Fun races план урока 9 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Short term plan (Lesson plan)

Lesson: Have fun!

Topic: Are you fun to be with?

School: Uralsk

Chaganskaya school

Date: 12 .01.2016

Teacher name: Berkalieva Perizat Azamatovna

Number present: 11


10.V. expand and improve leaners vocabulary skills.

10.G. learn more about the grammatical material (present perfect simple).

Most learners will be able to:

giving the translation

Some learners will be able to:

using Present perfect simple

Grammar. ( Teacher explains about grammar since, for)

Since – нақты уақыттың қашан басталғанын және дәл сол уақытқа дейін жалғасқанын білдіреді.

Ex: I have been studing English since 1993.

For – басталған уақыттан қазіргі уақыт аралығын білдіреді.

Ex: I have been studing English for 4 years.

We use for + a period of time (three days/two years etc.)

| Monday Tuesday Wednesday |

We use cince+the start of period

(Monday/ 9 o’clock etc )

Three days ten minutes

An hour two hours

A week six months

A month four weeks

Five years a long time

24 july Christmas

January I was ten years old

1985 we arrived

Are you fun to be with?

You’ve just had an argument with your mum. Do you:

Phone your friends and ask them to meet up and have some fun?

Lock yourself in your room on your own?

Phone a friend to complain about your mum, and then play loud music for an hour?

1 a-6 b-2 c-4 2 a-4 b-6 c-2 3 a-2 b-4 c-6 4 a-6 b-4 c-2 5 a-2 b-4 c-6 6 a-6 b-2 c-2

12-20 points: Your friends probably think you’re quite serious and not usually gteat fun be with.

22-28 points: You’re often fun to be with,but you can also be serious.

30-36 points: You’re always great fun to be with and people usually like you because they know they can have a good laugh with you.

Ex:4 Speak and read.

a)Work with a partner.Ask and answer the question in the present perfect.

Ex:5 Vocabulary

1 Smile a) double

2 Trouble b)note

Student’s book

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

Differentiation is provided by individuaд support

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

  • подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ и ВПР
  • по всем предметам 1-11 классов

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Охрана труда

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Библиотечно-библиографические и информационные знания в педагогическом процессе

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  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

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Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

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  • Для учеников 1-11 классов

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Учителя о ЕГЭ: секреты успешной подготовки

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Отчисленные за рубежом студенты смогут бесплатно учиться в России

Время чтения: 1 минута

Минтруд предложил упростить направление маткапитала на образование

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Рособрнадзор предложил дать возможность детям из ДНР и ЛНР поступать в вузы без сдачи ЕГЭ

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Россияне ценят в учителях образованность, любовь и доброжелательность к детям

Время чтения: 2 минуты

ГИА для школьников, находящихся за рубежом, может стать дистанционным

Время чтения: 1 минута

Новые курсы: преподавание блогинга и архитектуры, подготовка аспирантов и другие

Время чтения: 16 минут

Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

Урок разработан для учащихся 9 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З. По степени новизны материала - комбинирование нового с ранее изученным. Урок .совершенствования речевых навыков. . Материал урока может быть использован для подготовки учащихся к ГИА, раздел :устная речь.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Гимназия № 19 имени Н. З. Поповичевой г. Липецк

Конспект урока по английскому языку

преподаватель английского языка

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Цель урока: Совершенствование речевых навыков

Деятелъностная: Тренировать в аудировании, чтении и устной речи.

Содержательная: расширение знаний об экстремальных видах спорта.

  • тренировка произносительных навыков;
  • развитие речевых умений.
  • воспитание положительного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;
  • формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.
  • расширение объема знаний по теме;
  • умение рассказать об экстремальных видах спорта.
  • проявление интереса к изучению английского языка;
  • формирование уважения учащегося к культуре изучаемого языка.
  • осуществлять подбор аргументов для решения учебных задач.
  • уметь оценивать результаты своей деятельности, анализировать собственную работу, планировать свое действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей. (Регулятивные УУД);
  • уметь определять цель учебной деятельности, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию. Уметь с достаточной полнотой выражать свои мысли (Коммуникативные УУД);
  • уметь систематизировать материал, сравнивать и рассуждать. (Познавательные УУД).
  • умение осуществлять деятельность с учётом конкретных учебных задач.
  • умение выполнять действие в соответствии с заданием;
  • умение выполнять самооценку.

Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, презентация, раздаточный материал.

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we’ll speak about sports and hobbies. Write down the topic of the lesson. (2 слайд)

II. Фонетическая зарядка. (3 слайд)

T: Look at the list of sports/hobbies and their equipment , read and translate them, then underline the odd words out.

III. Речевая зарядка и проверка домашнего задания.

T: T alk about the reasons why people get involved in extreme sports. (3 – 4 высказывания)

IV. Актуализация навыков устной речи. (4 слайд)

1) T: Now read the list of skills/qualities and say which are needed for the above sports and hobbies.

Skills/Qualities needed: fit, patient, imaginative, courageous, good sense of balance, cooperative, strong, determined, good training, adventurous

e.g. You need to be fit and strong and you must also have a good sense of balance to go wind-surfing.

You need to be patient to do knitting.

You need to be fit, courageous and adventurous to go rafting.

You need to be patient to go fishing. You need to be patient to collect stamps. You need to be adventurous, courageous and have good training to go scuba-diving. You need to be strong, fit and courageous to go rock-climbing.

You need to be patient to do painting.

You need to be courageous and have good training to go sky-diving.

You need to be fit and cooperative to play football.

2) T: Read the following information and decide what hobby/sport would be best/worst for each person, giving reasons as in the example. Then say which hobby/sport you would like to do and why. (5 слайд)

1 Jim likes adventure a lot and is in excellent physical condition. He works well with others but he is impatient.

( I think that the best hobby for Jim would be rafting because you have to be fit and cooperative. I think that fishing would be the worst hobby for him because he isn't patient.

2 Antony is a very active person and quite fit, but he can't afford to buy expensive equipment.

3 Peter is a very energetic person who enjoys taking risks. He loves anything to do with the sea.

4 David is very adventurous. He loves being close to nature, especially in the mountains.

2. I think that the best sport for Antony would be football because you have to be fit and don't need expensive equipment. I don't think scuba-diving would be the best hobby for him because it's expensive.

3 I think the best hobby for Peter would be scuba-diving because you have to be energetic and courageous to do that and Peter loves the sea too. I don't think painting would be the best hobby for him as it requires lots of patience.

4. I think the best hobby for David would be rock-climbing because you have to be courageous to go rock-climbing and he loves being close to nature. I don't think stamp-collecting would be the best hobby for him because he wouldn't be close to nature and it's not an adventurous hobby

V. Активизация навыков аудирования и устной речи.

T: Read the table, then listen to the tape and fill in the missing information. Finally, looking at the table, talk about each sport. (6 слайд)

Radio Host: This is Mandy! And a very good morning to all you listeners out there. Today, on our weekly sports programme, we have Barbara Clooney, a windsurfing instructor, and John Clarens, who at the tender age of sixteen is the reigning skateboard champion. We also have with us Larry Cooper who runs his own parachuting school and folks, no introduction is needed for Samuel Bull, basketball star and teen idol. Right Barbara, first things first. What kind of equipment is needed for windsurfing?

Windsurfer: Well, a board obviously. A wet suit would also be a good idea for anyone planning to windsurf in cold water.

Radio Host: And what does this sport offer?

Windsurfer: Naturally, it's a great way to keep fit and I also find it particularly relaxing On the other hand, however, windsurfing is an expensive sport lessons and equipment cost a lot.

Radio Host: Mmm. So what talents or skills does one need?

Windsurfer: Oh, the beginner has to be very courageous and determined. There are some dangerous currents out there! Since the beginner also has to learn to stand on his board, a sense of balance is definitely needed.

Radio Host: I see. John, now tell us a bit about skateboarding.

Skateboarder: Skateboarding is for the young at heart. All you need is a skateboard, some knee pads and a helmet for protection.

Radio Host: Why skateboard. John?

Skateboarder: It's fun! And don't forget, it's cheap too! The only problem is that you can hurt yourself, but if.

Radio Host: So I would imagine. And like windsurfing. I suppose you would need a good sense of balance

Skateboarder: Yes, and you do have to be fit, especially if you intend on doing jumps and spins.

Radio Host: I see. Thank you, John. Now, Larry, what in heaven's name attracted you to parachuting? What do we need apart from a parachute? Would you call it a safe sport?

Parachutist: Actually, all you do need is a parachute and you can be guaranteed the most thrilling experience of your life. However, now for the cons Parachuting is in fact a risky sport. I don't have to tell you why! And because of the lessons, it is also a very expensive sport. What you need is to be courageous. And to reduce the possibility of accidents, good training is absolutely essential. Moreover, anyone who might be interested in taking up sport, should definitely be fit.

Radio Host: Now to something a little less adventurous but no less exciting Basketball! Over to you, Samuel.

Basketballer: Hey, basketball's for everyone. Rich, poor, young, old. Get yourself a ball, some trainers, a pair of shorts and you're set.

Radio Host: What do you like about basketball?

Basketballer: It's interesting. There's no chance of getting bored while you're playing or watching the game. It's cheap too! Just get a ball and a bunch of people who can play. The only problem is that it is tiring as you have to keep running up and down the court.

Radio Host: What skills do you need?

Basketballer: Oh, since you're part of a team, you need to be cooperative and, like for most sports, fit. If you want to play the game well, good training is also advised.

Radio Host: Oops. Sorry folks, run out of time. But not before we give our guests a very warm thank you.

T: Let’s check your answers. (6 слайд, по щелчку)

VI. Активизация грамматических навыков.

1) T: Look at the sentences, identify the to-infinitive, the infinitive without to and the -ing form and say how they are used. (7 слайд)

1 You should wear a life-jacket when you're sailing.

2 He doesn't mind waiting for hours for fish to bite.

3 I would like to play football.

2) T: Say whether the following go with the to-infinitive, the infinitive without to or the -ing form?

must, may, can, will, learn, teach, agree, hope, like, mind, can't stand, enjoy, hate, expect, it's worth, keep (= continue), would like, look forward to, it's no use, prefer, want, would prefer, avoid, suggest, imagine, would rather, make, let

to - infinitive: learn, leach, agree, hope, expect, would like, want, would prefer

infinitive without to: must, may, can, will, would rather, let, make

-ing form: like. mind, can’t stand, enjoy, hate, it’s worth, keep, look forward to. It’s no use. prefer, avoid, suggest, imagine)

3) T: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: (to) infinitive or -ing form. (9 слайд)

I have always enjoyed 1)_________ (take part) in team sports, so when my P.E. teacher asked me if I wanted 2) _________(learn) how 3)________ (play) rugby, I decided 4)________ (try) it. It sounded ideal for me as I don't mind 5) ______(be) outside in cold weather, and I like 6) _____ (exercise). I expected 7)_________(find) it easy, but it wasn't. I kept 8) ______(practise), though, and now I'm quite good. My coach thinks I may 9)

_______(become) a professional rugby player one day.

T: Let’s check your answers. (9 слайд по щелчку)

(Key: 1) taking part; 2) to learn; 3) to play; 4) to try; 5) being; 6) exercising; 7) to find;

8) practising; 9) become )

4) T: Cross out the unnecessary words where necessary. (10 слайд)

1 If you fancy to trying a sport which doesn't

2 involve using too much energy or money,

3 you should to visit the Brymouth Billiards club.

4 The price per hour is £1.50 and we will to help

5 you improve your game. So, if you

6 enjoy to playing billiards, snooker or pool in a

7 relaxed setting, we suggest to trying our club.

T: Let’s check your answers. (10 слайд по щелчку)

(Key: 1) to; 2) - ; 3) to; 4) to; 5) - ; 6) to; 7) to )

5) T: Fill in the correct form of the infinitive or-ing form. (11 слайд)

1 I like _______ (play) tennis.

2 I'd like _____ (play) tennis with you.

3 You must _____ (practise) more if you want to win the race.

4 If a job is worth ______ (do), it's worth______ (do) it well.

5 You have to ________ be) courageous if you want______ (try) rock climbing.

6 Tom agreed_____ (meet) us at the pool.

7 I look forward to__________ (see) you soon.

8 She doesn't mind__________ (get up) early.

9 I'd prefer_________ (play) darts rather than play cards.

10 She made me________ (tidy) my room.

T: Let’s check your answers. (11 слайд по щелчку)

(Key: 1) playing; 2) to play; 3) practise; 4) doing, doing; 5) be, to try; 6) to meet; 7) seeing;

8) getting up; 9) to play; 10) tidy )

6) T: Read the text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets. Then cover the text and compare and contrast the two sports. (12 слайд)

Golf is a very 1) _______(relax) and 2) _______ (enjoy) sport because you can spend time in natural surroundings, but it is also one that requires great skill. Learning how to play golf takes a long time, so you need a lot of 3)__________ (patient). It's also a rather 4)________(expense) sport because the equipment costs a lot of money, and prices at golf courses can be very high. On the other hand, roller-blading is an 5)_________ (excite) sport and is easy to learn. It's fast and fun and keeps you fit because you have to use all your muscles. It's also cheap because you only need a helmet and a pair of roller-blades. However, roller- blading can be a 6) _______(danger) sport as you might lose your balance and hurt yourself.

T: Let’s check your answers. (12 слайд по щелчку)

(Key: 1) relaxing; 2) enjoyable; 3) patience; 4) expensive; 5) exciting; 6) dangerous )

VI. Домашняя работа. (13 слайд)

T: Using the information from the table write two paragraphs comparing and contrasting a) windsurfing and parachuting, and b) skateboarding and basketball. Say which you would like to do most and why. Find pictures to use with your project.

Useful words: and, also, too, but, however, on the other hand

a. Windsurfing and parachuting are exciting sports and you must be brave and fit to do them. They are also expensive sports because they require special equipment. Windsurfing is done in the sea so you need a wet suit and a board. However, parachuting is done in the sky and therefore you need a parachute. You need to be a good swimmer to windsurf because it can be dangerous. On the other hand, parachuting can be dangerous too because you jump out of a plane and fall through the air. I would like to go parachuting some day because I think it would be thrilling to fall through the air and look down at the view.

VII. Итоги. Оценки.

T: What have we done today? (We’ve listened read, answered the questions, spoken about sports and hobbies, and revised the grammar rules. )

T: What have we learnt? (How to compare different sports).

T: Continue the sentences: (14 слайд)

1.На уроке я работал…
2.Своей работой на уроке я…
3.Урок для меня показался…
4.За урок я…
5.Мое настроение…
6.Материал урока мне был…
7.Домашнее задание мне кажется…

Использованные материалы: (15 слайд)

I. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 3.Coursebook. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 1997.

II. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 3.Teacher’s book. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 1997.

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Тип урока – комбинированный. Это первый урок, пятой главы.

В этом классе я преподаю второй год. В группе 14 учеников, из них 4 отличника , 4 хорошистов, 6 учащихся средних способностей.

Перед собой я поставила следующие цели:

  • дать учащимся информацию о понятии космической гонке ,

формировать умения диалогической речи и аудирования на основе тематики

  • активизировать лексику, развивать навыки устной и письменной речи, логическое мышления,торческие способности
  • применить полученные знания и умения на практике с последующим

выходом на монологическое высказывание по теме

учить учащихся пользоваться изученным лексическим и грамматическим

  • учить работать над развитием умений аудирования;

практиковать обучающихся: в умении вести беседу по заданной теме, задавая вопросы и отвечая на них, в умении переводить с английского на русский язык

  • развивать навыки аудирования, письма, чтения и говорения
  • вызвать интерес к техническим наукам
  • привитие любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде

Цели решались комплексно. Считаю я добилась целей урока и во времени уложилась .

Для раскрытия главного материала использованы методы обучения:

  • наглядно- иллюстративный, словесный, продуктивно- познавательный – при объяснений нового материала

Частично- поисковый - при выполнений самостоятельной работе учащихся

  • Стратегия мышления – при выполнений творческих работ
  • Репродуктивный - при закреплений нового материала
  • Беседа – на уроке предпологает повествование диалог между учителем и учащимся по вопросам учителя, рассуждение уч-ся по теме умение обобщать и делать выводы

На уроке были использованы разные формы работы : индивидуальная,

Контроль проверки, оценки знаний был организован с помощью ТСО \таблицы,схемы, карточки тесты\

Учебный кабинет был использован максимально. Ребята справились, по мере способности, со всеми видами работ. На уроке была хорошая психологическая атмосфера, она поддерживалось учителем и учащимся.

Работоспособность учащихся на уроке была высокая. Был подготовлен словарный диктант.\при экономии времени\. Отклонении от плана на уроке не было, поставленные на этом уроке задачи были выполнены .

The theme of the lesson: ‘The Space Race’

Teacher: V.A. Akhmetova

SB, WB Macmillan

Методы, приемы обучения

Знать значение и грамм. Категории/ Уметь определять их в речи

3.Повторение и проверка знаний учащихся

\карточки с заданием на сопоставление, выбирать прав.вариант\ vocabulary

Самостоятельное выполнение задания учеником на уровне его способностей и возможностей в своем темпе

организовать работу по актуализации лексических, грамматических навыков

4.Введение нового материала

объяснение нов. материала

наглядно- иллюстративный, словесный, продуктивно- познавательный

Reading text “Invaders from outer Space”

организовать работы с источниками.

Фронтальная работа Групповая работа

пересказ текста, написать эссе на тему

добиваться полного внимания всего класса.

учащиеся должны знать не только то, что нужно сделать, но и как сделать

подвести итоги урока

учащиеся говорят о

Reflection Name: ____________________________22/01/13

T: Do you like today’s lesson?

T: What was the most thing of today’s lesson?

Be astonished at

ENGLISH Per lesson plan

The theme of the lesson: ‘The Space Race’

Aims : to introduce pupils new words, to test the assimilation of new and previously learnt grammar material /adjectives/; to control students’ skills in speaking, listening according to the theme

educational: - to introduce the topic of space through personal responses;

- organize the work to update the vocabulary and grammar skills;

- to teach students to use the vocabulary and grammar studied material

to give practice in summarizing points in a text practice of students:

to develop the ability to carry on a conversation on a given topic, asking questions and answering them;

to develop the ability to translate from English into Russian;

to develop pupils reading, speaking, listening, writing abilities

up-bringing: to bring them up to infuse interesting to the science of space

- a sense of love for their country and be a patriot of homeland.

Type of lesson: Combined

Teaching methods: visual and illustrative, verbal, reproductive, partial search strategy thinking

Forms of the teaching: work in pairs, work in groups, individual work

Interdisciplinary communication: Russian

Visual aids: cards, CD, Interactive board

Procedure of the lesson

1/ Organization moment /Greeting, asking the date, day and the attendance/ 1min.

2/ Phonetic drill exercises: / making adjectives’ meaning negative/ 1 min.

3/ Checking up homework. 7 min.

a/ vocabulary Unit 4 CD

b/ grammar /Perfect tenses, comparative, superlative adjectives/

4/ Introduction, explanation, primary consolidation of the new material. 14 min.

5/ Speech drill exercises: 16 min.

a/ SB. Ex. 1,2,3 p 44,45

6/ Giving homework: WB. Reading p 30 /orally/ 2 min

7/ Marking 2 min

8/ Reflexion. The end of the lesson 2 min

Procedure of the lesson

1/ Organization moment /Greeting, asking the date, day and the attendance/ 1min.

2/ Phonetic drill exercises: / /making adjectives meaning negative/ 1 min.

true- untrue friendly – unfriendly understand – misunderstand helpful - unhelpful usual – unusual lucky – unlucky healthy – unhealthy appear – disappear honour – dishonour etc.

3/ Checking up homework. Unit 4 CD. 7 min.

a/ How do we make the negative form of these adjectives? Put each word into the correct word.

happy possible employed patient honest certain tidy legal comfortable popular helpful

im- 2. il- 3. dis- 4. un-

b/ Find the mistakes an each sentence.

1.I read an interesting media article while I was waiting at the dentists’.

2. It is unlegal to write things about people in the newspapers which are not true.

3. I think some news papers employ some very unhonest journalists.

4. The Daily News is my dad’s favorite magazine.

5. Every Saturday night I go to the cinema to watch a good interview.

6. I like going to the cinema , but the seats are terrible discomfortable.

7. I’m not surprised that some celebrities get very ilpatient with journalists.

8. People are fascinated /очаровывать/ by the lives of famous like Mel Gibson.

9. ‘Titanic’ was on of the most unpopular films of all time.

10. Some famous people do not like to take interviews to film stars.

a/ Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect /

1.Steven Spielberg has been working on a film. It should be out next autumn.

2.I don’t believe it! They‘ve offered me a part in the film.

3.She’s starred in over thirty films.

4.I’ve been reading a book about the life of David Beckham. I can’t put it down.

5. A British film company has been making a film in my village. Every in the village wants to be in it.

6. They’ve just finished preparing the stage for to night’s Robbie Williams concert.

7.Have you been watching that new comedy series on TV? It’s hilarious.

8. All my friends have seen the Harry Potter films.

9.Mr. Jackson has been giving interviews all morning.

10. Have they finished their new album, yet?

b/ How do we form the comparative and superlative form of these adjectives? Put each adjectives in to the correct form.

little popular good comfortable hot big cold bad helpful tasty happy shy

-er / -est -ier / -iest more / the most irregular

We have practiced the negative adjectives and the usage of Perfect tences. And also we come to a conclusion that you can easily practice English grammar forms using in speaking. So students, let’s continuous our lesson.

4/ Introduction, explanation, primary consolidation of the new material. 14 min.

Now students lets write down as many words and phrases connected with space

Moon stars

meteor astronomy

The Space Race was a term used during the Cold War when the West and the USSR were racing to be the first in space, on the Moon etc.

Differences between the USSR and the USA

1. On the 12 th of April 1961 at 9.07 of Moscow time the first flight of the human to space began from the famous Gagarin’s word ‘Poexali’ (Let’s go)

1. In 1969 on July 21 Neil Armstrong the first man on the moon was to land on the moon and he made ​​out to the surface of the moon.

1. June 16, 1963 on the ship "Vostok-6") first flew in space (and for the next two decades, the only) woman in space - Valentina Tereshkova.

1.On the 4 th of October, 1957 the first in the world manned spacecraft ‘Sputnik 1’ was launched into space.

February 1, 1958, after several failed attempts, the United States was able to launch its artificial satellite - "Explorer-1."

1/ In August 1960 a ship with the first ‘investigators’ – dogs Belka and Strelka was launched "Sputnik-5".

1/ In the USA on the 31 st of January in 1961 a spacecraft with the first passenger chimpanzee was launched. Ham returned alive.


differences similarities differences

The leading position of the U.S. and the USSR in the space sector

Developed Aerospace Electronics

communication satellites, weather satellites

development of military technology

danger to peace

Political split between two powers, the USA and the USSR

the rockets as weapons with nuclear warheads

Освоение космоса угроза мировой войны

Лидирующие позиции США И СССР Политический раскол двух держав

В этой сфере ухудшения природных условии:

развивались авиакосмическая техника и электроника азоновые дыры

спутники связи, метеорологические спутники и т.д.

Now students lets watch the video about Kazakh spaceman T.A.Mussabayev. Before reading the text look at the board and repeat after me the words.

exact path –точный путь

5/ Speech drill exercises: 16 min.

a/ SB. Ex. 1,2,3 p 44,45

6/ Giving homework: WB. Reading p 30 /orally/ 2 min

7/ Marking 2 min

- I am satisfied with your work. You really did your best today. Well done.

8/ Reflexion 2 min

T – Do you like our lesson? What did you like most of all? Why?

What marks do you deserve? Why?

The lesson is over, you may be free.

b/ Find the mistakes an each sentence.

1.I read an interesting media article while I was waiting at the dentists’.

2. It is unlegal to write things about people in the newspapers which are not true.

3. I think some news papers employ some very unhonest journalists.

4. The Daily News is my dad’s favorite magazine.

5. Every Saturday night I go to the cinema to watch a good interview.

6. I like going to the cinema , but the seats are terrible discomfortable.

7. I’m not surprised that some celebrities get very ilpatient with journalists.

8. People are fascinated /очаровывать/ by the lives of famous like Mel Gibson.

9. ‘Titanic’ was on of the most unpopular films of all time.

10. Some famous people do not like to take interviews to film stars.

a/ Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect /

Steven Spielberg _____ on a film. It should be out next autumn.

a/ has been working b/ have worked

I don’t believe it! They ________ me a part in the film.

a/ ‘ve been offering b/ ‘ve offered

She ______ in over thirty films.

a/ ’s starred b/ ‘s been starring

4. I _________ a book about the life of David Beckham. I can’t put it down.

a/ has been reading b/ ’ve been reading

5. A British film company _______ a film in my village. Every in the village wants to be in it.

a/ has been making b/ have made

6. They ______ preparing the stage for to night’s Robbie Williams concert.

a/ ‘ve been finishing b/’ve just finished

7. _________ that new comedy series on TV? It’s hilarious.

a/ Have you been watching b/ Has you been watching

8. All my friends _____ the Harry Potter films.

a/ has been seeing b/ have seen

9. Mr. Jackson _________ interviews all morning.

a/ has been giving b/ have given

10. _________their new album, yet?

a/ They have finished b/ Have they finish

английского языка учителя школы –лицея №59

Тип урока – комбинированный. Это первый урок, пятой главы.

В этом классе я преподаю второй год. В группе 14 учеников, из них 4 отличника , 4 хорошистов, 6 учащихся средних способностей.

Перед собой я поставила следующие цели:

дать учащимся информацию о понятии космической гонке ,

формировать умения диалогической речи и аудирования на основе тематики

активизировать лексику, развивать навыки устной и письменной речи, логическое мышления,торческие способности

применить полученные знания и умения на практике с последующим

выходом на монологическое высказывание по теме

учить учащихся пользоваться изученным лексическим и грамматическим

учить работать над развитием умений аудирования;

практиковать обучающихся: в умении вести беседу по заданной теме, задавая вопросы и отвечая на них, в умении переводить с английского на русский язык

развивать навыки аудирования, письма, чтения и говорения

вызвать интерес к техническим наукам

привитие любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде

Цели решались комплексно. Считаю я добилась целей урока и во времени уложилась .

Для раскрытия главного материала использованы методы обучения:

наглядно- иллюстративный, словесный, продуктивно- познавательный – при объяснений нового материала

Частично- поисковый - при выполнений самостоятельной работе учащихся

Стратегия мышления – при выполнений творческих работ

Репродуктивный - при закреплений нового материала

Беседа – на уроке предпологает повествование диалог между учителем и учащимся по вопросам учителя, рассуждение уч-ся по теме умение обобщать и делать выводы

На уроке были использованы разные формы работы : индивидуальная,

Контроль проверки, оценки знаний был организован с помощью ТСО \таблицы,схемы, карточки тесты\

Учебный кабинет был использован максимально. Ребята справились, по мере способности, со всеми видами работ. На уроке была хорошая психологическая атмосфера, она поддерживалось учителем и учащимся.

Работоспособность учащихся на уроке была высокая. Был подготовлен словарный диктант.\при экономии времени\. Отклонении от плана на уроке не было, поставленные на этом уроке задачи были выполнены .

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

- Hello, students! Glad to see you again. How are you?

- OK, sit down. I’m very happy to hear that you feel good, as, to tell the truth, I’m a little bit nervous today. Nevertheless, I hope everything will be all right and that you’ll help me. Will you?

- Well. Will you smile then?

- Thanks. I feel much more confident now. So, let’s start!

Слайд 1

Введение темы и постановка целей урока

- First of all, look at the screen and try to guess what we are going to speak about.

- You’re absolutely right. It’s easy to guess. Today we’re going to speak about different youth organizations and movements. We’ll discuss their typical features, values and beliefs of the participants and, of course, their main activities. We’ll also discuss advantages and disadvantages of being a member of a group. At the end of the lesson I expect you to choose the organization that will suit you best.

- Are we going to speak about youth movements?

Слайд 2

Актуализация мыслительной деятельности, установка связи с общей темой “Teenagers”

By the way, why do teens come together in groups?

I see, you’re quite aware of the subject. You know, last year my students wrote an assay on the problem. Here is one of them. Look through it now and say what other reasons are mentioned in the text.

You see, there are a lot of different reasons that make teens unite in groups. The fact is that young people want to express themselves and organization gives them such an opportunity.

- To express themselves

To change the world to the best

To rebel against the society

Слайд 3

Students are looking through the essay and reading out the reasons for joining the group:

To reject everything

To protest against the parents

Слайд 4

Актуализация ЛЕ по теме

Well, read the text again. It’s full of useful vocabulary. Your task is to find and write down 5 words or word combinations that you are sure to need speaking on the topic “Youth Movements”

Ready? OK. Put away the texts. Now you’ve got only the words you’ve chosen. Let’s check how useful they really are. Comment on the pictures. Don’t forget to use the words from your lists and the conversational phrases. You can see some of them on the screen.

Thank you. I really enjoyed your comments. And do you happen to know what movement the girl depicted belongs to?

Students are reading the text again and filling the table with phrases they find useful.

Students are giving their opinions on the photos of members of some youth subcultures and organizations (Skinheads, Greenpeace, Goths):

As far as I know, these young people are notorious for their rebellious behavior and violence.

Слайд 5

In my opinion, participants of this movement just want to change the world to the best by protesting against killing animals and deforestation.

Слайд 6

If I’m not mistaken, she wants to express her identity by vivid makeup and dark clothes.

Слайд 7

It seems to me, that she is a Goth.

Развитие навыков поискового чтения и заполнение таблицы (работа в группах)

Sure. She is a Goth. It’s one of the most popular youth cults. It’s spread all over the world. What other youth organizations do you know?

I’ve prepared short summaries about 4 rather popular youth movements. They are Scouts, Pioneers, Hippies and Goths. You will work in groups and study the information about the organization, you are lucky to choose at random. Your task is to fill in the table on their typical features. Please, do it distinctly, as your classmates will have to read it.

Skinheads, Rockers, Bikers, Scouts, Mods…

Students unite in groups and working together fill in the table, which includes such features as appearance, activity, values and beliefs.

Слайд 8

Развитие навыков монологической речи

Your time is over. Exchange your sheets of paper. Study the information you’ve got and get ready to tell your classmates why you want to join this organization. You should give 3 arguments to support your opinion. Mind that it doesn’t matter now if you really like this movement or not, you should prove it’s the best organization to join. Discuss the ideas in groups and afterwards we’ll listen to one of you. Look at the screen this functional vocabulary will help you to express your attitude.

Students are brainstorming the ideas in groups and arranging them into a short speech to support the movement. (E.g. You know, we’ve decided to join the Scout Movement. First of all, it’s the most popular youth organization in the world, and a lot of our friends are its members. Moreover, it’s common knowledge that the main aim of the Scouting is developing of your character. It’ worth saying that it’s the most important thing for young people. In addition, they teach you many useful skills such as cooking, making a fire, fishing and so on. To tell the truth, we all are fond of spending time in the woods, so, this organization suit us best.)

Слайд 9

Развитие навыков аудирования, формирование коммуникативной компетенции, умение аргументировано не согласиться

Well, I see you are ready. So, let’s listen to each other. Get ready to disagree with the speaker. Don’t forget to explain why his or her idea is bad. You should mention only one argument, but be polite. These conversational phrases will help you to do it.

Students are listening to each other, expressing their negative attitude.

E.g. You may be right, but as far as I know it, Goths tend to die young. And it distresses me much.

Слайд 10

Обучение навыкам диалогической речи формата ГИА

Well done. I see, you are ready to make up your own dialogues. Take the places you had at the beginning of our lesson. In pairs discuss all the given organizations, their advantages and disadvantages and choose the one that suits your personal interests. I suppose this flowchart will be useful. You are welcome to use different conversational phrases, but don’t break the logical order of the dialogue.

Have you noticed any mistakes?

Students are getting ready for some minutes, and then one of the pairs presents their dialogue.

Слайд 11

Постановка домашнего задания

Mind these mistakes and recommendations when you’ll complete your dialogues at home. So, you home task is to complete the dialogues.

Writing down of the home task

Well, our lesson is almost over. It’s time to analyze our work. Complete the sentences in your evaluation cards. While you are filling in the card, I would like you to listen to the song. It seems to me, it has a special significance for our lesson.

Song “Word By Word”

Слайды 12, 13

Заключительный этап урока

I’ll read your self-esteem cards after the lesson. In my opinion your work was great and everybody deserves excellent marks. Thank you. Good bye!

К плану прилагается раздаточный материал для учащихся и презентация.


Урок позволит освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме “В любую погоду”.

Описание разработки


Образовательные: освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме “В любую погоду”; научиться говорить о погоде и временах года, одежде, досуге на отдыхе; научиться писать открытку; развивать социокультурную компетенцию.

Развивающие: развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения; осуществлять поиск информации с использованием ресурсов СМИ; научить основам изучающего чтения; вступать в диалог, а также участвовать в коллективном обсуждении проблем, участвовать в дискуссии и аргументировать свою позицию.

Воспитательные: способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка; развивать творческие способности учащихся.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный.

Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you feeling? The day is wonderful, isn’t it? (What is the weather like today?).

Now let us watch the presentation. Would you like to cruise down the Nile? Would you like to sunbathe on a sandy beach?

What are the people doing in the pictures? Put the words into logical order. (What on do your holidays doing enjoy). Write down the right variant on the blackboard. So, we’ll speak about holidays.

2. Целеполагание.

Today we’ll speak about activities you like doing when it’s cold (hot, warm, rain). We will learn to write a postcard about your holidays.

3. Активизация лексики. Corners.

Open your books on p.90, ex.1. Let’s do exercise as in example. What about you? What activities do you like doing? Let’s do the corners. (winter activities, summer activities, staying at home, travelling).

Ask and answer the questions. Tell about your partner.

It’s Fun (план-конспект урока)

4. Чтение. Прогнозирование содержания текста.

Ex.3,p.90. Read the first two exchangers and guess: ‘Where’s Sandra?’ ‘ What do you think she is doing?’

5. Чтение с пониманием основного содержания и проверка понимания.

Read ex.3, p.90. What is Sandra doing?

6. Quiz – Quiz – Trade. Проверка понимания текста.

Write down the questions on the sheets of papers. Ask and answer the questions. Go around up to 6 pairs.

6. Письмо. Think – Write – Round - Robin.

Present Simple and Present Continuous. Each of you write on your own and then discuss. Explain ‘Why’ and help your partners.

7. Зарядка для глаз.

Close your eyes

8. Написание открытки. Round Table.

Find a place where you would like to go to the seaside at the weekend.

Imagine you are staying here now and write a postcard to your friends from another team.

What you will write about. (Where you are staying, weather, activities each of you are doing).

Follow the structure of writing a postcard. 50 – 60 words. Each pupil writes on one sheet and thinks on his own.

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