Education in kazakhstan план урока

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Цель урока: образовательная: совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по заданной тематике; проконтролировать знания учащихся по теме.

развивающая: Развитие познавательных способностей учащихся, расширение кругозора учащихся за счет получения новых знаний по теме. воспитательная: воспитание ответственного отношения к образованию.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация, карточки с заданиями.


II. Warm- up. (фонетическая зарядка: стихотворение о колледже) Let's read the poem.

The college has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, let's go in,

For soon the lessons will begin.

Books and pencils I will need,

When I start to write and read,

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to college, don't you?

Rules for every day's lesson

Don't miss lessons!

Listen to the teacher!

Be ready for the lesson!

Don't be late!

Raise your hand to answer!

Try to speak English!

III. Let's check your home work.

IV. New words. Look at the blackboard, there are new words, so you should look, repeat and write these words in your vocabulary.

Educational system - білім беру жүйесі

State school - мемлекеттік мектеп

Private school - жеке мектеп

Primary school - бастауыш мектеп

Secondary school - орта мектеп

Boarding school - интернат

Junior school - бастауыш мектеп

Infant school - 5-7 ж.бал-ға арналған мектеп

Modern school - жаңа заманауй мектеп

Grammar school - гуманитарлық орта мектеп

We started school at the age of seven. After four years of primary school we went to secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of classes are compulsory in our republic.

Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. It lasted 9 months. We had four holidays a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. On the 1st of September we got acquainted with our teachers and had our first lessons. Every lesson lasted 45 minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6 lessons.

The primary school curriculum included such as subjects Kazakh, Maths, Russian, Drawing, PT and Music. We had also Nature classes. Our school was not English but we had English classes which started in the 2nd form.

Recently Kazakhstan has also developed several types of schools with greater specialization such as gymnasium, technical, lyceums and private schools. Education is free, except those which work on a commercial basic.

Today the educational system in Kazakhstan is presented by two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Primary education is the most developed of the state's educational system. Pupils receive their primary education in schools of three different levels.

Primary 1 - 4 grades, middle 5 - 9 grades and junior 10 - 11 grades. After finishing the 9th grade children continue education in high schools in technical - professional institutes, or in special schools.

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To promote the development of language skills through reading, speaking, listening and writing within the framework of the lexical material about education in Britain and grammar material.

To expand vocabulary of pupils with the help of new words on the topic. To create conditions for broadening pupils’ linguistic and cultural outlook about English speaking countries and encourage towards getting good education.

Pupils will be able to read, speak and write about education in Kazakhstan. They will learn new words on the topic and use them in oral and written speech. They will develop skills of analysis while working with the text and presentation. They will learn to classify and compare facts and data about schools in Great Britain and Kazakhstan. They will practice grammar: Future Simple Tense.

Education in Kazakhstan. Образование в Казахстане.

To promote the development of language skills through reading, speaking, listening and writing within the framework of the lexical material about education in Britain and grammar material.

To expand vocabulary of pupils with the help of new words on the topic. To create conditions for broadening pupils’ linguistic and cultural outlook about English speaking countries and encourage towards getting good education.

Ожидаемый результат

Pupils will be able to read, speak and write about education in Kazakhstan. They will learn new words on the topic and use them in oral and written speech. They will develop skills of analysis while working with the text and presentation. They will learn to classify and compare facts and data about schools in Great Britain and Kazakhstan. They will practice grammar: Future Simple Tense.

Informative reading, comparison.

Оборудование урока

Texts for reading, presentation “Education in Kazakhstan”, posters with the material about the system of education in Britain and Kazakhstan, grammar and lexical exercises, interactive board, slides, presentation.

Стадии урока

Действия учителя

Действия учащихся

I. Орг. момент.

Greets pupils in English. Talks to pupils on duty.

II. Речевая разминка.

Reads the rhyme and asks to repeat and write:

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, let’s go in

For soon the lessons will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I have to write and read

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school

Do you? (asks pupils a few questions about school)

Listen, read and write down the rhyme and answer the questions

III. Фонетическая разминка.

Tells pupils about the pronunciation of endings “tion”, “sion”.

Listen to the teacher and write down examples.

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

Checks pupils’ home work. The meaning of the text “Education in Britain”, checks the meaning of vocabulary of last lesson with the help of some tasks.

Describe their diagrams about education in Great Britain. Insert the missing letters into the words.

V. Объяснение новой темы урока. Новый лексический словарь урока.

Handouts the text for pupils to read and work and explains the task: to read the text and find the new information and speak about the system of education in Kazakhstan. Asks to look the new words up in the dictionary. Then ask an additional material demonstrates the presentation “Education in Kazakhstan” on interactive board and on the posters. Divides pupils into two groups.

Read the text and extract information about the system of education in Kazakhstan and speak about it.

VI. Групповая работа учащихся.

Reading, speaking, writing and listening in groups.

Actions of pupils: pupils are making posters about the system of education in Kazakhstan and Britain. Then they will be speaking about it.

VII. Развитие чтения и перевода.

Teacher gives the text to the pupils.

Pupils are reading the text attentively and translate it.

VIII. Грамматический практикум.

Involves in revision of Future Simple Tense and asks to revise the rule, to open the brackets and write down question and negative forms of Future Simple Tense from the cards into the copy-books.

Revise the usage and meaning of Future Simple Tense and do various tasks from cards.

IX. Итоги урока. Рефлексия.

Generalize pupils’ work on the theme. Evaluates pupils. Asks to complete the poster about the theme of the lesson with stickers.

Complete the poster with the stickers.

X. Домашнее задание.

Write about schools in Kazakhstan (7-8 sentences), to learn by heart new words.

Write home task in the dairies.

Course of the lesson. Ход урока.

Teacher’s actions

Pupils’ actions

I. Org. moment.

Teacher asks pupils about the date, about day of week, about absent pupils.

Duty answers teacher’s questions.

II. Warm up.

Reads the rhyme and asks to repeat and write:

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, let’s go in

For soon the lessons will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I have to write and read

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school

Do you? (asks pupils a few questions about school)

1. What is your English teacher’s name?

2. How often have you got your English lessons?

3. Which class are you in?

4. What is “Comprehensive school”?

5. How many stages are there in the system of education in Britain?

Listen, read and write down the rhyme and answer the questions

III. Phonetic drill.

Examples with endings “tion, sion”: education, translation, passion, information, reconstruction, session, profession;

Pupils write down some examples into their copy-books

IV. Checking up of home task.

Your home task was to learn by heart new words, to read the text about education in Britain, to find the transcription of these words.

Insert missing letters: Co_pulsory, nur_ery sc_ool, pri_ary schoo_, higher cla_ses, second_ary _chool, v_rious _ubjects, to hav_ a qualification_, higher e_ucation, _rivate sch_ol, _nowledge, s_udy, time_able, to _ear uniform, infa_t school, school yea_, to ente_ the _niversity, to atten_, sta_e schoo_.

Pupils show their vocabularies to the teacher

V. Explanation of new theme. New vocabulary material of the lesson.

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Education consists of several levels of state and private schools: nursery schools or kindergartens, primary schools, comprehensive schools, colleges, academies and universities. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens of the republic on free secondary education which is compulsory. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. A child attends the school, located in the neighborhood. The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is primary school for grades from one till four. The second stage is secondary school for grades from five till nine…

New vocabulary:

compulsory [ kəmˈpʌl.sər.i ] обязательный

to attend [tu əˈtɛnd] посещать

stage [steɪdʒ] стадия, ступень

grade [ɡreɪd] класс

senior classes [ˈsiːnɪə ˈklɑːsɪz] старшие классы

a choice [ә tʃɔɪs] выбор

to enter [toˈɛntə] поступить

tertiary institutions [ˈtəːʃ(ə)ri ɪnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)n] ВУЗ

to pass [tu pɑːs] сдать

free [friː] бесплатный

higher education [ˈhʌɪə [edjuːˈkeɪʃn] высшее образование

to admit [tu ədˈmɪt] принять

to prepare [tu prɪˈpɛː] готовить

highly-skilled [ˈhʌɪli skɪld] высоко квалифицированный

importance [ɪmˈpɔːt(ə)ns] важность

opportunity [ɒpəˈtjuːnɪti] возможность

scholarship [ˈskɒləʃɪp] стипендия

to choose [tʃuːz] выбирать

according to [əˈkɔːdɪŋ] согласно

Pupils listen to the teacher.

VI. Work in groups.

Teacher gives the task to draw the scheme of two systems of education: in Britain and in Kazakhstan.

Pupils are making posters.

VII. The development of reading and translation.

Reading of the text “Education in Kazakhstan”

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Education consists of several levels of state and private schools: nursery schools or kindergartens, primary schools, comprehensive schools, colleges, academies and universities. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens of the republic on free secondary education which is compulsory. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. A child attends the school, located in the neighborhood. The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is primary school for grades from one till four. The second stage is secondary school for grades from five till nine. When children finish 9 grades they get the certificate of secondary education. After finishing the 9 th grade children continue education in senior classes of the school or in technical - professional institutes and colleges. If pupils finish senior classes they have to pass Single National Test. After passing Single National Test children have a choice to enter the tertiary institutions. To be admitted to the institute children have to pass oral or written tests. Students can get free higher education if they have a state educational grant. The system of higher education prepares highly – skilled specialists on economy, transport, agriculture, medicine, languages and others. Studying of foreign languages and development of computer skills is a special importance. More opportunities appear for the interested persons to be trained abroad on the basis of local and state grants, scholarships. Today the young people of Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose various types of education and build their lives according to their ambitions.

Answer the questions:

1. Is education in Kazakhstan compulsory?

2. What languages is education conducted in?

What is the first stage of the education?

4. What is the second stage of education?

5. Where do children study after secondary education?

Teacher gives the sentences for translation into Russian to the pupils.

Pupils read and translate the text.

VIII. Grammar practice.

Writing. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple.

1. I (to play) basketball next week.

2. I (not clean) my house tomorrow.

3. You (to move) to the new flat in a month?

4. Nick (to go) to school tomorrow.

5. You (to come) to my place next Sunday?

6. I (not see) him on Saturday.

7. Mary (to do) the shopping tomorrow?

8. You (to go) to the south next year?

9. They (not take) care of the garden next summer.

IX. Conclusion of the lesson. Reflection.

Our lesson is over. Teacher gives self-assessment leaves to the pupils and pupils have to fill them.

Filling of self-assessment leaves. Pupils say good-bye to the teacher

X. Home task.

Your home task will be to learn by heart new words, to read the text, to revise grammar material.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Aim: Informing pupils on an education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Educational Development of informative abilities of pupils by means of lingvocultural information. Expansion of an outlook of pupils due to receiving new knowledge of a subject

Developing: Development of conceptual forms of thinking through development of features of language consciousness during the work with lexical material

Bringing-up: to improve ability to work in collective: to listen carefully the interlocutor, it is polite to react to requests and questions of the interlocutor, to enter communication.

Aids: test tasks, board, dictionary.

The plan of the lesson:

Greeting and duties report Good morning, children! Who is on duty today? Class sit down, please.
What day of the week is it today? Who is absent?

Well start talking about school with the Chinese proverb:

Teachers open the door but you must enter by yourself.

Прочитать китайскую пословицу громко и попросить учеников повторить их хором за учителем. Затем найти русский эквивалент пословицы .

How do you understand this proverb? You can speak in Russian.

Do you agree with it?

What does school mean to you?

How do you understand the words a good education?

Do you need a good education?

Can you say that you are a hard-working and serious pupil?

I want you to answer some questions about school and to compare your answers with the answers of the students of Sernur school 1.

What do students cannot go to school without?

What do our students say if they dont want to do homework?

What is the most popular subject?

What would our students like to change in school?

Reading and Speaking

Education in Kazakhstan

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan protects the right to access to kindergarten [Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Article 30] Children typically start kindergarten at age 5. As of 2004, there were 100 kindergartens in the nation (83 public, 4 directly under the Ministry of Education, and 13 private) and 135 856 children enrolled in kindergartens (or 63% of the total number of 5-year and 6-year olds in the nation). All kindergartens are currently expected to teach both Kazakh and Russian, and most emphasize one language over the other.

Primary school in Kazakhstan starts at age 6 and runs from years 1 5. Classes typically run in two sessions, from 8 until 1 and from 1 until 5, with students either going to class in the morning or in the afternoon. All primary schools are state-owned and primary and secondary education are constitutionally protected rights.4 The curriculum includes x, y and z.

The curriculum for both primary and secondary school is established by the Ministry of Education, with little choice left up to the individual schools. Textbooks are sold in bookstores throughout the country and are purchased by the students themselves.

Primary school is provided free to all citizens and residents of Kazakhstan and parents typically pay only for extra-curricular activities such as sports programs, music programs, and sometimes lab equipment or other special equipment.

Answer the questions

a) When do children start going to school in Kazakhstan?

b) What stages is Kazakhstan education divided into?

c) What types are state schools divided into?

d) What can you say about private schools?

e) How many years of study are compulsory in our country?

f) What do many young people do after leaving school?

1. Выпиши ключевые слова , относящиеся к теме Education.

a)A minority of private schools, domestic science, comprehensive;

b)A doll, enjoy, today, expensive, study;

c)Compulsory, a reception class, table;

d)Private, comprehensive, sweet, a sofa.

2. Прочитай и переведи следующие предложения :

a) Comprehensive schools develop the talents of each child.

b) They offer a wide choice of subjects, from art to modern languages and computer studies.

c) Grammar school is secondary school taking about 3 percent of children.

d) In grammar school students can choose which subjects languages they wish to study.

Grammar The Past Simple.

1.Вспомни и выпиши из текста правильные глаголы- Regular verbs и неправильные глаголы- Irregular verbs в форме прошедшего времени.

Regular verbs: ____________________________________

Irregular verbs: ___________________________________

2. Представь Past Simple в виде схемы Карта памяти.

3. Переведи предложения .

1) We worked in Madrid last month.
2) In Paris the weather wasnt better than in London.
3) She lived there with her family.

4.Выбери и выпиши глаголы в форме прошедшего времени.

1) Did he lived / live with his parents?
2) She goed / went to the cinema last weekend.
3) We didnt met / meet them at the station.
5. Преобразуй глаголы , данные в скобках , в Past Simple.
1) She (leave) ______ the baby in the shop.
2) I (meet) ______ many people last week.
3) We (learn) ______ French at school.

6. Распознай сходства и различия между Past Simple и Present Simple и заполни таблицу .
Past SimpleBoth ( сходства )Present Simple

5.Assesment and Conclusion
Consolidation of the lesson Home task Express your opinion Evaluation
I give 5 for
I give 4 for
I give 3 for
What kind of lesson today? (bad, good, scientific, interesting) Did you like this lesson?
Our lesson is over!
Good bye, children!

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

"Қазтұтынуодағы Қостанай экономика колледжi " Мекемесі

Учреждение "Костанайский экономический колледж Казпотребсоюза"



Дисциплина English

Тема Education in Kazakhstan. Phrasal verbs get, make, look, go, come, carry

Сабақтың түрі

Тип урока Combined

Сабақтың мақсаттары

образовательные : to fix the theme of the previous lecture;

to accumulate knowledge;

to apply knowledge in the activities;

to teach to give summary;

развивающие : to encourage students’ interest;

to expand information horizons;

воспитательные : to respond to the students as individuals;

to promote interpersonal relationship;

to bring up a sense of patriotism;

to create competitive environment;

Сабақтың жабдықтары

Оборудование урока

наглядные пособия : a lecture,

раздаточный материал: tables , tasks .

ТСО : Interactive board

1.Практическая фонетика английского языка. Тажен Г.К., Кулик В.П.. А.2004

2.Практический курс английского языка. Аракин В.Д. М.2002

3.Система английской речевой интонации. Антипова А.М. М. 1978

4.Грамматика английского языка. Голицинский Ю.Б. – Санкт-Петербург, Силекс,2001

Сабақтың мазмұны

Содержание занятия

1.Организационная часть

Good-morning, students. Sit down, please. Today at the lesson we will review all information you have already studied last lesson, also I will check your knowledge. We begin studying Education in Kazakhstan.

Let’s start our lesson.

Pupil greeted the teacher. The duty pupil answers the teacher’s questions.

Warm-up activity.

A phonetic drill:

“There is no place like home”

Let’s read and translate the proverb.

Find any equivalents in Russian and Kazakh languages.

Pupils listening and reading the poem. They are writing it in their copy books and then they are reading it all together.

Checking home work

Let’s remember some grammar themes from your last lesson. And review the information about:

1. Flora and Fauna and seasons in Kazakhstan.

2. Punctuation marks .

They are remembering the themes from the last year lessons. They are answering the teacher’s questions.

Presentation of the new theme

Education in Kazakhstan.

Today at the lesson we will read a text and do some tasks to fix the theme:

exercises from cards to fix new theme

They are writing the rules in their copy books. Reading the combination of sounds and giving the examples.

Fixing knowledge

Let’s do some exercises to fix your knowledge, your task is to do the exercises using the new theme:

Doing exercises, reading the sentences and explaining.

During fixing the knowledge pupils are doing exercises from the copies:

-Dividing the word into groups according the types of reading.

Today you have leant about Education in Kazakhstan.

At home you are to revise and learn the rules.

Marks of the lesson.

What have you learnt today?

H/T: to learn the rules, retell the text.

The lesson is over you may be free. Good bye!

The pupils tell about the theme of the lesson, their expression.

They are writing their home task for the next lesson:

-learn the rules

-find some examples for articles.

Saying good-bye to teacher.


Teacher: Berdygulova G.T.

Education in Kazakhstan

Task 1: Read the text

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens of the republic on free-of-charge secondary education which is obligatory. The constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language or ethnicity and guarantees equal rights in education regardless of nationality. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. As a rule a child attends the school, located in the neighborhood. However, in big cities there are so-called special schools, offering more in depth studies of the major European languages (English, French, German) or the advanced courses in physics and mathematics and children, attending one of this may have to commute from home.

The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary (or primary) school for grades one through four. The second is secondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school students are given the choice of either continuing to attend the same school (high school -senior grades 10-11) or entering a vocational or technical school. Both of these schools are meant to provide one, along with the certificate of secondary education with a number of useful skills (e.g. those of an electrician, technical or computer operators.) Having completed one's secondary education, one can either become a part of work force or go on college (institution of higher learning-Institute).

To be admitted to the institute one has to pass a series of oral or written tests. Students may get free-of-charge higher education in the higher educational institution and the limited number of the state grants is given each academic year on a competitive basis. Some college departments (law, journalism, foreign language-especially English) have dozens of applicants for one prospective student's position. The system of higher education prepares highly - skilled experts on economy, transport, agriculture, medicine, languages and others. Today the young people of Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose and acquire various types of education and build their lives according to their ambitions.

Studying of foreign languages and development of computer skills of pupils is of a special importance. More opportunities appear for the interested persons to be trained abroad on the basis of local and state grants, scholarships.

Task 2: Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Образовательная система в Казахстане проводится на двух языках - казахский язык и русский язык

2. Государственные и частные образовательныеучреждения

3. Образование в Казахстане обязательно и гарантируется Конституцией.

4. Конституция РК запрещает любую дискриминацию на основании языка или этнической принадлежности

5. Дети начинают учиться в возрасте 7 лет и заканчивают в 17.

6. Первая стадия образования в Казахстане - элементарная (или начальная) школа

7. Сегодня молодежь Казахстана имеет возможность выбрать различные виды специальностей согласно их жизненным амбициям.

8. Изучение иностранных языков и развития компьютерных навыков имеет большое значение.

Task 3: Translate the text

Task 4: Translate the sentences from English into Russian

Infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies.

As a rule a child attends the school, located in the neighborhood.

The second is secondary school for middle grades from five through nine.

Having completed one's secondary education, one can either become a part of work force or go on college (institution of higher learning-Institute).

Some college departments (law, journalism, foreign language-especially English) have dozens of applicants for one prospective student's position.

More opportunities appear for the interested persons to be trained abroad on the basis of local and state grants, scholarships.

Task 5. Complete the sentences with missing words

The ------- system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian.

The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan ----- the right of citizens of the republic on free-of-charge secondary------- which is ------------.

Children ------ school at the age of 7 and finish at -----.

Upon graduation from secondary school --------- are given the choice of either continuing --------- the same school.

Some college ------ (law, journalism, ------ language-especially English) have dozens of applicants for one -------- student's position.

The system of ------- education prepares highly - skilled experts on --------, transport, ----------, medicine, languages and others.

Дамытушылық :Сөйлеу ,жазу , тыңдау , оқу қабілеттерін жетілдіру ; есте сақтау қабілетін ,сөздік қорын дамыту .

Тәрбилік : Мектепке деген сағыныш сезімін ояту ; адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу

Тәжірбиелік : Preset Perfect тақырыбымен танысу , қосымша тапсырмалар орындау

The methods of teaching : Speaking, writing, listening , reading, question – answer.

The equipment of the lesson : Active blackboard, book , copy – book

The plan of the lesson :

I. Organization moment

II )Warming up

III)Checking up home task

IV) Phonetic drill

V)Presentation of new material

VI) Conclusion

VII) Home task

I)Organization moment. (4 minutes)

a)Good afternoon children

P: Good afternoon teacher

T:How are you ?

P:l`m fine ! and you ?

T: I`, ok ! than you

Today I will be your English teacher My name is Almagul

Girls and boys ,Do you like to read books ?

P:Yes , I like

b) T: Who is on duty today ?

P: I`m on duty today

T: What date is it today ?

P: today is The 24 th of February

T: Do you like the weather ?

P: Yes , I like the weather

T:is any body absent ?

T: Who is this ?

P:This is Dias and Aidana

T:What was your home task ?

P: ex 5 p 82

II) Warming up ( 4 minutes )

T: Do you like to sing the song?

P: yes , of course

T:ok,let`s begin to sing a song

I`m sing ,then we repeat

Wash, wash, wash your face,

Wash your face together .

Wash, wash ,wash your eyes ,

Wash your eyes together .

T:Thank you ,sit down !

III)Checking up homework (4 minutes )

T:What about your home task ?

P:Our home task was ex 5 82

P(Marat) : ______

T: Thank you , take you side


T: That’s a pity ! take you side

P(Erbol): _________

T: OK !Good ,thank you !

P(Madina ):_______

T: How clever of you ! take you side 2

IV. Phonetic drill (3 minutes )

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today - Бүгін істей алатын ісіңді ертеңге қалдырма

Appearances are depicted – Сыртқы бейне алдамшы

Appearances [ә`pIr(ә)ns] сыртқы бейне, бейне

Depicted [dI`pIktId] салынған

V.Presentation of new material ( 20 minutes )

Today we will take a new material

Perfect Tense – шақтар тобы

Болған оқиғаның нәтижесі туралы айтылады .

Кейде өткенде басталған оқиғанцң әлі де жасалып жатқанын білдіреді .

Етістіктің 4 шақ формалары бар.

1.Present Perfect Tense

2 .Past perfect Tense

3.Future Perfect Tense

4. Future –in – Past Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense [has/have + participle ]

Болған оқиғаның нәтижесі туралы айтылады.Кейде өтенде басталған оқиға әлі де жалғасып жатқанын білдіреді .

I have made a map . Мен карта жасадым

I have lived in Almaty all my life . Мен өмір бойы Алматыда тұрып жатырмын

The Present Perfect Tense көмекші етістіктік have / has және есімше II арөылы жасалады . Осылайша мынадай форма шыгады Have / has + Participle II (Есімше)

Мысалы : I have sent the letter today – мен бугін хат жібердім

She has Just answered the question – Ол жаңа ғана сұраққа жауап берді .

I have done my homework this morning - Мен үй жұмысын бүгін таңертең істедім .

Мысалы : I have not seen her – мен оны корген жокпын

Көмекші етістік Have / Has бастауыштың алдына қоямын

Мысалы : Have you read that book already ? Сен кітапты оқып болың ба ?

Жекеше сұрақ қойғанда , осы форманы ұстаймыз бірақ алдына сұрақты коямыз

Мысалы : Where Have you found a key ? Кілтті қайдан таптың ?

-етістіктің шақ түрі

-дұрыс етістік болса – ed жалғанады 3

- құрылымы have / has +V3

-ерекше жағдайларда ever, never ,already , get үстеулерімен қолданылады .

-іс әрекеттің аяқталғанын және нәтижесін көрсетеді

- have – I has - she

T: Look at the active board , and do ex

С(Dana): Rest Қалай аударылады ?

T:Children , let's translate this images

To have a breakfast( тамақтану)

To have a lesson (сбабақ)

To have a talk (сөйлеу)

To have a look (қарау )

To have a good time (жақсы уақыт өткізу)

To have a bite (тістеу)

To have a smoke (шылым шегу)

To have a toothache (тіс ауру )

To have a headache( бас ауру)

To have a walk (жүру)

To have a bath (ваннаға түсу)

To have a drink (ішу)

To have a cold (суық)

To have a rest (демалу)

T:Are you ready?


T:Please start


T: ok ! Good .Next


T: Than you ! take you side

I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock. → күнделікті мен иаңғы асты сағат 7 ішемін

Anna is having a bath at the moment (время Present Continuous). Анна қазір душ қабылдап жатыр .

T:Pupil , look at the picture , What is depicted in the picture ?

And now , please , listen to me

I can tell you the life fifth of the story in two or three words.

Education in Kazakhstan

Pupil , Who can translate that word ?

Education – [ , e d j u :`k e i ᶩ ә n ] - білім

What kind of school is it ?(Бұл қандай мектептер ?)

- Pupils must take a selection tests (grammar school )

(Оқушылар тест беруі қажет . Грамматикалық мектеп)

- Children read , writer , do sums , play games .They spend a lot of time outdoors (Primary school)

(Балалар оқиды,жазады,санайды , ойын ойнайды , Сабақтарын бос түрде өткізеді . Бастауыш мектепбі)

- The parents pay mush money for education of their children (Private school )

(Ата аналары балаларының оқуына өте көп ақша төлейді . Жеке мектеп )

-Boys and Girls are interested in working with their hands . They learn some trade at these schools .They don`t learn foreign languages (Modern school )

(Ұлдар мен қыздар қолмен жасалатын жұмыстарға қызығады , шетел тілдерді үйренбейді )

- These schools are for all boys and girls . They don`t have selection tests (Comprehensive school )

(Бұл мектеп барлық ұлдар мен қыздарға арналған , тестсіз қабылданады . жалпы мектеп )

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