Inventions план урока 11 класс

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

[t] – computer, TV set, telephone, calculator,
[r] – camera, electronic, recorder, video,
[w] – wash, washing mashine, dish washer, microwave oven, mower,
[n] – invention, nice, need, no, never,
[] – think, I think.

4. Речевая зарядка.

Режим: учитель, ученик 1, ученик 2 .

Answer the Questions!

1. What do you need to watch films?
2. What do you need to wash clothes?
3. What do you need to talk to your friend who is far from you?
4. What do you need to clean your carpets and furniture?
5. What do you need to take photos?
6. What do you need to cook?
7. What do you use for washing the dishes?
8. What do you use for cutting the grass?
9. What do you use to go to other city?
10. What do you use for ironing?

ІІ. Основной этап урока

1. Формирование навыков аудирования. (7 мин.)

Задание: Прослушав тексты, ответить на вопросы:

1. What things are the members of the family talking about?

2. Why do the members of the family like to have these things in the home?


1. I am a couch potatо, and I am proud of it. Every time I have a spare minute you can always find me on my couch. From there I switch from channel to channel until I find my favourite soaps.

2. I really enjoy writing programs. It sounds difficult. But even an 11-year-old can write a simple program. One of my programs can play chess. It can beat me, but it can not beat my dad. He is an excellent chess player.

3. They are magic. I also do roller-skating and ice-skating. But these are mixture of both. It is like ice-skating in the street. So fast!

4. I think this is the most usefull invention that I can imagine. I can take it anywhere I like. I have to keep in touch with my office whenever I travel. It is fantastic to be able to call them up as you are driving up the motorway. And they can even get in contact with me if they want!

5. If we feel like eating a hot meal, I just get our favorite pre-prepared food and put it into the mashine, set the dial and it is ready in minutes!

6. I am excited about this bit of technology. When I speak I cannot only hear but also see the other person!

2. Формирование грамматических навыков (7 мин.)

Режим: учитель, ученик 1, ученик 2 .

  • To collect – collecting;
  • To get – getting;
  • To copy – copying;

b) Выполнить устно упражнение на доске в режиме: ученик 1, ученик 2 .

A mower is for cutting and collecting grass.
A camera is for ………………………………
A telephone is for…………………………….
A typewriter is for…………………………..
A calculator is for …………………………..
A talking alarm clock is for ………………..
A dishwasher is for …………………………
A microwave oven is for ……………………

3. Формирование навыков диалогической речи по опорам. Режим: Ученик- ученик. (10 мин.) Работа в парах.

Ситуация: Imagine you are in the shop.


Student 1: You want to buy some of the things for your home. You do not know the exact word for these things. Explain to the salesperson what you need.

Student 2: You are a salesperson. Help the customer.

4. Формирование навыков чтения с пониманием в деталях и говорения на основе прочитанного.

Режим: работа в группах, подготовка – 5 мин, защита – 5 мин.

Задание: Каждой группе даётся текст-реклама прибора.

  • 1 группа – реклама компьютера. I could not live without my computer.
  • 2 группа – реклама автомобиля. I could not live without my car.
  • 3 группа – реклама телефона. I could not imagine my life without my phone.


I could not live without my computer at home

I use it all the time. It is like a typewriter and address book for me and it is also used for checking my spelling. Besides I can go on the Internet and discover everything about anything, it is a brilliant source of information. I have designed my own website and I am getting loads of information for school. Besides some websites are packed with quizzes, games and competitions, it is all you need for hours of fun on your computer. You can play and learn on it. It is absolutely essential. I don*t know how I ever managed without it. But my elder sister thinks people are getting a bit too dependent on computers. She thinks that we rely on them too much. My sister says, ”You can not rely on all the information, you don’t know who it has been written by or where it*s coming from. To be dependent on anything, especially a lifeless mashine that can quite easily break down is not good. Besides computers should not replace seeing your friends. ”

I could not possibly live without my car

Convenience seems to be the most common and the most logical answer: cars take you where you want to go and when you want to go there. I can travel freely and comfortably wherever I want. Besides it allows me to live where I want as I can get to the place I need with the help of the car. Besides a car is a way of self-expression. I really hate to be without it. I think a car is a necessity rather than a luxury. But my wife thinks there are too many cars in our cities. Some people use them in cases when they could go on foot for example when going to buy a newspaper in a kiosk. It is necessary to give thought to problems caused by cars. Pollution, accidents and so on. She says that cars are useful but not essential and it is nice when cars are banned from the central shopping areas. I don’t agree with such situation but I have to accept it. My wife prefers to go to work using intercity transportation system. She says that during the rush hour, a trip from our home to her work by car takes much more time than a trip on foot. But I prefer to use my car. It suits me.

I could not imagine my life without my phone

I could not imagine my life without my phone or I should say phones because I have got a mobile too. I need a telephone to get in touch with my friends or to call the police or an ambulance. It is almost impossible for me to live without my phones. At home I have got a cordless telephone, I think it saves time when you have a receiver just at hand. But my mum was against buying a cordless phone because if there is some problem with electricity it would not work and you will be totally lost. She also thinks that it is a luxury to have a mobile, it is too expensive, and it is more trouble than it is worth. Besides she says that mobiles are dangerous for health. The rays may cause headaches and even more dangerous diseases. I don*t believe her. For me my telephones are really invaluable.

ІІІ. Заключительный этап урока (3 мин.)

1. Подведение итогов.

2. Рефлексия.

3. Домашнее задание.

Подготовить монологическое высказывание: Why people (don't) like to have modern inventions in everyday life?

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Тема урока: Inventions

Образовательная : создание условий для совершенствования навыков устной речи, навыков чтения с детальным пониманием содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации, аудитивных навыков.

Воспитательная: воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, чувства уважения к чужому труду и творчеству, чувство гордости за достижения своих великих соотечественников.

Развивающая: развивать любознательность, познавательный интерес, креативность, способность к распределению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию, к абстрагированию и обобщению при овладении грамматическими явлениями, к планированию своего высказывания, способность к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым действиям.

Формы и методы: групповая, парная, индивидуальная; словесные, наглядные, практические.

Тип урока: знакомство с новым материалом.

Оборудование: УМК для 11 класса Т.Аяпова, ИКТ, оценочные листы, раздаточный материал.

Формировать навыки аудирования, понимать речь на слух и понимать его содержание.

Развивать навыки спонтанной диалогической и монологической речи.

Расширить знания учащихся о современных изобретениях.

Оборудование: компьютеры, карточки с заданиями, презентация к уроку.

Teacher: Good morning, boy and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we have an unusual lesson. You see, we are in the computer’s room, not in the English one. Besides, we have guests at our lesson. Welcome! I’m sure we all wish you good luck at discussing the point of our lesson.

2.Объявление темы и целей урока.

Teacher: Dear friends! Look at the blackboard! Here is the motto of the lesson: " Science. never solves a problem without creating ten more ." Или может лучше пословица ? A thing well done it twice done. Хорошая работа два века живет.

What the most important inventions of the 19th and 20th century do you know?

Pupils: A car, a television, a vacuum cleaner, a computer, a mobile phone cloning etc.

We use some of these inventions every day.

3. Работа с лексическим материалом.

Teacher: I’ll give you the list of some modern inventions which are used in everyday life. Your task is to guess what these things are used for. You have to use –ing form.

For example: A mixer/ is for / to mix food. ---- A mixer is for mixing food.(Миксер для смешивания еды)

Is it clear? You will work in pairs. You have 2 minutes. Good luck!

A talking alarm clock

A microwave oven

to wake up people

to do calculations

to tell the time

to cut and collect the grass

to type information

to take photographs

to receive and make calls

Let’s check. Please, read and translate. (are they right?)

Do you have these inventions at home?

How often do you use them?

What things most of you couldn’t live without?

What inventions would you like to have and why?

4. Обучение аудированию.

Now I’ll listen to some people talking about things they use. You will work in groups. Your task is to answer the questions:

What things are the members of the family talking about? 2. Why do the members of the family like to have these things at home?

I really enjoy writing programs. It sounds difficult. But even an 11-year-old can write a simple program. One of my programs can play chess. It can beat me, but it can not beat my dad. He is an excellent chess player. (a computer)

They are magic. I also do roller-skating and ice-skating. But these are mixture of both. It is like ice-skating in the street. So fast! ( roller blades)

I think this is the most useful invention that I can imagine. I can take it anywhere I like. I have to keep in touch with my office whenever I travel. It is fantastic to be able to call them up as you are driving up the motorway. And they can even get in contact with me if they want!(A mobile telephone)

If we feel like eating a hot meal, I just get our favorite pre-prepared food and put it into the machine, set the dial and it is ready in minutes!(a microwave oven)

I am excited about this bit of technology. When I speak I cannot only hear but also see the other person! (a videophone)

I am a couch potatо, and I am proud of it. Every time I have a spare minute you can always find me on my couch. From there I switch from channel to channel until I find my favourite soaps. (a TV remote-control unit)

couch potatо- is a person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying on the couch.

(проверка по очереди)

-Today the first group starts. ( защита) презентация
презентация к уроку
PPT / 120.5 Кб

-Thank you and now the questions to this group.( учащиеся задают вопросы )

Today we repeated the words and grammar .Next lesson others group will защищать their projects.

We agree that they are shook the worlds for those times. Nowadays we use them in our everyday life.

Данная разработка урока предназначена для общеобразовательной школы.Старшие классы (11 класс).

Цели:-активизировать изученную лексику по теме и расширить лексический запас учащихся за счет чтения текстов и информации, найденной в Интернете;

-развивать языковую догадку, опираясь на контекст;

-использовать освоенные навыки из других областей знаний и развитие межпредметных связей (физика, информатика, история);

-приобщить учащихся к истории развития техники и технологий;

-формирование интереса к достижениям человечества и внимательное отношение ко всему окружающему.

Содержимое разработки

МБОУ Урывская СОШ

Открытый урок

по английскому языку

Цели:-активизировать изученную лексику по теме и расширить лексический запас учащихся за счет чтения текстов и информации, найденной в Интернете;

-развивать языковую догадку, опираясь на контекст;

-использовать освоенные навыки из других областей знаний и развитие межпредметных связей (физика, информатика, история);

-приобщить учащихся к истории развития техники и технологий;

-формирование интереса к достижениям человечества и внимательное отношение ко всему окружающему.

‘EURIKA’- с греческого означает ‘I have found it!’ Архимед сделал открытие, принимая ванну: на всякое тело, погруженное в жидкость, действует выталкивающая сила, направленная вверх и равная весу вытесненной им жидкости.

Archimedes principle – a scientific rule which says that an object placed in water will be affected by a force pushing upwards that is equal to the weight of the water moved by the object.

T – ‘This example shows that some inventions can be made unexpectedly, just by chance or because of someone’s mistake. Can you give some examples proving the idea?

P1 – Yes. As I remember Dmitry Mendeleyev saw the table of chemical elements in his dream and then he wrote it.

P2 – There is such a legend that Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity with the help of an apple. One day he was sitting in the garden under an apple tree and when an apple fell down and hit his head, he began thinking about the reason of the apple falling.

T – Look at the table. You can see a bowl covered with a napkin. Guess what is inside it. Ask me some questions about it.

P1 – What size is it?

T – It can be either small or large.

P2 – What colour is it?

T – It can be green, yellow, red.

P3 – Is it eatable?

T – Yes, it is. And it is very tasty.

P4 – Is it a fruit or a vegetable?

P5 – “Is it an apple?

T – Yes, my congratulations! And it has helped to make a discovery – the law of universal gravity as you have said.

3. Работа в группах

T – Work in groups. Put the following in order from the most useful (1) to the least useful (7): bubble gum, the theory of relativity, the printing press, corn flakes, the hula hoop, tea, the opener.

Pupils are given 3 minutes. After completing the task they give their answers and explain why they have put the inventions in this or that order.

4. T – Match the inventions above to these inventors:

Will Keith Kellogg, Emperor Shen Nung, Albert Einstein, Walter E. Diemer, Ezra Warner, Johann Gutenberg, Richard P Knerr.

Pupils use their knowledge they got at the lessons of physics, history, geography and ability to think logically. They work in groups. The teacher asks the groups’ ideas in 2-3 minutes. Pupils use the phrases: “I think”, “I’m sure”, “I’m not quite sure, but I think”.

T – Check your answers to the previous exercise. The teacher gives 3-5 minutes. Then pupils take their seats at the desks and give the right answers. Pupils work individually.

Will Keith Kellogg – corn flakes

Emperor Shen Nung – tea

Albert Einstein – the theory of relativity

Walter E. Diemer – bubble gum

Ezra Warner – the can opener

Johann Gutenberg – the printing press

Richard P Knerr – the hula hoop

7. Pupils take their seats at the desks after finding necessary information in the Net. They read their ideas and give their comments to each invention. Other pupils add some more details if they have found the information about the same invention.

8. There is a quotation on the blackboard. The teacher draws pupils attention to it. “What people say you can’t do, you try and find that you can” – Henry Theogeau.

T – I know that not everybody has the Net at home, but you’ve tried and have found that you can use it. That’s great.

If pupils don’t know anything about some technologies, the teacher says that they will find about them in the text which they should read at home.

10. Home tasks – to read the text ‘Futurology’. The teacher gives it to each pupil. It is from the book “New Opportunities. Upper Intermediate.”

11. The teacher gives apples from the bowl to pupils and says:

“I hope that you will make some discoveries or inventions using these new technologies, this apple will help you to do it.

Thank you for the lesson.!


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