What is she 7 like ?
She’s got a lovely 8 personality, you know.
She sometimes 9 seems a bit disorganized, but really she’s totally 10 reliable.
And she’s 11 always helping other students.
She always 12 does her best.
She can be a bit 13 difficult in the morning
She’s always 14 smiling and will always do 15 anything to help
She’ always 14 __________ and will always 15 _______________ to help
She’ always 14 __________ and will always 15 _______________ to help

Writing Preparation for writing 1

Writing Preparation for writing 1

Preparation for writing
1. Read the description, My grandmother. Which paragraphs(1-3) are these topics in?
likes and dislikes
2. Which of the underlined linking expressions in the description give examples

Write a description of a person you know and like

Write a description of a person you know and like

Write a description of a person you know and like

Write three paragraphs.
Use linking words.
Include these topics in the description:
likes and dislikes

Peer-assessment Name_________________________

Peer-assessment Name_________________________

Assessed by____________________
Theme: writing a description of a person you know and like

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Тема урока: Public Services. Jobs and qualities.

Создать условия для развития логического мышления, языковой догадки.

Обеспечить условия для формированя навыков самостоятельной и групповой учебной деятельности.


Презентация к уроку

1 м/м Адаптивно-преобразующий

I Организационный момент

During this module we are going to:

Practice listening and speaking skill, actind gigs;

Do a linguistic research;

Activate our gramar skills

Self-evaluate our activities

You are in pairs, take a picture and mime what people do at these public institutions. Use the tips

Can we (activity) there?

Yes, you can (activity) there.

No, you can’t (activity) there.

Are you a (profession)?

Do you work at a (public service)?

Right you are. Bingo!

No, you are wrong.

(Дети показывают и отгадывают пантомиму, называя учреждения и для чего они нужны, заполняют лист самооценки)

- As you have already guessed, at tis lesson we are going to discuss Public Services, jobs and qualities.

- What is the noun “service” derived from? ( service – serve- do some favour; public service – do some favour for public)

- Is it easy to serve people? (People need to have some paticular qualities to do their work properly)

“Jobs Race” – сорбонка – заполнение листов самооценки

(pupils read the definitions and answer the questions)

Подведение итогов 1 минимодуля

Is it easy to serve people?

What qualities must people have to serve another people?

2 м/м Адаптивно-преобразующий

Тренировка в употреблении лексических единиц по теме в устной и письменной речи

“Word Jumble”- листы самооценки

You have flashcards on your desks,take them, read the words , come to the blackbosrd if your word is matched to the saying

“ Choose s job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”

-Those, who are at the blackboard, occupy red sector, the others please occupy green one

(На столах учащихся карточки со словами по количеству присутствующих, дети дополняют высказывание нужными словами. Выполныы инструкции, класс делится на 2 группы)

Argue this saying.

Writing. Mind-maps - листы самооценки

You are in two groups. Look at ex.2, p. 96 in your SBs. You have mind-maps on your desks, fill them with the help of the exercice and the tips on the blackboard.

(Заполнение шаблонов и листов самооценки)

Relaxation. Workout for eyes.

Follow my instructions

Listening and Reading. Ex. 3, p. 96 – листы самооценки

Look at ex.3, p. 96 in your SBs, read the sentences to make exchanges, then listen and check

Rise your hands those,who hasn’t made any mistake

Speaking. Dialogues – листы самооценки

You are in pairs, select the situation and act it out. Use the tips from the ex. 3,p. 96 ( ученики выбирают описание языковой ситуации и готовят диалоги)

Подведение итогов 2 минимодуля

• What qualities do you need…

3 м/м Адаптивно-преобразующий

What is the difference in meaning?

Тренировка в употреблении местоимений в устной и письменной речи EX.7, p.97 (самостоятельное выполнение упражнения и коллективная проверка) – листы самооценки

Ø содействовать воспитанию интереса к изучению английского языка.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: Обобщающее повторение.

Цель и основные задачи :

Методы и методические приемы : словесные, наглядные, практические; беседа, рассказ, объяснение, показ, самостоятельная работа, работа в парах.

Тип урока : Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Технологии: ИКТ, здоровьесберегающие.

Планируемый результат : уметь: применять в речи изученную лексику и грамматические правила.

  1. Организация начала урока. Рефлексия
  1. Приветствие
  • Good morning, my dear friends.

I’m glad to see you. How are you today? I hope you are fine. Sit down, please.

  1. Сдача раппорта
  • Who is on duty?
  • Who is absent?
  • What date is it today?
  • What week’s day of today?
  • What season is it now?
  • Look through the windows and tell me what the weather of today is?
  • Thank you for your answers.
  1. Повторение и обобщение изученного материала
  1. Речевая разминка

— Hello, Vika. Nice to see you. How are you? (I ат fine, thank уои. How are you?)

— I am fine, too. And what about you, Lina? How are you? (I ат fine, thank уои.)

— I am glad to hear that. The weather is nice today, isn't it? (Oh, yes. I agree with уои. It is rather warm.)

— Ira, I’d like to ask you а question. (You are welcome. What would you like to ask те about?)

— Have you chosen your future profession? ( Yes, I have. I ат going to be а teacher.)

— Why have you chosen this profession? (Му mother is а teacher of litеraturе. 1 like to work with children.)

— Andrei, do you want to be а journalist? (No, I don '1. I don'1 want to be а journalist.)

— Are you going to be а doctor? ( Yes, I am. I think it is а noble profession. 1like to help people.)

— Alina, do you like to look after people? (Yes, I do. I am ready to help other people. )

— Alina, are you practical? Why do you think so? Etc.

Учитель в быстром темпе задает вопросы и побуждает детей отвечать на них.

— Thank you very much for your answers.

  1. Тренировка фонетических и орфографических навыков

— The first task for you is to complete some word combinations on the cards. Fill in the missing letters in the words and translated them. Who is ready to read the words? Can you translate the words? Let's read the word combinations аll together.

Let's read them in pairs Exchange the cards and check up your partner's work.

Учащимся предлагается вставить пропущенные буквы в слова на карточках в течение двух минут. Затем учащиеся по цепочке читают и переводят слова. Также необходимо прочитать слова хором и в парах. Для контроля орфографических навыков ученики в парах меняются карточками, а учитель открывает на доске заранее сделанную запись правильного - варианта написания данных слов.

Complete the following word combinations:

K_nd of jo_, to w_rk ha_d,to be ri_h and fam_us, to wor_ аbr_ad, р_rents' attit_des, to be ne_essary for the j_b, to make а са_eer, wor_ing on your ow_, sk_lls and qu_lificatio_s.

Кеуs: Kind of job, to work hard, to be rich and famous, to work abroad, parents' attitudes, to be necessary for the job; to make а career, working on уоur own, skills and qualifications.

— Jobs can be attractive and not attractive. Look at the blackboard and guess the qualities that make the jobs attractive.

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к зашифрованным словам, заранее записанным на доске. Ученики должны расшифровать слово и правильно записать прилагательное (характеристику привлекательной работы) на английском и русском языках. Время для выполнения задания — три минуты. Ученики, которые правильно расшифровали и перевели слова, получают по одной звезде. Ученик, который хуже всех справился с заданием, выбывает из игры.

GITIOUS PRES (prestigious)

— The next task for you is to remember compound words which are the names of jobs and have — man as the final element.

(А congressman, а policeman, а salesman, а dustman, а milkman, etc.)

Учитель предлагает участникам вспомнить и записать английские слова — названия профессий, которые включают в себя — man. Участники выполняют задание в течение 2 — 3 минут, а затем зачитывают свои слова. Ученики, составившие наибольшее количество правильных слов, получают звезды.

— The next task for you is to complete the sentences with the words on the cards. You will have 10 sentences and 5 minutes to complete them with the following words.

Учащиеся получают задание на карточке, которое выполняется ими в течение пяти минут. Ученики должны подставить слова в предложения. При проверке данного задания ученики по очереди зачитывают предложения и переводят их. В некоторых предложениях возможно два и более вариантов ответа.

Примерное задание на карточке:

Complete the sentences with the following words: successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, noble, prestige ous, librarian, fireman.

1. А profession of photographer is very .

2. My sister says that teaching is а . profession.

3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is .

4. Careers of computer programmer are very . nowadays.

5. My cousin wants to be an .

6. Will you write your . on this form?

7. А . is а person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read.

8. I am sure that the profession of а . is rather dangerous.

9. His . as а driver came to an end after а bad road accident.

10. I am going to be а . because I like animals and birds.

1) creative; 2) noble; 3) responsible; 4) successful; 5) architect;

6) occupation; 7) librarian; 8) fireman; 9) career; 10) vet.

— Look at the blackboard, please. Put the letters in the following words in the correct order and read the names of the professions.

Задание для учеников: поставить буквы в словах в правильном порядке и прочитать названия профессий. Данное задание может быть оформлено на карточках, в таком случае оно выполняется детьми индивидуально и карточки собираются на проверку.

Примерное задание на доске или на карточке:

Put the letters in the following words in the correct order and read (translate) the words:



Hands apart, my hands up, clap

Hands down, my hands on hips

Bend left, bend right

Go, fly, climb, and swim.

Look around, look up, look down, look to the left, look to the right

Blink quickly, close your eyes, open your eyes and look to the distance.

— Do you like to play? Listen to me carefully and nаmе the profession. If you guess more professions than other pupils you will win. Are you ready to start? Give names to the description of the jobs.

Примерные загадки для учащихся:

1. А person whose job is to work with electricity. (An electrician.)

2. А person who owns а travel agency or works there and whose business is to arrange travels. (А travel agent.)

3. А person who makes and sells medicines. ( А chemist.)

4. А person who prepares or organizes the process of issuing а newspaper, а periodical or books. (An editor)

5. А person who helps people with the law or talk for them in а court. (А lawyer)

6. А person who works at school and whose job is to teach children. ( А teacher)

7. А person trained to look after sick animals. ( А veterinarian.)

8. А person who welcomes people arriving at а hotel, at а place of business, or people visiting а doctor. (А receptionist.)

9. А person who works to improve bad social conditions and help people in need. ( А social worker)

10. А person who work in а hospital and helps doctors. ( А пиrsе.)

11. А person who can repair the pipes in the bathroom. ( А plumber)

12.А person who makes а plan of а house you are going to build. (An architect.)

13.А person who can repair your broken wooden things. ( А carpenter.)

14.А person who works in а shop and helps the customers to find what they want. ( А shop assistant)

15.А person who types papers and helps the boss. (А secretary)

16. А person who cuts, washes and styles people's hair, especially women's hair . (А hairdresser)

17. А person who takes pictures. ( А photographer)

18. А person who mends or pulls out bad teeth. ( А dentist.)

Учитель привлекает внимание учеников к словам, записанным на карточках. Задание для учеников: поставить буквы в словах в правильном порядке, чтобы получились названия профессий. Учитель готовит задание на карточках в двух вариантах.

Примерное задание на карточке:

Put the letters in the following words in the correct order and translate the words:

TER RIW (dentist)

Put the letters in the following words in the correct order and translate the words:

— So you can see that the winner of our game is …. Now it is his "Star Hour".

Thank you for the game.

See you next week.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

разработка урока английского языкав 5 классе "Встреча с корреспондентами журнала"по УМК М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English"

Методическая разработка урока английского языка 10 класса по теме "Внешность и характер человека".

Данная разработка урока с использованием презентации, заданий по аудированию и чтению может быть использована на уроках английского языка старшей школы.

"Enjoy English" Разработка урока английского языка 5 класс (УМК К. И. Кауфман "Happy English.ru")

Разработки к уроку английского языка в 5 классе по теме "Enjoy English". Представлен подробный план урока, алгоритм проведения урока, рекламный проспект, опоры к уроку, таблица МХК учащихся данного кл.

Данный материал позволяет повторить знание алфавита, лексики по теме "Животные". В разработке заложен мультфильм про тигренка и игра-пазл на развитие памяти.

Разработка урока английского языка 2 класс

Тема:"Зимние и летние виды спорта".

Цели урока: В игровой форме организовать повторение и обобщение изученного материала.

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