Children s games 1 план урока 4 класс

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Цель: Повышение мотивации изучения английского языка; развитие навыков коммуникативного общения в группах; развитие индивидуальных личностных качеств участников игры.

  1. Развитие разговорных навыков по темам “Времена года и погода”, “Мой дом”, “Жизнь в городе и сельской местности”.
  2. Закрепление пройденных лексических и грамматических тем.

Коммуникативный метод с использованием индивидуальной и групповой работы учащихся;
– личностно – ориентированный подход;
–эмоционально деятельный подход.

1. Презентации для различных этапов игры

2. Раздаточный материал:

  • Эмблемы для каждой команды с символами погоды
  • Смайлики для оценки работы команд
  • Раздаточный материал по этапам игры

3. Запись песни Head and Shoulders.

4. Рисунки детей по теме: “Мой дом (Моя квартира, Моя комната)”.

5. Открытки в форме сердечка, сделанные детьми для поздравления мам с Днем матери и подписанные на английском языке.

Участники: 3 команды по 3–5 человек, болельщики, ведущие, жюри.

1. Приветствие. На экране заставка – Слайд 1 Презентации 1 (Приложение 1).

Т: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning! Good morning!

T: How are you?

Ps: Fine, thanks. And how are you?

T: I’m OK. Thanks. I am glad to see you. Have you noticed guests at our lesson? Let’s greet them!

Ps: Good morning!

T: Take your seats, please! We have studied hard during this term. It’s time to have fun. Are you ready to start? – Let’s start the lesson.

2. Традиционный опрос учителя.

Т: What day is it today?

Ps: Today is (Saturday).

Т: What’s the date today?

Ps: Today is the (23d of November).

Т: Right you are. Let’s revise seasons of the year vocabulary. What season is it now?

Ps: It is autumn.

T: What are the autumn /winter/ summer/spring months?

What’s the weather like today?

T: It’s time to play a team game. Please, tell me do you like to play, do you like to compete?

Then let’s have a competition between 3 teams: Sunny/ Rainy/Snowy. I’ll give you the cards with the weather symbols and you’ll form teams according to them.

I can see that you are very good teams. Are you ready to start?

T: But at first, let’s do some phonetic exercises: (Слайд 2) – по 1 смайлику

Why do you cry Willy, why do you cry?

Why Willy, Why Willy, Why Willy, Why?

[i]: big, live, Billy, city, windy

[˄ ]: some, up, country, funny, London, butter

T: Now it’s time to start our competition. I’d like to see how many words you remember on this topic. Let’s watch a presentation to revise you weather vocabulary.

I. Приложение 2 (Презентация 2: “The weather”) [2] (по 2 картинки каждой команде) – по 2 смайлика

T: Great job! Now answer my questions: по 2 смайлика

Look at the screen. The pictures on the screen [1] will help you to answer (Приложение 1. Слайд 3)).

Т: What is your favourite season? (1)

Т: What can you do in winter? (2)

Ps: We can ski, skate, play snowballs in winter.

Т: What’s the weather like in winter? (3)

II. T: Now let’s act out dialogues about the weather. Please, look at the board! You see the weather forecast from different places there. Choose one place to act out a dialogue.

(Приложение 1. Слайды 4, 5) – по 2 смайлика.

III. Физкульразминка.

T: You’ve worked very well. I think you are tired, let’s do some exercises – по 1 смайлику

Приложение 3: Head and shoulders [3]

IV. Т: Well done! Children! Now take your seats and let’s talk about The country and the city: are they different? (Приложение 1. Слайд 6).

Do you live in the country or in the city?

Ps: We live in the city.

Т: We live in the capital city of Russia – Moscow. Do you like it? Can you tell us about Moscow?

Ps: ….. по 2 смайлика.

V. Т: Well done! Do you live in a house or in a flat?

P: in a flat

T: We have a lot of nice pictures of your rooms and flats. Can you describe your flat (room)?

P:…. – по 2 смайлика.

T: Well done! Thanks.

VI. T: Now – the last competition. Work in teams, you have to compare the city and the country and complete the chat.

(Приложение 1. Слайды 7–11) + раздаточный материал (Приложение 4).

Choose the words from the box and complete the table:

VII. Т: We’re about to finish the game. Your work was very intensive and great. All the teams worked very hard. Let’s count your smileys.

__________________ are the winners. Let’s greet them. Congratulations!

* T: Now – the most important moment of our lesson. It will be the Mother’s Day tomorrow. Let’s congratulate your mothers on this day and present them your Mother’s Day cards (hearts).

Pupils recite a poem:

Mother, my darling,
Mother, my dear,
I love you, I love you
Each day of the year!
Happy Mother’s Day.

1. Приложение 1: Презентация 1.

2. Приложение 2: Презентация 2-“The weather” [2].

3. Приложение 3: Аудиофайл – Song “Head and Shoulders” [3].

4. Приложение 4: Таблица для сравнения.

* Поскольку урок проходил в субботу, накануне Дня матери в рамках Дня открытых дверей школы и на уроке присутствовали мамы учащихся, то в конце урока дети поздравили своих мам с наступающим праздником, вручив им заранее сделанные ими открытки в форме сердечек, подписанные по-английски.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Module 1. Kazakhstan in the world of sport


Theme: Children’s games 1

School: №12

Date: 4.09 .19

Teacher’s name: Nogayeva A.K.

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal information; respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics; write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information; use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how often, begin to use simple adverbs of manner example given well, badly, use common -ly manner adverbs to describe actions example given slowly, quickly; use me, too and I don’t to give short answers, use when clauses to describe simple present and past actions on personal and familiar topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal information; respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics using me, too and I don’t . Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information;

Most learners will be able to: understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal information; respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics using me, too and I don’t . Write without support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information; find some funny sport stories using adverbs of time and frequency

Some learners will be able to: understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal information; respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics using me, too and I don’t . Write without support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information; find and tell some funny sport stories using adverbs of time and frequency

Assessment criteria

Learners can talk about sport and games; express preferences; describe your daily routine; make suggestions

Language focus

Adverbs of time, Present Simple, interrogative pronouns, possessive adjectives

Target vocabulary

Types of Sport, children’s game

Cross - curricular

Using videos& pictures, working with URLs (Internet)

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Smiles Resources


(Activities to present and activate the new language. )

Ex 1 p 5. T: Look at the pictures. Which is a team sport? Which is an individual sport? Is there a sport you can play really well?

Pupils’ book open. Explain, in L1 if necessary what is a team sport and what is an individual sport. Ask the pupils to look at the picture on p.4 and elicit the names of the sports (football, tennis). Ask the pupils: What type of sport is tennis? Elicit: It is an individual sport. Then ask: What type of sport is football? Elicit: It is a team sport. Ask the pupils to name other individual and team sports they know. Then ask the pupils to tell the class if there is a sport they can play really well.

P1: I can play bandy really well.

Interactive Whiteboard Software


Ex.2 p. 5 Pupils’ book closed. Put the Children’s games poster up on the board.

Point to the children’s games, one at a time, and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat chorally and/ or individually. Point to the games in random order and ask individual pupils to name them. Ask the rest of the class for verification.

Pupils’ book open . Point to children’s games. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point and repeat the words. If you wish, play the recording again with pauses for the pupils to repeat chorally or individually.

Ex 3 p 5 Refer the pupils to the picture and the dialogue. First, read out the dialogue and then act out a similar dialogue with one of the pupils. Ask the pupils to act out, in pairs, similar dialogues about themselves. Go around the classroom monitoring the activity and providing any necessary help. Ask some pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out the dialogue.

Dana: I sometimes play hide-and-seek with my friends.

Aidar: I don’t. I play leap frog with my friends.

Ex 4 p 5 Refer the pupils to the Funny Sports Facts box and read aloud the first fact. Initiate a discussion, in L1 if necessary, about it. If you wish, you can show the pupils a picture of Alan Shephard playing golf on the moon. (Background information: Alan Shephard was the Commander of Apollo 14, a space mission that landed on the moon in 1971.) Then read aloud the second fact.

Ask the pupils to use the internet or other sources and find some more funny sports facts. They can include a drawing or a picture. Have the pupils, one at a time, come to the front of the classroom and present their funny fact. Alternatively, you can assign the activity for home work and have the pupils present their assignment to the class during the next lesson.

Answer: A chef won the first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.

Note: Once you have collected their assignments, guide your pupils on how to file them in their Language Portfolios.

- совершенствовать умения и навыки ведения монологического высказывания.

- развивать навыки аудирования, чтения и говорения;

- развивать творческого воображения, речевых умений и навыков;

- развивать мыслительные навыки учащихся

- привитие интереса к здоровому образу жизни;

- содействовать воспитанию дружеских отношений в ученическом коллективе.

Формы обучения: коллективные, фронтальные, индивидуальные.

Методы обучения: словесные, наглядные, практические.

Оборудование: часы, карточки с заданиями, шарики с числительными, проектор .

-Good morning boys and girls

-I’m glad to see you. Sit down, pleasе.

-Are you ready for the lesson?

-Very well. Let’s start our lesson?

-Наш Буратино, отправившись гулять, заблудился. Долго блуждал он по полям и лесам, длинным улицам и переулкам. И, наконец, нашел дорогу к дому. Но дорога эта не простая и, чтобы попасть Буратино домой, ему необходимо пройти ряд препятствий.

- Ребята, вы поможете Буратино попасть домой?

- Приготовьте свои язычки.

- Listen to me, please.

- Буратино звонит в колокольчик n-n-n

- Дразнит комариков z-z-z

- Приглашает на прогулку нас ei-ei-ei

- Снова дразнит комариков z-z-z

- Комарики сердятся на него, кусают, он кричит ai-ai-ai

- Ему больно, он говорит m-m-m

- К Буратино прилетает пчелка и успокаивает его d-d-d

-Больше Буратино никогда не будет дразниться

-Задувает ранку w-w-w

-Thank you for your work.

-Now answer my questions, please.

-What is your name?

-Where are you from?

-Thank you for your answers.

-Let’s continue our lesson.

-Для того, чтобы пройти первое препятствие, необходимо вспомнить алфавит

-Look at the blackboard. You can see the ABC.

-Do you know the English Alphabet?

-Read all together.

-Now read one by one. Let’s start with…

-Now… and… go to the blackboard.

-Вам необходимо пропуски.

-Aa _ Cc Dd Ee _ Gg Hh Ii Jj _ Ll Mm _ Oo Pp _ Rr Ss Tt Uu _ Ww Xx Yy _

-Одно препятствие мы помогли преодолеть Буратино.

-Следующее препятствие-это слова перевёртыши.

- Буратино старался прочитать слова и перепутал все буквы.

- Помогите Буратино составить и правильно прочитать слова.

Lamp-paml park- karp

Book- okbo floor- flroo

Wood- dowo shop-sohp

Cook- oock farm- fram

Pen- nep clock- colkc

-Thank you for your work.

-Итак, Буратино стал ещё ближе к своему дому.

-И следующее препятствие – это числительные. Буратино нужно посчитать, сколько этому человеку лет. Для этого необходимо вспомнить числительные.

- Я показываю карточки с числительными, вы все хором называете их.

- Now let’s play the game.

-У меня в руках мешочек, в нем 20 шариков. Вы вытягиваете шарик и громко называете номер шарика.

- Very good. Thank you for your work.

-Look at the blackboard. You can see the man.

- Посмотрите на этого человека и посчитайте его возраст.

-Итак, теперь Буратино знает числительные и, и когда видит много предметов, то форму существительного называет неправильно.

- Ребята, помогите Буратино вспомнить, как образуется мн. число имени существительного?

- Look at the blackboard.

Вам необходимо сказать, что вы видите. Используя фразу I see…

-Thank you for your work.

-Now listen to me.

-Tick- tock, tick-tock.

- What is the poem about?

-Правильно о часах.

- Now answer my questions, please.

- What time is it?

-Now let’s play the game.

-Lena is a little girl. Go to the blackboard.

-сейчас Аня будет показывать время на часах, а ваша задача правильно ответить Лене.

- Thank you for your work. Sit down please.

- Вы - большие часы. Вам необходимо показывать точное время.

-Поднимите правую руку вверх – это минутная стрелка, а левая рука- это часовая стрелка.

- Я называю время, а вы показываете.

- 3o’clock, 5o’clock, 6o’clock, 4o’clock 12o’clock.

-Сейчас поменяли ручки.

- 9o’clock, 11o’clock 6o’clock 8o’clock.

- Thank you for your work. Sit down please.

-Let’s continue our lesson.

- Итак. Буратино с нашей помощью приблизился к своему дому.

- Последнее препятствие- это цвета.

-Now answer my questions, please.

-What is the colour?

-Look at the blackboard.

- Вам необходимо закончить фразы, вставляя английское слово.

-Look at the blackboard. You can see the crossword.

-Вам необходимо найти названия цветов и зачеркнуть их.

- Now let’s play the game.

- Look at the blackboard.

-Каждый цвет обозначает какую-либо букву. С помощью подсказок расшифруйте слова.

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Good afternoon? Glad to see you.

How are you? What is the day today? What is the weather like today?

[W, D] Teacher demonstrates the picture of Olympic Games

-What will we speak today about? Yes, you’re right. About Olympic games.

Start up activity:

[W,P] The teacher gives the students cards with new words. Children glue the cards in a notebook, repeat them for the teacher. Then they read new words for their partner.

Cards with new words for each learner

[W] The teacher gives the text. Students read the text and underline new words. Strong students read the text for the class. Then they help the weak students.

Olympic Games

Lots of people in the world do sport, because it’s not only healthy, but also exciting. Every 4 year people start Olympic Games. There are two types of Olympic Games: Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. These are Olympic medals. There are three Olympic medals. They are gold, silver and bronze.

The official emblem of the Olympic Games is a colourful flag with five interlinked rings. The colours of the rings are blue, red, yellow, green and black.

(W) Energizer:

One, one, one (показываем указательный палец)

I can jump too! ( прыгаем на месте)

Three, three, three (показываем 3 пальца)

Look at me ! (ребенок замирает в смешной позе)

[P,I] The teacher asks the students to draw a table in the notebook. In the first column, students write out nouns (5) from the text, in the second-adjectives (4), in the third-verbs (3).

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