House and homes план урока 8 класс

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Методическая разработка урока английского языка для учащихся 8 класса

Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков и умений говорения.

Задачи урока:

1. Практические:
а) активизировать в устной и письменной речи слова по данной теме;
в) обучать чтения с извлечением необходимой информации.

2. Развивающие:
а) развивать лексико-грамматические навыки;
b) развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи.

3. Образовательные:

a) расширить кругозор учащихся по данной теме;

b) познакомить с культурой страны изучаемого языка.

4. Воспитательные:

a) формировать способности к коллективной работе в группе;

b) воспитывать любовь к своему дому, своей семье.

Личностные: проявляют познавательный интерес к учебной деятельности.

- регулятивные: выполняют практическую задачу деятельности на уроке с помощью учителя;

- познавательные: осуществляют поиск необходимой информации;

- коммуникативные: оформляют свои мысли в устной форме; слушают и понимают речь других.

Предметные: умеют вести диалог, умеют высказываться по заданной проблеме.

Оборудование: доска, видео, презентация, интерактивная тетрадь.

1. Организационный момент, введение в тему.

T. Good morning, boys and girls! I want you to stand up. How are you today? I am happy to meet you at our lesson. My name is Natalia Aleksandrovna. Today I`ll be your teacher of the English language. But before we`ll start our lesson, I`d like to warm you up! Repeat the actions and the words after me:

It`s time to think!

It`s time to speak!

It`s time to show!

Ready? Steady? Go!

Now let`s do it quicker.

It`s time to think!

It`s time to speak!

It`s time to show!

Ready? Steady? Go!

Now let`s do it as quick as possible.

It`s time to think!

It`s time to speak!

It`s time to show!

Ready? Steady? Go!

-I like to speak English. (I`m too!)

-I like my family. (I`m too!)

-I like my home. (I`m too!)

-Are you ready for the lesson? (Yes, we are!)

-Great! Let`s start our lesson.

Sit down, please. I want you to watch the film and try to guess the theme of our lesson. (House)

T. What shall we do today? What are we going to talk about? You are quite right! (We are going to talk about houses.) I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it. Let's start!

3. Речевая зарядка .

What can we see in a house? (Rooms)

What can we see in rooms? (Furniture)

What can we do in rooms? (Actions)

Now look at the pictures and name the type of houses, please.

Well done, thank you!

What adjectives can we use to describe a house? Open your file folders and read the texts. Choose adjectives that we can use to describe a house.

4. Динамическая пауза . Bend down and find gifts for you under your desk.

What have you found under your desks? (A pen)

5. Развитие лексико - грамматических навыков. Now turn over your pages, take a pen and match words that have the opposite meaning. Are you ready? Let`s check up! Well done, thank you!

Do you want to play? Let's imagine that we are designers. We need to make a design in the rooms in our house. Open your interactive books take a pen and write down the names of the rooms in which you need to make a design.

Now turn over your pages, you see the words with the names of furniture. Use them to design your room.

Name the furniture and put cards into the right pocket. That's great! Our house became cozy and beautiful.

What can we do there? Now turn over your pages and choose the right cards. Thanks!

6. Развитие навыков чтения и письма . What`s this? This is a message for us! Our pen-friend Andrew asks our help. He needs help in writing a test. Do you want to help him? (Yes, we do). Great! We are to write down the necessary degree of comparison of the English adjectives.

Are you ready to check up? Good of you!

7. Развитие умения монологической и диалогической речи. Now turn over your pages and read his letter. What is he writing about? Does he dream about a flat or a house? What will be his favourite room? What does he dream to have there? Will it be cozy?

Now let`s imagine that we are adults. What type of house would you like to live in? How many floors would you like in your house? Where do you dream to live in? Would you like to live in a city, in a town or in a village?

I`d like you to tell me about your house of dream. Your interactive books can help you to do the task.

8. Рефлексия . Did you like the lesson? Did you like the interactive books? Did they help you to do the tasks? They are your presents, you may continue to work with them.

9. Итоги урока .

Thank you for your work. You worked well today. I really liked you and I would like to continue to cooperate with you. I invite you to the page of my website on the Internet . Our lesson is over. Good-bye!

Цель урока: Совершенствование ранее приобретённых навыков устной речи, построения монологического высказывания по заданной теме, аудирования и письма.

  1. Развивающая – развивать способности к обобщению, развитие памяти и внимания.
  2. Воспитательная – формирование способности к целеустремленной работе для достижения совместных целей, положительного отношения и интереса к изучению английского языка.
  3. Обучающая – 1. (communication objectives) коммуникативное развитие речевых умений (монологическая и диалогическая речь), уметь говорить о различных местах проживания людей, их преимуществах и недостатках;

2. (educational objectives) развитие кросс-культурного сознания (develop cross-cultural awareness);

3. (skills development) практика аудирования с пониманием основного содержания, с извлечением основной информации т.н. ознакомительное аудирование (listerning for gist and specific words), творческая письменная речь (creative writing).

I. Организационный момент. (СЛАЙД 1)

T: Good morning, dear children. Nice to meet you. How are you? I’m fine and you?

T: Turn to each other, touch your hands and try to say some polite words to each other.

P: Nice to meet you. Be happy.

  • To introduce the topic of the lesson;
  • To get purples involved
  • The whole class

Today we’ll speak about home, different houses where people live. You’ll tell me about your houses and flats. We’ll speak about the house we would like to have. OK?

III. Речевая зарядка

Where do people live? (СЛАЙД 3)

(Фронтальная беседа с классом)

Do you know the difference between the words a house and a home? (СЛАЙД 4)

a home – is a place where you feel comfortable and safe.

a house – is a building which people live in.

There are a lot of proverbs about home? (СЛАЙД 5)

Do you know them?

Can you translate this proverb?

S 1 “East or West home is best” - В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

S 2 “There is no place like home” - Нет места лучше чем дом.

S 2 “ Home, sweet home” - Дом, милый дом.

T: Do you agree with it? Is home really the best place?

Well, I have one more statement. “Home where the heart is.” How do you think is it right? Where can we live? What types of homes do you know?

Let's revise all of them.

IV. Введение лексики. (СЛАЙД 6 – 16)

Introducing the new vocabulary:

Log cabin, houseboat, skyscraper, wigwam, caravan, igloo, palace, tent.

V. Аудирование (listening practice) (СЛАЙД 17 – 19)

  • Pre-teach vocabulary
  • To activate general knowledge
  • To introduce active vocabulary
  • To practice listening for specific information

T: Let us do Ex 2 a, b in our student , s book page 80

Ex 2a p80 (matching)

Задание: Посмотри на картинку, соедини типы домов с их названиями и ответь на вопрос.

  • В каких странах ты можешь увидеть их? (In what countries can you see them?

Ответы: 1b, 2g, 3f, 4d, 5c, 6h, 7e, 8а

Ex 2b p80 (аудирование с выборочным извлечением информации)

Задание: Послушай песню и запиши что певцу понравилось, а что нет в каждом из видов домов.

Type of the home

Задание: Послушай песню еще раз и заполни пропуски

(практика извлечения новых грамматических структур из контекста)

(1)…to live in a wigwam (7)… to live in a skyscraper

Yes, (1)…to live in a wigwam (7)… to live in a skyscraper

(1)…to live in a wigwam (7)… to live in a skyscraper

(2)…dancing round the totem pole. (8)…being so far from the ground.

(3)… to live in an igloo (9)…to live in a palace

Yes, (3)… to live in an igloo No, (9)… to live in a palace

(3)… to live in an igloo Oh, (9)…to live in a palace

(4)… fishing in an ice hole. (10)…those huge empty rooms.

(5)… to live in a caravan Oh, (11)…to live in a tent

Yes, (5)… to live in a caravan Yes, (11)… to live in a tent

(5)… to live in a caravan Oh yes (11) … to live in a tent

(6)…traveling with the wind. (12)… listening to the birds.

VI. Закрепление лексики. Развитие разговорных навыков.

(Задания на чтение и говорение см. раздаточный материал)

There are a lot of unusual houses in the world. Look at the pictures. One of the tasks in your homework will be to write about some of them.

Before settlers from Europe arrived in North America, native people lived there. Many of them were nomads who travelled over the plains and hunted bison.

They lived in tents called teepees. These were easy to put up, take down and carry. Long wooden poles were placed in a circle and tied together at the top. Then bison skins were placed over the poles. Sometimes as many as twenty skins were used.

Teepees were usually 3 metres high and about 4 metres across on the ground. Skins were spread on the floor so that families stayed dry and warm. There was no furniture. Families sat and slept on skins and furs. They often lit a fire in the middle of the tent. There was a hole at the top of the teepee so that smoke could escape. The Native Americans often painted beautiful pictures on the outside of their teepees.

Answer these questions.

Native Americans were a) farmers b) hunters c) fishermen

They lived a) in mountains b) in forests c) on flat, open land

They a) moved from place to place b) stayed in one place

Why did Native Americans live in teepees?

What did they do with the bison which they hunted?

Do you think it was cold or warm in a teepee? Why?

Would you like to live in a teepee? Why? (Why not?)

2. Speaking (см. приложение 2)

VII. Анализ значения и форм грамматических структур

Ex 3 b page 81 (СЛАЙД 22 – 24)

In pairs fill in the tables and answer the question:

What difference in verb forms can you notice?

What does the singer like/prefer in general?

dancing round the totem pole

fishing in an ice hole

traveling with the wind

being so far from the ground

huge empty rooms

listening to the birds

Which phrase is used to express that?

I like. I hate. I love. I can ‘ t stand

What does/doesn ’ t the singer want

to live in a wigwam

to live in an igloo

to live in a caravan

to live in a skyscraper

to live in a palace

to live in a tent

Which phrase is used to express that?

I ‘ d like. I ‘ d love. I wouldn ’ t like.

I’d prefer. I can ‘ t stand.

Попробуйте сформулировать правило.

(1) I ‘ d like to live in a wigwam (7) I wouldn ’ t like to live in a skyscraper

Yes, I ‘ d like to live in a wigwam I wouldn ’ t like to live in a skyscraper

I ‘ d like to live in a wigwam I wouldn ’ t like to live in a skyscraper

(2) I like dancing round the totem pole. (8) I hate being so far from the ground.

(3) I ‘ d love to live in an igloo (9) I don ‘ t want to live in a palace

Yes, I ‘ d love to live in an igloo No, I don ‘ t want to live in a palace

(3) I ‘ d love to live in an igloo Oh, I don ‘ t want to live in a palace

(4) I love fishing in an ice hole. (10) I can ‘ t stand those huge empty room

(5) I ‘ d like to live in a caravan Oh, (11) I’d prefer to live in a tent

- Good morning dear guests, students! My name is……. And I hope that we will have a great time during our lesson. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Определение темы урока - I’ve prepared something for you. Look at the screen. You can see some proverbs. They are related to our today’s topic. Let’s read them.

East or West, home is best”

There is no place like home”

My home is my castle”

Ok, very well. And who tell me, what the common word for all these proverbs is. You are right- homes, houses. The theme of our lesson is “Different types of houses”. Today we’ll talk about the traditional English house.

Фонетическая зарядка

“Where we love is home

Home that our feet may leave

But not our hearts.”

Now please, do a quiz, that can help you to know how many types of houses do you know. Отвечайте честно, и скажите в итоге, какое число у вас получилось.

Первичное изучение новой лексики

Block of Flats (U.K) – Apartment building (U.S)

Просмотр видео фрагмента.

-And now let’s go to a typical English house.

Today people in Britain buy more houses than in the past.

About two thirds of the people in England and the rest of Britain either own, or are in the process of buying, their own home.

Most others live in houses or flats that they rent.

England has many types of homes. In the large cities, people often live in flats. Almost half of London's households are flats.

A big problem in England is the rising cost of houses.

5. Развитие навыков чтения: разбор типов домой

Let’s read about some different types of houses.

6. Релаксационная пауза.

-Let`s relax. (музыка) close your eyes and dream about your home, maybe it will be……

7. Проектная деятельность

Давайте остановимся на 5 основных типах домой в Британии.

Ваша задача вместо пропусков в текст, вставить недостающие фрагменты, на которых написаны типы этих домов.

Работа в группах по 4 человека

“Detached” means not connected on any side with any other building. Many British people think that a detached house is the best type of house to live in.

A semi - detached house (два соединённых вместе дома)

A semi – detached house is a pair of joined houses.

A semi-detached house is the most popular type of home in England (more than 27% of all homes).

A terraced house (ряд из несколько домов)

A terraced house is one of a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls.

The cottage is a lovely small house located outside the city, with a land plot (a garden).

A block of flats

A block of flats is a large building that has a lot of flats where people live.

В начале урока вам предлагалось отметить те типы домов, которые вы знаете. В течение урока мы с вами познакомились с новыми для вас типами и как они звучат на английского языке. Предлагаю вам подвести итог урока соединив тип дома с его картинкой.

You have worked properly today! But our time is up. Your marks for the lesson are ….

And now the last question: How do you feel after the lesson? And the last point. Just sum up what new you’ve learnt today?

Home is the place when you go there, they have to take you in." In western society, most people move away from their family of origin. In spite of this fact, it is good to know that the home of your youth is still there. It is nice to know that our parents are still living there, and that your bedroom is just as you left it. This provides a certain of stability as you struggle to build your own house and home. Eventually it is likely that your parents will sell the family home and begin their retirement years. You may feel that that the home that you have established has fully become your real home.


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Целью урока является развитие речевых навыков учащихся. Данный урок может быть проведён как заключительный по теме "Housing". Учащиеся предварительно готовят презентации по предложенным темам: "Виды жилья в Беларусии", "Необычные дома", "Дом моей мечты". В процессе урока обсуждаются типичные виды жилья для Британии и Беларусии, сравниваютя. Ведутся дебаты о достоинствах и недостатков тех или иных видов жилья. Проводится опрос среди сверстников о том, в каком доме они предпочли бы жить, почему.

План-конспект открытого урока по

английскому языку

How people live

учителя английского языка

Цель урока: развитие речевых умений

Сопутствующая задача: совершенствование навыков аудирования

Образовательная: обобщение знаний о стиле жизни людей в Британии и Беларуси;

Развивающая: развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся;

Воспитательная: воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре страны, изучаемого языка, формирование терпимого отношения к мнению другого человека, воспитание ответственного отношения к порученному делу;

Оборудование: компьютеры, мультимедийный проектор, экран, презентации в редакторе Microsoft Power Point, видеофильм “How British live”.

Ещё одной группой учащихся был проведён опрос общественного мнения, целью которого было выяснить, где предпочитают жить люди: в коттедже или в квартире.

I. Начало урока. Объявление темы и целей урока.

1. Приветствие (1 мин)

T: - Good morning dear guests. Good-morning, students! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you getting on?

2. Введение в тему урока. (3 мин)

T: I’d like to start with a poem related to the topic of our lesson. Can you answer my question? What is home?

Слайд 1

What is Home?
P: A roof to keep out the rain. Four walls to keep out the wind. Floors to keep out the cold.

T: Yes, but home is more than that…

P: It is the laugh of a baby, the song of a mother, the strength of a father. Warmth of living hearts, light from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty…

Слайд 3
P: Home is where we go for comfort when we are hurt or sick. Where joy is shared and sorrow eased.

T: That is home.

Thank you. I suppose that you are ready to tell me the topic of our lesson.

P1: I think that the topic of our lesson is 'Housing!'

T: You are right. Today we are going to talk about how people live (Слайд 4)

3. Совершенствование лексических навыков.

T: Let's do some worming-up. Dima, Tatiana, Maria, Nastya and Diana go to the board and complete the diagram with the suitable words.

Группа учеников работает у доски, остальные за компьютерами.

T: Look at the screen and say what phrasal verbs or prepositions do you associate with the pictures (слайд 5)

P1: Break in

P2: Bring up

P3: Break down

P4: Bring out

P5: Sorry for

P6: Accuse of

T: Very nice, thank you. Let’s check our diagram on the board. OK. Everything is correct, thank you. Take your seats.

T: On your screens you see six categories. Complete them with the words you know

Предполагаемые ответы учеников:

Style: traditional, modern, old

Type: apartment, detached, semi-detached, castle…

Location: in the centre, close to the shops, in the suburb, on the outskirts, isolated, in the country

Size: small, tiny, spacious, large, huge, average, family-sized

Cost: cheap, low-priced, over-priced, expensive, economical

General description: cosy, comfortable, secure, luxurious, well-mantained

T: It was great.

4. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.

(Слайд 7)

T: Well, we've revised a lot of words and you will be able to do some listening exercises. Listen to a man talking to an estate agent on the telephone about a house he would like to rent and complete the sentences. But first, look through the task. Do you have any questions?

Учащиеся слушают диалог

T: Is it clear? One minute to complete the sentences.

Учащиеся выполняют задание за компьютерами

T: Now, let’s check your answers.

Предполагаемые ответы учеников:

P1: Steve wants to live somewhere centrally located

P2. Steve is only interested in a flat

P3. The estate agent has studio flats and basement flats to offer.

P4. Steve does not want anything on the ground floor

P5. The rent must be between 500 and 600 pounds per month.

P6. He wants a one bedroom flat.

P7. The flat must have a balcony and central heating.

T: Ok. Nice, thank you. Definitely you are working hard.

5. Развитие речевых умений.

T: Now, imagine you are looking for a new home. Work in pairs. Use the prompts below to talk to an estate agent about a house/a flat.

(Слайд 8)

T: Thank you very much. It was interesting. Now I’d like to see if you remember all the types of houses we’ve learnt. So welcome to the game Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Слайд 9). The persons who answers all the questions correctly will win 1 million dollars.

Презентация игры

T: So our winners are … They receive a cheque for 1 million.

Вручение чека победителю.

6. Физкульт-минутка.

T: I see that you are a bit tired let’s have a rest. (Слайд 10)

Work in two teams. The leader thinks of any household chores and mimes it in front of the class. The students from the other group try to guess asking the questions: Are you…moping the floor?

7. Развитие умений монологической речи.

T: Are you energetic now? Ok. We’ll continue. We’re going to see the film “How British live”. Can you guess what it is about? (Слайд 11)

P1: Perhaps, It’s about the types of houses in Britain

P2. It may be about one day of The British life

P3. Or we’ll probably see the typical interior of a flat or a house.

T: Let’s see if you’re right then you’ll have to do some exercises. Before watching, look through the tasks.

(Слайд 12)

T: Read the sentences you've completed.

P1: Most British people live in houses

P2. Houses are all different shapes and sizes.

P3. The average British person drinks more than 8 cups of tea per day.

P4. Living room is where the Robinsons relax

P5. Dining room is a room for special meals like birth days.

T: OK. Nice. Now answer the following questions. (Слайд 13)

P1: I’ve seen such types of houses as a bungalow, a cottage, a terraced house.

P2. I’ve also seen a castle, a mansion, caravans and boats.

P3. There are 6 rooms in Robinsons’ house.

P4. In the living room I’ve seen a fire place, some interesting pictures and books.

P5. The Robinsons watch TV, play games and read newspapers in the living room.

P6. Tom does his homework in the dining-room.

P7. Mrs. Robinson is a writer and she works at home.

P8. Buckingham Palace is the most famous home in Britain.

T: Very good. Now imagine that this film was shot in our country what would you see?

P1: We would see the types of houses in our country.

T: You’re absolutely right. Now girls will present their project on the types of houses in Belarus. Be very attentive.

Подготовленная презентация учащихся.”Types of Houses in Belarus”

T: Thank you very much. It was really interesting. Now work in to groups and try to find the differences and the similarities between British and Belarusian ways of living.

Работа учащихся в группах

T: Very nice. I’m really satisfied with your work today. Tastes differ, as you know. All of you are almost grown up and, I’m sure, you have ideas of the places where you’d prefer to live. What kind of places are they?

Презентации учащихся “My dream house

P1: But I need your advice how to protect my house from burglars.

T: Do you have any ideas how to make Dasha’s house burglar proof?

P2: To my mind to improve security you should check all the locks on your doors and windows.

P3: In my opinion, the installation of lighting all around the house will make sure a burglar is unable to hide in the shadows.

P4:On the other hand, an alarm system is another preventive measure you can take.

P5:I think that starting a neighbourhood watch group is also a very effective way to prevent crime in your area.

P6: I’m sure that you should ask your neighbours to collect your mail, open and close your curtains every day, switch your lights on and off to make your house look occupied.

P1: Thank you for your advice I’ll try to follow them.

T: Now our next project. Girls are going to speak about unusual houses.

Презентация учащихся “Unusual houses”

T: Thank you very much. What has impressed you most?

8. Cooбщение учащихся о результатах опроса общественного мнения.

T: Our last project for today. One group was given a task to conduct a survey and find out “Where people prefer to live: in a cottage or in a flat”. Will you announce the results of your survey?

Презентация результатов общественного мнения, целью которого было выяснить, где предпочитают жить люди: в коттедже или в квартире.

P1: We’ve carried out a survey in order to find out where people prefer to live and why. We interviewed 40 people: 28 teenagers and 12 adults. We asked them 5 questions and the answers were the following:

Do you value peace and quiet or excitement and haste?
85% like peace and quiet and only 15% - excitement and haste.

Do you prefer to deal with hospitable, friendly and expansive people or indifferent, unfriendly and hypocritical ones?
As we had expected, 100% answered in favour of hospitable, friendly and expansive people.

Which of these can be found if you lived in a cottage somewhere in the surburbs and which – in a flat in the city?

100% admit they can enjoy beautiful nature only living in a cottage.

95% think that a cottage is a safe place with a friendly atmosphere and no pollution while only 5% say the same about living in a flat.

100% are sure that good service can be found only living in a flat.

About 100% think that if you live in a block of flats in the city you have more employment and entertainment opportunities.

Where would you like to live?
57,5% of people have chosen a flat in the city, 42,5% - a cottage in the suburbs.

So the survey revealed the paradox. People value things that can be found only in the countryside, however, more than half of them would like to live in a big city. The reason is clear: an opportunity to have a job and earn money, a good choice of entertainment and a wide range of services. Living in a cottage somewhere in the suburbs of a city is a secret dream of many city-dwellers, and it comes true only when they retire.

T: So many people, so many minds. Thank you for your great work.

9. Заключительный этап урока

T: You have worked properly today! But our time is up. Your marks for the lesson are (учитель объявляет оценки ученикам).

Put down your home task.

Write an e-mail to your pen-friend from Britain and tell about types of houses in Belarus.

And now the last question: How do you feel after the lesson? Look at the screen and say what emotions you feel. (Слайд 14)

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Урок английского языка в 8 классе

Урок подготовила учитель английского языка

Алешина Наталья Петровна

Открытый урок в 8 классе

Тема : Home, Sweet Home

активизация тематической лексики УМК в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития информационной коммуникативной компетенции школьников;

тренировка РО I wish … в устной и письменной речи;

воспитание потребности выражать свои мысли на английском языке;

развитие умений и навыков учащихся на основе прослушанного текста;

развитие устной речи на основе прослушанного текста.

A warming – up activity.

T: The theme of the lesson is Home, Sweet Home. Today we’ll speak about the places where you live, we’ll listen to the text and work on it and, of course, we’ll review the structure I wish… and check up your homework.

2. Let’s start our lesson with the words which you know, I hope.

Translate the words from Russian into English.

floor/ on the ground floor/ on the 1 st floor

to leave litter/ in the staircase

concentrate on/ focus on

compromise/ to find a compromise

to share a room

to strain your eyes

T: OK. I see you know the words quite good.

We live in different types of houses. And our own house is dear to our hearts.

What types of houses do you know?

Do you live in a detached house?

Is it cosy to live in a semi-detached house? Why?

What type of houses do kings or queens live? Is it cosy to live in a palace? Why?

If you are traveling, what types of houses are the most comfortable?

What house would you like to live? Why?

I live in a small flat but it’s my own.

4. All of us have our own wishes. When we want to express them we use the structure I wish…

1) Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

I wish I lived not far from school.

I had quiet neighbours.

I didn’t strain my eyes.

He concentrated on his work.

They didn’t leave litter in the staircase.

My neighbours didn’t disturb me.

My neighbours didn’t listen to loud music.

2) Let’s write our wishes on the board. Please give your examples. (Children dictate and write 4 sentences)

5. I want to know about your houses more. …come to the blackboard and answer the pupils’ questions. Ask the questions. (1 pupil).

6. Now tell me about your houses. (30 seconds to review) (1-2 pupils)

Do you have your own rooms?

Do you share your room with your brother or sister?

What is an Ideal room for you?

Your homework was to prepare the topic “My Ideal Room ”. Let’s check up it. I give you 1 minute to review it. (1 pupil)

8. 1) Your answer is … Now listen to the CD and be ready to do the tasks and answer my questions. (6.1) You have the sheets of the tasks on your tables. You should read the tasks and choose the right answer. (Pupils read the tasks translating on their own.) Listen to the text very attentively. (1-2 times)

2) Let’s check up how you have done it. Raise your hands who has no mistakes. Well done.

But I have some more questions.

What is the number of the house/ flat?

What floor does he live on?

How many people live in the flat?

What is the rent of the flat?

Was he born in London?

Was his house big or small?

Does he share his flat with 2 boys?

Where do they study?

What facilities do they have? (air conditioning, hot and cold running water, a washing machine, a tumble-dryer, a phone)

What furniture do they have? (a TV, a sofa, a dining table, an aquarium…)

What are they afraid of? (Their cat can eat the plants.)

Why does he laugh at the end?

What is his hobby?

What is the best place for drawing?

Why is a laundry a better place for drawing? (Nobody disturbs him.)

3) Back Translation

1. He was born in a big house.

2. He moved up to London to study at a technical university.

3. He shares a flat with 2 boys. They rent a flat.

4. Their flat is small. There are 7 rooms in it.

5. It has hot and cold running water, air conditioning, central heating.

6. It is very cosy.

Thank you for the lesson. Your marks are…

Your homework is …

1) Учебник М.З. Биболетовой “Enjoy English” – 8 класс

2) Teacher’s book - 8 класс

3) Г.Г. Касимова “Поурочные разработки по английскому языку” - 8 класс. Москва, “ВАКО”, 2009 г.

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