The importance of education in finding a job краткое содержание

Обновлено: 05.07.2024



I am going to tell you about my future profession. Choosing a career and getting a job are two things, any person passes through in his life.

When millions of young people leave school, they begin an independent life. Some of them start working, go into business; some of them keep upgrading their schooling to receive higher education.

Young people can learn about professions in magazines and advertisements. Magazines for teenagers often offer questionnaires, quizzes to help young people to find out their interests and abilities more clearly and to make a decision concerning their future occupation.

While choosing a career one should take into consideration all main possibilities that his future profession might provide : the profession must be interesting, one have to be sure of his future (that means that one-will be able to find a job after his graduation from the university or institute), a profession must be well-paid, otherwise you won't be able to support yourself and your future family.

During our school life, we begin to think about our future life, our job. There are many professions in the world, so it is quite difficult to choose and make a decision. Some follow their own choice; some follow parent's advice, because they can help concerning future plans.

I never had a question, what I was going to do, when I was finishing my school. I have known it since being a child that I want to be an interpreter. I have chosen this profession, because the importance of foreign languages and foreign cultures is growing nowadays. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange between the people on our planet. Although there are 3000 languages on the Earth, English is the most universal and widely spread. It is the language of science and technology, trade and cultural relations and business. It is the universal language of international aviation, shipping, sports and medicine. English is the official language in nearly forty countries. It is spoken by more than 350 million people and also spoken as a second language in many parts of the World. Besides, millions of people study English as a foreign language. In our country English is very popular. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities.

It is important for me to learn English because I want to know what is going on in the world. With recent advances in technology, the world is rapidly changing in many fields such as business, arts and medicine. These changes will affect people and soon it's important for me to read and keep up with these changes. In fact, learning English is the answer to a lot of the questions that I have.

In conclusion, I would like to say it is a great advantage of choosing our future career being a school pupil . It gives us a goal and enables us to choose a right, suitable course of study. It gives us time to be prepared. Also, i'd like to mention that if we don't think about our future, nobody will think, so we just can have one way. We must work hard to realize our wishes, because future is purchased by the present.

If you want something be well done, do it yourself, make a right decision.

1. What do young people do after leaving school?

2. Where can young people learn about professions?

3. What one should take into consideration while choosing a career?

4. Who can help young people concerning future plans?

5. Why do we need to speak foreign languages?

6. Why is it so important to learn English?

7. What is a great advantage of choosing our future career being a school pupil?

8. What should we do if we want something to be done right?

to upgrade - улучшать, совершенствовать

to make a decision - принимать решение

to take into consideration - принимать во внимание

otherwise - иначе; иным образом; по-другому

to support - поддерживать, содержать (материально); обеспечивать

in conclusion - по окончании

to mention - упоминать

future is purchased by the present - будущее po биться сегодня

Я собираюсь рассказать вам про мою будущую профессию. Выбор карьеры и получения работы - две вещи, через которые проходит любой человек в своей жизни.

Когда миллионы молодых людей заканчивают школу, они начинают собственную жизнь. Некоторые из них начинают работать, другие становятся бизнесменами, некоторые продолжают свое обучение, чтобы получить высшее образование.

Молодые люди могут узнать о профессии из журналов и рекламных объявлений. Журналы для подростков часто предлагают анкеты, опросы, чтобы помочь молодежи лучше понять свои интересы и способности и принять решение относительно будущего дела.

При выборе карьеры нужно учесть все основные возможности, которые может предложить будущая профессия: профессия должна быть интересной, следует также быть уверенным относительно своего будущего (нужно быть уверенным, что после окончания университета или института можно найти работу), профессия должна быть хорошо оплачиваемой, иначе вы не сможете обеспечить себя и свою семью.

Еще в школе мы начинаем задумываться о будущей жизни, нашу работу. В мире много профессий, поэтому довольно трудно сделать выбор и принять решение. Некоторые люди выбирают сами, некоторые действуют по совету родителей, потому что они могут помочь в реализации будущих планов.

Для меня никогда не стоял вопрос, что я собираюсь делать, когда закончу школу. Я знаю с детства, что хочу быть переводчиком. Я выбрал эту профессию, потому что значение иностранных языков и знания других культур в наше время растет. Иностранные языки необходимы как главный и наиболее эффективное средство в обмене информацией между людьми на нашей планете. Хотя на Земле существует 3000 языков, английский язык является наиболее универсальной и широко распространенной. Это язык науки и техники, торговых и культурных отношений, язык бизнеса. Это универсальный язык международной авиации, судоходства, спортивных соревнований и медицины. Английский язык является официальным языком почти в сорока странах. На нем говорят более 350 миллионов человек, а вторым родным языком она есть во многих странах мира. Кроме того, миллионы людей изучают английский язык как иностранный. В нашей стране английский язык очень популярна. Ее изучают в школах, колледжах и университетах.

Изучать английский язык очень важно для меня, поскольку я хочу знать, что происходит в мире. С нынешними техническими достижениями мир меняется очень быстро во многих сферах, таких как бизнес, искусство и медицина. Вскоре эти изменения коснутся и людей, поэтому для меня так важно читать литературу и быть в курсе этих изменений. Фактически, изучая английский язык, я получаю ответы на большинство своих вопросов.

По окончании я хотел бы сказать: большое преимущество нашего времени в том, что выбор своей будущей карьеры можно сделать еще в школе. Это дает нам понимание цели и позволяет выбрать правильный, соответствующий курс обучения. Это дает нам время для подготовки. Я хотел бы упомянуть также, что если мы не подумаем о нашем будущем, никто за нас о нем не подумает. Мы должны упорно работать, чтобы реализовать свои желания, потому что будущее делается сегодня.

Если Вы хотите, чтобы что-то было сделано правильно, сделайте это сами, примите правильное решение.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Education – Образование

Importance of Education

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of education in the modern world. Education has become the leading power of the technological progress and thus of the whole development of the humanity.

Types of Education in Russia

There are different levels of education in our country: pre-school, primary, secondary and a higher one.

Pre-school education comprises nurseries and kindergartens. Children there are looked after by professional nannies and educators. Often they are taught to read and count.

There are different kinds of schools in Russia. All schools begin with primary education. It lasts up to the 5 th form. The majority of pupils go to secondary schools, others choose lyceums, gymnasiums, specialized schools. If pupils finish a secondary school successfully, they get a secondary education certificate. It gives them an opportunity to enter a university or an academy which are the institutions of a higher education.

Higher education institutions nowadays prepare Specialists, Masters and Doctors. A diploma of a higher education makes it possible to find a better job.

Types of Education in Other Countries

The systems of education are not similar in different countries. In Britain there are three stages of schooling. The British have primary school, secondary school and post-secondary education. The latter includes further and higher education.

In the USA the system of education is very decentralized. That means every state has its own education laws. Generally they have got elementary schools (6-11 years), intermediate schools (11-15 years) and senior high schools (9-12 grades). There are several ways to continue education: universities, colleges, community colleges, technical and vocational schools.

Важность образования

Невозможно переоценить важность образования в современном мире. Образование стало ведущей силой технологического прогресса и тем самым всего развития человечества.

Виды образования в России

В нашей стране есть разные виды образования: дошкольное, начальное, среднее и высшее.

Дошкольное образование охватывает ясли и детские сады. Там за детьми присматривают профессиональные няни и воспитатели. Часто их обучают читать и считать.

В России есть разные виды школ. Все школы начинаются с начального образования. Оно продолжается до 5 класса. Большинство учеников ходят в средние школы, другие идут в лицеи, гимназии, специализированные школы. Если ученики успешно оканчивают среднюю школу, они получают аттестат о среднем образовании. Он дает им возможность поступить в университет или академию, которые являются учреждениями высшего образования.

Учреждения высшего образования сейчас готовят специалистов, магистров и докторов. Диплом о высшем образовании позволяет найти более хорошую работу.

Виды образования в других странах

В разных странах системы образования различны. В Британии три ступени образования. У Британцев есть начальная школа, средняя школа и высшее образование. Последнее включает профессиональное и собственно высшее образование.

В США система образования очень децентрализована. Это означает, что каждый штат имеет свои законы об образовании. Как правило, там есть начальные школы (6-11 лет), средние школы (11-15 лет) и старшие школы (9-12 классы). Есть несколько способов продолжить образование: университеты, колледжи, местные колледжи, технические и профессиональные школы.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Ticket 2: letter and essay.

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Ticket 2: letter and essay

«. I’ve just returned from a workshop where we studied how to make plush toys. Do you prefer handmade or factory-made toys and why? What types of toys or games are popular among teenagers in Russia? What art activities — drawing, singing, or dancing — do you like?

I was very glad to get your letter. I should’ve written earlier but I have been busy at school.

I believe that making plush toys is a very interesting work. Personally, I prefer handmade toys. I remember, my mum used to make a lot for me in my childhood, I really liked them, because I felt some kind of love through these toys. As I know teenagers in Russia are fond of stuffed toys video games.

If I could choose between drawing, singing or dancing, I would prefer the first activity.

I’m looking forward to your story about exhibition. Where is it located? Are you going there alone? Is it free? Unfortunately, I have to go now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Nowadays, discussions about importance of education gain momentum. Some people say education is a must whereas others believe that it is not necessary. Who is right?

I cannot say that it is the most important possession a person can have, but it is a key that opens doors to many things. Firstly, educated person is more significant on the labour market than one that finished only a school. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Additionally, that person is “learned to learn”, so he/she is more resilient. Finally, education is very important if you want to be with interesting and intelligent people, because you could measure up with them.

One may disagree. Many people believe that the most important thing in life is love or health, for example. Moreover, today a person can find a good job without education. He/she can do a freelance.

To some extent it is right, but, as I already mentioned, I believe that education opens doors practically to everything. Education is a self development. It expends person’s best traits and gives new ones.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that education maybe not the most important possession, but it is definitely something that one should have.

The main value of modern society is a person capable of mastering new knowledge, searching for and making non-standard decisions. The society gets such people with the help of the educational system of higher professional education.

At present, higher professional education is an extensive network of educational, research and educational institutions. Education and the system of higher professional education are constantly transforming and changing. And this is mainly connected with the economic development of society, with the adaptation of the system of higher professional education to market relations, with the consideration of professional education as a sphere of services and goods.

When the educational process does not correspond to the pace of development of society, the task of preparing people for life in a rapidly changing environment appears. And this is possible if the system of higher professional education is able to easily restructure the direction and content of the material, working ahead of the curve.

Changes in the system of higher professional education are inevitable, since they are determined not only by the development of society, but also by the emergence of global problems in the world that require cooperation to solve them, the expansion of intercultural interaction, and the formation of modern thinking among young people. In addition, one should take into account the continuous development of the economy, competition, a decrease in the need for unskilled or low-skilled labor, profound changes in employment, which determine the constant need for professional development and retraining of workers, the growth of their professional mobility.

Significant changes in the vocational education system are being addressed within the framework of educational reforms. However, in recent years such problems have arisen that cannot be solved in the reform process. Therefore, in the scientific literature, with increasing confidence, they state the existence of a global crisis in education, which consists in the training of narrow specialists according to the principle of the division of labor, while the integral development of a person is ignored. The crisis of the educational process in our country is additionally burdened by the process of modernization of the Russian education system.

Many educational institutions have appeared, where the practice of using modern information and communication technologies in education is actively spreading. Personal contact between the student and the teacher is minimized. Such a student will not have fundamental knowledge, he will not receive spiritual and aesthetic development. In the absence of communication, dialogue with the teacher, when “it is not so important - what is read, how important is who reads”, it is impossible to achieve a certain professional and personal level of student development.

It is sad that education has turned from a spiritual sphere into a “service industry”. However, reality cannot be avoided: in Russia the educational process is built on the principle of “education for the market”.

It should be noted the stabilizing role of education in solving the problem of sustainable development of society in the context of global changes and contradictions of the modern world. But, at the same time, it cannot be denied that education and its state depend on the socio-political and state structure of the country.

The institute of education has many functions. However, as practice shows, it does not successfully cope with all functions. In this connection, the functional model of the institution of education leads to the accumulation of contradictions. For example, the contradiction between the goals of the development of society and considerations of prestige, the structure of income leads to the fact that when choosing a profession, not everyone gets an education that meets their personal interests and, at the same time, the interests of national development.

Education, being the pivotal basis and fundamental indicator of the formation and development of mankind, performs the function of society, which ensures its reproduction and development of systems of activity in constantly changing social relations.

The social functions of education, being interrelated, simultaneously have oppositely directed integrating and differentiating properties that have a direct impact on the stratification of society, for example, educated and illiterate, provided for by their education and disadvantaged people who have low wages for unskilled work.

Education objectively contributes to an increase in social status, but at the same time, a fairly significant part of the population with a high level of education in conditions of market relations and competition is forced to lower it.

As you can see, the ongoing restructuring of the education system concerns not only the institution of education, but already affects the fundamental foundations of the development of society.

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