Investigate and report on timekeeping devices план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

the park covers an area of 14 hectares. its creation began in 1951 by architect mikhailov. the highest professional gipg (national institute of urban design) from moscow well, "wrote" it in a flat part of the city. park "hydro" is included in textbooks on landscape architecture as a model of classical style in the regular structure ofthe park.

park is a favorite vacation spot volzhan. kids in the park can always ride the merry carousel. for young people in the park provides concert stage with a variety of activities. the older generation can stroll along the shady avenues and see dancing to a brass band. most of the newlyweds in their wedding day is considered mandatory to fulfill the tradition of his first dance in the rotunda, and photographed on the bridge of "lady's caprice."

city recreation park is he same age of the city. it was opened to the public july 25, 1954.

in 1956, the main avenue of the park was adorned with the sculpture "girl with a cock," was built rotunda. the remaining sculptures appeared in 1961.

the name "hydro," the park was awarded july 13, 1990 in honor of the great merits of gidrostroiteley in connection with the 14th anniversary of volgogradgidrostroya. park is loved by all generations volzhan how many appointments, meetings, pleasant memories stored in their memory! a rotunda was not only a symbol of the park, but also a symbol of the city.

in 1999 the park was recognized as the best in the volgograd region and annually confirmed this title.

i bought the car.last summer i was resting on the sea! i had a very beautiful doll, but it broke masha. last year the weather was bad.yesterday went to the movies with friends.yesterday was my mother's birthday and we celebrated it very that year i moved into a large, beautiful apartment.

the boys are not doing their homework. are the boys doing their homework?

ann is not talking her examination now. is ann talking her examination now?

he was not writing the letter to his sister when i came. was he writing the letter to his sister when i came?

it is cold and cloudy today, but it is not windy.when the weather is like this i like to stay at home, drink hot tea and watch funny films, because then it becomes warm and sunny at home and in my soul.

сегодня холодно и облачно, но не ветренно. когда погода похожа на эту, я люблю оставаться дома, пить горячий чай и смотреть веселые фильмы, потому что тогда становится тепло и солнечно дома и в моей душе.

Образовательная: Формирование у обучающих способностей свободного устного и письменного общения, воспринимать на слух иноязычную речь.

Развивающая: Развитие способности логического мышления, умение анализировать, память, внимание, развивать полиязычную и поликультурную личность.

2.1 Перечень профессиональных умений, которыми овладеют обучающиеся в процессе учебного занятия

2.2 Результаты обучения:

1)Умеют мыслить критический

2) Понимать текст и обсуждать

3) Использование новых слов

2.3 Критерии оценки:

1)Понимание текста, отвечать на вопросы верно, перевод предложений и выполнение заданий без ошибок 90-100%

2)Понимание текста, отвечать на вопросы, допускать в переводе 2-3 ошибки при выполнении задний 75-85%

3)Количество ошибок в вопросах и задачах больше и количество ошибок в переводе более 5

3. Оснащение занятия

3.1 Учебно-методическое оснащение, справочная литература

3.2 Техническое оснащение, материалы

I. Warming up: 1) Organization moment – 1-2 min

- Good morning, dear students! How are you? I’m glad to hear it!

2) Checking up the home task: - 5 min

- Your home task was to do exercises 3-4

Work with presentation “The history of timekeeping devices” and do exercises

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

(W) Lead in. Active method “Golden key”

Ss look at the pictures and answer:

What is the common of these pictures?

What is the theme of our lesson?

(I) (FA) Pre-teach. Matching.

Ss match given pictures with their names and give short information which they have learned in the previous lesson.

Match the pictures with their names

Give short information about timekeeping devices


Correct match 8 pictures with their names.

Use topical vocabulary in their speech.

Express thoughts correctly and accurately.

High level – 3 points

Mid level – 2 points

Low level – 1 point









Slide 1 (pictures)

(pictures of timekeeping devices and cards with names)

Slide 3 (pattern of right answers)

(P) Gist question. Active method “Right order”

Ss determine the correct order of given pictures according to their invention.

(I) First listening.

Ss watch the video and check answers to the gist question.

(I)Detailed comprehension tasks. Differentiated task

Ss choose colored envelope with tasks according to their abilities

Low-leveled task. Answer True or False.

Mid-leveled task. Complete the gaps.

High-leveled task. Describe each timekeeping device using new topical vocabulary.

Low-leveled task. Choose the correct answer.

The first sundials were simply sticks placed in the ground.

Plato, the legendary Greek philosopher, created the candle clock through the use of the water clock.

King Alfred the great used the system with 24 candles.

Mechanical clocks was invented after quartz watches.

Galileo Galilei experimented the pendulum clock.

Wristwatches were first worn by military men.

Quartz Watches were invented in 1927.

Quartz crystals were used to measure time in the atomic clock.

Mid-leveled task. Complete the gaps.

The first sundials were simply sticks placed in the ground that showed time by ___ and direction of the resulting shadow.

A T-shaped bar placed in the ground, dividing between ___ and sunset into 12 parts.

Plato, the legendary Greek philosopher, created the ___ through the use of the water clock.

This candle has evenly spaced markings on it which indicates the ___ of time.

___ were first worn by military men.

Quartz ___, together with its piezoelectric ability, made Quartz Watches the most accurate time-keeping devices.

High-leveled task. Describe each timekeeping device using new topical vocabulary.

(I)Listening for detailed comprehension

Teacher checks cards and give the written comments.

(G) (FA) Active method “Cluster”

Ss make a cluster and talk about the importance of timekeeping devices using given pictures.

Apply speaking skills in a social environment.

Express thoughts systematically and fluently.

Keep speech norms while speaking.


Use topical vocabulary while speaking

Express thoughts correctly and accurately

Keep the right order invention of timekeeping devices

Express their own opinion about the importance of timekeeping devices

(I)Grammar. Differentiated task.

Active method “Brainstorming”.

How do we form Present Perfect Active and Passive?

Are there any verbs in Present Perfect Active and Passive in our listening text?

(have you ever wondered, has passed, etc.)

Ss choose the task according to their ability.

Low-leveled task. Find and write down the Passive Voice combinations.

Mid-leveled task. Use Present Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

High-leveled task. Make a topic using perfect active and passive forms according to the theme.

Low-leveled task. Find and write down the Passive Voice combinations.

Water clocks have been invented by an Egyptian pharaoh.

A T-shaped bar placed in the ground, dividing between sunrise and sunset into 12 parts.

Wristwatches were first worn by military men.

Quartz crystals, together with its piezoelectric ability, made them the most accurate time-keeping devices in the 1930s.

Galileo Galilei, father of science, experimented the pendulum which was a way of marking off small intervals of time accurately.

Have you ever wondered how time was counted in the past?

Answers: 1, 3, 6.

Mid-leveled task. Use Present Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

Egyptians . (to make) sundial.

T-shaped bar . (to place) in the ground.

First clock . (to build) by Pope Sylvester the Second.

Galileo Galilei . (to experiment) the pendulum.

We … (to learn) the Passive Voice already.

Quartz Watches . (to invent) in 1927.

High-leveled task. Make a topic using perfect active and passive forms according to the theme.

Teacher checks cards and give the written comments.

pictures of timekeeping devices

envelopes of different colors with tasks

Pictures of timekeeping devices, whatman paper, glue, markers

Cards with tasks

(I)Active method “Plus-Minus-Interesting”. Reflection.


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Values links
Cross-curricular links

1)Ss choose colored envelope with tasks according to their abilities

Low-leveled task. Answer True or False.

Mid-leveled task. Complete the gaps.

High-leveled task. Describe each timekeeping device using new topical vocabulary.

2) Ss choose the task according to their ability.

Low-leveled task. Find and write down the Passive Voice combinations.

Mid-leveled task. Use Present Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

High-leveled task. Make a topic using perfect active and passive forms according to the theme.

1)Ss match given pictures with their names and give short information which they have learned in the previous lesson.

Match the pictures with their names

Give short information about timekeeping devices

2) Ss make a cluster about the importance of timekeeping devices using given pictures.

Apply speaking skills in a social environment.

Express thoughts systematically and fluently.

Keep speech norms while speaking.

Health and safety requirements are taken into account.

Cooperation – group and pair work

Respect – listening to other students’ opinions during discussions

Honesty – students cite the sources used.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?


Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Выберите документ из архива для просмотра:

Выбранный для просмотра документ Science at school.pptx

 Science at school

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

 Science at school

Science at school

Английский язык и окружающий мир Презентация к интегрированному уроку «Измер.

 How do you know what time it is? We can use clocks, watches, digital devices…

How do you know what time it is? We can use clocks, watches, digital devices…

How do you tell time without a watch? Use the sun! Many ancient people used.

How do you tell time without a watch? Use the sun! Many ancient people used sundials, e.g. in Egypt or Babylon.

What is a sundial? It’s a shadow clock. It uses light and shadows. Look at t.

What is a sundial? It’s a shadow clock. It uses light and shadows. Look at the picture. The Earth spins . So we can see the sun path on the sky. The Earth’s rotation is responsible for the sun rising and setting. spin – вращаться вокруг своей оси

Light and shadow Shadows occur when an object blocks a light source from reac.

Light and shadow Shadows occur when an object blocks a light source from reaching a certain area. object light source shadow

NOTE! If a light source is lower, the shadow will be … longer.

NOTE! If a light source is lower, the shadow will be … longer.

Sundials Ex.2 p.83 (Listen and read) Are you attentive? Which fact in the te.

Sundials Ex.2 p.83 (Listen and read) Are you attentive? Which fact in the text is not quite correct? The shadow changes during a day because the Earth spins. The seasons change because the Earth moves around the Sun. (Прим. Сложные конструкции солнечных часов учитывают и вращение Земли вокруг своей оси, и движение вокруг Солнца.)

Did you know? The term A.M. stands for "ante meridiem" which means before no.

Did you know? The term A.M. stands for "ante meridiem" which means before noon. P.M. stands for "post meridiem" or afternoon. Noon is the time when the sun is at its highest point in the sky and the shadows are the shortest.

Project activity: make your own sundial What you need: compass plastic cup li.

Project activity: make your own sundial What you need: compass plastic cup lid straw pen stones, pebbles or shells Instructions on p.83

Explore more! Visit Britannica site to see the sundial animation: https://www.

Quiz What devices can we use to tell the time? 2. Why can we observe sunrises.

Quiz What devices can we use to tell the time? 2. Why can we observe sunrises and sunsets? 3. What time of the day the shadows are the shortest? Why? 4. How does the Earth move? 5. Why do shadows occur? 6. What do you need to make a sundial? 7. How should you point the straw in a sundial? Digital devices, watches, clocks… It’s because the Earth spins. At noon. The higher the sun is, the shorter the shadows will be. It spins and it rotates around the sun as well. The object blocks the light source. A cup, a lid, a compass, a straw, stones… To the North.

 Did you like the lesson? Thank you for your attention! See you soon!

Did you like the lesson? Thank you for your attention! See you soon!

Использованная литература и интернет-источники: 1.Ваулина Ю.Е., Подоляко О.Е.

Краткое описание документа:

Интегрированный урок английского языка и окружающего мира к разделу Extensive Reading 6, Science.

Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с принципом действия солнечных часов, применить полученные знания на практике. Закрепить изученную лексику модуля на материале контекстной ситуации.

Краткое описание хода урока:

Этап 1: Подготовительный. Учащиеся вспоминают известные им способы измерения времени.

Этап 2: Информационный. Учитель вводит понятия, которые лежат в основе принципа работы солнечных часов: свет и тень, вращение Земли вокруг своей оси, движение Земли вокруг Солнца, видимый путь Солнца по небу, зависимость длины тени от положения Солнца.

Этап 3: Применение на практике. Учащиеся изготавливают простейшую модель солнечных часов.

Этап 4: Рефлексия. Учащиеся закрепляют понятия, изученные на уроке, с помощью теста из 7 вопросов.

Для удобства работы с презентацией в классе слайды 2, 14 скрыты.

Важно! Если ссылка на страницу энциклопедии не открывается из режима просмотра, возможная проблема - браузер по умолчанию на Вашем компьютере - не Internet Explorer. В этом случае её можно просто скопировать в строку браузера перед уроком.

A collection of tasks for Formative Assessment on the subject The English language Grade 11 (natural-mathematical direction)

Term 1.
Making connections in biology.
Investigate and report on animal world: bats, eagles, bees and dolphins.
Term 2.
Human brain.
Investigate and report on timekeeping devices.
Term 3.
Work and inventions.
Reading for Pleasure.
Term 4.
Recent advances in technology.
The clothes of chemistry.

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The house has five rooms bathroom living room bedroom dining room and kitchen


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Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 13–18 словами, напечатанными в правой колонке под цифрами 1–8. каждое из этих слов может быть использовано только один раз. в ответе укажите ц.

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