Considering success in business план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Teacher. Me, too, thank you. Sit down! Let"s start our English lesson now. Today at the lesson we’ll speak about success. You know that Success can be achieved in different spheres of our life ( слайд 2).

But the topic of our discussion is " Business success stories of all time " (слайд № 1). At the lesson we will find out who a successful person in business is. We are going to have an unusual lesson today. All in good time.

What is meant here under the words "the top of the mountain" and "the view?" As you know the Chinese are considered to be hard­working, persistent and hardy.

Student 3. I agree with S2, but judging by the topic of our lesson the top may be also "success" because I believe success is some aim in gaming something. People can choose different things and means to get it and as a result they have what they want to.

2. The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.

Discuss the position of the authors. Which is the important saying about success in your opinion? Support your point of view with reasons.

As for me, I like the saying: Character is more important than intelligence for success. Tell me please, what personal qualities are required to achieve success in life? On our screen there is a list of traits of character. Choose 5 important and 5 unimportant personal qualities which can contribute to success in business for your point of view. You have 3 minutes to fulfill this task.

Your time is up. It’ time to listen to your ideas. At first come the most important features. Who would like to start?

Teacher. While checking the task I"ll ask S4 to sum up all the ideas and make a general conclusion in the form of the table at your computer what the most popular answers are ( слайд № 3).

Teacher. P4, thank you for the summary table. You see the ideas are different but . (persistent, ambitious and hard-working) is(are) beyond any doubt.

Teacher. You are right. You haven’t chosen these traits of character as the most important qualities. It means that they are of little significance. Some of them are even harmful.

OK. I see. I know that you have prepared some information and made your presentations about some famous successful people in business. Let’s speak about them, their biography, and their secrets of success. Be attentive; be ready to answer the questions. Let’s start!

(Студенты представляют свои презентации об известных успешных людях. Делают выводы по каждому персоналию. Пытаются открыть секрет успеха каждого из них. Обсуждают, какие из известных афоризмов подходят представленным успешным людям. – 18 мин.

Student 2. Money was unlikely to help her/him become successful as she/he comes from a dirt-poor family. Perhaps it was a great motivator for her.

Student 3. I think it was her/his youth, beauty, probably talent and her/his hope for a better life that contribute to her/his success.

Student 4.I believe it was impossible to achieve anything without hard work. Working hard is the only way to succeed in life. It"s rather difficult.

Student 8. She/He looks straightforward, ambitious and optimistic. She/He seems not to be afraid of difficulties.

Teacher. Yes. You have right answers. All of these people were strong-willed, enthusiastic , hard­working, confident and may be lucky.

I like the saying by Lisa Carey, a 15-year-old girl from America, " No­body is going to hand you success on a plate. If you want to succeed, you"ll have to make it on your own: your own energy, your own head, and your own ambitions. If at first you don"t succeed, try, try and try again."

There are the same ways to gain the aim. As you have noticed we"ve come back to the Chinese proverb again: "There are many paths to the top of the mountain but the view is always the same". How clever the Chinese are!

Teacher. What do you think is necessary to be successful? What are these ways to the top of the mountain? ( Слайд .)

Teacher. So many people, so many opinions. Each person pre­fers his/her way to achieve a goal. But there is no doubt that none of them is short, as there are no short cuts to success. As the English proverb says, "Real success comes in small portions every day."

Teacher. Each of you has your own plans for the future and your own paths, of course. I"m sure this discussion won"t be in vain and it"ll be of great benefit to you to find yourselves in the future. I"d like to believe that you will achieve your success not only in busi­ness but also in other spheres of our life.

In your life there may be several tops which you will have to reach. During our lesson there have been a lot of proverbs and sayings. As you know they have been collected for ages and they are the mine of information of the nations in the world. Which saying or proverb would you choose as a motto for your life? (Слайд .)

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Лексическая тема : Success

Тема урока : What makes a successful company and how company’s success is measured.

Место урока в изучаемой лексической теме: первый урок.

Цель урока: Обучение студентов аудированию и говорению как средству подготовки обучающихся к осуществлению иноязычного общения на официально-деловую тематику.

Задачи урока:

- развитие лингвистической компетенции обучающихся;

- развитие речевой компетенции, а именно совершенствование обучающихся в аудировании и говорении как видах речевой деятельности и в чтение и письме, выступающим как средство обучения.

2. Развивающие

- развитие умений в области мыслительных операций (анализ, обобщение, классификация);

развитие эмоциональной готовности к коммуникации;

развитие оценочного компонента образовательной компетенции самооценка).


расширение лингвистического, филологического и общего кругозора;

развитие и поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка;

развитие способности работать на уроках в разных режимах (индивидуально, в паре, в группе, фронтально).

4. Воспитательные

- воспитание чувства ответственности за результат совместной работы;

- воспитание культуры вербального и невербального общения в ситуациях учебного и делового общения.

Оборудование: компьютер, телефоны и планшеты с выходом в интернет, мультимедийный проектор, экран, доска, колонки, 3 листа формата А1, фломастеры.

Методические материалы: демонстрационный материал: слайд с названием темы и целями урока, видеоролик, материалы для выполнения заданий по аудированию ( Classroom DVD worksheets ), учебник (игра ‘ Corridor conversations ’, схема для построения презентации)

раздаточный материал : материалы для выполнения заданий по аудированию ( Classroom DVD worksheets ), слова песни ‘ We are the champions ’, фишки и кубики для игры, критерии оценивания индивидуальной деятельности на уроке.

Вопросы о прошедших выходных

Аудирование речи учителя. Ответы на вопросы.

Фонетическая зарядка (работа с песней) и речевая разминка

Установка на определение темы урока.

Постановка вопросов, связанных с личным опытом и мнением обучающихся в контексте определенной темы.

Постановка целей урока.

Определение темы урока.

Ответы на вопросы учителя.

Обучение аудированию. Предтекстовый этап

Ответы на вопросы учителя. Выполнение индивидуального задания.

Мониторинг выполнения студентами задания.

Выполнение индивидуального задания, фронтальная проверка результатов.

Обучение аудированию. Послетекстовый этап

Объединение обучающихся в пары для выполнения послетекстового задания, мониторинг деятельности студентов

Работа в парах, для выполнения послетекстового задания

Игра ‘Corridor conversations’

Объединение обучающихся в группы для проведения игры.

Работа в группах. Выполнение заданий, игры (постановка и ответы на вопросы личного характера, не связанные с темой урока).

Этап рефлексии. Составление, презентации.

Объяснение задания, мониторинг деятельности обучающихся. Контроль результатов деятельности обучающихся.

Работа в группах. Составление презентации компаний.

Подведение итогов урока. Оценивание урока

Актуализация вопросов по результатам деятельности обучающихся на уроке. Ознакомление с критериями оценки урока. Контроль качества оценивания.

Анализ результатов своей деятельности на уроке. Оценивание урока по критериям и озвучивание своей оценки.

Методическое содержание урока

Мотивация обучающихся на активную работу на уроке. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

Содержание и выразительность речи учителя способствуют созданию положительной мотивации.

Фонетическая зарядка (работа с песней) и речевая разминка

Совершенствование речепроизносительных навыков. Обучение аудированию.

Поддержание интереса к предмету.

Введение в тему урока.

Исполнение песни
‘We are the champions’. Prediction . (упражнение на предвосхищение или прогнозирование) Обучающиеся делают предположения о теме урока на основе ассоциаций, возникающих при исполнении песни. Ответы на вопросы учителя об успешных людях и их собственном понимании успеха настраивают обучающихся на обсуждение данной темы в контексте бизнеса.

Обучение аудированию. Предтекстовый этап

Актуализация темы урока.

Осознание обучающимися практической значимости изучаемой темы и возможностей ее применения в реальной ситуации общения.

Обучение аудированию иноязычного текста.

Просмотр видеоролика и выполнение задания по отбору информации из аудиовизуального текста Фронтальная проверка результатов. Просматриваемый видеоролик сопровождается субтитрами, что способствует снятию трудностей при восприятии иноязычной речи.

Обучение отбору необходимой информации и её записи.

Развитие умения работать в паре.

Развитие речевых умений.

После просмотра студенты, объединяются в пары для обсуждения ответа. Questioning (приемы вопросно-ответной работы). Адресные вопросы обучающимся, на выявление степени понимания прослушанного. Время на выполнение задания ограничено.

Игра ‘Corridor conversations’

Совершенствование правил речевого поведения в ситуациях неформального общения между сотрудниками компании.

Развитие умения работать в группах с переменным составом.

Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков на английском языке.

Игра ‘ Corridor conversations ’ направлена на смену речевой активности с целью создания непринужденной атмосферы иноязычного общения, а также настроить обучающихся на работу в группе с определенным составом. Время на выполнение задания ограничено

Этап рефлексии. Составление, презентации.

Обучение классификации и обобщению информации. Обучение говорению.

Selection ( grouping )упражнение на содержательный и смысловой выбор, группировку и организацию материала согласно избранному критерию.

Время работы ограничено 5 минутами.

Презентация компаний. Ответы на вопросы одноклассников в рамках определенной темы.

Подведение итогов урока. Оценивание урока

Анализ обучающимися полученных знаний и умений на уроке, осознание необходимости знания полученной на уроке информации для будущей жизни. Оценка урока по критериям.

Индивидуальная работа, направленная на выявление осознания обучающимися того, чему они научились на уроке. Оценивание собственной деятельности в контексте урока по определенным критериям. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Цели:закрепление лексики по теме:”Success”; совершенствование навыков чтения, говорения и аудирования.


1. Продолжить работу над развитием у обучающихся языковой догадки; навыков и умений самовыражения на английском языке,

3. Формирование представлений о известных людях, достигших определенного успеха в жизни

Основные образовательные объекты: доска, компьютер, проектор

План урока:

1. Организационный момент.Приветствие. Постановка целей. Введение в тему(5 минуты)

2. Проверка домашнего задания (8 минут)

3. Основная часть. Представление презентаций студентов, подготовленных самостоятельно. (29 минут)

· обучение лексической стороне речи;

· анализ представленной информации;

· выполнение творческих заданий;

4. Заключительная часть. Подведение итогов (3 минуты)

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. 5 мин.

Приветствие. Постановка целей. Введение в тему.

Teacher. Good morning, girls! How are you?

Pupils. Good morning, teacher! Fine, thanks, and you?

Teacher. Me, too, thank you. Sit down! Let"s start our English lesson now. Today at the lesson we’ll speak about success. You know that Success can be achieved in different spheres of our life (слайд 2).

But the topic of our discussion is " Business success stories of all time " (слайд№ 1). At the lesson we will find out who a successful person in business is. We are going to have an unusual lesson today. All in good time.

Look at the blackboard, please. There is a Chinese proverb.

Let"s read it. "There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same."

What is meant here under the words "the top of the mountain" and "the view?" As you know the Chinese are considered to be hard­working, persistent and hardy.

Student 1. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.

Student 2. I think as for the top it is "an aim" and the view means "the result".

Student 3. I agree with S2, but judging by the topic of our lesson the top may be also "success" because I believe success is some aim in gaming something. People can choose different things and means to get it and as a result they have what they want to.

Teacher. Right you are.

Лексическая разминка на знание слов, фразы по теме.

II. Проверкадомашнегозадания

Now let’s review what famous people said about the key to success.

1. The aphorisms and sayings about success. 8 мин. (Слайды 2-5)

1.Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill (1874-1965), British statesman, Prime Minister

2. The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.

Discuss the position of the authors. Which is the important saying about successin your opinion? Support your point of view with reasons.

Студенты озвучивают высказывания, которые понравились им, высказывают свое мнение.

As for me, I like the saying: Character is more important than intelligence for success. Tell me please, what personal qualities are required to achieve success in life? On our screen there is a list of traits of character. Choose 5 important and 5 unimportant personal qualities which can contribute to success in business for your point of view. You have 3 minutes to fulfill this task.

Your time is up. It’ time to listen to your ideas. At first come the most important features. Who would like to start?

Student 1. Strong-willed, persistent, ambitious, confident, enthu­siastic.

Student 2. Hard-working, persistent, ambitious, quick-minded, determined.

Student 3. Sociable, tolerant, energetic, hard-working, independ­ent.

Teacher. While checking the task I"ll ask S4 to sum up all the ideas and make a general conclusion in the form of the table at your computer what the most popular answers are (слайд № 3).

Teacher. P4, thank you for the summary table. You see the ideas are different but . (persistent, ambitious and hard-working) is(are) beyond any doubt.

And what about unimportant ones?

Student 1. Shy, selfish, doubtful, nervous, rank.

Student 2. Doubtful, sensitive, absent-minded, honest, indifferent.

Student 3. Narrow-minded, shy, absent-minded, indifferent.

Teacher. You are right. You haven’t chosen these traits of character as the most important qualities. It means that they are of little significance. Some of them are even harmful.

III. Основнаячасть. 29 мин

OK. I see. I know that you have prepared some information and made your presentations about some famous successful people in business. Let’s speak about them, their biography, and their secrets of success. Be attentive; be ready to answer the questions. Let’s start!

Закрепление изученного материала. 11 мин

Студентам задаются следующие вопросы после просмотра каждой из презентаций:

1. Where did … achieve his/her success?

2. What was his/her way to success?

3. What do you think what personal qualities helped his/her to succeed in life?

Student 1. She/ He achieved her/his success in the profession of a ….

Student 2. Money was unlikely to help her/him become successful as she/he comes from a dirt-poor family. Perhaps it was a great motivator for her.

Student 3. I think it was her/his youth, beauty, probably talent and her/his hope for a better life that contribute to her/his success.

Student 4.I believe it was impossible to achieve anything without hard work. Working hard is the only way to succeed in life. It"s rather difficult.

Teacher. Yes. You have right answers. All of these people were strong-willed,enthusiastic, hard­working, confident and may be lucky.

I like the saying by Lisa Carey, a 15-year-old girl from America, " No­body is going to hand you success on a plate. If you want to succeed, you"ll have to make it on your own: your own energy, your own head, and your own ambitions. If at first you don"t succeed, try, try and try again."

Teacher. What do you think is necessary to be successful? What are these ways to the top of the mountain? (Слайд № .)

Student 2. Someone"s support.

Student 3. Money.

Student 4. Good luck.

Student 5. Personal qualities such as persistence, ambition, industry.

Student 6. Talent.

Student 7. Education.

Student 9. Hard work.

Student 10. Experience.

Student 11. Hope.

Student 12. Personal appearance.

IV.Заключительнаячасть. Подведениеитогов. 3 мин

Teacher. So many people, so many opinions. Each person pre­fers his/her way to achieve a goal. But there is no doubt that none of them is short, as there are no short cuts to success. As the English proverb says, "Real success comes in small portions every day."

Teacher. Each of you has your own plans for the future and your own paths, of course. I"m sure this discussion won"t be in vain and it"ll be of great benefit to you to find yourselves in the future. I"d like to believe that you will achieve your success not only in busi­ness but also in other spheres of our life.

Student 1. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Student 2. Working hard is the only way to succeed in life.

Now, the lesson is over, you may be free, good-bye.

Конспект урока по английскому языку

Business success stories of all time

закрепление лексики по теме:”Success”; совершенствование навыков чтения, говорения и аудирования.

1. Продолжить работу над развитием у обучающихся языковой догадки; навыков и умений самовыражения на английском языке,

3. Формирование представлений о известных людях, достигших определенного успеха в жизни

Основные образовательные объекты: доска, компьютер, проектор

1. Организационный момент.Приветствие. Постановка целей. Введение в тему(5 минуты)

2. Проверка домашнего задания (8 минут)

3. Основная часть. Представление презентаций студентов, подготовленных самостоятельно. (29 минут)

· обучение лексической стороне речи;

· анализ представленной информации;

· выполнение творческих заданий;

4. Заключительная часть. Подведение итогов (3 минуты)

I. Организационный момент. 5 мин.

Приветствие. Постановка целей. Введение в тему.

Teacher. Good morning, girls! How are you?

Pupils. Good morning, teacher! Fine, thanks, and you?

Teacher. Me, too, thank you. Sit down! Let"s start our English lesson now. Today at the lesson we’ll speak about success. You know that Success can be achieved in different spheres of our life (слайд 2).

But the topic of our discussion is " Business success stories of all time " (слайд№ 1). At the lesson we will find out who a successful person in business is. We are going to have an unusual lesson today. All in good time.

Look at the blackboard, please. There is a Chinese proverb.

Let"s read it. "There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same."

What is meant here under the words "the top of the mountain" and "the view?" As you know the Chinese are considered to be hard­working, persistent and hardy.

Student 1. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.

Student 2. I think as for the top it is "an aim" and the view means "the result".

Student 3. I agree with S2, but judging by the topic of our lesson the top may be also "success" because I believe success is some aim in gaming something. People can choose different things and means to get it and as a result they have what they want to.

Teacher. Right you are.

Лексическая разминка на знание слов, фразы по теме.

II. Проверкадомашнегозадания

Now let’s review what famous people said about the key to success.

1. The aphorisms and sayings about success. 8 мин. (Слайды 2-5)

1.Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill (1874-1965), British statesman, Prime Minister

2. The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.

3. Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is usually more important than the outcome.

Arthur Ashe

4. Character is more important than intelligence for success.

Gilberte -Beaux

5. My definition of success is control.
Kenneth Branagh

6. Action is the foundational key to all success.

Anthony Robbins (I960-), American author, speaker

7. Sweat plus sacrifice equals success.

Charles O. Finley

8. The secret of success is consistency of purpose.

Benjamin Disraeli (1804-18 ….British statesman, Prime Mini-

9. You will find the key to success under the alarm clock.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-179 American scientist, publisher, diplomat

10. Patience, persistence and perspiration make unbeatable combination for success.

Napoleon Hill (1883-1970), American speaker.

12. The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows.

Aristotle Onassis (1906-1975)

13. Instead of crying over spilt milk, go milk another cow.

14. Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

Jim Rohn, American businessman, philosopher

Discuss the position of the authors. Which is the important saying about successin your opinion? Support your point of view with reasons.

Студенты озвучивают высказывания, которые понравились им, высказывают свое мнение.

As for me, I like the saying: Character is more important than intelligence for success. Tell me please, what personal qualities are required to achieve success in life? On our screen there is a list of traits of character. Choose 5 important and 5 unimportant personal qualities which can contribute to success in business for your point of view. You have 3 minutes to fulfill this task.

Your time is up. It’ time to listen to your ideas. At first come the most important features. Who would like to start?

Student 1. Strong-willed, persistent, ambitious, confident, enthu­siastic.

Student 2. Hard-working, persistent, ambitious, quick-minded, determined.

Student 3. Sociable, tolerant, energetic, hard-working, independ­ent.

Teacher. While checking the task I"ll ask S4 to sum up all the ideas and make a general conclusion in the form of the table at your computer what the most popular answers are (слайд № 3).

Teacher. P4, thank you for the summary table. You see the ideas are different but . (persistent, ambitious and hard-working) is(are) beyond any doubt.

And what about unimportant ones?

Student 1. Shy, selfish, doubtful, nervous, rank.

Student 2. Doubtful, sensitive, absent-minded, honest, indifferent.

Student 3. Narrow-minded, shy, absent-minded, indifferent.

Teacher. You are right. You haven’t chosen these traits of character as the most important qualities. It means that they are of little significance. Some of them are even harmful.

III. Основнаячасть. 29 мин

OK. I see. I know that you have prepared some information and made your presentations about some famous successful people in business. Let’s speak about them, their biography, and their secrets of success. Be attentive; be ready to answer the questions. Let’s start!

(Студенты представляют свои презентации об известных успешных людях. Делают выводы по каждому персоналию. Пытаются открыть секрет успеха каждого из них. Обсуждают, какие из известных афоризмов подходят представленным успешным людям. – 18 мин.

Закрепление изученного материала. 11 мин

Студентам задаются следующие вопросы после просмотра каждой из презентаций:

1. Where did … achieve his/her success?

2. What was his/her way to success?

3. What do you think what personal qualities helped his/her to succeed in life?

Student 1. She/ He achieved her/his success in the profession of a ….

Student 2. Money was unlikely to help her/him become successful as she/he comes from a dirt-poor family. Perhaps it was a great motivator for her.

Student 3. I think it was her/his youth, beauty, probably talent and her/his hope for a better life that contribute to her/his success.

Student 4.I believe it was impossible to achieve anything without hard work. Working hard is the only way to succeed in life. It"s rather difficult.

Student 5. I"m sure she/he was just lucky.

Student 6. To my mind …"s personal qualities also played a certain role in making her/his career.

Student 7. She/He is determined, persistent, and even stubborn.

Student 8. She/He looks straightforward, ambitious and optimistic. She/He seems not to be afraid of difficulties.

Teacher. Yes. You have right answers. All of these people were strong-willed,enthusiastic, hard­working, confident and may be lucky.

I like the saying by Lisa Carey, a 15-year-old girl from America, " No­body is going to hand you success on a plate. If you want to succeed, you"ll have to make it on your own: your own energy, your own head, and your own ambitions. If at first you don"t succeed, try, try and try again."

There are the same ways to gain the aim. As you have noticed we"ve come back to the Chinese proverb again: "There are many paths to the top of the mountain but the view is always the same". How clever the Chinese are!

Teacher. What do you think is necessary to be successful? What are these ways to the top of the mountain? (Слайд .)

Student 2. Someone"s support.

Student 3. Money.

Student 4. Good luck.

Student 5. Personal qualities such as persistence, ambition, industry.

Student 6. Talent.

Student 7. Education.

Student 9. Hard work.

Student 10. Experience.

Student 11. Hope.

Student 12. Personal appearance.

IV.Заключительнаячасть. Подведениеитогов. 3 мин

Teacher. So many people, so many opinions. Each person pre­fers his/her way to achieve a goal. But there is no doubt that none of them is short, as there are no short cuts to success. As the English proverb says, "Real success comes in small portions every day."

Teacher. Each of you has your own plans for the future and your own paths, of course. I"m sure this discussion won"t be in vain and it"ll be of great benefit to you to find yourselves in the future. I"d like to believe that you will achieve your success not only in busi­ness but also in other spheres of our life.

In your life there may be several tops which you will have to reach. During our lesson there have been a lot of proverbs and sayings. As you know they have been collected for ages and they are the mine of information of the nations in the world. Which saying or proverb would you choose as a motto for your life? (Слайд .)

Student 1. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Student 2. Working hard is the only way to succeed in life.

Student 3. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again!

Learn to write well, or not to write at all. John Dryden Business correspondence

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Learn to write well, or not to write at all. John Dryden Business correspondence or How to make business successful Author: A.M. Semyonova, school № 7

The principal question: How does the business correspondence help to be successf

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The principal question: How does the business correspondence help to be successful in business? The problem questions: How to write business letters? What types of business letters exist nowadays? What typical expressions are used in different types of business letters?

The hypothesis of the investigation: If you know all aspects of the business cor

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The hypothesis of the investigation: If you know all aspects of the business correspondence well then you will achieve a success in business. Subject: elective course “English for business communication” Participants: students of the 9B form

The annotation of the project The realization of the project is carried out in t

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The annotation of the project The realization of the project is carried out in the frames of the elective course “English for business communication” in the theme “The structure of the business letter”. The project allows to develop the communicative skills of the pupils, to improve the practical habits of the students, to form the culture of the writing letters. The conclusions made by every group will allow to answer the key question “How does business correspondence help to be successful in business?” to confirm or to deny the hypothesis made above

Objectives: -forming the competence in the sphere of independent knowledge activ

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Objectives: -forming the competence in the sphere of independent knowledge activity, - the development of the habits of working in groups, - the development of the skills of analyzing, comparing and making conclusions Skills development: to acquaint pupils with the different types of business letters and the rules of writing them, to widen vocabulary and to teach pupils to write business letters, to promote the getting of the educational resources by the students for the successful work in the market terms

The themes of the pupils investigations: 1. The styles of the business letters 2

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The themes of the pupils investigations: 1. The styles of the business letters 2. Types of the business letters 3. Typical expressions for writing different types of business letters The forms of the presentation of the results: Presentation “How to write business letters” Presentation “Types of business letters Publication “Useful expressions for business letters”

The stages and the dates of conducting the project Brainstorming ( choosing the

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The stages and the dates of conducting the project Brainstorming ( choosing the themes of the investigations, forming the groups, discussing the plan of the work in groups) 1st lesson, 20 min. Independent work in groups (during the second lesson and during after school activity) 2nd lesson, 30 min. Pupils’ preparations for presentation of their work. 3rd lesson, 20 min. The defence of the results and making conclusions. 4th lesson, 30 min.

Do you want to know the secrets of the successful business? Then, join us!

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Do you want to know the secrets of the successful business? Then, join us!

References: A. M. Semyonova . Elective course “English for business communicatio

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