The queen and i краткое содержание

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

В августе 1561 года 19-летняя Мария Стюарт возвращается в Шотландию, где была провозглашена королевой еще в младенчестве. В пять лет ее увезли во Францию, но теперь пришло время для настоящего правления. Католичка в протестантской стране, она оказывается меж двух огней. Тем временем Англией правит властная Елизавета I. Претендуя и на английскую корону, Мария отказывается признавать ее права. В тревожное для Европы время, в суровом мире мужчин, две женщины, взошедшие на трон, сталкиваются лицом к лицу.

Описание серий


El Regreso

В августе 1561 года 19-летняя женщина ступает на сушу с палубы великолепного галеона. Мария Стюарт, новая королева Шотландии и католичка, въезжает в королевство, разделенное дрязгами между дворянами и религиозными распрями, включая растущее протестантское движение. Королева Елизавета I, незамужняя глава англиканской церкви, умоляет ее отказаться от претензий на британский престол.

Брак - дело государства

El matrimonio, raz?n de estado

Королева Мария начинает подыскивать себе мужа, и начинаются переговоры о сватовстве к Дону Карлосу, сыну короля Испании Филиппа II. Королева Елизавета дает понять, что такой брак был бы враждебным актом. Мария обращает внимание на своего кузена Генри Стюарта, или лорда Дарнли. Поскольку он тоже католик, напряженность в отношениях с шотландскими протестантами нарастает.



Дарнлей нападает на Марию и вместе с предателем Мейтлендом убивает Риццио. У Марии рождается сын, Якобо. Мария очаровывает Ботвелла. Фелипе II борется с протестантской бунтом в Странах Бахоса и проблемой сессорио.

Месть. Отчет Россо

Venganza. El informe Rosso

Ботвелл убивает лорда Дарнли. Мария уезжает в дом с Эсте. Isabel siempre antepone la raz?n de estado a sus intereses personales. Рядом с ней всегда находится ее верный и преданный советник лорд Сесил.

Отречение от престола

La abdicaci?n

Король Филипп II расширяет свою войну против протестантизма. Прорицатель советует Елизавете ожидать насилия и кровопролития в Шотландии. Тем временем группа злоумышленников убивает лорда Дарнли. Любовника Марии, Джеймса Хепберна, графа Ботвелла, судят и оправдывают. Но в то время, как эти двое женятся, в Шотландию прибывает брат Марии с армией вторжения, финансируемой Елизаветой.


La decapitaci?n

Мэри достает кинжалы. Ее армия рассеялась. Захватчики делают ей предложение, разработанное Елизаветой: расторгнуть ее союз с Ботуэллом. Пока он бежит в изгнание, Мария пытается выиграть время. Но переговоры идут не так, как она ожидает. Когда Елизавета оказывается под давлением Испании, Мария и ее сторонники предпринимают смелый шаг.

Прочтите отрывок из романа и письменно ответьте на вопросы.

1) Почему у членов королевской семьи и их новых соседей, супругов Тредголд, возникает впечатление, что они говорят на разных языках?

2) Каким образом различия в речи героев связаны с различиями в социальном статусе? Как можно прокомментировать название данной главы?

3) Какие именно особенности произношения участников разговора служат причиной непонимания? Как эти особенности отражены в орфографии? Приведите примеры лексических особенностей представленных в тексте речевых типов.

Sue Townsend “The Queen and I”


The street sign at the entrance to the Close had lost five black metal letters. HELL CLOSE it now said, illuminated by the light of a flickering street lamp.

The Queen thought, “Yes, it is Hell, it must be, because I’ve never seen anything like it in the whole of my waking life.”

She had visited many council estates – had opened community centres, had driven through the bunting and the cheering crowds, alighted from the car, walked on red carpets, been given a posy by a two-year-old in a “Mothercare” party frock, been greeted by tongue-tied dignitaries, pulled a cord, revealed a plaque, signed the visitors’ book. Then, carpet, car, drive to helicopter and up, up and away. She’d seen the odd documentary on BBC2 about urban poverty, heard unattractive poor people talk in broken sentences about their dreadful lives, but she’d regarded such programmes as sociological curiosities, on a par with watching the circumcision ceremonies of Amazonian Indians, so far away that it didn’t really matter.

It stank. Somebody in the Close was burning car tyres. The acrid smoke drifted sluggishly over a rooftop. Not one house in the Close had its full complement of windows. Fences were broken, or gone. Gardens were full of rubbish, black plastic bags had been split by ravenous dogs, televisions flickered and blared. A police car drove into the Close and stopped. A policeman pulled a youth off the pavement, threw him into the back of the car and sped away with the youth struggling in the back. A man lay under a wreck of a car which was jacked up on bricks. Other men squatted close by, aiming torches and watching, men with outdated haircuts and tattoos, their cigarettes cupped in their hands. A woman in white stilettoes ran down the road after a boy toddler, naked apart from his vest. She yanked the child by his fat little arm back into the house.

“Now gerrin’ and stay in,” she screamed. “Oo left the bleedin’ door open?” she demanded of other, unseen children.

The Queen was reminded of the stories that Crawfie would tell in the nursery at teatime. Of goblins and witches, of strange lands populated by sinister people. The Queen would beg her governess to stop, but she never would. (…)

The Queen thought, Crawfie knew. She knew. She was preparing me for Hell Close. William and Harry ran up and down the Close, excited by the novelty of the journey, taking advantage of Nanny’s absence. Ma and Pa were at the front door of a dirty old house, trying to get a key in the lock. William said, “What are you doing, Pa?”

“Trying to get inside.”

“Because we’re going to live here.” (…)

Mama said, “This is our new house.”

William said, “How can it be new when it’s old?”

Again the boys laughed. William lost control and needed support, he leaned against the creosoted fence dividing their house from its neighbour. The tired fence gave way under his fragile weight and collapsed. Seeing him there, fallen and shrieking amongst splintered wood, Diana automatically looked for Nanny, who always knew what to do, but Nanny wasn’t there. She bent down and lifted her son from the wreckage. Harry whimpered and clung to the hem of her denim jacket. Charles booted furiously at the front door, which opened, releasing a stench of neglect and damp and ghostly chip fat. He switched on the hall light and beckoned his wife and children inside. (…)

The Threadgolds watched as a shadowy figure ordered a tall man out of the van. Was she a foreigner? It wasn’t English she was talking was it? But as their ears became more accustomed they realised it was English, but posh English, really posh.

“Tone, why they moved a posho in Hell Close?” asked Beverley.

“Dunno,” replied Tony, peering into the gloom. “Seen her some where before. Is she Dr Khan’s receptionist?”

“No,” said Beverley (who was always at the doctor’s, so she spoke with some authority), “definitely not.”

“Christ, just our bleedin’ luck to have poshos nex’ door.”

“Least they won’t shit in the bath, like the last lot of mongrels.”

“Yeah, there is that,” conceded Tony.

Prince Philip stared speechlessly at Number Nine. A street light flickered into life, casting a theatrical glow over his dilapidated future home. It continued to flicker as though it belonged in the theatre and was auditioning for a storm at sea. The driver let down the ramp at the back of the van and went inside. He’d never seen such lovely stuff – not in twenty-one years of removals. The dog in the cage at the back started to growl and snap and hurl its ferocious little body against the bars.

“They’ve got a dog,” said Tony.

“So long as they keep it under control,” said Beverley. Tony squeezed his wife’s shoulder. She was a good kid, he thought. Tolerant like.

Prince Philip spoke. “It’s abso-bloody-lutely impossible. I refuse. I’d sooner live in a bloody ditch. And that bloody light will send me mad.”

He shouted up at the light which carried on with its storm-at-sea impression, taking on hurricane status when Philip took hold of its post and shook it violently from side to side.

Beverley said, “I got it. He’s a loony, one of them that’s been let out to die in the community.”

Tony watched as Philip ran to the back of the van and screamed at the little dog, “Quiet, Harris! You sodding little turd!”

“You might be right, Bev,” said Tony. They turned to go back into their house when the Queen addressed them.

“Excuse me, but would you have an axe I could borrow?”

“An ix?” repeated Tony.

“Yes, an axe.” The Queen came to their front gate.

“An ix?” puzzled Beverley.

“I dunno what an ‘ix’ is,” Tony said.

“You don’t know what an axe is?”

“One uses it for chopping wood.”

The Queen was growing impatient. She had made a simple request; her new neighbours were obviously morons. She was aware that educational standards had fallen, but not to know what an axe was … It was a scandal.

“I need an implement of some kind to gain access to my house.”

The driver volunteered his services as translator. His hours talking to the Queen had given him a new found linguistic confidence.

“This lady wants to know if you’ve got a axe.”

“Yeah, I got a axe, but I ain’t ’anding it over to ’im,” said Tony, pointing at Philip. The Queen came down the garden path towards the Threadgolds and the light from their hall illuminated her face. Beverley gasped and curtsied clumsily. Tony reeled back and clutched the lintel of the front door for support before saying, “It’s out the back, I’ll geddit.”

Left alone, Beverley burst into tears.

“It was the shock,” she said later, as she and Tony lay in bed unable to sleep.

“I mean, who would believe it? I still don’t believe it, Tone.”

“Nor do I, Bev. I mean, the Queen next door. We’ll put in for a transfer, eh?”

a) Do you want to know who rules the country in Britain? If you do, read the text.
b) Complete the sentences after the text choosing the best variant.

It is rather difficult to understand the British way of ruling the country. In Britain the Queen is the Head of State, but in fact she doesn’t rule the country as she has no power. The Queen is the symbol of the country, its history and its traditions. She is very rich. She travels about the United Kingdom, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places. So do all the members of the Royal Family: the Queen’s husband, her son Prince Charles, the Queen’s daughter Princess Anne and Princess Margaret, the Queen’s sister.
At the beginning of the 20th century many countries all over the world were ruled by Britain. Among them were the British colonies and they were all part of the British Empire. India, Pakistan and Ceylon, for example, were also part of the Empire. Now these countries are independent states. But in 1949 Britain and the former colonies founded the Commonwealth.4 The Commonwealth includes many countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others. The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of the Commonwealth and the Queen of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two houses: the House of Commons1 and the House of Lords.2 The House of Lords does not have much power but it is very important as it can discuss and change laws, it can delay laws too. The House of Commons makes laws about the policy of the country, taxes3 and many other things.
The members of the House of Lords are not elected, they are selected.4 These members are permanent. They are often aristocrats, people of the church, lawyers and former politicians or life peers.
The members of the House of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every five years.

1. India, Pakistan and Ceylon_____
a) used to be the British colonies
b) belong to the British Empire now
c) are ruled by the Queen of Great Britain

2. The real power in Great Britain belongs to______
a) the Royal Family
b) the British Parliament and the British Government
c) the Queen of Great Britain

British Sports and Games

In Britain the Queen is the Head of State but she doesn’t rule the country because she has no power. The Queen is the symbol of the country. She travels about Britain, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other places.

At the beginning of the 20 th century Britain ruled many countries, for example India and Pakistan. They were the British colonies. Now these countries are independent states.

In 1949 Britain and the former colonies founded the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth includes many countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others.

The real power in the UK belongs to the British Parliament and government. The British Parliament has two houses: the Houses of Commons and the Houses of Lords. The members of the House of Commons have more power- they can make laws. And the members of the Houses of Lords can offer, change and delay laws. They are often aristocrats, people of the church, lawyers and former politicians.

[Verse 1]
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
You've never seen nothing like it no never in your life
Like going up to heaven and then coming back alive
Let me tell you all about it (and the world will so allow it)

Вы никогда не видели ничего похожего

Это как подняться на небо и вернуться живым

Разрешите мне рассказать об этом (мир даст свое разрешение)

Ooh, give me a little time to choose
Water babies singing in a lily-pool delight
Blue powder monkeys praying in the dead of night
Here comes the Black Queen, poking in the pile
Fi-Fo the Black Queen, marching single file
Take this, take that, bring them down to size
О! Дай мне немного времени, чтобы выбрать

Дети воды поют в пруду с кувшинками

(. Мальчики, подносящие порох) молятся в ночи

Вот идет Черная королева, пробираясь наощупь

Ужасающая Черная Королева, идет в одиночестве

Возьми этого, возьми того, заставь их покориться
(March to the Black Queen)

Иди к Черной Королеве

[Verse 2]
Put them in the cellar with the naughty boys
A little bit of nigger sugar then a rub-a dub-a baby oil
Black on, black on every finger nail and toe
We've only begun - begun
Make this, make that, keep making all that noise
Посади их в подвал к непослушным детям

Немного коричневого сахарку, затем натри их детским маслом

Накрась черным каждый ноготь на руках и ногах

Мы только начали

Сделай это, сделай то, продолжай шуметь

Oooh march to the Black Queen

Иди к Черной Королеве

Ooh, now I've got a belly-full
You can be my sugar-baby, you can be my honey-chile, yes

Теперь я сыта, будь моим, малыш, будь моим сладким малышом.

[Verse 3]
A voice from behind me reminds me
Spread out your wings you are an angel
Remember to deliver with the speed of light
A little bit of love and joy

Голос за мной напоминает,

Расправь крылья, ты ангел

Помни, что со скоростью света

Ты будешь нести немного любви и радости

Everything you do bears a will and a why and a wherefore
A little bit of love and joy
In each and every soul lies a man and very soon
He'll deceive and discover
But even to the end of his life, he'll bring a little love

Все, что ты делаешь имеет волю, и причину, и цель (ради чего)

Немного любви и радости

В каждой душе есть человек и скоро

Он обманет и раскроется

Но даже до конца жизни он будет нести немного любви

[Verse 4]
I reign with my left hand, I rule with my right
I'm lord of all darkness, I'm Queen of the night
I've got the power - now do the march of the Black Queen
My life is in your hands, I'll fo and I'll fie
I'll be what you make me, I'll do what you like
I'll be a bad boy - I'll be your bad boy
I'll do the march of the Black Queen
Ah ah ah ah ah
I'll do the march of the Black Queen

Я повелитель темноты, я Королева ночи

У меня есть власть – а теперь маршируй с Черной королевой

Моя жизнь в твоих руках, я буду пугать и ужасать

Я буду тем, что ты из меня сделаешь, я буду делать то, что ты хочешь

Я буду негодником- твоим негодником

Я буду маршировать с Черной Королевой…

[Verse 5]
Walking true to style
She's vulgar, 'buse, and vile
Fie-fo the Black Queen tattoos all her pies
She boils and she bakes, and she never dots her "I's"

Верная своему образу

она вульгарная, жестокая и подлая

Страшись Черную Королеву…(помечает все свои пироги)..

Forget your singalongs and your lullabies
Surrender to the city of the fireflies
Dance with the devil in beat with the band
To hell with all of you hand-in-hand
But now it's time to be gone
La la la la forever, forever
Ah ah ah ah ah

Забудь, как пел хором и забудь колыбельные

Покорись городу светляков

Танцуй с дьяволом в ритм с оркестром

К черту все ваши рука в руке

А теперь время уходить

(два пока что непонятных мне фрагмента я оставила с условным переводом –blue powder monkeys и tattoos all her pies.)

"That song took me ages to complete, I wanted to give it everything. "

Именно о Черной Королеве, а не о Богемской Рапсодии, как многие считают, Роджер говорил, что записывали они ее до тех пор, пока пленка не стала прозрачной от наложения многих-многих звуковых дорожек одна на другую.

В двух словах главная идея книги в следующем.

Кэмпбелл, исследуя мифы народов мира, пришёл к выводу, что большинство сказаний имеют общую сюжетную структуру путешествия архетипического героя, которую он назвал мономифом . Герой, по Кэмпбеллу, совершает путешествие в несколько этапов: получив призыв, он покидает обычный мир и при помощи наставника преодолевает барьер на пути в мир сверхъестественный. Далее героя ожидают испытания, при этом возможна помощь союзников, а также самое тяжёлое испытание, приняв которое, он получит награду. Затем следует метафорическая смерть и воскресение. После этого герой возвращается с наградой в обычный мир и на пути его снова ждут испытания. Вернувшись, герой может применить полученную награду, чтобы улучшить обычный мир.

Если мы задумаемся, то поймем, что большинство сюжетов подходят под эту схему. Давайте же запомним эту сюжетную линию – путешествие-испытание-смерть-воскрешение в другом статусе .

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