Getting to school how do you get to school план урока 1 класс

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

Урок содержит пошаговые инструкции на закрепление вокабуляра и структур по теме "Транспорт". В разработке представлены игры на закрепление, скриншот видео для физминутки, а также скриншот страниц учебника Smiles 1 by Express Publishing по текущей теме.

Содержимое разработки

Learning objectives:

1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

1.S5 produce words in response to basic prompts

1.UE9 use basic present simple forms [positive and negative] to give basic personal information

1.L2 recognize with considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

Anticipated problems:

All learners will be able to

Recognize simple greetings

Listen to the song, sing it and act

Most learners will be able to

Recognize transport vocabulary

Demonstrate and name the actions

Some learners will be able to

Answer the questions with a new structure intelligibly



Ss are able to greet

T: Good morning, children!

Ss: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you…

Ss are able to say how they feel at the beginning of the lesson

Ss: I’m super. I’m sad…

Physical drill

Ss are able to use and act out the verbs describing daily routine

T: I get up, wash my face and hands, clean my teeth…

Ss repeat in chorus and act

Ss are able to name the types of transport

T shows the pictures of transport

A game “Go to the . ” instead of dots T names a word

T hides some pictures

of transport and asks What is missing?

T asks a student “Show me a. ”

Ss name the transport

A S acts out words of Transports , the others guess and say the word in English.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

LESSON: Unit 5 Travel/ Getting to school/ Transport

School: NIS Taldykorgan

Teacher name: Abenova A.N.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

produce words in response to basic prompts

recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Say names of some transport intelligibly

Produce a simple picture of coloured vehicles

Most learners will be able to:

Understand some factual questions about transport

Respond appropriately to some yes/no questions

Use some short form answers correctly

Respond to some information questions about animals correctly

Some learners will be able to:

Use present simple forms correctly in narration

Previous learning

Hot and cold/days of week

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

The teacher greets pupils by saying. The teacher introduces the lesson objectives.

-Good morning kids!

-Good morning teacher!

-We are all right, thank you!

Today we are going to learn new words, listen to the sounds of transport and guess them and finally colour the objects. Also we’ll sing a song about different ways of transport.

(D) Teacher demonstrates and drills pronunciation for types of transport:


school bus

tram [walking] train using visuals and actions.

Teacher then flashes cards and nominates individual learners to produce words.

Teacher demonstrates what learners have to do with a worksheet. Teacher then reads out the instructions to the pupils to colour the means of transport.

Listening and putting objects on and colouring different parts of a getting to school transport scene card.

Colour the plane grey. Write number 1 on the plane.

Colour the boat orange and black.

Colour the train blue and pink.

Colour the bridge brown.

Colour the bus red.

Colour the road grey.

Colour the car green.

Colour the river blue.

Colour the man on the bike purple and yellow.

Worksheet colouring 1

(W) Teacher plays sounds and learners say where people are, e.g. [bus bell rings].

Learners answer a bus

Teacher drills: That’s right. They’re on a bus.

The pupils listen to the sounds of transport and try to guess them. They elicit the answers and repeat the words in chorus or individually. They tick the pictures in the worksheets and write the numbers near them.

Eg. Number one is (train)

Number 2 is (car)

Number 3 is (ship)

Pupils listen to the song about transport

What was the most interesting/difficult for you today?

What new words have you learnt today?

Sounds for transport

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

more support can be given during elicitation, instruction and questioning phases of the lesson by nominating learners to answer items relating to more high frequency vocabulary to build confidence through participation.

more able learners will be challenged by prompting their groups to develop more elaborate food chains to narrate.

through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

through observation in group and end performance activities

performance arts: making of animal shadow puppets as part of a story

environmental science: animal food chains

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Краткое описание документа:

Поурочный план по английскому языку на тему "Times of my day" (3 класс). Smiles for Kazakhsatn Pupil's book. Express Publishing. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans. Consult Series: Bob Obee. Activity book Express Publishing. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans. Consult Series: Bob Obee . Translations by N.Mukhamedjanova .

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S to say the words. T. drill correct pronunciation for the different words.

Reinforces the use of this is and I’m in modeling these words

This is a tram. I’m Dana. Teacher asks each learner to write the first letter of their name and stick it on transport they use.

Teacher gives each pair of learners a set of flashcards. bus, car, bike, school bus, tram, train

One S holds up a flashcards ,the other points and say This is my car.

The aim of the lesson:обучающая
1) Объяснение новой темы научить учащихся
Употреблять наречия,называть на английском языке
Виды транспортов.
Развивать навыки письменной речи,умения
Слушать и воспроизводить,услышанное
Привить интерес к английскому языку.

Visual aids:picture,cards,book,seheme,table.
Types of he lesson:комбинированный
Method of he lesson:объяснение,вопрос,ответ,
Проктические задания,индивидуальный метод.

Structure of he lesson.
1)org.moment: a)greeting.
b)making the absentees

2)chicking the home task:
O,k Pupils,what was your home task?
_to learm by heart new words.
-o,k, very good.let's begin our lesson.
Look at the blackboard repeat ofter me.

Phonetic drill.
We sometimes waik.
We sometimes run.
And we sometimes catch bus 21.
And sometimes in sometime
We roller skate!
That's really fine!

-o,k who wants to read?

3)to present new materials

-o,k pupils let's begin our lesson,
Let's find the the theme of our lesson.
-do you know that in our English.
"a,b,c." has 26 letter.
Let's find the theme of our lesson.
H o w d o y o u g e t t o
8.15.29. 4.15. 25.15.21 7.5.20. 20.5.

s c h o o l

Very,good open the copy book.
Write down the date and the theme
Of our lesson.

How do you get to school?
-молодцы,ребята значит тема нашего урока
"как мы добираемся до школы"

I always go to school by car.
I usually take a bus to go home.
He is always late to school.
I never travel by underground to school.

-very good,let's continues our lesson,
open the book on page 122 ex.5.
I have just come from school.
He rarely eats chocolate.
I always can understand him.
The teacher never come late.

-молодцы ребята,я вижу что мы хорошо
Понимаем тему,ну а давайте теперь поиграем!
Как мы с вами уже говорили о видах транспорта,
Давайте их разделим на
Общественные и частные.
Схема №2.

-very good,ну а теперь для того чтобы закрепить
С вами нашу новую тему.давайте вспомним.
-виды транспортов.

T.e мы можем добираться пешком,на транспорте.
-какие виды транспортов вы знаете?
A car,a bas, a taxi,a plane,a train,a helicopter,
A ship,a boat,a motorbike.

-o,k, very good.
How do you to school?
Как мы добираемся до школы?
Я обычно приезжаю в школу на автобусе.
Он всегда ходит в школу на машине.
Он никогда не ездил в школу на поездке.

-что такое наречие,в русском языке
Это не изменяемая часть речи.

-работа над схемой.
Значит а англ.языке тоже есть
Давайте вспомним и сравним
Казахским языком как
Называются наречия в
Казахском языке.
Устеу-еш кашан,эр кашан,
4)primary conseledafion of new inaterials.
Хорошо,если мы понили что такое наречие,
Мы,давайте попробуем составить предложения
Употребляя наречия,на тему,как мы добираемся до Школы.

-o,k, and look at this scheme and
You must write the short diologues
Using this adverbs and method of

Do you get,to school by car?
I sometimes get to school be car.
Giving the home task
Write 5 sentences
Using adverbs
Marking them
Today you are very good,

1. Educational: to activate listening and acting skills, to revise the grammar material Present Simple tense, to study the new words.

2. Developing: to develop communicative skills and abilities, logical thinking, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening and speaking comprehension skills through doing lots of tasks.

3. Brining up: to motivate pupils’ interest in learning English.

The procedure of the lesson.

Good morning, children.

Golden rules of our subject:

- First think, then speak

II. Warm up:

Divide the transport into public and private.

A bus, a car, a trolleybus, a metro, a bike, a taxi.

Public – a bus, a trolleybus, a metro, a taxi.

Private – a car, a bike.

To answer the question

How do you get to school?

III. The main part of the lesson:

1. Phonetic drill:

Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов How do you get to school?

Brown, dark build fillload mouse face now sleep

Town park field hill road place house cow sheep

Brown – (town), mouse – (house)

Dark – (park), face – (place)

build – (field), Fill – (hill), now – (cow)

Load – (road), sleep – (sheep)

2. The new words:

(to read and translate the words)

Make up expressions using the preposition BY

By bike, by car, by taxi, by metro.

3. Work with book:

Ex. 2 p 52 listen and learn. How do you get to school?

I go to school by bus.

Dad goes to work by car.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Theme: How do you get to school?

The aim of the lesson: to develop speaking abilities on the theme.

The objectives of the lesson:

Educational: to activate listening and acting skills, to revise the grammar material Present Simple tense, to study the new words.

Developing: to develop communicative skills and abilities, logical thinking, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening and speaking comprehension skills through doing lots of tasks.

Brining up: to motivate pupils’ interest in learning English.

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson.

The form of the lesson: a multimedia lesson.

The methods of the lesson: Brainstorming, a pair work, individual work, demonstration, critical thinking.

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