Ragtime analysis аракин краткое содержание

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The author, E.L. Doctorow, an American writer, is famous for his novels which include “Welcome to Hard Times” and “The book of Daniel” which was nominated for a national Book Award.

The story “Ragtime” is written in the third person narration. The narrator is omniscient and unobtrusive as he doesn’t interfere and doesn’t show his opinion. The setting is dynamic and it is given explicitly. We may see that the action takes place in United States of America as such words as “New York”, “Manhattan” are mentioned. The time covers few weeks. We may also guess the season. By the words “a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums which in this season had to have cost him a pretty penny” we may say that it was a cold time of the year, may be it was winter. But this information is given implicitly.

So the composition consists of exposition, complication, climax and denouement.

The exposition gives us information about Coalhouse Walker, but this information scatters all throughout the extract. The complication gives us information about the situation referring to Coalhouse Walker and Sarah. The complication gives us information about the situation referring to Sarah and Coalhouse Walker. As for me the climax of the story is silence after Coalhouse Walker’s playing: “There was another silence”, the narrator says. This moment is the most tense. The last sentences form the denouement and so we come to know that Sarah didn’t appear in front of Coalhouse Walker.

Having read the extract we may point out the following conflicts: the external conflict, between Sarah and the comer, and the internal conflict, inside Sarah, in her heart and soul. On the one hand, Sarah loves Coalhouse Walker, on the other hand she can’t forgive him and she suffers because of it.

Speaking about the style we may say that it is neutral. One thing should be mentioned that in the text some sentences are short, some sentences are long. And this fact has much in common with Ragtime music. Ragtime is the form of music in which the strong note of the tune comes just before the main beat. The title “Ragtime” is supposed to be the symbolic representation of the atmosphere which characterizes the scene of the novel. We may even feel the rhythm and the intonation of it.

In order to make the language of the story more beautiful the narrator uses such stylistic devices as, for example: metaphor “the warmth of the comer” which proves the fact that Coalhouse Walker was not nonchalant towards his baby and that he wanted to be again with Sarah and their child; inversion “such was the coming” with the help of which the narrator makes us realize that everybody in the house was surprised by Coalhouse Walker’s visit. They didn’t know what the purpose of his coming was and couldn’t imagine what to expect from him. The next stylistic devices are meiosis “pretty penny” which the narrator uses in order to underline that it was difficult to get the bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums at that time of the year and that it might cost him a packet. In order to pay stress on the fact that Sarah was really offended by Coalhouse Walker’s actions and that he really wound her feelings, the narrator uses the epithet “unforgiving Sarah”. And at last such similes as “melodies like bouquets” and “chords like flowers” prove that everybody in the house was inspired by the beauty of the piece of music played by Coalhouse Walker and that they couldn’t remain indifferent to it.

I like the story very much. Having read it I understood that if we want to be happy, we need not only love, but also an ability to forgive. That is the idea of the extract. I hope that they will be together, because they have their child and their love.

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Анализ текста Ragtime из учебника Аракина за 4 курс

The text under analysis is an extract from a novel Ragtime be E. L. Doctorow. The extract started with the description of Coalhouse Walker’s coming. The narrator began by describing the car and boy’s reaction when he saw it, but he didn’t introduce who was in the car. The only thing we happened to know was that he was a Negro. We can see the difference between the first sentences and last ones of the first paragraph. First sentences were simple ones, but when the narrator touches upon about driver’s race and his car we felt a little tension. These two short sentences showed that it was unusual to have shone car for Negro at the time, may be that society was not ready for wealthy Negroes. Such was the coming of the Negro and the aim of his coming was to see a woman named Sarah.

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2 листа формата А4, шрифт Times New Roman 12 The text under analysis is an extract from a novel Ragtime be E. L. Doctorow, a well-known American writer who is also famous for his other novels which include Welcome to Hard Times and The Book of Daniel nominated for a National Book Award.

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Полный анализ текста Ragtime Аракин 4 курс

Some words about author, the subject-matter of the extract, main themes, the manner of presentation, the prevailing mood, discription of the main characters, a summary of the extract. The composition, the choice of vocabulary and language means (EM and SD) employed by the author. Полный анализ текста. Сведения об авторе, краткое описание сюжета, превалирующих тем, описание.

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Анализ текста Anthony in blue alsatia из учебника Аракина за 5 курс
Eleanor Farjeon (13 February 1881 – 5 June 1965) was an English author of children's stories and plays, poetry, biography, history and satire. Eleanor Farjeon was born in London, England on 13 February, 1881. The daughter of popular novelist Benjamin Farjeon and Maggie (Jefferson) Farjeon, Eleanor came from a literary family, her two younger brothers, Joseph and Herbert Farjeon, being writers, while the eldest, Harry Farjeon, was a composer. She won many literary awards and the prestigious Eleanor Farjeon Award for children's literature is presented annually in her memory by the Children's Book Circle, a society of publishers.
Eleanor Farjeon wrote delightful and distinctive poems for children. Her first novel was "Ladybrook", a tale of Sussex country life which retained that delicate humorous touch which characterized the work she did for children. Her sensitiveness to beauty and true understanding of the essential qualities of romance find expression in this charming rhapsody.
The text under analysis is “Anthony in blue alsatia”. It tells us about the imaginary travel of Anthony— the somehow—protagonist to the place where the Blue Alsatian Express suffered a breakdown. The central idea of the story is that one should catch his luck if such opportunity is given to him. And the author’s message is that a reading person, with strong imagination could travel wherever his imagination might take him.
The story begins with the description of our protagonist who with his “roving eye” reads, or more to say “skips” through his breakfast newspaper. The contents of the morning paper is boring as usual— the enumeration reflects the lifelessness of these news: “Home Rails, Questions in the House, and Three—Piece Suits”, so we see the boredom of his morning. The situation changes when he tumbles on some unusual article, he becomes interested and his “eye roved no more”. Reading the article he turns his attention to some facts, the author point them out with the enumeration “the blue smoke rising from a heated axle, the engine—driver sprinting along the lines like a madman, soldiers jumping out on the line and playing a concertina, a nervous woman—passenger wondering what had happened, the blue mountains, the blue sky, "the hay—making damsels in white sunbonnets and hayforks on their shoulders"”. So the article seems to present an ordinary, but unusual story but suddenly he reads the headline of the paragraph “A Minor Mystery” and after reading this paragraph he answers the journalist’s questions. The answer seems very simple for him.
The inner speech of Anthony, or the author’s discourse follows, presenting in the following paragraph the very essence of the railroads to the reader. Here we see the contrast between the pleasure of railroads and their drawback, some unknown places “with no names and no stations”, “to which no tickets are issued” are presented, and moreover compared to the Heavens. By this subconscious comparison the speaker tries to persuade us that these “Heavens” is the escape when you fed to the teeth with the big cities. The phrase “That is where I really wanted to go — that is where I would like to get out!” with italicized words stresses and underlines the mental condition of such persons – tired, bored, seeking for a shelter. The enumeration “That valley of flowers, that cottage in the birch—glade, that buttercup field with the little river and a kingfisher” exhibits the impressions that one could get from only a glimpse of the carriage window.
The next scene

Английский язык.Ключи к учебникам Аракина В.Д.

Английский язык.Ключи к учебникам Аракина В.Д.

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Английский язык.Ключи к учебникам Аракина В.Д.

Английский язык.Ключи к учебникам Аракина В.Д.

In the story "A Day´s Wait" a nine-year-old boy living in America falls ill with influenza and has to stay in bed. The father calls for the doctor who takes the boy´s
temperature, which turns out to be one hundred and two degrees. He is given medicine and is told that there is nothing to worry about unless the fever goes over one hundred and four degrees. The boy stays in bed, but does not pay any attention to his surrounding, he does not listen to the story his father reads to him. He only stares at the foot of the bed, looking very strangely.
His father goes out to hunt for a while and tells the boy to sleep, but when he returns from hunting he is informed that the boy would not let anyone enter the room because he is afraid that they will get what he himself got.
The father goes to his son and finds him in the same position as he left him. Again he takes his temperature and it is still one hundred and two, nothing to worry about. So he tells his son to take it easy. The son agrees but suddenly asks the question how long it will take until he will die. The father is shocked and explains to the son that people never die from a fever of one hundred and two.
After a while the son tells the father that he heard from a boy in France that people will die when they get a fever over 44 and he himself has one hundred and
two. The father explains to him that there is a difference between the thermometers in America and Europe, which is the same with kilometers and miles. The boy relaxes and the next day he begins to complain about little things that are of no importance.

1902 г. Президент Соединённых Штатов — Тедди Рузвельт.

Город Кью-Рошелл, штат Нью-Йорк. На фешенебельной авеню Кругозора, в доме на холме, обсаженном норвежскими клёнами, проживает семейство — Дед, Отец, Мать, Малыш и Младший Брат Матери (МБМ). Жизнь семейства насыщена духовностью и овеяна благостью.

Через несколько дней после этого происшествия Отец отбывает в полярную экспедицию. В океане их корабль встречает трансатлантический лайнер, набитый иммигрантами. Это зрелище действует на Отца удручающе. Собственно, сам он на полюс так и не попадает, ибо у него регулярно замерзает левая пятка.

Иммигранты: Мамка, Тятя и Малышка. Маленькая комнатёнка в Нижнем Ист-Сайде. Все трое работают с утра до ночи. За лишний доллар Мамка уступает домогательствам своего работодателя. Тятя прогоняет её из дома и от горя превращается в седого сумасшедшего старика.

Известная натурщица Эвелин Несбит участвует в процессе по делу об убийстве своего бывшего любовника архитектора Стэнфорда Уайта. Убийца — её муж Гарри Кэй Фсоу. Этот процесс создаёт первую секс-богиню в американской истории. Однажды, повинуясь капризу, она заезжает в бедные кварталы и встречает там Тятю с Малышкой. Но на митинге социалистов ораторша-анархистка Красная Эмма Голдмен раскрывает её инкогнито. Тятя в ужасе хватает Малышку и исчезает. Голдмен уводит Эвелин к себе. МБМ, тайно влюблённый в Эвелин, следует за ними. Когда Голдмен делает Эвелин массаж, он вдруг с воплем экстаза вываливается из шкафа. Эвелин берет его себе в любовники, но очень скоро сбегает от него со следующим. Судебный процесс над её мужем заканчивается тем, что Фсоу отправляют в госпиталь криминальной психиатрии. Его адвокаты начинают переговоры о разводе. Эвелин назначает цену — миллион, но получает только двадцать пять тысяч.

После злополучного митинга Тятя с Малышкой уезжают куда глаза глядят. Во время очередной пересадки с трамвая на трамвай мимо них проходят Мать и Малыш. Дети встречаются взглядами, и Малышка навсегда запоминает цвет его глаз: голубые с жёлтыми и зелёными пятнами.

Великий финансист Джей Пирпонт Морган приглашает Генри Форда, изобретателя конвейера, в свою беломраморную библиотеку, построенную для размещения книг и произведений искусства, которые Морган скупает по всему миру. Он излагает Форду свою теорию о трансцендентально одарённых личностях. Форд признает возможность своего священного происхождения. Впоследствии они учреждают эксклюзивный клуб, который финансирует определённые поиски. В Нью-Рошелл Мать находит закопанного в землю, но ещё живого новорождённого негритёнка. Через час в подвале дома в соседнем квартале полиция находит очень молодую чёрную женщину по имени Сара. Мать оставляет её и младенца в доме. Вместе с ними в доме поселяется ощущение беды.

В доме в Нью-Рошелл появляется Колхаус Уокер Младший — элегантный, уверенный в себе чёрный пианист. Это отец Сариного беби. С тех пор он ездит каждое воскресенье, делает Саре предложение, но она не желает его видеть. Однажды его приглашают в дом. По просьбе Отца он садится за пианино, исполняет рэгтайм и покоряет всех своей игрой. Только в марте Сара наконец даёт согласие.

МБМ руководит теперь фейерверковым отделом пиротехнического предприятия Отца. Его последнее изобретение сильно напоминает бомбу. Он понимает, что может усовершенствовать многие виды оружия. Пытаясь разыскать Эвелин Несбит, он случайно попадает на конгресс в поддержку мексиканской революции, после которого сходится с Эммой Голдмен. Возвращаясь в Нью-Рошелл между вагонами молочного поезда, он размышляет, не кинуться ли под колеса. Шум поезда напоминает ему звуки рэггайма — самоубийственный рэг.

И вот он выходит на тропу войны. Взрывает две пожарные станции. Оставляет в редакциях местных газет письма, в которых требует суда над брандмейстером Уилли Конклином и ремонта автомобиля. Угрожает террором. В городе начинается паника. Все негры прячутся. Отец отправляется в полицию и рассказывает там все, что знает о Колхаусе.

МБМ с самого начала на стороне Колхауса. Разыскав его боевой штаб в недрах Гарлема, он предлагает свою помощь в качестве взрывника. Бреется наголо и красит лицо жжёной пробкой, чтобы не отличаться от молодых негров — помощников Колхауса.

Семейство отъезжает в Атлантик-Сити, подальше от этих событий. Мать вполне довольна обществом, которое там собирается. Иностранцы ей кажутся более интересными, чем соотечественники. В поле её зрения попадает барон Ашкенази, преуспевающий кинобизнесмен. Это ещё одно превращение Тяти. Теперь его забота — чтобы Малышка забыла все их печальное прошлое. Малышка с Малышом становятся неразлучными друзьями.

Но колхаусовская история продолжается. Отца вызывают в Нью-Йорк.

Автор краткого содержания: Г. Ю. Шульга. Источник: Все шедевры мировой литературы в кратком изложении. Сюжеты и характеры. Зарубежная литература XX века / Ред. и сост. В. И. Новиков. — М. : Олимп : ACT, 1997.

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