A modern family план урока 11 класс

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

works as a m anager at the firm. He likes h is work and spends a l ot of time there.

My mother, a t all and thin woman with big blue ey es and fair hair, is younger than

my father, she is 38. My mother is a teacher at the sec ondary s chool. She t eaches

her students foreign languages: German and English. She also spends much time at

school, but she finds t ime to cook, sew, knit, and even to help my brother and m e

with our hom ework. My brother i s only 10, and he i s a schoolboy.

I am 14. I am a student of t he college. My college i s far from our house, and it

takes me half an ho ur to get ther e by bus. We are s tudying different s ubjects there,

but my favourite ones are History and English. As to m y appearance, I am slim and

slender. Му hair is fair, my ey es are blue. 1 look like m y mother. I like to dress in a

modern style. Music is my hobby . I am fond of dancing at the disco. I like to buy

and read Engl ish books too. T wice a week, I go to the sw imm ing pool.

We live i n Ros tov- on -Don, the biggest city not only i n the N orth Caucas us, but i n

the entire South of Russia. It is locat ed on the right high bank of th e Don river. We

have a three- room flat in a new block of houses. There is a nice green park near

our house, where we sp end a lot of our free time. There ar e many different shops

not far from our house. My brother and I ofte n go shopping.

Our family is nice, and every body is easy to get along with. We ta ke care of each

other. We sp end much time together. Re cently, we hav e bought a car, and n ow we

often go down to the country to have a rest o n weekends. In the eveni ng, all m em -

bers of our fam ily watch TV , discuss everyday pro blems. So me t imes we go to the

We live in a com fortable flat in a new house. It is on the fifth floor. It is neither

large nor small. There are three rooms in it: a living room, two bedrooms. We have

also a kitche n, a bathroom, and a hall. It is a great pi ty that we have no balcony .

Our living room i s large and light b ecause there are two wide windows in it. The

walls of the room are blue, the curtains on the windows, and the carpet on the floor

chairs, two armchairs, and a TV-set in the corner. All the mem bers o f our family

Our parents occupy one bedroom which is not large but very cos y. There are two

beds, a wardrobe, two arm chairs, and a TV-set in it. There is a large thick car pet on

the floor, an d a nice picture on the wall a b ove the beds.

My brother and I share another bedroom. There, you can see two beds, a small

desk near the window, t wo chairs at the desk: for me and my brother. The

bookcase is near the door. T here are m any books in it. Be sides, we have many

shelves on the walls. There is a m usical centre on one o f them. W e h ave a lot of

friends. And whe n they come to see us, we invite t hem into our room . We us ually

Our kitchen is big enough. As a rule, we have breakfast and dinner in the kitchen

together. O ur m other is cookin g for us, but sometimes we prepare some tasty

The hall of our flat is not narrow. There is a big wardrobe there. And besides, there

We lik e our flat very m uch. We are happy when our rel atives and fri ends visit us.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

План-конспект урока

в 11 классе (профильный класс) по теме “Семья”

Образовательная : совершенствовать умение говорения, развивать умения восприятия и

понимания иноязычной речи на слух, развивать навыки понимания прочитанного текста.

Развивающая : развивать познавательную активность, развивать умение анализировать

необходимую информацию, умение делать выводы.

Воспитательная : формировать у учащихся правильное отношение к семейным ценностям.

Оснащение: Английский язык : учеб. пособие для 11-го кл. учреждений общ. сред. образования с рус. яз. обучения / Н. В. Юхнель [и др.]. – Минск : Выш. шк., 2012., дидактический материал, магнитофон.

Ход урока

Good afternoon, I’m glad to see you

Look at the board. Here you can see the famous words. Let’s read and translate. Ok. What is the topic of our lesson? How do you think?

1) All starts in a family

2) Family traditions

3) A generations Gap

According to these points what are you going to do during our lesson?

First at all answer my questions about your families

1. Is your family large or small?

2. How many people are there in your family?

3. Have you got any close relatives? Any distant relatives?

4. Have you ever made a family tree?

Well, I’d like you to do it now about Alan’s family.

Of course our families are unique in many ways.

Especially in our traditions. Do you have any traditions in your family? Do you observe any

Listen to the text about the main reasons why we should observe them. and then we’re going to do some exercises. ( Приложение 1)

And what about your traditions?

It’s not a secret that most of our families have some problems today, for example:

- a generations gap

And I’d like to discuss the problem of a generation gap because this question concerns you most of all. What does it mean a generation gap? How do you understand these words?

Right you are. Now let’s read some extranets about and match their words with the problems.

I hope that you haven’t got such a problem in your families even if you have ones.

You’ll make you to solve this problem. Let’s discuss some advice how to avoid such situations. What should we do we want to have a happy family in general.

I offer you to write down your advice on petals. And stick on the beard. By the way, do you know why on ox-eye daisy? Ok. In Russia there is a nice holiday of love Family, Love and Faithfulness it’s celebrated on the 8th of July. And the symbol of this wonderful tradition is the ox-eye daisy.

International Holiday is on the 15th of May.

Well done. Thank you the lessons.

Home task: Write an essay about your families.

Family traditions are things that families do together on a regular basis. These things can be patterns of behaviour, enjoyable activities or a certain food that a family likes. They can be repeated daily, weekly, monthly, or once a year. It is important for families to observe their traditions even as their children get older, here are five reasons why:

First of all, family traditions create good feelings and special moments to remember. They are fun things to do. These are the memories that will last a lifetime.

Family traditions give every member of the family a stronger sense of belonging. Being a part of a family is more that living in the same home or having the same last name. It is about relationships and family ties. Since family traditions are something you do together, they strengthen the ties you have between each other creating a stronger sense of belonging to a family.

Family traditions help children with their identity. It helps to know that you “belong” when you are trying to figure out who you are, which is the main job of teenager.

Family traditions help parents impart the family’s values to their children. To start, you get more time to model your family values to your teen. You will also find more opportunities to talk to your teen about serious issues and keep the conversations light.

Family traditions offer children a sense of security. Everyday a teen faces some very difficult issues. Knowing that he/she is secure and has a family to turn to is a powerful tool to use against negative peer pressure, drug use influences, etc.

There are more reasons for families to observe their traditions, but the five above are the most important for families to remember.

Exercise 1. Match the parts of these sentences.

every member of the family a stronger sense of belonging

children with their identity

good feelings and special moments to remember

children a sense of security

parents impart the family’s values to their children

Exercise 2. Fill in necessary words: strengthen, living, do, faces, to observe.

1. Family traditions are things that families … together.

2. It is important for families … their traditions even as their children get older.

3. Family traditions … the ties you have between each other.

4. Every day a teen … some very difficult issues.

5. Being a part of a family is more than . in the same home.

Exercise 3. Tell us please about your interesting family traditions using the patterns:

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План-конспект урока в 11-м классе к УМК Spotlight. Module 1, 1a. Семейные взаимоотношения.

Урок 1 a

Тема: Семейные взаимоотношения. Family Ties

I Организация класса.

Good morning, students? How are you today? I hope you are fine.

Отметка в журнале об отсутствующих.

I want to listen to report of pupil on duty.

II Актуализация опорных знаний.

Well said. Press bell. Get better.

Very well, then. Well, I never.

He’s telling me he isn’t ready yet.

1) – I can’t come before Wednesday.

2) – You met him on the tenth of September.

- You met him when?

3) – I shall never help him again.

- Never is a very dangerous word to say.

(Звучит музыка к упр. 1, с. 10)

T. Close your eyes and listen to the music. Think of your family at home on a cold snowy, winter Sunday evening. What can you see, hear, smell? How does it make you feel?

I see my whole family sitting on the sofa in front of the TV. The house is warm and comfortable. The Windows are frosty. We're watching a movie. And I feel like we're so good together.

Outside the Blizzard. I hear her howling. But the house is warm. The whole family. There's a crackling fire in the oven. Mom's cooking. Dad reads the newspaper. I'm watching television. And we're so good together!

III Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

T. What do you think we'll talk about in class? It is correct about families and family relations in different countries of the world. Our task is the study of new vocabulary, search-reading text.

IV Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

T. Read the text on pp. 10-11 and answer the questions. Which person/people.

1 explains that their behaviour can affect their family's reputation? - Takumi (Japan)

2 say that people have high regard for the older generation in their countries? - Cheung (China), Aalia (Jordan), Takumi (Japan)

3 doesn't have any siblings? - Cheung (China), Natasha (Russia)

4 won't choose their own husband/wife? - Aalia (Jordan)

5 don't live with both parents? - Thomas (England)

6 wishes they could see a member of their family more? - Natasha (Russia)

T. Listen and read the text again. Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning.

idea, seniors, customs, boring, walk, help, scheme, become less, mother's, is the most important thing, continue to be, ranking, comply with, no brother or sisters, good reputation

cultural traditions – customs (культурные традиции: обычаи)

policy – scheme (политика: план)

honour - good reputation (честь: хорошая репутация)

elders – seniors (старшие)

only child - no brothers or sisters (единственный ребенок: нет братьев или сестер)

dull – boring (скучный)

dropped - become less (стать меньше)

takes priority - is the most important thing (приоритет: самая важная часть)

stroll – walk (прогулка)

remain - continue to be (продолжить быть)

maternal - mother's (материнский)

hierarchy – ranking (вышестоящий)

concept – idea (концепция: идея)

support – help (поддержка: помощь)

obey - comply with (подчиняться)

T. Now look at exercise 4A. What you must perform the task?


Write the male/female equivalent.

1 stepfather . stepmother(мачеха)

2 brother-in-law . sister-in-law (невестка)

3 nephew . niece (племянница)

4 half-sister. half-brother (сводный брат)

5 mother-in-law. father-in-law (тесть)

6 grandson . granddaughter (внучка)

7 great-grandfather. great-grandmother (прабабушка)

8 ex-husband . ex-wife (бывшая жена)

9 widow. widower (вдовец)

10 twin sister . twin brother (брат-близнец)

V Первичная проверка понимания.

T. Write five family names on a piece of paper. Swap papers. Find out how your partner is related to each person.

Ученики задают вопросы друг другу и отвечают. For example:

He’s my uncle. He’s a student at the technical University.

Упр.5 T. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Check in the Word List. (Работа а малых группах)

Weren't the . (marriage) vows beautiful at Anna and Nick's .

There are just four people from my…………… (immediate) family, but more than twenty in my……………….( extended) extended family. (extended/ immediate)

My ………………. (old) grandmother lives in a little ………………… (elderly) cottage. (old/elderly)

My ………………(relations), who came to the family celebration, spanned three (generations)! (generations/ relations)

Some ……………. (relatives) of ours recently gave us a photo album full of pictures of our ……………… (ancestors). (ancestors/relatives)

A ………….. (nuclear) family consists of father, mother and children, whereas the ……………… (single parent) family consists of one parent and children.(single parent/ nuclear)

VI Первичное закрепление.

Упр.6 (Работа в малых группах)

T. Fill in: engaged, married, divorced, separated, single, get, widow, foster, stepmother, in-laws.

1 My sister is . to be . to a wonderful man.

2 When she . from her husband, she moved to her parents' house.

3 It's difficult to be a . parent.

4 Her parents didn't . on well so they decided to get . .

5 Mrs Hams' husband died four years ago and she hasn't married again. She's a . .

6 When his parents were both killed in a car accident, he was placed with . parents.

7 These are my husband's parents. They're my . .

8 When her mother died, her father got married to another woman. Her. looked after her well.

1 engaged, married (помолвлен, женат)

2 separated (разведен)

3 single (холост)

4 get, divorced (разведен)

6 foster (приемный)

7 in-laws (родственники после свадьбы)

8 stepmother (мачеха)

T. Answer the questions. Use your answers to tell your partner about your family.

• Who's in your immediate/extended family?

• How do you get on with your family members?

• What family cultural traditions are there in your country?

• What is important in your family?

• What does family mean to you?

VII Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.

T. Use your answers in Ex. 7 to write a short text about your family for the "Teens" magazine. (60-80 words)

VIII Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия)

Dear children! Today at the lesson you have enriched your vocabulary with new words on the topic "Family", learned about family traditions in different countries, talked about their families. I hope you will learn a lot from this lesson. You were very active today and received well-deserved marks. Lesson's over. Good bye!

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Конспект урока в 11 классе

по теме “Modern Technologies in Our Life”

- учебный аспект — совершенствование умений диалогической и монологической речи, развитие умений чтения и аудирования по теме “Modern Technologies in Our Life”;

- познавательный аспект — знакомство с достижениями науки, которые используются в повседневной жизни, расширение кругозора учащихся в рамках данной темы;

- развивающий аспект — развитие критического мышления, развитие языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления, развитие способности к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации общения, развитие коммуникабельности;

- воспитательный аспект — воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу, воспитание уважения к точке зрения собеседника.

 активизировать лексический материал по теме “Modern Technologies in Our Life”;

 учить учащихся высказывать личное мнение и доказывать свою точку зрения, используя выразительные средства иностранного языка.

I. Начало урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, dear students. Sit down, please. How are you? I am glad to see you again.

2. Введение в ситуацию общения.

What are we going to discuss today? What objects do we use in our everyday life? Look at the slide (слайд – приложение 1).

So, we are going to speak about modern technologies in our everyday life.

II. Основная часть

1. Nowadays, wonderful inventions are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world. Listen to the text and answer the questions (приложение2).

- What things are the members of the family talking about?

- Why do the members of the family like to have these things in the home?

2. Every day we use a lot of modern devices. Listen to the project “My favourite gadgets” and answer the questions.

- What are Ann’s favourite gadgets?

Why does she like them?

What are your favourite gadgets?

(Ученица представляет проект, и учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.)

3. What technologies do you use every day? Why? And how do they make your life easier?

Do they have a positive or a negative impact on you? Share your opinions in groups.


I find. very useful because.

I spend too much time.

I could be doing.

I spend most of my time…

It's good / bad for my health because.

If I didn't have. I would.

( Учащиеся работают в группах и высказывают своё мнение.)

4. The Internet is very popular with young people. Working with a partner, read the text “Internet innovations” and find the answers to the questions.

Internet innovations

BROADBAND. What is it? A combination of the latest cable and radio technology means that huge amounts of electronic data can now be transmitted from computer to computer at incredibly high speeds. It’s like changing from a narrow pipe delivering your water to a much broader pipe.

Benefits for the user: it’s turned on all the time (you pay a fixed sum every month, so you don’t have to keep dialing up); you can do two Internet operations at the same time (e.g., collect emails and download a picture from the Internet).

WIRELESS. What is it? Computing without phone lines, similar to cordless phone technology. Benefits for the user: the freedom to use a laptop or notebook without connecting it to a phone line (as long as you don’t go too far away from the wireless hub – the main unit of the network that is connected to a phone line).

3G. What is it? “Third generation” mobile technology (still in development) that will be able to transmit data quickly to your phone. Benefits for the user: access to the complete, real Internet (not the mobile-only WAP network) quickly and in colour over your mobile; the ability to download music and video to your mobile.

Wi-Fi. “Wireless fidelity” is the new technology that lets you take your broadband connection and broadcast it around your home or office. Wi-Fi signals can travel more than 1,000 feet, which means that your private connection often leaks out into the street. If you’re feeling generous, you can leave it “open” for anyone passing by to use.

Answer the questions:

Is broadband quicker than an ordinary Internet connection?

How do you pay for a broadband connection?

What are the limits of wireless technology?

Has 3G technology been completely developed yet?

What will you be able to do with 3G technology on your mobile?

How far can Wi-Fi signals travel?

(Учащиеся читают текст, отвечают на вопросы.)

5. Modern technologies have become rather popular today, especially with the younger generation. What do you think about robots? What role will robots have in our future?

Let’s read the text “Robots.” Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps.

A robot’s brain is a computer. It switches (1) _______ the parts of the robot

that make it move and (2) ______ certain tasks. The programmer programs the robot with information for each task. A simple task needs very complicated software and hardware.

The robots of today (3) ______ talk, play football, walk upstairs, dance and even conduct an orchestra! A (4) _______ of robots can see and hear – using cameras and microphones with software that helps them (5) _______ things. Some can even smell. Robots can’t think like we do, but some robots can solve (6) _______. They collect information, and process it by (7) _______ it to the data in their program. Then they “decide” which is the (8) ______ solution. Some robots can also communicate with humans (9) ______ a very simple level: their software can recognize people’s body language and how they use their voice. Now scientists have developed new software using human DNA as (10) _______ model. They say it will give robots personalities and feelings.

1 up off down on

2 make do have get

3 can may should must

4 much lot many majority

5 reconsider recognize reconstruct repair

6 problems sums questions theorems

7 confusing computing comparing conducting

8 best fastest most worst

9 to under above at

Answers: 1) on; 2) do; 3) can; 4) lot; 5) recognize; 6) problems; 7) comparing;

8) best; 9) at; 1) a.

(Учащиеся выполняют упражнение, отвечают на вопросы.)

6. I think it’s obvious that robots will play an important role in our future. There’ll be different robots and they will help people in various spheres. And what do you know about nanotechnology? Fill in the first part of the table “know”.

Учащиеся заполняют первую часть таблицы (“know”) и проводится коллективное обсуждение.

После просмотра фильма учащиеся заполняют вторую часть таблицы (“learnt”). В конце второго этапа проводится коллективное обсуждение.

3.Заключительная часть

- What have you learnt today?

- Are you interested in robots?

- Is it interesting for you to speak about nanotechnologies?

2. Домашнее задание.

The future of technologies is exciting. At home you should read the text about nanotechnologies and match the titles to the paragraphs (Ex. 98, p. 108). Thank you for your work at the lesson.

The lesson is over. Have a good day, good bye!

I’m a couch potato — and I’m proud of it. Every time I have a spare minute you can
always find me on my couch. From there I switch from channel to channel until I find
my favourite soaps.

I really enjoy writing programs. It sounds difficult. But even an 11-year-old can write a simple program. One of my programs can play chess. It can beat me, but it can't beat my dad. He's an excellent chess player.

They are magic. I also do roller-skating and ice-skating. But these are a mixture of both. It’s like ice – skating in the street. So fast.

I think this is the most useful invention that I can imagine. I can take it anywhere I like. I have to keep in touch with my office whenever I travel. It's fantastic to be able to call them up as you're driving up the motorway. And they can even get in contact with me if they want!

If we feel like eating a hot meal, I just get our favourite pre-prepared food and put it into the machine, set the dial and it's ready in minutes!

I'm excited about this bit of technology. When I speak I cannot only hear but also see the other person!

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