Different houses план урока 5 класс

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Чистопольского муниципального района

Конспект урока по английскому языку

учитель английского языка

Шарифуллина Надежда Ивановна,

Практические и образовательные задачи:

1. повторить и закрепить активную лексику раздела;

2. тренировать описание комнат с использованием предлогов места;

3. развитие навыка аудирования

Развивающие задачи: развивать в учащихся наблюдательность и внимание

Воспитательные задачи: воспитать в учащихся положительное отношение к своему дому, правильное отношение к истинным ценностям: дом, семейный очаг

УМК: Spotlight 5: Student's Book / Английскийязык.Английский в фокусе. Учебник для 5 класса общеобразовательных учебных заведений. Н.И Быкова, Дж.Дули, М.Д.Поспелова, В.Эванс

Серия: "Английский в фокусе" ("Spotlight"). Издательства: ExpressPublishing, ОАО "Издательство "Просвещение", 2011 г. Мягкая обложка, 168 стр. с ил.

Оснащение: мультимедийный проектор, доска, карточки с названиями предметов мебели.

T: Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome to our English lesson. Today, we’ll practice our skills in speaking, reading and listening. I wish you to be calm and to work well. W hat date is it today? Look at the blackboard and guess what we are going to talk about ?

Учитель показывает транскрипционный знак и слова с ним, произносит их, а учащиеся повторяют (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка).

T: Repeat after me all together! (повторяйте за мной все вместе):

[w] Wall, wardrobe, window, washbasin

[tʃ] Chair, armchair, picture, kitchen

[t] Table, carpet, computer, TV

[ð] There is, there are, this, that

[θ] Bath, bathroom, three, thank

3. Актуализация знаний и фиксация затруднений в действии. Проверка домашнего задания.

На слайде картинки с изображениями предметов мебели. Учащиеся должны по очереди назвать эти предметы.

T: Well done, I see you know the words very well. And do you know how to write the words on this topic correctly?

На слайде написаны слова, в которых пропущены буквы.

T: Fill in the missing letters:

Wardrobe, sofa, cooker, fridge, mirror, window, bookcase, carpet, washbasin, bed, armchair, table, chair, sink.

Учащиеся по очереди записывают их.

  1. Постановка учебной задачи. Повторение грамматического материала.

T: Let’s remember the grammar rule There is/There are

Паровозики . Учащиеся рассказывают правило. Учитель раздает детям (по группам) разрезные карточки и просит их составить предложения.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности


  1. Закрепление ранее изученного материала по теме: “House. Flat”;
  2. Научиться составлять предложения с конструкцией “There is/There are”, описывать комнату, содержащую разную мебель.
  3. Развивать смекалку, навыки чтения, говорения, письма.
  4. Увеличить мотивацию к изучению английского языка через интересные задания.


1. Организационный момент.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

3. Речевая зарядка.

4. Закрепление грамматики.

5. Закрепление лексических и речевых навыков (работа в группах)

5. Физ. Минутка (Song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”)

6. Активизация речевых навыков

Урок английского языка

“House. Flat”

Учитель английского языка

СШ № 1 г. Тайынша

Зарянова Л. М.

2015-2016 уч.год

Развивающая - развивать способности к обобщению, развитие памяти и внимания.

Воспитательная - формирование способности к целеустремленной работе для достижения совместных целей.

Закрепление ранее изученного материала по теме: “House. Flat”;

Научиться составлять предложения с конструкцией “There is/There are”, описывать комнату, содержащую разную мебель.

Развивать смекалку, навыки чтения, говорения, письма.

Увеличить мотивацию к изучению английского языка через интересные задания.



Учебник English – 5-й класс.

Тематические картинки с комнатами.

Раздаточный материал с упражнениями.

1. Организационный момент.

Настроить учащихся на языковую и речевую деятельность на английском языке, проверить дисциплину и порядок в классе:

Приветствие учителя: Good morning, dear children. (слайд 1)

Учащиеся: Good morning.

Учитель: Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you. Now tell me, please, who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent today? How do you like the weather today? Is it cold or warm? Is the sun shining? Is it rainy? Is it snowy? Thank you! Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson.

Today we will remember all vocabulary about houses and flats and practice using the construction “There is/There are”. And now let's train our speech.

2. Фонетическая зарядка. (слайд 2)

1, 2 - this house is my too.
3, 4 – carpet on the floor.
5, 6 – house of bricks
7, 8 – don't be late
9, 10 – there is a pan.

3. Речевая зарядка.

Учитель: Ok. Please, listen to me and guess the riddles. I would like to know how well you know the words on the theme “House”

1) Здесь всё время гам и шум:

Это наша с братом . (room)

2) Живём мы в ней уж десять лет,

Тесна нам стала наша . (flat)

3) Все-все-все девчонки мира

Вечно вертятся у . (mirror - зеркало)

4) Готов обед у миссис Эйбл,

Гостям накрыт уж круглый . (table)

5) Сижу на нем я прямо,

Чтоб не болела шея.

Он с удобной спинкой

И зовётся . (chair)

6) После того, как закончен обед,

Всем малышам нужно go to . (bed)

7) Не проспать, чтоб на урок,

Мы заводим на ночь . (clock)

8) Таблицу умножения я знаю от и до -

Теперь во все науки мне открыта . (door)

- And now look at the screen, read the words and find the odd ones. (слайд 3)

1. Bed, carpet, kitchen, table (kitchen)

2. Living-room, bedroom, kitchen, book (book)

3. Sofa, good, armchair, carpet (good)

4. Fridge, cupboard, read, table (read)

- Do the next task – fill in the necessary words. (слайд 4-7)

4. Закрепление грамматики. (слайд 8)

Вставьте слова is или are (в тетради)

1. There . many books on the table.

2. There . a beautiful rose in the vase.

3. There . a big sofa in the room.

4. There . many pictures in this book.

5. Закрепление лексических и речевых навыков (работа в группах)


there | a | lamp | is | on | desk | the |.

a | there | is | in | windows | the | room |.

are | there | books | two | the | floor | on |.

a | vase | is | there | flowers | the | sofa | near | with |.

– Read the sentences you have got, please (из каждой группы спросить ученика, а затем результаты показать на слайде). (слайд 9)

There is a lamp on the table.

There is a window in the room.

There are two books on the floor.

There is a vase with flowers near the sofa.

2) Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures (слайд 10)

1. People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room. Women usually spend much time there. We have a fridge, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.

2. There are beds or a sofa in this room. You can see a little table and a wardrobe there. People sleep in this room.

3. This room is not very large. We take a shower or have a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there.

4. There is a TV set, some chairs and a sofa in this room. We can see some flowers on the walls. There is often a carpet on the floor. It is usually the largest room in the house. People watch television, listen to music, or sit around and speak there.

5. This room is not very large. People take off their overcoats, hats, boots or shoes there. There is usually a mirror and a little table there.

Учитель: Ok. You’ve done a good job. And now we have time to relax. Please, stand up. Let’s do some amazing exercises.

5. Физ. Минутка (Song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”) (слайд 12)

Учитель: Ok. Good for you. Sit down, please.

6. Активизация речевых навыков (слайд 13)

– Look at the next slide, please. First, answer the questions:

What room is this?

What is there in this room?

Do you like this room?

– Let's describe this room. What kind of room is this? What can you see in this room? Where is the table? (использование конструкции “There is/There are” на практике)

7. Подведение итогов

T: So, our lesson is over. During the lesson we've spoken about house. At home, please, write a composition “My house”. I hope you have known many interesting and useful things. Good bye.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе на тему: “At Home. Differen.

  • Поможем развить концентрацию и внимание с раннего возраста
  • Повысим гибкость и раскованность в общении

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе на тему: “At Home. Differen.

Rat-a-tat-tat Rat-a-tat-tat. What is that? Is it an elephant or is it an ant.

Rat-a-tat-tat Rat-a-tat-tat. What is that? Is it an elephant or is it an ant? Is it an apple or is it a bag? Is it a blue and orange flag? Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

Look at the pictures and say what you can see. So, what is the topic of our.

Look at the pictures and say what you can see. So, what is the topic of our lesson?

What are we going to do today? We are going to talk about …. We are going to.

What are we going to do today? We are going to talk about …. We are going to learn how to describe … We are going to practice (grammar material) We are going to learn how to write … (обучающиеся просматривают содержание урока в учебнике и озвучивают предложенные фразы. В случае необходимости, учитель дополняет нужные моменты урока)

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents A.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents An Englishman's home is his castle. East or West home is best. Every bird likes its own nest. Every dog is a lion at home. The wider the roam, the welcomer home. Men make houses, women make homes. Всякому мила своя сторона. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины – домашний очаг. Мой дом – моя крепость. Всяк кулик на своем болоте велик. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents A.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents An Englishman's home is his castle. East or West home is best. Every bird likes its own nest. Every dog is a lion at home. The wider the roam, the welcomer home. Men make houses, women make homes. Всякому мила своя сторона. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины – домашний очаг. Мой дом – моя крепость. Всяк кулик на своем болоте велик. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents A.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents An Englishman's home is his castle. East or West home is best. Every bird likes its own nest. Every dog is a lion at home. The wider the roam, the welcomer home. Men make houses, women make homes. Всякому мила своя сторона. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины – домашний очаг. Мой дом – моя крепость. Всяк кулик на своем болоте велик. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents A.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents An Englishman's home is his castle. East or West home is best. Every bird likes its own nest. Every dog is a lion at home. The wider the roam, the welcomer home. Men make houses, women make homes. Всякому мила своя сторона. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины – домашний очаг. Мой дом – моя крепость. Всяк кулик на своем болоте велик. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents A.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents An Englishman's home is his castle. East or West home is best. Every bird likes its own nest. Every dog is a lion at home. The wider the roam, the welcomer home. Men make houses, women make homes. Всякому мила своя сторона. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины – домашний очаг. Мой дом – моя крепость. Всяк кулик на своем болоте велик. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents A.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents An Englishman's home is his castle. East or West home is best. Every bird likes its own nest. Every dog is a lion at home. The wider the roam, the welcomer home. Men make houses, women make homes. Всякому мила своя сторона. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины – домашний очаг. Мой дом – моя крепость. Всяк кулик на своем болоте велик. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents A.

English proverbs about home Match English proverbs with Russian equivalents An Englishman's home is his castle. East or West home is best. Every bird likes its own nest. Every dog is a lion at home. The wider the roam, the welcomer home. Men make houses, women make homes. Всякому мила своя сторона. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины – домашний очаг. Мой дом – моя крепость. Всяк кулик на своем болоте велик. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Обучающиеся читают описание различных видов домов и по их описанию подбирают.

Обучающиеся читают описание различных видов домов и по их описанию подбирают правильное название к картинке Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A cottage Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, c.

A cottage Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

An igloo Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, ca.

An igloo Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A caravan Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, c.

A caravan Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A terraced house Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-deta.

A terraced house Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A bungalow Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached.

A bungalow Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A hut Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castl.

A hut Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A block of flats Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-deta.

A block of flats Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A castle Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, ca.

A castle Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A detached house Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-deta.

A detached house Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, blo.

Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

A semi-detached house Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi.

A semi-detached house Caravan, cottage, terraced, igloo, hut, detached, semi-detached, castle, block of flats, bungalow

Relax Time

HOW CONFIDENT ARE YOU? I don’t understand. I can’t talk about different house.

HOW CONFIDENT ARE YOU? I don’t understand. I can’t talk about different houses and about my house (flat). I don’t understand texts about houses It’s OK. I can talk and understand texts about different houses and about my house (flat) with some help . No problems. I can talk and understand texts about houses on my own (самостоятельно)

Boring Not interesting Endless Not informative Interesting Informative Activ.

Boring Not interesting Endless Not informative Interesting Informative Active Productive

- Good morning dear guests, students! My name is……. And I hope that we will have a great time during our lesson. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Определение темы урока - I’ve prepared something for you. Look at the screen. You can see some proverbs. They are related to our today’s topic. Let’s read them.

East or West, home is best”

There is no place like home”

My home is my castle”

Ok, very well. And who tell me, what the common word for all these proverbs is. You are right- homes, houses. The theme of our lesson is “Different types of houses”. Today we’ll talk about the traditional English house.

Фонетическая зарядка

“Where we love is home

Home that our feet may leave

But not our hearts.”

Now please, do a quiz, that can help you to know how many types of houses do you know. Отвечайте честно, и скажите в итоге, какое число у вас получилось.

Первичное изучение новой лексики

Block of Flats (U.K) – Apartment building (U.S)

Просмотр видео фрагмента.

-And now let’s go to a typical English house.

Today people in Britain buy more houses than in the past.

About two thirds of the people in England and the rest of Britain either own, or are in the process of buying, their own home.

Most others live in houses or flats that they rent.

England has many types of homes. In the large cities, people often live in flats. Almost half of London's households are flats.

A big problem in England is the rising cost of houses.

5. Развитие навыков чтения: разбор типов домой

Let’s read about some different types of houses.

6. Релаксационная пауза.

-Let`s relax. (музыка) close your eyes and dream about your home, maybe it will be……

7. Проектная деятельность

Давайте остановимся на 5 основных типах домой в Британии.

Ваша задача вместо пропусков в текст, вставить недостающие фрагменты, на которых написаны типы этих домов.

Работа в группах по 4 человека

“Detached” means not connected on any side with any other building. Many British people think that a detached house is the best type of house to live in.

A semi - detached house (два соединённых вместе дома)

A semi – detached house is a pair of joined houses.

A semi-detached house is the most popular type of home in England (more than 27% of all homes).

A terraced house (ряд из несколько домов)

A terraced house is one of a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls.

The cottage is a lovely small house located outside the city, with a land plot (a garden).

A block of flats

A block of flats is a large building that has a lot of flats where people live.

В начале урока вам предлагалось отметить те типы домов, которые вы знаете. В течение урока мы с вами познакомились с новыми для вас типами и как они звучат на английского языке. Предлагаю вам подвести итог урока соединив тип дома с его картинкой.

You have worked properly today! But our time is up. Your marks for the lesson are ….

And now the last question: How do you feel after the lesson? And the last point. Just sum up what new you’ve learnt today?

Home is the place when you go there, they have to take you in." In western society, most people move away from their family of origin. In spite of this fact, it is good to know that the home of your youth is still there. It is nice to know that our parents are still living there, and that your bedroom is just as you left it. This provides a certain of stability as you struggle to build your own house and home. Eventually it is likely that your parents will sell the family home and begin their retirement years. You may feel that that the home that you have established has fully become your real home.


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