History of kazakhstan план урока

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Тип урока: исследовательский с элементами творческой деятельности; монопроект с открытой координацией; внутренний,групповой, краткосрочный.

В основе проекта "The traveling into the history of Kazakhstan" лежит исследовательская работа старшеклассников направленная на развитие коммуникативных информационных компетенций.

Форма защиты: путешествия команд по станциям этапам:

мини рассказ, презентация, инсценировка народной сказки.

Цель урока: проверить эффективность проектной методики в процессе обучения ИЯ.

1) проектная деятельность обеспечивает повышение уровня владения языковым

материалом и говорением как одним из видов речевой деятельности;

2) проектная деятельность обеспечивает повышение уровня внутренней мотивации учащихся к более качественному владению иностранным языком;

3) проектная деятельность способствует повышению уровня самостоятельности

учащихся, уровня сплоченности коллектива, а также их общему интеллектуальному развитию.

Цель потребовала решения следующих задач:

1. Обогатить, расширить языковые и речевые знания учащихся по

теме " Тhe history of Kazakhstan", совершенствовать развитие иноязычной речевой компетенции и межкультурной коммуникации в целом.

2. Повысить уровень автономности учащихся посредством самоорганизации в проведении исследовательской, творческой работы.

3. Познакомить учащихся с методами групповой работы, методами проведения исследований, направленных на решение определенной проблемы.

4. Развивать сплоченность коллектива, ответственность, критическое мышление,воображение, в процессе деятельности.

Направленность проекта: познавательная.

Продолжительность проведения: 3 академических часа.

Возраст: 8 класс (13-14 лет)

Место проведения: средняя школа лицей №8.

Оборудование и оформление: интерактивная доска, наглядные пособия (карта Казахстана,рисунки, схемы, таблицы)

Модель проектного занятия: Занятие нацелено на расширение и обогащение языковых и речевых знаний учащихся по теме с помощью использования дополнительной литературы, а также на совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков в процессе иноязычной речевой деятельности, лингвистической и коммуникативной компетенции в целом.

Для проведения данного урока заранее формируются 2 команды из учащихся 8 класса, которые будут соревнаваться при прохождении четырех станций- этапов. Преподаватель сообщает учащимся о тематике заданий на каждом этапе за неделю до мероприятия, учащиеся находят нужную информацию , готовят выступление команд. На каждом из этапов марофона жюри оценивают выступление команд по 20-баллной системе. После окончания марофона подводятся итоги соревнования и вручение грамот .

Каждое занятие (Activity) планируется по следующей схеме:

1. Введение (Introduction);

2. Основные задачи занятия (Objectives);

3. Пошаговое описание действий (Procedures);

Activity 1. ( Подготовительный этап).

Занятие начинается с краткого введения учителя: учитель приветствует всех

1. Сформулировать проблему исследования;

2. Выдвинуть гипотезы и определить направления поиска информации по

работе с гипотезами;

Учитель представляет ряд ситуаций, позволяющих выявить одну или несколько

проблем по обсуждаемой тематике.

-Geographical situation of Kazakhstan

-The capital of Kazakhstan;

-The culture (customs and traditions, literature);

Первый урок заканчивается выбором рабочих групп и распределением обязанностей. Учитель информирует учащихся о том что, на завершающей станции каждая из команд должна инсценировать отрывок из любой казахской народной сказки.

Activity 2. (Основной этап).

Introduction: Занятие начинается с краткого введения учителя: учитель приветствует всех участников, формирует цели урока. На данном этапе происходит актуализация уже известного языкового материала по выбранной теме, а также ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами.

1. Организовать работу в малых группах по сбору необходимой информации,

анализа и синтеза идей.

2. Определить формы и способы представления результатов проектов.

С целью систематизации и закрепления основной лексики по выбранной теме

учащимся предлагаются различные виды речевых упражнений:

2. Учитель демонстрирует учащимся фотоиллюстрацию по данной тематике

Учитель организует небольшую дискуссию.

Geographical situation of Kazakhstan?

What is the Capital of Kazakhstan?

What do you Know about the culture of Kazakhstan?

What kind of Kazakh legends do you know?

Выполнение данных упражнений способствует активизации учащихся в малых

группах, подводит к сбору необходимой информации, анализу и синтезу идей.

В конце занятия учащиеся определяют форму и способ представления результатов проекта (путешествия команд по станциям этапам:

мини рассказ, презентация, инсценировка народной сказки.)

В процессе проектирования учителем постоянно осуществляется отслеживание

деятельности каждого ученика на всех этапах работы над проектом.

Activity 3. (Заключительный этап).

Introduction: Вводное слово учителя: Учитель приветствует всех

учащихся, формирует цели урока.

1. Завершить отбор информации и ее обсуждение в группах, составить

сценарий защиты проекта.

2. Защитить проект, проанализировать результаты проектной деятельности

1. Защита проекта

-исполнения Гимна РК;

-рассказать о Гимне,Гербе, Флаге РК (мини рассказ)

-каждая команда должна рассказать об истории развития и становления Независимого Казахстана (презинтация 5 мин)

-назвать как можно больше обрядов, обычаев и праздников казахского народа(каздая команда поочередно называет по одному праздникуна английском языке) ;

-рассказать об одном из национальных обрядов или праздников (с элементами инсценировки);

-команды инсценируют отрывок одной из казахских народных сказок (реализация домашнего задания)

2. Оценка результатов

На каждом из этапров марофона жюри оценивает выступление команд по 20-ти баллной системе. После окончания марафона подводятся итоги соревнования.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Kazakhstan history tells us that even before our era numerous nomadic tribes inhabited what is now Kazakhstan. The historians of antiquity called them the Saka. For many centuries the land of the Saka was the scene of bloody, devastating wars. And many conquerors had encroached on that land.

In 1218, Mongol-Tatar hordes led by Genghiz Khan invaded Kazakhstan. They swept over the Kazakh land with fire and sword. As a result of those aggressive campaigns Kazakhstan, like the entire Central Asian region, was incorporated in the vast empire of the Mongols known in world history as the Golden Horde.

However, the Golden Horde turned out to be an unstable state. Undermined by internecine wars between the feudal lords and the liberation straggle of the conquered peoples, it eventually disintegrated into separate tribal alliances.



Директордың оқу-ісі жөніндегі орынбасары Каркынбаева Г.О. _____________

Модульдің / пәннің атауы:

Дайындаған: Рақымберлі Ж.Р

Оқытушы: Рақымберлі Ж.Р

Сабақ нөмірі

1 курс 13 топ

Сабақ нөмірі

Пән/модуль атауы:

Сабақ тақырыбы:

History of Kazakhstan. Confused words. Abbervitions. The articles.

Өткізу орны:

Шет тілі кабинеті

Сабақ мақсаты:

Студенттерге тақырып бойынша мәлімет беру.

Сабақ міндеттері:

Білімділік: Студенттердің тақырыпқа сай саяси жүйе туралы сөздік қорын молайту, еркін сөйлеуге, сөздің дұрыс дыбысталуын жетілдіру, грамматикалық ережелерді дұрыс қолдану.

Дамытушылық: Ойлау қабілетін дамыту, жазу, сөйлеу, оқу арқылы өз ойын еркін айтуды арттыру.

Тәрбиелік: Елін, отанын сүйге, патриот болуға, еңбекке жауапкершілікпен қарауға тәрбиелеу; тәртіптілікке баулу.

Күтілетін нәтиже:

Оқыту әдістері, педагогикалық техникалар, педагогикалық технологиялар:

Миға шабуыл; топтастыру; академиялық дау – дамай әдісі; ыстық орындық; кім жылдам; АКТ; оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер; оқыту үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау; сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету; оқытуды басқару және көшбасшылық;

Қажетті құралдар мен жабдықтар:

Сөздік, карта, кесте, слайд, оқулық, экран, проектр, флипчарт, маркерлер, портреттер, тақта, бор, стикерлер, таратпа қағаздар , CD диск

Қосымша ақпарат көзі (әдебиет):

Оқытушы жайлы байланыс ақпарат:

Рақымберлі Жансулу Рақымберліқызы

The Head of State in Britain

History of Kazakhstan. Confused words. Abbervitions. The articles.

of the lesson

Teacher’s action of management

Cognitive action of

Visual aids, resources


1. Organization moment: greeting the students.

2.Dividing the group into groups.

3. Checking-up homework

2. Divides students.

3. Now, let’s check your home task. What was your home task for today?

Let’s check, who is ready? Who wants?

-Good morning Teacher!

It was to learn new words


of the lesson

Creation the language atmosphere

- What is the weather like today?

-What season is it now?

-Is it raining today?

Answer the questions

Listening and Speaking

Vocabulary and pronunciation

Explain about our history

Work with the new vocabulary notes.

We’ll read and try to know the meaning of these vocabulary words.

Listen the information

Listen and repeat after teacher

Grammar: The articles

Explain rule with examples

To give out tasks on grammar

Concluding the lesson.

Match the words with the definitions

Evaluating by criteria of assessment.

Puts summative assessment

Give each other smiles and say their opinions.

The leader student evaluates the group

To make diagram about theme

Writing home task.

Reflection of the lesson

2 stars, 1 offer.

During a lesson ……
My mood was ………
Methods of the lesson.

Kazakhstan history: Ancient times

Kazakhstan history tells us that even before our era numerous nomadic tribes inhabited what is now Kazakhstan. The historians of antiquity called them the Saka. For many centuries the land of the Saka was the scene of bloody, devastating wars. And many conquerors had encroached on that land.

In 1218, Mongol-Tatar hordes led by Genghiz Khan invaded Kazakhstan. They swept over the Kazakh land with fire and sword. As a result of those aggressive campaigns Kazakhstan, like the entire Central Asian region, was incorporated in the vast empire of the Mongols known in world history as the Golden Horde.

However, the Golden Horde turned out to be an unstable state. Undermined by internecine wars between the feudal lords and the liberation straggle of the conquered peoples, it eventually disintegrated into separate tribal alliances.

Kazakhstan history - The Golden Horde influence map

Kazakhstan history - ancient time tribes

Kazakhstan History latest news and posts from our blog:

Kazakhstan history: Middle-Ages

By the early Middle Ages, a number of large field-farming oases with a sedentary population appeared in Kazakhstan. Alongside crop farming, it was engaged in horticulture and melon growing. Feudal towns began to emerge in these parts and soon established a brisk trade with neighboring countries such as China, Iran and the states of Central Asia.

In the second half of the 15th century the first Kazakhstan khanates (states) were formed. However, a long time was to pass before Kazakhstan grew into a single political entity.

There were constant wars among the khanates accompanied by the plundering of the population. Feudal disunity and internecine strife hindered the economic and cultural progress and considerably weakened the defense capacity of the Kazakh states.

For nearly a hundred years Kazakhstan people waged a struggle against the Dzungar. The invaders levied heavy taxes on Kazakhs and dealt ruthlessly with anyone who resisted.

According to Kazakhstan history the country was also a victim of constant raids carried out by the Volga Kalmyks. In the south, it was under the threat of invasion by the Central Asian khanates of Khiva, Bokhara and Kokand. Kazakh people were on the brink of complete enslavement and even extermination.

Kazakhstan history - warriors of the Middle-Ages

Kazakhstan history: After Middle-Ages

It was then that Kazakhs appealed for help to their neighbor, Russia, with which they had long been carrying on a lively trade to meet their needs for various consumer goods. In 1731 an act on Kazakhstan’s voluntary accession to Russia was signed.

Despite the colonial policy of Russian government, this was an important step, which opened before the Kazakhs the opportunity of establishing direct economic and cultural links with Russian people. Crop farming began to develop rapidly, industrial enterprises were set up.

Kazakhstan history - Kazakh people in Russian Empire

Kazakhstan history: The 19th century

In the first half of the 19th century the influence of Russia’s economy on the backward economy of Kazakhstan grew stronger: an increasing number of Kazakhs settled down and took up crop farming.

As the output of agriculture produce rose, Kazakhstan’s trade and economic ties expanded. In the late 19th century capitalism penetrated into agricultural sector, intensifying the process of stratification in the auls (Kazakh villages).

Kazakhstan history - Kazakh people in Russian Empire

Kazakhstan history: The 20th century

The First World War, which broke out in 1914, brought innumerable calamities to the people of Kazakhstan as to the entire people of Russia. Livestock, fodder and agricultural produce were requisitioned from the Kazakhs. Taxes and levies of all kinds were increased.

According to the history of Kazakhstan after the rebellion of October 1917 the Bolsheviks ignored the ethnic differences of the people and created Kirghiz Autonomous Socialist Kazakhstan in present-day Kyrgyzstan. Five years later, in 1925, the Kazakh appellation is reinstated; the Kazakh Autonomous SSR was given a capital - Alma-Ata.

Kazakhstan history - Kazakh Autonomous SSR flag

Kazakhstan history - Kazakh Autonomous SSR coat of arms

Kazakh Autonomous SSR - the part of USSR

In the 1950s, Nikita Khrushchev decided to use Kazakhstan to showcase Soviet ingenuity in land management and agriculture. As a result, he appointed Leonid Brezhenev First Secretary of Kazakhstan and commissioned him to carry out what was later known as the “Virgin Lands” project.

Helped by Kazakh Dinmukhammad Kunayev and a large number of Kazakh youths, Brezhnev turned the ancestral Kazakh grazing lands into wheat and cotton fields. While this was a major plan for the Soviet Union the project played havoc with the lives of the Kazakhs. Distanced from their major sources of self sufficiency, bread and meat, they became entirely dependent on imports from the rest of the Soviet Union.

The 1960s and 1970s saw the arrival of a different group of Soviets, the technicians who worked the coal and gas deposits and who took charge of the oil industry. This new community, added to the old farming and mining communities, tipped the balance against the Kazakhs who began to become a minority in their own country.

After Brezhnev, Kunayev became First Secretary. Using ancient Kazakh institutions such as tribal hierarchy and bata, Kunayev forged a new system of exploitation within the already exploitative Soviet system. As the chief of the “tribe” he made all the decisions on hiring and firing of managers of major firms and plants.

Then using bata, or sealed lip, he prevented any information that could damage his operation from reaching the Center in Moscow. The Kunayevempire, built around a core of his kinsmen, grew very strong. It would have grown even stronger if not Mikhail Gorbachev who displaced Kunayev as First Secretary and installed a Russian, GennadiiKolbin, in his place.

As for Kunayev, he refused to disappear quietly. Rather, he set his own forces into motion and created the so-called “Alma-Ata” riots of the late 1980s, the first to shake the foundation of the Soviet Union.

Kazakhstan history: Present day

In 1991, following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan became an independent sovereign state.

Kazakhstan history - Kazakhstan independence monument

The questions of our visitors

Dolla asks: What was the population of Kazakhstan in 1950?

I have found no official info about 1950, but according to USSR national general censuses of the population of 1939 and 1959 Kazakhstan population was 6,081 and 9,294 millions, respectively.

Unknown visitor asks: Why did Kazakhstan quit the USSR?

Well, generally speaking the nations of the states that formed the Soviet Union (like Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others) wanted to get independence to be the sovereign states and USSR as a state had no power (economical, political or military) to stop them from gaining it. So the SovietUnioncollapsed.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Пән аты: Шет тілі . (Ағылшын тілі)

директордың оқу ісі

The English

Сабақ жоспары № 9

The subject of the lesson: History of Kazakhstan.

The aims of the lesson: 1) Educational-to acquaint students with a new vocabulary and expressions on a theme: History of Kazakhstan.

2) Developing-to develop the ability to combine facts, to analyze, to Express their point of view.

3) Bringing up-to develop a culture of behavior during the meal

The type of the lesson: Жаңа тақырыпты таныстыру.

Methods: Хабарлау

Interobjects connection: Geography, History

The visual aids: Электронды кітапхана

The procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment: (3 мин)

Good day, students! Sit down! I am glad to see you!

We begin our English Lesson!

Conversation with on duty:

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Thank you, very much! Sit down!

Check up the educational accessories.

Creation the language atmosphere

What is the weather like today?

What season is it now?

Is it raining today?

Phonetic drill: (3 мин)

D o n’t g o h o me al o ne. N o body kn ow s how l o nely the r oa d is .

Repetition of the lesson.

Checking the home task.

What was your home task for today?


Presentation of the new material: ( 25 мин)

Kazakhstan history

Kazakhstan history: Ancient times

Kazakhstan history tells us that even before our era numerous nomadic tribes inhabited what is now Kazakhstan. The historians of antiquity called them the Saka. For many centuries the land of the Saka was the scene of bloody, devastating wars. And many conquerors had encroached on that land.

In 1218, Mongol-Tatar hordes led by Genghiz Khan invaded Kazakhstan. They swept over the Kazakh land with fire and sword. As a result of those aggressive campaigns Kazakhstan, like the entire Central Asian region, was incorporated in the vast empire of the Mongols known in world history as the Golden Horde.

However, the Golden Horde turned out to be an unstable state. Undermined by internecine wars between the feudal lords and the liberation straggle of the conquered peoples, it eventually disintegrated into separate tribal alliances.

Kazakhstan history - The Golden Horde influence map


Kazakhstan history - ancient time tribes


Kazakhstan History latest news and posts from our blog:

Kazakhstan history: Middle-Ages

By the early Middle Ages, a number of large field-farming oases with a sedentary population appeared in Kazakhstan. Alongside crop farming, it was engaged in horticulture and melon growing. Feudal towns began to emerge in these parts and soon established a brisk trade with neighboring countries such as China, Iran and the states of Central Asia.

In the second half of the 15th century the first Kazakhstan khanates (states) were formed. However, a long time was to pass before Kazakhstan grew into a single political entity.

There were constant wars among the khanates accompanied by the plundering of the population. Feudal disunity and internecine strife hindered the economic and cultural progress and considerably weakened the defense capacity of the Kazakh states.

For nearly a hundred years Kazakhstan people waged a struggle against the Dzungar. The invaders levied heavy taxes on Kazakhs and dealt ruthlessly with anyone who resisted.

According to Kazakhstan history the country was also a victim of constant raids carried out by the Volga Kalmyks. In the south, it was under the threat of invasion by the Central Asian khanates of Khiva, Bokhara and Kokand. Kazakh people were on the brink of complete enslavement and even extermination.

Kazakhstan history - warriors of the Middle-Ages


Kazakhstan history: After Middle-Ages

It was then that Kazakhs appealed for help to their neighbor, Russia, with which they had long been carrying on a lively trade to meet their needs for various consumer goods. In 1731 an act on Kazakhstan’s voluntary accession to Russia was signed.

Despite the colonial policy of Russian government, this was an important step, which opened before the Kazakhs the opportunity of establishing direct economic and cultural links with Russian people. Crop farming began to develop rapidly, industrial enterprises were set up.

Kazakhstan history - Kazakh people in Russian Empire


Kazakhstan history: The 19th century

In the first half of the 19th century the influence of Russia’s economy on the backward economy of Kazakhstan grew stronger: an increasing number of Kazakhs settled down and took up crop farming.

As the output of agriculture produce rose, Kazakhstan’s trade and economic ties expanded. In the late 19th century capitalism penetrated into agricultural sector, intensifying the process of stratification in the auls (Kazakh villages).

Kazakhstan history - Kazakh people in Russian Empire


Kazakhstan history: The 20th century

The First World War, which broke out in 1914, brought innumerable calamities to the people of Kazakhstan as to the entire people of Russia. Livestock, fodder and agricultural produce were requisitioned from the Kazakhs. Taxes and levies of all kinds were increased.

According to the history of Kazakhstan after the rebellion of October 1917 the Bolsheviks ignored the ethnic differences of the people and created Kirghiz Autonomous Socialist Kazakhstan in present-day Kyrgyzstan. Five years later, in 1925, the Kazakh appellation is reinstated; the Kazakh Autonomous SSR was given a capital - Alma-Ata.

Kazakhstan history - Kazakh Autonomous SSR flag


Kazakhstan history - Kazakh Autonomous SSR coat of arms

Kazakh Autonomous SSR - the part of USSR


In the 1950s, Nikita Khrushchev decided to use Kazakhstan to showcase Soviet ingenuity in land management and agriculture. As a result, he appointed Leonid Brezhenev First Secretary of Kazakhstan and commissioned him to carry out what was later known as the “Virgin Lands” project.

Helped by Kazakh Dinmukhammad Kunayev and a large number of Kazakh youths, Brezhnev turned the ancestral Kazakh grazing lands into wheat and cotton fields. While this was a major plan for the Soviet Union the project played havoc with the lives of the Kazakhs. Distanced from their major sources of self sufficiency, bread and meat, they became entirely dependent on imports from the rest of the Soviet Union.

The 1960s and 1970s saw the arrival of a different group of Soviets, the technicians who worked the coal and gas deposits and who took charge of the oil industry. This new community, added to the old farming and mining communities, tipped the balance against the Kazakhs who began to become a minority in their own country.

After Brezhnev, Kunayev became First Secretary. Using ancient Kazakh institutions such as tribal hierarchy and bata, Kunayev forged a new system of exploitation within the already exploitative Soviet system. As the chief of the “tribe” he made all the decisions on hiring and firing of managers of major firms and plants.

Then using bata, or sealed lip, he prevented any information that could damage his operation from reaching the Center in Moscow. The Kunayev empire, built around a core of his kinsmen, grew very strong. It would have grown even stronger if not Mikhail Gorbachev who displaced Kunayev as First Secretary and installed a Russian, GennadiiKolbin, in his place.

As for Kunayev, he refused to disappear quietly. Rather, he set his own forces into motion and created the so-called “Alma-Ata” riots of the late 1980s, the first to shake the foundation of the Soviet Union.

Kazakhstan history: Present day

In 1991, following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan became an independent sovereign state.

Kazakhstan history - Kazakhstan independence monument


The questions of our visitors

Dolla asks: What was the population of Kazakhstan in 1950?

Expert's answer:

I have found no official info about 1950, but according to USSR national general censuses of the population of 1939 and 1959 Kazakhstan population was 6,081 and 9,294 millions, respectively.

Unknown visitor asks: Why did Kazakhstan quit the USSR?

Expert's answer:

Well, generally speaking the nations of the states that formed the Soviet Union (like Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others) wanted to get independence to be the sovereign states and USSR as a state had no power (economical, political or military) to stop them from gaining it. So the Soviet Unioncollapsed.

Con sol i dati on of the new lesson: (12 мин )

Conclusion of the lesson: (2 мин)

1. The result of the lesson

2. Home task: Exercise 4 . Learn the new words.

Objectives: To practice the topical vocabulary;
To check the pupils’ ability to use the active vocabulary in a new context;
To develop communicative competence: speaking, reading and listening
To maintain skills of critical thinking;
To widen the scope;
Language material: active vocabulary of Units I and II, text “Kazakhstan’s unique
history”, test “Do you know your country?”
Accessories: IWB, a cassette recorder.
Course Book: English-IX, O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva

Plan of the lesson

I. The beginning of the lesson
a) Greeting
b) Defining the theme of the lesson 4´
II. Warm-up ”Brainstorming ”
a) Answer the questions 3´
III. A talk about great people
a) Matching
b) Speaking about great people 3´

IV. Listening Comprehension
1) Pre-listening tasks
a) Making prediction
b) Giving Russian equivalents of the words and word combinations
2) Listening to the text and catching the main information
3) Answering the questions
4) Listening to the text for the second time and speaking about the dates
5) Making a plan of the text
6) Think-Pair-Sharing (retelling of the text)
7) Draw a conclusion 23´

V. Test “Do you know your country?” 4´
VI. Presentation of the project work “Great people of Kazakhstan” 5´
VII. The end of the lesson
a) Reflection
b) Evaluation 3´

The Procedure of the lesson

The beginning of the lesson
а) Greeting
T: Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you?
b) Defining the topic of the lesson (Solving the crossword).
T: At first I’d like you to define the topic of our lesson today.
For this purpose you are to solve the crossword.
T: So the headline of our lesson today is “Pages of History” and I’d like to know your opinion about history.

Warm-up ”Brainstorming ”
Answer the questions.
Do you like history?
What periods in the history of mankind do you find the most interesting?
At what period of history would you like to live?
What events in history changed the face of our world?
What people played a special role in history?

A talk about great people
T: Let’s speak about people who played a special role in history.
a) Matching the portraits of famous people with their names
b) Speaking
T: Tell what these people are famous for.
Pupils’ possible answers:
P1 - Ludwig Van Beethoven was one of the best known and most admired composers of his time, continued writing music even after he became unable to hear.
P2 - Mikhail Gorbachev started the process of economic and political change which
improved his country’s relationship with the West and resulted in the end of
Communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
P3 - Abraham Lincoln abolished the slavery. In 1863 he signed the Emancipation
Proclamation - the document that made all the slaves free.
P4 - Margaret Thatcher became the first woman Prime Minister, won three general
elections and had a lot of influence on British life, was sometimes called “the Iron
P5 - Napoleon Bonaparte was a great and very skilful military leader; his armies took
control of many European countries, which then became part of his empire. But his
imperial dreams were crushed by the English at the battle of Waterloo.
P6 - Abai Kunanbayev was the great poet, writer, the founder of the modern Kazakh
Literature, translated into his native tongue verses by Pushkin, Lermontov, Byron,
Goethe and others.
P7 - Elisabeth I is remembered as a very popular and strong queen. She is known for
saying “I know I have a body of a week and feeble woman, but I have a heart of a
P8 - Mukhtar Auezov is a well- known Kazakh writer. He wrote “Abai’s Path”- a novel about Abai Kunanbayev, which became popular all over the world.
T: You have demonstrated a good knowledge on the theme understudy and I think that it is a good base for our new topic.
Listening Comprehension

T: So today we will talk about the history of our motherland, the republic of
Kazakhstan. We shall listen to the text “Kazakhstan’s unique history” and do some
1. Pre-listening task
Making predictions. (What is the text about?)
Giving Russian equivalents of the words and word combinations.
to encroach, a state religion, to invade, to annex, the Golden Horde, khanate,
to incorporate, the rebellion, to reinstate, the Declaration of Independence, to adopt,
to establish (give Passive forms of the verbs).
2. Listening to the text.
T: Listen to the text, trying to catch the main information.
3. Answering the questions.
a) What were the first settlements in the territory of the Republic of
b) For many centuries the land of the Saks was the scene of bloody and devastating
wars, wasn’t it? Why?
c) Who invaded Kazakhstan in 1219?
d) Why was the Golden Horde disintegrated into separate alliances?
e) Were the Kazakh zhuzes incorporated into the Russian
Empire? Why?
f) What happened in 1991?
4. Listening to the text for the second time.
T: Tell what events are connected with these dates?
the 8th-9th centuries
the 30ies-40ies of the 14th century
T: OK. Your answers show that you managed to understand the text, remember the
information and you can easily operate with facts and dates. Now I’d like you to make
the plan of the text.
5. Making a plan of the text.
T: Divide the text into logical parts and give a heading to each part (The plan is ready).
1. Early history of Kazakhstan
2. The Golden Horde
3. The foundation of Kazakh Khanate
4. The Kazakh SSR
5. Modern-day Kazakhstan
6.Think-Pair –Sharing /TPS
T: The next task is retelling. You will retell the text in pairs. But first I’d like you to
divide into the pairs. I’ll give you the separate sheets of paper on which either the
beginning or the end of the proverb or actual saying is written. You are to find
your partner and find out the proverb(saying). Then read the proverb(saying) in
English and give its Russian and Kazakh equivalents.

The beginning of the proverb (saying) The end of the proverb (saying)

Happy is the country
The history of mankind is not only a history of inventions
and discoveries
Without the past
Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are destined to repeat them.
that has no history.
there is no future.
repeats itself
but also a history of wars and
military conflicts.

T: OK. The task for the pairs. Each pair is to retell that part of the text to which your proverb is suitable. Think a little and be ready to share your information with us.
7. Draw a conclusion
a) T: Thank you. You have managed to cope with this task very well. Now think about
what predictions you made before. Were you right while predicting the content of
the text? (Additions).
b) T: OK. Now you know the history of your country very well
Do you think that everybody must know the history of his or her country? Why?

Test “Do you know your country?”

Choose the right item.
What is the official name of your country?
a) Kazakhstan
b) The Republic of Kazakhstan
c) The Kazakh Autonomous Republic
2. What is the state language of Kazakhstan?
a) Kazakh
b) Russian
c) Kazakh and Russian
3. The Kazakhstan’s second largest city is
a) Karaganda
b) Almaty
c) Aktobe
4. When did Zheltoksan riot take place in Kazakhstan?
a) December, 1988
b) December, 1991
c) December, 1986
5. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted in Kazakhstan?
a) in 1990
b) in 1992
c) in 1991
6. How many official holidays are there in Kazakhstan?
a) 6
b) 8
c) 4
7. In which month is Kazakh New Year celebrated?
a) December
b) January
c) March
8. When was the national currency of Kazakhstan put into circulation?
a) December, 1992
b) November, 1993
c) March, 1995
9. One of the national sports in our country is
a) Football
b) Wrestling
c) Boxing
10. When did the capital of our country move from Almaty to Akmola?
a) in 1989
b) in 1997
c) in 1998
T: Well done. You know your country very well. Thank you. Now let’s listen to your
project work.

Presentation of the project work “Great people of Kazakhstan”

a) T: As in the whole world there are a lot of great people in our republic. Do you know
their names?
Pupils’ answers: Kurmangazy- a famous composer. Chokan Valikhanov- a scientist and enlightener, Abai Kunanbayev- a great Kazakh poet, Rosa Rymbayeva - a famous pop star, Olzhas Suleimenov – a famous writer, an initiator of public movement “Semey-Nevada,”
Aliya Moldagulova- the daughter of Kazakh steppe, the Hero of the Soviet Union and many others.
b) Pupil’s Presentation
T: Could you tell us in a few words why you chose…..
Pupils’ opinions about the project work
T: How did you find his\her project? - Pupils’ answers

The end of the lesson

T: Today at the lesson we talked a lot about the history of Kazakhstan and I’d like you to
make a conclusion. What have you learnt from this lesson? Was it useful for you?-
Pupils’ answers.
T: I’m sure today at the lesson you got a lot of useful information. Remember the words
of Joseph Brodsky a great Russian poet, the receiver of the Nobel Peace Prize. He
said “When we acquire a new language we gain a new soul.” And I want to say
“When we acquire new information we gain a new soul.”
T: On this note we’ll finish our lesson. I’m pleased with your work. Everybody gets an
excellent mark. Thank you.

Kazakhstan’s unique history (text for listening comprehension)

The first settlements in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan date back to Paleolithic period, about 100 000 years ago. The historians of antiquity called them the Saks. For many centuries the land of the Saks was the scene of bloody, devastating wars. And many conquerors had encroached that land
In the 8th-9th centuries Islam was established on the territory of Kazakhstan as a state religion. In 1219, Mongol-Tatars led by Genghis Khan invaded Kazakhstan. They swept over the Kazakh land with fire and sword. As the result of those aggressive campaigns Kazakhstan, like the entire Central Asia region, was annexed to the vast empire of the Mongols known in world history as the Golden Horde. However, the Golden Horde turned out to be an unstable state and in the 30ies-40ies of the 14th century, the Golden Horde was disintegrated into separate khanates..
The Kazakh Khanate was founded in 1465 on the banks of Jetisu in the south-eastern part of present Kazakhstan by Janibek Khan and Kerei Khan. During the reign of Kasym Khan (1511-1523), the Kazakh Khanate expanded considerably. The Kazaks were traditionally divided into three parts- the Great zhuz, the Middle zhuz and the Little zhuz. All zhuzes had to agree in order to have a common Khan. In 1731 there was no strong Kazakh leadership and the three zhuzes were incorporated into the Russian Empire one by one. Despite the colonial policy of Russian Government this was an important step, which opened before the Kazakhs the opportunity of establishing economic and cultural links with Russian people. Besides an increasing number of Kazakhs settled down and took up crop-farming.
After the rebellion of October 1917 the Bolsheviks ignored the ethnic differences of people and created Kirghiz Socialist Kazakhstan in present day Kyrgyzstan. Five years later, in 1925, the Kazakh appellation is reinstated; the Kazakh SSR was given capital- Alma-Ata.
The end of the 20th century brought new possibilities for development of statehood of Kazakhstan. In 1991, following the disintegration of the Soviet Union Kazakhstan became an independent state. On October, 25 1990 the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Republic was signed. On the 16th of December 1991 a Declaration about Independence of Kazakhstan was adopted. The new Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted on August 30, 1995 established a new state of the republic.

Выявление уровня сформированности лексического навыка по теме "Kazakhstan".


2) развивающая – практиковать учащихся в знание о своем государстве, активизировать мыслительную деятельность;

3) воспитательная – прививать интерес к английскому языку посредством мультимедиа;

4) познавательная – закрепить первоначальные знания по теме "Kazakhstan".

Ход урока.


Teacher ' s Activity.

- Good morning, dear children!- I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please. How are you?- Who is absent today?

- What is the date today?

What is the day today?

Ok. The theme of our lesson is “Kazakhstan”. Let’s check your home task.

Kazakhstan, officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a transcontinental country in Central Asia and Europe. The ninth largest country in the world by land area, it is also the world's largest landlocked country; its territory of 2, 727, 300 square kilometres (1, 053, 000 sq mi) is larger than Western Europe. [6][7] It is neighbored clockwise from the north by Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and also borders on a significant part of the Caspian Sea.

Although Kazakhstan does not share a border with Mongolia, its most easterly point is only 38 kilometres (24 mi) from Mongolia's western tip. The terrain of Kazakhstan ranges from flatlands, steppes, taigas, rock-canyons, hills, deltas, and snow-capped mountains to deserts. With 16. 6 million people (2011 estimate).

Kazakhstan has the 62nd largest population in the world, though its population density is less than 6 people per square kilometre (15 per sq. mi. ). The capital was moved in 1998 from Almaty, Kazakhstan's largest city, to Astana.

For most of its history, the territory of modern-day Kazakhstan has been inhabited by nomadic tribes. By the 16th century, the Kazakhs emerged as a distinct group, divided into three Jüz.

Agriculture accounted for 10. 3% of Kazakhstan's GDP in 2005. Grain (Kazakhstan is the seventh-largest producer in the worldand livestock are the most important agricultural commodities. Agricultural land occupies more than 846, 000 square kilometres (327, 000 sq mi). The available agricultural land consists of 205, 000 square kilometres (79, 000 sq mi) of arable land and 611, 000 square kilometres (236, 000 sq mi) of pasture and hay land.

Very good, now, let’s answer my questions:

План-конспект урока английского языка Kazakhstan

Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan?

What is the size of area?

What can you say about the population of the Republic?

What is the capital of the Republic?

Where is it situated?

What is the official language?

Answer the questions using the map:

How many kilometers does the area of the country extend from the West to the East and from the North to the South?

What is there in there in the southwest of the country?

Very good, your home task is ex. 10

Very good, now, let’s answer my questions:

Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan?

What is the size of area?

What can you say about the population of the Republic?

What is the capital of the Republic?

Where is it situated?

What is the official language?

Answer the questions using the map:

How many kilometers does the area of the country extend from the West to the East and from the North to the South?

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