Kazakh films план урока 6 класс

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

There are three goats. There’s a little goat. There’s a big goat. And there’s a very big goat.
The three goats like grass.
“I’m hungry!” says the very big black goat. “I’m very hungry!” says the big red goat.
The three goats see a river. They see green, green grass. “Look!” says the little goat. “Look at the grass!”
The three goats see a bridge. But there’s a troll under the bridge. He’s a bad troll. “This is my bridge!” says the troll.
The three goats see the troll. “Look!” says the big red goat. “There’s a troll!”
The three goats are very hungry. They want the grass. They want the green, green grass.
The little goat goes on to the bridge. “Tip! Tap!” go his feet.
The troll hears the little goat. “Who’s on my bridge?” he says. “It’s me”, says the little goat. “I want to eat the grass.”
The troll is hungry. “Come here!” he says. “I want to eat you”.
“Please, don’t eat me!” says the little goat. “I’m little. Wait for the next goat. He’s big”.
The troll listens. The troll thinks. “OK”, says the troll. And the little goat goes over the bridge.
The big goat goes on to the bridge. “Tip! Tap!” go his feet.
The troll hears the big goat. “Who’s on my bridge?” he says. “It’s me”, says the big goat. “I want to eat the grass.”
The troll is hungry. “Come here!” he says. “I want to eat you”.
“Please, don’t eat me!” says the big goat. “Wait for the next goat. He’s very big”.
The troll listens. The troll thinks. “OK”, says the troll. And the big goat goes over the bridge.
The very big goat goes on to the bridge. “Tip! Tap!” go his feet.
The troll hears the very big goat. “Who’s on my bridge?” he says. “It’s me”, says the big goat. “I want to eat the grass.”
But the troll is hungry. “Come here!” he says. “I want to eat you”.
“OK. Here I come!” says the very big goat. He runs at the troll. “Tip! Tap! Tip! Tap!” go his feet.
The very big goat runs at the troll. He hits him.
Up goes the troll. Up goes the very big troll. Up, up, up.
“Help!” he says. Down comes the troll. Down comes the bad troll. Down, down, down. “Help!” he says.
And the very big goat goes over the bridge.
The bad troll goes away .He doesn’t come back.
“Good-bye, troll!” the goats say. The three goats eat the grass. They eat the green, green grass. They’re happy.

How many goats are there?
What colour are they?
What colour is the very big goat?
What colour is the little goat?
What do they want to eat?
Do they go over the bridge?
Who is under the bridge?
Does troll eat the goats?
Who runs at the troll?
Does the troll come back?
What do the goats say?
Вопросы для перевода:
1. Сколько в сказке козликов?
2. Какого они цвета?
3. Какого цвета самый большой козлик?
4. Какого цвета маленький козлик?
5. Что они хотят съесть?
6. Они переходят через мост?
7. Кто под мостом?
8. Тролль ест козликов?
9. Кто бежит на тролля?
10. Тролль возвращается?
11. Что говорят козлики?

1.What are the titles of the films? Spiderman, Iron Man, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Wall-E, Transformers, Kung Fu Panda, Winnie-the Pooh.
2. What is the film genre?
1. action film
2. animation
3. science-fiction
4. horror film
5. western
6. adventure
A It’s the Paramount Pictures production. Robert Downey Jr. is in the lead role. The film is based on Marvell comics. Starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard and Jeff Bridges, it’s a fantastic and really interesting story. A genius-industrialist Tony Stark builds special metal clothes to help him escape. He develops his new Iron Man suit being captured by terrorists.
B Harrison Ford’s new adventure starts in 1957. In this film, Professor Jones returns home to Marshall College, but his friends tell him that he can’t work for university – they fired him. Indy and his new “friend” Mutt set out for the most remote corners of Peru - city of gold. They want to find Crystal Skull, because it has secrets. Soviet agents want to find it too… Director of the film is Steven Spielberg.
C The director of “Finding Nemo” transports you to a galaxy for a new cosmic comedy adventure about a robot. This film is interesting not only for little children, but for all your family – parents, brothers, sisters, grandmothers and grandfathers. It’s fun for any person. It’s the Disney-Pixar's latest adventure and funny romantic comedy about a small robot with a big heart.
The human world is turned upside down and the Captain (Jeff Garlin) joins forces with our robot and many other robots to lead the now lethargic people back home to earth.
D From director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg comes a thrilling battle between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. When they come to our planet Earth, the only person who can do something and help Autobots in their war with the Decepticons is young Sam Witwicky. A usual teenager Sam goes to school, has got some friends and interests in cars and girls. He doesn’t know that he has to save the people. And he doesn’t know that the car his father gives him is a robot named Bumblebee. The film shows us the transformations of the robots into cars, trucks and tanks. The film is always fun to watch.
E Enthusiastic and big Po is the biggest fan of Kung Fu, but every day he works in his family's noodle shop. Po joins the world of Kung Fu and his idols, the legendary Furious Five—Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey—under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the evil snow leopard Tai Lung is on his way to them. Po has to save everyone from the snow leopard. Can he do it? Master Shifu helps him and teaches him, but only when Po finds that his greatest weaknesses can be one of be his greatest strengths he can save the city from Tai Lung.
A Genious – гений
B Fired – уволили
C Heart – сердце
D Battle – битва
E Noodle – лапша

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-Speak about the favourite films using the topical vocabulary with little support.

Some learners will be able to:

-Understand information about the films paying attention to the specific details with support;

Language objectives

Key words: win,star,direct,release,compose,sound,effects,animated,blockbuster,cast,

Useful classroom language/dialogue

-what is your favourite film?

-Who knows the famous movie stars?

Cross curricular links

The Kazakh language,Art

Values links

Previous learning

In the previous unit, learners developed listening and speaking skills working creatively and cooperatively in groups while discussing TV programmes and films. Answer the questions.

-What kind of TV programmes do you know?

-What about shows do you watch?

Planned things

Planned activities

Teacher greets the children and introduces with the aims of the lesson and rules:

Be friendly and tolerant!

Help each other talk English all the time!

Learners should divide into 2 groups with the picture of films: “Comedy”, “Fantastic”


Learners should find a name of film by through the ICT

Learning new words

Method “Showdown ” the laying down of the players cards face up to determine the winner of the pot in poker

-Explain about Present Perfect Tense Structure, example

English Grammar rules the form of the verb used for actions or events that have been completed or have happened in a period of time up to now. PPT is formed with a present tense form of “to have ” plus the past participle of the verb. This tense indicates either that an action was completed at some point in the past or that the action extends to the present

Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences in the present tense. Differentiation task

1 group “Comedy”

1.First,the rights to the play….(buy).

2.A good location….(find)

3.A list….(make) that includes all the costs of the production.

4.The production staff… (hire) to help with lighting,set design,etc

5.The director…(select) from among the many available.

2 group “Fantastic”

1.Auditions…(hold) for actors and actresses

3.Rehearsals…(plan) by the director

4.The play…(promote) through the media.

5.Tickets…(print) for the shows

Excel 7Gr Kaz WB Mod 6

-understands and speaks grammar

Formative assessment: pupils get emotional smileys.

No idea but saying lexicon words

The sentences has no gr.mistakes, there is mistake in word order

Grammatical structure are correct

Describing the good idea

9-8= “excellent” mark

5-4= “satesfied” mark

Give each learner a piece of paper with either a question or an answer. Learners will circulate the room and find their corresponding question or answer. To increase the level of challenge, learners could do this in silence.

Wall-E is a fantastic computer –animated adventure film about a cute robot. The film was directed by Andrew Stanton. Wall-E was designed and built by humans to collect rubbish. However, all the humans have left the Earth because it is polluted and Wall-E is left alone. One day he meets a search robot named EVE. She realizes that Wall-E has the solution to the planet`s problems and races back to tell the humans. A fantastic journey across the universe begins. You`ll love it!

Terminator Genisys is a thrilling science fiction film about a war between humans and robots. It was directed by Alan Taylor, and stars Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is an action-packed film involving time travel. In the future, John Connor sends one of his soldiers back in time to protect his mother. But new robot enemies are already waiting in the past! The special effects are amazing and the cast give a brilliant performance. The music, which was composed by Lorne Balfe, is fantastic. Terminator Genisys is a must-see for all science-fiction fans.

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1. Тақырып бойынша студенттердің білімдерін жетілдіру. Кинолар, актерлер мен актрисалар жөнінде әңгіме өрбіту. Сөздердің айтылуын қайталай отырып, оқушылардың сөздік қорларын жетілдіру. Грамматикалық материал: much, many, little, few тақырыбын игеру.

2. Оқушылардың тыңдалым, сөйлеу, оқу және жазу қабілеттерін дамыту. Мәтін бойынша оқу дағдыларын дамыту.

3. Жан-жақты дамыған тұлға қалыптастыру. Оларды өз ойларын толық жеткізуге бағыттау.

Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі

Техникалық және кәсіптік білім

Колледж директорының ОЖ

Тақырыбы: The Famous actors in Kazakhstan

Pronouns much, many, little, few

Оқытушы: Исатаева А.К.

Шет тілдер ПЦК-ң төрайымы Колледж әдіскері

_______ Г.У. Бекболатова ______ А.М. Кайырлиева

The Theme: The Famous actors in Kazakhstan. Pronouns much, many, little, few.

The aim of the lesson:

1. Тақырып бойынша студенттердің білімдерін жетілдіру. Кинолар, актерлер мен актрисалар жөнінде әңгіме өрбіту. Сөздердің айтылуын қайталай отырып, оқушылардың сөздік қорларын жетілдіру. Грамматикалық материал: much, many, little, few тақырыбын игеру.

2. Оқушылардың тыңдалым, сөйлеу, оқу және жазу қабілеттерін дамыту. Мәтін бойынша оқу дағдыларын дамыту.

3. Жан-жақты дамыған тұлға қалыптастыру. Оларды өз ойларын толық жеткізуге бағыттау.

Visual aids: textbooks, pictures, slides.

The procedure of the lesson

1. Organization moment

T: Good morning, students!

Cl: Good morning, teacher!

T: I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

S1: I am on duty today. All are present.

T: Thank you, sit down.

T: Dear, students, today we have an unusual lesson. Our work will be interesting and useful. Please, be active and attentive. Now, if you are ready let’s begin our lesson. What was your home work?

S1: Our home work was to read the text about Mukhtar Auezov and to learn by heart the new words. I'll name Russian variant of the words you should translate

қайғылы тағдыр – tragical destiny

батылдану – to dare

туыстық жанжал – patrimonial conflict

экранда көрсету – to screen

ерекше талант– inimitable talent

Answer for the questions:

Who was Mukhtar Auezov? (was a Kazakh writer, a social activist, a Doctor of Philology, and an honored academic of the Soviet Union)

When and where was he born? (He was born on September 28, 1897 and raised in Semey (Kaskabulak).)

Where did he get his education? (His grandfather taught him how to read and write. Auezov was educated at the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary and Leningrad State University.)

Say about Auezov’s first and earliest work. (The first play he authored was Enlik-Kebek, a story of two young lovers that resembles the story of Romeo and Juliet.)

What can you say about Mukhtar Auezov? (Auezov's other projects included drawing and translating literature into the Kazakh language. Auezov wrote numerous essays, short stories, and plays (many translated into other languages) in different genres.)

Now, let’s remember our last grammatical lesson: Synonyms and Antonyms

Match the words: Synonyms:

To dare – be brave enough

To seek – to look for

Match the words: Antonyms:

T: You already know a lot about movies. Answer my questions, please:

What types of films do you know?

What kind of films do you like? Why?

What is your favourite film?

Let’s write down the new words: the types of films

Adventure film – шытырман оқиғалы фильм

Black-and-white film – ақ-қара түсті фильм

Colour film – түрлі-түсті фильм

Documentary film – деректі фильм

Educational film – жалпы білімдік фильм

Feature film - көркем фильм

Crime film - детектив

Full-length film – толық метражды фильм

Short-length film – қысқа метражды фильм

Historical film - тарихи фильм

Dubbed film – дубляждалған фильм

Horror film – қорқынышты фильм

Mute film – дыбыссыз фильм

Science fiction film – ғылыми-фантастикалық фильм

Sound film - дыбыстық фильм

Star-studded film – жұлдызды фильм

Serial, soap operas - сериал (сентименталды фильм)

T: Now, students, look at the active board and match the names of these films with their types.

1. A funny film with a happy ending. A) a western

2. A film about cowboys and life in the wild west. B) a soap - opera

3. A film with lots of music and dance. C) a thriller

4. A film about crime and police. D) a horror

5. A film in which mysterious and frightening

thing shappen. E) a musical

6. Story of the daily life of a family. F) a comedy

T: Look at the active board and group them into three.

Classical jazz horror films science fiction

Western pop game - shows soap operas

Thrillers news comedy talk shows

music 2) TV programme 3) films

T: Let’s continue our new lesson. Today we’re going to talk about famous actors and actresses. So, what kind of famous films and kazakh actors or actresses do you know? Do you remember any films where she\he acted? Look at the Interactive Board.

Presentation of actors and actresses

T: Thanks, you are bright.

soap operas / cartoon / Western / horror / action / comedy / documentary

Filling in the blanks with the words given:

1. An … is a movie with a lot of fighting and it can be violent.

2. A … is a movie which is funny and makes us laugh.

3. A … film is a movie about ghosts.

4. A … is a movie which shows us real facts or events.

5. Romantic movies with a lot of series are called ….

6. … is a movie about American cowboys usually riding horses and wearing hats.

7. … is a movie with animations like Tom and Jerry.

Today our grammatical theme is pronouns (местоимения).

Местоимения "much" - много и "little" - мало употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными (абстрактные понятия, вещества. ).

There is little milk in the cup.
В чашке мало молока.

We spend much time on this experiment.
Мы тратим много времени на этот эксперимент.

Do you have much money on you?
У тебя с собой много денег?

I have very little time.
У меня очень мало времени.

Местоимения "many"- много и "few" - мало употребляются только как определения к исчисляемым существительным во множественном числе.

They have many friends in London.
У них много друзей в Лондоне.

He has few friends. He is very lonely.
У него мало друзей. Он очень одинок.

There are many ways to solve this problem.
Существует много способов решения этой проблемы.

Сочетание "a few" означает "несколько" и употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными, с неисчисляемыми существительными употребляется сочетание "a little", которое означает "немного".

I bought a few apples.
Я купил немного (несколько) яблок.

Will you give me a little water?
Не дадите ли вы мне немного воды?

Итак, местоимения "a few, a little" означают "немного, но достаточно", а местоимения "few, little" - "мало". Сравните:

I know a little about painting.
Я кое-что знаю о живописи.

I know little about painting.
Я мало знаю о живописи.

There are few flowers in my garden.
В моём саду мало (почти нет) цветов.

There are a few flowers in my garden.
В моём саду есть немного цветов.

Put the pronouns

1. Gaziza Abdinabieva played in … (много) roles .

2. Azat Seitmetov worked … (немного) in another area, and in 2003 returned to the troupe of M.Auezov.

3. Dulyga Akmolda performed … (несколько) roles from Kazakh classics and modern dramaturgy

4. She performed the role of "Karagoz", Tenge in, Zinaida, aunt Aisha and … (много) others.

5. The TV service is not very good. There are … (мало) good programmes.

6. Murat Nurasylov has always worked …(много) in the acting troupe of Academic Drama Theater named after M. Auezov.

7. I know … (мало) comedies.

8.This camera operator did … (несколько) frames.

9. This actor is not well-known. …(мало) people have heard of him.

Home task: T: Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making. You can see the words. Your task is to make the right sentences and write down on your copybooks.

a) a producer b) an actor c) a camera (operator) d) a stuntman e) a script (writer)

f) an actress g) a make-up (artist) h) a director

1.… is a man who looks through the camera, and operates the equipment.

2. is a man who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

3.….is a woman who can make a new face for an actor.

4.…is a man who is the boss and tells everybody what to do.

5.…is a person who does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors.

6.…is a man who has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors.

7.…is a man who writes scripts for films, shows.

8.… is a woman who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

(Key: 1c 2b 3g 4h 5d 6a 7e 8f)

Now, I should give you marks. Thank you for the lesson. You’re free.

Meruert Utekesheva is merited Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, commander of the Order "Kurmet". She was born in the city of Uralsk.

In 1968 she graduated from high school №66 in Almaty and in the same year she was invited to the main role of the film "Kyz Zhibek".

Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №1
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №2
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №3
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №4
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №5
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №6
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №7
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №8
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №9
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №10
Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №11

Kazakh traditions and customs, слайд №1

Слайд 1

 Kazakh traditions and customs The AIM of the project work: 1. To introduce with Kazakh traditions and customs. 2. To show the beauty and peculiarties of national Kazakh traditions and customs.

Слайд 2

Kazakh traditions and customs The AIM of the project work: 1. To introduce with Kazakh traditions and customs. 2. To show the beauty and peculiarties of national Kazakh traditions and customs.

 The Plan of the project work: 1. To describe and demonstrate traditions and customs of Kazakh people in pictures and photos. 2. The research part of the project. (Interviews (Do you know the national traditions of you country?), performing one of the traditions in the class (video). 3. Making some conclusions: “Why should we know our traditions and customs?”

Слайд 3

The Plan of the project work: 1. To describe and demonstrate traditions and customs of Kazakh people in pictures and photos. 2. The research part of the project. (Interviews (Do you know the national traditions of you country?), performing one of the traditions in the class (video). 3. Making some conclusions: “Why should we know our traditions and customs?”

 Shildekhana A second celebration of new life in the Kazakh tradition was called the Shildekhana, and this gathering also included the participation of many young people. All guests wear their best clothes and rode their horses to the event if they had one. Elders came to give a

Слайд 4

Shildekhana A second celebration of new life in the Kazakh tradition was called the Shildekhana, and this gathering also included the participation of many young people. All guests wear their best clothes and rode their horses to the event if they had one. Elders came to give a "Bata", or blessing. Invited guests ate, had fun, and sang songs to the tune of the dombra, a traditional two-stringed instrument. Young people playing this instrument were expected to compose and improvise songs during the singing. During the Shildekhana, the godmother sliced the boiled fat from a sheep's tail and put it in the baby's mouth. In this way it was believed that the baby would learn how to suck. And the baby who was trained in such a manner was believed would never have stomach trouble.

 Besik Toi The arrival of new birth (baby) is celebrated, which called Besik Toi. For babies, the tradition of Besikke Salu was practiced and involved placing the baby in the cradle for the first time. Special foods are prepared, and all the relatives, neighbors, and nearby children are invited. Guests to the feast brought

Слайд 5

Besik Toi The arrival of new birth (baby) is celebrated, which called Besik Toi. For babies, the tradition of Besikke Salu was practiced and involved placing the baby in the cradle for the first time. Special foods are prepared, and all the relatives, neighbors, and nearby children are invited. Guests to the feast brought "Shashu," or candies, kurts, and coins. The baby's cradle is made by a special master carver. Only women who have conceived their own children are allowed to place babies in their cradles, and any woman who would place a friend's baby in this place of honor must sew and present a new itkoiiek to the baby's mother.

 Tusau Kesu After the baby

Слайд 6

Tusau Kesu After the baby's cradle and crawling stage, the scene is set for another celebration: when the baby begins to walk for the first time. Wealthier parents would butcher a cow for this celebration; less wealthy parents, a sheep. For the ceremony, black and white thread was prepared in advance to tie the baby's legs. The mother would ask one of the more energetic woman first to bind the baby; and then to cut the string. In this way the baby's first step would be toward his mother. Everybody would then wish the family great success for the baby's future. Here the reader might ask a question: Why use black and white thread instead of red or green? White is symbolized in this case to mean hopes for success without any obstacles. Black and white is associated with the concept of honesty.

 Sundet toi If the baby was a boy, four or five was the age for circumcision and another toi. It was one of the remarkable days of a boy

Слайд 7

Sundet toi If the baby was a boy, four or five was the age for circumcision and another toi. It was one of the remarkable days of a boy's life. Again relatives and friends of the family gathered, ate, and had fun. From this point on we'll talk about boys and girls upbringing separately, because a son's upbringing was accomplished by the father, and a daughter's by the mother.

 Saukele kigizy For this event the matchmakers would be invited to the new yurt. The bride

Слайд 8

Saukele kigizy For this event the matchmakers would be invited to the new yurt. The bride's mother would put a saukele on her daughter. A saukele was an old fashioned headdress for a bride. Upon seeing the saukele for the first time, the mother-in law would give her a present called "korimdik." In this saukele the bride looked like a princess; and the entire wedding suit is beautiful.

 Bosaga attar Bosaga attar - After eating Kuirik baur, the groom is invited to the master yurt. Entering of the yurt is called bosaga attar . The bride

Слайд 9

Bosaga attar Bosaga attar - After eating Kuirik baur, the groom is invited to the master yurt. Entering of the yurt is called bosaga attar . The bride's parents would call the groom and kiss him. There they stayed only a short time. Asikti zhilik is a special bone for the groom, because it has asyk. Asyk is a national toy of Kazakh boys. Playing with this toy, they learn how to count which would later be important for a herdsman. The groom is treated to that bone in the hope that he might also have a son who would play the asyk. The breastbone symbolized the parent's wish of friendship and to bear together all the good and bad aspects of life.


Слайд 10

 Thank you for attention!

Слайд 11

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