Family and friends she is he is you are i m план урока 1 класс

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.


Развивающая: развивать внимание, память, наблюдательность, мышление, развивать речевые способности, развивать умение анализировать.

Воспитательная: научить учащихся внимательно относиться к членам своей семьи и друзьям, формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению английского языка, формирование навыков культуры общения, воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, команде.

konspekt_uroka_family_and_friends.docx 22.66 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.

Развивающая: развивать внимание, память, наблюдательность, мышление, развивать речевые способности, развивать умение анализировать.

Воспитательная: научить учащихся внимательно относиться к членам своей семьи и друзьям, формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению английского языка, формирование навыков культуры общения, воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, команде.

Оборудование: доска, книга, рабочая тетрадь, карточки, компьютер.

1. Организационный момент

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. I think you’re fine. I hope we’ll have a wonderful time together. Let’s begin our lesson. We’ll talk about families and friends today. Today we’re going to do vocabulary and grammar exercises, to sing, to dance, to read and speak English.

2. Phonetic exercise

3. Vocabulary exercises

1) Repeat the words after me (tall, short, slim, fair hair, dark hair, funny, kind, friendly)

2) Game. Find a pair

3) Let’s divide the words into two groups

4. Grammar exercises

Repeat after the teacher

I have got BUT He has got

You have got She has got

We have got It has got

2) Work in groups

You’ve got cards with the words on your desks. Your task is to make up sentences.

His aunt has got a good camera.

Have you got roller blades?

My uncle hasn’t got dark hair.

We have got blue eyes.

My father has got a new house.

Now read your sentences. (Sentences may be different in each group)

(DVD-ROM Spotlight 4. Module 1. Learn and do. Activity 3.)

6. Speech exercises

1) Describe photos

Teacher: What does she look like?

Pupil: She is tall and slim. She has got fair hair.

Teacher: What’s she like?

Pupil: She’s friendly.

Now will you try to ask & answer questions? Use the photos on your desks.

2) Match and read the exchanges. Work in groups.

(You’ve got cards on the desks. Match the questions with the answers)

1. Have you got a brother? a) Yes, his hair is fair.

2. Is your sister tall? b) No? She has got short hair.

3. Has your cousin got CDs? c) Yes, his name is Pete.

4. Has your uncle got fair hair? d) No, she is not. She is short.

5. Is your aunt kind? e) Yes, he has got new CDs.

6. Has your mother got long hair? f) Yes, she is kind and friendly.

Now let’s check up your answers. Read your exchanges.

3) Put the sentences in the right order and read the dialogue. Work in groups.

-Can you meet my friend at the bus stop?

-Yes. What does he look like?

-He’s tall and slim. And he has got dark hair.

Let’s read and check up.

-Can you meet my friend at the bus stop?

-Yes. What does he look like?

-He’s tall and slim. And he has got dark hair.

4) Make up your own dialogues. Work in pairs.

-Can you meet my friend at the bus stop?

-Yes. What does … look like?

5) Act your dialogues.

7. Home task: learn your dialogues by heart.

8. Marks for the lesson.

9. Results of the lesson.

You’ve worked very hard today. You’ve done a lot of vocabulary and grammar exercises. You’ve taken part in different games. You have danced and you have sung the song. And you’ve spoken about your family members and friends.

The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.

Самоанализ урока учителя английского языка

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.

Развивающая: развивать внимание, память, наблюдательность, мышление, развивать речевые способности, развивать умение анализировать.

Воспитательная: научить учащихся внимательно относиться к членам своей семьи и друзьям, формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению английского языка, формирование навыков культуры общения, воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, команде.

Форма и виды работы:

Фронтальная, парная, групповая.

На уроке были реализованы следующие принципы:

принцип направленности обучения на комплексное решение задач;

принцип доступности обучения;

Каждый вид наглядности использовался для более доступного восприятия речи учителя и развития навыка монологического высказывания.

Принцип систематичности и последовательности формирования знаний, умений и навыков соблюдался правильно, был правильный переход от простых заданий к сложным.

Сознательность, активность и самостоятельность учащихся достигалась с помощью наводящих вопросов, руководство учением школьников осуществлялось по следующим схемам: учитель-ученик, ученик-ученик.

Развитие учащихся на уроке осуществлялось в полной мере, были задействованы все учащиеся, в том числе и слабоуспевающие.

Преобладающий характер познавательной деятельности – творческий.

Структура урока полностью соответствует логике проведения заявленного типа урока, так как моей основной организационной задачей являлось создание условий для обобщения ранее изученного материала по теме. На мой взгляд, такие условия были созданы на проведённом уроке.

Отобранное содержание урока, оборудование урока, организация активной мыслительной деятельности учащихся на всех этапах урока, парные, индивидуальные, групповые и фронтальные формы организации учебной деятельности школьников, применение словесных, визуальных методов, работа с наглядностью, карточками способствовали достижению образовательных целей урока, стимулировали познавательные интересы учащихся.

Уровень самостоятельного мышления школьников, их познавательную активность, уровень усвоения и использования материала я оцениваю как хороший. На мой взгляд, этот урок послужит толчком, опорой для дальнейшей познавательной деятельности учеников.

Особый аспект на уроке имел здоровьесберегающий эффект: я постаралась создать ситуацию психологического комфорта для детей. Для этого использовались игровые упражнения. На уроке все ребята могли станцевать весёлый танец инопланетян.

Урок начался с организационного момента, когда учитель сообщил тему и план урока, настроил ребят на англоязычную речь. В качестве фонетической зарядки была использована песня.

При работе с лексическими и грамматическими единицами были использованы различные упражнения (вопрос-ответ, парочки, упражнения на составление предложений из рассыпанных слов, деление слов на определённые группы).

Для совершенствования навыков письма учащимся было предложено подстановочное упражнение с использованием ранее изученной лексики.

Для отработки навыков чтения был использован составленный учащимися диалог.

Благодаря подбору упражнений и сочетанию различных видов и форм деятельности, поставленные цели были достигнуты на уроке.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

LESSON 1: Unit 3. Family and friends: She is…/ He is …/You are…/I’m…

Grammar School № 1

Teacher name: Badyrova A.N.

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1 . L3 recognise with support common names and names of places recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1. S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE7 use personal subject pronouns to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

listen and repeat the words according to the topic “ Family & friends: She is…/ He is …/You are…/I’m…”

Most learners will be able to:

recognise and name some words according to the topic “Family & friends: She is…/ He is …/You are…/I’m…”

Some learners will be able to:

name and use most of the words according to the topic “Family & friends: She is…/ He is …/You are…/I’m…”

Previous learning

Unit revision. My school: classroom objects and their size, classroom routine actions

Planned timings

Planned activities

T. invites Ss to stand in a circle. Each learner has a picture of the prior word. T. demonstrates the words I’m … You are … e.g.: I’m Ainur Nurlanovna ,a pen. You are Zhannur. The next S. turns to the neighbour S. and says his/her name and next S’s name, e.g.: I’m Zhannur, a bag. You are Miras . I’m Miras, a desk. You are Arna, etc.

(W) (T-S s , S 1 -S 2 )

Classroom objects, adjectives, classroom routine pictures

Presenting the theme of the lesson

Teacher asks children to look at the picture and guess the topic of the lesson. (Slide 1 – Family and friends)

Presenting the content of the lesson

Learners look at the pictures and listen to the words teacher pronounces – two times (mummy, daddy, sister, brother, friend). (Slides 2-6) (W) (T-Ss)

Teacher shows the flashcards with words (mummy, daddy, sister, brother, friend), spells them and asks learners to repeat spelling (two times). Teacher sticks the words on the board next to the appropriate pictures. Teacher points to the pictures, students name the words themselves.

Lip reading. Teacher pronounces the words silently; students try to guess (read) the words.

Presenting “ She is…/ He is …”

Teacher explains the difference between “ She is…/ He is …” by pointing to the boys and girls in class. Then, she points to the members of the family and repeats “ She is…/ He is …”. Teacher asks students: What does “he is/she is” mean? (Slide 7)

Teacher offers students to match the pictures to He is/She is. Then learners to tell sentences to each other. Teacher monitors the class (P)

Energizer (Slide 8) (W)

Making up posters (G)

Teacher divides the learners into groups of 3 or 4 students by means of the fluffy sticks.

Each group has a sheet of paper, glue, a photo and paper stripes to make up a poster. Teacher explains children how to make it. Learners make up a poster

Presenting posters (G)

One member of the group goes to the board, sticks the poster and presents it in such a way “He’s Daddy”. Other groups evaluate the presenters with thumbs up/down.

Power Point Presentation

Power Point Presentation

Spelling Flashcards, Family members pictures

Spelling Flashcards, Family members pictures, Power Point Presentation

Video ‘I’m so happy’ with funny animals

Fluffy sticks, glue, papers, coloured sticks, pictures

Showing smiles

Learners evaluate their own work.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check/ICT links/Values links

Tasks were formulated at all levels according to Bloom’s Taxonomy levels

Questions that do not have right or wrong answers

Challenging :

Evaluative questions which promote further discussion.

Application questions that allow students to relate the topic to their own lives and experiences.

through questioning and the redirection of questioning in feedback activities

through observing how pupils name classroom objects and colours that are featured in the activities

through formative task

through observing how pupils identify the classroom objects, size and actions

Learners will be safely arranged and seated in front of the monitor away from electrical outlets and cables.

Students learn to be patient and helpful through pair and group work

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "My family and friend" для 1 класса.

Содержимое разработки

LESSON: Unit 3.

“My family and friend”

Family & friends: She is…/ He is …/You are…/I’m…

School: Zhalauly Secondary school named N.Alshynova

Teacher name: Akhmetova G.Sh.

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1. UE 7 use personal subject pronouns to identify things

1. S5 produce words in response to prompts

1. L3 recognise with support simple greetings recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

listen and repeat the words according to the topic “Family & friends: She is…/ He is …/You are…/I’m…”

Most learners will be able to:

recognise and name some words according to the topic “Family & friends: She is…/ He is …/You are…/I’m…”

Some learners will be able to:

name and use most of the words according to the topic “Family & friends: She is…/ He is …/You are…/I’m…”

Previous learning

Unit revision. My school

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

T. invites Ss to the circle and asks weaker Ss different kind of questions (T. asks questions one by one and uses pictures if it is needed. T. can prompt if Ss can’t understand and answer) while stronger Ss are given pictures with prompts to describe. e.g.:

1. Hello. How are you?

2. What is your name?

3. What is her/his name?

4. What colour is it? (yellow, blue, black, red, purple)

5. How many . have you got? (pens, books, rulers, desks, pencils)

6. What have you got in your bag? (pens, books, rulers, desks, pencils)

7. What letter is this? (D,T,F,P,S,B)

T. invites Ss to stand in a circle and demonstrates the words I’m … You are … e.g.: I’m Assel, You are Denis. The next S. turns to the neighbour S. and says his/her name and next S’s name, e.g.: I’m Denis You are Kira; I’m Kira, You are Masha, etc.

T. presents new words using PPT: family, mummy, daddy, brother, sister, baby when the words are presented, Ss should repeat after T. Then T. explains the differences of He is and She is e.g.: Mummy – she is, Daddy – he is, brother – he is, sister – she is.

Then T. says to take finger puppets and demonstrates He is … She is… e.g.: He is Daddy, She is Mummy, He is brother, She is sister, he is baby.

T. divides Ss into pairs by favourite colours and asks them to sit together. T. gives finger puppets to practice the words. T. explains that each S. should show his/her finger puppets to his/her own partner and say the word.

T. practices new phrases in the song about family

several times: -How do you do? -Where are you? -Here I am

(T can give the translation of these phrases)

Ss sing a song several times using their finger puppets.

At the end Ss sing it themselves without video support using finger puppets.

Разработка плана урока по английскому языку на тему

Использование игровых методик на уроках иностранного языка является одним из наиболее эффективных, гибких и универсальных приёмов обучения младших школьников. Игра призвана активизировать процесс обучения, сделать его более продуктивным. На уроке используются игровые моменты, где урок приобретает увлекательную форму. Все ученики с большим интересом включаются в процесс игрового обучения, стремятся к контакту друг с другом и педагогом. Учитель, при этом, способен проконтролировать каждого ученика, оценить знания и сделать выводы о том, что хорошо усвоено, а над чем ещё необходимо работать. В данном уроке использованы наглядные материалы (картинок, карточек, рисунков), что помогает учащимся лучше усвоить новую лексику.

LESSON: Family and friends

Teacher name:


Number present:

a bsent

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions about people, objects

and classroom routines

2.S6 make introductions and requests in basic interactions with others

2.UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and things

2.L2 recognise with support a limited range of basic common

personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

Lesson objectives

Thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension

respond to basic supported questions about people

understand the main points ;

make basic personal statements

talk about family

recognise with support a limited range of basic common

All learners will be able to:

· recognize the new words connecting with family

· recognize common singular and plural nouns

· pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

Most learners will be able to:

· Use personal subjects pronouns to identify things.

· Use determiners a , an, this, these

· Use common singular and plural nouns

Some learners will be able to:

· ask and answer the questions about family and friends

· produce words in response to prompts about family and friends

· make up short dialogue

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

R esource s

Organization moment

Hello! Hello! How are you?

Hello! Hello! How are you?

I’m fine , fine!

Hello! Hello! How are you?

Hello! Hello! How are you?

I’m happy, happy.

Review last lesson

Box with things

Brainstorming :

Divide the class into three groups according to pictures “Grandparents, Parents, Children”

New words : my mother, my father, a brother(-s), a sister(-s), a family, a friend(-s), an uncle, an aunt

Descriptor: listen, repeat and remember

Game: Family tree

Descriptor: draw and tell about your family

Teacher gives 2 questions to each team and asks learners to listen to the audio and answer the questions.


1.Read and understand the questions.

2.Listen to the audio.

3.Answer the questions.

4.Write the answers on the poster.

Relaxation moment: Sing a song “My family”

Who is she? Who is she ?

She is my mother.

Who is he? Who is he?

He is my father.

Who is she? Who is she ?

She is my sister.

Who is he? Who is he?

He is my brother.

Match the pictures with words

Descriptor:( say, understand and match)

Feedback: Tree without leaves

Learners have red,yellow,green apples

Red- understand and remember

Yellow – understand a little

Green- don’t understand

Additional information

Differentiation -how do you plan to give more support?

How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Make up short sentences

Family tree

Assessment -how are you planning to check learners' learning?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

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