Film reviews план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

7.3B Entertainment and Media Term 3 Unit 2

School: Umbetaly Karibaev

Date: 01 . 02 .201 7

Teacher’s name: Koszhanova G.Sh

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

film reviews. 2

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

C3 respect differing points of view

S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics

S8 recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Read a film review and do the preparation task (mark sentences as True or False or write words in correct group);

Read a film review and circle the best answer;

Write a film review in accordance with film review structure.

Most learners will be able to:

Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence level and in conversations with some flexibility;

Write a film review with minor mistakes.

Some learners will be able to:

Read a film review and do all the reading tasks without mistakes;

Write a film review using a variety of adjectives;

Assist less able learners during pair and class work.

Language objective

Vocabulary related to film review

Value links

Transparency, cooperation, academic honesty

Cross curricular l ink s

Art and design, literature

Previous learning

Reading and talking about film types

Use of ICT

Projector or Smart board for showing a presentation, using on-line dictionaries

Intercultural awareness

Write about Kazakhstan and foreign films

Kazakh culture

Think and write about Kazakhstani films

Pastoral Care

Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.

Promote a sense of self-esteem and self-respect and respect for others among all the learners.

Health and Safety

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned timings

Planned activities

listen to the speakers talking about their favourite films;

speak about your favourite film using the vocabulary on the topic

Check your home task/ ex 4 p 41/

Discuss with the learners lesson objectives and try to elicit them from the learners asking the questions:

What topic have we been studying?

What did you find in the cards when you were trying to divide into groups?

Match the words . Work in a group

Check your task

Work Book p 41 ex 6

1 b 2 e 3 d 4 c 5 a

Reading Task about “Hobbit” /work in pair/

What's the film about?

What's good about the film?

Who are the main characters in the film?

Does the writer like the film?

Formative assessment

Pre – reading for less able learners


Learners work in groups. They should choose one of the favourite films and present it in front of the rest of the class following the questions:

Have you seen good films recently? I have seen …

What is the genre of this film?

Who are the leading actors (actresses) in this film?

What is it about? (3 sentences)

What did you like best in the film?

Whom do you recommend to watch this film? (teenagers, old people, adults, children)

What have you learnt today?

Could you write the structure of a film review below?

What was the most difficult during writing task?

Do you have any questions on the theme “Film review”?

Then teacher gives some comments for better achievements.

Feedback: Teacher asks learners what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

Less able learners: provide less able learners with vocabulary bank list.

More able learners: make analysis of their work and help weaker ones to arrange information.

Reading tasks are differentiated according to the learners’ language level: from easier to more challenging.

Monitor learners to check they can write a film review.

Observe learners when participating in speaking. Did each learner contribute to the speaking and discussion? If not, why?

Did all learners manage to do the reading exercises correctly? If not, why?

Some questions provide critical thinking while answering to them.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Read and answer True or False.

Harry: What are you doing next Friday?

Kate: Nothing special, why?

Harry: Would you like to go to a film?

Kate: I don't know, maybe. Is there anything good on?

Harry: It depends what type of film you like. I had a quick look at the film guide on the cinema website. I suppose you don't like horror films.

Kate: No, I hate scary films with lots of red blood and shocking plots.

Harry: I didn't think you'd like them. Nor do I. What about science fiction films? I really like a good science fiction film. I loved 'Star Wars'.

Kate: 'Star Wars' was OK, but I think most science fiction films about the future are boring or have plots which are too complicated to understand properly, so I'm not so keen on Sci-Fi. I'd prefer something connected to the past or present rather than the future. That's why I prefer documentaries.

Harry: OK, well they don't show many documentaries at the cinema and Sci-Fi films are out. How about romantic films?

Kate: Love stories are a bit boring, but romantic comedies that make you laugh can be fun if the actors are OK. But I don't think there any good ones on at the moment. I haven't read any good reviews.

Harry: Well, what shall we go and see?

Kate: Is there anything more exciting on? I like thrillers, especially those with a crime to solve. I really love the old Sherlock Holmes books. He's my favourite detective.

Harry: There aren't any detective thrillers on, but we could go and watch the latest James Bond film. They are showing it at 7:30 on Friday.

Kate: OK, that sounds good. James Bond films always have an exciting plot. I've been reading a James Bond book from the library. It's a really good thriller – I can't wait to turn the page to see what's going to happen next. I feel like watching a good action movie.

Harry: OK, see you on Friday.

Kate is busy next Friday.

Kate isn't sure if she'd like to go to a film.

Harry likes horror films.

Horror films are frightening.

Science Fiction films are connected to the future.

Documentaries explain facts about the future.

There aren't any good romantic comedies on at the moment.

They are going to see a detective thriller.

She isn't going to the cinema because she is going to read the James Bond book.

Цель урока: учить монологическому высказыванию, а именно учить составлять краткую аннотацию к фильму .

  • Актуализировать и совершенствовать имеющиеся у учащихся знания (произносительные и лексические) по теме "Кино".
  • Совершенствовать лексико-произносительные и грамматические навыки монологической речи.

Обучающая цель : совершенствовать ранее приобретённых навыков , знаний, умений; формировать навыки и умения самоконтроля и самокоррекции

  • Создать ситуацию на уроке для целенаправленного развития логического мышления учащихся методами сравнения, обобщения и интуиции.
  • Способствовать формированию умения адекватного использования лексических единиц в устной речи.
  • Способствовать развитию умения корректировать работу одноклассников и свою собственную, оценивать уровень своей работы.
  • Способствовать воспитанию умения работать (общаться) в коллективе (классе, паре, группе).

Собственно коммуникативная задача :

  • актуализировать и совершенствовать имеющиеся произносительные и лексико-грамматические умения, формировать новые знания с целью корректного использования их в устной речи.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Методы: коммуникативный, интерактивный, практический, репродуктивный, объяснительно-иллюстративный, словесный, частично-поисковый контроля, самоконтроля, взаимоконтроля

Приёмы : устная проверка, диалогическая, монологическая речь

Формы деятельности : индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая

Технологии: Информационно – коммуникативные технологии;технология коммуникативного обучения, технология сотрудничества, гуманно-личностные технологии, здоровьесберегающие технологии

Оборудование: электронная презентация в программе "Power Point", компьютер, видеофрагменты, музыкальное сопровождение

T. Hello, children! Nice to see you! Well, my dear pupils. You see today we have guests so I hope you will work very well today.

I hope nothing spoiled your weekend and you had a lot of fun! Tell me how you spent your weekend( отвечает несколько человек)

Great! I see you spent your weekend well and had a lot of fun!

T. Look at the blackboard . You can see different pictures , different quotations by famous people. ( на доске высказывания известных людей о кино, рекламки фильмов из кинотеатров)

Can you guess what the subject of our today’s lesson is . What are we going to speak about?

( Дети высказывают свои предположения.)

T. Yes! You’re right! Today we’re going to speak about a very interesting kind of art, about CINEMA.

Also, today yo will learn how to write a film review like real critics.

So, the topic of our lesson is "Film review". What does "review" mean? ( я им на дом дам задание поискать значение этого слова)

So, what is the aim of the lesson?

( дети сами формулируют тему: to learn how to make a film review)

1. Фонетическая зарядка (проверка и совершенствование произносительных навыков)

  • Let's train your pronunciation. One of you will be a teacher. Read the words after your" new teacher" correctly ( один из учеников читает слова со слайда, весь класс за ним повторяет. Это будут названия жанров фильмов. Слова, которые они выучат за урок до этого)
  • Now read the definition and guess the genre of the film

( каждый ученик получает карточку с определением и отгадывает жанр:

  1. a film that makes people laugh( c_ _ _ _ _)
  2. a film about life in space or in the future( s. f. )
  3. a film about a love story( r. )
  4. a film in which cartoons are brought to life(a. )
  5. a film about an imaginary world( f. )
  6. a film about exciting experiences( a. )

7) a film which is based on real events that happened in the past (historical)

  • Listen to the following extracts of music. How do they make you feel? Guess the genre of the film( SB. p.72 Ex.1)
  • Аудирование

T: What types of film do you prefer?

Now listen to the dialogue/

Where are the people?
What are they doing?

( отвечают на поставленные перед прослушиванием вопросы)

T: How do you usually watch films: on TV, on DVD or at the cinema?

How often do you go to the cinema?

T; Imagine that you are going to the cinema tonight. Choose the film you and your friend would like to see. Use the phrases on your cards and act out the dialogues.

( раздаю рекламки из кинотеатров, карточки с примерными фразами и образцом высказывания. Образец диалога также могу вывести на экран. Рекламные проспектики на русском языке, поэтому, думаю, надо к каждой рекламке прикрепить название на англ языке на всякий случай, правильно?)

e.g A: Would you like to watch Titanic tonight?

B: I don't really like romantic films. How about The Mask?

A: That's a great idea!

  • Прослушивание диалогов ( 1-2 пары)
  • Работа с текстом

T: Now open your work books. Go to page 44. Look at the picture . What type of film is it?
Look through the text. What is it: an article, a story, a review?

Great! And it’s a review

T: Do you read reviews before going to the cinema? Do reviews help us choose the film to see?

Today we are going to learn how to write a film review. But first of all answer the questions using the information from the text

T: as you see the review of the film is made according to the specific plan

T: Look at the film review in your WBs and arrange the plan in the correct order. Work in pairs

( даю карточки с пунктами плана в разном порядке)

  1. The type of film
  2. The place
  3. The title
  4. The director
  5. Your opinion
  6. The characters
  7. The actors

( в парах расставляют пункты плана в нужном порядке)

После этого проверяем ( вывожу на экран правильный план:

2)The type of film

6) The characters

7) Your opinion/ Recommendation)

T: Now let’s choose the key sentences and phrases to each point of the plan

( на листочках даю пункты ключевые фразы., которыми надо заполнить таблицу. Чтобы сэкономить время, делаем сразу, и при этом на экране появляется правильный ответ .

Слова на карточках: The main characters are…. The film is directed by……The title of the film is……t is a….. It is based on…..The film is packed with special effects. The main parts are played by….The action takes place ….he film is worth seeing. I like ( I’m fond of..) watching the film. I ( strongly) recommend this film to those who like…. It’s fun for the whole family.)

(А на экране постепено заполняется эта таблица)

Point of the plan

Some expressions for a film review

The title of the film is……

The type of the film

It is a….. It is based on…..

The film is directed by……

The main parts are played by….

The action takes place ….

The main characters are….

Your opinion/ Recomendation

I like ( I’m fond of..) watching the film.

I ( strongly) recommend this film to those who like….

The film is packed with special effects.

The film is worth seeing.

It’s fun for the whole family.

  • Обучение письму( обзор фильма. Работают в парах)

T: Now let’s imagine you’re film critics. You are going to watch the soundrack to one of the films and do the quiz while watching it. Read the test. Is everything clear? Now watch the soundtrect and do the quiz( пока смотрят , выбирают правильный ответ . После этого быстренько проверяем)

Now use the information from your cards and prepare the review of the film / Work in groups of four. . You have got 5 min

( пока работают, включаю музыкальное сопровождение, музыку из мультиков или фильмов, чтобы не скучно было)

T: Your time is up. Let’s listen to your reviews The first group , please, …..

T: Thanks a lot! All groups have done the task very well. And now let's remember how to make film review. What are the main points of the plan. Name them .

( далее вывожу на экран слайд с пунктами плана и один ученик ещё раз читает)

T: Look at the slide . Masha , please, read once more the main points of the plan.

At home you will write the review of the film you've seen recently according to this plan.

T. Well, my dear pupils, time flies and we must end our lesson soon. And I want you to tell a feww words about today's lesson.

T.: What have you learned to make today?

What did you enjoy best?

Use the information from your cards and say what emotions you feel and why

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

-Speak about the favourite films using the topical vocabulary with little support.

Some learners will be able to:

-Understand information about the films paying attention to the specific details with support;

Language objectives

Key words: win,star,direct,release,compose,sound,effects,animated,blockbuster,cast,

Useful classroom language/dialogue

-what is your favourite film?

-Who knows the famous movie stars?

Cross curricular links

The Kazakh language,Art

Values links

Previous learning

In the previous unit, learners developed listening and speaking skills working creatively and cooperatively in groups while discussing TV programmes and films. Answer the questions.

-What kind of TV programmes do you know?

-What about shows do you watch?

Planned things

Planned activities

Teacher greets the children and introduces with the aims of the lesson and rules:

Be friendly and tolerant!

Help each other talk English all the time!

Learners should divide into 2 groups with the picture of films: “Comedy”, “Fantastic”


Learners should find a name of film by through the ICT

Learning new words

Method “Showdown ” the laying down of the players cards face up to determine the winner of the pot in poker

-Explain about Present Perfect Tense Structure, example

English Grammar rules the form of the verb used for actions or events that have been completed or have happened in a period of time up to now. PPT is formed with a present tense form of “to have ” plus the past participle of the verb. This tense indicates either that an action was completed at some point in the past or that the action extends to the present

Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences in the present tense. Differentiation task

1 group “Comedy”

1.First,the rights to the play….(buy).

2.A good location….(find)

3.A list….(make) that includes all the costs of the production.

4.The production staff… (hire) to help with lighting,set design,etc

5.The director…(select) from among the many available.

2 group “Fantastic”

1.Auditions…(hold) for actors and actresses

3.Rehearsals…(plan) by the director

4.The play…(promote) through the media.

5.Tickets…(print) for the shows

Excel 7Gr Kaz WB Mod 6

-understands and speaks grammar

Formative assessment: pupils get emotional smileys.

No idea but saying lexicon words

The sentences has no gr.mistakes, there is mistake in word order

Grammatical structure are correct

Describing the good idea

9-8= “excellent” mark

5-4= “satesfied” mark

Give each learner a piece of paper with either a question or an answer. Learners will circulate the room and find their corresponding question or answer. To increase the level of challenge, learners could do this in silence.

Wall-E is a fantastic computer –animated adventure film about a cute robot. The film was directed by Andrew Stanton. Wall-E was designed and built by humans to collect rubbish. However, all the humans have left the Earth because it is polluted and Wall-E is left alone. One day he meets a search robot named EVE. She realizes that Wall-E has the solution to the planet`s problems and races back to tell the humans. A fantastic journey across the universe begins. You`ll love it!

Terminator Genisys is a thrilling science fiction film about a war between humans and robots. It was directed by Alan Taylor, and stars Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is an action-packed film involving time travel. In the future, John Connor sends one of his soldiers back in time to protect his mother. But new robot enemies are already waiting in the past! The special effects are amazing and the cast give a brilliant performance. The music, which was composed by Lorne Balfe, is fantastic. Terminator Genisys is a must-see for all science-fiction fans.

Teacher greets students and introduces task: listen to the conversation between Frank and his friend about favourite films.

1. Ss stand in front of the class and make dialogues about their favourite films or computer games using example.

2. Game: String the clothes.

Ss divide the words into 2 groups: 1-Computer, computer games. 2- Films. (Goldilocks, software, Harry Potter, King Lion, hard disk, screen, Sid and Diego, Sherlock Holmes, Snow White, Fiona, Minecraft )

Презентация и конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Review of the film

Main part-22

1. Reading & Discussing:

1. Listen to the text “The Lord of the Rings”. Work with sentences. Say which of these sentences are true or false?

1. “The Lord of the Rings” is one film. True False.

2. The films were made in 4 years. True False.

3. The films were made in New Zealand. True False.

4. The films are the same as a famous book. True False.

5. There are only 4 characters in the films. True False.

6. The films were directed by J. R. R. Tolkien. True False.

7. Ben gives his opinion about the films. True False.

8. Ben loved the films. True False.

9. Ben will probably see the films more than once. True False.

10. Some people thought the films were very short. True False.

11. Writing. Prewriting:

12. T gives writing guide.

Полную информацию смотрите в файле.



- развитие навыков монологической речи через выражение своих чувств и мнения по теме, Введение новых лексических единиц и их автоматизация в речи учащихся, развитие навыков употребления грамматических форм прилагательных на ingи ed, использование в речи эмфатических выражений. Практиковать в чтении с извлечением необходимой информации и детальной информации, учить определять значение слова по контексту.

-развивать толерантность в отношении мнений других людей.

-развивать память, образное мышление, умение выделять главное, сравнивать, анализировать. Развивать догадку и умение работать в коллективе и парах.

- формировать уважение и интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка посредствами ознакомления с темой, повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка

Оборудование урока: мультимедийная установка, компьютер, мобильный компьютерный класс, Интернет.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент.

Hello, everybody! Date? Who’s absent today? How are you?

O.K. Let’s start. Do you agree that a lot of people are keen on films? So the topic of our lesson today is films, actors and actresses. You are to practise speaking about films. You’ll try to express your opinion on films.

2. Речеваяифонетическаязарядка.

Let’s revise the genres of the films. (презентацияслайд№1)

Read and match.


Now the organizers come to me and take the cards.

(команда получает 2 карточки с определениями жанров фильмов)

Read and guess the genre.

a film which is based on real events that happened in the past (historical)

A film that is set in the future and deals with imaginary scientific developments

A short film in which the characters are drawn (cartoon)

A film that makes you laugh. (comedy)

A film about exciting and unusual and sometimes dangerous events

A film which is very successful (blockbuster)

Thank you. It was great.

Match the pictures and the types of the films.(презентация слайд№2)


Revise the words for expressing your opinion. Read and remember.


When speaking about films you express your emotions and feelings. Look and say what the difference is between:

The book is interesting. I am interested in books.

(презентация слайд №3)


Read and choose the right form of the adjectives)

( презентация слайд №4)


Which is more emotional?


2. Презентации учащихся по теме “ FilmReview”.

Now you are going to see and discuss the presentations made by your classmates.

While listening, you should fill in the chart you’ve got on your desks and in your notebooks.

Read the chart and if you have any questions you are welcome to ask.

Components of a Movie

What kind of movie is it?

It’s a ______________________

It’s a comedy. It’s a sci-fi. It’s a horror.

It’s an action movie. It’s a romantic comedy.

Who’s starring in it?

_______________ is in it. _______________ is starring in it.

Orlando Bloom is in it.

Where does it take place?

When does it take place?

It’s set in _______________.

It takes place in ______________.

It’s set in New York in the 60s.

It takes place on the moon in the future.

It takes place in a prison.

What happens in it?

It’s about _____ who __________.

It’s about two young people who fall in love on a sinking ship. It’s about a meteor that is going to destroy the Earth.

What is the movie like?

I think it is ______

I think it is very emotional and exciting.

Презентация №1. “PiratesofCaribbean”

(учащиеся читают текст презентации в группе)

Now it’s time to discuss the contents according to the chart.

( группа задает вопросы по таблице)

Презентация №2. “Terminator2”

(учащиеся читают текст презентации в группе)

Now tell us about this film according to the chart.

(один ученик кратко пересказывает содержание презентации)

Презентация№3. “Paul and Secret Materials”.

(учащиеся читают текст презентации в группе)

Now it’s time to discuss the contents according to the chart.

( группа задает вопросы по таблице)

Презентация №4. “Transformers2”

(учащиеся читают текст презентации в группе)

Now tell us about this film according to the chart.

(один ученик кратко пересказывает содержание презентации)

3. Дискуссия с элементами диалога.

Now let’s discuss your likes and dislikes about the films. You should ask each other questions.

ØWhich is your favourite film?

ØWhat films do you like?

ØWhat famous actors and actresses do you know?

ØWould you like to see….?

4. Рефлексия.

Let’s see the results of our work. Take the cards and underline the necessary words.


Underline the suitable word.

1. My work at the lesson was active/passive.

2. I am satisfied/ dissatisfied (доволен/недоволен) with my activity.

3. The lesson seemed long/short to me.

4. I feel tired/not tired after the lesson.

5. The material of the lesson was interesting/boring/useful/useless/easy/hard/for me. (you can underline some words).

6. I can speak about films. Yes/no.

7. I can say my own opinion on movies. Yes/no.

8. I can give arguments. Yes/no.

Now every pupil must put a mark to himself/herself.

The organizers in groups put marks to each member.

6. Домашнее задание:

Have you heard about any famous Russian musician?

and find three most interesting facts about his/her life and achievements and download one of the hits.

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