Flora and fauna of kazakhstan план урока

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

The aim of the lesson:
1. Educational: summarize and organize the material on the theme "Flora and
fauna of Kazakhstan"; develop the ability to apply the material in practical situations; intensify the use of vocabulary on the theme "Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan"; improve grammar speaking skills, including word – forming skills; formation of communicative skills on the theme.
2. Developing: develop thinking, attention, memory, verbal fluency arbitrary
pupils, mental operations: analysis and synthesis; creative abilities of pupils.
3. Bringing up: form an objective point of view on the environment; promote
respect for the interlocutor; form patriotism for their country; develop cognitive activity of pupils.
Equipment of the lesson: book, reference cards, new words, grammar table

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The theme of the lesson: “Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: summarize and organize the material on the theme "Flora and

fauna of Kazakhstan"; develop the ability to apply the material in practical situations; intensify the use of vocabulary on the theme "Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan"; improve grammar speaking skills, including word – forming skills; formation of communicative skills on the theme.

Developing: develop thinking, attention, memory, verbal fluency arbitrary

pupils, mental operations: analysis and synthesis; creative abilities of pupils.

Bringing up: form an objective point of view on the environment; promote

respect for the interlocutor; form patriotism for their country; develop cognitive activity of pupils.

Equipment of the lesson: book, reference cards, new words, grammar table

The procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment:

T: Good morning, pupils!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: Thank you, sit down. Who is on duty today?

P: I’m on duty today.

T: What date is it today?

P: Today is the 10 th of February.

T: What day is it today?

P: Today is Tuesday.

T: Who is absent?

P: …, …, … are absent.

T: Thank you, sit down.

T: Well, stand up all over! Let’s do physical exercise. Now, repeat after me.

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap clap)

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap clap)

If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap clap)

If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)

If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)

If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.

If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)

If you are happy and you know it slap your knees. (slap slap)

If you are happy and you know it slap your knees. (slap slap)

If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.

If you are happy and you know it slap your knees. (slap slap)

If you are happy and you know it click your fingers. (click click)

If you are happy and you know it click your fingers. (click click)

If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.

If you are happy and you know it click your fingers. (click click)

If you are happy and you know it do all four.

(clap clap stomp stomp slap slap click click)

If you are happy and you know it do all four.

(clap clap stomp stomp slap slap click click)

If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.

If you are happy and you know it do all four.

(clap clap stomp stomp slap slap click click)

Checking up the homework.

T: Well, what was your homework for today?

T: Today we have a new theme. Our theme is “Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan” First I’ll introduce you with the new words. Listen to me and then repeat after me.

invertebrate [ɪnˊvǝːtɪbreɪt] – омыртқасыз

crustaceous [krʌ ʹ steıʃəs] – шаян

coniferous [kəˊnɪfərəs] – қылқанжапырақты

chinks [tʃɪŋk] – ұңғымалар

chipmunk [ˊtʃɪpmʌŋk] – алатышқан

heron [ˊherən] – құтан

predatory [ˊpredətərɪ] – жыртқыш

reptiles [ˊreptaɪl] – бауырыменжорғалаушылар

toad [təʊd] – құрбақа

hawk [hɔːk] – қаршыға

Grammar theme.

Today’s our grammar theme is “Articles”. An article is a word that is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Articles are usually characterized as either definite or indefinite.

A definite article indicates that its noun is a particular one identifiable to the listener. It may be something that the speaker has already mentioned, or it may be something uniquely specified. The definite article in English, for both singular and plural nouns, is the . Example: The children know the fastest way home.

An indefinite article indicates that its noun is not a particular one identifiable to the listener. English uses a/an , from the Old English forms of the number 'one', as its primary indefinite article. The form an is used before words that begin with a vowel sound, and a before words that begin with a consonant sound. Example: She had a house so large that an elephant would get lost without a map.

Grammar exercises.

T: Well, let’s do grammar exercise. Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a", "an" or "x" (zero article).

I bought ___ pair of shoes.

I saw ___ movie last night.

They are staying at ___ hotel.

I think ___ man over there is very unfriendly.

I do not like ___ basketball.

That is ___ problem I told you about.

___ night is quiet. Let's take a walk!

___ price of gas keeps rising.

John traveled to ___ Mexico.

Juan is ___ Spanish.

I read ___ amazing story yesterday.

My brother doesn't eat ___ chicken.

___ love is such ___ beautiful thing.

I live in ___ apartment. ___ apartment is new.

I would like ___ piece of cake.

I was in ___ Japanese restaurant. ___ restaurant served good food.

Sara can play ___ guitar.

T: Well, let’s work with the text.

Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan, on its open spaces it is possible to meet about 500 kinds of birds, 178 kinds of animals, 49 kinds of reptiles, 12 kinds of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes – 107 kinds of fishes.

Northern Kazakhstan is fertile humus forest – steppe: to the south – steppe, behind them semi-deserts and sandy deserts with haloxylon thickets. On slopes of mountains are located the coniferous woods.

The plateau Usturt of Kazakhstan, located between Caspian and Aral seas, is a slightly hilly deserted plain, faintly covered by a wormwood; only in widely widespread hollows are black haloxylons. Unique beauty of a landscape give steep benches – chinks. Only in Kazakhstan live such rare animals as Transcaspian urial, long-needle hedgehog and some wild cats: caracal and desert cat. In the Altai mountains of Kazakhstan, covered with taiga woods you will meet a giant moose, beautiful deer, our smallest deer – musk deer, famous sable, chipmunk.

On high-mountainous lake Markakol in Southern Altai of Kazakhstan was founded a national park for protection of flora and fauna, especially of fishes. On lakes there are a lot of waterfowl birds. And in the woods on its coast were kept nesting-places of such rare birds as fish hawk and black stork; at tops are living very rare here snow cock.

The steppes of Kazakhstan are magnificent. The special charm to them is given by fresh and salty lakes, on which are thousands of waterfowls and coastal birds submitted tens kinds of ducks, geese, gull, sea swallow, herons.

Besides lakes most southern here in Kazakhstan is protected unique pine wood. A lot of predatory birds are living in Kazakhstan steppes – imperial eagle, falcons.

For Kazakhstan deserts are most typical reptiles – Central Asian turtle, the largest lizard – grey monitor lizard, sand – and toad agama, many kinds of gecko and 17 kinds of the snakes, from which only three are poisonous: steppe and ordinary adder and mocassin.

T: Open your diaries and write down your homework: to learn by heart the new words, to retell the text.

Today the wildlife of Kazakhstan includes 158 species of mammals, 458 species of birds, 52 species of reptiles, 12 species of fish, 19 species on animals and 23 of birds. They are included into the International Red Book of rare or endangered animals. In the mountains of the Zailiiski Alatau alone, there are about 50 species of mammals, 141 species of birds and 3 species of fish. In the steppes herds of koulans and jeirans graze. Deserts are inhabited with giant lizards, snakes and spiders. On the peaks of its mountain snow leopards – mountain snow occur. Kazakhstan is inhabited with birds, marmots, wild sheep, the Tien Shan brown bear, flamingoes and swans.

Let’s make a scheme with these materials:

Students should read these sentences and say are they agree or disagree with them.

Do you agree or disagree

Animals are used for food

Animals are used for medical reasons

Animals are use for experiments

Animals are killed for their furs

People like to wear fur coats

Animals cannot defend themselves, so we must protect them

Look at the blackboard and read some materials about Red Book of Kazakhstan

Some information about plants of Kazakhstan

Typical Kazakhstan plants

Blue Spruce

The blue Tien Shan spruces are a true decoration of the Alatau Mountains. Like candles, they raise upwards reaching heights of 40-50 meters.

In the steppes of Kazakhstan one can find another plant – the saxaul bush with its soft leaves. In unusually dry periods, the saxaul sheds its leaves, which fall on the sand. But as soon as the rain comes, the plant actively grows again.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

oak, lark, salmon, ladybug, tulips, curlews ,cedar, daisy, sable, boar, frog, feather grass, wormwood, reed, elk, pine, swan, lynx, maple, snake, dragonfly, linden, fescue, pelican, bee, hedgehog, goldfish, acacia, crocodile, duck, aspen, ash, butterfly ,saffron, marmot, lizard, swallow, herring, bluebells, spider, squirrel, marten, birch, bustard, scorpion, crane, hare, deer ,goat, blackcock ,catfish, woodpecker, fly, carp, beaver, pike, eagle, worm, walnut, perch, moth, mosquito, stork, spruce, bug, fox, cockroach

Обучающая цель Ознакомить студентов с грамматическим материалам , расширять навыки в раннее изученных материалами. Расширять словарный запас студентов.

Воспитательная цель Воспитывать чувство патриотизма ответственности, нравственности.

Развивающая цель Развивать способности и навыки студентов в ПУПР (практики устном письмен.речи)

Тип урока Объяснение нового материала

Уровень усвоения учебного материала.

Студенты должны:

Знать биографию президента Республики Казахстан.

Уметь рассуждать на тему Мой президент, осмысленно читать текст и выделять главное.

Компонентен в изучении нового материала.

Иметь представления о жизни и деятельности президента РК.

Междисциплинарные связи казахский язык, русский язык

Наглядные пособия, дидактические материалы и технические средства таблица, список нестандартных глаголов, учебник, карточки.

I Организационный связи(3-5мин)

- Good morning ! How are you ?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- What weather like today?

- What news do you have?

- What was your home work for today?

II Опрос – повторение (3-4 мин )

Tel me please about group of Perfect Active tenses and group of Continuous tenses

III Проверка домашнего задания (15-20мин)

Last lesson I`ve given you exercise 26. Now let ’ s check .

IV Объяснения нового материала (развернутый план, время 15-20мин)

_Today our new theme is Kazakhstan flora and fauna: nature, animals, birds

Kazakhstan flora and fauna

Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan (from them 515 - only here), on its open spaces it is possible to meet about 500 kinds of birds, 178 kinds of animals, 49 kinds of reptiles, 12 kinds of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes - 107 kinds of fishes.

Kazakhstan flora and fauna facts

Northern Kazakhstan is fertile chernozem forest-steppe; to the south - steppe, behind them semi-deserts and sandy deserts with saxaul thickets. On slopes of mountains are located the coniferous woods.

The plateau Usturt of Kazakhstan, located between Caspian and Aral seas, is a slightly hilly deserted plain, faintly covered by a wormwood; only in widely widespread hollows are black saxauls. Unique beauty of a landscape give steep benches - chinks. Western chink is especially picturesque, which height achieves 340 meters; the breakages, destroyed by a wind, accept him whimsical form.

Only in Kazakhstan live such rare animals as Transcaspian urial, long-needle hedgehog and some wild cats: caracal and desert cat. Here is a lot of slim goitred gazelles, deserted birds - black-tailed sand grouse, Pallas sand grouse, wheatear and larks.

The slopes of Northern Tien Shan are covered with fur-tree woods, and Western Tien Shan - with the low bushes and meadows; the gorges have apple- and nut-trees with woods, the tops are covered with eternal snows and glaciers.

Only here it is possible to meet fury ounce, Tien Shan brown bear, Siberian ibex, and from birds - famous lammergeyer, the scope of which wings reaches more than three meters, Snow cock (it calls also mountain turkey), snow vulture, griffon vulture, favorite of the Kazakh hunters - golden eagle, high-mountainous finches, chough and Alpine chough.

In the Altai mountains of Kazakhstan, covered with taiga woods you will meet a giant moose, beautiful maral, our smallest deer - musk deer, famous sable, chipmunk.

V Закрепление материала (15-20 мин )

Exercise 15p 18. Write sentences of your own, using the following words and word combinations:

To cover, official language, nationality, capital, climate, vegetables, development, deposits, mineral resources, industry, arable lands, oil fields, center.

VI Самостоятельная работа студентов на занятии (5-10мин)

To translate the text.

VII Обобщение (5 мин )

What did you know new about Numerals?

VIII Содержания задания на дом (3мин)

Retell the text

IX Итог урока (3 мин ) Giving marks!

1. Educational: To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speaking; to enrich their vocabulary.

2. Developing: To develop pupils’ writing, listening skills and lexical habits.

3. Upbringing: To bring up pupils to save the nature and to foster their love to animals and plants.

III. The type of the lesson: Mixed

IV. Method: Critical thinking, answer the questions.

V. Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures of animals and plants.

VI. Connecting with subjects: Kazakh and Biology.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment:

- - Good morning, students!

- - Good morning, teacher!

- - I’m glad to see you again.

- - We are glad to see you too.

C) Checking attendance.

- - Who is on duty today?

- - Who is absent in your group?

- - All are present.

- What date is it today?

Well, children let’s begin our lesson Today we have a new lesson and an interesting lesson, because today we have a lot of guests and First of all I want you to take cards with different coloures . Please, take cards. According colours I want to devide you into two groups. Pupils with red coloures sit here, Your groups name is “Fauna” and the second groups name is “Flora”

Презентация по английскому языку The fauna and flora of Kazakhstan

III. Warm up.

The Earth is a garden

It’s a beautiful place

For all living creatures

For all the human races

Helping Mother Earth

We can peacefully roam

We all diverse a place

We can call our home

II. Checking the home task:To speak about the ecological problems of Kazakhstan(presentation)

To make Code of Ecological Rules.

Now children let’s make Code of Ecological Rules.

- Don’t break trees.

- Don’t leave litter.

- Keep the country tidy.

- Respect the life and work of the countryside.

- Keep dogs under control.

- Put litter away.

- Grow trees and flowers.

- Don’t frighten birds and animals.

- Don’t cut wild flowers.

- Don’t burn fires.

Look at the inter active board

Dear children, I know you love birds and animals. You take care of them I am shure. You will be glad to speak about the flora and fauna of kazakhstan

There are pictures of animals: name them

There are pictures of plants: name them

Our new theme is “The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”

I will introduce you with the new words

I’ll give you papers with the texts

Read the text and make a list of species.

Learn the new words. read the text very attentivly

VI. Making a scheme

Repeat the new words and answer my questions.

How many species of animals does Kazakhstan have?

How many species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals does Kazakhstan have?

How many species of plants does Kazakhstan have?

VІІI. Presentation

We divide these animals into:

Where do they grow? Look at the pictures of flowers and put

Them into the climatic zones:

Now, let’s speak about the red book of Kazakhstan

To protect these animals

In this book there are many animals. There are many fish, birds and animals. They are in danger. We must defend these animals because they are very rare or extinct. We have in our land 9 reserves.

Do the exercize:

- A camel can live without water.

The cleverest animal is a horse

Tigers and lions are the cleverest animals in the world.

A camel lives in the desert. It needs little water.

A tiger is a small cat and it is weak.

Read about the animals match

the pictures with the descriptions

A with the line B

Х. Home work

To retell the text “The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”

ХI. Giving the marks

The lesson is over. Thank you for your attention!

Содержимое разработки

Welcome to our lesson!

Welcome to our

The Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan Grade 8 I. The theme of the lesson: “The Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan” II. The aims of the lesson: 1. Educational: To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speaking; to enrich their vocabulary. 2. Developing: To develop pupils’ writing, listening skills and lexical habits. 3. Upbringing: To bring up pupils to save the nature and to foster their love to animals and plants. III.The type of the lesson : Mixed IV. Method: Critical thinking, answer the questions. V . Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures of animals and plants . VI. Connecting with subjects: Kazakh and Biology. Procedure of the lesson I. Organization moment: A ) Greetings --Good morning, students! --Good morning, teacher! --I’m glad to see you again. --We are glad to see you too. C) Checking attendance. --Who is on duty today? --Who is absent in your group? --All are present.

-What date is it today?

Well, children let’s begin our lesson Today we have a new lesson and an interesting lesson, because today we have a lot of guests and First of all I want you to take cards with different coloures .Please, take cards .According colours I want to devide you into two groups.Pupils with red coloures sit here, Your groups name is “Fauna” and the second groups name is “Flora”

III. Warm up.

Phonetic practice:

The Earth is a garden

It’s a beautiful place

For all living creatures

For all the human races

Helping Mother Earth

We can peacefully roam

We all diverse a place

We can call our home

II. Checking the home task: To speak about the ecological problems of Kazakhstan(presentation)

To make Code of Ecological Rules.

Now children let’s make Code of Ecological Rules.

-Don’t break trees.

-Don’t leave litter.

-Keep the country tidy.

-Respect the life and work of the countryside.

-Keep dogs under control.

-Put litter away.

-Grow trees and flowers.

-Don’t frighten birds and animals.

-Don’t cut wild flowers.

-Don’t burn fires.

Look at the inter active board

Dear children, I know you love birds and animals. You take care of them I am shure. You will be glad to speak about the flora and fauna of kazakhstan

There are pictures of animals: name them

There are pictures of plants: name them

Our new theme is “The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”

I will introduce you with the new words

I’ll give you papers with the texts

Read the text and make a list of species. Learn the new words.read the text very attentivly VI.Making a scheme

Repeat the new words and answer my questions.

How many species of animals does Kazakhstan have?

How many species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals does Kazakhstan have?

How many species of plants does Kazakhstan have?

We divide these animals into:

Where do they grow? Look at the pictures of flowers and put

Them into the climatic zones:

Now,let’s speak about the red book of Kazakhstan

To protect these animals

In this book there are many animals. There are many fish, birds and animals. They are in danger. We must defend these animals because they are very rare or extinct. We have in our land 9 reserves.

Do the exercize:

- A camel can live without water.

The cleverest animal is a horse

Tigers and lions are the cleverest animals in the world.

A camel lives in the desert. It needs little water.

A tiger is a small cat and it is weak.

Read about the animals match

the pictures with the descriptions

A with the line B

To retell the text “The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”

ХI. Giving the marks

The lesson is over. Thank you for your attention!

Open lesson Teacher: A.K.Nurgaliieva The 8 th form “Ә”

The 8 th form “Ә”

Aims: 3. 2. Developing: 1. Educational: Bringing up: To develop pupils logical thinking, reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills; To teach to To know about animal world,green world to protect speak about animals, plants tо work with them; the text

To develop pupils logical thinking, reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills;

To know about animal world,green world

speak about animals, plants

The type of the lesson: Mixed The method of the lesson: question-answer, individual work, reading and speaking The visual of the lesson: the state symbols, the map of the Republic, pictures, the interactive board, computers. Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, Zoology, Mats.

The type of the lesson: Mixed

The method of the lesson: question-answer, individual work, reading and speaking

The visual of the lesson: the state symbols, the map of the Republic, pictures, the interactive board, computers.

Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, Zoology, Mats.

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