Вокруг света за 80 дней краткое содержание на английском

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

Выбери правельный ответ на вопрос. What is this story about? 1. Granny Marcel and her house. 2. Granny Marcel and her animals. 3. Granny Marcel and her flowers.

Выберите правильный вариант и подчеркни его. 1 There is/There are two sofas in the room. 2 Is there/Are there boxes everywhere? 3 There is/There are a cooker in the kitchen. 4 There isn't/There aren't any glasses in the cupboard.

Дополните предложение предлогом, поставив глагол в правильной форме. They're not (afraid / fly). I'm (boreding / read) this book. Shoes aren't (necessary / live) inside the Space Station. She's (unterested / learn) Russian.

Выберите время. She (had / was having) lunch with her fiance when he (gave / was giving) her an expensive ring as a birthday present.

Надо написать как читается текст на русскими буквами we live in three-room fiat. my room is smail, but it is very cozy and bright. there is a bed, bookshelves and a writing desk with a computer on it.

Think of three things your parents and you don't like (want, love) to Write three sentences about them. Example: My parents don't want to stay at home during the sum - mer holidays. I don't want it either.

According to to some bet, Phileas Fogg must travel around the world in 80 days, to which he agrees. At the same time, he will take into account the speed of movement and transport, on which it will be better to cross the seas, oceans and land. He takes Passepartous servant with him on this fascinating round the world journey. While travelling Phileas Fogg and his servant come across a lot of dangerous things; they save a beautiful Aida, who was to be burnt alive with together with her dead husband in India. As it usually happens in stories with a happy end, Aida becomes the wife of Phileas. But a serious problem for them in their journey is the detective Fix. He wants to arrest Phileas, who according to the London police had robbed a Bank for a large sum of money and is hiding from the law. When the journey ends, Phileas Fogg thinks he is one day late, but he is not sad and decides to marry Aida. He sends Passepartout for the priest. But here "A Happy End" happens: he had made a mistake in his calculations and it appears that he is not late and he wins the bet! That's the End.

1) Профессор рассказал студентам о проводимых экспериментах.

2) Просмотрев все документы и письма, полученные в тот день, он вызвал своего секретаря.

3) Зажатый льдом пароход не мог продолжать свой путь.

4) Она показала нам список новых книг.

5) Озеро Байкал, известное как самое глубокое в мире, питается 336 реками.

6) Солнце взошло, и они продолжили свой путь.

7) Переговоры между двумя странами велись за закрытыми дверями, были приняты меры, чтобы ни один корреспондент не получил никакой информации.

1)This giraffe is old.2)It is wild animal.3)It is the tallest animal.4)It is a mammal.Her tail is very long.

Galaxythe sun and all the stars that we see in the night sky belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together. Such a group is called a Galaxy. The star group to which our system belongs is called the milky Way or just the Galaxy. There are about 100 000.000,000 stars in the Galaxy, or about 20 stars for every person on the planet Earth. The galaxy is like a huge disk with a bulge in the middle. The galaxy is about 100,000 light years in diameter. This means that it takes a beam of light 100,000 years to travel from one edge of the disc to the other.The milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most of them are too far from Earth visible to the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see the Andromeda local SETI dromida] galaxies, the large and small Magellanic |,mcq3'lWhere people go after they explored their own Solar system? Experts say that travel to other galaxies will only be possible in a huge "ships." They will travel through space for hundreds or even thousands of years, with many people on Board.Then, when they found a suitable planet, some of these people will remain there and start a new life. Later they will build a new spaceship and go further to explore the universe.

Exercise 10. Turn from Active into Passive. 1. Columbus discovered America. 2. We keep money in a safe. 3. A bee stung her. 4. T

It's a Party' The Barkers are having a party this afte Sally's birthday and a lot of friends are say happy birthday to her. Sall

1 ) Which is the best food for lions? 2) Which is the worst food for dogs пожалуйста ответти на вопросы очень срочно

на пару английского языка мне надо подготовить пересказ романа. Нахожу только совсем краткие описания исходя из которых нереально составить пересказ. пожалуйста подскажите где я могу найти краткий пересказ с маршрутом Филиаса Фогга со всеми событиями случившимися с ним или на крайний случай сами расскажите, что с ним происходило в ходе путешествия в каждой точке его маршрута.

для не самых умных персонажей поясняю: я не могу найти, то что мне нужно, потому и обратился за помощью

Герой романа, Филеас Фогг, побился об заклад, что сумеет обогнуть земной шар с запада на восток в срок не более 80 дней, что было в то время предельно возможной скоростью, учитывая технические возможности транспорта. Путешествие Фогга начинается в Англии, далее он отправляется во Францию, Египет, Индию, Китай, Японию, Америку. По пути ему встречается множество опасностей; в Индии Филеас Фогг и его слуга Паспарту спасают прекрасную Ауду, которую собираются сжечь заживо вместе с телом её покойного мужа. Впоследствии мисс Ауда становится женой Фогга. Мешает путешествию и сыщик Фикс: полиция уверена, что именно Фогг украл крупную сумму в Банке Англии, а пари — только возможность спрятаться от закона. А когда Фогг возвращается в Великобританию с опозданием в один день, он решает назавтра, в понедельник, обвенчаться с Аудой. И каково же его удивление, когда священник говорит, что завтра воскресенье! Так отважный и невозмутимый мистер Фогг выигрывает пари. В романе подробно описываются средства и условия передвижения того времени: на пакетботах, паровозах, шхунах; кроме того, путешественникам пришлось воспользоваться санями с парусом и даже слоном.


Around the world in 80 days.

We start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes." A puzzled grin spread across the valet's round face. Clearly he had not understood. "Monsieur is going to leave home?" enquired Passepartout.
"Yes," returned Phileas Fogg. "We are off around the world!"
The valet's eyes opened wider as he raised his eyebrows and held up his hands in astonishment "Around the world?"
"Yes, indeed, my good man, in only eighty days," answered .Mr Fogg, "so we have not a moment to lose."
"But the cases, what about the cases?" asked Passepartout in despair, shaking his head.
"We will have no cases; only a carpet bag, with two shirts and three pairs of stockings for me and the same for you. We will buy clothes on the way. Bring my mackintosh1, travelling cloak and some stout shoes, though we shall be doing little walking I believe" Passepartout tried to respond in some way but seemed unable to do so. He went to his room and collapsed into a chair complaining. "That's good, that is. when all I wanted was a quiet life!"
He immediately lx:gan to prepare for their departure. Around the world in eighty days indeed! Was this all just a joke? First heading for Dover and then Calais? Perhaps it was not such a bad plan after all as Passepartout, who had been away from France for a number of years would certainly not be sorry to set foot on his native soil once again. Perhaps they would travel as far as Paris. which would almost certainly do his eyes good.
By eight o'clock Passepartout had packed the carpet bag with clothing for his master and himself. Then, still troubled by the shock of it all, he carefully shut the door of his room and went to find Mr Fogg, who was indeed all ready and prepared. Under his arm Passepartout could see a red copy of Bradshaw's Continental Railway. Steam Transit and General Guide, w ith its timetables showing the arrivals and departures of trains and steamers. The master took the carpet bag, opened it, and slipped a good number of Bank of England notes into it in order to have no problems wherever they niiglu go.
"You have forgotten nothing?" asked Mr Fogg.
"Absolutely nothing, monsieur."
"My mackintosh and cloak?"
"Here you arc*, monsieur."
"Good! Take this carpet bag and take good care of it, for there are twenty thousand pounds in it."
Passepartout almost dropped the bag at that point, as if the twenty thousand pounds were in gold and weighed him down.
Master and valet then descended to the street where they took a cab and were driven quickly to Charing Cross. The cab pulled up before the railway station at twenty minutes past eight. Passepartout followed his master, who, after paying the cabman, was about to enter the station when a poor woman with a child in arms and bare feet covered with mud came up to him and pleaded for money.
Mr Fogg took out the twenty guineas2 he had won previously while playing cards with friends at the gentlemen's club he often went to and handed them to the woman. "Here you are, my good woman, and I'm so glad to have met you."
A tear welled up in the valet's eyes; his master's action had so touched his heart.
Mr Fogg purchased two first-class tickets for Paris and was just crossing the station to the train when he noticed his five friends from the club.
"Well, gentlemen," he said, "I'm off and you will be able to check my passport fin my return and see whether I have made the journey we agreed upon."
"Oh. that will Ix? quite unnecessary. Mr Fogg," said Ralph politely. "We trust your word as a gentleman."
"You do have in mind the date you are due back in London, don't you?" checked Stuart.
"In eighty clays - on Saturday 21st December, 1872. at a quarter before nine pm. Never fear, gentlemen, and goodbye until then."

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