Geographical position of great britain план урока

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Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Lesson plan

Date :___12.01.2017_______

Theme: Geographical position and population of Britain

Aims of the lesson


To enrich pupils’ knowledge about Great Britain and its parts such as Scotland,

Wales, Northern Ireland, England.

To develop pupils’ speaking, reading, listening and writing skills.

To develop pupils’ abilities in reading for understanding.

Bringing- up :

To enlarge pupils interest in learning foreign language.

The type of the lesson Combined lesson

Methods and techniques: ICT, explaining, showing, individual and pair, group work. Repetition and consolidation of covered material

Connection with other subjects : History of world, geography and the Russian lang.

Materials: Presentation. Distributing materials: text and test cards

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

- Good morning, students. I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please, and be ready for the lesson. Now, let’s start.

Who is on duty, today?

- I am on duty, today.

- What day is it today?

- Today it is _____________.

- What date is it today?

- Today it is the _____________.

- Who is absent today?

- All pupils are present. - …… absent, today

- What is the weather like today?

- What was your home task?

- Thank you, sit down

Now open your copybook and write down the date

( C лайд 2) We continue to learn the theme Great Britain and Northern Ireland

( C лайд 3) I‘d like to start our lesson with phonetic drill. Look at this poem, I’ll read it line by line and you‘ll repeat after me in chorus. Who wants to read individually?

So many countries all over the world,

So many people life-tales told!

Different cities, languages, poems,

Amazing traditions, legends, storie

We travel East, we travel West

To know so much is best,

If South is warm, North is cold,

We start our trip and off we go!

( C лайд 4) In the poem, we spoke about many countries all over the world. At home you must write the Capital and Nationalities of some countries. Let’s check up your home work.

Answer one by one.

Ok! Excellent! You are god peoples!

You’ve already known a lot about Great Britain and Northern Ireland, its people, and some facts about the capital of this country. Let’s remember and repeat some information. I think, you will help me!

Reading and Speaking

( C лайд 5) _____ Read this information, please. Who help him to translate this sentence?

The full name of the country the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands. Their total area is over 314 000 sq. km.

Thank you/ Great!

The UK consists of

England (the capital is London)

Wales (the capital is Cardiff)

Scotland (the capital is Edinburgh)

Northern Ireland (the capital is Belfast).

The territory of the UK is about 244,000 square kilometers.

The population is about 60 million people

( C лайд 6) Let’s look at the map. Who can show me where and what is washed GB?

The British Islands are washed by the :

the Atlantic Ocean in the west ,

the North Sea in the east ,

the English Channel in the south ,

the Arctic Ocean in the north .

I think you are tide, let’s listen the song about GB

Every country has its own symbol. Red rose is the emblem of England. The flag of England is the red cross of St.George.

The national symbol of Scotland is the thistle and a white flag of St. Andrew.

Wales has a leek symbol. There are many of them in the Wales valleys.

Northern Ireland has a shamrock symbol . Patron saint a St.Patrick.

The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses.

Good, now let’s watch the video about GB, listen attentively! Then you will have a test.

1. What is the national symbol of England?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
2. What is the capital of England?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
3. The famous stone in England?
a Stonehenge b faststone c hendgestone d henge
4. Is the capital of England Cardiff?
a True b false
5. Buckingham Palace is in London.
a True b false

6. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
7. What is the capital of Scotland?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
8. The name of the “MONSTER”
a Nessie b Liza b loch
9. What is the capital of Scotland is Cardiff?
a True b false

10.What is the national symbol of Wales?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle

1. What is the national symbol of England?
a red rose
2. What is the capital of England?
d London
3. The famous stone in England?
a Stonehenge
4. Is the capital of England Cardiff?
b false
5. Buckingham Palace is in London.
a True

6. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
d thistle
7. What is the capital of Scotland?
a Edinburgh
8. The name of the “MONSTER”
a Nessie
9. What is the capital of Scotland is Cardiff?
b false

10.What is the national symbol of Wales?
d leek

5.Assesment and Conclusion

Consolidation of the lesson

Now answer the questions:
1• Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated? The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles.
2• What are the main islands? The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland,
3• What washes the west coast of the country?

the Atlantic Ocean in the west ,

the North Sea in the east ,

the English Channel in the south ,

the Arctic Ocean in the north .

4• What can you say about the size of the UK? Their total area is over 314 000 sq. km.

T: Thanks a lot. You’ve done everything correctly. We may go on, look at the screen.

-Pupils, write your home task

Presentation about GB and poem by heart


What kind of lesson today? (bad, good, scientific, interesting) Did you like this lesson?

Урок по теме "Географическое положение Великобритании" разработан для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательной школы в соответствии с программой и тематическим планированием.

Содержимое разработки




Geographical position of Great Britain

- to present geographical position of Great Britain;

-to teach some geographical names of Great Britain

Tasks of the lesson:


-to enrich pupils knowledge about geographical position of Great Britain

- to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding an unfamiliar text;

-to teach pupils to understand English speech when hearing;

-to develop pupils speaking, reading, listening and writing skills;

- to enlarge pupils interest in learning foreign language;

-- to bring up pupils’ love to the other countries and nations;

Type of the lesson:

Learning of the new material


board, the map of Great Britain, cards, video material, texts

Procedure of the lesson

1. Орг. момент

T: Good morning, dear pupils. I am glad to see you here. Today we are going to have a trip to the one of the European countries. Today you will know some information about the country of Great Britain.

2. Фон. зарядка

T: A sailor went to sea

To see what he could see

And all he could see

Was sea, sea, sea, sea….

3. Этап подготовки учащихся к активному усвоению знаний.

1) Vocabulary work

T: Look at the blackboard. Listen and repeat the new words after me:

-Kingdom, island, to be situated, consist of, coast, separated from, to be washed by, capital.

T: Rewrite these new words in your vocabularies, please.

2). Pre-reading task: presentation of geographical names from video material:

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии; the British Isles – Британские острова; the English Channel – принятое в Великобритании название пролива

Ла-Манш; the Atlantic Ocean Атлантический океан; the Irish Sea Ирландское море; England Англия; Scotland Шотландия; Wales Уэльс; the Severn – река Северн; the Thames – река Темза; Europe – Европа; Ben Nevis- гора Бэн Нэвис.

4. Этап усвоения новых знаний

T: Now children, I want you to introduce educational video. Look and listen.

Video - Great Britain-You tube

5. Проверка понимания.

A) T: Answer the questions:

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

2. Where is Great Britain situated?

3. How many parts does the UK consist of? What are they?

4. What is the deepest river in Great Britain?

B) T: Find the new words in the text, read and translate them.

Text. The Geographical Position of Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles are separated from Europe by the English Channel. The British Isles are washed by the North Sea in the East and the Atlantic Ocean in the West.

The territory of Great Britain is divided into four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

England is the richest, the most populated part in the country. There are mountains in the north and in the west of England, but all the rest of the territory is a plain.

Scotland is a land of mountains. Its highest peak is Ben Nevis.

The British Isles have many rivers. The longest of them is the Severn. It flows into the Irish Sea. The Thames is over 200 miles long. London, the capital of Great Britain, stands on it.

Geographical position of Great Britain is rather good as the country lies on the crossways of the sea routes from Europe to other parts of the world.

6. Физ.минутка

T: Children, stand up. Let’s do some exerceses

7. Этап закрепления новых знаний.

T: Children let’s divide into two groups.

Task 1. Match the words

a) Kingdom 1. остров

b) island 2. cостоит из

c) is situated 3. kоролевство

d) consist of 4.побережье

e) coast 5. отделяется от

f) separated from 6.столица

g) capital 7.расположен на

Task 2. Finish the sentences

The UK is situated on…

the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean.

2. The British Isles are separated from Europe by…..

the British Isles.

3. The British Isles are washed by….

4. The UK consists of…

land of mountains.

5. Scotland is a ….

the English channel.

6. The highest peak is…

7. The longest river is …

8. London stands on the …..

four parts (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland).

T: Task 3 Make a cluster about the geographical position of Great Britain and present your works.

Т: Thanks for your presentations. It’s very interesting. To my mind both groups work very good.

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Учитель английского языка Хомлюк Т.А.

Учебный предмет

The geographical position of Great Britain

Базовый учебник

Тема урока: Географическое положение Великобритании. Чтение

(количество уроков по теме 19)

Тип урока: комбинированный (урок закрепления изученного учебного материала и ознакомления с новыми лингвострановедческими реалиями)

Дата урока: 14.11.2018

Образовательные ресурсы: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, карта Великобритании, видеоролик, раздаточный материал (карточки с таблицей, текстом)

Задачи урока:

Развивать умения строить самостоятельные устные высказывания, коммуникативные способности через составление диалога и монолога.

Воспитывать толерантное отношения к традициям и обычаям других стран, культуры общения.

Планируемые образовательные результаты:

Научатся: планировать, выполнять учебные и коммуникативные действия в соответствии с поставленной коммуникативной задачей, читать текст страноведческого характера и находить в нём запрашиваемую информацию, фиксировать информацию в таблице, рассказывать о частях Великобритании, пользуясь картой и страноведческим материалом учебника.

Получат возможность научиться: составлять монологическое высказывание: рассказать о стране изучаемого языка, используя лексику темы и изученный грамматический материал.

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Конспект урока на тему "Geographical position of Britain"

Theme: Geographical position of Britain

Aims of the lesson

Educational: a) to develop speaking skills

b) to enlarge pupils vocabulary

c) to teach to express their own opinion.

d ) Повторить страноведческий материал по теме;

e )Расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме Geographical position of Britain

Developing: to develop pupils’ abilities in speaking, writing, reading skills, in expressing their own opinions, to improve their pronunciation, memory, to enrich students; outlook.

Up bringing: to motivate the students in learning the foreign language, to create an English speaking atmosphere.

Book, pictures, board, computer

The plan of the lesson:

Greeting and duties’ report

T: Good morning, children!

S: Good morning teacher!

T: Who is on duty today?

S: I’m on duty today.

T: Class sit down, please.

T: What day of the week is it today?

T: Who is absent?

T: Thank you, sit down

You’ve already known a lot about Great Britain and Northern Ireland, its people, and some facts about the capital of this country. So, our task today is to brush up our knowledge about Great Britain.
I‘d like to begin our lesson with the reminding the general information of this country. Answer my questions: (you may use the words on the screen)
( Работа в режиме T–Cl)
1. What can you tell about the geography of Great Britain?
2. How many people do live in Great Britain?
3. What is the official name of Great Britain?
4. How many parts do the UK consists of?

So many countries all over the world,

So many people life-tales told!

Different cities, languages, poems,

Amazing traditions, legends, stories.

We travel East, we travel West

To know so much is best,

If South is warm, North is cold,

We start our trip and off we go!

(Учащиеся выполняют задание на интерактивной доске)

T- What is the key-word? (A trip) Why? So we are going to have a trip to Great Britain. The theme of the lesson “Welcome to Great Britain” (Geographical outlook).

We are going to review the geographical outlook of the UK, to get more facts about it, to practice reading, speaking, listening skills.

Reading and Speaking

T: Now it’s time to read a bit. Reading this text, find words that do not belong to the sentences. If you do everything correctly, you will get the saying about England. It is the first line from the famous English song.

Read the text and find the words that don’t belong to the text.

There are two large islands and several smaller ones, which lie in the north-west coast of Europe. Collectively they are known as the British Isles. The largest island is called Great Britain. The smaller one is called Ireland. Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel. The country is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Great Britain is separated from Belgium and Holland by the North Sea, and from Ireland – by the Irish Sea.

There are two states in the British Isles. One of them governs of the most of the island of Ireland. This state is usually called the Republic of Ireland. The other state has authority over the rest of the territory.

They say that the British love of the compromise is the result of the country’s physical geography. This may or may not be true, but it certainly true that the land and climate in Great Britain have a notable lack of extremes. The mountains in the country are not very high. It doesn’t usually get very cold in the winter or very hot in the summer. It has no active volcanoes, and an earth tremos which does no more than rattle teacups in a few houses which is reported in the national news media. The insular geographical position of Great Britain promoted the development of shipbuilding, different training contacts with other countries.

1. Where is Great Britain situated?

2. What is total area of Great Britain?

3. What is the official name of this country?

4. Is Great Britain a mountainous country?

5. What’s the result of the country’s physical geography?

British Isles – Британские острова

the govern – управлять

to rattle – болтать

earth tremos – землетресение

to be separated – быть отделенным

Выбери правильные предложения и переведи их:

1. The full name of the country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( The UK).

2 .The UK consists of 3 parts – England, Scotland, and Wales.

3. The UK consists of 4 parts – England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

4. The capital of England is Liverpool.

5. The capital of England is London.

1. The full name of the country is___________________________________________.

2. The UK consists of -____ parts. They are __________________________________.

3. The capital of the UK is ________________________________________________.

4. The largest cities of the UK are___________________________________________.

5. The national emblem of England is________________________________________.

6. The national emblem of Scotland is _______________________________________.

7. The national emblem of Wales is _________________________________________.

8. The national emblem of Northern Ireland is _________________________________.

9. London is situated on the bank of the river __________________________________.

10. The official head of the UK is ____________________________________________.

5.Assesment and Conclusion

Consolidation of the lesson

Now answer the questions:
• Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated?
• What are the main islands?
• What washes the west coast of the country?
• What can you say about the size of the UK?
T: Thanks a lot. You’ve done everything correctly. We may go on, look at the screen.

-Pupils, open your record-book and put down your home task

Write the topic “I like English”

What kind of lesson today? (bad, good, scientific, interesting) Did you like this lesson?

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

-Watch the video. Can you guess the theme of our lesson?

Discussing the video, revision of words

QA - Answer the questions

Write your answers

Grammar –Reported Speesch

Explanation the rule/formula

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

Quiz- Do you know some facts about the UK?

Read the question and prepare your answer with your group

For the right answer you’ll get 100 points!

Explanation the H/w

Retell the text Geographical position of the UK, learn the rule

The lesson is over. Good-bye, students!

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support?

How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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