Как преодолеть фобии кратко на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Сегодня мы говорим о страхе (fear) на английском языке. Текст к видео доступен в формате PDF по ссылке выше. Вы можете прослушать аудиоверсию разговора о страхе, если подпишитесь на наши подкасты в Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Будем рады вашим мыслям в комментариях. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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О страхе на английском языке

(1) What is your biggest fear for yourself? — Чего вы больше всего боитесь?

I’m afraid of heights. It’s called acrophobia.

(2) What is your biggest fear for the world? — Какой ваш самый большой страх за мир?

I’m afraid of the Third world war and of some big disaster like Tsunami or earthquakes.

(3) Why do we feel fear? — Почему мы чувствуем страх?

Because fear is a protective function of our body! It’s normal to feel fear sometimes.

(4) How often do you feel afraid? — Как часто вы боитесь?

Not so often. Most of the time I feel safe.

(5) Why do people have different fears? — Почему у людей разные страхи?

Because people are different and they have different life experiences.

(6) How do you react to fear? — Как вы реагируете на страх?

It depends on what kind of fear it is. I’m afraid of heights and that is why I would never go skydiving.

(7) How would you help someone to get over their fear? — Как бы вы помогли кому-то преодолеть страх?

At first I would recommend stop provoking fears. If it doesn’t help, it’s better to visit a psychologist.

(8) Have you ever panicked with fear? — Вы когда-нибудь паниковали от страха?

I think I haven’t.

(9) What happens to you physically and emotionally when fear takes hold of you / overcomes you? — Что происходит с вами физически и эмоционально, когда страх овладевает вами?

My heart beats very fast. I feel it in my throat. It’s not a nice feeling.

(1) Do you have any form of phobia or paranoia? — Есть ли у вас какие-либо формы фобии или паранойи?

I have some about driving. For example, I’m really afraid of a car accident when I’d hurt someone. So I am always trying to drive safely.

(2) What were you afraid of as a child? — Чего вы боялись в детстве?

I used to be afraid of staying alone, when my parents went somewhere for a long time.

(3) What things are people commonly afraid of and why? — Чего люди обычно боятся и почему?

I think many people are afraid of snakes and other dangerous animals. I also know many people that are afraid of the dark. I think it’s quite common for people.

(4) What facial expressions accompany fear? — Какие выражения лица сопровождают страх?

Big eyes and open mouth I think. If it’s a strong fear, many people get pale.

(5) Do you like putting yourself in situations where you can feel fear? — Вам нравится попадать в ситуации, когда вы чувствуете страх?

No I don’t. I think nobody likes situations like that.

(6) Are you ever afraid of other people? — Вы когда-нибудь боитесь других людей?

When I was a kid, I was afraid of strangers. Especially when they started talking to me. Now I am not afraid of other people.

(7) Do you think society lives in fear? — Как вы думаете, общество живет в страхе?

No, I don’t think so. We live in a good time and I hope we will never live in fear.

I think that sometimes people worry too much about death. As a result, they can’t focus on something that is more important at the moment.

(9) What do you think having a fear of the 21st century would be like? — Как вы думаете, на что будет похож страх 21 века?

Fear - a basic human emotion - helps alert us to danger — brain sends signals to nervous system - body reacts, e.g. sweating, shaking, heart beats faster - more blood to muscles -prepares us for 'fight or flight'

Phobias - extreme fears - can develop as the result of a scary experience, e.g. a dog bite when young — brain 'remembers' the experience - now afraid when seeing any dog

How to overcome phobias - don't avoid scary situations - make a list of your fears, start with the least serious - deal with them one at a time - come to realise they can be overcome.

Страх – основная человеческая эмоция – помогает предупредить нас об опасности – мозг посылает сигналы нервной системе – тело реагирует, напр. Потеет, трясется, сердце бьется быстрее – больше крови приливает к мышцам – готовит нас к борьбе или побегу.

Как преодолеть фобии – не избегать пугающих ситуаций – создать список ваших страхов, начать с последнего по значимости - решить проблему с ним со временем - понять, что они могут быть преодолены.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

Do not focus on negative emotions . To do this, cut off their pleasant memories or lessons that give pleasure, be implemented in areas that
It turns you best. Everyone, even the most timid man, there is always a field of confidence - the space, the time, the circumstances and conditions, the case, the man - who, where and when everything works, everything is easy and nothing to fear . It is not necessary to achieve complete peace of mind in any situation, wait, that fear evaporate, that stiffness and anxiety disappear . For activities like visits you need excitement, combat excitement.

Во-вторых, создание повсеместных и легкодоступных, безопасных и конфиденциальных механизмов, помогающих девочкам преодолеть страх, мешающий им сообщать о случаях насилия.

Secondly, the establishment of widely available and easily accessible, safe and confidential mechanisms to support girls to overcome the fear of reporting cases of violence.

Я убеждена в том, что ведущийся на этой сессии серьезный диалог укрепит нашу решимость преодолеть страх, угнетения и лишения, который выпадают на долю миллионов детей.

I am certain that the serious dialogue prevailing at this session will strengthen our resolve to overcome the fear, oppression and deprivation that are the lot of millions of children.

Договор помогает им преодолеть страх обмана со стороны соседей, потому что он обеспечивает проведение инспекций МАГАТЭ.

The treaty helps them to reduce fears of cheating by neighbors because it provides for inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Мы должны преодолеть страх наших граждан перед партизанами и военизированными группировками и установить общинные связи с демократическими институтами.

We must break citizen fear of the guerrillas and the paramilitaries, and we must create community-based links with the democratic institutions.

В моем случае, я так думаю, если я смогу преодолеть страх потери дружбы, я буду точно знать, что делать.

Очевидна необходимость более четко определить и понять масштабы и пределы войны против терроризма, с тем чтобы преодолеть страх, вызванный возможностью расширения масштабов конфликта.

Clearly, there is a need to better define and understand the scope and limits of the war on terrorism so that the fears of the broader clash that is being spoken of are calmed.

Значительные трудности возникают и при работе с самими пациентами, поскольку они до сих пор не могут преодолеть страх перед дискриминацией и стигматизацией.

There is a huge challenge faced with PLHIV as they themselves are still battling with the fear of being discriminated and stigmatized.

All people want only one thing in life – to be happy. Things that make us happy or unhappy are different for each of us. However, there is one thing that always stands in the way and prevents any person from being happy. It is fear. Some people let it completely control their life. Others face it and fight their fears as they don’t want to be controlled by them.

I believe in fighting against all odds in order to reach our goals and fulfill our dreams.

People might be afraid of different things: spiders, strangers, snakes, public speaking, confined spaces, flying or heights. Some of these are just fears while others are phobias. A lot of people try to get rid of their fears and often some amazing things come out of it. For example, there is a French man who suffered from Acrophobia when he was a kid. His name is Alain Robert. People call him a Legend and he is on the tip of the tongue of all the daredevils of our planet. Once he was terrified of heights and nowadays he has scaled all the tallest buildings on all the continents around the world. People who follow his lead are called a new breed of climbers. Our life is too boring and safe for them, so they find their refuge in this urban free solo climbing that provides everything that our modern life lacks. Every time they scale a new “Everest” they are caught between life and death and nothing can be more extreme than this.

However, there are also other things that life throws at us as if testing our limits. Sometimes the odds of winning might seem really non-existent. But there are always a lot of inspirational people who overcome the odds and prove those who give up wrong.

One of my favorite examples is a South African sprint runner Oscar Pistorius. Both of his legs were amputated below the knee when he was 11 months old. Then Oscar was walking successfully with a pair of prosthetic legs. His handicap hardly slowed his large interest in sports, which spanned from cricket to wrestling to boxing. At the age of 16 Pistorius was introduced to the track. His rise in the sport came quickly. He took part in the Paralympic games and even competed against able-bodied athletes in the Olympic games. Oscar says that he doesn't see himself as disabled. There's nothing he can't do that able-bodied athletes can do.

There are many obstacles in life that prevent us from getting what we want to get done in life. These obstacles can come in many shapes and sizes. They can be physical, mental, emotional, the people around you, the situation you’re currently in. There are many things in life we can’t control but we have to face them to the best of our ability. We always must try something new, do things out of our comfort zone and believe in personal success. It’s very hard to get over fear. But once you do, your entire world is open to new experience with great opportunities.

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