Home and away план урока 5 класс по обновленной программе

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Lesson plan

Unit 1: Home and away

School: Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Maths direction, Taldykorgan

Teacher name: Zh.K.Issabekova

Grade: 5

Number present:

Theme of the lesson:

Cities and countries

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Describe the pictures of the city

Most learners will be able to:

To speak about differences of old and new city;

Some learners will be able to:

To write the definitions of the places

Success criteria

To talk about places in cities;

Pastoral care

Learners are taught to be tolerant and respect each other

Value links

Learners will discuss and express their thoughts about the differences of city

Kazakh culture

This lesson focuses on:

Comparing buildings of Astana now and before.

Cross curricular links

The Arts, Kazakh

Previous learning

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Learners identify the city and the country according to the suggested landmarks (W, P)

e.g: Baiterek AstanaKazakhstan

Introduce lesson objectives.

Teacher shows pictures of different cities. Elicit what photographs show – city in Kazakhstan. Learners report what they see e.g. sometall flats, white buildings, some gardens with different shapes, fountains, a palace, glass, a shopping centre etc. (W, P)

Teacher demonstrates two images of Astana now and in the past.

Ask learners to work in pairs:

What differences can you find between Astana now and Astana in the past?

Which city do you like most? Why? (not)

e.g.The photo is in black and white; the flats are smaller; the buildings are lower; the gardens are different.

Teacher distributes Venn diagram with two circles headed Astana now and Astana before and explains the leaners what to do. Learners record some differences and a similarity in the diagram. (P) (f)

Descriptors for assessment. (Peer assessment)

Mentions at least one extra information.

They compare diagrams with another pair.

Teacher writes the word ‘city’ on the board. Suggest learners to write 6-8 places in a city they know around ‘city’.

e.g.shop, street, bank, bus station, café, cinema, hospital, library, market, park, sports centre, square, supermarket

Teacher supports less able-learners with word bank. (differentiation by teacher support)

Teacher monitors to identify those learners who know many places and those who know a few.

Learners compare the words.

Teacher offers learners to write definitions or what they can do in these places. (P, f)

e.g.Bank – is a place where people can change money.

Street – can be wide or narrow, there are people and cars.

Pairs check each other’s answers, compare if they have the same or different answers.

Worksheet 1 (Venn diagram)

Worksheet 2 (word bank)

Ask learners what the most interesting/ difficult part of the lesson was.

Name two words you practiced today.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

Differentiation by peer support and task

Differentiation by teacher support by giving word bank

Safety regulations are taken into account when planning and conducting the lesson.

There are types of activities that meet the needs of learners with different learning styles and level.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Автор программы понятие "Этикет" рассматривает в самом широком смысле, ставит очень актуальные задач. Подробнее.

Особенно ценно, что именно учитель, совместно с психологом, является автором программы адаптации реб. Подробнее.

Соглашусь с мыслью учителя о необыкновенной важности духовно-нравственного воспитания у детей в млад. Подробнее.

Замечательно, что воспитатель ставит задачу развивать коммуникативные навыки у учащихся младших клас. Подробнее.

Прекрасное раскрытие темы, очень полезные приемы и стратегии, которые используются на уроках. Думает. Подробнее.

Пройдите курс дополнительного образования по теме: Оказание первой помощи в образовательных учреждениях

Оказание первой помощи в образовательных учреждениях Пройти обучение

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  • Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС 77 — 58841 от 28 июля 2014 года выдано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационный технологий и массовых коммуникации (Роскомнадзор).
  • Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № 4276 от 19.11.2020 года. Серия 78 ЛО № 0000171 Выдана Комитетом по образованию Правительства Санкт-Петербурга
  • В соответствии с Федеральной целевой программой развития системы образования на 2011–2015 гг. и проектом концепции федеральной целевой программы развития образования на 2016–2020 гг.

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5C6 Organize and present information clearly to others.

5S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topic.

5R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5W8 Spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics.

5UE14 Use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic; use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

1) By the end of the lesson all students will be able to:

Identify and name parts of the house (flat) and objects in it

Use prepositions of place and construction “there is/are” to make up sentences with some visual support

2) By the end of the lesson most students will be able to:

Write correctly 6-8 words on the theme homes.

Describe their room using prepositions of place and construction “there is/are”

Recite the poem by heart with some visual support

3) By the end of the lesson, some students will be able to:

Recite the poem by heart without any support

Describe their rooms without any support

Assessment criteria

Name parts of the house (flat) and objects in it

Demonstrate the accurate spelling and guess

Demonstrate the accurate reading and memorization

Make up short sentences using the construction “there is/are” and prepositions of place

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Synthesis

Values links

Respect each other opinion

Previous learning

New vocabulary according to the previous lesson, prepositions of place , construction “ there is/are”

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

1. Teacher welcomes students and asks them to begin the lesson with the drill “Simon says”. Active learning. Total Physical Response strategy (W)

The rule is to repeat the action after the teacher showing you after the words “Simon says”. If the teacher does not say “Simon says”, learners mustn’t repeat an action. The student who repeats the action without “Simon says” is out of the game.

During this drill, learners will revise the construction “there is/are”. For example, teacher says: Simon says there are chairs in the classroom (and show process of sitting); Simon says there is a bed in the bedroom ( and show the process of sleeping); The bird is in the sky

(show the process of flying), etc.

2. Speech warm-up. Critical thinking strategy “Recreate a poem” (Воспроизведи стихотворение) (W,I)

The task is to recreate a poem by heart using fewer and fewer words.

The teacher: I’d like you to begin your work by reading a short poem “Rooms”.

One student reads the poem. The other pupil translates it.

This is the kitchen,

Where mother cooks for me.

This is the living –room,

Where we watch TV.

This is the bathroom,

Where we wash every day.

This is the bedroom,

Where I sleep and play.

Then the teacher deletes 4 words and another student reads the poem with missing words :

This is the kitchen,

Where ____cooks for me.

This is the living –room,

Where ____ watch TV.

This is the bathroom,

______ we wash every day.

This is the bedroom,

______ I sleep and play.

Then the teacher deletes several words in each line:

______ ______ the kitchen,

Where ____ ______ for me.

______ ______ the living –room,

Where ______ ______ TV.

_____ ______ the bathroom,

______ we ______ every day.

______ ______ the bedroom,

______ I ______ and _____.

Then the teacher deletes almost all words in each line:

______ ______ ______ kitchen,

______ _____ ______ for me.

______ ______ ______ living –room,

______ ______ ______ TV.

______ ______ ______ bathroom,

______ ______ ______ every day.

______ ______ ______ bedroom,

______ _____ _____ and _____.

Finally, the teacher shows the last slide with a picture of those 4 rooms and pupils have to recreate a poem by heart only with visual support.

Self-assessment is provided through coloring the appropriate fellow( Blob evaluating tree).

Differentiation by task. (the complexity of the task)

Learning objective: 5R1 Understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics.

Criteria-based assessment:

Assessment criteria

Demonstrate the accurate reading and memorization

a learner reads a poem and memorizes some words. Some learners recite the poem by heart.

3. Introducing the theme of the lesson.

“Unscramble letters” strategy. (W)

Teacher asks the learners if they can guess about the theme of the lesson. She gives them a clue, but the letters are jumbled.

Students’ suggested answer – My flat

The teacher: If you want to come into your flat you should remember the names of rooms. But they are also encoded.

Students’ suggested answers : living-room, dining-room, bedroom, flat, kitchen, bathroom, toilet

Learning objective: 5W8 Spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics.

Criteria-based assessment:

Assessment criteria

Demonstrate the accurate spelling and guess

a learner unscrambles 8 words and pronounces them correctly.

Formative assessment is provided through a teacher feedback: a teacher praises students and gives them stickers for correct answers .

4. Checking homework.

Critical thinking strategy “Sticks and Tails” ( I, P)

Students get schemes of words. They fill in the graphic schemes with the words they have learnt before. Each square is for one letter. Students must be attentive with such letters as t, h, f, etc., because they have “sticks” in written form, and, also, with letters p, j, g, etc., because they have “tails” in written form.

Time is limited (5 min)

Learning objective: 5W8 Spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics

Peer assessment is provided through exchanging works with each other. Then teacher hands out cards with answers and signal cards for the whole class checking.

more than 4 mistakes

Self-assessment is provided through coloring the appropriate fellow ( Blob evaluating tree).

Criteria-based assessment:

Assessment criteria

Demonstrate the accurate spelling

a learner spells 8 words. Some learners spell less words

5. Dividing learners into three groups by the themes “Rooms”, “Furniture” “Prepositions”

Learners read the words on their cards and find the members of their group

6. Task: Project work. Make up a poster (collage)

Each team chooses any 5 ice cream sticks with word combinations, makes up sentences with these phrases and the construction there is/are , and glues appropriate picture on the template of the room

Then each team chooses a volunteer who will describe their collage to another group ( a volunteer of the 1 st group describes their collage to the 2 nd group; a volunteer of the 2 st group describes their poster to the 3 nd group; a volunteer of the 3 st group describes their collage to the 1st group)

Leaning objectives: 5C6 Organize and present information clearly to others. 5S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topic. 5UE14 Use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic; use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.

Peer assessment is provided through gluing stickers on volunteer’s drawings by all members of other group.

Formative assessment is provided through a teacher feedback: a teacher praises all students and gives them sweets for their work .

Self-assessment is provided through coloring the appropriate fellow (Blob evaluating tree).

Differentiation by roles inside the group, by types of learners

Criteria-based assessment:

Assessment criteria

Demonstrate literacy and accuracy in making up of the description of the room

A leaner writes 5 sentences using prep.of place and the construction there is/are and describe the room . Some learners describe the room with peer support.

7) Differentiation by home task. Differentiation by resources.

Teacher asks students to draw a picture of their favorite room, label the objects in it and describe it using familiar prepositions of place and the construction “ there is/are”. Try to make up a description from 6 till 12 sentences.

High-achieving students make up a picture, label all furniture items and describe the room not less than 12 sentences without supporting resources.

Mid-achieving students make up a picture, label furniture items and describe the room not less than 6-8 sentences using dictionaries or any other supporting resources.

Low-achieving students make up a picture, label furniture items and try to describe the room with some support.

8) Reflection “ Which step have you reached today” (Ladder of success)

The poster of the Ladder is on the blackboard.

First of all, students assess themselves according to their Blob tree. Trough analyzing their self-assessment sheets , students glue stickers on the appropriate stair of the Ladder of Success .

“Fireworks strategy” for saying goodbye.

Students start clapping while standing up. They clap louder and louder moving hands above their heads like a firework.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Unit of a long term plan Unit 1

Home and Away

School: Amangeldy Secondary School

Teacher name: Omarova G.T.

Number present: 10

Lesson title

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

S6. Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during , pair, group and whole class exchanges

S4. Respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

W1. Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

W2. Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics.

W3. Write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects.

C1. Use speaking and listening skills to solve the problems creatively and cooperatively in groups.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand specific information related to the target.

Pronounce and name some words, according to the topic.

Recognize the theme and grammar material;

Most learners will be able to:

To write short sentences in a paragraph.

Answer the questions.

Do exercises with grammar material;

Some learners will be able to:

Use There is\There are to make sentences.

Speak about unusual buildings.

Assessment criteria

To ask simple questions to get information about buildings

To develop the learners’ correct pronunciation of active vocabulary

To make sentences using There is\are in right order.

To write and complete the sentences by putting names of the room

Values links

To respect each others’ opinion, to awake of their patriotic senses. To teach pupil to love our motherland.

Previous learning

Learners have an information about rooms. New vocabulary according to the previous lesson. Define There is\There are.

Can describe any room.

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Greeting. Teacher greets learners; learners respond to greeting and take their places.

Happiness circle.

Teacher greets and invites to stand in a circle and to greet each other.

Good better best

Never, never rest

Till your good is better

And your better best.

The teacher divides the class with the method of mosaic.

S4 Brainstorming.

Revision the previous lesson. Scrambled letters. You must make up some words and translate them into Kazakh.

s, p, o, l, i, l, w –
r, r, i, o, m, r –
o, s, f, a –
d, e, b –
l, a, l, w –

then show the pictures and children should describe using Thereis\are

There are some pillows on the sofa.

There is a mirror on the wall.

IV.S 6 . Working with new vocabulary.



Ex 1 p 10 look at the pictures what can you see?

What do these buildings look like?

Follow in your books and watch the video.

W1. W2. Writing. Work in groups A and B

Ex 2 p 10 Mark sentences True, False or DS.

1. the piano house has got four rooms. _____

2. there's a lift in the violin. ______

3. it has got a living room. ________

1. Jan's house is in China. _______

2. it has got four floors. ________

3. it is an office. _______

Descriptor A learner:

Works cooperatively in a group;

Read s and identifies the information

C1 . Pair work

Ex 3 p 10 in three minutes, write two things you remember from each text. Tell your partner or to the class.

W.3 Use your critical thinking and write a few sentences about your ideal house.

Use these words: the shape, big rooms, great view, garden, fireplace.

Assessment. Traffic light.

Feedback. The teacher gives comments about learners work and awards learner. Students will choose one and put on the board their stickers.

Home task: Writing and speaking ex 5 p 5 wookbook

Draw your unusual building and tell the class about it.

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- воспитательные: - воспитывать уважение к своему дому, к культуре своего народа.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you? What is the date today? What day is it today? What`s the weather like?

The topic of the lesson is My home – my castle. We are going on talking about our rooms, flats, homes (слайд 1).

II. Фонетическая зарядка (названия комнат и мебели).

Listen and repeat after the speaker (Disk 2 Task 6).

III. Развитие лексико-грамматических умений учащихся по теме урока.

Complete with numbers in the correct form. (слайд 2)

What are the names of the rooms? Add 2-3 things. (слайд 3)

Choose the odd one out. (слайд 4)

Which floors are these rooms on? (слайды 5-7)

How many? Ask and answer. (слайд 8)

Answer the questions. Look at the picture in your Students` Book, page 50. (слайд 9)

Complete the text with the words. (слайд 10)

Translate from Russian into English. (слайд 11)

Ask questions to the following answers. (слайд 12)

Speak about Kate`s house using these words. (слайд 13)

IV. Развитие речевых умений учащихся по теме урока.

Why do you think home is sweet? (возможные ответы учащихся: Because my family loves me. We can do our favourite things: play games, watch TV, read books, eat our favourite food.)

Listen to the song (CD-диск 3, Task 52)

Do you love your home? What do you feel at home? Are you happy? Do all your problems disappear? Do you relax at home?

Разыгрывание диалога этикетного характера о своей квартире (слайд 15)

Let`s speak about your flats. Act out a dialogue.

Ask me any questions you like about my flat.

You`ve got wonderful projects. Let`s listen to some of you about your home. Describe your flat.

Рассказ о любимой комнате.

Speak about your favourite room.

Парная работа (слайд 21)

Work in pairs. Students A, you`ve got a flat for sale and want to buy a house. Students B, you`ve got a house for sale and want to buy a flat. First, make up questions. Then ask each other about a house or a flat and answer.

Ведение диалога-расспроса с опорой на образец (слайд 22)

If we want to buy a house or a flat, we must see it first.

Read the dialogue in your books (ex. 2 p. 52)

Act out a similar dialogue between your mum and you. Now you want to buy a flat. Get ready in pairs.

Have you got your dream house? Tell us about it.

Известные здания в моей стране и за рубежом (слайд 24)

-презентация новой лексики (marble, dome, precious stones, glass)

-фонетическая отработка новой лексики (CD-диск 2 Task 14)

-Listen and read. Ex. 1b p. 53 (CD-диск 2 Task 15)

-Taj Mahal is a famous building in India. What`s the most famous building in Kazan? (Kul Sharif)

Kul Sharif is in Kazan, Tatarstan. It is in the Kazan Kremlin. What is Kul Sharif made of? (White stone, white marble, glass of different colours) What do Taj Mahal and Kul Sharif have in common? (There is a main dome in the centre and there are four minarets at each corner.) But the main dome in Taj Mahal looks like a large pearl and in Kul Sharif the main dome looks like the Kazan hat. How many floors are there inside Kul Sharif? (5 floors) Is there a beautiful garden or a pool outside? (No, there isn`t) There is a big square for people. Is Kul Sharif a fantastic building? (Yes, it is)

V. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание. Оценки.

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!


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